84 definitions of interest to aprilspratley
since about 10 years ago.

C., abb.Gaius; centum/100
Sicanus, SicaniSican; ancient occupant of Italy
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessuscome near, approach; agree with; be added to; constitute
alvus, alvibelly/paunch/stomach; womb; bowel; bowel movement; hull; beehive; cavity
amatrix, (gen.), amatricisamorous
animo, animare, animavi, animatusanimate, give/bring life; revive, refresh; rouse, animate; inspire; blow
antiquitus, antiquita -um, antiquitior -or -us, antiquitissimus -a -umold/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated
atbut, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least
blandus, blanda -um, blandior -or -us, blandissimus -a -umflattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive
buxum, buxi Nboxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute
caducus, caduca, caducumescheatable, that heir/legatee does/can not take
calleo, callere, callui, -be calloused/hardened; grow hard; be experienced/skilled, understand; know how
carinus, carina, carinumnut-brown
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratuscelebrate/perform; frequent; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy
colo, colere, colui, cultuslive in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain
compello, compellere, compuli, compulsusdrive together, round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash
concurro, concurrere, concurri, concursusrun/assemble/knock/snap together; agree, fit, concur; coincide; make same claim
consolo, consolare, consolavi, consolatusconsole, cheer, comfort; console oneself, take comfort
consors, (gen.), consortissharing inheritance/property; shared, in common; kindred, brotherly, sisterly
contraagainst, facing, opposite; weighed against; as against; in resistance/reply to
curro, currere, cucurri, cursusrun/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quickly
damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatuspass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom
deceris, deceris, decerehaving ten banks of oars or with oars/rowers grouped in tens in some way
decus, decoris Nglory/splendor; honor/distinction; deeds; dignity/virtue; decorum; grace/beauty
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatusdelight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight
dem, demos/is Mcommunity, a people; administrative district; tract of land
devio, deviare, deviavi, deviatusdetour; stray; depart
dicto, dictare, dictavi, dictatusdictate; compose; draw up; order/prescribe; fix
dimitto, dimittere, dimisi, dimissussend away/off; allow to go, let go/off; disband, discharge, dismiss
diverto, divertere, diverti, diversusseparate; divert, turn away/in; digress; oppose; divorce/leave marriage
etand, and even; also, even
fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsusdeceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat
ferio, feriare, feriavi, feriatusrest from work/labor; keep/celebrate holiday; be idle; abstain from
gelo, gelare, gelavi, gelatuscause to freeze; be frozen, be chilled
gestito, gestitare, gestitavi, gestitatuscarry often; wear often
gradior, gradi, gressus sumwalk, step, take steps, go, advance
gravito, gravitare, gravitavi, gravitatusrevolve
harundo, harundinis Freed, cane, fishing rod, limed twigs for catching birds; arrow shaft; pipe
ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotuspardon, forgive
immensus, immensa, immensumimmeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable
index, indicishand/needle of a watch
ingemino, ingeminare, ingeminavi, ingeminatusredouble; increase in intensity
insero, inserere, inserui, insertusplant, sow; graft on; put in, insert
intro, intrare, intravi, intratusenter; go into, penetrate; reach
languesco, languescere, langui, -become faint or languid or weak, wilt
lascivia, lasciviae Fplayfulness; wantonness, lasciviousness
lavo, lavare, lavi, lotuswash, bathe; soak
machaera, machaerae Fsingle-edged sword; Persian or Arab sword; weapon
man, undeclined Nmanna
memoro, memorare, memoravi, memoratusremember; be mindful of; mention/recount/relate, remind/speak of
miraculus, miracula, miraculumfreakish, deformed
mobilitas, mobilitatis Fmobility, agility; speed; quickness of mind; inconstancy
nimbus, nimbi Mrainstorm, cloud
onus, oneris Nload, burden; cargo
oporteo, oportere, oportui, oportuitusrequire, order
os, oris Nmouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation
pango, pangere, pepigi, pactuscompose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, agree upon, stipulate
pario, parere, peperi, partusbear; give birth to; beget, bring forth; produce, lay; create; acquire
perverto, pervertere, perverti, perversusoverthrow; subvert; destroy, ruin, corrupt
pollicitum, polliciti Npromise
potior, potior, potiusbetter/preferable/superior; more useful/effective; more important
praecino, praecinere, praecinui, praecentuspredict
primus, -a, -umfirst
quaestus, quaestus Mgain, profit
quamhow, how much; as, than
quantus, quanta, quantumhow great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
quingenti -ae -a, quingentesimus -a -um, quingeni -ae -a, quingentie(n)s
quojus, quoja, quojumof whom?, whose?; of/pertaining to whom, whose
reciprocus, reciproca, reciprocumgoing backwards and forwards; ebbing
reduco, reducere, reduxi, reductuslead back, bring back; restore; reduce
repo, repere, repsi, reptuscreep, crawl
ritus, ritus Mrite; ceremony
salto, saltare, saltavi, saltatusdance, jump; portray or represent in a dance
seco, secare, secui, sectuscut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach
stello, stellare, -, stellatusset/furnish/cover with stars/points of light
sublimis, sublime, sublimior -or -us, sublimissimus -a -umhigh, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position
tantus, tanta, tantumof such size; so great, so much
tibiale, tibialis Nstocking
trudo, trudere, trusi, trususthrust, push, shove; drive, force; drive on
tutor, tutoris Mprotector, defender; guardian, watcher; tutor
vicia, viciae Fvetch
vieo, viere, -, vietusplait, weave; bend/twist into basketwork
vir, viri Mman; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility
vivo, vivere, vixi, victusbe alive, live; survive; reside

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