Vocab sheet
for annmargaret, 1 passage

Words occurring 10 to 20 times
sum, esse, fui, futurus  be; exist
Words occurring 6 to 10 times
et  and, and even; also, even
Words occurring 3 to 5 times
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus  say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead
dum  while, as long as, until; provided that
ille, illa, illud  that; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former
senex, senis (gen.), senior -or -us, -  aged, old
simul  at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once
suus, sua, suum  his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
video, videre, vidi, visus  see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
Words occurring 1 to 2 times
ab  by, from; after
abditus, abdita, abditum  hidden, secret, out of the way, remote, secluded; obscure/abstruse
absum, abesse, afui, afuturus  be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct
ac  and, and also, and besides
ad  to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM
adhuc  thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides
adoperio, adoperire, adoperui, adopertus  cover, cover over
aetas, aetatis F  lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era
aevum, aevi N  time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time
ago, agere, egi, actus  drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver
ambo, ambae, ambo  both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two
annus, anni M  year; age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course
anser, anseris  goose
ante  in front/presence of, in view; before; over against, facing
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus  uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out
arduus, ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um  steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult
attonitus, attonita, attonitum  astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired
aufero, auferre, apstuli, ablatus  bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain
auro, aurare, auravi, auratus  gild, overlay with gold
baculum, baculi N  stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff; scepter; crozier
bustum, busti N  tomb, grave-mound; corpse; funeral pyre, ashes; heap of ashes
cacumen, cacuminis N  top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass, tip of tree/branch; zenith; limit
caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatus  carve, make raised work/relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider
casa, casae F  cottage/small humble dwelling, hut/hovel; home; house; shop, booth; farm
casus, casus M  fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate
celer, celeris -e, celerior -or -us, celerrimus -a -um  swift, quick, agile, rapid, speedy, fast; rash, hasty, hurried; lively; early
ceterus, cetera, ceterum  the other; the others. the remaining/rest, all the rest
clivus, clivi M  slope, incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface
colo, colere, colui, cultus  live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain
columna, columnae F  column/pillar, post/prop; portico
comito, comitare, comitavi, comitatus  accompany, go along with; attend; follow; grow alongside
communis, communis, commune  common/joint/public; general/universal
concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptus  take in/up, receive, catch; derive/draw; contain/hold; grasp; adopt; wed
concors, concordis (gen.), concordior -or -us, concordissimus -a -um  agreeing, concurring; like-minded; united, joint, shared; peaceful, harmonious
confugio, confugere, confugi, confugitus  flee; take refuge; have recourse/appeal to
conjunx, (gen.), conjugis  yoked together; paired; linked as a pair
conjunx, conjugis  spouse/mate/consort; husband/wife/bride/fiancee/intended; concubine; yokemate
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus  observe/see/witness; notice; watch; gaze/stare on; catch/be in sight of; face
corpus, corporis N  body; person, self; virility; flesh; corpse; trunk; frame; collection/sum
cratera, craterae F  mixing bowl; depression, volcano crater, basin of fountain; the Cup constellation
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus  come forth/to be; arise/spring; be born; become visible/great; grow
cum  with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
cur  why, wherefore; for what reason/purpose?; on account of which?; because
curo, curare, curavi, curatus  arrange/see/attend to; take care of; provide for; worry/care about; heal/cure
custodia, custodiae F  protection, safe-keeping, defense, preservation; custody, charge; prisoner
daps, dapis F  sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals
de  down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
defleo, deflere, deflevi, defletus  weep for; mourn loss of; express/feel sorrow about; lament/bewail
delubrum, delubri N  shrine; temple; sanctuary
deus  god; God
deus, dei  god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god
dignus, digna -um, dignior -or -us, dignissimus -a -um  appropriate/suitable; worthy, deserving, meriting; worth
