Achilles, Achillis M |
Achilles, Greek hero |
Aegyptus, Aegypti F |
Egypt |
Aeneas, Aeneae |
Aeneas |
Aethiopia, Aethiopiae F |
Ethiopia; present day Sudan; inland central Africa |
Afer, Afra, Afrum |
African; of/connected with Africa |
Alcides, Alcidae |
birth name of Herakles/Hercules |
Alexander, Alexandri M |
Alexander |
Alpis, Alpis F |
Alps, mountains to the north of Italy |
Aminaeus, Aminaea, Aminaeum |
Aminean |
Arcturus, Arcturi M |
Acturus, brightest star in Bootes; the whole constellation; arction plant |
Atticus, Attica, Atticum |
Attic, Athenian; classic, elegant |
Au., abb. |
Aulus |
Babylon, Babylonos/is F |
Babylon; people of Babylon |
Boreas, Boreae M |
north wind; the North; Boreas |
Britannia, Britanniae F |
Britain |
Britannicus, Britannica, Britannicum |
British |
C., abb. |
Gaius; centum/100 |
Cacus, Caci M |
Cacus, giant son of Vulcan; servant |
Caesar, Caesaris M |
Caesar |
Carthago, Carthaginis F |
Carthage |
Cerbereus, Cerberea, Cerbereum |
of/connected with Cerberus |
Cerberus, Cerberi M |
Cerberus |
Cimber, Cimbri M |
one of the Cimberi, a German tribe, who invaded Gaul |
Claudius, Claudi M |
Claudius; Lame |
Cn., abb. |
Gnaeus |
Cyclops, Cyclopos/is M |
Cyclops; one of the Cyclopes |
Danaus, a, um |
Greek |
Diana, Dianae F |
Diana; moon |
Ephesos, Ephesi F |
Ephesus, city in Asia Minor |
Europa, Europae F |
Europe |
Gallia, Galliae F |
Gaul |
Giganteus, Gigantea, Giganteum |
of/connected with the Giants; like that of the Giants |
Graecia, Graeciae F |
Greece |
Graius, -a, -um |
Greek |
Hercules, Herculis M |
Hercules |
Hibernia, Hiberniae F |
Ireland |
Hippo, Hipponis M |
Hippo |
Hispania, Hispaniae F |
Spain; Spanish peninsula |
3, as a Roman numeral |
Idalium/Idalia, Idalii/ae |
Idalium, a mountain-city on Crete |
Idus, Idus F |
Ides, abb. Id.; 15th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 13th elsewhen |
Ilion, Ilii N |
Ilium, Troy |
India, Indiae F |
India |
Indicus, Indica, Indicum |
Indian |
Indus, Inda, Indum |
Indian, from/of/belonging to India; of Indian ivory |
Judaeus, Judaea, Judaeum |
of/relating to the Jews, Jewish; of/originating/stationed in Judea |
Julius, Julia, Julium |
Julius; Roman gens/family; of a/the Julians |
Julius, Juli M |
Julius |
Latius, Latia, Latium |
Latin; of Latium; Roman; Italian |
Lesbis, Lesbidos/is F |
Lesbian woman, woman from the island of Lesbos |
Lesbos, Lesbi F |
Lesbos |
Lethaeus, Lethaea, Lethaeum |
of Lethe; causing forgetfulness, of the underworld |
Londinium, Londinii N |
London |
Macedo, Macedonis M |
Macedonian, one from Macedonia; Macedonia, the territory; men Macedonian armed |
Macedonius, Macedonia, Macedonium |
Macedonian, of/from/belonging to Macedonia |
Maius, Maia, Maium |
May |
Martius, Martia, Martium |
March; abb. Mart.; of/belonging to Mars |
Minerva, Minervae F |
Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom |
Neptunus, Neptuni M |
Neptune; sea |
Oceanus, Oceani M |
Ocean |
Olympia, Olympiae F |
Olympia |
Olympus, Olympi M |
Olympus; Mt Olympus in Greece; the gods; heaven |
Palatium, Palati(i) N |
Palatine Hill |
Papa, Papae M |
pope |
Penthesilea, Penthesilae |
Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons |
Phoebus, Phoebi |
Apollo, Helios, the sun |
Puniceus, Punicea, Puniceum |
Carthaginian, Punic |
Quinquatrus, Quinquatrus F |
Minerva festival |
Romulus, Romula, Romulum |
of/pertaining to Romulus; Roman |
Samius, Samia, Samium |
of/belonging to Samos |
Sardus, Sarda, Sardum |
Sardinian |
Scipio, Scipionis M |
Scipio |
Scotus, Scoti M |
Scot, Scotsman, person from Scotland; Scots |
Ser, Seris |
Chinese; inhabitants of region beyond Scythia and India |
Sicilia, Siciliae F |
Sicily |
Siren, Sirenos/is F |
Siren; type of drone/solitary bee/wasp) |
Styx, Stygos/is F |
Styx river; river of the underworld |
Susum, Susi N |
Susum; Susa |
Syracuses, Syracusae F |
Syracuse |
Syriacus, Syriaca, Syriacum |
Syrian, of/connected with Syria, produced/found in Syria |
T., abb. |
Titus, Roman praenomen |
Tartareus, Tartarea, Tartareum |
of or belonging to the underworld; Tartarean |
Tartarum, Tartari N |
infernal regions, the underworld |
Tartarus, Tartari M |
infernal regions, the underworld |
Thracius, Thracia, Thracium |
Thracian, of/belonging to Thrace; gem |
Tiberius, Tiberi M |
Tiberius; abb. Ti./Tib. |
Titan, Titanos/is M |
Titan |
Titius, Titi M |
Titius; fictitious name in legal examples |
Tritonia, Tritoniae |
Tritonia / Minerva / Athena |
Ulixes, Ulixeis M |
Ulysses/Odysseus |
V |
5, as a Roman numeral |
9, as a Roman numeral |
Volcanus, Volcani M |
Vulcan, god of fire; fire |
X |
10, as a Roman numeral |
Zeno, Zenonis M |
Zeno; L:Zeno |
Zephyrus, Zephyri M |
Zephyr, the west wind |
abalieno, abalienare, abalienavi, abalienatus |
make alien; separate, abstract; alienate, estrange, make disaffected |
abdomen, abdominis N |
abdomen, paunch, lower part of the belly; gluttony; as indicative of obesity |
abhinc |
since, ago, in past; from this time, henceforth; from this place, hence |
abjicio, abjicere, abjeci, abjectus |
throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply |
abluo, abluere, ablui, ablutus |
wash away/off/out, blot out, purify, wash, cleanse; dispel; quench |
abnuo, abnuere, abnui, abnuitus |
refuse, decline; deny; refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out |
aborior, aboriri, abortus sum |
pass away, disappear, be lost; miscarry, be aborted; set |
abripio, abripere, abripui, abreptus |
drag/snatch/carry/remove away by force; wash/blow away; abduct, kidnap |
abrumpo, abrumpere, abrupi, abruptus |
break; break off; tear asunder; cut through, sever; remove, separate |
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolutus |
free, release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up |
abstergeo, abstergere, abstersi, abstersus |
wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel |
absterreo, absterrere, absterrui, absterritus |
frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den |
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus |
drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split |
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus |
spend, waste, squander, use up; take up; consume; exhaust, wear out |
accipiter, accipitris |
hawk; flying gurnard |
accumbo, accumbere, accumbui, accumbitus |
take a place/recline at the table; lie on, lie at/prone, lie beside |
accumulo, accumulare, accumulavi, accumulatus |
accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance |
accuratus, accurata -um, accuratior -or -us, accuratissimus -a -um |
accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished |
accuro, accurare, accuravi, accuratus |
take care of, attend to, give attention to; perform with care |
accurro, accurrere, accurri, accursus |
run/hasten to; come/rush up; charge, rush to attack |
accusatrix, accusatricis F |
prosecutor at trial, accuser, plaintiff |
acerbus, acerba -um, acerbior -or -us, acerbissimus -a -um |
harsh, strident, bitter, sour; unripe, green, unfinished; grievous; gloomy |
acesco, acescere, acui, - |
turn/become sour |
acriter, acrius, acerrime |
sharply, vigilantly, fiercely; severely, steadfastly; keenly, accurately |
aculeus, aculei M |
sting, spine, thorn, prickle, point, spike; barb; pang, prick; sarcasm |
acumen, acuminis N |
sharpened point, spur; sting; peak, promontory; sharpness/cunning/acumen; fraud |
acuo, acuere, acui, acutus |
whet, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, provoke, incite; come to a head |
adcredo, adcredere, adcredidi, adcreditus |
give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust |
adcuro, adcurare, adcuravi, adcuratus |
take care of, attend to, give attention to; perform with care |
adeps, adipis |
fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity; sapwood |
adfatim |
sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction |
adfinis, adfinis, adfine |
neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related, akin, connected |
adfligo, adfligere, adflixi, adflictus |
overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex |
adflo, adflare, adflavi, adflatus |
blow/breathe; inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on |
adgnosco, adgnoscere, adgnovi, adgnitus |
recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility |
adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum |
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize, attempt |
adhaereo, adhaerere, adhaesi, adhaesus |
adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved |
adhortor, adhortari, adhortatus sum |
encourage, urge on; rally; exhort |
adjicio, adjicere, adjeci, adjectus |
add, increase, raise; add to; suggest; hurl; throw to/at |
adjudico, adjudicare, adjudicavi, adjudicatus |
adjudge, impute, attribute, ascribe; award, assign |
adjungo, adjungere, adjunxi, adjunctus |
add, attach, join to, add to, support; apply to; harness, yoke; direct; confer |
adlicio, adliciere, adlexi, adlectus |
draw gently to, entice, lure, induce, attract, win over, encourage |
adludo, adludere, adlusi, adlusus |
frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to |
admisceo, admiscere, admiscui, admixtus |
mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up |
adolesco, adolescere, adolevi, adultus |
grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase |
adolesco, adolescere, adolui, adultus |
grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase |
adorior, adoriri, adortus sum |
assail/assault/attack, rise against; accost/address |
adpeto, adpetere, adpetivi, adpetitus |
seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near |
adpono, adponere, adposui, adpositus |
place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign |
adprendo, adprendere, adprendi, adprensus |
seize, grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake |
adscriptivus, adscriptiva, adscriptivum |
enrolled in addition, supernumerary |
adsentor, adsentari, adsentatus sum |
flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything |
adsideo, adsidere, adsedi, adsessus |
sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble |
adsigno, adsignare, adsignavi, adsignatus |
assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow; impute; affix seal |
adspicio, adspicere, adspexi, adspectus |
look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate |
adsuesco, adsuescere, adsuevi, adsuetus |
accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar |
adsum, adesse, arfui, arfuturus |
be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid |
adsurgo, adsurgere, adsurrexi, adsurrectus |
rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar |
adtraho, adtrahere, adtraxi, adtractus |
attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend |
adulor, adulari, adulatus sum |
fawn upon; flatter, court; make obeisance |
adulterium, adulteri(i) N |
adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination |
adveho, advehere, advexi, advectus |
carry, bring, convey |
advento, adventare, adventavi, adventatus |
approach, come to, draw near; arrive,"turn up"; come in; approximate |
adversarius, adversari(i) |
enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party |
advoco, advocare, advocavi, advocatus |
call, summon, invite, convoke, call for; call in as counsel; invoke the Gods |
advolo, advolare, advolavi, advolatus |
fly to, dash to, hasten towards |
advorso, advorsare, advorsavi, advorsatus |
apply, direct |
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus |
build, erect, construct, make; create; establish; improve; edify |
aegreo, aegrere, -, - |
be sick/ill |
aegresco, aegrescere, -, - |
become sick, grow worse; suffer mental/emotional distress, grieve |
aegroto, aegrotare, aegrotavi, aegrotatus |
be sick; be distressed/mentally/morally ill, be afflicted, languish, grieve |
aegrotus, aegrota, aegrotum |
sick, diseased; love-sick, pining |
aequalis, aequale, aequalior -or -us, aequalissimus -a -um |
equal, similar; uniform, level, flat; of the same age/generation/duration |
aequalitas, aequalitatis F |
evenness; equality, uniformity, symmetry |
aequaliter, aequalitius, aequalitissime |
evenly, alike, uniformly; equally, to an equal measure/extent; symmetrically |
aequipero, aequiperare, aequiperavi, aequiperatus |
become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken |
aequoreus, aequorea, aequoreum |
of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea |
aeratus, aerata, aeratum |
covered/decorated with/made of brass/bronze; with bronze fittings |
aercus, aerca, aercum |
copper-; of copper/bronze/brass |
aerius, aeria, aerium |
of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering, airy; blue |
aerumna, aerumnae F |
toil, task, labor; hardship, trouble, affliction, distress, calamity |
aes, aeris N |
money, pay, fee, fare; copper/bronze/brass, base metal; debt; gong |
aetherius, aetheria, aetherium |
ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty |
afficio, afficere, affeci, affectus |
affect, make impression; move, influence; cause, afflict, weaken |
affluo, affluere, affluxi, affluxus |
flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound |
agedum |
come!, go to!, well!, all right! |
aggero, aggerere, aggessi, aggestus |
heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate |
agglutino, agglutinare, agglutinavi, agglutinatus |
glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact |
agmen, agminis N |
stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession |
agna, agnae F |
ear of grain; straw/blade |
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus |
recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility |
agrestis, agrestis, agreste |
rustic, inhabiting countryside; rude, wild, savage; of/passing through fields |
ah |
exclamation expressing surprise/irony |
ahenus, ahena, ahenum |
copper, of copper; bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen |
ala, alae F |
wing; upper arm/foreleg/fin; armpit; squadron, flank, army's wing |
alacris, alacris, alacre |
eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful |
alazon, alazonis M |
braggart, boaster |
alga, algae F |
sea-weed; rubbish, uncountable stuff; water plants |
algor, algoris M |
cold, coldness; chilliness; a fit of shivering; cold weather |
algu, algus N |
feeling of cold; coldness |
alibi |
elsewhere, in another place; in other respects, otherwise; in another matter |
alienatio, alienationis F |
transference of ownership, the right to; aversion, dislike; numbness, stupor |
alioqui |
otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general |
alioquin |
otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general |
aliquam |
largely, to a large extent, a lot of |
aliqui |
in some way/extent |
aliquotiens |
number of times, several times |
alium, ali(i) N |
garlic, garlic plant |
allicio, allicere, allexi, allectus |
draw gently to, entice, lure, induce, attract, win over, encourage |
alligo, alligare, alligavi, alligatus |
bind/fetter; bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in |
alloquor, alloqui, allocutus sum |
speak to; address, harangue, make a speech; call on; console |
almus, alma, almum |
nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering |
altar, altaris N |
altar, fittings for burnt offerings; burnt offerings; high altar |
alternus, alterna, alternum |
alternate, one after the/every other, by turns, successive; mutual; reciprocal |
alus, ali F |
species of comfrey plant; garlic |
aluta, alutae F |
piece/kind of soft leather; purse/pouch; shoe; beauty patc |
amabilis, amabile, amabilior -or -us, amabilissimus -a -um |
worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful |
amans, amantis (gen.), amantior -or -us, amantissimus -a -um |
loving/fond/affectionate; beloved/dear to; friendly/kind; having love/affection |
amaritudo, amaritudinis F |
bitterness; sharpness, tang, pungency; harshness |
amarus, amara -um, amarior -or -us, amarissimus -a -um |
bitter, brackish, pungent; harsh, shrill; sad, calamitous; ill-natured, caustic |
amatrix, (gen.), amatricis |
amorous |
ambages, ambagis F |
circuit; roundabout way; long story, details; riddle; ambiguity; lie; mystery |
ambigo, ambigere, -, - |
hesitate, be in doubt; argue, dispute, contend; call in question; be at issue |
ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus |
go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace |
ambulatio, ambulationis F |
walking about, stroll; place for promenading, covered/uncovered walk, portico |
amethystus, amethysti F |
amethyst, violet-blue precious stone; vine yielding non-intoxicating wine? |
amicio, amicire, amixi, amictus |
clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words |
amicitia, amicitiae F |
friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations |
amoenitas, amoenitatis F |
pleasantness, attractiveness, attraction, charm; delight, comfort, luxury |
amoenus, amoena -um, amoenior -or -us, amoenissimus -a -um |
beautiful, attractive, pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, charming, lovely |
amoveo, amovere, amovi, amotus |
move/take/put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire |
amplitudo, amplitudinis F |
greatness; extent, breadth, width, bulk; importance; fullness |
amygdalum, amygdali N |
almond |
amylum, amyli N |
fine meal; starch; gruel |
analemptris, analemptridis F |
shoulder pad; suspensory bandage |
anceps, (gen.), ancipitis |
two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold |
ancillula, ancillulae F |
little serving-maid, young female slave; slave girl |
ancisus, ancisa, ancisum |
cut up, chopped up; cut around/away |
ancus, anci M |
group of musical notes |
angelus, angeli M |
angel; messenger |
angina, anginae F |
acute throat infection w/choking, quinsy |
ango, angere, anxi, anctus |
choke, throttle, strangle; press tight; distress, cause pain, vex, trouble |
angor, angoris M |
suffocation, choking, strangulation; mental distress, anxiety, anguish, vexatio |
angustus, angusta -um, angustior -or -us, angustissimus -a -um |
narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty |
anhelo, anhelare, anhelavi, anhelatus |
pant, gasp; breathe/gasp out, belch forth, exhale; utter breathlessly |
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversus |
pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish |
animans, (gen.), animantis |
living, having life |
animulus, animuli M |
heart, soul |
annuo, annuere, annui, annutus |
designate w/nod, nod assent; indicate, declare; favor/smile on; agree to, grant |
annuus, annua, annuum |
for a year, lasting/appointed for a year; paid/performed yearly, annual |
anser, anseris |
goose |
antecedo, antecedere, antecessi, antecessus |
precede, go before/ahead/in front of, attain before; excel, surpass, outstrip |
antehac |
before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past |
antelucanus, antelucana, antelucanum |
before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak |
antepartum, anteparti N |
property acquired in the past |
antepono, anteponere, anteposui, antepositus |
set before, place/station before, serve; prefer, value above |
antequam |
before, sooner than; until |
anthus, anthi M |
bird; small bird |
antiquus, antiqui M |
men of old, ancients, early authorities/writers; ancestors |
antis, antis M |
rows; ranks; files |
anulus, anuli M |
ring, signet ring; circlet; ringlet/curl of hair; link of mail; fetters, irons |
anxius, anxia, anxium |
anxious, uneasy, disturbed; concerned; careful; prepared with care; troublesome |
aper, apri |
boar, wild boar; a fish |
apertus, aperta -um, apertior -or -us, apertissimus -a -um |
open/public/free; uncovered/exposed/opened; frank/clear/manifest; cloudless |
apis, apis F |
bee; swarm regarded as a portent; Apis, sacred bull worshiped in Egypt |
apostema, apostematis N |
abscess; ulcer |
apparo, apparare, apparavi, apparatus |
prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize |
appeto, appetere, appetivi, appetitus |
seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near |
applico, applicare, applicui, applicitus |
connect, place near, bring into contact; land; adapt; apply/devote to |
approbo, approbare, approbavi, approbatus |
approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good |
apstineo, apstinere, apstinui, apstentus |
withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain; avoid; keep hands of |
apsum, apesse, afui, afuturus |
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct |
aquilus, aquila, aquilum |
dark colored/hued, swarthy |
aratrum, aratri N |
plow |
arbitrium, arbitri(i) N |
arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority |
arca, arcae F |
box, chest; strong-box, coffer; wealth, money; coffin, bier; cell, cage; ark |
arcadia, arcadiae |
a region in mainland Greece |
arcas, arcadis |
an Arcadian |
arcesso, arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitus |
send for, summon, indict; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself |
architectus, architecti M |
architect, master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser |
ardor, ardoris M |
fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity |
arduus, ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um |
steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult |
argenteus, argentea, argenteum |
silver, silvery, of silver; made/ornamented with silver; of money; with money |
aries, arietis M |
ram; battering ram; the Ram; large unidentified marine animal |
armamentum, armamenti N |
equipment, rigging/sailing gear; implements, utensils |
armariolum, armarioli N |
little chest/casket, small cabinet; bookcase |
armarium, armari(i) N |
cabinet, closet, cupboard; chest, safe; book-case; sepulchral monument |
armilla, armillae F |
bracelet, armlet, arm-band; metal hoop, ring, washer, socket |
aro, arare, aravi, aratus |
plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle |
arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus |
take hold of; seize, snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb |
artificium, artifici(i) N |
art/craft/trade; skill/talent/craftsmanship; art work; method/trick; technology |
artus, artus M |
arm/leg/limb, joint, part of the body; frame, body; sexual members/organs |
arundo, arundinis F |
reed; fishing rod; arrowshaft; arrow; pen; shepherd's pipe |
arvus, arva, arvum |
arable; cultivated, plowed |
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensus |
climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward |
asella, asellae F |
small/little she-ass |
asservo, asservare, asservavi, asservatus |
keep/guard/preserve; watch/observe; keep in custody; rescue/save life; reserve |
assiduus, assidua -um, assiduior -or -us, assiduissimus -a -um |
constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class |
assulatim |
into splinters |
astrum, astri N |
star, heavenly body, planet/sun/moon; the stars, constellation; sky, heaven |
