Adam, undeclined M |
Adam |
Aethiops, Aethiopis |
Ethiopian, of/connected with Ethiopia/Sudan/central Africa |
Alexander, Alexandri M |
Alexander |
Alpis, Alpis F |
Alps, mountains to the north of Italy |
Aprilis, Aprilis M |
April |
Arcturus, Arcturi M |
Acturus, brightest star in Bootes; the whole constellation; arction plant |
Argi, Argorum |
Argives |
Asia, Asiae F |
Asia; Asia Minor; the East |
Asianus, Asiana, Asianum |
Asian, of/from/belonging to Asia/Asia Minor/the East; florid |
Augustus, Augusti M |
Augustus; of all emperors |
Babylonius, Babylonia, Babylonium |
Babylonian, of Babylon |
Bacchus, Bacchi M |
Bacchus, god of wine/vine; the vine, wine |
Bootes, Bootae |
the constellation Bootes |
Britannia, Britanniae F |
Britain |
Britannus, Britanni M |
Britons |
241, as a Roman numeral |
180, as a Roman numeral |
Cacus, Caci M |
Cacus, giant son of Vulcan; servant |
Calymne, Calymnes |
the island of Calymne |
Capitolium, Capitolii N |
Capitol; Capitoline Hill in Rome |
Capua, Capuae F |
Capua; chief city of Campania |
Carnutes, Carnutis M |
Carnutes, tribe of central Gaul, around Loire- Caesar |
Carthago, Carthaginis F |
Carthage |
Casticus, Castici |
Casticus, a nobleman of the Sequani |
Catamantaloedes, Catamantaloedis |
Catamantaloedes, ruler of the Sequani |
Cephas, undeclined M |
rock, surname of Simon Peter |
Ceres, Cereris F |
Ceres; wheat; bread; food |
Chaos, Chai N |
Chaos, pit of Hell, underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter |
Cimber, Cimbri M |
one of the Cimberi, a German tribe, who invaded Gaul |
Claudius, Claudia, Claudium |
Claudius; Roman gens; the Lame |
Cn., abb. |
Gnaeus |
Corinthius, Corinthia, Corinthium |
of/from/pertaining to Corinth, Corinthian; of Corinthian bronze/order |
Corinthos, Corinthi F |
Corinth |
Cotta, Cottae M |
Cotta |
Crete, Cretes F |
Crete, island of Crete |
Cupido, Cupidinis M |
Cupid, son of Venus; personification of carnal desire |
Cyrene, Cyrenes F |
Cyrenae, town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete |
Cyreneus, Cyrenei M |
Cyrenean, inhabitant of Cyrenae |
Delos, Deli |
the island of Delos |
Diana, Dianae F |
Diana; moon |
Dis, Ditis M |
Dis; deity/godhead; Jupiter |
Diviciacus, Diviciaci M |
Diviciacus; an Aeduan Gaul chief in Caesar; a Suessiones king |
Dumnorix, Dumnorigis M |
Dumnorix, name of a Gaul- in Caesar's Gallic War |
Emmanuel, undeclined M |
Emmanuel, God with us |
Eous, Eoa, Eoum |
eastern; of the dawn; belonging to/of/set in the morning |
Ephesius, Ephesia, Ephesium |
of/from/belonging to Ephesus, Ephesian |
Ephesos, Ephesi F |
Ephesus, city in Asia Minor |
Euminis, Eumenidos/is F |
Fury/Eumenide; the gracious/benevolent ones |
Eva, Evae F |
Eve |
Februarius, Februaria, Februarium |
February; abb. Feb. |
Galatia, Galatiae F |
Galatia, region of Asia Minor |
Germanus, Germani M |
German, of Germany / the Germans |
Graecia, Graeciae F |
Greece |
Haeduus, Haedui M |
a Haeduan; one of the Haedui/Aedui, a people of Central Gaul |
Helice, Helices |
the constellation Helice, Ursa Major |
Helvetius, Helvetii M |
Helvetii, tribe in Central Gaul |
Hierusalem, undeclined N |
Jerusalem |
Hymen, undeclined M |
Greek wedding chant/refrain; marriage, wedding, match |
Hymenaeos, Hymenaei M |
Greek wedding chant/refrain; marriage, wedding, match |
Hymenaeus, Hymenaei M |
Greek wedding chant/refrain; marriage, wedding, match |
3, as a Roman numeral |
Idus, Idus F |
Ides, abb. Id.; 15th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 13th elsewhen |
Indus, Inda, Indum |
Indian, from/of/belonging to India; of Indian ivory |
Ion, Ionis F |
Isis; daughter of Inachus |
Israhelita, Israhelitae M |
Israelite |
Julius, Juli M |
Julius |
Juno, Junonis F |
Juno |
Junonius, -a, -um |
pertaining to Juno |
Karthago, Karthaginis F |
Carthage |
Lar, Laris M |
Lares; tutelary god/gods of home/hearth/crossroads; home/dwelling |
Latinus, Latina, Latinum |
Latin; of Latium; of/in Latin; Roman/Italian |
Latius, Latia, Latium |
Latin; of Latium; Roman; Italian |
Lebinthos, Lebinthi |
the island of Lebinthos |
Lemannus, Lemanni M |
Lake Geneva |
Leo, Leonis M |
Leo; priests of Persian god Mithras |
Lethaeus, Lethaea, Lethaeum |
of Lethe; causing forgetfulness, of the underworld |
Libye, Libyes F |
Libya; peoples of Libya |
Licinius, Licinia, Licinium |
Licinian; of Licenius gens |
Lucius, Luci M |
Lucius |
Lupercal, Lupercalis N |
grotto on Palatine hill sacred to Lycean Pan; fertility festival of Lycean Pan |
M., abb. |
Marcus |
M'., abb. |
Manius |
Manlius, Manlia, Manlium |
Manlian; of Manlius gens |
Marcus, Marci M |
Marcus |
Mars, Martis M |
Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms |
Mercurius, Mercurii M |
Mercury |
Messala, Messalae M |
Messala/Messalla |
Minos, Minois/Minonis |
Minos, king of Crete |
Naias, Naiados/is F |
Naiad; water nymph; nymph |
Nero, Neronis M |
Nero |
October, Octobris, Octobre |
October; abb. Oct.; of/pertaining to October |
Olympus, Olympi M |
Olympus; Mt Olympus in Greece; the gods; heaven |
Orcus, Orci M |
god of the underworld, Dis; death; the underworld |
Orion, Orionis/os |
the constellation Orion |
P., abb. |
Publius |
Pan, Panos/is M |
Pan; Greek god of shepherds |
Paros, Pari |
the island of Paros |
Parthus, Parthi M |
Parthian; inhabitant of Parthia |
Penates, Penatum |
Penates; gods of home/larder/family; home/dwelling; family/line |
Pergamum, Pergami |
the citadel of Troy |
Phoebe, Phoebes F |
Diana; moon goddess |
Phrygius, Phrygia, Phrygium |
Phrygian, of Phyrigia; Trojan |
Pilatus, Pilati M |
Pilatus |
Piso, Pisonis M |
Piso |
Plinius, Plini M |
Pliny |
Poenus, Poena, Poenum |
Carthaginian, Punic; of/associated w/Carthage; Phoenician; scarlet, bright red |
Pompeius, Pompei M |
Pompeius; , triumvir) |
Priamus, Priami |
Priam, king of Troy |
Q., abb. |
Quintus |
Rhodanus, Rhodani M |
Rhone |
Samos, Sami |
the island of Samos |
Sardus, Sarda, Sardum |
Sardinian |
Saul, Saulis M |
Saul; King of Israel) |
Saulus, Sauli M |
Saul; King of Israel) |
Scipio, Scipionis M |
Scipio |
Serestus, Seresti |
Serestus |
Sergestus, Sergesti |
Sergestus, a steersman in Aeneas’ group |
Sibylla, Sibyllae F |
prophetess, sibyl |
Sp., abb. |
Spurius |
Styx, Stygos/is F |
Styx river; river of the underworld |
Subura, Suburae F |
valley between Esquiline and Viminal hills of Rome |
Sulla, Sullae M |
Sulla |
Sychaeus, Sychaei |
Sychaeus |
Syria, Syriae F |
Syria |
T., abb. |
Titus, Roman praenomen |
Tartarum, Tartari N |
infernal regions, the underworld |
Tenedos, Tenedos |
Tenedos, an island off the coast of Troy |
Teucer, Teucri M |
Trojan; originally brother of Ajax |
Thomas, undeclined M |
Thomas |
Ti., abb. |
Tiberius, Roman praenomen |
Tiberinus, Tiberina, Tiberinum |
Tiber-; of the river Tiber |
Tiberius, Tiberi M |
Tiberius; abb. Ti./Tib. |
Titan, Titanos/is M |
Titan |
Titus, Titi M |
Titus; Roman praenomen, abb. T. |
Trajanus, Trajani M |
Trajan |
Tullius, Tulli M |
Tullius; M. Tullius Cicero, orator |
Tydides, Tydideis |
Diomedes, son of Tydeus |
Tyrius, -a, -um |
Tyrian, of Tyre |
Tyrrhenus, -a, -um |
Tyrrhenian, Etruscan, Tuscan; Italian |
Ulixes, Ulixeis M |
Ulysses/Odysseus |
Vesta, Vestae F |
Vesta |
Vestalis, Vestalis, Vestale |
Vestal, of Vesta |
XX |
20, as a Roman numeral |
25, as a Roman numeral |
a |
Ah! |
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditus |
remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal |
abigo, abigere, abegi, abactus |
drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder, rustle; seduce |
abnego, abnegare, abnegavi, abnegatus |
deny; decline, refuse, reject; refuse to give, withhold |
abnuo, abnuere, abnui, abnuitus |
refuse, decline; deny; refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out |
aboleo, abolere, abolevi, abolitus |
destroy, efface, obliterate; kill; banish, dispel; put end to. abolish, rescind |
abominatio, abominationis F |
aversion, detestation, loathing |
abrado, abradere, abrasi, abrasus |
scratch/scrape/rub/wipe, shave; erase; wash/erode away; "knock off", rob |
abs |
by, from; after |
abscedo, abscedere, abscessi, abscessus |
withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede; slough |
abscondo, abscondere, abscondi, absconditus |
hide, conceal, secrete,"shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep |
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolutus |
free, release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up |
absorbeo, absorbere, absorbui, absorptus |
devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up |
abstergo, abstergere, abstersi, abstersus |
wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel |
abstineo, abstinere, abstinui, abstentus |
withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain; avoid; keep hands of |
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus |
drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split |
abstulo, abstulere, -, - |
to take away, withdraw |
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus |
spend, waste, squander, use up; take up; consume; exhaust, wear out |
abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatus |
abound, have in large measure; overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous |
abutor, abuti, abusus sum |
waste, squander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust; misapply; curse |
abyssus, abyssi F |
deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bowels of the earth; primal chaos |
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus |
kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright |
acceptus, accepta -um, acceptior -or -us, acceptissimus -a -um |
welcome, pleasing; popular with, well liked; dear; received/credited |
accersio, accersire, -, - |
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on onesel |
accipiter, accipitris |
hawk; flying gurnard |
accola, accolae |
neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant |
accommodo, accommodare, accommodavi, accommodatus |
adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to |
accumbo, accumbere, accumbui, accumbitus |
take a place/recline at the table; lie on, lie at/prone, lie beside |
accurro, accurrere, accurri, accursus |
run/hasten to; come/rush up; charge, rush to attack |
accusatio, accusationis F |
accusation, inditement; act/occasion of accusation; rebuke, reproof |
acerbus, acerba -um, acerbior -or -us, acerbissimus -a -um |
harsh, strident, bitter, sour; unripe, green, unfinished; grievous; gloomy |
acia, aciae F |
thread, yarn |
acquiesco, acquiescere, acquievi, acquietus |
lie with, rest/relax; repose; acquiesce/assent/submit; subside |
acriter, acrius, acerrime |
sharply, vigilantly, fiercely; severely, steadfastly; keenly, accurately |
acutus, acuta -um, acutior -or -us, acutissimus -a -um |
sharp, sharpened, pointed/tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitched |
ad |
about |
adaperio, adaperire, adaperivi, adaperitus |
throw open, open wide; unroll, open; uncover, reveal; open up |
adclivis, adclivis, adclive |
rising, sloping upward |
adductus, adducta -um, adductior -or -us, adductissimus -a -um |
contracted, drawn together; frowning, grave; compressed, terse; strict, severe |
adedo, adedere, adedi, adesus |
eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode |
adfigo, adfigere, adfixi, adfixus |
fasten/fix/pin/attach to, annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine |
adflo, adflare, adflavi, adflatus |
blow/breathe; inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on |
adfor, adfari, adfatus sum |
speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed, be decreed by fate |
adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum |
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize, attempt |
adhereo, adherere, adhesi, adhesus |
adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved |
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus |
summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to |
adhortor, adhortari, adhortatus sum |
encourage, urge on; rally; exhort |
adicio, adicere, adjeci, adjectus |
add, increase, raise; add to; suggest; hurl; throw to/at |
adigo, adigere, adegi, adactus |
drive in/to, force, impel; cast, hurl; consign; bind |
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus |
withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue |
aditus, aditus M |
approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning |
adjaceo, adjacere, adjacui, adjacitus |
lie near to, lie beside; be adjacent/contiguous to, neighbor on; live near |
adjicio, adjicere, adjeci, adjectus |
add, increase, raise; add to; suggest; hurl; throw to/at |
adjuro, adjurare, adjuravi, adjuratus |
swear by/solemnly; affirm with oath; charge/entreat/urge |
adjuto, adjutare, adjutavi, adjutatus |
help; help realize a program/purpose |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvi, adjutus |
help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvavi, adjuvatus |
help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable |
administer, administri M |
assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister |
admiratio, admirationis F |
wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel |
admodum |
very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely |
admoveo, admovere, admovi, admotus |
move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add |
adnoto, adnotare, adnotavi, adnotatus |
note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate |
adnuntiatio, adnuntiationis F |
annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching |
adnuo, adnuere, adnui, adnutus |
designate by a nod; indicate, declare; nod assent; smile on; agree to, grant |
adoleo, adolere, adolui, adolultus |
worship, make/burn sacrifice/offerings; cremate; destroy/treat by fire/heat |
adolesco, adolescere, adolevi, adultus |
grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase |
adorator, adoratoris M |
worshipper, adorer, one who worships/prays/reverences |
adorior, adoriri, adortus sum |
assail/assault/attack, rise against; accost/address |
adpeto, adpetere, adpetivi, adpetitus |
seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near |
adprecor, adprecari, adprecatus sum |
address prayer to, pray to, invoke, beseech |
adpropinquo, adpropinquare, adpropinquavi, adpropinquatus |
approach; come near to, draw near/nigh; be close |
adquiro, adquirere, adquisivi, adquisitus |
acquire besides/in addition, obtain, gain, win, get; add to stock; accrue |
adsector, adsectari, adsectatus sum |
accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court |
adsequor, adsequi, adsecutus sum |
follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand |
adsero, adserere, adserui, adsertus |
lay hands on, grasp; assert, allege; free, release; claim; protect, preserve |
adsiduus, adsidua -um, adsiduior -or -us, adsiduissimus -a -um |
constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class |
adsisto, adsistere, adstiti, adstatus |
take a position/stand, attend; appear before; set/place near |
adstituo, adstituere, adstitui, adstitutus |
place near/before; make to stand before |
adsto, adstare, adstiti, - |
stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet |
adsuetudo, adsuetudinis F |
custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse |
adsum, adesse, arfui, arfuturus |
be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid |
adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus |
be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid |
adsumo, adsumere, adsumpsi, adsumptus |
take, adopt/raise, use; assume/receive; insert/add; usurp/claim |
adsurgo, adsurgere, adsurrexi, adsurrectus |
rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar |
adtraho, adtrahere, adtraxi, adtractus |
attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend |
adulter, adultera, adulterum |
impure/adulterated; mixed/crossbred; adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer |
aduncus, adunca, aduncum |
bent, curved, hooked, crooked |
aduro, adurere, adussi, adustus |
scorch, singe; burn; consume in fire |
advento, adventare, adventavi, adventatus |
approach, come to, draw near; arrive,"turn up"; come in; approximate |
advenus, advena, advenum |
foreign, alien; migrant; recently arrived; unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant |
adversarius, adversaria, adversarium |
opposed, hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial |
adverso, adversare, adversavi, adversatus |
apply, direct |
adversus, adversa -um, adversior -or -us, adversissimus -a -um |
opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable |
advoco, advocare, advocavi, advocatus |
call, summon, invite, convoke, call for; call in as counsel; invoke the Gods |
advolo, advolare, advolavi, advolatus |
fly to, dash to, hasten towards |
advolvo, advolvere, advolvi, advolutus |
roll to/towards; fall on knees, grovel, prostrate oneself |
advorto, advortere, advorti, advorsus |
turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot |
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus |
build, erect, construct, make; create; establish; improve; edify |
aeger, aegra -um, aegrior -or -us, aegerrimus -a -um |
sick/ill, infirm; unsound, injured; painful, grievous; corrupt; sad/sorrowful |
aegrotus, aegrota, aegrotum |
sick, diseased; love-sick, pining |
aemulatio, aemulationis F |
rivalry, ambition; unfriendly rivalry; emulation, imitation |
aemulor, aemulari, aemulatus sum |
ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy |
aemulus, aemula, aemulum |
envious, jealous, grudging, comparable/equal |
aequalis, aequale, aequalior -or -us, aequalissimus -a -um |
equal, similar; uniform, level, flat; of the same age/generation/duration |
aeramentum, aeramenti N |
prepared copper/bronze; a strip of copper/bronze; copper/bronze vessels |
aerius, aeria, aerium |
of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering, airy; blue |
aerumna, aerumnae F |
toil, task, labor; hardship, trouble, affliction, distress, calamity |
aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatus |
value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge; esteem |
aestuo, aestuare, aestuavi, aestuatus |
boil, seethe, foam; billow roll in waves; be agitated/hot; burn; waver |
aestuosus, aestuosa -um, aestuosior -or -us, aestuosissimus -a -um |
burning hot, glowing, sweltering, sultry; fevered; seething, raging |
aestus, aestus M |
agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell |
aevum, aevi N |
time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time |
affatus, affatus M |
address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance |
affirmo, affirmare, affirmavi, affirmatus |
affirm/assert; confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize |
affligo, affligere, afflixi, afflictus |
overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex |
agito, agitare, agitavi, agitatus |
stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue |
agmen, agminis N |
stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession |
agna, agnae F |
ear of grain; straw/blade |
agnitio, agnitionis F |
recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement |
agricola, agricolae M |
farmer, cultivator, gardener, agriculturist; plowman, countryman, peasant |
ait, -, - |
he says, it is said; they say |
alacer, alacris -e, alacrior -or -us, alacerrimus -a -um |
eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful |
alapa, alapae F |
blow, slap, smack; box on the ear |
ales, alitis |
bird; eagle; winged god/monster; omen/augury |
algor, algoris M |
cold, coldness; chilliness; a fit of shivering; cold weather |
alibi |
elsewhere, in another place; in other respects, otherwise; in another matter |
alimentum, alimenti N |
food/nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood; alms; fuel |
aliqua |
somehow, in some way or another, by some means or other; to some extent |
aliquam |