dis, ditis (gen.), ditior -or -us, ditissimus -a -um  rich/wealthy; richly adorned; fertile/productive; profitable; sumptuous
diu, diutius, diutissime  a long/considerable time/while; long since
do, dare, dedi, datus  give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make
dominus, domini M  owner, lord, master; the Lord; title for ecclesiastics/gentlemen
donec  while, as long as, until
duo, duae, duo  2
eadem  by the same route; at the same time; likewise; same
edo, edere, edidi, editus  eject/emit; put/give forth; beget; bear; display/evince/exhibit
ego  I
eludo, eludere, elusi, elusus  elude, escape from; parry; baffle; cheat; frustrate; mock, make fun of
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus  go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail
equidem  truly, indeed; for my part
etiam  and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed
fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsus  deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatus  weary, tire, fatigue; harass; importune; overcome
fatum, fati N  utterance, oracle; fate, destiny; natural term of life; doom, death, calamity
feminus, femina, feminum  female
fides, fidei F  faith, loyalty; honesty; credit; confidence, trust, belief; good faith
flavesco, flavescere, -, -  become/turn yellow/gold
flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus  bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften
foris, foris F  door, gate; a folding door; double door; entrance
fors, fortis F  chance; luck, fortune; accident
frondeo, frondere, frondui, fronditus  have/put forth leaves, be in leaf; be leafy/full of trees
frutex, fruticis M  shrub, bush; shoot, stem, stalk, growth; "blockhead"
furca, furcae F  fork; prop
geminus, gemina, geminum  twin, double; twin-born; both
gradus, gradus M  step; position
haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus  draw up/out; drink, swallow, drain, exhaust
hic, haec, hoc  this; these
hora, horae F  hour; time; season
hospes, (gen.), hospitis  of relation between host and guest; that hosts; that guests; foreign, alien
illic  in that place, there, over there
in  into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
incola, incolae  inhabitant; resident, dweller; resident alien; foreigner
inmunis, inmunis, inmune  free from taxes/tribute, exempt; immune
inpius, inpia, inpium  wicked, impious, irreverent; showing no regard for divinely imposed moral duty
interea  meanwhile
ipse, ipsa, ipsum  himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
is, ea, id  he/she/it/they; that one
jam  now, already, by/even now; besides
judex, judicis M  judge; juror
justus, justa -um, justior -or -us, justissimus -a -um  just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
levo, levare, levavi, levatus  lift/raise/hold up; support; erect, set up; lift off, remove; comfort
licet, licere, licuit, licitus est  it is permitted, one may; it is all right, lawful, allowed, permitted
locus, loci M  seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um  long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time
loquor, loqui, locutus sum  speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase
luo, luere, lui, lutus  pay; pay fine, compensate/atone
macto, mactare, mactavi, mactatus  magnify, honor; sacrifice; slaughter, destroy
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, -  bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky
maneo, manere, mansi, mansus  remain, stay, abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night
manus, manus F  hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunk
marmor, marmoris N  marble, block of marble, marble monument/statue; surface of the sea
mergo, mergere, mersi, mersus  dip, plunge, immerse; sink, drown, bury; overwhelm
meritus, merita, meritum  deserved, due
meus, mea, meum  my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
miror, mirari, miratus sum  be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at
mitto, mittere, misi, missus  send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard
modo  only, merely; just now/recently, lately; presently
mons, montis M  mountain; huge rock; towering heap
mutuus, mutua, mutuum  borrowed, lent; mutual, in return
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus  tell, tell about, relate, narrate, recount, describe
nec  nor, and..not; not..either, not even
neco, necare, necui, nectus  kill/murder; put to death; suppress, destroy; kill; quench/drown
neque  nor; and not, not, neither
neu  or not, and not
nitor, niti, nixus sum  press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor
non  not, by no means, no
noster, nostra, nostrum  our
novitas, novitatis F  newness; strangeness/novelty/unusualness/rarity; unfamiliarity; freshness
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius)  no; none, not any
oculus, oculi M  eye
opto, optare, optavi, optatus  choose, select; wish, wish for, desire
oro, orare, oravi, oratus  beg, ask for, pray; beseech, plead, entreat; worship, adore
os, oris N  mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation
