79 definitions of interest to GACSlatin
since about 8 years ago.
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Spes, Spei F | Spes, goddess of hope; hope personified |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey |
adhuc | thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides |
aditus, aditus M | approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning |
aeratus, aerata, aeratum | covered/decorated with/made of brass/bronze; with bronze fittings |
aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatus | value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge; esteem |
alius, alia, aliud | other, another; different, changed |
amor, amoris M | love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion |
annus, anni M | year; age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course |
antefero, anteferre, antetuli, antelatus | carry before; place before/in front of; bring in advance, anticipate; prefer |
arduus, ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um | steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult |
armum, armi N | arms, weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force |
at | but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least |
aut | or, or rather/else; either...or |
bellum, belli N | war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms |
bipennis, bipennis, bipenne | two-edged; having two wings |
bruma, brumae F | winter, winter cold/weather; winter solstice; shortest day; sun position then |
capulus, capuli M | sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin |
cardo, cardinis M | hinge; pole, axis; chief point/circumstance; crisis; tenon/mortise; area; limit |
cavo, cavare, cavavi, cavatus | hollow out, make concave/hollow; excavate; cut/pierce through; carve in relief |
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectus | collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up |
coluber, colubri M | snake; serpent |
complecto, complectere, complecti, complexus | embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve |
concido, concidere, concidi, - | fall down/faint/dead/victim/to earth/short, collapse; drop, subside; decline |
conprehendo, conprehendere, conprehendi, conprehensus | catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
contendo, contendere, contendi, contentus | stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw/bend; tune; stretch out |
controversia, controversiae F | controversy/dispute; debate; moot case debated in school, forensic exercise |
convolvo, convolvere, convolvi, convolutus | roll/whirl together/round; carry/sweep away; roll up/coil/twist; enfold; writhe |
de | down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to |
donum, doni N | gift, present; offering |
elabor, elabi, elapsus sum | slip away; escape; elapse |
enim | namely; indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say |
et | and, and even; also, even |
etiam | and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed |
exsulto, exsultare, exsultavi, exsultatus | rejoice; boast; exalt; jump about, let oneself go |
exuvia, exuviae F | things stripped off; spoils, booty; memento, something of another's |
facio, facere, feci, factus | make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work |
furtivus, furtiva, furtivum | stolen; secret, furtive |
gramen, graminis N | grass, turf; herb; plant |
gravis, grave, gravior -or -us, gravissimus -a -um | heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome |
habeo, habere, habui, habitus | have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass |
hic, haec, hoc | this; these |
imbellis, imbellis, imbelle | unwarlike; not suited or ready for war |
infestus, infesta -um, infestior -or -us, infestissimus -a -um | unsafe, dangerous; hostile; disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet |
injicio, injicere, injeci, injectus | hurl/throw/strike in/into; inject; put on; inspire, instill |
labo, labare, labavi, labatus | totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err |
latus, lateris N | side; flank |
locus, loci M | seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic |
lubricus, lubrica, lubricum | slippery; sinuous; inconstant; hazardous, ticklish; deceitful |
lustro, lustrare, lustravi, lustratus | purify cermonially, cleanse by sacrifice, expiate |
medito, meditare, meditavi, meditatus | consider/contemplate/ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise/plan |
mico, micare, micui, - | vibrate, quiver, twinkle; tremble, throb; beat; dart, flash, glitter |
moneo, monere, monui, monitus | remind, advise, warn; teach; admonish; foretell, presage |
mox | soon, next |
numero | quickly, rapidly; prematurely, too soon; too much |
nurus, nurus F | daughter-in-law; prospective daughter-in-law; wife of grandson, etc. |
omnis, omnis, omne | each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of |
pars, partis F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side |
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum | continuous, uninterpreted; whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting |
persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus | persuade, convince |
pono, ponere, posui, positus | put/place/set; station/post; pitch; situate; set up; erect |
postis, postis M | doorpost |
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatus | carry in front; prefer; display; offer; give preference to |
pretium, preti(i) N | price/value/worth; reward/pay; money; prayer/request |
qui, quae, quod | who, which |
quia | because |
quisnam, cuiusnam | who then?; who in the world? |
sapientia, sapientiae F | wisdom; judgment/understanding; reason |
se | reflexive; -self |
simultas, simultatis F | enmity, rivalry; hatred |
stupeo, stupere, stupui, - | be astounded |
subripio, subripere, subripui, subreptus | snatch away, steal |
succedo, succedere, successi, successus | climb; advance; follow; succeed in |
sum, esse, fui, futurus | be; exist |
summus, summa, summum | highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of |
tego, tegere, texi, tectus | cover, protect; defend; hide |
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus | hold, keep; comprehend; possess; master; preserve |
vello, vellere, vulsi, vulsus | pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish |
viginti | 20 |
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