largely, to a large extent, a lot of |
aliquamdiu |
for some time, for a considerable time/distance, for a while |
aliquantus, aliquanta, aliquantum |
certain quantity/amount/number/size of; quite a quantity of; moderate |
aliqui |
in some way/extent |
aliquo |
to some place/person; in some/any direction/quarter; some/anywhere |
aliquod, undeclined |
some/several/a few people; more than one; a number |
aliter |
otherwise, differently; in any other way |
alligo, alligare, alligavi, alligatus |
bind/fetter; bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in |
alloquor, alloqui, allocutus sum |
speak to; address, harangue, make a speech; call on; console |
alluvius, alluvia, alluvium |
alluvial, from river overflow/deposit |
almus, alma, almum |
nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering |
aloe, aloes F |
aloe plant; thickened aloe juice; bitterness |
alpha, undeclined N |
alpha, 1st letter of Greek alphabet; first/foremost; beginning |
alter |
the one... the other; otherwise |
altercatio, altercationis F |
contention, dispute, wrangle, altercation; debate, argument, repartee |
alterno, alternare, alternavi, alternatus |
do by turns, vary; alternate, waver, ebb and flow; bear/crop in alternate years |
altitudo, altitudinis F |
height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy |
alto, altare, altavi, altatus |
raise, make high, elevate |
altum, alti N |
the deep, the sea; deep water; a height/depth; remote/obscure period/source |
alveus, alvei M |
cavity, hollow; tub; trough, bowl, tray; gameboard; beehive; canoe |
amabilis, amabile, amabilior -or -us, amabilissimus -a -um |
worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful |
amans, amantis (gen.), amantior -or -us, amantissimus -a -um |
loving/fond/affectionate; beloved/dear to; friendly/kind; having love/affection |
amatus, amata, amatum |
loved, beloved |
ambages, ambagis F |
circuit; roundabout way; long story, details; riddle; ambiguity; lie; mystery |
ambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum |
changeable, doubtful, ambiguous, wavering, fickle; treacherous, unethical |
ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus |
go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace |
ambitiosus, ambitiosa -um, ambitiosior -or -us, ambitiosissimus -a -um |
ambitious, eager to please/for advancement/favor; showy; winding, twisting |
ambo, ambae, ambo |
both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two |
amens, amentis (gen.), amentior -or -us, amentissimus -a -um |
insane, demented, out of one's mind; very excited, frantic, distracted; foolish |
amentia, amentiae F |
madness; extreme folly, infatuation, stupidity; frenzy, violent excitement |
amfractus, amfractus M |
bend, curvature; circuit, round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution |
amica, amicae F |
female friend; girl friend, sweetheart; patron; mistress, concubine; courtesan |
amictus, amictus M |
cloak, mantle; outer garment; clothing, garb; fashion; manner of dress; drapery |
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus |
lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop |
amodo |
henceforth, from this time forward; from now; in the future |
amomum, amomi N |
amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from the plant; unguent/balm with this spice |
amoveo, amovere, amovi, amotus |
move/take/put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire |
amplius, undeclined |
greater, further/more, longer |
anathemo, anathemare, anathemavi, anathematus |
anathematize, anathemize, put under ban; curse; detest |
anceps, (gen.), ancipitis |
two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold |
ancilla, ancillae F |
slave girl; maid servant; handmaid; nun |
ancisus, ancisa, ancisum |
cut up, chopped up; cut around/away |
angario, angariare, angariavi, angariatus |
press, requisition, commandeer; exact villeinage; compel, constrain |
angiportus, angiportus M |
narrow street, alley; lane |
angulatim |
from corner to corner, in every nook and cranny |
angulus, anguli M |
angle, apex; corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot |
angustus, angusta -um, angustior -or -us, angustissimus -a -um |
narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty |
anhelitus, anhelitus M |
panting, puffing, gasping, shortness of breath; breath, exhalation; bad breath |
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversus |
pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish |
animo, animare, animavi, animatus |
animate, give/bring life; revive, refresh; rouse, animate; inspire; blow |
anno, annare, annavi, annatus |
pass/live through a year |
annuntio, annuntiare, annuntiavi, annuntiatus |
announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach |
annuus, annua, annuum |
for a year, lasting/appointed for a year; paid/performed yearly, annual |
antea |
before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past |
antecedo, antecedere, antecessi, antecessus |
precede, go before/ahead/in front of, attain before; excel, surpass, outstrip |
antefero, anteferre, antetuli, antelatus |
carry before; place before/in front of; bring in advance, anticipate; prefer |
antesto, antestare, antesteti, antestatus |
surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before |
antistes, antistitis |
priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority; protector |
anulus, anuli M |
ring, signet ring; circlet; ringlet/curl of hair; link of mail; fetters, irons |
anus, ana, anum |
old, aged |
anxius, anxia, anxium |
anxious, uneasy, disturbed; concerned; careful; prepared with care; troublesome |
apocalypsis, apocalypsos/is F |
revelation, disclosing |
apoculo, apoculare, apoculavi, apoculatus |
go away, remove oneself, leave |
appetens, appetentis (gen.), appetentior -or -us, appetentissimus -a -um |
eager/greedy/having appetite for, desirous; avaricious/greedy/covetous |
applico, applicare, applicui, applicitus |
connect, place near, bring into contact; land; adapt; apply/devote to |
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus |
approach; come near to, draw near/nigh; be close |
apsum, apesse, afui, afuturus |
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct |
apto, aptare, aptavi, aptatus |
adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish |
aptus, apta -um, aptior -or -us, aptissimus -a -um |
suitable, adapted; ready; apt, proper; tied, attached to; dependent on |
aquosus, aquosa -um, aquosior -or -us, aquosissimus -a -um |
abounding in water, well watered, wet; humid, rainy; clear as water, watery |
arator, aratoris M |
plowman; farmer; cultivators of public land on tenths |
aratrum, aratri N |
plow |
arbiter, arbitri M |
eye-witness, on-looker; umpire, judge, arbiter; overseer, lord; executor |
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum |
observe, witness; testify; decide, judge, sentence; believe, think, imagine |
arcanus, arcana, arcanum |
secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric |
arceo, arcere, arcui, - |
ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate |
arcesso, arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitus |
send for, summon, indict; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself |
architectus, architecti M |
architect, master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser |
ardor, ardoris M |
fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity |
arduus, ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um |
steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult |
area, areae F |
area |
areo, arere, arui, - |
be dry/parched; be thirsty; be withered |
argenteus, argentea, argenteum |
silver, silvery, of silver; made/ornamented with silver; of money; with money |
argentum, argenti N |
silver; money, cash; silver-plate |
argilla, argillae F |
white clay, potter's earth/clay; clay |
arguo, arguere, argui, argutus |
prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict |
aria, ariae F |
open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot |
aries, arietis M |
ram; battering ram; the Ram; large unidentified marine animal |
arista, aristae F |
awn, beard of an ear of grain; ear of grain; grain crop; harvest |
aro, arare, aravi, aratus |
plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle |
aroma, aromatis N |
spice, aromatic substance; sweet odors |
arrigo, arrigere, arrexi, arrectus |
set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused |
artifex, (gen.), artificis |
skilled, artistic; expert, practiced; cunning, artful; creative, productive |
artus, artus M |
arm/leg/limb, joint, part of the body; frame, body; sexual members/organs |
asellus, aselli M |
ass, donkey; fish of the cod family, hake?; Asses/stars in Cancer |
aspectus, aspectus M |
appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon |
asper, aspera -um, asperior -or -us, asperrimus -a -um |
rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard |
asperum, asperi N |
uneven/rough/harsh place/land; adversity, difficulties |
assideo, assidere, assedi, assessus |
sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble |
assidue, assiduius, assiduissime |
continually, constantly, regularly |
assiduus, assidua -um, assiduior -or -us, assiduissimus -a -um |
constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class |
assimilo, assimilare, assimilavi, assimilatus |
make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part |
assis, assis M |
penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole; circular flap/valve; round slice |
assisto, assistere, asstiti, asstatus |
take position/stand, attend; appear before; set/place near; defend |
assumentum, assumenti N |
that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched; patch |
assuo, assuere, assui, assutus |
sew or patch on |
ast |
but, on the other hand/contrary; but yet; at least; in that event; if further |
astrum, astri N |
star, heavenly body, planet/sun/moon; the stars, constellation; sky, heaven |