athleticus, athletica, athleticum |
athletic, sporty; of/proper for an athlete |
atrides, atridae |
son of Atreus |
atrium, atri(i) N |
atrium, reception hall in a Roman house; auction room; palace, house |
atrox, atrocis (gen.), atrocior -or -us, atrocissimus -a -um |
fierce, savage, bloody; heinous, cruel; severe; terrible, frightening, dreadful |
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactus |
touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to |
attollo, attollere, -, - |
raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt |
attono, attonare, attonui, attonitus |
strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract |
attraho, attrahere, attraxi, attractus |
attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend |
attrecto, attrectare, attrectavi, attrectatus |
touch; lay hands on; handle, assault, violate; deal with |
auctoritas, auctoritatis F |
title, ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order |
auctus, aucta -um, auctior -or -us, auctissimus -a -um |
enlarged, large, abundant, ample; richer/increased in power/wealth/importance |
aucupatorius, aucupatoria, aucupatorium |
suitable for bird catching/fowling/hunting |
aucupo, aucupare, -, aucupatus |
catch, take; hunt after, seek, be on the lookout for |
audacia, audaciae F |
boldness, daring, courage, confidence; recklessness, effrontery, audacity |
audacter, audacius, audacissime |
boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly |
aufugio, aufugere, aufugi, - |
flee, flee from, shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear, vanish |
augustus, augusta -um, augustior -or -us, augustissimus -a -um |
sacred, venerable; majestic, august, solemn; dignified; worthy of honor |
aula, aulae F |
hall; church/temple; palace/castle; inner/royal court; courtiers; royal power |
auricula, auriculae F |
ear; sense of hearing |
aurifex, aurificis M |
goldsmith |
ausonia, ausoniae |
an archaic name for the Italian peninsula |
auspicium, auspici(i) N |
divination; omen; beginning; auspices; right of doing auspices |
auster, austeris -e, austerior -or -us, austerrimus -a -um |
austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry; sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose |
ausum, -, -, - |
intend, be prepared; dare, act boldly, risk |
autumo, autumare, autumavi, autumatus |
say, assert; say yes; affirm; mention, speak of; name, call; reckon, judge |
avello, avellere, avulsi, avulsus |
tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest |
avello, avellere, avolsi, avolsus |
tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest |
aveo, avere, -, - |
hail; fare/be well |
averro, averrere, averri, aversus |
sweep/brush away, take away, clear away |
avius, avia, avium |
out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying |
avorto, avortere, avorti, avorsus |
turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate |
avus, avi M |
grandfather; forefather, ancestor |
balineum, balinei N |
bath; bathroom, bath place/rooms; bathtub; act of bathing |
baratrum, baratri N |
infernal region, hell |
barba, barbae F |
beard/ whiskers; large unkempt beard |
barbo, barbare, barbavi, barbatus |
supply with a beard |
basiliscus, basilisci M |
basilisk, cockatrice; kind of snake/lizard |
baxea, baxeae F |
kind of sandal |
beatus, beata -um, beatior -or -us, beatissimus -a -um |
happy, fortunate, bringing happiness; rich, wealthy, copious, sumptuous |
bellor, bellari, - |
fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight |
beluus, belua, beluum |
proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial |
benefacio, benefacere, benefeci, benefactus |
do service/good to; make well/ably; benefit; bless |
benignitas, benignitatis F |
kindness, courtesy; friendliness, benevolence; liberality, favor; bounty; mercy |
benivolus, benivola, benivolum |
well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted |
biduum, bidui N |
two days |
biennium, bienni(i) N |
two years |
bilis, bilis F |
gall, bile; wrath, anger, indignation; madness, melancholy, folly |
binus, bina, binum |
two by two; 2 each; in pairs; 2 at time; on 2 occasions; double, twofold |
bisulcus, bisulca, bisulcum |
forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed |
blaesus, blaesa, blaesum |
lisping, stammering; indistinct; mispronouncing from speech defect/drunkenness |
blandior, blandiri, blanditus sum |
flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please |
blanditia, blanditiae F |
flattery, caress, compliment; charm, flatteries, enticement, courtship |
boa, boae F |
large Italian snake; water serpent; disease with pustules |
brattea, bratteae F |
gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal/other material; veneer; show |
breviter, brevitius, brevitissime |
shortly, briefly, in a nut shell; quickly; for/within a short distance/time |
bubulus, bubula, bubulum |
of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle; of ox-hide |
bustum, busti N |
tomb, grave-mound; corpse; funeral pyre, ashes; heap of ashes |
buxeus, buxea, buxeum |
of/connected with box-tree; of boxwood; characteristic of boxwood |
buxum, buxi N |
boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute |
cachinnus, cachinni M |
loud/excessive/boisterous/derisive laugh, guffaw; jeer |
cacumen, cacuminis N |
top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass, tip of tree/branch; zenith; limit |
caduceus, caducei M |
herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury |
caelestis, caeleste, caelestior -or -us, caelestissimus -a -um |
heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods |
caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatus |
carve, make raised work/relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider |
caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum |
blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea |
caerulus, caerula, caerulum |
blue, cerulean; deep/sky/greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea |
caesaries, caesariei F |
hair; long/flowing/luxuriant hair; dark/beautiful hair; plume |
caespes, caespitis M |
grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth |
caia, caiae F |
cudgel |
calamus, calami M |
reed, cane; reed pen; reed/pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag |
calathus, calathi M |
wicker basket, flower basket; wine-cup; milk pail; cheese/curdled milk bowl |
calco, calcare, calcavi, calcatus |
tread/trample upon/under foot, crush; tamp/ram down; spurn; copulate |
caldus, calda -um, caldior -or -us, caldissimus -a -um |
warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place |
caleo, calere, calui, - |
be/feel/be kept warm; be hot with passion/inflamed/active/driven hotly/urged |
calesco, calescere, -, - |
grow/become warm/hot; be heated; become inflamed; be inspired |
caligo, caliginis F |
mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness |
calo, calare, calavi, calatus |
announce, proclaim; summon, convoke, call forth/together |
calx, calcis |
lead vial/bottle/jar |
canalis, canalis |
channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout |
cancer, cancri M |
crab; Cancer; the South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker |
candeo, candere, candui, - |
be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam; become/be hot; glow, sparkle |
caninus, canina, caninum |
of/pertaining/suitable to/resembling a dog, canine; abusive, mean, snarling |
canities, canitiei F |
white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age |
cantharus, canthari M |
large drinking vessel with handles; bowl/basin of fountain; Black Sea bream |
cantherinus, cantherina, cantherinum |
of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley |
capax, capacis (gen.), capacior -or -us, capacissimus -a -um |
large, spacious, roomy, big; capable, fit, competent; has right to inherit |
capital, capitalis N |
capital crime/punishment; priestess headband |
capito, (gen.), capitonis |
big-headed, having a large head; kind of mullet |
capitolium, capitolii N |
religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house; right of cofraternity |
capitulum, capituli N |
chapter/article; religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house |
captivus, captiva, captivum |
caught, taken captive; captured, imprisoned; conquered; of captives |
capto, captare, captavi, captatus |
try/long/aim for, desire; entice; hunt legacy; try to catch/grasp/seize/reach |
carbo, carbonis M |
charcoal; glowing coal; pencil/marker; worthless thing; charred remains; coal |
carcer, carceris M |
prison, jail; jailbird; starting barriers at race-course, traps; beginning |
careo, carere, carui, caritus |
be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose |
caries, cariei F |
rot, rottenness, corruption, decay; caries; shriveling up; dry rot; ship worm |
carnifex, (gen.), carnificis |
tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly |
caro, carnis F |
meat, flesh; the body; pulpy/fleshy/soft parts, sapwood; low passions |
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus |
seize/pick/pluck/gather/browse/tear off; graze/crop; tease/pull out/card |
casia, casiae F |
cinnamon; aromatic shrub |
cassis, cassis M |
hunting net; spider's web; snare, trap |
cassus, cassa, cassum |
hollow/empty/devoid of, lacking; useless/fruitless/vain |
casteria, casteriae F |
part of a ship? |
castigo, castigare, castigavi, castigatus |
chastise/chasten, punish; correct, reprimand/dress down, castigate; neutralize |
castoreum, castorei N |
castor, aromatic secretion obtained from beaver used medicinally |
castrum, castri N |
fort/fortress; camp, military camp/field; army; war service; day's march |
castus, casta -um, castior -or -us, castissimus -a -um |
pure, moral; chaste, virtuous, pious; sacred; spotless; free from/untouched by |
casus, casus M |
fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate |
cataplasma, cataplasmatis N |
poultice; plaster |
catena, catenae F |
chain; series; fetter, bond, restraint; imprisonment, captivity |
caterva, catervae F |
crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm |
catoblepas, catoblepae M |
wild animal in Ethiopia; species of buffalo?/gnu? |
caula, caulae F |
railing, lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures; fold, sheepfold |
cautus, cauta -um, cautior -or -us, cautissimus -a -um |
cautious/careful; circumspect, prudent; wary, on guard; safe/secure; made safe |
cavea, caveae F |
hollow/cavity; roof; socket; auditorium/theater; seats/audience |
caverna, cavernae F |
hollow/grotto/cavern/cave/crevice/hole; burrow/den; cavity; hold |
cavus, cava, cavum |
hollow, excavated, hollowed out; concave; enveloping; porous |
celsus, celsa, celsum |
high, lofty, tall; haughty; arrogant/proud; prominent, elevated; erect; noble |
censeo, censere, censui, census |
think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess |
centurio, centurionis M |
centurion, captain/commander of a century/company |
cepa, cepae F |
onion |
cercopithecus, cercopitheci M |
long-tailed monkey |
cerebrum, cerebri N |
brain; top of the head, skull; bud; seat of senses/intelligence; anger/wrath |
cerritus, cerrita, cerritum |
possessed by Ceres; frantic, frenzied; mad, demented |
certamen, certaminis N |
contest, competition; battle, combat, struggle; rivalry; dispute |
certatio, certationis F |
striving; contest; struggling for superiority/mastery |
certo, certare, certavi, certatus |
vie, contest, contend/struggle, dispute; fight, strive |
cerva, cervae F |
doe, hind; deer |
cervicale, cervicalis N |
pillow, cushion |
cervinus, cervina, cervinum |
of/pertaining to deer/stag |
ceu |
as, in the same way/just as; for example, like; as if; as it were |
chlamys, chlamydos/is F |
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle |
cholera, cholerae F |
European/summer cholera; an attack of cholera |
chorda, chordae F |
tripe; catgut, musical instrument; rope/cord |
chordus, chorda, chordum |
late-born/produced out of/late in season; second, aftermath |
chorus, chori M |
chorus; choral passage in a play; dancing/singing performance/ers; school |
cicatrix, cicatricis F |
scar/cicatrice; wound/bruise; emotional scar; prune mark on plant/tool on work |
cilicium, cilicii N |
rug/blanket/small garment of goat's hair |
cinaedus, cinaeda -um, cinaedior -or -us, cinaedissimus -a -um |
resembling/like/typical of a cinaedus/sodomite; unchaste; impudent, shameless |
cinefactus, cinefacta, cinefactum |
reduced/turned to ashes |
cinis, cineris |
ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation |
circulus, circuli M |
circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference |
circumio, circumere, -, - |
encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round |
circumsisto, circumsistere, circumstiti, circumstatus |
stand/gather/crowd/take a stand around; surround, beset; be on either side |
circumvehor, circumvehi, circumvectus sum |
make rounds of; travel/ride round/in succession/past; flow round |
circus, circi M |
race course; circus in Rome, celebration of games; circle; orbit |
citatus, citata -um, citatior -or -us, citatissimus -a -um |
quick, swift; early; loose; speeded up, hurried, urged on; full gallop |
cito, citare, citavi, citatus |
urge on, encourage; promote, excite; summon; set in motion; move; cite |
citus, cita -um, citior -or -us, citissimus -a -um |
quick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; early |
clamor, clamoris M |
shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting, applause; clamor/noise/din |
clangor, clangoris M |
clang, noise; blare/blast; crying/clamor; barking/baying |
claudico, claudicare, claudicavi, claudicatus |
limp, be lame; waver, incline to one side; be defective/deficient/fall short |
clavis, clavis F |
door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop |
clavus, clavi M |
callus, wart, tumor, excrescence; foul brood in bees; fungus disease in olives |
clepo, clepere, clepsi, cleptus |
steal; take away secretly; overhear, listen secretly; steal/hide oneself away |
cliens, clientis |
client, dependent, vassal; client state/its citizens, allies |
clodus, cloda, clodum |
limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain |
clueo, cluere, -, - |
be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing |
clunis, clunis |
buttock, haunch, hindquarters |
cluo, cluere, -, - |
be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing |
clupeum, clupei N |
round/embossed shield; disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite |
coagulum, coaguli N |
tie/bond, binding agent; rennet; curds; thickening/congealing; plant |
coetus, coetus M |
meeting, encounter, assembly; union; band, gang, crowd |
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus |
think; consider, reflect on, ponder; imagine, picture; intend, look forward to |
cognatus, cognata, cognatum |
related, related by birth/position, kindred; similar/akin; having affinity with |
coitus, coitus M |
meeting/encounter, gathering; conjunction; meeting place; coalescence |
collegium, collegi(i) N |
college/board; corporation; brotherhood/guild/company/society/school |
collis, collis M |
hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains |
colo, colare, colavi, colatus |
strain/filter, clarify; purify; remove solids by filter; wash |
colonus, coloni M |
farmer, cultivator, tiller; tenant-farmer; settler, colonist; inhabitant |
columba, columbae F |
pigeon; dove |
coma, comae F |
hair, hair of head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays |
comburo, comburere, combussi, combustus |
burn up/away; consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald |
come, comes F |
one or more plants of genus Tragopogon, goat's beard or salsify |
comedo, comesse, -, - |
eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squande |
comedo, comedere, comedi, comestus |
eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squande |
comitialis, comitialis, comitiale |
electoral; pertaining to/proper for comitia |
comitialis, comitialis M |
epileptic, one who has epilepsy; attacks of epilepsy |
comitium, comiti(i) N |
place in Forum where comitia were held; comitia, assembly; elections |
commemini, commeminisse, - |
remember, recollect; remember; mention, cite, recall |
commeo, commeare, commeavi, commeatus |
go to, visit, travel; pass; resort to; go to and fro, come and go; communicate |
commercium, commerci(i) N |
trade/traffic/commerce; commercial/sex intercourse/relations |
commeto, commetare, commetavi, commetatus |
go constantly/frequently; come and go; survey thoroughly |
comminuo, comminuere, comminui, comminutus |
break/crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen |
commoditas, commoditatis F |
timeliness; fitness, aptness; convenience; advantage, utility; complaisance |
commodo, commodare, commodavi, commodatus |
lend, hire; give, bestow, provide; put at disposal of, oblige; make fit, adapt |
commodus, commoda -um, commodior -or -us, commodissimus -a -um |
suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous |
commoror, commorari, commoratus sum |
stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed; dwell on |
commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus |
shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite |
communico, communicare, communicavi, communicatus |
share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with |
commuto, commutare, commutavi, commutatus |
change; alter wholly, rearrange, replace; transform; exchange, barter, sell |
como, comere, compsi, comptus |
arrange/do; adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out |
comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatus |
prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise; unite |
compedio, compedire, compedivi, compeditus |
shackle, fetter; put fetters on |
comperio, comperire, comperi, compertus |
learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty |
compes, compedis F |
shackles, fetters; things impeding movement; chains |
compesco, compescere, compescui, - |
restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close |
compilo, compilare, compilavi, compilatus |
rob/pillage, snatch; steal from/plagiarize; beat up thoroughly |
compingo, compingere, compegi, compactus |
join/fix/attach; bind together; build/construct/compose; put/shut away, confine |
complecto, complectere, complecti, complexus |
embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve |
compleo, complere, complevi, completus |
fill; be big enough to fill; occupy space, crowd; furnish/supply/man |
complus, (gen.), compluris |
many, several, a fair/good number; more than one |
compositio, compositionis F |
arrangement, combination; pairing/matching; order, sequence, structure; union |
comprehendo, comprehendere, comprehendi, comprehensus |
catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
comprimo, comprimere, compressi, compressus |
press/squeeze together, fold, crush; hem/shut/keep/hold in; copulate |
concavus, concava, concavum |
hollow/hollowed out; concave/curving inward; arched; bent/curved; sunken |
concentus, concentus M |
singing/playing/shouting together; harmony; concord; tune; choir |
concha, conchae F |
mollusk/murex/oyster/scallop; pearl/mollusk-shell; Triton horn; female genitali |
concieo, concire, concivi(ii), concitus |
move, set in violent motion, stir up; muster; rouse, excite, incite, provoke |
concilio, conciliare, conciliavi, conciliatus |
unite, bring together/about; cause; win over, attract; acquire, procure, buy |
concilium, concili(i) N |
public gathering/meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate/discussion |
concito, concitare, concitavi, concitatus |
stir up, disturb; discharge/hurl; flow rapidly/strong current; rush |
conclamo, conclamare, conclamavi, conclamatus |
cry/shout aloud/out; make resound w/shouts; give a signal; summon; bewail/mourn |
concredo, concredere, concredidi, concreditus |
entrust for safe keeping; confide; consign/commit |
concresco, concrescere, concrevi, concretus |
thicken; condense/collect; set/curdle/congeal; clot/coagulate; solidify/freeze |
concubeo, concubere, concubui, concubitus |
lie with; have sexual intercourse with |
concubina, concubinae F |
concubine; kept mistress, one living in concubinage |
concutio, concutere, concussi, concussus |
shake/vibrate/agitate violently; wave, brandish; strike |
condicio, condicionis F |
agreement/contract; terms, proposal/option/alternative; situation; stipulation |
condico, condicere, condixi, condictus |
agree, declare/promise; undertake; give notice; obligate, engage |
condignus, condigna, condignum |
appropriate, worthy, befitting; wholly deserving, very worthy |
condono, condonare, condonavi, condonatus |
give; present; make present of; forgive/pardon/absolve; sacrifice to |
conduco, conducere, conduxi, conductus |
be of advantage/profitable/expedient; be proper/fitting/concerned with; tend to |
confestim |
immediately, suddenly; at once, without delay, forthwith; rapidly, speedily |
confidenter, confidentius, confidentissime |
boldly, daringly, with assurance; audaciously, impudently, with effrontery |
confinis, confinis, confine |
adjoining, contiguous/having a common boundary; closely connected, allied, akin |
confio, conferi, confactus sum |
be made/constructed/prepared/completed/accomplished/caused/performed/done |
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatus |
strengthen, develop, build up; make secure/firm; reassure; secure |
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum |
confess, admit, acknowledge, reveal, disclose; concede, allow; denote |
confligo, confligere, conflixi, conflictus |
clash, collide; contend/fight/combat; be in conflict/at war; argue/disagree |
confragosus, confragosa -um, confragosior -or -us, confragosissimus -a -um |
rough, uneven, broken; difficult, hard, difficult to accomplish |
confugio, confugere, confugi, confugitus |
flee; take refuge; have recourse/appeal to |
congemo, congemere, congemui, congemitus |
groan/moan, utter a cry of grief/pain; bewail, lament; sigh deeply |
congero, congerere, congessi, congestus |
collect, bring/get together, amass; heap/pile up/on; build, construct; compile |
congerro, congerronis M |
fellow idler; boon/jolly companion |
congratulor, congratulari, congratulatus sum |
congratulate; wish joy; rejoice with |
congrego, congregare, congregavi, congregatus |
collect/bring together/assemble/convene; flock, congregate; group; concentrate |
congruo, congruere, congrui, - |
agree, coincide, correspond, be consistent; be suited, be adapted; fit in |
conitor, coniti, conisus sum |
strain, strive; put forth; endeavor eagerly; struggle |
conjugium, conjugi(i) N |
marriage/wedlock; husband/wife; couple; mating, pair; close connection |
conjuncte, conjunctius, conjunctissime |
