79 definitions of interest to DeliaZhang
since almost 9 years ago.
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Romulus, Romula, Romulum | of/pertaining to Romulus; Roman |
a | by, from; after |
adulter, adulteri M | adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard |
aequus, aequa -um, aequior -or -us, aequissimus -a -um | level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented |
aestus, aestus M | agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell |
arbitrium, arbitri(i) N | arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority |
arvum, arvi N | arable land/field, soil, region; country; dry land; stretch of plain |
asinus, asina, asinum | of/connected with an ass/donkey, ass's; stupid, asinine |
assiduus, assidua -um, assiduior -or -us, assiduissimus -a -um | constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class |
autem | but, on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also |
aveo, avere, -, - | hail; fare/be well |
balnearium, balnearii N | baths, bathhouses, places for bathing |
bonus, bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um | good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy |
canus, cana, canum | white, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w/snow/frost |
carnifex, carnificis M | executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain |
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus | sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide |
cinaedus, cinaeda -um, cinaedior -or -us, cinaedissimus -a -um | resembling/like/typical of a cinaedus/sodomite; unchaste; impudent, shameless |
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus | make, construct; prepare, complete, accomplish; cause; perform; do thoroughly |
constans, constantis (gen.), constantior -or -us, constantissimus -a -um | constant, unchanging; steadfast, resolute; steady, stable; immovable; secure |
convinco, convincere, convici, convictus | conquer, establish; convince; overcome, demonstrate, prove clearly; grant |
copia, copiae F | plenty, abundance, supply; troops, supplies; forces; resources; wealth |
culus, culi M | buttocks; posterior; anus |
cunnus, cunni M | female pudenda/external genitalia; a female; unchaste woman |
curius, curia, curium | grievous; full of sorrow |
decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretus | decide/settle/determine/resolve; decree/declare/ordain; judge; vote for/contend |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus | say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead |
diffindo, diffindere, diffidi, diffissus | divide; split/cut/break off/open; defer/put off; refute/deny |
doctus, docta -um, doctior -or -us, doctissimus -a -um | learned, wise; skilled, experienced, expert; trained; clever, cunning, shrewd |
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail |
facio, facere, feci, factus | make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work |
filius, fili M | son |
frater, fratris M | brother; cousin |
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus | pour, cast; scatter, shed, rout |
fur, furis | thief, robber; robber bee; the Devil |
habeo, habere, habui, habitus | have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass |
impetus, impetus M | attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury |
inferia, inferiae F | offerings to the dead |
ingenium, ingeni(i) N | nature, innate quality; natural disposition/capacity; character; talent |
instar, undeclined N | image, likeness, resemblance; counterpart; the equal/form of |
interea | meanwhile |
is, ea, id | he/she/it/they; that one |
ita | thus, so; therefore |
lego, legare, legavi, legatus | bequeath, will; entrust, send as an envoy, choose as a deputy |
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um | large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious |
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, - | bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky |
mano, manare, manavi, manatus | flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring |
manufestus, manufesta -um, manufestior -or -us, manufestissimus -a -um | detected, plainly guilty; flagrant, plain; caught in act/redhanded; undoubted |
maxumus, maxuma, maxumum | greatest/biggest/largest; longest; oldest; highest, utmost; leading, chief |
meio, meere, mixi, mictus | urinate, make water; ejaculate |
minax, (gen.), minacis | threatening; boding ill |
mirus, mira, mirum | wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprising, extraordinary |
mula, mulae F | she-mule; mule |
mutuus, mutua, mutuum | borrowed, lent; mutual, in return |
nascor, nasci, natus sum | be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live |
nisi | if not; except, unless |
nosco, noscere, novi, notus | get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with |
par, paris (gen.), -, parissimus -a -um | equal; a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper |
paro, parare, paravi, paratus | prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan |
pars, partis F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side |
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum | continuous, uninterpreted; whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting |
popularis, popularis | compatriot, fellow citizen/from same community; partner/associate; inhabitant |
possum, posse, potui, - | be able, can |
postquam | after |
postremo | at last, finally |
pote, undeclined | able, capable; possible |
praeceps, (gen.), praecipitis | head first, headlong; steep, precipitous |
promptus, promptus M | readiness; ease; exposing to view |
quin | why not, in fact |
quis | which |
quo | where, to what place; to what purpose; for which reason, therefore |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus | leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath |
rex, regis M | king |
saltus, saltus M | leap, spring, jump; stage, step |
scelero, scelerare, sceleravi, sceleratus | defile |
se | reflexive; -self |
unus, una, unum (gen -ius) | alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of |
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus | bear, carry, convey; pass, ride, sail |
video, videre, vidi, visus | see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen |
vorax, voracis M | ravenous; insatiable; devouring |
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