astus, astus M |
craft, cunning, guile; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem |
astutia, astutiae F |
cunning, cleverness, astuteness; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem |
ater, atra -um, atrior -or -us, aterrimus -a -um |
black, dark; dark-colored; gloomy/murky; unlucky; sordid/squalid |
atqui |
but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still |
atrox, atrocis (gen.), atrocior -or -us, atrocissimus -a -um |
fierce, savage, bloody; heinous, cruel; severe; terrible, frightening, dreadful |
attamen |
but yet, but however, nevertheless |
attendo, attendere, attendi, attentus |
turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay attention to, listen carefully |
attexo, attexere, attexui, attextus |
add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving |
attineo, attinere, attinui, attentus |
hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep, retain; delay |
attollo, attollere, -, - |
raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt |
audacter, audacius, audacissime |
boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly |
auditus, auditus M |
hearing; listening; act/sense of hearing; hearsay |
augmentum, augmenti N |
increase, waxing; increment; sustenance; advancement |
augur, auguris |
augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer |
augurium, auguri(i) N |
augury; divination, prediction; omen, portent/sign; foreboding |
auguro, augurare, auguravi, auguratus |
prophesy, predict, foretell; practice augury; make known intention to |
aula, aulae F |
hall; church/temple; palace/castle; inner/royal court; courtiers; royal power |
auratus, aurata, auratum |
gilded, overlaid/adorned with gold, golden, gold mounted/embroidered/bearing |
aureolus, aureola, aureolum |
golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid |
aurora, aurorae F |
dawn, daybreak, sunrise; goddess of the dawn; Orient/East, peoples of the East |
ausonia, ausoniae |
an archaic name for the Italian peninsula |
autumnus, autumna, autumnum |
of autumn, autumnal |
auxilio, auxiliare, auxiliavi, auxiliatus |
help; give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal |
avaritia, avaritiae F |
greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness |
avena, avenae F |
reed, straw; shepherd's pipe, pan pipe; oats, wild oats, other allied grasses |
aveo, avere, -, - |
hail; fare/be well |
aversor, aversari, aversatus sum |
turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject |
avidus, avida -um, avidior -or -us, avidissimus -a -um |
greedy, eager, ardent, desirous of; avaricious, insatiable; lustful, passionate |
avitus, avita, avitum |
ancestral, of one's ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather |
avius, avia, avium |
out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying |
avoco, avocare, avocavi, avocatus |
call/summon away; dissuade, divert, distract; remove, take away |
azymus, azyma, azymum |
unleavened; pure, morally uncorrupted |
baculum, baculi N |
stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff; scepter; crozier |
bajulo, bajulare, -, - |
carry, bear |
balteum, baltei N |
belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse |
baptisma, baptismatis N |
baptism; dipping in/under, washing, ablution |
baptismum, baptismi N |
baptism; washing, sprinkling |
barbo, barbare, barbavi, barbatus |
supply with a beard |
basiatio, basiationis F |
kiss |
basium, basi(i) N |
kiss; kiss of the hand |
battis, battis F |
plant |
bellor, bellari, - |
fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight |
beneficium, benefici(i) N |
kindness, favor, benefit, service, help; privilege, right |
beneplaceo, beneplacere, beneplacui, beneplacitus |
please; be pleasing to |
benignitas, benignitatis F |
kindness, courtesy; friendliness, benevolence; liberality, favor; bounty; mercy |
benignus, benigna -um, benignior -or -us, benignissimus -a -um |
kind, favorable, obliging; kindly, mild, affable; liberal, bounteous |
bidens, bidentis |
animal for sacrifice |
biennium, bienni(i) N |
two years |
bifurcum, bifurci N |
fork; point at which anything forks; fork of thighs, crotch |
bilibris, bilibris, bilibre |
two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds |
bilis, bilis F |
gall, bile; wrath, anger, indignation; madness, melancholy, folly |
bimatus, bimatus M |
two years of age |
binus, bina, binum |
two by two; 2 each; in pairs; 2 at time; on 2 occasions; double, twofold |
bis |
twice |
blanditia, blanditiae F |
flattery, caress, compliment; charm, flatteries, enticement, courtship |
blandus, blanda -um, blandior -or -us, blandissimus -a -um |
flattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive |
boa, boae F |
large Italian snake; water serpent; disease with pustules |
brachium, brachi(i) N |
arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts |
brutus, bruta, brutum |
heavy, unwieldy, inert; dull, stupid, brute; irrational, insensitive, brutish |
buccella, buccellae F |
morsel, small mouthful of food |
byssinus, byssina, byssinum |
made of fine linen/flax, fine flaxen |
byssum, byssi N |
kind of fine flax; linen made of it; cotton |
caecitas, caecitatis F |
blindness, darkness; mental/moral blindness, lack of discernment |
caeco, caecare, caecavi, caecatus |
blind; obscure, confuse, hide; morally blind |
caeles, (gen.), caelitis |
heavenly; celestial |
caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum |
blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea |
caesareus, caesarea, caesareum |
imperial; of Caesar |
caesaries, caesariei F |
hair; long/flowing/luxuriant hair; dark/beautiful hair; plume |
caespes, caespitis M |
grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth |
calamitas, calamitatis F |
loss, damage, harm; misfortune/disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure |
calamus, calami M |
reed, cane; reed pen; reed/pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag |
calceo, calceare, calceavi, calceatus |
put shoes on, furnish with shoes; shoe; put feet in something |
calceus, calcei M |
shoe; soft shoe, slipper |
calcio, calciare, calciavi, calciatus |
put shoes on, furnish with shoes, shoe; put feet in something |
calco, calcare, calcavi, calcatus |
tread/trample upon/under foot, crush; tamp/ram down; spurn; copulate |
calefio, caleferi, calefactus sum |
be made/be warm/hot/heated/excited/roused/vexed/troubled |
calidus, calida -um, calidior -or -us, calidissimus -a -um |
warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place |
caligo, caliginis F |
mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness |
camelus, cameli M |
camel, dromedary |
caminus, camini M |
smelting/foundry furnace, forge; home stove/furnace; vent |
campanius, campania, campanium |
pertaining to fields |
campus, campi M |
plain; level field/surface; open space for battle/games; sea; scope; campus |
candor, candoris M |
whiteness; snow; radiance, bright light; heat, glow; beauty; purity; kindness |
cantabundus, cantabunda, cantabundum |
singing; chanting |
canticus, cantica, canticum |
musical |
cantus, cantus M |
song, chant; singing; cry; blast; poem, poetry; incantation |
capax, capacis (gen.), capacior -or -us, capacissimus -a -um |
large, spacious, roomy, big; capable, fit, competent; has right to inherit |
capesso, capessere, capessivi, capessitus |
grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders |
captivitas, captivitatis F |
captivity/bondage; capture/act of being captured; blindness; captives |
captivo, captivare, captivavi, captivatus |
take captive |
captivus, captivi |
prisoner of war, captive |
captivus, captiva, captivum |
caught, taken captive; captured, imprisoned; conquered; of captives |
caracter, caracteris M |
branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style |
carbo, carbonis M |
charcoal; glowing coal; pencil/marker; worthless thing; charred remains; coal |
carcer, carceris M |
prison, jail; jailbird; starting barriers at race-course, traps; beginning |
cardinalis, cardinalis, cardinale |
cardinal/principle/chief; that serves as pivot/on which something turns/depends |
careo, carere, carui, caritus |
be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose |
careo, carere, carui, caritus |
be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose |
carrum, carri N |
wagon |
cascus, casca, cascum |
ancient, old; archaic; primitive |
castitas, castitatis F |
chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality |
casu |
by chance/accident; accidentally; casually |
casus, casus M |
fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate |
catellus, catelli M |
little/small/young dog, puppy; little/light chain |
caterva, catervae F |
crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm |
catinum, catini N |
large bowl/plate; main chamber in forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock |
cauda, caudae F |
tail; extreme part/tail of anything; penis; train/edge/trail |
causo, causare, causavi, causatus |
cause |
cautis, cautis F |
rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks, cliff, crag; reef |
cavea, caveae F |
hollow/cavity; roof; socket; auditorium/theater; seats/audience |
cavo, cavare, cavavi, cavatus |
hollow out, make concave/hollow; excavate; cut/pierce through; carve in relief |
cedens, (gen.), cedentis |
unresisting/deferring/conceding/surrendering/withdrawing; yielding to touch |
celeritas, celeritatis F |
speed, quickness, rapidity; speed of action, dispatch; haste; early date |
celo, celare, celavi, celatus |
conceal, hide, keep secret; disguise; keep in dark/in ignorance; shield |
celsus, celsa, celsum |
high, lofty, tall; haughty; arrogant/proud; prominent, elevated; erect; noble |
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatus |
dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of |
centenus, centena, centenum |
hundred |
cerastes, cerastae M |
horned snake; insect parasitic on figs; horned men of Crete |
