Vocab sheet
for francois28, 1 passage

Words occurring 10 to 20 times
nutrix, nutricis F  nurse
sum, esse, fui, futurus  be; exist
Words occurring 3 to 5 times
et  and, and even; also, even
non  not, by no means, no
possum, posse, potui, -  be able, can
qui, quae, quod  who, which
rex, regis M  king
Words occurring 1 to 2 times
Pelasgus, Pelasgi M  ancient Greek
abeo, abire, abivi(ii), abitus  depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed
aboleo, abolere, abolevi, abolitus  destroy, efface, obliterate; kill; banish, dispel; put end to. abolish, rescind
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus  come near, approach; agree with; be added to; constitute
adfligo, adfligere, adflixi, adflictus  overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex
affor, affari, affatus sum  speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed, be decreed by fate
aliquando  sometime, at any time, ever; finally; before too late; at length
aliquid  to some degree/extent; somewhat
alumnus, alumna, alumnum  nourished, brought up; reared/fostered by; native, brought up locally
animus, animi M  mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air
apto, aptare, aptavi, aptatus  adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish
arceo, arcere, arcui, -  ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate
armum, armi N  arms, weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force
at  but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least
aufero, auferre, apstuli, ablatus  bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain
aveho, avehere, avexi, avectus  carry away, carry; ride away/off, sail away, go away, depart
cardo, cardinis M  hinge; pole, axis; chief point/circumstance; crisis; tenon/mortise; area; limit
compesco, compescere, compescui, -  restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessus  relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone
conjunx, (gen.), conjugis  yoked together; paired; linked as a pair
contra  against, facing, opposite; weighed against; as against; in resistance/reply to
creo, creare, creavi, creatus  create/bring into being/make; procreate; beget/sire; give birth to
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus  wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well
decet, decere, decuit, -  it is fitting/right/seemly/suitable/proper; it ought; become/adorn/grace
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus  defend/guard/protect, look after; act/speak/plead/write for defense; prosecute
demo, demere, dempsi, demptus  take/cut away/off, remove, withdraw; subtract; take away from
despero, desperare, desperavi, desperatus  despair; have no/give up hope; give up as hopeless
deus, dei  god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god
disco, discere, didici, discitus  learn; hear, get to know, become acquainted with; acquire knowledge/skill of/in
dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatus  doubt; deliberate; hesitate; be uncertain/irresolute
out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of
edo, edere, edidi, editus  eject/emit; put/give forth; beget; bear; display/evince/exhibit
equidem  truly, indeed; for my part
evinco, evincere, evici, evictus  overcome, conquer, subdue, overwhelm, defeat utterly; prevail, bring to pass
exporto, exportare, exportavi, exportatus  export, carry out
famulus, famula, famulum  serving; serviceable; servile; subject
ferox, (gen.), ferocis  wild, bold; warlike; cruel; defiant, arrogant
ferrum, ferri N  iron; any tool of iron; weapon, sword
fides, fidei F  faith, loyalty; honesty; credit; confidence, trust, belief; good faith
finis, finis  boundary, end, limit, goal; country, territory, land
fio, feri, factus sum  happen, come about; result; take place, be held, occur, arise
forsan  perhaps
fortis, forte, fortior -or -us, fortissimus -a -um  strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold
fortuna, fortunae F  chance, luck, fate; prosperity; condition, wealth, property
fraus, fraudis F  fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion
fuga, fugae F  flight, fleeing, escape; avoidance; exile
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus  flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile
fulmen, fulminis N  lightning, flash; thunderbolt; crushing blow
furialis, furialis, furiale  frenzied, mad; avenging
gener, generi M  son-in-law
genus, generis N  birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent
gradus, gradus M  step; position
habeo, habere, habui, habitus  have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass
hic, haec, hoc  this; these
horribilis, horribile, horribilior -or -us, horribilissimus -a -um  awful, horrible, terrible; monstrous; rough
ictus, ictus M  blow, stroke; musical/metrical beat; measure
ignavus, ignava -um, ignavior -or -us, ignavissimus -a -um  lazy/idle/sluggish; spiritless; cowardly, faint-hearted; ignoble, mean; useless
ignis, ignis M  fire, brightness; passion, glow of passion
ille, illa, illud  that; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former
imperium, imperi(i) N  command; authority; rule, supreme power; the state, the empire
impetus, impetus M  attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus  come upon; discover, find; invent, contrive; reach, manage to get
ipse, ipsa, ipsum  himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
jam  now, already, by/even now; besides
