75 definitions of interest to evanr111.209
since about 7 years ago.

accusator, accusatoris Maccuser, prosecutor at trial; plaintiff; informer
amplus, ampla -um, amplior -or -us, amplissimus -a -umgreat, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable
attineo, attinere, attinui, attentushold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep, retain; delay
calceo, calceare, calceavi, calceatusput shoes on, furnish with shoes; shoe; put feet in something
civilis, civilis, civileof/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming
colloco, collocare, collocavi, collocatusplace/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply
comissor, comissari, comissatus sumcarouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession
comprehendo, comprehendere, comprehendi, comprehensuscatch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive
conicio, conicere, conjeci, conjectusthrow/put/pile together; conclude, infer/guess; assign, make go; classify, put
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutusset up/in position, erect; place/dispose/locate; halt; plant
consuetudo, consuetudinis Fhabit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention
credo, credere, credidi, creditustrust, entrust; commit/consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose
defensor, defensoris Mdefender/protector; supporter/champion/apologist; defendant; defense advocate
deservio, deservire, deservivi, deservitusserve; devote oneself to; be subject to; be of service/use to
domitor, domitoris Mtamer, breaker; subduer, vanquisher, conqueror
egregius, egregia, egregiumsingular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent
enimnamely; indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say
etiamand also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed
fero, ferre, tuli, latusbring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
gero, gerere, gessi, gestusbear, carry, wear; carry on; manage, govern
hic, haec, hocthis; these
ille, illa, illudthat; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former
imbecillis, imbecille, imbecillior -or -us, imbecillissimus -a -umweak/feeble; delicate; fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources
immono indeed; on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
impetus, impetus Mattack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
improbus, improba, improbumwicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless
injustus, injusta, injustumunjust, wrongful; severe, excessive; unsuitable
jaceo, jacere, jacui, jacituslie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
justus, justa -um, justior -or -us, justissimus -a -umjust, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
lautus, lauta -um, lautior -or -us, lautissimus -a -umelegant, fashionable; sumptuous/luxurious; fine, well turned out; washed/clean
lego, legere, legi, lectusread; gather, collect; furl, weigh; pick out
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -umlarge/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
materies, materiei Fwood, lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree
meus, mea, meummy; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
mimus, mimi Mmime; farce; actor in mimes
navo, navare, navavi, navatusdo with zeal
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius)no; none, not any
odio, odire, odivi, -hate; dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to
odium, odi(i) Nhate/hatred/dislike/antipathy; odium, unpopularity; boredom/impatience
omnis, omnis, omneeach, every, every one; all; all/the whole of
poetria, poetriae Fpoetess
posterus, postera -um, posterior -or -us, postremus -a -umcoming after, following, next; COMP next in order, latter; SUPER last/hindmost
praeterbesides, except, contrary to; beyond, in front of, before; more than
primus, -a, -umfirst
proficio, proficere, profeci, profectusmake, accomplish, effect
provincia, provinciae Fprovince; office; duty; command
pyxis, pyxidos/is Fsmall box/casket for medicine; iron heel on pestle
quadro, quadrare, quadravi, quadratussquare up, make square/suitable; square/fit; quadruple; form rectangular shape
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitussearch for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand
quaestio, quaestionis Fquestioning, inquiry; investigation
quantus, quanta, quantumhow great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
qui, quae, quodwho, which
quisnam, cuiusnam who then?; who in the world?
quoadas long as, until
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertusdiscover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent
reus, rea, reumliable to; guilty
salus, salutis Fhealth; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety
sedo, sedare, sedavi, sedatussettle, allay; restrain; calm down
seges, segetis Fgrain field; crop
simultas, simultatis Fenmity, rivalry; hatred
sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; exist
suus, sua, suumhis/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
tandemfinally; at last, in the end; after some time, eventually; at length
temererashly, blindly
tempero, temperare, temperavi, temperatuscombine, blend, temper; make mild; refrain from; control oneself
tempus, temporis Ntime, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity
testis, testistesticle
tueor, tueri, tutus sumsee, look at; protect, watch; uphold
tyrannus, tyranni Mtyrant; despot; monarch, absolute ruler; king, prince
utto, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
valeo, valere, valui, valitusbe strong/powerful/influential/healthy; prevail
vivo, vivere, vixi, victusbe alive, live; survive; reside
volo, velle, volui, -wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
vultisbe willing; wish

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