cerebrum, cerebri N |
brain; top of the head, skull; bud; seat of senses/intelligence; anger/wrath |
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus |
sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide |
certe |
surely, certainly, without doubt, really; at least/any rate, in all events |
cerva, cervae F |
doe, hind; deer |
cervical, cervicalis N |
pillow, cushion |
ceveo, cevere, cevi, - |
move haunches in a lewd or effeminate manner, practice such behavior; fawn |
chalybs, chalybis M |
iron/steel; iron weapons/implements; sword; horse bit; arrow point; rail |
chreston, chresti N |
chicory |
cibo, cibare, cibavi, cibatus |
feed, give food/fodder to animals/men; eat, take food |
cilicinus, cilicina, cilicinum |
hair-, made of hair; of haircloth |
cinnamomum, cinnamomi N |
cinnamon; cinnamon |
circa |
around, on bounds of; about/near; concerning; with |
circuitus, circuitus M |
going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge |
circumago, circumagere, circumegi, circumactus |
drive/lead around; turn; wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway |
circumamictus, circumamicta, circumamictum |
enveloped, invested, surrounded, besieged |
circumcido, circumcidere, circumcidi, circumcisus |
cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish |
circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatus |
surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around |
circumduco, circumducere, circumduxi, circumductus |
lead out of the way/round about; cheat, mislead, trick out of; take/go around |
circumeo, circumire, circumivi(ii), circumitus |
encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round |
circumfero, circumferre, circumtuli, circumlatus |
carry/hand/pass/spread/move/take/cast around; publicize; divulge |
circumforaneus, circumforanea, circumforaneum |
itinerant, that travels to market; of/connected with business of/around forum |
circumfulcio, circumfulcire, circumfulsi, circumfultus |
support/hold up around |
circumfundo, circumfundere, circumfudi, circumfusus |
pour around |
circumligo, circumligare, circumligavi, circumligatus |
bind around/to; encircle, surround; attach, fasten; pass/wrap around, bandage |
circumsilio, circumsilire, -, - |
leap/spring/hop round |
circumsisto, circumsistere, circumstiti, circumstatus |
stand/gather/crowd/take a stand around; surround, beset; be on either side |
circumventio, circumventionis F |
trickery, fraud, circumvention |
citharoedus, citharoedi M |
singer-musician; harpist |
clades, cladis F |
defeat, reverse; casualties, slaughter/carnage/devastation; ruins; dissolution |
clam |
without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from |
clanculo |
secretly; privately |
claritas, claritatis F |
clarity/vividness; brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, renown, fame |
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus |
limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble |
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus |
close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine |
claudus, clauda, claudum |
limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain |
clavis, clavis F |
door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop |
clavo, clavare, -, clavatus |
nail, furnish/fasten with nails; furnish with points/prickles or purple stripe |
clemens, (gen.), clementis |
merciful/loving; lenient/mild/gentle; quiet/peaceful, easy, moderate; compliant |
clivus, clivi M |
slope, incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface |
coccineus, coccinea, coccineum |
dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color |
coccinus, coccina, coccinum |
dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color |
coccus, cocci M |
insect used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool |
coctilis, coctilis, coctile |
baked/burned; made/built of/of baked/burned bricks; cooked |
coemo, coemere, coemi, coemptus |
buy; buy up |
coeptus, coepta, coeptum |
begun, started, commenced; undertaken |
coetus, coetus M |
meeting, encounter, assembly; union; band, gang, crowd |
cofinus, cofini M |
basket, hamper |
cogitatio, cogitationis F |
thinking, meditation, reflection; thought; intention; plan; opinion, reasoning |
cognatio, cognationis F |
blood relation/relationship; kinsmen/relatives, family; consanguinity; affinity |
cognitio, cognitionis F |
examination, inquiry/investigation; acquiring knowledge; recognition |
cognomino, cognominare, cognominavi, cognominatus |
give surname/epithet/sobriquet to person; name, give specific name, call |
cohibeo, cohibere, cohibui, cohibitus |
hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress |
cohorto, cohortare, cohortavi, cohortatus |
encourage, exhort |
collega, collegae |
colleague; associate, fellow |
collis, collis M |
hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains |
colloquor, colloqui, collocutus sum |
talk/speak to/with; talk together/over; converse; discuss; confer, parley |
coloro, colorare, coloravi, coloratus |
color; paint; dye; tan; make darker; give deceptive color/gloss/appearance to |
colubra, colubrae F |
serpent, snake; Furies; Hydra |
columna, columnae F |
column/pillar, post/prop; portico |
coma, comae F |
hair, hair of head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays |
come, comes F |
one or more plants of genus Tragopogon, goat's beard or salsify |
comessatio, comessationis F |
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting |
comicus, comica, comicum |
comic, belonging/suited/appropriate to comedy; typical/characteristic of comedy |
commemoratio, commemorationis F |
remembrance/commemoration; observance; memory; mention/citation/reference |
commemoro, commemorare, commemoravi, commemoratus |
recall; keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record |
commendo, commendare, commendavi, commendatus |
entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate |
comminuo, comminuere, comminui, comminutus |
break/crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen |
comminus |
hand to hand, in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of |
commodus, commoda -um, commodior -or -us, commodissimus -a -um |
suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous |
commorior, commori, commortuus sum |
die together/with; work oneself to death; perish/be destroyed together |
commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus |
shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite |
commutatio, commutationis F |
change, reversal; upheaval; alteration; exchange, substitution; interchange |
compatior, compati, compassus sum |
suffer with one; pity, have compassion, feel pity |
compello, compellere, compuli, compulsus |
drive together, round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash |
comperior, comperiri, compertus sum |
learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty |
competitor, competitoris M |
rival, competitor; other candidate for office; rival claimant |
competo, competere, competivi, competitus |
meet; happen at same time, coincide; agree; be candidate/face together |
compilo, compilare, compilavi, compilatus |
rob/pillage, snatch; steal from/plagiarize; beat up thoroughly |
complaceo, complacere, complacui, complacitus |
please, take fancy of, capture affections of, be acceptable/agreed to |
complecto, complectere, complecti, complexus |
embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve |
complus, (gen.), compluris |
many, several, a fair/good number; more than one |
compono, componere, composui, compositus |
compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match; store/hoard; calm |
comporto, comportare, comportavi, comportatus |
carry, transport, bring in, convey; bring together; amass, collect |
compressio, compressionis F |
squeezing, compression; sexual embrace, copulation; abridging, compression |
conatum, conati N |
effort; attempt/design/attempted action |
conburo, conburere, conbussi, conbustus |
burn up/away; consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald |
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessus |
relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone |
concerpo, concerpere, concerpsi, concerptus |
tear/pull in/to pieces; pluck off; tear up, rend; censure, abuse, revile |
concido, concidere, concidi, concisus |
cut/chop up/down/to pieces; crop; ruin, kill, destroy; divide minutely; beat |
concido, concidere, concidi, - |
fall down/faint/dead/victim/to earth/short, collapse; drop, subside; decline |
concilio, conciliare, conciliavi, conciliatus |
unite, bring together/about; cause; win over, attract; acquire, procure, buy |
concilium, concili(i) N |
public gathering/meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate/discussion |
concito, concitare, concitavi, concitatus |
stir up, disturb; discharge/hurl; flow rapidly/strong current; rush |
conclave, conclavis N |
room, chamber; lockable enclosed space; coop/cage; public lavatory; dining hall |
concludo, concludere, conclusi, conclusus |
shut up, confine; contain, limit; close; include; conceal, keep secret |
concordo, concordare, concordavi, concordatus |
harmonize; be in harmony/agreement/on good terms/friendly; agree; go by pattern |
concremo, concremare, concremavi, concrematus |
consume by fire; burn up/down entirely/completely/thoroughly; burn together |
concupiscentia, concupiscentiae F |
longing, eager desire for; concupiscence; desire for carnal/worldly things |
concupisco, concupiscere, concupivi, concupitus |
desire eagerly/ardently; covet, long for; aim at; conceive a strong desire for |
concutio, concutere, concussi, concussus |
shake/vibrate/agitate violently; wave, brandish; strike |
condelecto, condelectare, condelectavi, condelectatus |
delight in; be delighted with something |
condicio, condicionis F |
agreement/contract; terms, proposal/option/alternative; situation; stipulation |
conditor, conditoris M |