jamdudum  long ago/before/since; a long time ago; this long time; immediately, at once
jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussus  order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus  free; acquit, absolve; manumit; liberate, release
liceo, licere, licui, -  fetch
locus, loci M  seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic
lues, luis F  plague, pestilence; scourge, affliction
manus, manus F  hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunk
mare, maris N  sea; sea water
mater, matris F  mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city
metuo, metuere, metui, -  fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread
metus, metus M  fear, anxiety; dread, awe; object of awe/dread
meus, mea, meum  my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
mina, minae F  Greek weight unit; its weight of silver
minax, (gen.), minacis  threatening; boding ill
minuo, minuere, minui, minutus  lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate
molior, moliri, molitus sum  struggle, labor, labor at; construct, build; undertake, set in motion, plan
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratus  show; point out, reveal; advise, teach
monstrum, monstri N  monster; portent, unnatural thing/event regarded as omen/sign/portent
morior, mori, mortuus sum  die, expire, pass/die/wither away/out; fail, come to an end; decay
moveo, movere, movi, motus  move, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturb
nihil, undeclined N  nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern
nil, undeclined N  nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern
nondum  not yet
nosco, noscere, novi, notus  get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with
noster, nostra, nostrum  our
noxius, noxia, noxium  harmful, noxious; guilty, criminal
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius)  no; none, not any
numquam  never
ops, opis F  power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth
paeniteo, paenitere, paenitui, -  displease; regret; repent, be sorry
parco, parcere, peperci, parsus  forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with
paro, parare, paravi, paratus  prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan
pater, patris M  father
patior, pati, passus sum  suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit
pes, pedis M  foot
pessimus, pessima, pessimum  worst, most incapable; wickedest; most disloyal/unkind; lowest in quality/rank
peto, petere, petivi, petitus  attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask; reach towards, make for
premo, premere, pressi, pressus  press, press hard, pursue; oppress; overwhelm
prex, precis F  prayer, request
prior, prior, prius  ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic
probo, probare, probavi, probatus  approve, esteem/commend/recommend/certify; give assent/approval/sanction
procul  away; at distance, far off
profugio, profugere, profugi, -  escape, escape from; run away from
prope, propius, proxime  near, nearly; close by; almost
properus, propera, properum  quick, speedy
quies, quietis F  quiet, calm, rest, peace; sleep
regius, regia, regium  royal, of a king, regal
regnum, regni N  royal power; power; control; kingdom
res, rei F  thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property
saevus, saeva -um, saevior -or -us, saevissimus -a -um  savage; fierce/ferocious; violent/wild/raging; cruel, harsh, severe; vehement
securus, secura, securum  secure, safe, untroubled, free from care
sed  but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but
sequor, sequi, secutus sum  follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek
si  if, if only; whether
sileo, silere, silui, -  be silent, not to speak; be quiet; not to function
sino, sinere, sivi, situs  allow, permit
sisto, sistere, stiti, status  stop, check; cause to stand; set up
spero, sperare, speravi, speratus  hope for; trust; look forward to; hope
spes, spei F  hope/anticipation/expectation; prospect/hope/promise
strepo, strepere, strepui, strepitus  make a loud noise; shout confusedly; resound
supersum, superesse, superfui, superfuturus  be left over; survive; be in excess/superfluous; remain to be performed
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus  be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus  touch, strike; border on, influence; mention
tantus, tanta, tantum  of such size; so great, so much
tempus, temporis N  time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity
terra, terrae F  earth, land, ground; country, region
timeo, timere, timui, -  fear, dread, be afraid
tu  you
tumidus, tumida, tumidum  swollen, swelling, distended; puffed up with pride or self; confidence
tunc  then, thereupon, at that time
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum  avenge; punish
vado, vadere, vasi, -  go, advance, rush, hurry; walk
velox, velocis (gen.), velocior -or -us, velocissimus -a -um  swift, quick, fleet, rapid, speedy
verbum, verbi N  word; proverb
via, viae F  way, road, street; journey
video, videre, vidi, visus  see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
vindex, vindicis M  defender, protector
virtus, virtutis F  strength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence
vita, vitae F  life, career, livelihood; mode of life
vix  hardly, scarcely, barely, only just; with difficulty, not easily; reluctantly

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