96 definitions of interest to 9ballyoda
since about 11 years ago.
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ales, alitis | bird; eagle; winged god/monster; omen/augury |
amarus, amara -um, amarior -or -us, amarissimus -a -um | bitter, brackish, pungent; harsh, shrill; sad, calamitous; ill-natured, caustic |
animosus, animosa, animosum | courageous, bold, strong, ardent, energetic, noble; stormy, furious |
ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus | be on fire; burn, blaze; flash; glow, sparkle; rage; be in a turmoil/love |
arvus, arva, arvum | arable; cultivated, plowed |
avitus, avita, avitum | ancestral, of one's ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather |
baca, bacae F | berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral |
caementum, caementi N | small stones, rubble; quarry stones; chips |
caprea, capreae F | roe deer; wild she-goat |
caterva, catervae F | crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm |
catus, cata, catum | knowing, clever, shrewd, wise, prudent, circumspect; shrill/clear |
commodus, commoda -um, commodior -or -us, commodissimus -a -um | suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous |
costos, costi F | aromatic plant/its powdered root |
cyathus, cyathi M | 1/12 sextarius/pint; shot; 10 drachmae |
debacchor, debacchari, debacchatus sum | rage; rave; revel wildly; rage without control |
delenio, delenire, delenivi, delenitus | mitigate, mollify, smooth down, soothe; soften, cajole; bewitch, charm, entice |
derivo, derivare, derivavi, derivatus | draw/lead off, divert/turn aside; derive/draw on; form derivative |
disto, distare, -, - | stand apart, be distant; be different |
divus, diva -um, -, divissimus -a -um | divine; blessed, saint |
dolium, dolii N | large earthenware vessel; hogshead; tun/cask |
duellum, duelli N | war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; duel; military force, arms |
dumetum, dumeti N | thicket |
ebulum, ebuli N | danewort, dwarf elder |
famosus, famosa -um, famosior -or -us, famosissimus -a -um | famous, noted, renowned; talked of; infamous, notorious; slanderous, libelous |
fastidiosus, fastidiosa, fastidiosum | squeamish; exacting; disdainful; nauseating |
fastus, fasta, fastum | not forbidden |
faveo, favere, favi, fautus | favor, befriend, support, back up |
fiscella, fiscellae F | small wicker-basket |
fruticetum, fruticeti N | thicket, covert; place full of shrubs/bushes |
fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatus | put to flight, rout; chase away; drive into exile |
gestio, gestire, gestivi, gestitus | be eager, wish passionately; gesticulate, express strong feeling, exult |
glans, glandis F | mast/acorn/beechnut/chestnut; missile/bullet thrown/discharged from sling |
gratus, grata -um, gratior -or -us, gratissimus -a -um | pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, welcome; dear, beloved; grateful, thankful |
habilis, habilis, habile | handy, manageable; apt, fit |
hibiscum, hibisci N | marsh mallow |
illaqueo, illaqueare, illaqueavi, illaqueatus | take in a snare; ensnare, entangle |
indocilis, indocilis, indocile | unteachable, ignorant |
institor, institoris M | shopkeeper, peddler; who displays as if for sale |
insulto, insultare, insultavi, insultatus | leap/jump/spring; dance/trample; enter with a leap |
inultus, inulta, inultum | unpunished, scot-free; acting with impunity; having no recompense, unavenged |
itero, iterare, iteravi, iteratus | do a second time; repeat; renew, revise |
juventus, juventutis F | youth; the age of youth, young persons; young men, knights |
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -um | free; unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute |
lugubris, lugubris, lugubre | mourning; mournful; grievous |
luridus, lurida, luridum | sallow, wan, ghastly |
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, - | bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky |
mina, minae F | Greek weight unit; its weight of silver |
minius, minia, minium | cinnabar-red; a river in Lusitania |
miro, mirare, miravi, miratus | be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at |
mitesco, mitescere, -, - | become/be/grow mild/soft/gentle/mellow/tame/civilized; soften |
nitidus, nitida, nitidum | shining, bright |
obeo, obire, obivi(ii), obitus | go to meet; attend to; fall; die |
opero, operare, operavi, operatus | work; operate |
paelex, paelicis F | mistress, concubine; male prostitute |
pagus, pagi M | country district/community, canton |
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus | beat; drive out; push; banish, strike, defeat, drive away, rout |
pernicies, perniciei F | ruin; disaster; pest, bane; curse; destruction, calamity; mischief |
pervicax, (gen.), pervicacis | stubborn, obstinate; firm, steadfast |
picus, pici M | woodpecker |
planta, plantae F | cutting, heel, young shoot detached for propagation; seedling, young plant |
poples, poplitis M | knee |
prodeo, prodire, prodivi(ii), proditus | go/come forth/out, advance; appear; sprout/spring up; issue/extend/project |
promo, promere, promsi, promptus | take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage |
properus, propera, properum | quick, speedy |
protervus, proterva, protervum | violent, reckless; impudent, shameless |
purpura, purpurae F | purple color, purple; purple dye; purple-dyed cloth |
quotus, quota, quotum | what number of?; how many?; what ever number of, as many as; the number that |
rapto, raptare, raptavi, raptatus | drag violently off; ravage |
recreo, recreare, recreavi, recreatus | restore, revive |
renideo, renidere, -, - | shine, gleam; smile back |
ritus, ritus M | rite; ceremony |
robustus, robusta -um, robustior -or -us, robustissimus -a -um | of oak; hard/firm/solid; hardy/robust/durable, able to resist change; valiant |
scalpo, scalpere, scalpsi, scalptus | scratch, draw nails across; dig out; carve/engrave |
sodalis, sodalis | companion, associate, mate, intimate, comrade, crony; accomplice, conspirator |
sordidus, sordida -um, sordidior -or -us, sordidissimus -a -um | dirty, unclean, foul, filthy; vulgar, sordid; low, base, mean, paltry; vile |
spissus, spissa, spissum | thick, dense, crowded |
subruo, subruere, subrui, subrutus | undermine |
subulcus, subulci M | swineherd |
superstes, (gen.), superstitis | outliving, surviving; standing over/near; present, witnessing |
tempero, temperare, temperavi, temperatus | combine, blend, temper; make mild; refrain from; control oneself |
tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum | seasonable; opportune, timely; physically in one's prime, ripe |
tenuo, tenuare, tenuavi, tenuatus | make thin; reduce, lessen; wear down |
testa, testae F | object made from burnt clay; earthenware jar; fragment of earthenware, shard |
tormentum, tormenti N | windlass; instrument for twisting/winding; engine for hurling stones; missile |
torquis, torquis F | collar/necklace of twisted metal; wreath; ring; chaplet |
trabs, trabis F | tree trunk; log, club, spear; beam, timber, rafter; ship, vessel; roof, house |
unguis, unguis M | nail, claw, talon |
unicus, unica, unicum | only, sole, single, singular, unique; uncommon, unparalleled; one of a kind |
upilio, upilionis M | shepherd, herdsman; kind of bird |
vectigal, vectigalis N | tax, tribute, revenue |
venalis, venalis, venale | for sale; on hire; open to the influence of bribes |
venio, venire, veni, ventus | come |
verro, verrere, verri, versus | sweep clean; sweep together; sweep; skim, sweep; sweep along |
verto, vertere, verti, versus | turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy |
vetulus, vetula, vetulum | elderly, aging |
vitrum, vitri N | woad, a blue dye used by the Britons |
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