original builder, founder; originator/creator; author; preserver; organizer |
conduco, conducere, conduxi, conductus |
be of advantage/profitable/expedient; be proper/fitting/concerned with; tend to |
conecto, conectere, conexi, conexus |
join/fasten/link together, connect/associate; lead to; tie; implicate/involve |
confero, conferre, contuli, collatus |
bring together, carry/convey; collect/gather, compare; unite, add; direct/aim |
confertus, conferta -um, confertior -or -us, confertissimus -a -um |
crowded/pressed together/thronging; in close order; dense/compact |
confessio, confessionis F |
confession, creed, avowal of belief/faith; acknowledgement of Christ; suffering |
conflagro, conflagrare, conflagravi, conflagratus |
be on fire/burn; be burnt down/consumed/utterly destroyed; be/become inflamed |
conflicto, conflictare, conflictavi, conflictatus |
harm, assail, harass, distress, torment, vex; bring to ruin |
confluo, confluere, confluxi, confluxus |
flow/flock/come together/abundantly, meet/assemble; gather/collect; be brought |
confodio, confodere, confodi, confossus |
stab/run through, wound fatally; pierce, harm; dig up/turn over; trench |
conformo, conformare, conformavi, conformatus |
shape/mold skillfully; outline, describe; train/educate/teach; make to agree |
conforto, confortare, confortavi, confortatus |
strengthen very much; console, comfort; encourage |
congaudeo, congaudere, congavisi, congavisus |
rejoice with one/together |
congero, congerere, congessi, congestus |
collect, bring/get together, amass; heap/pile up/on; build, construct; compile |
congredior, congrediri, congressus sum |
meet, approach, near; join in battle, come to grips; contend/engage |
congregatio, congregationis F |
act of forming social group; association, community; brotherhood; congregation |
congruo, congruere, congrui, - |
agree, coincide, correspond, be consistent; be suited, be adapted; fit in |
conlabor, conlabi, conlapsus sum |
collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink |
conloco, conlocare, conlocavi, conlocatus |
place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply |
conluctatio, conluctationis F |
struggling, wrestling; struggle, conflict; death struggle/agony |
conmoveo, conmovere, conmovi, conmotus |
shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite |
conparo, conparare, conparavi, conparatus |
prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise; unite |
conpingo, conpingere, conpegi, conpactus |
join/fix/attach; bind together; build/construct/compose; put/shut away, confine |
conplector, conplecti, conplexus sum |
embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve |
conpono, conponere, conposui, conpositus |
compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match; store/hoard; calm |
conprehendo, conprehendere, conprehendi, conprehensus |
catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
conprendo, conprendere, conprendi, conprensus |
catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
conprimo, conprimere, conpressi, conpressus |
press/squeeze together, fold, crush; hem/shut/keep/hold in; copulate |
conputo, conputare, conputavi, conputatus |
reckon/compute/calculate, sum/count; take/include in reckoning; work out |
conquiro, conquirere, conquisivi, conquisitus |
seek out; hunt/rake up; investigate; collect; search out/down/for diligently |
conquisitor, conquisitoris M |
inspector, one who searches; recruiting officer |
consaluto, consalutare, consalutavi, consalutatus |
hail/greet/salute; exchange greetings; greet/salute cordially |
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensus |
climb up, ascend, scale; rise to; mount; board/embark/set out |
conscientia, conscientiae F |
knowledge, complicity; conscience; sense of guilt, remorse |
conscisco, consciscere, conscivi, conscitus |
ordain/decree/determine/resolve; decide/inflict on; bring on oneself |
conscius, consci(i) |
accomplice, accessory; partner; confidante; one privy to; witness |
conscribo, conscribere, conscripsi, conscriptus |
enroll/enlist/raise; write on/down, commit to/cover with writing; compos |
consecratus, consecrata -um, consecratior -or -us, consecratissimus -a -um |
consecrated, holy, sacred |
consensio, consensionis M |
agreement, consent, accordance, harmony; unanimity; plot, conspiracy |
consepio, consepire, consepsi, conseptus |
surround with a wall/fence/hedge; enclose, fence; fence/hedge in |
consequenter |
consequently/as a result; appropriate/aptly; in accordance with/agreeable to |
consequor, consequi, consecutus sum |
follow, go/come after; attend on; pursue; catch up with, overtake; follow up |
consero, conserere, conservi, consertus |
connect/link, fasten/press/put together; construct/compose; join, engage |
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatus |
keep safe/intact, save; preserve, maintain; spare; keep/observe |
conservus, conservi M |
fellow-slave; companion in servitude |
considero, considerare, consideravi, consideratus |
examine/look at/inspect; consider closely, reflect on/contemplate; investigate |
consido, considere, consedi, consessus |
sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit, try; settle; alight; subside/sink |
consistorium, consistorii N |
the emperor's council; place of assembly/where servants wait; earth |
consono, consonare, consonui, - |
sound/utter/make noise together, harmonize; resound/re-echo; agree |
consparsio, consparsionis F |
scattering, strewing, sprinkling, sprinkle; paste, dough |
conspiro, conspirare, conspiravi, conspiratus |
coil up |
conspuo, conspuere, conspui, consputus |
spit on, sputter over; besplatter with saliva; spit; spit it out |
constipo, constipare, constipavi, constipatus |
crowd together; press/crowd closely together |
constitutio, constitutionis F |
constitution/disposition/structure/character; arrangement/organization/system |
consto, constare, constiti, constatus |
agree/correspond/fit, be correct; be dependent/based upon; exist/continue/last |
constringo, constringere, constrinxi, constrictus |
bind fast/tight, tie up/together; confine, restrain; hinder, inhibit, control |
consularis, consularis, consulare |
consular, of/proper to a consul; of consular rank; proposed/governed by consul |
consulo, consulere, consului, consultus |
ask information/advice of; consult, take counsel; deliberate/consider; advise |
consummatio, consummationis F |
accumulation, process/result of addition; total/sum; purpose; acme/zenith |
contabulo, contabulare, contabulavi, contabulatus |
board over, cover with boards; furnish with roof/floor/bridge; build; bridge |
contagium, contagi(i) N |
action/fact of touching, contact; contact communicating infection, contagion |
contamino, contaminare, contaminavi, contaminatus |
corrupt, defile, stain, befoul spoil; ruin, dishonor |
conterminus, contermina, conterminum |
close by, neighboring, adjacent, close; bordering on, having a common boundary |
contexo, contexere, contexui, contextus |
weave/entwine/braid/twist together; compose/connect/link/combine; make/join/for |
contiguus, contigua, contiguum |
near, adjoining/adjacent/neighboring; bordering upon; within reach |
contio, contionis F |
meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general |
contra |
facing, face-to-face, in the eyes; towards/up to; across; in opposite direction |
contraho, contrahere, contraxi, contractus |
enter into/upon relationship/agreement/business/marriage/loan/battle, deal with |
contrarius, contraria, contrarium |
opposite, contrary, in contradiction; antithetical; opposed/hostile/adverse |
contremesco, contremescere, contremui, - |
tremble all over; shake, quake; tremble at/with fear, be afraid of |
contubernium, contuberni(i) N |
companionship in a tent; band/brotherhood; shared war tent; apartment/lodging |
convicior, conviciari, conviciatus sum |
scold/jeer/revile/insult, utter abuse against; reproach, taunt, rail at |
convinco, convincere, convici, convictus |
conquer, establish; convince; overcome, demonstrate, prove clearly; grant |
conviva, convivae |
guest, table companion |
convivium, convivi(i) N |
banquet/feast/dinner party; guests/people at party; dining-club; living togethe |
cooperio, cooperire, cooperui, coopertus |
cover wholly/completely, cover up; overwhelm, bury deep |
cooperor, cooperari, cooperatus sum |
work with/together, cooperate; combine, unite |
coorior, cooriri, coortus sum |
appear, originate; arise, break out; be born; spring forth/to attack |
cophinus, cophini M |
basket, hamper |
copo, coponis M |
shopkeeper, salesman, huckster; innkeeper, keeper of a tavern |
coquo, coquere, coxi, coctus |
cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch; stir up; ripen, mature; digest |
coquos, coqui M |
cook |
coquus, coqui M |
cook |
corrigia, corrigiae F |
shoe-lace/tie, thong for securing shoes to feet; thong of any kind |
corrigo, corrigere, correxi, correctus |
correct, set right; straighten; improve, edit, reform; restore, cure; chastise |
cortex, corticis |
bark; cork; skin, rind, husk, hull; outer covering, shell, carapace, chrysalis |
cotidianus, cotidiana, cotidianum |
daily, everyday; usual/habitual, normal/regular; ordinary/common/unremarkable |
cotidie |
daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly |
coutor, couti, cousus sum |
associate with, have dealings with |
cras |
tomorrow; after today, on the morrow; hereafter, in the future |
crastinus, crastina, crastinum |
of tomorrow/next day/future |
cratis, cratis F |
wickerwork; bundle of brush, fascine; framework, network, lattice; bush-harrow |
creber, crebra -um, crebrior -or -us, creberrimus -a -um |
thick/crowded/packed/close set; frequent/repeated, constant; numerous/abundant |
crebresco, crebrescere, crebrui, - |
become frequent/widespread, increase, strengthen; spread/be noised abroad |
credibilis, credibilis, credibile |
credible/trustworthy/believable/plausible/convincing/likely/probable |
credulus, credula, credulum |