jointly, at same time; together, in a friendly/confidential fashion |
conlabefio, conlabeferi, conlabefactus sum |
collapse/break up; sink together; be overthrown politically/brought to ruin |
conlido, conlidere, conlisi, conlisus |
strike/dash together; crush, batter, deform; set into conflict with each other |
conloco, conlocare, conlocavi, conlocatus |
place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply |
conloquor, conloqui, conlocutus sum |
talk/speak to/with; talk together/over; converse; discuss; confer, parley |
conmemoro, conmemorare, conmemoravi, conmemoratus |
recall; keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record |
conor, conari, conatus sum |
attempt/try/endeavor, make an effort; exert oneself; try to go/rise/speak |
conpello, conpellere, conpuli, conpulsus |
drive together, round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash |
conperio, conperire, conperi, conpertus |
learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty |
conplus, conpluris |
many/several things/items, a fair/good number of things |
conpono, conponere, conposui, conpositus |
compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match; store/hoard; calm |
conprehendo, conprehendere, conprehendi, conprehensus |
catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
conprendo, conprendere, conprendi, conprensus |
catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
conprimo, conprimere, conpressi, conpressus |
press/squeeze together, fold, crush; hem/shut/keep/hold in; copulate |
conprimo, conprimere, conpressi, conpressus |
press, squeeze together, close |
conquasso, conquassare, conquassavi, conquassatus |
shake violently; break, shatter; unsettle, disturb, throw into confusion |
conqueror, conqueri, conquestus sum |
bewail, lament, utter a complaint; complain of, deplore |
conquiesco, conquiescere, conquievi, conquietus |
rest, take repose/be quiet, nap/go to sleep; have respite/pause from |
conquiro, conquirere, conquisivi, conquisitus |
seek out; hunt/rake up; investigate; collect; search out/down/for diligently |
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensus |
climb up, ascend, scale; rise to; mount; board/embark/set out |
conscindo, conscindere, conscidi, conscissus |
rend/tear to pieces, destroy by tearing; slaughter, cut to pieces |
conscribo, conscribere, conscripsi, conscriptus |
enroll/enlist/raise; write on/down, commit to/cover with writing; compos |
consero, conserere, consevi, consitus |
sow, plant, set; breed; sow/strew plentifully/thickly |
consero, conserere, conservi, consertus |
connect/link, fasten/press/put together; construct/compose; join, engage |
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatus |
keep safe/intact, save; preserve, maintain; spare; keep/observe |
conservus, conservi M |
fellow-slave; companion in servitude |
consigno, consignare, consignavi, consignatus |
seal; put on record; indicate precisely/establish; attest/authenticate |
consolo, consolare, consolavi, consolatus |
console, cheer, comfort; console oneself, take comfort |
consors, (gen.), consortis |
sharing inheritance/property; shared, in common; kindred, brotherly, sisterly |
conspargo, conspargere, consparsi, consparsus |
sprinkle/strew/spatter, cover with small drops/particles; diversify/intersperse |
conspectus, conspectus M |
view, sight; aspect/appearance/look; perception/contemplation/survey |
conspicor, conspicari, conspicatus sum |
catch sight of, see; observe, notice; perceive; be conspicuous; be regarded |
constanter, constantius, constantissime |
firmly, immovably; steadily, constantly, without change; resolutely; loyally |
constantia, constantiae F |
perseverance; harmony; steadfastness, persistence; firmness; courage; loyalty |
consuetudo, consuetudinis F |
habit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention |
consummo, consummare, consummavi, consummatus |
add/reckon/total/sum/make up; finish off, end; bring about, achieve/accomplish |
consurgo, consurgere, consurrexi, consurrectus |
rise/stand up; rise; ambush |
contages, contagis F |
contact, touch; infection, contagion |
contagium, contagi(i) N |
action/fact of touching, contact; contact communicating infection, contagion |
contamino, contaminare, contaminavi, contaminatus |
corrupt, defile, stain, befoul spoil; ruin, dishonor |
contego, contegere, contexi, contectus |
cover up, conceal, hide; protect; clothe; roof over; bury/entomb; strew thickly |
contemplo, contemplare, contemplavi, contemplatus |
observe/note/notice, gaze/look hard at, regard; contemplate/consider carefully |
contemplor, contemplari, contemplatus sum |
observe/note/notice, gaze/look hard at, regard; contemplate/consider carefully |
contentio, contentionis F |
stretching, tension; strenuous exercise; comparison |
contexo, contexere, contexui, contextus |
weave/entwine/braid/twist together; compose/connect/link/combine; make/join/for |
contrarius, contraria, contrarium |
opposite, contrary, in contradiction; antithetical; opposed/hostile/adverse |
contrecto, contrectare, contrectavi, contrectatus |
touch repeatedly, handle, finger; feel; handle unlawfully |
contremisco, contremiscere, contremui, - |
tremble all over; shake, quake; tremble at/with fear, be afraid of |
controversia, controversiae F |
controversy/dispute; debate; moot case debated in school, forensic exercise |
contumelia, contumeliae F |
indignity, affront, abuse/insult; insulting language/behavior; rough treatment |
contundo, contundere, contudi, contusus |
quell/crush/outdo/subdue utterly; bruise/beat; pound to pieces/powder/pulp |
contuor, contui, - |
look at/gaze on/behold; see to; be in sight of, have view of; contemplate/weigh |
conubium, conubi(i) N |
marriage/wedlock; right to marry; act/ceremony of marriage |
convenus, convena, convenum |
coming together for some purpose; meeting |
conversatio, conversationis F |
way/manner of life, conduct/behavior; monastic life; frequent resorting |
convinco, convincere, convici, convictus |
conquer, establish; convince; overcome, demonstrate, prove clearly; grant |
convivium, convivi(i) N |
banquet/feast/dinner party; guests/people at party; dining-club; living togethe |
convivo, convivere, convixi, convictus |
live at same time, be contemporary; spend time in company; live/dine together |
convoco, convocare, convocavi, convocatus |
call/bring together; assemble; convoke/convene; summon/muster; collect |
coorior, cooriri, coortus sum |
appear, originate; arise, break out; be born; spring forth/to attack |
copiosus, copiosa -um, copiosior -or -us, copiosissimus -a -um |
plentiful/copious/abundant; well supplied/equipped, w/ample resources; prolific |
corium, cori(i) N |
skin/leather/hide; peel/rind/shell/outer cover; layer/coating; thong/strap/whip |
cornelius, cornelius |
Cornelius |
corniger, cornigera, cornigerum |
horn-bearing, horned; having horns/antlers |
cornix, cornicis F |
crow |
corporo, corporare, corporavi, corporatus |
kill, strike dead; form into a body, furnish w/a body; form |
corpusculum, corpusculi N |
small/little body/object, atom/minute particle; human body |
costa, costae F |
rib; side/flank/back; rib with meat; ribs/frame of ship; sides of pot |
cotidianus, cotidiana, cotidianum |
daily, everyday; usual/habitual, normal/regular; ordinary/common/unremarkable |
cottidie |
daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly |
crassitudo, crassitudinis F |
thickness; density/consistency; richness; sediment |
crastinus, crastina, crastinum |
of tomorrow/next day/future |
credulitas, credulitatis F |
credulity, trustfulness; easiness of belief |
crepito, crepitare, crepitavi, crepitatus |
rattle/clatter; rustle/crackle; produce rapid succession of sharp/shrill noises |
crepo, crepare, crepui, crepitus |
rattle/rustle/clatter; jingle/tinkle; snap; harp on, grumble at; fart |
crinio, crinire, -, crinitus |
deck/cover/provide with hair |
croceus, crocea, croceum |
yellow, golden; saffron-colored; of saffron/its oil, saffron-; scarlet |
crocus, croci |
saffron |
crucio, cruciare, cruciavi, cruciatus |
torment, torture; cause grief/anguish; crucify; suffer torture/agony; grieve |
cruditas, cruditatis F |
indigestion; inability to digest; too full stomach; undigested food; bitterness |
cruor, cruoris M |
blood; vegetable/other juice |
cubiculum, cubiculi N |
bedroom; sleeping chamber/apartment/suite |
cubitalis, cubitalis, cubitale |
cubit long/broad/high; elbow- |
cudo, cudere, cudi, cusus |
beat/pound/thresh; forge/stamp/hammer; make by beating/striking, coin |
cujatis, (gen.), cujatis |
of what country/town/locality?; whence? |
culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatus |
blame, find fault with, censure, reproach, reprove, disapprove; accuse, condemn |
culter, cultri M |
knife; pruner edge; spear point; plowshare |
cultor, cultoris M |
inhabitant; husbandman/planter/grower; supporter; worshiper; who has interest |
cumba, cumbae F |
skiff, small boat |
cupido, cupidinis |
desire/love/wish/longing; lust; greed, appetite; desire for gain |
cuppedo, cuppedinis |
desire/longing/love; lust; greed, appetite; desire for gain |
curiosus, curiosa -um, curiosior -or -us, curiosissimus -a -um |
careful, diligent, painstaking; attentive; fussy; meddlesome, interfering |
cursus, cursus M |
running; speed/zeal; charge, onrush; forward movement/march; revolution |
curvus, curva, curvum |
curved/bent/arched; crooked; morally wrong; stooped/bowed; winding; w/many bend |
cuspis, cuspidis F |
point/tip, pointed end; spit/stake; blade; javelin/spear/lance; sting |
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus |
guard/protect/preserve, watch over, keep safe; take heed/care, observe; restrai |
cyathisso, cyathissare, cyathissavi, cyathissatus |
ladle out wine; fill a cyathus/ladle |
cygnus, cygni M |
swan |
cynthia, cynthiae |
Cynthia |
cyprinus, cyprina, cyprinum |
of the henna tree Lawsonia inermis; henna oil; copper-. of copper |
cytherea, cythereae |
Cytherea |
d., abb. |
diem, abb. d; in calendar expression a. d.= ante diem= before the day |
damnosus, damnosa -um, damnosior -or -us, damnosissimus -a -um |
harmful/detrimental/ruinous; prodigal/spendthrift; that causes financial loss |
daps, dapis F |
sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals |
decem |
ten |
decenter, decentius, decentissime |
appropriately/decently, with good taste; becomingly, pleasingly, gracefully |
deceris, deceris, decere |
having ten banks of oars or with oars/rowers grouped in tens in some way |
decipio, decipere, decepi, deceptus |
cheat/deceive/mislead/dupe/trap; elude/escape notice; disappoint/frustrate/foil |
decolo, decolare, decolavi, decolatus |
trickle/drain away/from/through; drain; come to naught, fail |
decresco, decrescere, decrevi, decretus |
decrease; abate; diminish, dwindle, shrink; be subtracted |
dedecus, dedecoris N |
disgrace/dishonor/discredit/shame/infamy; misbehavior; vice, turpitude |
dedolo, dedolare, dedolavi, dedolatus |
cut down; hew smooth/away/to shape; beat/cudgel badly |
deerro, deerrare, deerravi, deerratus |
go astray, wander off; miss, stray from target/goal; err/make a mistake/go wron |
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus |
defend/guard/protect, look after; act/speak/plead/write for defense; prosecute |
defio, deferi, defactus sum |
lack, be lacking; be in short supply; run short; grow less, subside |
defleo, deflere, deflevi, defletus |
cry bitterly; give oneself up to tears; weep much/violently/to exhaustion |
defluo, defluere, defluxi, defluxus |
flow/glide/run down; descend/fall; flow/stream away; float/swim/row downstream |
deformis, deforme, deformior -or -us, deformissimus -a -um |
deformed/illformed/misshapen/disfigured; shameful/degrading/base; ugly/loathsom |
defrico, defricare, defricui, defrictus |
rub hard/thoroughly; rub down; scour/rub off |
defrudo, defrudare, defrudavi, defrudatus |
cheat, defraud, deceive; rob |
defungor, defungi, defunctus sum |
have done with, finish, bring/come to end, be quit/done/rid of; discharge |
degusto, degustare, degustavi, degustatus |
taste; taste/try/eat/drink a little of; glance at; graze; sip; test; judge |
dehisco, dehiscere, dehivi, - |
gape/yawn/split open; part/divide, develop/leave a gap/leak; be/become apart |
dein |
then/next/afterward; thereon/henceforth/from there/then; in next position/place |
dejero, dejerare, dejeravi, dejeratus |
swear, take an oath |
deleo, delere, delevi, deletus |
erase, wipe/scratch/remove, wipe/blot out, expunge, delete |
deliberatio, deliberationis F |
deliberation/consultation, consideration; deliberative style speech |
delibo, delibare, delibavi, delibatus |
skim/flake/scrape off; channel off; pick out a choice specimen; perform |
delicatus, delicata -um, delicatior -or -us, delicatissimus -a -um |
luxurious/sumptuous, addicted to pleasure; self-indulgent/comfortable; pampered |
delicia, deliciae F |
favorite/pet/darling/beloved; man w/fine taste/gourmet; voluptuary |
deliramentum, deliramenti N |
delusion, nonsense; product of a deranged mind; absurdity |
delphinus, delphini M |
dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; constellation |
deludo, deludere, delusi, delusus |
deceive/dupe; play false/mock/make sport; play through, complete a performance |
dem, demos/is M |
community, a people; administrative district; tract of land |
dementio, dementire, -, - |
become deranged; lose one's reason; be mad, rave |
demiror, demirari, demiratus sum |
wonder; be amazed/utterly astonished at, at loss to imagine |
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus |
point out/at/to, draw attention to; explain/describe/show, give an account of |
demoror, demorari, demoratus sum |
detain, cause delay, keep waiting/back, hold up; keep; delay/linger/stay |
demurmuro, demurmurare, demurmuravi, demurmuratus |
mutter through; mutter over |
demuto, demutare, demutavi, demutatus |
change/alter/transform; deviate from way/goal, fail; depart/be different from |
dentatus, dentata, dentatum |
toothed; w/ teeth; w/spikes/teeth/gears; polished w/tooth |
dentio, dentire, -, - |
teethe, cut teeth; grow longer |
denumero, denumerare, denumeravi, denumeratus |
pay in full; pay down |
denuo |
anew, over again, from a fresh beginning; for a second time, once more; in turn |
deorsum |
down, downwards, beneath, below; in lower situation |
deperdo, deperdere, deperdidi, deperditus |
lose permanently/utterly; be deprived/desperate; destroy, ruin |
depereo, deperire, deperivi(ii), deperitus |
perish/die; be lost/totally destroyed; be much in love with/love to distraction |
depono, deponere, deposivi, depositus |
put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit |
depono, deponere, deposui, depostus |
put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit |
deporto, deportare, deportavi, deportatus |
bring, convey; carry along/down; transport; take/bring home |
deprecor, deprecari, deprecatus sum |
avert by prayer; entreat/pray/beg; intercede/beg pardon/mercy/relief/exemption |
deprehendo, deprehendere, deprehendi, deprehensus |
seize/catch; catch napping/redhanded; surprise/pounce on; arrest; intercept |
deprendo, deprendere, deprendi, deprensus |
seize/catch; catch napping/redhanded; surprise/pounce on; arrest; intercept |
depugno, depugnare, depugnavi, depugnatus |
fight hard/it out, do battle; fight against and kill; stop fighting |
derepo, derepere, derepsi, - |
crawl/creep/sneak down |
deridiculus, deridicula, deridiculum |
very/utterly laughable; ridiculous, absurd, ludicrous |
derigo, derigere, derexi, derectus |
arrange/set in line/direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in |
deripio, deripere, deripui, dereptus |
seize/grab/snatch/take away; tear/pull off/down; remove |
derupio, derupere, derupui, dereptus |
seize/grab/snatch/take away; tear/pull off/down; remove |
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratus |
desire/want, long/wish for, request, require/need; miss, lack; lose |
desilio, desilire, desilui, desultus |
leap/jump down, dismount, alight; jump headlong, venture heedlessly |
desilio, desilire, desului, desultus |
leap/jump down, dismount, alight; jump headlong, venture heedlessly |
despicatus, despicatus M |
scorn; contempt |
despolio, despoliare, despoliavi, despoliatus |
rob/plunder; despoil; strip, deprive of clothing/covering |
despolior, despoliari, despoliatus sum |
rob/plunder; despoil; strip, deprive of clothing/covering |
despondeo, despondere, despopondi, desponsus |
betroth, promise in marriage; pledge, promise; despair/yield/give up |
destringo, destringere, destrinxi, destrictus |
strip off, remove by cutting; strip; scrape/rub down |
detego, detegere, detexi, detectus |
uncover/disclose/reveal; expose, lay bare; fleece; unsheathe; remove; unroof |
detergeo, detergere, detersi, detersus |
wipe/clean off/away; strip/trim/sheer/break/sweep off, rub/wipe clean; cancel |
deterioro, deteriorare, deterioravi, deterioratus |
make worse; deteriorate |
detineo, detinere, detinui, detentus |
detain, hold; hold off, keep away; hold prisoner; retain; occupy |
detrudo, detrudere, detrusi, detrusus |
push/thrust/drive/force off/away/aside/from/down; expel; dispossess; postpone |
deverto, devertere, deverti, deversus |
divert, turn away/aside/in/off; detour/digress/branch off; lodge/put up |
devincio, devincire, devinxi, devinctus |
tie/bind up, hold/fix fast; subjugate; obligate/oblige/constrain; unite closely |
devito, devitare, devitavi, devitatus |
avoid; get/keep clear of; shun; go out of the way of; dodge/duck/evade |
devius, devia, devium |
remote/secluded; out-of-way, off road; sequestered, in seclusion; retired; shy |
devorto, devortere, deverti, deversus |
divert, turn away/aside/in/off; detour/digress/branch off; lodge/put up |
devoveo, devovere, devovi, devotus |
devote, consecrate; vow, promise solemnly; mark out, appoint; curse, execrate |
diabolus, diaboli M |
devil; The Devil, Satan, Prince of Evil/Darkness; evil one |
diadema, diadematis N |
diadem/crown; ornamental headband; dominion; preeminence |
dica, dicae F |
lawsuit; legal action; judicial process |
dicaculus, dicacula, dicaculum |
talkative/loquacious; glib; spirited/lively; witty; facetious |
diduco, diducere, diduxi, diductus |
divide, split, separate, sever; cause to come apart, break up; loosen |
dierectus, dierecta, dierectum |
crucified; hanged |
difficulter |
with difficulty; reluctantly |
difflo, difflare, difflavi, difflatus |
blow away, scatter/disperse by blowing; blow apart |
diffluo, diffluere, diffluxi, diffluctus |
flow away; waste/wear/melt away; dissolve/disappear; pass out; ramble |
diffugio, diffugere, diffugi, diffugitus |
scatter, disperse, dispel; flee/run away in different/several directions |
dignitas, dignitatis F |
worth, excellence; fitness/suitability,; honor, esteem, standing |
dilanio, dilaniare, dilaniavi, dilaniatus |
tear to pieces; shred; rend/pull asunder |
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus |
love, hold dear; value/esteem/favor; have special regard for |
dimicatio, dimicationis F |
fight; instance of a battle/engagement; combat; struggle, conflict; contest |
dimico, dimicare, dimicui, dimicatus |
fight, battle; struggle/contend/strive; brandish weapons; be in conflict/peril |
dimidio, dimidiare, dimidiavi, dimidiatus |
halve, divide in half/two; divide into two equal parts |
dimidius, dimidia, dimidium |
half; incomplete, mutilated |
diminuo, diminuere, diminui, diminutus |
shatter; break; dash to pieces; violate/outrage; lessen/diminish |
dinus, dina, dinum |
divine; godlike |
dirigo, dirigere, direxi, directus |
arrange/set in line/direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in |
diripio, diripere, diripui, direptus |
pull/tear apart/to pieces/away; tear asunder/to shreds; pull out/off; divert |
dirus, dira -um, dirior -or -us, dirissimus -a -um |
awful/dire/dreadful; ominous/frightful/terrible/horrible; skillful |
dis, ditis (gen.), ditior -or -us, ditissimus -a -um |
rich/wealthy; richly adorned; fertile/productive; profitable; sumptuous |
discerno, discernere, discrevi, discretus |
see, discern; distinguish, separate |
discerpo, discerpere, discerpsi, discerptus |
pluck or tear in pieces; rend, mutilate, mangle |
discido, discidere, -, - |
cut in pieces |
discindo, discindere, discidi, discissus |
cut in two, divide |
disciplina, disciplinae F |
teaching, instruction, education; training; discipline; method, science, study |
discors, (gen.), discordis |
warring, disagreeing, inharmonious; discordant, at variance; inconsistent |
discrimen, discriminis N |
crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference |
discumbo, discumbere, discubui, discubitus |
sit, recline at table; lie down; go to bed |
discurro, discurrere, discurri, discursus |
run off in different directions; run/dash around/about; wander; roam |
disicio, disicere, disjeci, disjectus |
break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide |
disjungo, disjungere, disjunxi, disjunctus |
unyoke; disunite, sever, divide, separate, part, estrange; put asunder |
dispendium, dispendi(i) N |
expense, cost; loss |
dispereo, disperire, disperivi(ii), disperitus |
perish/die; be destroyed; be ruined/lost/undone; disappear |
dispergo, dispergere, dispersi, dispersus |
scatter, disperse |
dispicio, dispicere, dispexi, dispectus |
look about, discover espy, consider |
displiceo, displicere, displicui, displicitus |
displease |
disputo, disputare, disputavi, disputatus |
discuss, debate, argue |
disserto, dissertare, dissertavi, dissertatus |
discuss |
dissicio, dissicere, dissjeci, dissjectus |
break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide |
dissocio, dissociare, dissociavi, dissociatus |
be/set at variance with, split into factions, separate, part |
dissulto, dissultare, dissultavi, dissultatus |
fly or burst apart; bounce off |
distendo, distendere, distendi, distentus |
stretch; spread out; distend; extend; rack; detract, perplex |
distorqueo, distorquere, distorsi, distortus |
twist this way and that |
diurnus, diurna, diurnum |
by day, of the day; daily |
dius, dia, dium |
divine; w/supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint |
diutinus, diutina, diutinum |
long lasting, long |
divinus, divina -um, divinior -or -us, divinissimus -a -um |
divine, of a deity/god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired, prophetic; natural |
divortium, divorti(i) N |
separation; divorce; point of separation; watershed |
divus, divi M |
god |
docilis, docilis, docile |
easily taught, teachable, responsive; docile |
doctrina, doctrinae F |
education; learning; science; teaching; instruction; principle; doctrine |
dolo, dolare, dolavi, dolatus |
hew/chop into shape, fashion/devise; inflict blows, batter/cudgel soundly, drub |
domesticus, domestica, domesticum |
domestic, of the house; familiar, native; civil, private, personal |