ostendeo, ostendere, ostendi, -  show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit
palus, paludis F  swamp, marsh
pareo, parere, parui, paritus  obey, be subject/obedient to; submit/yield/comply; pay attention; attend to
paro, parare, paravi, paratus  prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan
parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um  small, little, cheap; unimportant; smallest, least
paucus, pauca -um, paucior -or -us, paucissimus -a -um  little, small in quantity/extent; few; just a few; small number of
paveo, pavere, pavi, -  be frightened or terrified at
pendeo, pendere, pependi, -  hang, hang down; depend
penna, pennae F  feather, wing
per  through; during; by, by means of
placidus, placida, placidum  gentle, calm, mild, peaceful, placid
poena, poenae F  penalty, punishment; revenge/retribution
pono, ponere, posui, positus  put/place/set; station/post; pitch; situate; set up; erect
posco, poscere, poposci, -  ask, demand
possum, posse, potui, -  be able, can
prex, precis F  prayer, request
prospicio, prospicere, prospexi, prospectus  foresee; see far off; watch for, provide for, look out for
quantus, quanta, quantum  how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
que  and
qui, quae, quod  who, which
quis  which
quoniam  because, since, seeing that
ramus, rami M  branch, bough
recens, (gen.), recentis  fresh, recent; rested
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus  return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus  leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath
repleo, replere, replevi, repletus  fill again; complete, fill
sacer, sacra, sacrum  sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable
sacerdos, sacerdotis  priest, priestess
sagitta, sagittae F  arrow
se  reflexive; -self
semel  once, on one occasion
sequor, sequi, secutus sum  follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek
sertum, serti N  wreath; chains of flowers, garlands, festoons
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus  loosen, release, unbind, untie, free; open; set sail; scatter; pay off/back
spons, spontis F  free will
sto, stare, steti, status  stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest
stramen, straminis N  straw for bedding, etc, litter
subeo, subire, subivi(ii), subitus  go/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in on
succresco, succrescere, succrevi, -  come up; grow up; overflow
summus, summa, summum  highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of
super  above, on top, over; upwards; moreover, in addition, besides
superus, superi M  gods on high, celestial deities; those above
superus, supera -um, superior -or -us, supremus -a -um  above, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest
supinus, supina, supinum  lying face upwards, flat on one's back; turned palm upwards; flat; passive
supo, supare, supavi, supatus  throw; pour; strew, scatter
talis, talis, tale  such; so great; so excellent; of such kind
tandem  finally; at last, in the end; after some time, eventually; at length
tantum  so much, so far; hardly, only
tardus, tarda -um, tardior -or -us, tardissimus -a -um  slow, limping; deliberate; late
tectum, tecti N  roof; ceiling; house
tego, tegere, texi, tectus  cover, protect; defend; hide
tellus, telluris F  earth, ground; the earth; land, country
templum, templi N  temple, church; shrine; holy place
timidus, timida -um, timidior -or -us, timidissimus -a -um  timid; cowardly; fearful, apprehensive; without courage; afraid to
tot  as/so often, so many times, such a great number of times; that number of times
truncus, trunci M  trunk
tueor, tueri, tutus sum  see, look at; protect, watch; uphold
tum  moreover
tumulo, tumulare, tumulavi, tumulatus  cover with a burial mound
tutela, tutelae F  tutelage, guardianship
umquam  ever, at any time
unicus, unica, unicum  only, sole, single, singular, unique; uncommon, unparalleled; one of a kind
valeo, valere, valui, valitus  be strong/powerful/influential/healthy; prevail
vanus, vana, vanum  empty, vain; false, untrustworthy
venia, veniae F  favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence
verto, vertere, verti, versus  turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy
vester, vestra, vestrum  your, of/belonging to/associated with you
vestigium, vestigi(i) N  step, track; trace; footstep
veto, vetare, vetui, vetitus  forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent
vetus, veteris (gen.), veterior -or -us, veterrimus -a -um  old, aged, ancient; former; veteran, experienced; long standing, chronic
vicinia, viciniae F  neighborhood, nearness
vicinus, vicina, vicinum  nearby, neighboring
villa, villae F  farm/country home/estate; large country residence/seat, villa; village
vinum, vini N  wine
viso, visere, visi, visus  visit, go to see; look at
vita, vitae F  life, career, livelihood; mode of life
volo, velle, volui, -  wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
vos  you (pl)
votum, voti N  vow, pledge, religious undertaking/promise; prayer/wish; votive offering; vote
vultus, vultus M  face, expression; looks

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