credulous, trusting, gullible; prone to believe/trust; full of confidence |
cremo, cremare, cremavi, crematus |
burn/cremate; consume/destroy; burn alive; make burnt offering |
cribro, cribrare, cribravi, cribratus |
sift, pass through a sieve |
croceus, crocea, croceum |
yellow, golden; saffron-colored; of saffron/its oil, saffron-; scarlet |
crucio, cruciare, cruciavi, cruciatus |
torment, torture; cause grief/anguish; crucify; suffer torture/agony; grieve |
crudelitas, crudelitatis F |
cruelty/barbarity, harshness/severity, savagery/inhumanity; instance of cruelty |
cubo, cubare, cubui, cubitus |
lie; recline, incline; lie/be in bed, rest/sleep; be sick/dead |
cujus, cuja, cujum |
of whom?, whose?; of/to whom, whose |
culmen, culminis N |
height/peak/top/summit/zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; "keystone" |
culter, cultri M |
knife; pruner edge; spear point; plowshare |
cultor, cultoris M |
inhabitant; husbandman/planter/grower; supporter; worshiper; who has interest |
cultrix, cultricis F |
female inhabitant/planter; worshiper/adherent/devotee; she who follows/promotes |
cumi, undeclined |
arise |
cunctatio, cunctationis F |
delay, hesitation; tardiness, inactivity; hesitating about/delaying of |
cupiditas, cupiditatis F |
enthusiasm/eagerness/passion; desire; lust; greed/usury/fraud; ambitio |
cupido, cupidinis |
desire/love/wish/longing; lust; greed, appetite; desire for gain |
curiosus, curiosa -um, curiosior -or -us, curiosissimus -a -um |
careful, diligent, painstaking; attentive; fussy; meddlesome, interfering |
curius, curia, curium |
grievous; full of sorrow |
cursus, cursus M |
running; speed/zeal; charge, onrush; forward movement/march; revolution |
curtus, curta, curtum |
mutilated; incomplete, missing a part; circumcised; castrated, gelded; docked |
curvamen, curvaminis N |
curvature, curve/bend, bending; curved form/outline; arc; vaulting |
cyllenius, cyllenia, cyllenium |
born on mount Cyllene |
cymbalum, cymbali N |
cymbal; cymbals; valve |
cynthia, cynthiae |
Cynthia |
daedalus, daedala, daedalum |
skillful, dexterous; skillfully made/worked |
damnosus, damnosa -um, damnosior -or -us, damnosissimus -a -um |
harmful/detrimental/ruinous; prodigal/spendthrift; that causes financial loss |
daphne, daphnes F |
laurel-tree; bay-tree; daughter of river-god Peneus changed into laurel-tree |
daps, dapis F |
sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals |
dealbo, dealbare, dealbavi, dealbatus |
whitewash; whiten; plaster, parget; purify, cleanse |
deauro, deaurare, deauravi, deauratus |
gild, gild over |
debilito, debilitare, debilitavi, debilitatus |
weaken/disable/incapacitate/impair/maim/lame/cripple; deprive of power |
debitor, debitoris M |
debtor, one who owes; one under obligation to pay; one indebted |
decens, decentis (gen.), decentior -or -us, decentissimus -a -um |
appropriate, decent/seemly/becoming, in approved standard; pleasing/graceful |
deceptio, deceptionis F |
deception, deceit; deceitfulness |
decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretus |
decide/settle/determine/resolve; decree/declare/ordain; judge; vote for/contend |
decerto, decertare, decertavi, decertatus |
fight; contend/dispute/argue; struggle/compete over |
decimus, decima, decimum |
tenth |
decisio, decisionis F |
settlement, agreement, decision; curtailment, diminishment |
declaro, declarare, declaravi, declaratus |
declare/announce/make known; indicate, reveal, testify, show/prove; mean |
declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatus |
deflect/divert/turnaside/swerve/change direction/deviate/dodge; digress/diverge |
declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatus |
decline/conjugate/inflect; change word form, modify |
decollo, decollare, decollavi, decollatus |
behead, cause to be beheaded; remove from the neck; rob |
decor, decoris M |
beauty/good looks, decent appearance; ornament; grace/elegance/charm; propriety |
decretum, decreti N |
dogma, principle, doctrine; idea held w/conviction; course of action, resolve |
decumbo, decumbere, decumbui, - |
to lie down, recline; take to bed; lie ill, die; fall, fall down |
decurio, decurionis M |
decurion, officer commanding a decuria; foreman |
decurro, decurrere, decucurri, decursus |
run/hurry/rush/flow/slope down; hasten; travel downstream; come to land/end |
dedico, dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatus |
declare/proclaim; census return; dedicate/consecrate; devote/apply/commit |
defectus, defectus M |
failure/lack; absence/disappearance; weakness/failing; defection/revolt |
defero, deferre, detuli, delatus |
carry/bring/sink/fall down/off; convey/deliver/transfer; reduce/slope |
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus |
fail/falter; run short/out; grow weak/faint; come to end; revolt/rebel, defect |
defigo, defigere, defixi, defixus |
sink/bury/stick/thrust; fasten, fix, plant, embed; attach/affix |
definio, definire, definivi, definitus |
define/bound/fix/limit/mark; restrict/confine; assign, ordain; lay down |
deflecto, deflectere, deflexi, deflexus |
bend downwards; bend; turn, change course/direction of; deflect |
defleo, deflere, deflevi, defletus |
weep for; mourn loss of; express/feel sorrow about; lament/bewail |
deformis, deforme, deformior -or -us, deformissimus -a -um |
deformed/illformed/misshapen/disfigured; shameful/degrading/base; ugly/loathsom |
defugio, defugere, defugi, - |
escape from/make one's escape/flee; keep clear of |
deicio, deicere, dejeci, dejectus |
throw/pour/jump/send/put/push/force/knock/bring down; cause to fall/drop; hang |
deinceps, (gen.), deincipitis |
following, next in succession |
dejectus, dejecta, dejectum |
downcast/dismayed/subdued/dejected; drooping/hanging/sunk/cast down; low lying |
delibutus, delibuta, delibutum |
thickly smeared/stained; steeped, deeply imbued |
deligo, deligere, delegi, delectus |
pick/pluck off, cull; choose, select, levy, enroll; conduct a levy |
delinquo, delinquere, deliqui, delictus |
fail, be wanting/lacking, fall short; offend/do wrong/err/commit offense |
delius, delia, delium |
of or from Delos |
delubrum, delubri N |
shrine; temple; sanctuary |
demano, demanare, demanavi, demanatus |
run/flow down; percolate; flow different ways; descend; descend from |
demergo, demergere, demersi, demersus |
submerge/sink; plunge/dip/immerse; set; retract; conceal; bury; overwhelm/engul |
demigro, demigrare, demigravi, demigratus |
emigrate; migrate; depart/remove/withdraw/go away |
demissus, demissa -um, demissior -or -us, demississimus -a -um |
low/low-lying; of low altitude; keeping low; slanting/hanging/let down |
demo, demere, dempsi, demptus |
take/cut away/off, remove, withdraw; subtract; take away from |
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus |
point out/at/to, draw attention to; explain/describe/show, give an account of |
denego, denegare, denegavi, denegatus |
deny; say that... not; deny/refuse |
denique |
finally, in the end; and then; at worst; in short, to sum up; in fact, indeed |
dens, dentis M |
tooth; tusk; ivory; tooth-like thing, spike; destructive power, envy, ill will |
densitas, densitatis F |
thickness; density; multitude, abundance; crowding together |
densus, densa -um, densior -or -us, densissimus -a -um |
thick/dense/solid; crowded/thick planted/packed/covered |
denuo |
anew, over again, from a fresh beginning; for a second time, once more; in turn |
depello, depellere, depuli, depulsus |
drive/push out//off/away/aside, repel; expel; remove, wean; banish utterly |
dependo, dependere, dependi, depensus |
pay over/down; pay; expend; spend, lay out; bestow |
dependulus, dependula, dependulum |
hanging down |
depono, deponere, deposivi, depositus |
put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit |
deprehendo, deprehendere, deprehendi, deprehensus |
seize/catch; catch napping/redhanded; surprise/pounce on; arrest; intercept |
deputo, deputare, deputavi, deputatus |
prune/cut away/back; regard/esteem; define as/assign to/classify; post/second |
derelinquo, derelinquere, dereliqui, derelictus |
leave behind/abandon/discard; forsake/desert; neglect; leave derelict; bequeath |
derideo, deridere, derisi, derisus |
mock/deride/laugh at/make fun of; be able to laugh, escape, get off scot free |
desaevio, desaevire, desaevivi, desaevitus |
rage, rave furiously; work off/vent one's rage |
describo, describere, descripsi, descriptus |
describe/draw, mark/trace out; copy/transcribe/write; establish |
descriptio, descriptionis F |
description/descriptive story; drawing of diagram/plan; indictment; transcript |
deservio, deservire, deservivi, deservitus |
serve; devote oneself to; be subject to; be of service/use to |
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratus |
desire/want, long/wish for, request, require/need; miss, lack; lose |
desisto, desistere, destiti, destitus |
stop/cease/desist; give up, leave/stand off; dissociate oneself |
desolo, desolare, desolavi, desolatus |
forsake/abandon/desert; leave alone/without; empty of people; deprive/rob |
desponso, desponsare, desponsavi, desponsatus |
betroth, promise in marriage |
destino, destinare, destinavi, destinatus |
fix/bind/fasten down; fix, make up mind; aim/fix on target, mark out |
desum, desse, defui, defuturus |
be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing |
desuper |
over, above |
detrimentum, detrimenti N |
diminishment, material reduction; detriment; harm/loss/damage; reverse/defeat |
deturbo, deturbare, deturbavi, deturbatus |
upset/topple, bring tumbling down; dislodge; strike/beat to ground |
devenio, devenire, deveni, deventus |
come to, arrive/turn up; go; reach; land; turn to; extend to |
devoro, devorare, devoravi, devoratus |
devour, consume; swallow, gulp down; engulf/ingulf, absorb, drink in |
devoveo, devovere, devovi, devotus |
devote, consecrate; vow, promise solemnly; mark out, appoint; curse, execrate |
diadema, diadematis N |