domina, dominae F |
mistress of a family, wife; lady, lady-love; owner |
dominicus, dominica, dominicum |
of/belonging to master/owner; belonging to the Roman Emperor; the Lord's |
dominor, dominari, dominatus sum |
be master/despot/in control, rule over, exercise sovereignty; rule/dominate |
domus, domus F |
house, building; home, household |
donum, doni N |
gift, present; offering |
dorsum, dorsi N |
back, range, ridge; slope of a hill |
dos, dotis F |
dowry, dower; talent, quality |
draco, draconis M |
dragon; snake |
dubitatio, dubitationis F |
doubt, irresolution, uncertainty; wavering, hesitation; questioning |
ducto, ductare, ductavi, ductatus |
lead |
duis |
twice, at 2 times/occasions; doubly, twofold, in 2 ways |
dulcedo, dulcedinis F |
sweetness, agreeableness; charm |
duodecim, duodecimus -a -um, duodeni -ae -a, duodecie(n)s |
duritia, duritiae F |
hardness, insensibility; hardship, oppressiveness; strictness, rigor |
ebur, eboris N |
ivory; object/statue of ivory; curule chair; elephant/tusk |
eccere |
Here she/it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; There you are! |
edentulus, edentula, edentulum |
toothless; matured |
edico, edicere, edixi, edictus |
proclaim, declare; appoint |
effigies, effigiei F |
copy, image, likeness, portrait; effigy, statue; ghost |
effio, efferi, effactus sum |
be accomplished/completed/made/executed/done; come to pass |
effodio, effodere, effodi, effossus |
dig out, excavate; gouge out |
effugium, effugi(i) N |
flight; way of escape |
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusus |
pour out/away/off; allow to drain; shower; volley; send/stream forth |
egelidus, egelida, egelidum |
lukewarm, tepid |
egenus, egena, egenum |
in want of, destitute of |
egero, egerere, egessi, egestus |
carry or bear out, discharge, utter |
egregius, egregia, egregium |
singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent |
ehem |
oho! well well! |
eicio, eicere, ejeci, ejectus |
cast/throw/fling/drive out/up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out |
ejicio, ejicere, ejeci, ejectus |
cast/throw/fling/drive out/up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out |
ejusmodi |
of this sort; of such kind |
elabor, elabi, elapsus sum |
slip away; escape; elapse |
elegus, elegi M |
elegiac verses, elegy |
elementum, elementi N |
elements; rudiments, beginnings; kinds of matter |
elephas, elephantis M |
elephant; ivory; large variety of lobster, large sea creature; elephantiasis |
elicio, elicere, elicui, elicitus |
draw/pull out/forth, entice, elicit, coax |
elleborum, ellebori N |
hellebore |
eloquentia, eloquentiae F |
eloquence |
eludo, eludere, elusi, elusus |
elude, escape from; parry; baffle; cheat; frustrate; mock, make fun of |
emano, emanare, emanavi, emanatus |
flow out; arise, emanate from, become known |
emineo, eminere, eminui, - |
stand out; be prominent/preeminent, excel; project |
emorior, emori, emortuus sum |
die, die off, perish; die out; decease, pass away |
emptor, emptoris M |
buyer, purchaser |
enarro, enarrare, enarravi, enarratus |
describe; explain/relate in detail |
eneco, enecare, enecui, enectus |
kill/slay; deprive of life; kill off; exhaust/wear out, plague/torture to death |
eno, enare, enavi, enatus |
swim out |
ensis, ensis M |
sword |
eodem |
same, the same, the very same; also |
epistola, epistolae F |
letter/dispatch/written communication; imperial rescript; epistle; preface |
epistula, epistulae F |
letter/dispatch/written communication; imperial rescript; epistle; preface |
epulor, epulari, epulatus sum |
dine sumptuously, feast |
equa, equae F |
mare |
erga |
towards, opposite |
erigo, erigere, erexi, erectus |
raise, erect, build; rouse, excite, stimulate |
eructo, eructare, eructavi, eructatus |
bring up noisily; discharge violently |
erudio, erudire, erudivi, eruditus |
educate, teach, instruct |
erumpo, erumpere, erupi, eruptus |
burst/pop; cause to burst; become dislocated |
escarius, escaria, escarium |
relating to food or bait |
estuans, (gen.), estuantis |
passionate? |
esurio, esurire, esurivi, esuritus |
be hungry, hunger; want to eat, desire food; desire eagerly |
eternus, eterna -um, eternior -or -us, eternissimus -a -um |
eternal, everlasting, imperishable; perpetual; having no beginning/end |
etiamsi |
even if, although |
etiamtum |
even then; yet |
euhoe |
cry of joy used by the votaries of Bacchus |
evidens, (gen.), evidentis |
apparent, evident |
evolvo, evolvere, evolvi, evolutus |
roll out, unroll; disclose, unfold; extricate; pursue; explain |
evomo, evomere, evomui, evomitus |
vomit out |
exanimis, exanimis, exanime |
dead; lifeless; breathless, terrified, dismayed |
exanimo, exanimare, exanimavi, exanimatus |
kill, deprive of life; scare, alarm greatly; tire, exhaust; be out of breath |
exaspero, exasperare, exasperavi, exasperatus |
roughen; irritate |
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus |
pass, withdraw, exceed; go away/out/beyond; die |
exclamo, exclamare, exclamavi, exclamatus |
exclaim, shout; cry out, call out |
excrucio, excruciare, excruciavi, excruciatus |
torture; torment |
excubo, excubare, excubui, excubitus |
sleep/lie in the open/out of doors; keep watch; be attentive |
excusatio, excusationis F |
excuse |
exedo, exesse, -, - |
eat up, consume; hollow |
exhalo, exhalare, exhalavi, exhalatus |
breathe out; evaporate; die |
exigo, exigere, exegi, exactus |
drive out, expel; finish; examine, weigh |
exilium, exili(i) N |
exile, banishment; place of exile/retreat; exiles, those exiled |
exinde |
thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause |
exitium, exiti(i) N |
destruction, ruin; death; mischief |
exopto, exoptare, exoptavi, exoptatus |
long for |
exordior, exordiri, exorsus sum |
begin, commence |
exos, (gen.), exosis |
boneless, without bones |
exoticus, exotica, exoticum |
foreign, outlandish, exotic |
expavesco, expavescere, expavi, - |
become frightened |
expecto, expectare, expectavi, expectatus |
await, expect; anticipate; hope for |
expeditus, expedita -um, expeditior -or -us, expeditissimus -a -um |
unencumbered; without baggage; light armed |
expendo, expendere, expendi, expensus |
pay; pay out; weigh, judge; pay a penalty |
expers, (gen.), expertis |
free from; without; lacking experience; immune from |
expetesso, expetessere, -, - |
desire, wish for |
expeto, expetere, expetivi, expetitus |
ask for; desire; aspire to; demand; happen; fall on |
explico, explicare, explicui, explicitus |
unfold, extend; set forth, explain |
exporto, exportare, exportavi, exportatus |
export, carry out |
expromo, expromere, exprompsi, expromptus |
bring/take out, put out; put to use, put in play; disclose, reveal |
expurgo, expurgare, expurgavi, expurgatus |
cleanse, purify; exculpate |
exquiro, exquirere, exquisivi, exquisitus |
seek out, search for, hunt up; inquire into |
exsanguis, exsanguis, exsangue |
bloodless, pale, wan, feeble; frightened |
exstinguo, exstinguere, exstinxi, exstinctus |
put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy |
exstruo, exstruere, exstruxi, exstructus |
pile/build up, raise, build, construct |
exsupero, exsuperare, exsuperavi, exsuperatus |
excel; overtop; surpass; overpower |
exsurgo, exsurgere, exsurrexi, exsurrectus |
bestir oneself/take action; swell/rise/move/extend up/out/to higher moral level |
extendo, extendere, extendi, extentus |
stretch/thrust out; make taut; extend/prolong/continue; enlarge/increase |
extenuo, extenuare, extenuavi, extenuatus |
make thin; diminish |
extergo, extergere, extersi, extersus |
wipe; wipe dry; wipe away |
extinguo, extinguere, extinxi, extinctus |
quench, extinguish; kill; destroy |
extrudo, extrudere, extrusi, extrusus |
thrust out; draw out |
exulceratio, exulcerationis F |
ulceration, condition of being raw/unhealed; irritation, that which exasperates |
exulto, exultare, exultavi, exultatus |
jump about; let oneself go; exult |
exuo, exuere, exui, exutus |
pull off; undress, take off; strip, deprive of; lay aside, cast off |
exuvia, exuviae F |
things stripped off; spoils, booty; memento, something of another's |
faber, fabra, fabrum |
skillful; ingenious; of craftsman/workman/artisan or his work |
fabre |
skillfully; ingeniously; in workmanlike manner |
fabrica, fabricae F |
craft, art; craft of metalwork/building; construction/building/making |
fabricor, fabricari, fabricatus sum |
build/construct/fashion/forge/shape; train; get ready; invent/devise |
fabulosus, fabulosa, fabulosum |
storied, fabulous; celebrated in story |
facesso, facessere, facessi, facessitus |
do; perpetrate; go away |
faciliter |
easily |
facultas, facultatis F |
means; ability, skill; opportunity, chance; resources, supplies |
faeneror, faenerari, faeneratus sum |
lend money at interest; make interest/profit; invest/finance/supply; borrow |
faenum, faeni N |
hay |
faenus, faenoris N |
interest, usury; profit, gain; advantage |
faex, faecis F |
dregs, grounds; sediment, lees; deposits; dregs of society |
falcifer, falcifera, falciferum |
carrying a scythe; scythed |
fallax, fallacis (gen.), fallacior -or -us, fallacissimus -a -um |
deceitful, treacherous; misleading, deceptive; false, fallacious; spurious |
falx, falcis F |
sickle. scythe; pruning knife; curved blade; hook for tearing down walls |
familiaris, familiaris, familiare |
domestic; of family; intimate |
familiariter |
on friendly terms |
fanum, fani N |
sanctuary, temple |
farina, farinae F |
flour/meal; stuff persons made of; dust/powder |
fars, fartis F |
stuffing; minced meat |
fas, undeclined N |
divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed |
fascia, fasciae F |
band/strip; ribbon; B:bandage; streak/band of cloud; headband/filet; sash |
fascis, fascis M |
bundles of rods |
fastidio, fastidire, fastidivi, fastiditus |
disdain; be scornful; feel aversion to, be squeamish |
fatalis, fatalis, fatale |
fated, destined; fatal, deadly |
fatiscor, fatisci, - |
gape, crack; crack open, part asunder; grow weak or exhausted, droop |
favilla, favillae F |
glowing ashes, embers; spark; ashes |
favonius, favonii M |
hair dryer |
favus, favi M |
honeycomb |
fax, facis F |
torch, firebrand, fire; flame of love; torment |
febricito, febricitare, febricitavi, febricitatus |
have fever, be feverish, be ill of a fever |
fecunditas, fecunditatis F |
fruitfulness |
fel, fellis N |
gall, bile; poison; bitterness, venom; gall bladder |
feliciter |
happily |
felix, felicis (gen.), felicior -or -us, felicissimus -a -um |
happy; blessed; fertile; favorable; lucky; successful, fruitful |
femineus, feminea, femineum |
woman's; female, feminine; proper to/typical of a woman; effeminate, cowardly |
femur, femoris N |
thigh; flat vertical band on triglyph |
femur, feminis N |
thigh; flat vertical band on triglyph |
fera, ferae F |
wild beast/animal |
ferio, ferire, -, - |
hit, strike; strike a bargain; kill, slay |
ferio, feriare, feriavi, feriatus |
rest from work/labor; keep/celebrate holiday; be idle; abstain from |
feritas, feritatis F |
wildness, barbaric/savage/uncultivated state; savagery, ferocity; brutality |
ferme |
nearly, almost, about; hardly ever |
ferramentum, ferramenti N |
iron tool |
ferveo, fervere, ferbui, - |
be hot; boil/burn; seethe/surge; swarm; be turbulent/run strongly; froth |
fervesco, fervescere, -, - |
grow hot |
fervidus, fervida, fervidum |
glowing; boiling hot; fiery, torrid, roused, fervid; hot blooded |
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus |
hasten, hurry |
festivus, festiva -um, festivior -or -us, festivissimus -a -um |
feast/festive; excellent/fine; jovial, genial; lively, witty |
fetus, fetus M |
offspring/young; children; brood/litter |
fibra, fibrae F |
fiber, filament; entrails; leaf, blade |
fibula, fibulae F |
clasp, buckle, brooch |
ficus, ficus M |
fig; fig tree; hemorrhoids/piles |
fiducia, fiduciae F |
trust, confidence; faith, reliance; courage |
fidus, fida, fidum |
faithful, loyal; trusting, confident |
figulus, figuli M |
potter; maker of earthenware vessels |
figura, figurae F |
shape, form, figure, image; beauty; style; figure of speech |
figuro, figurare, figuravi, figuratus |
form, fashion, shape |
filum, fili N |
thread, string, filament, fiber; texture, style, nature |
fimum, fimi N |
dung, excrement |
fingo, fingere, finxi, fictus |
mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive |
firmo, firmare, firmavi, firmatus |
strengthen, harden; support; declare; prove, confirm, establish |
firmus, firma -um, firmior -or -us, firmissimus -a -um |
firm/steady; substantial/solid/secure/safe; strong/robust/sturdy/stout/durable |
flagellum, flagelli N |
whip, lash, scourge; thong; vine shoot; arm/tentacle |
flagro, flagrare, flagravi, flagratus |
be on fire; blaze, flame, burn; be inflamed/excited |
flamen, flaminis |
priest, flamen; priest of specific deity |
flatus, flatus M |
blowing; snorting; breath; breeze |
flavus, flava, flavum |
yellow, golden, gold colored; flaxen, blond; golden-haired |
flebilis, flebilis, flebile |
lamentable, causing/worthy of/accompanied by tears; doleful, tearful, weeping |
floccus, flocci M |
tuft/wisp of wool |
floreus, florea, floreum |
flowery |
fluctuo, fluctuare, fluctuavi, fluctuatus |
rise in waves, surge, swell, undulate, fluctuate; float; be agitated/restless |
fluito, fluitare, fluitavi, fluitatus |
float; flow; waver |
fluviatilis, fluviatilis, fluviatile |
river-; of a river |
fluvius, fluvi(i) M |
river, stream; running water |
foedo, foedare, foedavi, foedatus |
defile; pollute; soil, stain, make filthy/unclean; contaminate; corrupt |
foedus, foeda -um, foedior -or -us, foedissimus -a -um |
foul; filthy, unclean; disgusting, loathsome, ghastly, beastly; hideous, ugly |
foedus, foederis N |
treaty, league, formal agreement, alliance; P:peace, amity |
fomentum, fomenti N |
poultice/dressing; hot/cold compress; solace, alleviation; kindling; wick |
fons, fontis M |
spring, fountain, well; source/fount; principal cause; font; baptistry |
formica, formicae F |
ant |
formosus, formosa -um, formosior -or -us, formosissimus -a -um |
beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form |
forsan |
perhaps |
forsitan |
perhaps |
fortiter, fortius, fortissime |
strongly; bravely; boldly |
fortunatus, fortunata -um, fortunatior -or -us, fortunatissimus -a -um |
lucky, fortunate; rich, wealthy; happy; blessed |
fortuno, fortunare, fortunavi, fortunatus |
make happy, bless, prosper |
fovea, foveae F |
pit, pitfall |
fragmentum, fragmenti N |
fragment |
fragor, fragoris M |
noise, crash |
fraternus, fraterna, fraternum |
brotherly/brother's; of/belonging to a brother; fraternal; friendly; of cousin |
fraudo, fraudare, fraudavi, fraudatus |
cheat/defraud/swindle; deprive deceitfully; baffle, make ineffectual; dishonor |
fraudulentus, fraudulenta -um, fraudulentior -or -us, fraudulentissimus -a -um |
fraudulent, deceitful; dishonest; false |
frequens, frequentis (gen.), frequentior -or -us, frequentissimus -a -um |
crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant |
frequento, frequentare, frequentavi, frequentatus |
frequent; repeat often; haunt; throng; crowd; celebrate |
fricatio, fricationis F |
rubbing; friction |
frigesco, frigescere, frixi, - |
become cold, cool, lose heat; slaken, abate, fall off/flat |
frixus, frixa, frixum |
roasted; fried |
fructus, fructus M |
produce, crops; fruit; profit; enjoyment; reward |
frustum, frusti N |
crumb, morsel, scrap of food |
fuco, fucare, fucavi, fucatus |
color; paint; dye |
fugitivus, fugitiva, fugitivum |
fugitive |
fulcio, fulcire, fulsi, fultus |
prop up, support |
fulgor, fulgoris M |
brightness/brilliance/radiance; splendor/glory; flame/flash; lightening/meteor |
fulmen, fulminis N |
lightning, flash; thunderbolt; crushing blow |
fundamentum, fundamenti N |
foundation; beginning; basis |
fundus, fundi M |
farm; piece of land, estate; bottom, lowest part; foundation; an authority |
funis, funis M |
rope; line, cord, sheet, cable; measuring-line/rope, lot |
furca, furcae F |
fork; prop |
furia, furiae F |
frenzy, fury; rage; mad craving; Furies, avenging spirits |
fusco, fuscare, fuscavi, fuscatus |
darken, blacken, make dark; become dark |
fuscus, fusca, fuscum |
dark, swarthy, dusky; husky; hoarse |
galea, galeae F |
helmet |
ganeum, ganei N |
common eating house; gluttonous eating |
gaudium, gaudi(i) N |
joy, delight, gladness; source/cause of joy; physical/sensual delight |
gelida, gelidae F |
ice cold water |
gelidus, gelida, gelidum |
ice cold, icy |
gelu, gelus N |
frost, ice, snow; frosty weather; cold, chilliness |
gemma, gemmae F |
bud; jewel, gem, precious stone; amber; cup; seal, signet; game piec |
gemmeus, gemmea, gemmeum |
set with precious stones |
gena, genae F |
cheeks; eyes |
generasco, generascere, -, - |
come to birth; be generated/produced |
generosus, generosa, generosum |
noble, of noble birth; of good family/stock |
genialis, genialis, geniale |
nuptial, connected with marriage; festive, merry, genial |
genitalis, genitalis, genitale |
of creation/procreation, reproductive; fruitful; connected with birth, inborn |
genius, geni M |
genius |
germen, germinis N |
sprout, bud; shoot |
gestito, gestitare, gestitavi, gestitatus |
carry often; wear often |
gibbus, gibba, gibbum |
bulging, protuberant |
gingiva, gingivae F |
gum |
gladiator, gladiatoris M |
gladiator |
glans, glandis F |
mast/acorn/beechnut/chestnut; missile/bullet thrown/discharged from sling |
glisco, gliscere, -, - |
swell; increase in power or violence |
gloriosus, gloriosa -um, gloriosior -or -us, gloriosissimus -a -um |
glorious, full of glory; famous, renowned; boastful, conceited; ostentatious |
gnarus, gnara, gnarum |
having knowledge or experience of; known |
grandio, grandire, -, - |
increase |
grandis, grandis, grande |
full-grown, grown up; large, great, grand, tall, lofty; powerful; aged, old |
granum, grani N |
grain; seed |
gratulor, gratulari, gratulatus sum |
congratulate; rejoice, be glad; thank, give/render thanks |
graviter |
violently; deeply; severely; reluctantly |
grus, gruis |
crane |
guberno, gubernare, gubernavi, gubernatus |
steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern |
gula, gulae F |
throat, neck, gullet, maw; palate, appetite |
gurges, gurgitis M |
whirlpool; raging abyss; gulf, the sea; "flood","stream" |
gusto, gustare, gustavi, gustatus |
taste, sip; have some experience of; enjoy |
guttur, gutturis |
throat, neck; gullet; swollen throat, goiter |
ha |
Ah! |
habena, habenae F |
thong, strap; whip; halter; reins; direction, management, government |
habilis, habilis, habile |
handy, manageable; apt, fit |
hactenus |
as far as this, to this place/point/time/extent, thus far, til now, hitherto |
harena, harenae F |
sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest |
harmonia, harmoniae F |
harmony/concord; melody, order of notes; coupling |
hasta, hastae F |
spear/lance/javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court |
hau |
oh! ow! oh dear! goodness gracious! |
heia |
how now!, Ha, Good, see!; see!, Quick! |
hemina, heminae F |
measure of capacity |
herbifer, herbifera, herbiferum |
full of grass or herbs; bearing magical or medicinal plants |
hereo, herere, hesi, hesus |
stick, adhere, cling to; hesitate; be in difficulties |
heres, heredis |
heir/heiress |
heros, herois M |
hero; demigod |
herus, heri M |
master, lord; owner, proprietor |
hesperius, hesperia, hesperium |
western |
hesternus, hesterna, hesternum |
of yesterday |
hic |
here, in this place; in the present circumstances |
hierus, hiera, hierum |
sacred/supernatural |
hilaris, hilare, hilarior -or -us, hilarissimus -a -um |
cheerful, lively, light-hearted |
hio, hiare, hiavi, hiatus |
be wide open, gape; be greedy for; be open-mouthed |
hircus, hirci M |
he-goat |
hirundo, hirundinis F |
swallow; martin; small bird; flying fish |
historia, historiae F |
history; account; story |
hodiernus, hodierna, hodiernum |
today's, of/belonging to today; present, existing now |
homullus, homulli M |
little man, manikin |
honestus, honesta -um, honestior -or -us, honestissimus -a -um |
distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, upright, honest; worthy |
honor, honoris M |
honor; respect/regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity/grace; public office |
honos, honoris M |
honor; respect/regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity/grace; public office |
horreo, horrere, horrui, - |
dread, shrink from, shudder at; stand on end, bristle; have rough appearance |
horresco, horrescere, horrui, - |
dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin to shake/tremble/shudder/shiver |
horribilis, horribile, horribilior -or -us, horribilissimus -a -um |
awful, horrible, terrible; monstrous; rough |
horridus, horrida, horridum |
wild, frightful, rough, bristly, standing on end, unkempt; grim; horrible |
horrifer, horrifera, horriferum |
awful, horrible, dreadful; frightening, chilling, exciting terror |
horrificus, horrifica, horrificum |
awful, horrible, dreadful; frightening, chilling, exciting terror |
hortus, horti M |
garden, fruit/kitchen garden; pleasure garden; park |
hospitalis, hospitalis, hospitale |
of or for a guest; hospitable |
hostia, hostiae F |
victim, sacrifice; sacrificial offering/animal |
hu, undeclined N |
what |
hui |
whee!, wow!; sound of surprise or approbation not unlike"whee" |
humanitas, humanitatis F |
human nature/character/feeling; kindness/courtesy; culture/civilization |
humilis, humile, humilior -or -us, humillimus -a -um |
low, lowly, small, slight, base, mean, humble, obscure, poor, insignificant |
hydraulus, hydrauli F |
water organ |
hydrus, hydri M |
water-snake; snake; the constellation Hydra |
hysopum, hysopi N |
aromatic herb; Hyssopus officinalis |
ibidem |
in that very place; at that very instant |
idcirco |
on that account; therefore |
identidem |
repeatedly; again and again, continually |
idoneus, idonea, idoneum |
suitable, appropriate, adequate, having right qualities; qualified, able; apt |
ignavia, ignaviae F |
idleness, laziness; faintheartedness |
ilex, ilicis F |
holm-oak, great scarlet oak, tree or wood; its acorn |
ilico |
on the spot; immediately |
illaqueo, illaqueare, illaqueavi, illaqueatus |
take in a snare; ensnare, entangle |
illim |
thence, from there; from that place/source/quarter |
imbibo, imbibere, imbibi, imbitus |
drink in, imbibe; assimilate; absorb into one's mind, conceive |
imbuo, imbuere, imbui, imbutus |
wet, soak, dip; give initial instruction |
imitor, imitari, imitatus sum |
imitate/copy/mimic; follow; make an imitation/reproduction; resemble; simulate |
immanis, immane, immanior -or -us, immanissimus -a -um |
huge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightful |
immensus, immensa, immensum |
immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable |
immerens, (gen.), immerentis |
undeserving, blameless |
