74 definitions of interest to Audivisse
since about 13 years ago.
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Mithridates, Mithridatis M | Mithridates |
Oscus, Osca, Oscum | Oscan; of the ancients of Campania |
ager, agri M | field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil |
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum | approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize, attempt |
ago, agere, egi, actus | drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver |
anceps, (gen.), ancipitis | two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold |
animus, animi M | mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air |
antea | before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past |
antecapio, antecapere, antecepi, anteceptus | take/seize beforehand, pre-occupy, forestall; anticipate |
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus | uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out |
atque | and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet |
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus | increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of |
aut | or, or rather/else; either...or |
autem | but, on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also |
centurio, centuriare, centuriavi, centuriatus | arrange/assign in military centuries; divide land into centuriae |
ceterus, cetera, ceterum | the other; the others. the remaining/rest, all the rest |
comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatus | prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise; unite |
consido, considere, consedi, consessus | sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit, try; settle; alight; subside/sink |
consulo, consulere, consului, consultus | ask information/advice of; consult, take counsel; deliberate/consider; advise |
contentio, contentionis F | stretching, tension; strenuous exercise; comparison |
deleo, delere, delevi, deletus | erase, wipe/scratch/remove, wipe/blot out, expunge, delete |
deligo, deligere, delegi, delectus | pick/pluck off, cull; choose, select, levy, enroll; conduct a levy |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus | say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead |
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail |
etiam | and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed |
exerceo, exercere, exercui, exercitus | exercise, train, drill, practice; enforce, administer; cultivate |
exter, extera -um, exterior -or -us, extremus -a -um | outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange |
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus | hasten, hurry |
hic, haec, hoc | this; these |
hiems, hiemis F | winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather |
imminuo, imminuere, imminui, imminutus | diminish; impair; abbreviate |
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus | begin; start, undertake |
insignis, insignis, insigne | conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstanding |
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus | understand; realize |
is, ea, id | he/she/it/they; that one |
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um | long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time |
lumen, luminis N | light; lamp, torch; eye; life; day, daylight |
mercator, mercatoris M | trader, merchant |
multitudo, multitudinis F | multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob |
murena, murenae F | kind of eel, the moray or lamprey |
navicularia, naviculariae F | business of a ship-owner |
ni | if... not; unless |
nox, noctis F | night |
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus | announce/report/bring word/give warning; convey/deliver/relate message/greeting |
obscurus, obscura -um, obscurior -or -us, obscurissimus -a -um | dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, only faintly/dimly seen; dingy; gloomy |
obvius, obvia, obvium | in the way, easy; hostile; exposed |
pars, partis F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side |
per | through; during; by, by means of |
pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectus | go on, proceed |
plerus, plera, plerum | the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many |
praeda, praedae F | booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey |
procedo, procedere, processi, processus | proceed; advance; appear |
proelium, proeli(i) N | battle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strength |
propterea | therefore, for this reason |
qui, quae, quod | who, which |
quippe | of course; as you see; obviously; naturally; by all means |
reliquus, reliqua, reliquum | rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed |
sum, esse, fui, futurus | be; exist |
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus | take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact; obtain |
suus, sua, suum | his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs |
tamen | yet, nevertheless, still |
tempus, tempi M | weather |
tempus, temporis N | time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity |
togatus, togata, togatum | wearing a toga; civilian; of Roman status |
totus, tota, totum (gen -ius) | whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once |
tum | moreover |
urbs, urbis F | city; City of Rome |
usque | up to |
utor, uti, usus sum | use, make use of, enjoy; enjoy the friendship of |
vasto, vastare, vastavi, vastatus | lay waste, ravage, devastate |
veneo, venire, venivi(ii), venitus | go for sale, be sold, be disposed of for gain |
video, videre, vidi, visus | see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen |
vineus, vinea, vineum | made of/belonging to wine, wine- |
volo, velle, volui, - | wish, want, prefer; be willing, will |
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