immergo, immergere, immersi, immersus |
dip; plunge; = to plunge into, to insinuate |
immeritus, immerita, immeritum |
undeserving; undeserved, unmerited |
immolo, immolare, immolavi, immolatus |
sacrifice, offer in sacrifice; sprinkle with sacred meal; immolate |
impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus |
hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, prevent from |
impello, impellere, impuli, impulsus |
drive/persuade/impel; urge on/action; push/thrust/strike against; overthrow |
impendo, impendere, impendi, impensus |
expend, spend; devote |
imperator, imperatoris M |
emperor; general; ruler; commander |
imperito, imperitare, imperitavi, imperitatus |
command, govern |
imperitus, imperita, imperitum |
unskilled, inexperienced; unfamiliar, ignorant |
implico, implicare, implicui, implicitus |
implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself |
implico, implicare, implicavi, implicatus |
implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself |
imploro, implorare, imploravi, imploratus |
appeal to, invoke; beg, beseech, implore; ask for help/favor/protection |
impos, (gen.), impotis |
not in control/possession; not responsible |
improbitas, improbitatis F |
wickedness unscrupulousness, dishonesty; shamelessness; want of principle |
improvidus, improvida, improvidum |
improvident; thoughtless; unwary |
imprudens, imprudentis (gen.), imprudentior -or -us, imprudentissimus -a -um |
ignorant; unaware; unintentional, unsuspecting; foolish/incautious/unthinking |
imprudentia, imprudentiae F |
ignorance; lack of knowledge/thought/awareness/judgment/foresight/intention |
impudenter |
shamelessly, impudently |
impunis, impunis, impune |
unpunished |
inamabilis, inamabilis, inamabile |
disagreeable, unattractive |
inanimus, inanima, inanimum |
lifeless, inanimate; without/deprived of/not endowed with breath |
inanis, inanis, inane |
void, empty, hollow; vain; inane, foolish |
inauris, inauris F |
ear rings; ornaments worn in ears; ear drops; nose ring |
inauspicatus, inauspicata, inauspicatum |
without auspices |
inbecillitas, inbecillitatis F |
weakness, feebleness; moral/intellectual weakness |
inbecillus, inbecilla -um, inbecillior -or -us, inbecillissimus -a -um |
weak/feeble; delicate; fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources |
incautus, incauta -um, incautior -or -us, incautissimus -a -um |
incautious, off one's guard, unprotected |
incertus, incerta, incertum |
uncertain; unsure, inconstant, variable; doubtful |
inchoo, inchoare, inchoavi, inchoatus |
begin/start; set going, establish; draft/sketch/outline; enter upon |
incilo, incilare, incilavi, incilatus |
blame, scold |
incito, incitare, incitavi, incitatus |
enrage; urge on; inspire; arouse |
inclamo, inclamare, inclamavi, inclamatus |
cry out, call upon; abuse, revile |
inclinatio, inclinationis F |
act of leaning, tendency, inclination |
inclino, inclinare, inclinavi, inclinatus |
bend; lower; incline; decay; grow worse; set; deject |
includo, includere, inclusi, inclusus |
shut up/in, imprison, enclose; include |
inclutus, incluta -um, inclutior -or -us, inclutissimus -a -um |
celebrated, renowned, famous, illustrious, glorious |
incognitus, incognita, incognitum |
unknown; not known; untried, untested |
incolo, incolere, incolui, - |
live, dwell/reside; inhabit; sojourn |
incolumis, incolumis, incolume |
unharmed, uninjured; alive, safe; unimpaired |
incommodus, incommoda -um, incommodior -or -us, incommodissimus -a -um |
inconvenient, troublesome, annoying; disadvantageous; disagreeable; disobliging |
inconstanter, inconstantius, inconstantissime |
irregularly, inconsistently, capriciously, irresolutely; not evenly/steadily |
incrementum, incrementi N |
growth, development, increase; germ; offshoot; advancement |
incresco, increscere, increvi, - |
grow; grow, swell, increase, be augmented; be swollen |
incurro, incurrere, incurri, incursus |
run into or towards, attack, invade; meet; befall |
incuso, incusare, incusavi, incusatus |
accuse, blame, criticize, condemn |
incutio, incutere, incussi, incussus |
strike on or against; instill |
index, indicis |
hand/needle of a watch |
indicium, indici(i) N |
evidence; information, proof; indication |
indico, indicere, indixi, indictus |
declare publicly; proclaim, announce; appoint; summon |
indignus, indigna -um, indignior -or -us, indignissimus -a -um |
unworthy, undeserving, undeserved; unbecoming; shameful; intolerable; cruel |
indiligenter, indiligentius, indiligentissime |
carelessly, negligently; inattentively |
indiscretus, indiscreta, indiscretum |
indistinguishable; used indiscriminately; alike/equal; not divided/separable |
indo, indere, indedi, inditus |
put in or on; introduce |
indoctus, indocta, indoctum |
untaught; unlearned, ignorant, untrained |
indomitus, indomita, indomitum |
untamed; untamable, fierce |
induvia, induviae F |
clothing, garb, clothes |
ineptus, inepta, ineptum |
silly, foolish; having no sense of what is fitting |
inermis, inermis, inerme |
unarmed, without weapons; defenseless; toothless, without a sting |
inextricabilis, inextricabilis, inextricabile |
impossible to disentangle or sort out |
infamis, infamis, infame |
notorious, disreputable, infamous |
infaustus, infausta, infaustum |
unlucky, unfortunate; inauspicious |
infercio, infercire, infersi, infertus |
stuff; stuff with |
infernus, inferna, infernum |
lower, under; underground, of the lower regions, infernal; of hell |
inferus, infera -um, inferior -or -us, infimus -a -um |
below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last |
infesto, infestare, infestavi, infestatus |
vex, harass, molest; make unsafe, disturb; infest; damage, impair |
infestus, infesta -um, infestior -or -us, infestissimus -a -um |
unsafe, dangerous; hostile; disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet |
infigo, infigere, infixi, infixus |
fasten, fix, implant, affix; impose; drive/thrust in |
infio, inferi, infactus sum |
begin; begin to speak |
infirmus, infirma -um, infirmior -or -us, infirmissimus -a -um |
fragile/frail/feeble; unwell/sick/infirm |
infitia, infitiae F |
denial; L:defend action |
infitior, infitiari, infitiatus sum |
deny; not confess/acknowledge; withhold; disown; repudiate; contradict |
inflecto, inflectere, inflexi, inflexus |
bend; curve; change |
influo, influere, influxi, influxus |
flow into; flow |
infra |
below, on the under side, underneath; further along; on the south |
ingemo, ingemere, ingemui, ingemitus |
groan/moan/sigh; utter cry of pain/anguish; creak/groan |
ingeniosus, ingeniosa -um, ingeniosior -or -us, ingeniosissimus -a -um |
clever, ingenious; naturally suited; having natural abilities/talents |
ingero, ingerere, ingessi, ingestus |
carry in, throw in; heap; force/thrust/throw upon |
ingratiis |
against wishes; unwillingly |
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum |
advance, walk; enter, step/go into; undertake, begin |
inguen, inguinis N |
groin; the sexual organs, privy parts |
inhaereo, inhaerere, inhaesi, inhaesus |
stick/hold fast/to, cling, adhere, fasten on; haunt, dwell in; get teeth in |
inhonestus, inhonesta -um, inhonestior -or -us, inhonestissimus -a -um |
shameful, not regarded with honor/respect; degrading |
inimicus, inimica -um, inimicior -or -us, inimicissimus -a -um |
unfriendly, hostile, harmful |
inlecebra, inlecebrae F |
allurement, attraction, charm; a decoy bird |
inlustro, inlustrare, inlustravi, inlustratus |
illuminate, light up; give glory; embellish; make clear, elucidate; enlighten |
inmanis, inmane, inmanior -or -us, inmanissimus -a -um |
huge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightful |
inmensus, inmensa, inmensum |
immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable |
inmeritus, inmerita, inmeritum |
undeserving; undeserved, unmerited |
inmobilis, inmobilis, inmobile |
immovable; immobile; fixed/unalterable; unmoving/motionless/unchanging |
inmundus, inmunda, inmundum |
dirty, filthy, foul; unclean. impure |
innecto, innectere, innexui, innexus |
tie, fasten; devise, weave |
innocens, (gen.), innocentis |
harmless, innocent; virtuous, upright |
innumerus, innumera, innumerum |
innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense |
inpello, inpellere, inpuli, inpulsus |
drive/persuade/impel; urge on/action; push/thrust/strike against; overthrow |
inperfectus, inperfecta, inperfectum |
unfinished, incomplete; imperfect; not complete in every respect; undigested |
inpius, inpia, inpium |
wicked, impious, irreverent; showing no regard for divinely imposed moral duty |
inprovisus, inprovisa, inprovisum |
unforeseen/unexpected |
inquino, inquinare, inquinavi, inquinatus |
daub; stain, pollute; soil; "smear" |
insanabilis, insanabilis, insanabile |
incurable; irremediable |
insciens, (gen.), inscientis |
unknowing, unaware |
inscius, inscia, inscium |
not knowing, ignorant; unskilled |
inscribo, inscribere, inscripsi, inscriptus |
write on/in; inscribe, brand; record as; entitle |
insequor, insequi, insecutus sum |
follow/come after; attack; overtake; pursue; come after |
insero, inserere, inserui, insertus |
plant, sow; graft on; put in, insert |
insideo, insidere, insidi, insessus |
sit; sit a horse; be seated; rest/lie upon; lie heavy |
insidia, insidiae F |
ambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare |
insidio, insidiare, insidiavi, insidiatus |
lie in wait; plot |
insignio, insignire, insignivi, insignitus |
mark with a characteristic feature; distinguish |
insimulo, insimulare, insimulavi, insimulatus |
accuse, charge; allege |
insitus, insita, insitum |
inserted, incorporated, attached; grafting; innate |
insons, (gen.), insontis |
guiltless, innocent; harmless |
insperatus, insperata, insperatum |
unhoped for, unexpected, unforeseen |
instituo, instituere, institui, institutus |
set up, establish, found, make, institute; build; prepare; decide |
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructus |
construct, build; prepare, draw up; fit out; instruct, teach |
insudo, insudare, insudavi, insudatus |
sweat/perspire; sweat on; sweat at |
insulto, insultare, insultavi, insultatus |
leap/jump/spring; dance/trample; enter with a leap |
insuo, insuere, insui, insutus |
sew up, sew |
intactus, intacta, intactum |
untouched, intact; untried; virgin |
integer, integra -um, integrior -or -us, integerrimus -a -um |
untouched, entire, whole, complete; uninjured, sound, fresh, vigorous |
intelligo, intelligere, -, - |
understand; realize |
intercipio, intercipere, intercepi, interceptus |
cut off; intercept, interrupt; steal |
intercludo, intercludere, interclusi, interclusus |
cut off; blockade; hinder, block up |
intercus, (gen.), intercutis |
under the skin |
interdico, interdicere, interdixi, interdictus |
forbid, interdict, prohibit; debar |
interemo, interemere, interemi, interemptus |
do away with; kill, cut off from life; extinguish; put an end to, destroy |
interfector, interfectoris M |
killer, murderer; assassin; destroyer |
interfio, interferi, interfactus sum |
begin; begin to speak |
interibi |
meanwhile, in the meantime |
intermitto, intermittere, intermisi, intermissus |
interrupt; omit; stop; leave off; leave a gap |
internicio, internicionis F |
slaughter, massacre; extermination, total destruction of life; cause of such |
internodium, internodi(i) N |
space between two joints in the body |
interpello, interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus |
interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct |
interpono, interponere, interposui, interpositus |
insert, introduce; admit; allege; interpose |
interpretor, interpretari, interpretatus sum |
explain/expound; interpret/prophesy from; understand/comprehend |
interrogo, interrogare, interrogavi, interrogatus |
ask, question, interrogate, examine; indict; go to law with, sue |
interrumpo, interrumpere, interrupi, interruptus |
drive a gap in, break up; cut short, interrupt |
intersum, interesse, interfui, interfuturus |
be/lie between, be in the midst; be present; take part in; be different |
intimus, intima, intimum |
inmost; most secret; most intimate |
intolerabilis, intolerabilis, intolerabile |
unable to endure, impatient; insufferable |
intrinsecus, intrinseca, intrinsecum |
inward; internal |
intritus, intrita, intritum |
not worn away, unexhausted |
introeo, introire, introivi(ii), introitus |
enter, go in or into; invade |
introsum |
to within, inwards, internally |
intumus, intuma, intumum |
inmost; intimate; secret |
inultus, inulta, inultum |
unpunished, scot-free; acting with impunity; having no recompense, unavenged |
inumbro, inumbrare, inumbravi, inumbratus |
cast a shadow |
inunguo, inunguere, inunxi, inunctus |
anoint; cover; rub in |
inutilis, inutilis, inutile |
useless, unprofitable, inexpedient, disadvantageous; harmful, helpless |
invalidus, invalida, invalidum |
infirm, weak feeble ineffectual |
inveho, invehere, invexi, invectus |
carry/bring in, import; ride, drive, sail, attack |
inventrix, inventricis F |
inventress |
invictus, invicta, invictum |
unconquered; unconquerable, invincible |
invidentia, invidentiae F |
jealousy, envy |
invidia, invidiae F |
hate/hatred/dislike; envy/jealousy/spite/ill will; use of words/acts to arouse |
invoco, invocare, invocavi, invocatus |
call upon, invoke; pray for |
iracundia, iracundiae F |
irascibility, hot temper; passion; resentment; anger; wrath |
iracundus, iracunda, iracundum |
angry; hot-tempered; enraged; furious |
iratus, irata -um, iratior -or -us, iratissimus -a -um |
angry; enraged; furious; violent; raging; angered |
irrito, irritare, irritavi, irritatus |
excite; exasperate, provoke, aggravate, annoy, irritate |
italicus, italica, italicum |
of Italy, Italian |
iter, itineris |
journey; road; passage, path; march |
jaculus, jacula, jaculum |
thrown, darting |
janitor, janitoris M |
doorkeeper, porter; janitor |
jejuno, jejunare, jejunavi, jejunatus |
fast; abstain form |
jejunus, jejuna -um, jejunior -or -us, jejunissimus -a -um |
fasting, abstinent, hungry; dry, barren, unproductive; scanty, meager |
jocor, jocari, jocatus sum |
joke, jest; say in jest; make merry |
jocosus, jocosa, jocosum |
humorous, funny, droll; sportive; factious; full of jesting/jokes/fun |
jocus, joci M |
joke, jest; sport |
jucundus, jucunda -um, jucundior -or -us, jucundissimus -a -um |
pleasant/agreeable/delightful/pleasing; congenial |
judex, judicis M |
judge; juror |
juger, jugeris N |
jugerum; acres/fields/broad expanse |
jugulum, juguli N |
throat, neck; collarbone |
jugum, jugi N |
yoke; team, pair; ridge, summit, chain |
jurisconsultus, jurisconsulti M |
lawyer, jurist |
jusjurandum, jusjurandi N |
oath |
justitia, justitiae F |
justice; equality; righteousness |
juventus, juventutis F |
youth; the age of youth, young persons; young men, knights |
labefacto, labefactare, labefactavi, labefactatus |
shake; cause to waver; make unsteady, loosen; undermine |
labellum, labelli N |
bowl; basin; sink |
labium, labi(i) N |
lip; flange |
labo, labare, labavi, labatus |
totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err |
labyrinthus, labyrinthi M |
labyrinth, maze |
lac, lactis N |
milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn |
lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi, lacrimatus |
shed tears, weep |
lacruma, lacrumae F |
tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping; dirge |
lacuna, lacunae F |
pit/hollow/cavity/depression; pool; gap/deficiency |
lacus, laci M |
basin/tank/tub; lake/pond; reservoir/cistern/basin, trough; lime-hole; bin; pit |
lambo, lambere, lambui, lambitus |
lick; lap/lick/suck up, absorb; wash/bathe; surround; fondle/caress; fawn |
lamentor, lamentari, lamentatus sum |
lament; utter cries of grief; bewail; lament for; complain that |
lammina, lamminae F |
plate; veneer; thin sheet of metal/other material; money/cash |
lampas, lampados/is F |
lamp/lantern; light/torch/flame/flambeau/link; firebrand; meteor |
langueo, languere, -, - |
be tired; be listless/sluggish/unwell/ill; wilt, lack vigor |
languidus, languida -um, languidior -or -us, languidissimus -a -um |
faint, weak; dull, sluggish, languid; spiritless, listless, inactive; powerless |
lapillus, lapilli M |
little stone, pebble; precious stone, gem, jewel |
largus, larga, largum |
lavish; plentiful; bountiful |
laridum, laridi N |
bacon |
lascivia, lasciviae F |
playfulness; wantonness, lasciviousness |
lascivus, lasciva, lascivum |
playful; lustful, wanton; impudent, mischievous; free from restraint |
laser, laseris N |
plant-juice |
latebra, latebrae F |
hiding place, retreat, lair; subterfuge |
latratus, latratus M |
barking/baying; shouting, bawling; roaring |
latro, latrare, latravi, latratus |
bark, bark at |
laurus, lauri F |
laurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch; triumph/victory; honor |
laurus, laurus F |
laurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch; triumph/victory; honor |
lavo, lavare, lavi, lotus |
wash, bathe; soak |
laxo, laxare, laxavi, laxatus |
loosen, slaken, relax, weaken; expand, open up, extend |
laxus, laxa -um, laxior -or -us, laxissimus -a -um |
wide, spacious, ample, roomy; loose, not close packed; slack, not tight; lax |
lea, leae F |
lioness |
legitimus, legitima, legitimum |
lawful, right; legitimate; real, genuine; just; proper |
lego, legare, legavi, legatus |
bequeath, will; entrust, send as an envoy, choose as a deputy |
lembus, lembi M |
small fast-sailing boat |
lenio, lenire, lenivi, lenitus |
mitigate, moderate; alleviate, allay, assuage, ease, calm, placate, appease |
lenis, lene, lenior -or -us, lenissimus -a -um |
gentle, kind, light; smooth, mild, easy, calm |
leoninus, leonina, leoninum |
of a lion, leonine |
lepos, leporis M |
charm, grace; wit; humor |
lepus, leporis M |
hare |
letalis, letalis, letale |
deadly, fatal; lethal, mortal |
levitas, levitatis F |
levity; lightness, mildness; fickleness; shallowness |
lex, legis F |
law; motion, bill, statute; principle; condition |
libellus, libelli M |
little/small book; memorial; petition; pamphlet, defamatory publication |
liber, libri M |
book, volume; inner bark of a tree |
liberalis, liberalis, liberale |
honorable; courteous, well bred, gentlemanly; liberal; generous |
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus |
free; acquit, absolve; manumit; liberate, release |
licet, licere, licuit, licitus est |
it is permitted, one may; it is all right, lawful, allowed, permitted |
ligneus, lignea, ligneum |
wooden, wood-; woody, like wood, tough/stringy |
lignum, ligni N |
wood; firewood; trunk/stump/tree; timber; beam/post; wood; stave |
lima, limae F |
file; polishing/revision |
limo, limare, limavi, limatus |
file; polish; file down; detract gradually from |
limus, lima, limum |
oblique, transverse; sidelong, sideways; askew, aslant; askance |
lineo, linere, linui, linitus |
smear, plaster; seal; erase/rub over; befoul; cover/overlay |
lingula, lingulae F |
tongue of land |
lino, linere, levi, litus |
smear, plaster; seal; erase/rub over; befoul; cover/overlay |
linteolum, linteoli N |
piece/strip of linen; bandage |
litterarius, litteraria, litterarium |
literary; pertaining to writing |
livesco, livescere, livui, - |
become livid; become black and blue; become envious |
loco, locare, locavi, locatus |
place, put, station; arrange; contract; farm out on contract |
loculus, loculi M |
spot, little/small place; compartment/pigeon-hole; coffin, bier |
locum, loci N |
seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic |
logos, logi M |
word; mere words, joke, jest, bon mot |
loquax, (gen.), loquacis |
talkative, loquacious |
lorarius, lorari(i) M |
flogger; harness-maker |
lorum, lori N |
leather strap, thong; shoe strap; rawhide whip; dog leash; reins |
lubens, lubentis (gen.), lubentior -or -us, lubentissimus -a -um |
willing, cheerful; glad, pleased |
lubido, lubidinis F |
desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts |
lucidus, lucida, lucidum |
bright, shining; clear |
lucifer, lucifera, luciferum |
light bringing |
luctor, luctari, luctatus sum |
wrestle; struggle; fight |
luctus, luctus M |
grief, sorrow, lamentation, mourning; cause of grief |
luculentus, luculenta, luculentum |
shining, bright, brilliant, splendid |
lucus, luci M |
grove; sacred grove |
lucusta, lucustae F |
locust; crustacean, lobster |
ludibrium, ludibri(i) N |
mockery; laughingstock |
ludicrus, ludicra, ludicrum |
connected with sport or the stage |
ludifico, ludificare, ludificavi, ludificatus |
make fun/sport of, treat as a plaything; trifle with |
ludificor, ludificari, ludificatus sum |
make fun/sport of, treat as a plaything; trifle with |
lumbus, lumbi M |
loins; loins as the seat of sexual excitement |
luna, lunae F |
moon; month |
lupa, lupae F |
she-wolf; prostitute |
lustrum, lustri N |
bog/morass/slough, muddy place; forest/wilderness/wilds, haunt of wild beasts |
luteus, lutea, luteum |
yellow; saffron; of mud or clay; good for nothing |
luxuria, luxuriae F |
luxury; extravagance; thriving condition |
lyceum, lycei N |
gymnasium of Aristotle; Cicero's Tusculan gymnasium; high school; college |
lyricus, lyrica, lyricum |
lyric |
macero, macerare, maceravi, maceratus |
make wet/soft, soak/steep/bathe; soften; wear down, exhaust; worry, annoy/vex |
machaera, machaerae F |
single-edged sword; Persian or Arab sword; weapon |
machina, machinae F |
machine; siege engine; scheme |
machinor, machinari, machinatus sum |
devise; plot |
madefacio, madefacere, madefeci, madefactus |
wet/moisten, make wet/moist/drunk; soak/drench/steep; intoxicate/soak |
maereo, maerere, -, - |
grieve, be sad, mourn; bewail/mourn for/lament; utter mournfully |
maeror, maeroris M |
grief, sorrow, sadness; mourning; lamentation |
maestitia, maestitiae F |
sadness, sorrow, grief; source of grief; dullness, gloom |
magicus, magica, magicum |
magic, magical |
magnifico, magnificare, magnificavi, magnificatus |
prize, esteem greatly; praise, extol |
magnificus, magnifica -um, magnificentior -or -us, magnificentissimus -a -u |
splendid/excellent/sumptuous/magnificent/stately; noble/eminent; proud/boastful |
magus, maga, magum |
magic, magical |
malagma, malagmatis N |
emollient; poultice; mixture |
male, pejus, pessime |
badly, ill, wrongly, wickedly, unfortunately; extremely |
maledico, maledicere, maledixi, maledictus |
speak ill/evil of, revile, slander; abuse, curse |
malleus, mallei M |
hammer; mallet, maul |
malo, malle, malui, - |
prefer; incline toward, wish rather |
mamma, mammae F |
breast, udder |
man, undeclined N |
manna |
mancipium, mancipi(i) N |
possession; formal purchase; slaves |
mancupium, mancupi(i) N |
formal acceptance; possession; formal purchase |
manduco, manducare, manducavi, manducatus |
chew, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour |
manis, manis M |
shades/ghosts of dead; gods of Lower World; corpse/remains; underworld |
mannus, manni M |
pony |
mano, manare, manavi, manatus |
flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring |
mansues, (gen.), mansuetis |
tame; mild, gentle; soft; tamed |
mansuetudo, mansuetudinis F |
tameness, gentleness, mildness; clemency |
manufestus, manufesta -um, manufestior -or -us, manufestissimus -a -um |
detected, plainly guilty; flagrant, plain; caught in act/redhanded; undoubted |
manupretium, manupretii N |
wages, hire, reward |
marco, marcere, marcui, marcitus |
be withered/flabby, droop/shrivel; flag/faint; be weak/enfeebled/idle/apathetic |
maritus, mariti M |
husband, married man; lover; mate |
marmor, marmoris N |
marble, block of marble, marble monument/statue; surface of the sea |
marmoreus, marmorea, marmoreum |
marble; of marble; marble-like |
masculus, mascula, masculum |
male/masculine, proper to males; manly/virile |
massa, massae F |
mace; club |
materies, materiei F |
wood, lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree |
matrimonium, matrimoni(i) N |
marriage; matrimony |
maxilla, maxillae F |
jaw, lower part of the face; jaws/jaw-bones |
medeor, mederi, - |
heal, cure; remedy, assuage, comfort, amend |
mediocris, mediocris, mediocre |
medium/average/intermediate; middling/fair/ordinary/moderate/tolerable; trivial |
mediterraneus, mediterranea, mediterraneum |
inland, remote from the coast |
medito, meditare, meditavi, meditatus |
consider/contemplate/ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise/plan |
medium, medi(i) N |
middle, center; medium, mean; midst, community, public; publicity |
medulla, medullae F |
marrow, kernel; innermost part; quintessence |
mel, mellis N |
honey; sweetness; pleasant thing; darling/honey |
mem, undeclined N |
mem |
membratim |
limb by limb |
memor, (gen.), memoris |
remembering; mindful, grateful; unforgetting, commemorative |
menda, mendae F |
bodily defect, blemish; fault, error |
mendicitas, mendicitatis F |
beggary |
mendum, mendi N |
bodily defect, blemish; fault, error |
menstrualis, menstrualis, menstruale |
liable to menstruate; in process of menstruation; lasting a month |
menstruus, menstrua, menstruum |
monthly; happens/done/paid every month; of/lasting for/consisting of a month |
mentum, menti N |
chin; projecting edge |
meracus, meraca, meracum |
undiluted, neat |
mercator, mercatoris M |
trader, merchant |
mercor, mercari, mercatus sum |
trade; buy |
meretricius, meretricia, meretricium |
of/belonging to/typical of a courtesan/prostitute/harlot |
merus, mera, merum |
unmixed, pure, only; bare, mere, sheer |
meto, metere, messui, messus |
reap; mow, cut off |
migro, migrare, migravi, migratus |
transport; move; change residence/condition; go away; depart; remove |
ministro, ministrare, ministravi, ministratus |
attend, serve, furnish; supply |
minitor, minitari, minitatus sum |
threaten, use threats; constitute a danger/threat; hold out as a threat |
minuo, minuere, minui, minutus |
lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate |
mirabilis, mirabilis, mirabile |
wonderful, marvelous, astonishing, extraordinary; remarkable; admirable |
mirabiliter, mirabilius, mirabilissime |
marvelously, amazingly/remarkably/extraordinarily; to an extraordinary degree |
miraculus, miracula, miraculum |
freakish, deformed |
miseratio, miserationis F |
pity, compassion |
miseria, miseriae F |
misery, distress, woe, wretchedness, suffering |
misero, miserare, miseravi, miseratus |
pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion |
missio, missionis F |
mission, sending; dismissal, discharge; reprieve |
mixtim |
mixedly, in a mixed manner |
mobilitas, mobilitatis F |
mobility, agility; speed; quickness of mind; inconstancy |
moderatio, moderationis F |
moderation; self control; guidance; government, regulation |
modero, moderare, -, moderatus |
check, slow down, control |
modestus, modesta, modestum |
restrained, mild; modest; reserved; disciplined |
mola, molae F |
millstone; ground meal; mill |
molior, moliri, molitus sum |
struggle, labor, labor at; construct, build; undertake, set in motion, plan |
molliter, mollius, mollissime |
calmly/quietly/softly/gently/smoothly/easily; w/out pain/anger/harshness; weakl |
molo, molere, molui, molitus |
grind |
monstrum, monstri N |
monster; portent, unnatural thing/event regarded as omen/sign/portent |
mordicus |
by biting, with the teeth; tenaciously |
morigerus, morigera, morigerum |
compliant, indulgent; obliging |
morior, moriri, moritus sum |
die; expire, pass/die/wither away/out; decay |
morosus, morosa, morosum |
hard to please, persnickety |
mortual, mortualis N |
funeral song, dirge |
mortuus, mortui M |
corpse, the dead one; the dead |
mugio, mugire, mugivi, mugitus |
low, bellow; make a loud deep noise |
multitudo, multitudinis F |
multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob |
munditia, munditiae F |
cleanness, elegance of appearance, manners or taste |
munio, munire, munivi, munitus |
fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build |
murmur, murmuris |
murmur/mutter; whisper/rustle, hum/buzz; low noise; roar/growl/grunt/rumble |
murus, muri M |
wall, city wall |
mus, muris |
mouse |
musca, muscae F |
fly; gadfly, bothersome person |
musicus, musica, musicum |
of/belonging to poetry or music, musical |
mustum, musti N |
unfermented/partially fermented grape juice/wine, must |
mutatio, mutationis F |
change, alteration; interchange, exchange |
mutilus, mutila, mutilum |
maimed, broken, mutilated; hornless, having lost/stunted horns |
muttio, muttire, muttivi, muttitus |
mutter, murmur |
mutus, muta, mutum |
dumb, silent, mute; speechless |
mutuus, mutua, mutuum |
borrowed, lent; mutual, in return |
nable, nablis N |
psaltery |
nae |
truly, indeed, verily, assuredly |
nanciscor, nancisci, nanctus sum |
obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on |
nasus, nasi M |
nose; sense of smelling |
natalis, natalis, natale |
natal, of birth |
natio, nationis F |
nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens |
nativus, nativa, nativum |
original; innate; natural; born |
nato, natare, natavi, natatus |
swim; float |
naturalis, naturalis, naturale |
natural, normal, typical, characteristic; innate, inherent; physical |
naufragium, naufragi(i) N |
shipwreck |
navalis, navalis, navale |
naval, of ships |
navifragus, navifraga, navifragum |
shipwrecking |
navigium, navigi(i) N |
vessel, ship |
nebulosus, nebulosa, nebulosum |
misty, foggy; characterized by/subject to/resembling mist, vaporous; obscure |
nec |
nor; and not, not, neither, not even |
necessis, undeclined |
necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true |
necessitas, necessitatis F |
need/necessity; inevitability; difficult straits; poverty; obligation; bond |
nefas, undeclined N |
sin, violation of divine law, impious act |
neglegentia, neglegentiae F |
heedlessness, neglect; carelessness, negligence; coldness; disrespect |
nenia, neniae F |
funeral dirge sung; incantation, jingle |
neo, nere, nevi, netus |
spin; weave; produce by spinning |
nepos, nepotis |
grandson/daughter; descendant; spendthrift, prodigal, playboy; secondary shoot |
nequam, undeclined |
wicked/licentious/depraved; bad/vile; naughty/roguish; worthless/useless |
nequedum |
and/but not yet |
nequior, undeclined |
more wicked/licentious/depraved/vile; worse; more useless/worthless |
nequiquam |
in vain |
nescius, nescia, nescium |
unaware, not knowing, ignorant |
neuter, neutra, neutrum |
neither |
nex, necis F |
death; murder |
nicto, nictare, nictavi, nictatus |
blink |
nilum, nili N |
nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect |
nitor, niti, nixus sum |
press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor |
nix, nivis F |
snow |
nixor, nixari, nixatus sum |
support oneself, rest/lean; struggle/strive, exert oneself |
nobilis, nobile, nobilior -or -us, nobilissimus -a -um |
noble, well born; aristocratic; outstanding; important/prominent |
nobilitas, nobilitatis F |
nobility/noble class; birth/descent; fame/excellence; the nobles; rank |
noctu |
by night, at night |
noctua, noctuae F |
little owl |
nondum |
not yet |
nonus, -a, -um |
9th |
notitia, notitiae F |
notice; acquaintance |
novem, nonus -a -um, noveni -ae -a, novie(n)s |
9 times, on 9 occasions- |
novitas, novitatis F |
newness; strangeness/novelty/unusualness/rarity; unfamiliarity; freshness |
noxius, noxia, noxium |
harmful, noxious; guilty, criminal |
nubes, nubis F |
cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation; swarm/multitude |
nubs, nubis M |
cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation; swarm/multitude |
nudius |
it is now since |
nudo, nudare, nudavi, nudatus |
lay bare, strip; leave unprotected |
nuncius, nuncia, nuncium |
announcing, bringing word; giving warning; prognosticatory |
nunquam |
at no time, never; not in any circumstances |
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus |
announce/report/bring word/give warning; convey/deliver/relate message/greeting |
nuo, nuere, nui, nutus |
nod |
nuptia, nuptiae F |
marriage, nuptials, wedding |
nurus, nurus F |
daughter-in-law; prospective daughter-in-law; wife of grandson, etc. |
nutrix, nutricis F |
nurse |
nutus, nutus M |
nod; command, will |
nymphe, nymphes F |
nymph; water; bride; young maiden |
obduco, obducere, obduxi, obductus |
lead or draw before; cover/lay over; overspread; wrinkle; screen |
obicio, obicere, objeci, objectus |
throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present |
objicio, objicere, objeci, objectus |
throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present |
oblecto, oblectare, oblectavi, oblectatus |
delight, please, amuse |
obligo, obligare, obligavi, obligatus |
bind, oblige |
obliquus, obliqua, obliquum |
slanting; oblique |
oblivio, oblivionis F |
oblivion; forgetfulness |
oblivium, oblivi(i) N |
forgetfulness, oblivion |
obloquor, obloqui, oblocutus sum |
interpose remarks, interrupt |
obnoxius, obnoxia, obnoxium |
liable; guilty |
oboleo, obolere, obolui, - |
stink, smell of; present an odor, give forth a smell, betray oneself w/smell |
obruo, obruere, obrui, obrutus |
cover up, hide, bury; overwhelm, ruin; crush |
obscenus, obscena -um, obscenior -or -us, obscenissimus -a -um |
repulsive, detestable; foul; indecent, obscene, lewd |
obscurus, obscura -um, obscurior -or -us, obscurissimus -a -um |
dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, only faintly/dimly seen; dingy; gloomy |
obsequium, obsequi(i) N |
compliance; consideration/deference/solicitude; services |
obsero, obserere, obsevi, obsitus |
sow, plant; cover |
observatio, observationis F |
observation, attention, action of watching/taking notice; surveillance; usage |
obsigno, obsignare, obsignavi, obsignatus |
sign, seal |
obsolesco, obsolescere, obsolevi, obsoletus |
fall into disuse, be forgotten about |
obsonium, obsoni(i) N |
food; provisions, shopping; food w/bread; victuals |
obstipesco, obstipescere, obstipui, - |
be amazed |
occasus, occasus M |
setting |
occipio, occipere, occepi, occeptus |
begin |
occipitium, occipitii N |
back of the head, occiput |
occiput, occipitis N |
back of the head, occiput |
occubo, occubare, occubui, occubitus |
lie; lie dead |
ocis, oce, ocior -or -us, ocissimus -a -um |
swift/rapid, at speed; arriving/appearing/occurring earlier/sooner |
octo, octavus -a -um, octoni -ae -a, octie(n)s |
odio, odire, odivi, - |
hate; dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to |
odium, odi(i) N |
hate/hatred/dislike/antipathy; odium, unpopularity; boredom/impatience |
odoro, odorare, odoravi, odoratus |
perfume, make fragrant |
oesypum, oesypi N |
cosmetic; grease from unwashed wool |
offa, offae F |
lump of food, cake |
officiosus, officiosa, officiosum |
dutiful, attentive; officious |
officium, offici(i) N |
duty, obligation; kindness; service, office |
oggero, oggerere, -, - |
give; proffer |
oh |
oh! ah! |
olfacio, olfacere, olfeci, olfactus |
smell/detect odor of; get wind of/hear about; smell/sniff at; cause to smell of |
olfacto, olfactare, olfactavi, olfactatus |
smell, sniff, perceive, detect; smell/sniff at |
olor, oloris M |
swan; constellation Cygnus |
omen, ominis N |
omen, sign; token |
omentum, omenti N |
fat; entrails, bowels |
omitto, omittere, omisi, omissus |
lay aside; omit; let go; disregard |
onero, onerare, oneravi, oneratus |
load, burden; oppress |
onustus, onusta, onustum |
laden |
operosus, operosa, operosum |
painstaking; laborious; elaborate |
opinio, opinionis F |
belief, idea, opinion; rumor |
opiparus, opipara, opiparum |
splendid, rich, sumptuous |
oportunus, oportuna -um, oportunior -or -us, oportunissimus -a -um |
suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed |
opperior, opperiri, opperitus sum |
wait; await |
oppidum, oppidi N |
town |
opportunitas, opportunitatis F |
convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportuneness; opportunity, chance |
oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus |
attack, assault, storm, besiege |
opsecro, opsecrare, opsecravi, opsecratus |
entreat/beseech/implore/pray |
opsono, opsonare, opsonavi, opsonatus |
buy food, get/purchase provisions/; go shopping; feast/banquet |
optingo, optingere, optigi, - |
befall, occur; fall to as one's lot |
opto, optare, optavi, optatus |
choose, select; wish, wish for, desire |
ora, orae F |
shore, coast |
oraclum, oracli N |
oracle; prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim |
oratio, orationis F |
speech, oration; eloquence; prayer |
ornamentum, ornamenti N |
equipment; decoration; jewel; ornament, trappings |
ornatrix, ornatricis F |
female adorner; hairdressing slave |
oscito, oscitare, -, - |
gape; yawn |
otiosus, otiosa -um, otiosior -or -us, otiosissimus -a -um |
idle; unemployed, unoccupied, at leisure; peaceful, disengaged, free of office |
otium, oti(i) N |
leisure; spare time; holiday; ease/rest/peace/quiet; tranquility/calm; lull |
ovile, ovilis N |
sheepfold |
ovo, ovare, ovavi, ovatus |
rejoice |
pabulum, pabuli N |
fodder, forage, food for cattle; food/sustenance; fuel |
paco, pacare, pacavi, pacatus |
pacify, subdue |
paeniteo, paenitere, paenitui, - |
displease; regret; repent, be sorry |
pallas, palladis F |
olive tree; E:goddess Minerva/Athene |
pallidus, pallida, pallidum |
pale, yellow-green |
pallor, palloris M |
wanness; paleness of complexion; pallidness |
palma, palmae F |
palm/width of the hand; hand; palm tree/branch; date; palm award/first place |
palor, palari, palatus sum |
wander abroad stray; scatter; wander aimlessly |
palpator, palpatoris M |
flatterer; stroker |
palum, pali N |
stake/pile/pole/unsplit wood; peg/pin; execution stake; wood sword; fence |
palus, paludis F |
swamp, marsh |
pandiculor, pandiculari, pandiculatus sum |
stretch oneself |
panicula, paniculae F |
plant tuft; piece of thatch; B:swelling |
pannus, panni M |
cloth, garment; charioteer's colored shirt; rags |
paralysis, paralysos/is F |
paralysis; any of several forms of paralysis; apoplexy; palsy |
parce, parcius, parcissime |
sparingly, moderately; economically, frugally, thriftily, stingily |
pardus, pardi M |
panther or leopard |
paries, parietis M |
wall, house wall |
parilis, parilis, parile |
like, equal |
parricidium, parricidi(i) N |
parricide; murder of near relative; assassination; treason |
participo, participare, participavi, participatus |
share; impart; partake of; participate in |
particula, particulae F |
small part, little bit, particle, atom |
partior, partiri, partitus sum |
share, divide up, distribute |
parumper |
for a short/little while; for a moment; in a short time; quickly, hurriedly |
pascuus, pascua, pascuum |
used/suitable for pasture/grazing/pasture-land |
passim |
here and there; everywhere |
passus, passus M |
step, pace |
patefacio, patefacere, patefeci, patefactus |
reveal/uncover/disclose/expose; bring to light; make known/visible; dissect |
paternus, paterna, paternum |
father's, paternal; ancestral |
patienter, patientius, patientissime |
patiently; with patience/toleration |
patro, patrare, patravi, patratus |
accomplish, bring to completion |
paupertas, paupertatis F |
poverty, need; humble circumstances |
pauso, pausare, pausavi, pausatus |
pause; halt; cease |
paveo, pavere, pavi, - |
be frightened or terrified at |
pavidus, pavida, pavidum |
fearful, terrified, panicstruck |
pavor, pavoris M |
fear, panic |
pecto, pectere, pexi, pexus |
comb; card |
peculiaris, peculiaris, peculiare |
personal/private/special/peculiar/specific, one's own; singular/exceptional |
pecus, pecoris N |
cattle, herd, flock |
pellego, pellegere, pellegi, pellectus |
read over/through; scan, survey, run one's eyes over; recount |
pellicio, pellicere, pellexi, pellectus |
attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over |
peniteo, penitere, penitui, - |
displease; regret; repent, be sorry |
penitus, penita, penitum |
inner, inward |
penna, pennae F |
feather, wing |
pennatus, pennata, pennatum |
winged |
perago, peragere, peregi, peractus |
disturb; finish; kill; carry through to the end, complete |
perbene |
very well |
percipio, percipere, percepi, perceptus |
secure, gain; perceive, learn, feel |
perdisco, perdiscere, perdidici, - |
learn thoroughly |
perdoceo, perdocere, perdocui, perdoctus |
instruct thoroughly |
perdormisco, perdormiscere, -, - |
sleep on |
peregre |
to/from abroad |
perennis, perennis, perenne |
continual; everlasting, perpetual, perennial; eternal |
perenno, perennare, perennavi, perennatus |
last many years |
pererro, pererrare, pererravi, pererratus |
wander through, roam or ramble over |
perfacile |
very easily; readily |
perfluctuo, perfluctuare, perfluctuavi, perfluctuatus |
flow through |
perfluo, perfluere, perfluxi, perfluxus |
flow/run through; flow on/along; stream; flow |
perfodio, perfodire, perfodivi, perfoditus |
bore/dig/make hole/passage/channel/break in/through; dig/pierce/stab/perforate |
perfugium, perfugi(i) N |
refuge; asylum; excuse |
perfungor, perfungi, perfunctus sum |
perform, discharge, have done with |
pergraecor, pergraecari, pergraecatus sum |
enjoy oneself; behave like the Greeks |
perimo, perimere, peremi, peremptus |
kill, destroy |
peritus, perita -um, peritior -or -us, peritissimus -a -um |
skilled, skillful; experienced, expert; with gen |
periurium, periuri(i) N |
false oath, perjury |
permaneo, permanere, permansi, permansus |
last, continue; remain; endure |
permano, permanare, permanavi, permanatus |
flow through; leak through; permeate |
permisceo, permiscere, permiscui, permixtus |
mix or mingle together; confound; embroil; disturb thoroughly |
pernego, pernegare, pernegavi, pernegatus |
deny completely; refuse completely |
pernicitas, pernicitatis F |
speed, agility |
perparvus, perparva, perparvum |
very little, very trifling |
perperam |
wrongly, incorrectly |
perscribo, perscribere, perscripsi, perscriptus |
report; describe; write out in full; finish writing, write a detailed record |
perspicio, perspicere, perspexi, perspectus |
see through; examine; observe |
persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus |
persuade, convince |
perterreo, perterrere, perterrui, perterritus |
frighten greatly, terrify |
pertundo, pertundere, pertudi, pertusus |
bore through, perforate |
perturbo, perturbare, perturbavi, perturbatus |
confuse, throw into confusion; disturb, perturb, trouble; alarm |
perveho, pervehere, pervexi, pervectus |
bear, carry or convey through |
pervorsus, pervorsa, pervorsum |
askew, awry; perverse, evil, bad |
pessum |
to the lowest part, to the bottom, |
pestilentia, pestilentiae F |
plague; pestilence; fever |
petesso, petessere, -, - |
long for, strive after |
petra, petrae F |
rock, boulder; shaped stone as used in building |
petulantia, petulantiae F |
impudent or boisterous aggressiveness; wantonness, immodesty |
phrenesis, phrenesis F |
madness, frenzy |
phthisis, phthisis F |
consumption |
pictor, pictoris M |
painter |
picus, pici M |
woodpecker |
piger, pigra, pigrum |
lazy, slow, dull |
pila, pilae F |
ball; sphere; mortar, vessel in which things are pounded |
pilleum, pillei N |
felt cap; freedom/liberty; beret |
pincerna, pincernae M |
cupbearer, butler, one who mixes drinks/serves wine; bartender; sommelier |
pinguis, pingue, pinguior -or -us, pinguissimus -a -um |
fat; rich, fertile; thick; dull, stupid |
pinna, pinnae F |
feather; wing; fin; battlement/parapet, spire/steeple; flap; water wheel paddle |
pinnatus, pinnata, pinnatum |
feathered, winged |
piper, piperis |
pepper |
pisciculus, pisciculi M |
little fish |
piscina, piscinae F |
pool; fishpond; swiming pool, spa; tank, vat, basin |
pix, picis F |
pitch, tar |
placo, placare, placavi, placatus |
appease; placate; reconcile |
planus, plana -um, planior -or -us, planissimus -a -um |
level, flat |
plasmo, plasmare, plasmavi, plasmatus |
form, mold, fashion |
platea, plateae F |
broad way, street |
plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausus |
clap, strike, pat; beat; applaud; express approval |
plebs, plebis F |
common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass |
plectrum, plectri N |
quill/ plectrum/pick; keyboard key |
pluma, plumae F |
feather; plume |
plumbeus, plumbea, plumbeum |
leaden; blunt, dull; heavy; stupid; lead-colored |
poclum, pocli N |
cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking; drink |
poeta, poetae M |
poet |
polleo, pollere, -, - |
exert power or influence; be strong |
pollex, pollicis M |
thumb |
pollicitum, polliciti N |
promise |
pompa, pompae F |
procession; retinue; pomp, ostentation |
pondo |
in or by weight |
pons, pontis M |
bridge |
porcinus, porcina, porcinum |
of a swine or hog |
porcus, porci M |
pig, hog; tame swine; glutton |
porrigo, porrigere, porrexi, porrectus |
stretch out, extend |
portendo, portendere, portendi, portentus |
predict, foretell; point out |
portentificus, portentifica, portentificum |
marvelous, miraculous |
portisculus, portisculi M |
timing-hammer; guidance |
portitor, portitoris M |
ferry man |
posteaquam |
after |
postilla |
afterwards, after that time |
postis, postis M |
doorpost |
postpartor, postpartoris M |
heir |
potator, potatoris M |
drinker, one who drinks; tippler, drinker of intoxicants |
potior, poti, potitus sum |
obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach; come by |
potissimus, potissima, potissimum |
chief, principal, most prominent/powerful; strongest; foremost |
potito, potitare, potitavi, potitatus |
drink |
praecedo, praecedere, praecessi, praecessus |
go before, precede; surpass, excel |
praecipito, praecipitare, praecipitavi, praecipitatus |
throw headlong, cast down |
praecludo, praecludere, praeclusi, praeclusus |
close, block |
praeco, praeconis M |
herald, crier |
praecompositus, praecomposita, praecompositum |
composed beforehand, studied |
praecurro, praecurrere, praecucurri, praecursus |
run before, hasten on before; precede; anticipate |
praedatorius, praedatoria, praedatorium |
plundering, rapacious; piratical |
praedico, praedicare, praedicavi, praedicatus |
proclaim/declare/make known/publish/announce formally; praise/recommend; preach |
praedo, praedare, praedavi, praedatus |
pillage, despoil, plunder; rob/ravish/take; acquire loot; catch |
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatus |
carry in front; prefer; display; offer; give preference to |
praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectus |
put in charge, place in command |
praefringo, praefringere, praefregi, praefractus |
break off at the end, break off short |
praegnans, (gen.), praegnantis |
with child, pregnant |
praemetuo, praemetuere, -, - |
fear beforehand |
praeparatio, praeparationis F |
preparation |
praepedio, praepedire, praepedivi, praepeditus |
shackle, fetter, tie by an extremity; hinder/obstruct/impede; entangle the feet |
praeposterus, praepostera, praeposterum |
in the wrong order; wrong-headed; topsy-turvy |
praeproperanter |
very hastily |
praeripio, praeripere, praeripui, praereptus |
snatch away; seize first; forestall |
praesagio, praesagire, praesagivi, - |
have presentiment; portend |
praesertim |
especially; particularly |
praestans, praestantis (gen.), praestantior -or -us, praestantissimus -a -um |
excellent, outstanding, surpassing all |
praestringo, praestringere, praestrinxi, praestrictus |
bind or tie up; graze, weaken, blunt |
praetendo, praetendere, praetendi, praetentus |
stretch out; spread before; extend in front; allege in excuse |
praeterduco, praeterducere, praeterduxi, praeterductus |
lead past |
praetermitto, praetermittere, praetermisi, praetermissus |
let pass; pass over; omit; overlook |
praeterquam |
except, besides |
praetor, praetoris M |
praetor; abb. pr. |
praetorius, praetoria, praetorium |
praetorian |
praevitio, praevitiare, praevitiavi, praevitiatus |
precorrupt; corrupt in advance |
prandeo, prandere, prandi, pransus |
eat one's morning or midday meal |
pransor, pransoris M |
lunch guest |
pravitas, pravitatis F |
bad condition; viciousness, perverseness, depravity |
pravus, prava, pravum |
crooked; misshapen, deformed; perverse, vicious, corrupt; faulty; bad |
precor, precari, precatus sum |
beg/implore/entreat; wish/pray for/to; pray, supplicate, beseech |
prehendo, prehendere, prehendi, prehensus |
catch/capture; take hold of/possession of/in hand, arrest; occupy; seize/grasp |
prex, precis F |
prayer, request |
pridem |
some time ago, previously |
pridie |
day before |
primoris, primoris M |
nobles, men of the first rank |
primulus, primula, primulum |
very first |
principatus, principatus M |
first place; rule; leadership; supremacy; chief command |
principium, principi(i) N |
beginning |
priscus, prisca, priscum |
ancient, early, former |
pristinus, pristina, pristinum |
former, oldtime, original; pristine |
priusquam |
before; until; sooner than |
probrum, probri N |
disgrace; abuse, insult; disgrace, shame |
procella, procellae F |
storm, gale; tumult, commotion |
procerus, procera -um, procerior -or -us, procerissimus -a -um |
tall; long; high, lofty, upraised; grown/extended to great height/length |
proconsul, proconsulis M |
proconsul, governor of a province |
procudo, procudere, procudi, procusus |
forge, hammer out, beat out |
procuro, procurare, procuravi, procuratus |
manage; administer; attend to |
prodigiosus, prodigiosa, prodigiosum |
freakish; prodigious |
prodio, prodire, prodivi, proditus |
go/come forth/out, advance; appear; sprout/spring up; issue/extend/project |
produco, producere, produxi, productus |
lead forward, bring out; reveal; induce; promote; stretch out; prolong; bury |
proelior, proeliari, proeliatus sum |
fight |
profero, proferre, protuli, prolatus |
bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention |
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum |
depart, set out; proceed |
profiteor, profiteri, professus sum |
declare; profess |
profluvium, profluvii N |
flowing forth |
profugio, profugere, profugi, - |
escape, escape from; run away from |
profugus, profuga, profugum |
fugitive/fleeing/escaping; exiled; shrinking; P:eluding one's grasp |
profundo, profundere, profudi, profusus |
pour, pour out; utter; squander |
profundus, profunda, profundum |
deep, profound; boundless; insatiable |
profusio, profusionis F |
extravagance, lavish spending; discharge of body fluid; libation |
progenies, progeniei F |
race, family, progeny |
progredior, progredi, progressus sum |
go, come forth, go forward, march forward; advance. proceed. make progress |
proin |
hence, so then; according to/in the same manner/degree/proportion |
projicio, projicere, projeci, projectus |
throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away |
prolabor, prolabi, prolapsus sum |
glide or slip forwards, fall into decay, go to ruin; collapse |
proloquor, proloqui, prolocutus sum |
speak out |
promereo, promerere, promerui, promeritus |
deserve, merit; deserve well of; earn; gain |
promereor, promereri, promeritus sum |
deserve, merit; deserve well of; earn; gain |
promineo, prominere, prominui, - |
jut out, stick up |
promo, promere, promsi, promptus |
take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage |
promptus, prompta -um, promptior -or -us, promptissimus -a -um |
set forth, brought forward, manifest, disclosed; willing, ready, eager, quick |
propello, propellere, propuli, propulsus |
drive forward/forth; drive away/out/off; defeat |
propemodum |
just about, pretty well |
properus, propera, properum |
quick, speedy |
propino, propinare, propinavi, propinatus |
drink to anyone, pledge; give to drink; hand over, yield up; make |
propinquus, propinqua, propinquum |
near, neighboring |
propior, propior, propius |
nearer, closer; more recent |
prorumpo, prorumpere, prorupi, proruptus |
rush forth, break out |
proscaenium, proscaeni(i) N |
stage, portion of theater lying between orchestra and back wall |
prosequor, prosequi, prosecutus sum |
pursue; escort; describe in detail |
prosero, proserere, prosevi, prosatus |
beget; bring forth, beget; produce by sowing |
prosilio, prosilire, prosilui, - |
jump/leap up/forward; rush/leap/spring forth/to; gush/break/jut out |
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus |
knock over, lay low; strike down, overthrow; exhaust; debase/demean; prostrate |
prostituo, prostituere, prostitui, prostitutus |
prostitute; put to improper sexual/unworthy use; dishonor, expose to shame |
protero, proterere, protrivi, protritus |
crush, tread under foot; oppress |
protervus, proterva, protervum |
violent, reckless; impudent, shameless |
protraho, protrahere, protraxi, protractus |
drag forward, produce; bring to light, reveal; prolong, protract |
proveho, provehere, provexi, provectus |
carry; pass, be carried, ride, sail |
provenio, provenire, proveni, proventus |
come forth; come into being; prosper |
provideo, providere, providi, provisus |
foresee; provide for, make provision; with DAT |
provincia, provinciae F |
province; office; duty; command |
provoco, provocare, provocavi, provocatus |
call forth; challenge; provoke |
proxumus, proxuma, proxumum |
nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like |
prudens, prudentis (gen.), prudentior -or -us, prudentissimus -a -um |
aware, skilled; sensible, prudent; farseeing; experienced |
pubertas, pubertatis F |
puberty; virility |
puerilis, puerilis, puerile |
boyish; youthful, childish |
pueritia, pueritiae F |
childhood, boyhood; callowness, childish nature; state/fact of being boy |
pugilo, pugilare, pugilavi, pugilatus |
box |
pugnus, pugni M |
fist |
pullus, pulli M |
chicken, young hen |
pulto, pultare, pultavi, pultatus |
knock, strike |
pulvisculus, pulvisculi M |
fine dust; dust-and-all |
purpura, purpurae F |
purple color, purple; purple dye; purple-dyed cloth |
pus, puris N |
pus; foul/corrupt matter; bitterness, gall, venom |
pustula, pustulae F |
inflamed sore/blister/pustule; small prominence of a surface, bubble |
putesco, putescere, -, - |
begin to rot, go off |
putridus, putrida, putridum |
rotten, decayed |
putris, putris, putre |
rotten, decaying; stinking, putrid, crumbling |
pyxis, pyxidos/is F |
small box/casket for medicine; iron heel on pestle |
qu |
certain |
qu |
any whatever |
qua |
where; by which route |
quadraginta, quadragesimus -a -um, quadrageni -ae -a, quadragie(n)s |
40th-; 40th |
quadriduum, quadridui N |
period of four days |
quadriga, quadrigae F |
four horse chariot; chariot team of four horses; any team |
quadro, quadrare, quadravi, quadratus |
square up, make square/suitable; square/fit; quadruple; form rectangular shape |
quaestio, quaestionis F |
questioning, inquiry; investigation |
quam |
how, how much; as, than |
quamobrem |
why, for what reason, on what account; on account of which, where/there-fore |
quandocumque |
whenever, at whatever time; at some time or other/any time; as often/soon as |
quaqua |
wherever; in every place/point at/through which |
quartanus, quartani M |
4th legion soldier; men of the 14th legion |
quartus, quarta, quartum |
fourth |
quasso, quassare, quassavi, quassatus |
shake repeatedly; wave, flourish; batter; weaken |
quemquem |
whomever; every one who; whomever it be; everyone; each |
querela, querelae F |
complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame |
querella, querellae F |
complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame |
querimonia, querimoniae F |
complaint,"difference of opinion" |
quidni |
why not? |
quingenti -ae -a, quingentesimus -a -um, quingeni -ae -a, quingentie(n)s |
quinquaginta, quinquagesimus -a -um, quinquageni -ae -a, quinquagie(n)s |
50 times, on 50 occasions- |
quinquaginta |
50 |
quinque, quintus -a -um, quini -ae -a, quinquie(n)s |
5 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 5s |
quippini |
why not |
quispiam, cuiuspiam |
any/somebody, any, some, any/something |
quisque, cuiusque |
each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever |
qum |
with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached |
quoad |
as long as, until |
quod |
with respect to which |
quojus, quoja, quojum |
of whom?, whose?; of/pertaining to whom, whose |
quominus |
that not, from |
quomodo |
how, in what way; just as |
quoquo |
whoever; whatever, whatsoever; every one who; everything which; each one; each |
quotus, quota, quotum |
what number of?; how many?; what ever number of, as many as; the number that |
rabidus, rabida, rabidum |
mad, raging, frenzied, wild |
rabies, rabiei F |
madness |
rabiosus, rabiosa, rabiosum |
rabid, mad; lunatic, raving mad, frenzied |
radicitus |
by the roots, utterly, completely; at the root; with the roots, radically |
radicula, radiculae F |
little root |
radius, radi(i) M |
ray; rod |
rado, radere, rasi, rasus |
shave; scratch, scrape; coast by |
ramosus, ramosa, ramosum |
having many branches, branching |
rancens, (gen.), rancentis |
stinking, putrid |
rapidus, rapida -um, rapidior -or -us, rapidissimus -a -um |
rapid, swift |
rapina, rapinae F |
robbery, plunder, booty; rape |
raptim |
hurriedly, suddenly |
rapto, raptare, raptavi, raptatus |
drag violently off; ravage |
rapum, rapi N |
turnip |
rarefacio, rarefacere, rarefeci, rarefactus |
make less solid |
rastrum, rastri N |
drag-hoe |
ratis, ratis F |
raft; ship, boat |
raucus, rauca, raucum |
hoarse; husky; raucous |
receptaculum, receptaculi N |
receptacle; place of refuge, shelter |
recepto, receptare, receptavi, receptatus |
recover; receive, admit |
recido, recidere, recidi, recisus |
cut back/off, prune; cut back/away; get by cutting; curtail |
reciprocatio, reciprocationis F |
returning; reciprocation; G:reciprocal action |
reciprocus, reciproca, reciprocum |
going backwards and forwards; ebbing |
reconcinno, reconcinnare, reconcinnavi, reconcinnatus |
repair; set right |
recordor, recordari, recordatus sum |
think over; call to mind, remember |
recreo, recreare, recreavi, recreatus |
restore, revive |
recurvus, recurva, recurvum |
bent back on itself, bent round |
redarguo, redarguere, redargui, - |
refute; prove untrue |
redoleo, redolere, redolui, - |
emit a scent, be odorous |
reduco, reducere, reduxi, reductus |
lead back, bring back; restore; reduce |
reflecto, reflectere, reflexi, reflexus |
bend back; turn back; turn round |
refrigesco, refrigescere, refrixi, - |
grow cold, cool down |
refugio, refugere, refugi, - |
flee back; run away, escape |
refuto, refutare, refutavi, refutatus |
check; refute |
regius, regia, regium |
royal, of a king, regal |
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus |
reign, rule; be king; play the lord, be master |
regula, regulae F |
ruler, straight edge; basic principle, rule, standard; rod/bar/rail |
rejicio, rejicere, rejeci, rejectus |
throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn |
relaxo, relaxare, relaxavi, relaxatus |
loosen, widen; relax |
relicus, relica, relicum |
rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed |
religiosus, religiosa, religiosum |
pious/devout/religious/scrupulous; superstitious; taboo/sacred; reverent/devout |
religo, religare, religavi, religatus |
tie out of the way; bind fast; moor |
remordeo, remordere, -, remorsus |
bite back; gnaw, nag |
removeo, removere, removi, remotus |
move back; put away; withdraw; remove |
renascor, renasci, renatus sum |
be born again, be renewed, be revived |
renovo, renovare, renovavi, renovatus |
renew, restore; revive |
renuntio, renuntiare, renuntiavi, renuntiatus |
report, announce; reject |
reparo, reparare, reparavi, reparatus |
prepare again; renew, revive |
repecto, repectere, repexi, repexus |
comb back |
repello, repellere, repuli, repulsus |
drive/push/thrust back/away; repel/rebuff/spurn; fend off; exclude/bar; refute |
repello, repellere, reppuli, repulsus |
drive/push/thrust back/away; repel/rebuff/spurn; fend off; exclude/bar; refute |
repente |
suddenly, unexpectedly |
repentinus, repentina, repentinum |
sudden, hasty; unexpected |
repertor, repertoris M |
discoverer, inventor, author |
repleo, replere, replevi, repletus |
fill again; complete, fill |
replico, replicare, replicavi, replicatus |
turn/fold/bend back; unroll; unwind; go over and over |
reporto, reportare, reportavi, reportatus |
carry back; report |
reposco, reposcere, -, - |
demand back; claim as one's due |
repperio, repperire, repperi, reppertus |
discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent |
reputo, reputare, reputavi, reputatus |
think over, reflect |
requies, requiei F |
rest, respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby |
requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitus |
require, seek, ask for; need; miss, pine for |
rescindo, rescindere, rescidi, rescissus |
cut out; cut down, destroy; annul; rescind |
resideo, residere, resedi, resessus |
sit down/on/in; settle; be perched; remain seated/idle/fixed/in place; squat |
resido, residere, residi, - |
sit down; settle; abate; subside, quieten down |
resina, resinae F |
resin |
resisto, resistere, restiti, - |
pause; continue; resist, oppose; reply; withstand, stand; make a stand |
responso, responsare, responsavi, responsatus |
answer, reply; reecho |
restinguo, restinguere, restinxi, restinctus |
extinguish, quench, put out; exterminate, destroy; assuage, allay, mitigate |
restituo, restituere, restitui, restitutus |
restore; revive; bring back; make good |
resurgo, resurgere, resurrexi, resurrectus |
rise/appear again; rare up again, lift oneself, be restored/rebuilt, revive |
reticeo, reticere, reticui, - |
keep silent; give no reply; refrain from speaking/mentioning; leave unsaid |
revello, revellere, revelli, revulsus |
tear/pull away/loose/out/from/down/up; wrench off; remove |
reverto, revertere, reverti, - |
turn back, go back, return; recur |
reviso, revisere, -, - |
revisit, go back and see |
rhinoceros, rhinocerotos/is M |
rhinoceros; rhinoceros horn oil-flask |
ridiculus, ridicula, ridiculum |
laughable, funny, comic, amusing; absurd, silly, ridiculous |
rigeo, rigere, -, - |
be stiff or numb; stand on end; be solidified |
rigo, rigare, rigavi, rigatus |
moisten, wet, water, irrigate |
rigor, rigoris M |
stiffness, rigidity, coldness, numbness, hardness; inflexibility; severity |
ritus, ritus M |
rite; ceremony |
rixa, rixae F |
violent or noisy quarrel, brawl, dispute |
robigo, robiginis F |
rust; mildew, blight; a foul deposit in the mouth |
robur, roboris N |
oak; tough core; resolve/purpose; B:tetanus |
robustus, robusta -um, robustior -or -us, robustissimus -a -um |
of oak; hard/firm/solid; hardy/robust/durable, able to resist change; valiant |
rogus, rogi M |
funeral pyre |
romanus, romana, romanum |
Roman |
roro, rorare, roravi, roratus |
cause dew, drip; be moist |
roscidus, roscida, roscidum |
dewy, wet w/dew; consisting of dew; wet, dripping w/moisture; resembling dew |
roseus, rosea, roseum |
rose-colored, red; made of roses |
rostrum, rostri N |
beak, curved bow; speaker's platform |
rota, rotae F |
wheel |
rubicundus, rubicunda, rubicundum |
suffused with red, ruddy |
rubor, ruboris M |
redness, blush; modesty, capacity to blush; shame, disgrace, what causes blush |
rudis, rudis, rude |
undeveloped, rough, wild; coarse |
rudo, rudere, rudivi, ruditus |
bellow, roar, bray, creak loudly |
rugio, rugire, rugivi, rugitus |
bellow, roar |
ruina, ruinae F |
fall; catastrophe; collapse, destruction |
rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptus |
break; destroy |
rus, ruris N |
country, farm |
rusticitas, rusticitatis F |
lack of sophistication |
sacerdotium, sacerdoti(i) N |
priesthood; benefice/living |
sacramentum, sacramenti N |
sum deposited in a civil process, guaranty; oath of allegiance; sacrament |
sacrificium, sacrifici(i) N |
sacrifice, offering to a deity |
sacrilegium, sacrilegi(i) N |
sacrilege; robbery of sacred property |
sacro, sacrare, sacravi, sacratus |
consecrate, make sacred, dedicate |
saeculum, saeculi N |
age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century |
sal, salis M |
salt; wit |
salo, salere, -, salsus |
salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice |
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus |
greet; wish well; visit; hail, salute |
salveo, salvere, -, - |
be well/in good health |
sanctus, sancta -um, sanctior -or -us, sanctissimus -a -um |
consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just |
sanguineus, sanguinea, sanguineum |
bloody, bloodstained; blood-red |
sanguinolentus, sanguinolenta, sanguinolentum |
bloody; blood-red; blood-stained |
sanies, saniei F |
ichorous/bloody matter/pus discharged from wound/ulcer; other such fluids |
sanitas, sanitatis F |
sanity, reason; health |
sapienter |
wisely, sensibly |
sat |
enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty |
satelles, satellitis |
S:satellite |
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatus |
satisfy, sate; nourish |
satius |
rather; preferably |
satyrus, satyri M |
satyr; satyric play |
saucio, sauciare, sauciavi, sauciatus |
wound, hurt; gash, stab |
savium, savi(i) N |
kiss; sweetheart |
scaber, scabra -um, scabrior -or -us, scaberrimus -a -um |
rough/scabrous from disease, scabby; rough/corroded |
scaena, scaenae F |
theater stage,"boards"; scene; theater; public stage/view, publicity |
scalpellum, scalpelli N |
scalpel, lancet; small surgical knife; similar tool used in grafting |
scando, scandere, scandi, scansus |
climb; mount, ascend, get up, clamber |
scapha, scaphae F |
skiff; light boat |
scelero, scelerare, sceleravi, sceleratus |
defile |
scelestus, scelesta, scelestum |
infamous, wicked; accursed |
sceptrum, sceptri N |
scepter |
scientia, scientiae F |
knowledge, science; skill |
scintillo, scintillare, scintillavi, scintillatus |
send out sparks |
scio, scire, scivi, scitus |
know, understand |
scirpea, scirpeae F |
large basket made of bulrushes; basket-work |
scirpus, scirpa, scirpum |
woven/made of bulrushes; basket-work |
scitamentum, scitamenti N |
food dainty; G:nicety |
scopulus, scopuli M |
rock, boulder |
scorpio, scorpionis M |
scorpion; small catapult; plant |
scrutor, scrutari, scrutatus sum |
search/probe/examine carefully/thoroughly; explore/scan/scrutinize/investigate |
secerno, secernere, secrevi, secretus |
separate |
seco, secare, secui, sectus |
cut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach |
secretus, secreta -um, secretior -or -us, secretissimus -a -um |
separate, apart; private, secret; remote; hidden |
sectio, sectionis F |
cutting/severing; mowing; surgery; castration; disposal/buying up booty |
sector, sectari, sectatus sum |
follow continually; pursue; pursue with punishment; hunt out; run after |
seculum, seculi N |
world/universe; secular/temporal/earthly/worldly affairs/cares/temptation |
secum, seci N |
suet; tallow; hard animal fat |
secundus, secunda -um, secundior -or -us, secundissimus -a -um |
next, following; second; substituted; secondary/inferior; subordinate |
securis, securis F |
ax, hatchet, chopper; blow; vine-dresser's blade |
sedes, sedis F |
seat; home, residence; settlement, habitation; chair |
seditio, seditionis F |
sedition, riot, strife,rebellion |
seditiosus, seditiosa, seditiosum |
mutinous; troubled; quarrelsome |
sedo, sedare, sedavi, sedatus |
settle, allay; restrain; calm down |
sedulus, sedula, sedulum |
attentive, painstaking, sedulous |
seges, segetis F |
grain field; crop |
segmentum, segmenti N |
cutting, shred; borders/patches of purple or gold |
sementis, sementis F |
sowing, planting |
senatus, senatus M |
senate |
senectus, senecta, senectum |
very old, aged |
senesco, senescere, senui, - |
grow old; grow weak, be in a decline; become exhausted |
senium, seni(i) N |
condition of old age; melancholy, gloom |
sensifer, sensifera, sensiferum |
producing sensation |
sensim |
slowly, gradually, cautiously |
separatim |
apart, separately |
sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultus |
bury/inter; submerge, overcome; suppress; ruin |
septem, septimus -a -um, septeni -ae -a, septie(n)s |
7 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 7s |
septentrio, septentrionis M |
Big/Little Dipper; north, north regions/wind; brooch w/7 stones |
septentrionalis, septentrionalis, septentrionale |
northern, north-; in northern hemisphere; North |
septuennis, septuennis, septuenne |
of seven years |
sequax, sequacis (gen.), sequacior -or -us, sequacissimus -a -um |
that follows closely/eagerly; addicted; pliant/tractable, responsive to control |
serenus, serena, serenum |
clear, fair, bright; serene, tranquil; cheerful, glad |
sero, serere, serui, sertus |
wreath; join, entwine, interweave, bind together; compose; contrive |
serus, sera -um, serior -or -us, serissimus -a -um |
late; too late; slow, tardy; after the expected/proper time; at a late hour |
servitus, servitutis F |
slavery; slaves; servitude |
servolus, servoli M |
young slave |
sescenti -ae -a, sescentesimus -a -um, sesceni -ae -a, sexcentie(n)s |
set |
but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but |
setius |
less, worse |
sevoco, sevocare, sevocavi, sevocatus |
call aside; remove; separate |
sexaginta, sexagesimus -a -um, sexageni -ae -a, sexagie(n)s |
sibilo, sibilare, sibilavi, sibilatus |
hiss; hiss at |
siccitas, siccitatis F |
dryness; drought; dried up condition |
significo, significare, significavi, significatus |
signify, indicate, show |
silentium, silenti(i) N |
silence |
sileo, silere, silui, - |
be silent, not to speak; be quiet; not to function |
silex, silicis |
pebble/stone, flint; boulder, stone |
simia, simiae |
monkey; ape |
similiter |
similarly |
similitudo, similitudinis F |
likeness, imitation; similarity, resemblance; by-word; parable |
simitu |
together |
simplex, (gen.), simplicis |
single; simple, unaffected; plain |
simplicitas, simplicitatis F |
simplicity, candor |
simulacrum, simulacri N |
likeness, image, statue |
sincipitamentum, sincipitamenti N |
half-head; half/side of a head; smoked cheek of a pig |
sinciput, sincipitis N |
half/side of a head; smoked cheek of a pig; head; brain |
singultus, singultus M |
sobbing; convulsive catching of breath |
sinister, sinistera -um, sinisterior -or -us, sinistimus -a -um |
left, improper,adverse; inauspicious |
sinuo, sinuare, sinuavi, sinuatus |
bend into a curve; bend; billow out |
sinus, sinus M |
curved or bent surface; bending, curve, fold; bosom, lap; bay |
sisto, sistere, stiti, status |
stop, check; cause to stand; set up |
sitio, sitire, sitivi, - |
be thirsty |
socer, soceri M |
father in law |
societas, societatis F |
society; alliance/partnership; trading company; fellowship, communion |
socrus, socrus |
mother-in-law; spouse's grandmother/great grandmother |
sodes |
if you do not mind, please |
sollemnis, sollemne, sollemnior -or -us, sollemnissimus -a -um |
solemn, ceremonial, sacred, in accordance w/religion/law; traditional/customary |
sollers, sollertis (gen.), sollertior -or -us, sollertissimus -a -um |
clever, dexterous, adroit, expert, skilled, ingenious, accomplished |
sollicitudo, sollicitudinis F |
anxiety, concern, solicitude |
solor, solari, solatus sum |
solace, console, comfort; soothe, ease, lighten, relieve, assuage, mitigate |
somnio, somniare, somniavi, somniatus |
dream; dream of or see in a dream |
sopor, soporis M |
deep sleep |
sorbilis, sorbilis, sorbile |
suck-upable; can be sucked-up |
sordidus, sordida -um, sordidior -or -us, sordidissimus -a -um |
dirty, unclean, foul, filthy; vulgar, sordid; low, base, mean, paltry; vile |
soror, sororis F |
sister |
sospes, (gen.), sospitis |
safe and sound; auspicious |
spado, spadonis M |
eunuch |
spasmus, spasmi M |
cramp |
species, speciei F |
sight, appearance, show; splendor, beauty; kind, type |
spectaculum, spectaculi N |
show, spectacle; spectators' seats |
spectamen, spectaminis N |
mark; sign; sight, scene |
speculor, speculari, speculatus sum |
watch, observe; spy out; examine, explore |
spelunca, speluncae F |
cave |
spiculum, spiculi N |
sting; javelin; arrow; sharp point of a weapon |
spiro, spirare, spiravi, spiratus |
breathe; blow; live; breathe out; exhale; breathe the spirit of |
spisso, spissare, spissavi, spissatus |
thicken, condense |
splendeo, splendere, splendui, - |
shine/gleam/glitter, be bright/radiant/resplendent/distinguished |
splendidus, splendida, splendidum |
splendid, glittering |
splendor, splendoris M |
brilliance, luster, sheen; magnificence, sumptuousness, grandeur, splendor |
spolio, spoliare, spoliavi, spoliatus |
rob, strip; despoil, plunder; deprive |
spongia, spongiae F |
sponge; puffball; mass of fused iron-ore; pumice |
spons, spontis F |
free will |
sponsio, sponsionis F |
solemn promise; wager at law |
sportula, sportulae F |
food or money given by patrons to clients |
spurco, spurcare, spurcavi, spurcatus |
soil, infect; deprave |
spurcus, spurca, spurcum |
dirty, foul; morally polluted |
squamosus, squamosa, squamosum |
scaly |
st |
hush! hist! |
stercoreus, stercorea, stercoreum |
filthy |
sterilis, sterilis, sterile |
barren, sterile; fruitless; unprofitable, futile |
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratus |
spread, strew, scatter; lay out |
sterto, stertere, stertui, - |
snore |
stilus, stili M |
stylus, pencil, iron pen; column, pillar |
stimulo, stimulare, stimulavi, stimulatus |
urge forward with a goad, torment,"sting"; incite, rouse to frenzy |
stipendium, stipendi(i) N |
tribute, stipend; pay, wages; military service |
stipula, stipulae F |
stalk; stubble; straw; reed played on as a pipe |
stola, stolae F |
stola, Roman matron's outer garment; dress; clothing |
strangulo, strangulare, strangulavi, strangulatus |
strangle/throttle; suffocate/stifle/smother; choke; constrict way; keep close |
strenuus, strenua, strenuum |
active, vigorous, strenuous |
struix, struicis F |
heap, pile |
struma, strumae F |
scrofulous tumor |
studiosus, studiosa -um, studiosior -or -us, studiosissimus -a -um |
eager, keen, full of zeal; studious; devoted to, fond of |
studium, studi(i) N |
eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal, spirit; devotion, pursuit, study |
stupiditas, stupiditatis F |
dullness, senselessness |
suavis, suave, suavior -or -us, suavissimus -a -um |
agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive |
subdo, subdere, subdidi, subditus |
place under, apply; supply |
subdolus, subdola, subdolum |
sly, deceitful, treacherous |
subduco, subducere, subduxi, subductus |
lead up, carry off; transfer; haul |
subicio, subicere, subjeci, subjectus |
throw under, place under; make subject; expose |
subigo, subigere, subegi, subactus |
conquer, subjugate; compel |
subjicio, subjicere, subjeci, subjectus |
throw under, place under; make subject; expose |
subjungo, subjungere, subjunxi, subjunctus |
join with, unite; subdue, subject |
sublevo, sublevare, sublevavi, sublevatus |
lift up, raise; support; assist; lighten |
sublino, sublinere, sublevi, sublitus |
smear over surface/on underside; back; plaster; apply undercoat; trick |
subrepo, subrepere, subrepsi, subreptus |
creep; move stealthily; ooze/seep; insinuate self |
subsequor, subsequi, subsecutus sum |
follow close after; pursue; support |
subterduco, subterducere, subterduxi, subterductus |
carry off secretly |
subtilis, subtile, subtilior -or -us, subtilissimus -a -um |
fine-spun, fine; slender, delicate, exact; minutely thorough; strict, literal |
subvenio, subvenire, subveni, subventus |
come to help, assist; rescue |
succingo, succingere, succinxi, succinctus |
gather up with a belt or girdle; prepare for action; surround |
succingulum, succinguli N |
girdle |
sudo, sudare, sudavi, sudatus |
sweat, perspire |
suffero, sufferre, sustuli, sublatus |
bear, endure, suffer |
suffoco, suffocare, suffocavi, suffocatus |
strangle, choke, suffocate |
suggero, suggerere, suggessi, suggestus |
suggest, furnish |
suillus, suilla, suillum |
of pigs/swine |
sulpur, sulpuris N |
brimstone, sulfur; lightning/thunder |
summitto, summittere, summisi, summissus |
allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit |
summoveo, summovere, summovi, summotus |
remove; drive off, dislodge; expel; ward off; keep at a distance; bar/debar |
supellex, supellectilis F |
furniture, house furnishings; paraphernalia, articles necessary for business |
superbio, superbire, superbivi, superbitus |
show/have pride/disdain; be proud/gorgeous/superb/magnificent |
supercilium, supercili(i) N |
eyebrow; frown; arrogance |
supernato, supernatare, supernatavi, supernatatus |
swim on top; float |
supernus, superna, supernum |
heavenly; celestial; of the gods; lofty, above; on the surface/upper side |
superstes, (gen.), superstitis |
outliving, surviving; standing over/near; present, witnessing |
supervacuus, supervacua, supervacuum |
superfluous, redundant, more than needed; unnecessary, pointless, purposeless |
supervenio, supervenire, superveni, superventus |
come up, arrive |
supinus, supina, supinum |
lying face upwards, flat on one's back; turned palm upwards; flat; passive |
suppalpor, suppalpari, suppalpatus sum |
caress; coax gently |
suppedito, suppeditare, suppeditavi, suppeditatus |
be/make available when/as required, supply with/needs |
suppetia, suppetiae F |
help, aid |
suppilo, suppilare, suppilavi, suppilatus |
steal; pilfer |
supplanto, supplantare, supplantavi, supplantatus |
trip up |
suppleo, supplere, supplevi, suppletus |
supply |
supplicium, supplici(i) N |
punishment, suffering; supplication; torture |
suppono, supponere, supposui, suppositus |
place under; substitute; suppose |
supprimo, supprimere, suppressi, suppressus |
press down or under; suppress; keep back, contain; stop, check |
suptiliter, suptilius, suptilissime |
finely; delicately; acutely, exactly; minutely; strictly, literally; logically |
sursum |
up, on high |
suscenseo, suscensere, suscensui, suscensus |
be angry; be indignant with |
suscipio, suscipere, suscepi, susceptus |
undertake; support; accept, receive, take up |
suspicio, suspicionis F |
suspicion; mistrust |
suspiro, suspirare, suspiravi, suspiratus |
sigh; utter with a sigh |
suum, sui N |
his property |
symphonia, symphoniae F |
harmony of sounds; singers/musicians; symphony; instrument; war signal |
syngrapha, syngraphae F |
written contract/IOU to pay the other a specific sum of money |
tabesco, tabescere, tabui, - |
melt, dissolve; dry up, evaporate; waste away, dwindle away |
tabum, tabi N |
viscous fluid consisting of putrid matter |
taeda, taedae F |
pine torch |
taeter, taetra, taetrum |
foul, offensive; , ugly; disgraceful; black, blackish |
talus, tali M |
ankle; ankle/pastern bone; sheep knucklebone; dice game |
tamquam |
as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as |
tantisper |
for such time; for so long; for the present/meantime; all the time |
tantummodo |
only, merely |
tardesco, tardescere, -, - |
become slow |
tardo, tardare, tardavi, tardatus |
check, retard; hinder |
tardus, tarda -um, tardior -or -us, tardissimus -a -um |
slow, limping; deliberate; late |
tectorius, tectoria, tectorium |
used for covering, or for plastering |
tegumen, teguminis N |
covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk |
tellus, telluris F |
earth, ground; the earth; land, country |
temere |
rashly, blindly |
temno, temnere, -, - |
scorn, despise |
tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum |
seasonable; opportune, timely; physically in one's prime, ripe |
templum, templi N |
temple, church; shrine; holy place |
tempus, tempi M |
weather |
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tensus |
stretch/spread/extend; distend; aim/direct weapon/glance/steps/course; strive |
tenebra, tenebrae F |
darkness, obscurity; night; dark corner; ignorance; concealment; gloom |
tenerasco, tenerascere, -, - |
grow tender |
tenuo, tenuare, tenuavi, tenuatus |
make thin; reduce, lessen; wear down |
tepeo, tepere, tepui, - |
be warm/tepid/lukewarm; have body warmth; feel love warmth/glow; fall flat |
tepidus, tepida, tepidum |
warm, tepid |
ter |
three times; on three occasions |
terci |
3th-; 3th |
terebro, terebrare, terebravi, terebratus |
bore through, drill a hole in |
tergeminus, tergemina, tergeminum |
threefold, triple |
tergus, tergoris N |
back; skin, hide, leather |
termino, terminare, terminavi, terminatus |
mark the boundaries of, form the boundaries of; restrict; conclude |
terminus, termini M |
boundary, limit, end; terminus |
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus |
frighten, scare, terrify, deter |
tertianus, tertiana, tertianum |
of the third day |
testimonium, testimoni(i) N |
testimony; deposition; evidence; witness |
testis, testis |
witness |
testis, testis |
testicle |
thalamus, thalami M |
bedroom; marriage |
thesaurus, thesauri M |
treasure chamber/vault/repository; treasure; hoard; collected precious objects |
thesis, thesis F |
proposition, thesis |
thorax, thoracos/is M |
breastplate, upper body armor/protection, cuirass; vest/waistcoat; chest/trunk |
thymum, thymi N |
thyme |
tibiale, tibialis N |
stocking |
tibicina, tibicinae F |
female performer on the tibia |
tigris, tigros/is M |
tiger |
timidus, timida -um, timidior -or -us, timidissimus -a -um |
timid; cowardly; fearful, apprehensive; without courage; afraid to |
timor, timoris M |
fear; dread |
titubo, titubare, titubavi, titubatus |
stagger, totter; falter |
titulus, tituli M |
title; label; heading; placard/tablet; pretext, ostensible motive |
toga, togae F |
toga |
torpeo, torpere, -, - |
be numb or lethargic; be struck motionless from fear |
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortus |
turn, twist; hurl; torture; torment; bend, distort; spin, whirl; wind |
torreo, torrere, torrui, tostus |
parch, roast, scorch, bake, burn; dry up; begin to burn; harden by charring |
torresco, torrescere, -, - |
be scorched; be roasted |
torto, tortare, tortavi, tortatus |
torture; torment |
totidem, undeclined |
as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same |
tractim |
in a long-drawn-out manner |
tracto, tractare, tractavi, tractatus |
draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss |
traicio, traicere, trajeci, trajectus |
transfer; transport; pierce, transfix |
trajicio, trajicere, trajeci, trajectus |
transfer; transport; pierce, transfix |
trano, tranare, tranavi, tranatus |
swim across |
tranquillus, tranquilla, tranquillum |
quiet, calm |
transeo, transire, transivi(ii), transitus |
go over, cross |
transfero, transferre, transtuli, translatus |
transport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplant |
transfigo, transfigere, transfixi, transfixus |
transfix, pierce through |
transfiguro, transfigurare, transfiguravi, transfiguratus |
transform, change form/appearance |
transigo, transigere, transegi, transactus |
stab, pierce; finish, settle, complete, accomplish; perform; bargain, transact |
transilio, transilire, transilui, - |
jump across, leap over |
transmitto, transmittere, transmisi, transmissus |
send across; go across; transmit |
traversus, traversa, traversum |
transverse, oblique, athwart |
trecenti -ae -a, trecentesimus -a -um, treceni -ae -a, trecentie(n)s |
tremor, tremoris M |
trembling, shuddering; quivering, quaking |
tremulus, tremula, tremulum |
trembling |
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatus |
tremble, be afraid, waver |
trepidus, trepida, trepidum |
nervous, jumpy, agitated; perilous, alarming, frightened; boiling, foaming |
tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus |
divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute |
triduum, tridui N |
three days |
triginta, tricesimus -a -um, triceni -ae -a, tricie(n)s |
30 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 30s |
trimenstris, trimenstris, trimenstre |
three months old; lasting/acting for 3 months; ripening in 3 months |
triplex, (gen.), triplicis |
threefold, triple; three |
tristitia, tristitiae F |
sadness |
triticum, tritici N |
wheat |
trudo, trudere, trusi, trusus |
thrust, push, shove; drive, force; drive on |
truncus, trunci M |
trunk |
trux, (gen.), trucis |
wild, savage, fierce |
tuba, tubae F |
trumpet; hydraulic ram pipe |
tumeo, tumere, -, - |
swell, become inflated; be puffed up; be bombastic; be swollen with conceit |
tumidus, tumida, tumidum |
swollen, swelling, distended; puffed up with pride or self; confidence |
tumultus, tumultus M |
commotion, confusion, uproar; rebellion, uprising, disturbance |
turbidus, turbida, turbidum |
wild/stormy; muddy/turbid; murky/foggy/clouded/opaque; gloomy, frowning |
turdus, turdi M |
thrush |
turma, turmae F |
troop, squadron |
turpiter |
repulsively, disgracefully, shamelessly; in an ugly/unsightly manner |
tus, turis N |
frankincense |
tussicula, tussiculae F |
slight cough |
tutor, tutoris M |
protector, defender; guardian, watcher; tutor |
tutor, tutari, tutatus sum |
guard, protect, defend; guard against, avert |
ubi |
where; in what place; when, whenever; as soon as; in which; with whom |
udus, uda, udum |
wet |
umbra, umbrae F |
shade; ghost; shadow |
uncia, unciae F |
twelfth part, twelfth; ounce; inch |
unctio, unctionis F |
anointing/unction; besmearing; ointment |
unguentum, unguenti N |
oil, ointment |
ungueo, unguere, -, - |
anoint/rub; smear with oil/grease; dress; add oil |
unguo, unguere, unxi, unctus |
anoint/rub; smear with oil/grease; dress; add oil |
unicornis, unicornis M |
unicorn, one-horned horse-like creature |
unicus, unica, unicum |
only, sole, single, singular, unique; uncommon, unparalleled; one of a kind |
uniter |
so as to form a singular entity |
universus, universa, universum |
whole, entire; all together; all; universal |
urgueo, urguere, ursi, - |
press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust |
ustio, ustionis F |
burning; searing |
usurarius, usuraria, usurarium |
of interest/usury; interest-derived; subject to interest; provided on loan |
usus, usus M |
use, enjoyment; experience, skill, advantage; custom |
utcumque |
whatever, as far as; in whatever manner/degree. no matter how/to what extent |
uter, utris |
skin; wine/water skin; bag/bottle made of skin/hide |
utibilis, utibilis, utibile |
useful; serviceable |
utiliter, utilius, utilissime |
usefully/profitably/to advantage; interestedly; validly/effectively/practically |
utinam |
if only, would that |
uva, uvae F |
grape |
vacca, vaccae F |
cow |
vacillo, vacillare, vacillavi, vacillatus |
stagger, totter; be in a weak condition |
vaco, vacare, vacavi, vacatus |
be empty; be vacant; be idle; be free from, be unoccupied |
vacuus, vacua, vacuum |
empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of |
vadum, vadi N |
shallow place, stream; ford, shoal; channel |
vafer, vafra, vafrum |
sly, cunning, crafty |
vagina, vaginae F |
sheath, scabbard |
valgus, valga, valgum |
knock-kneed, having legs converging at the knee and diverging below |
vallis, vallis F |
valley, vale, hollow |
vanitas, vanitatis F |
emptiness, untruthfulness; futility, foolishness, empty pride |
vanus, vana, vanum |
empty, vain; false, untrustworthy |
vapor, vaporis M |
steam/vapor; exhalation; heat/warmth; fever, body heat; excited state |
varico, varicare, varicavi, varicatus |
straddle |
varietas, varietatis F |
variety, difference; mottled appearance |
vario, variare, variavi, variatus |
mark with contrasting colors, variegate; vary, waver; fluctuate, change |
vasto, vastare, vastavi, vastatus |
lay waste, ravage, devastate |
vates, vatis M |
prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity; oracle, soothsayer; poet |
vectigalis, vectigalis, vectigale |
yielding taxes, subject to taxation |
velamen, velaminis N |
veil; for nun/Muslim); covering |
velamentum, velamenti N |
cover, olive-branch wrapped in wool carried by a suppliant |
velitor, velitari, velitatus sum |
skirmish; fight like light troops |
vello, vellere, vulsi, vulsus |
pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish |
vellus, velleris N |
fleece |
veluti |
just as, as if |
venia, veniae F |
favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence |
ventus, venti M |
wind |
veratrum, veratri N |
hellebore |
vermiculus, vermiculi M |
grub, larva |
vermis, vermis M |
worm, maggot |
vernus, verna, vernum |
of spring, vernal |
verro, verrere, verri, versus |
sweep clean; sweep together; sweep; skim, sweep; sweep along |
versipellis, versipellis M |
shape-changer, who can metamorphose to different shape; double-dealer |
verso, versare, versavi, versatus |
keep turning/going round, spin, whirl; turn over and over; stir; maneuver |
vertex, verticis M |
whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole |
vescor, vesci, - |
feed on, eat, enjoy |
vesper, vesperis M |
evening; evening star; west |
vespertinus, vespertina, vespertinum |
evening |
veternus, veterni M |
morbid state of torpor |
vetulus, vetula, vetulum |
elderly, aging |
vetust, vetustis (gen.), vetustior -or -us, vetustissimus -a -um |
old, aged, ancient; former; veteran, experienced; long standing, chronic |
vetustus, vetusta, vetustum |
ancient, old established; long-established |
viaticus, viatica, viaticum |
relating to a journey |
vibro, vibrare, vibravi, vibratus |
brandish, wave, crimp, corrugate; rock; propel suddenly; flash; dart; glitter |
vicia, viciae F |
vetch |
vicis, vicis F |
turn, change, succession; exchange, interchange, repayment; plight, lot |
victor, (gen.), victoris |
triumphant |
victoria, victoriae F |
victory |
videlicet |
one may see; clearly, evidently |
viden |
do you not see; or consider |
vidulus, viduli M |
travel-trunk, portmanteau, wallet; bag for carrying belongings; box/trunk |
vieo, viere, -, vietus |
plait, weave; bend/twist into basketwork |
vigilia, vigiliae F |
watch, vigil, wakefulness |
villus, villi M |
shaggy hair, tuft of hair |
vinculum, vinculi N |
chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment |
vindex, vindicis M |
defender, protector |
vindico, vindicare, vindicavi, vindicatus |
claim, vindicate; punish, avenge |
vindicta, vindictae F |
ceremonial act claiming as free one contending wrongly enslaved; vengeance |
vinosus, vinosa, vinosum |
drunk w/over fond of wine; tasting/smelling of wine; vinous; dreg-colored |
violarium, violari(i) N |
bed of violets |
violo, violare, violavi, violatus |
violate, dishonor; outrage |
vireo, virere, virui, - |
be green or verdant; be lively or vigorous; be full of youthful vigor |
virga, virgae F |
twig, sprout, stalk; switch, rod; staff, wand; stripe/streak; scepter |
virgineus, virginea, virgineum |
virgin; of/appropriate for/haunted by marriageable age girls; unworked |
viridis, viridis, viride |
fresh, green; blooming,youthful |
virilis, virilis, virile |
manly, virile; mature |
visito, visitare, visitavi, visitatus |
visit, call upon; see frequently/habitually |
viso, visere, visi, visus |
visit, go to see; look at |
vivatus, vivata, vivatum |
animated |
vocabulum, vocabuli N |
noun, common/concrete noun; word used to designate thing/idea, term, name |
vocalis, vocalis, vocale |
able to speak; having a notable voice; tuneful |
volito, volitare, volitavi, volitatus |
fly about, hover over |
volnus, volneris N |
wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love |
volsella, volsellae F |
pair of tweezers |
volubilis, volubilis, volubile |
winding, twisting |
volup |
with pleasure; pleasurably |
voluptarius, voluptaria, voluptarium |
pleasant; concerned with or devoted to pleasure |
vomer, vomeris M |
plowshare; stylus |
voro, vorare, voravi, voratus |
swallow, devour |
voto, votare, votui, votitus |
forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent |
vult |
be willing; wish |
vultis |
be willing; wish |
vultus, vultus M |
face, expression; looks |