diadem/crown; ornamental headband; dominion; preeminence |
dictio, dictionis F |
speaking/saying/uttering; declaration of judgment/penalty; prediction |
dictito, dictitare, dictitavi, dictitatus |
repeat; persist in saying, keep on saying/speaking of; say/plead/call often |
dictum, dicti N |
words/utterance/remark; one's word/promise; saying/maxim; bon mot, witticism |
diffamo, diffamare, diffamavi, diffamatus |
defame, slander; spread news of, publish abroad/widely, publish/divulge |
differo, differre, distuli, dilatus |
postpone/delay/differ; put off, keep waiting; give respite to; differ, disagree |
difficultas, difficultatis F |
difficulty; trouble; hardship/want/distress/poverty; obstinacy |
difficulter |
with difficulty; reluctantly |
diffidentia, diffidentiae F |
distrust, mistrust; unbelief; want of faith; suspicion; disobedience |
diffido, diffidere, diffisus sum |
distrust; despair; lack confidence, despair; expect not |
diffiteor, diffiteri, - |
disavow, deny |
diffugio, diffugere, diffugi, diffugitus |
scatter, disperse, dispel; flee/run away in different/several directions |
diffundo, diffundere, diffundi, diffusus |
diffuse; spread/pour out/widely; bottle/draw off; squander, distribute lavishly |
dignitas, dignitatis F |
worth, excellence; fitness/suitability,; honor, esteem, standing |
digredior, digredi, digressus sum |
depart; come/go away; part/separate/deviate; divorce; G:digress/leave |
dijudico, dijudicare, dijudicavi, dijudicatus |
decide, settle; adjudicate/judge; distinguish, discern |
dilabor, dilabi, dilapsus sum |
run/flow/slip away, spread; dissolve/melt away, disperse |
diligentia, diligentiae F |
diligence/care/attentiveness; economy/frugality/thrift; industry; love |
diluculum, diluculi N |
dawn, daybreak, first light; break of day |
dimidius, dimidia, dimidium |
half; incomplete, mutilated |
dinumero, dinumerare, dinumeravi, dinumeratus |
count, calculate; enumerate; reckon; count/pay out |
dirigo, dirigere, direxi, directus |
arrange/set in line/direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in |
diripio, diripere, diripui, direptus |
pull/tear apart/to pieces/away; tear asunder/to shreds; pull out/off; divert |
disceptatio, disceptationis F |
debate; dispute; discussion; judgment, judicial award |
discerno, discernere, discrevi, discretus |
see, discern; distinguish, separate |
discerpo, discerpere, discerpsi, discerptus |
pluck or tear in pieces; rend, mutilate, mangle |
discordia, discordiae F |
disagreement, discord |
discretio, discretionis F |
separation; discretion, discrimination, power of distinguishing, discernment |
discrimen, discriminis N |
crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference |
discutio, discutere, discussi, discussus |
strike down; shatter, shake violently; dissipate, bring to naught; plead case |
disicio, disicere, disjeci, disjectus |
break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide |
dispar, (gen.), disparis |
unequal, disparate, unlike |
dispertior, dispertiri, dispertitus sum |
divide; distribute; assign; separate into lots/groups |
displiceo, displicere, displicui, displicitus |
displease |
dispono, disponere, disposui, dispositus |
dispose, place here and there, distribute; set/lay out; administer/manage/order |
disputo, disputare, disputavi, disputatus |
discuss, debate, argue |
dissensio, dissensionis F |
disagreement, quarrel; dissension, conflict |
dissero, disserere, disserui, dissertus |
arrange, dispose, set in order; discuss; examine; explain, set out in words |
dissipo, dissipare, dissipavi, dissipatus |
scatter, disperse, dissipate, squander; destroy completely; circulate |
dissolvo, dissolvere, dissolvi, dissolutus |
unloose; dissolve, destroy; melt; pay; refute; annul |
distinctio, distinctionis F |
distinction; difference |
disto, distare, -, - |
stand apart, be distant; be different |
distorqueo, distorquere, distorsi, distortus |
twist this way and that |
distribuo, distribuere, distribui, distributus |
divide, distribute, assign |
diuturnus, diuturna -um, diuturnior -or -us, diuturnissimus -a -um |
lasting, lasting long |
diversorius, diversoria, diversorium |
of an inn/lodging house; fit to lodge/stay in |
divinitus |
from heaven, by a god, by divine influence/inspiration; divinely, admirable |
divitia, divitiae F |
riches, wealth |
divus, divi M |
god |
divus, diva -um, -, divissimus -a -um |
divine; blessed, saint |
docibilis, docibilis, docibile |
teachable |
doctor, doctoris M |
teacher; instructor; trainer; doctor |
doleo, dolere, dolui, dolitus |
hurt; feel/suffer pain; grieve; be afflicted/pained/sorry; cause pain/grief |
domicilium, domicili(i) N |
residence, home, dwelling, abode |
domina, dominae F |
mistress of a family, wife; lady, lady-love; owner |
dominatio, dominationis F |
mastery, power; domination; domain; despotism |
dominicus, dominica, dominicum |
of/belonging to master/owner; belonging to the Roman Emperor; the Lord's |
domo, domare, domui, domitus |
subdue, master, tame; conquer |
domus, domus F |
house, building; home, household |
donum, doni N |
gift, present; offering |
dorsum, dorsi N |
back, range, ridge; slope of a hill |
ducenti -ae -a, ducentesimus -a -um, duceni -ae -a, ducentie(n)s |
duplex, (gen.), duplicis |
twofold, double; divided; two-faced |
duplico, duplicare, duplicavi, duplicatus |
double, bend double; duplicate; enlarge |
duplus, dupla, duplum |
twice as much, double |
duro, durare, duravi, duratus |
harden, make hard; become hard/stern; bear, last, remain, continue; endure |
ebrietas, ebrietatis F |
drunkenness, intoxication |
ebriosus, ebriosa, ebriosum |
addicted to drink |
ebrius, ebria, ebrium |
drunk, intoxicated; riotous; like a drunk, exhilarated, distraught; soaked in |
ebullio, ebullire, ebullivi, ebullitus |
spout out; chatter about; burst/break/send out |
ebur, eboris N |
ivory; object/statue of ivory; curule chair; elephant/tusk |
edico, edicere, edixi, edictus |
proclaim, declare; appoint |
edoceo, edocere, edocui, edoctus |
teach or inform thoroughly |
effero, efferare, efferavi, efferatus |
make wild/savage/barbaric; brutalize; exasperate |
effetha, undeclined |
be thou opened |
effigies, effigiei F |
copy, image, likeness, portrait; effigy, statue; ghost |
effodio, effodere, effodi, effossus |
dig out, excavate; gouge out |
effor, effari, effatus sum |
utter, say; declare, announce, make known; speak, express |
effreno, effrenare, effrenavi, effrenatus |
unbridle, let loose; remove or slacken the reins of a horse |
effugio, effugere, effugi, effugitus |
flee/escape; run/slip/keep away, eschew/avoid; baffle, escape notice |
egenus, egena, egenum |
in want of, destitute of |
ei |
Ah! Woe!, oh dear, alas |
ejulo, ejulare, ejulavi, ejulatus |
wail, lament |
ejusmodi |
of this sort; of such kind |
elegantia, elegantiae F |
elegance; niceness; taste; politeness |
elementum, elementi N |
elements; rudiments, beginnings; kinds of matter |
elevo, elevare, elevavi, elevatus |
lift up, raise; alleviate; lessen; make light of |
elido, elidere, elisi, elisus |
strike or dash out; expel; shatter; crush out; strangle; destroy |
eloquentia, eloquentiae F |
eloquence |
eludo, eludere, elusi, elusus |
elude, escape from; parry; baffle; cheat; frustrate; mock, make fun of |
emergo, emergere, emersi, emersus |
rise up out of the water, emerge; escape; appear; arrive |
emineo, eminere, eminui, - |
stand out; be prominent/preeminent, excel; project |
emitto, emittere, emisi, emissus |
hurl; let go; utter; send out; drive; force; cast; discharge; expel; publish |
emorior, emori, emortuus sum |
die, die off, perish; die out; decease, pass away |
emundatio, emundationis F |
cleansing, cleaning |
emundo, emundare, emundavi, emundatus |
clean thoroughly, free of dirt/impurity; make quite clean; cleanse/purify |
en |
behold! see! lo! here! hey! look at this! |
enarro, enarrare, enarravi, enarratus |
describe; explain/relate in detail |
enigma, enigmatis N |
puzzle, enigma, riddle, obscure expression/saying |
enuntio, enuntiare, enuntiavi, enuntiatus |
reveal; say; disclose; report; speak out, express, declare |
ephebus, ephebi M |
boy at age of puberty; youth; adolescent |
episcopus, episcopi M |
bishop; patriarch |
epulor, epulari, epulatus sum |
dine sumptuously, feast |
eques, equitis M |
horseman/cavalryman/rider; horsemen, cavalry; equestrian order |
equidem |
truly, indeed; for my part |
erigo, erigere, erexi, erectus |
raise, erect, build; rouse, excite, stimulate |
erogo, erogare, erogavi, erogatus |
pay out, expend |
error, erroris M |
wandering; error; winding, maze; uncertainty; deception |
erubesco, erubescere, erubui, - |
redden, blush, blush at; blush for shame, be ashamed of |
eructo, eructare, eructavi, eructatus |
bring up noisily; discharge violently |
erudio, erudire, erudivi, eruditus |
educate, teach, instruct |
eruo, eruere, erui, erutus |
pluck/dig/root up, overthrow, destroy; elicit |
erus, eri M |
master, owner |
essentia, essentiae F |
essence, substance, being, actuality, essential thing; existing entity, whole |
etiamsi |
even if, although |
etsi |
although, though, even if; albeit; I know that but |
eundem |
same, the same, the very same; also |
evanesco, evanescere, evanui, - |
vanish/disappear; pass/fade/die; lapse; become weak/void/forgotten |
evangelista, evangelistae M |
preacher; evangelist |
evito, evitare, evitavi, evitatus |
shun, avoid |
evolo, evolare, evolavi, evolatus |
fly away, fly up/out/forth; rush out/forth |
exaestuo, exaestuare, exaestuavi, exaestuatus |
boil up; seethe, rage |
exagito, exagitare, exagitavi, exagitatus |
drive out; stir up, disturb continually, harass; attack, scold, discuss |
examino, examinare, examinavi, examinatus |
weigh, examine, consider |
exanimis, exanimis, exanime |
dead; lifeless; breathless, terrified, dismayed |
exanimo, exanimare, exanimavi, exanimatus |
kill, deprive of life; scare, alarm greatly; tire, exhaust; be out of breath |
exardesco, exardescere, exarsi, exarsus |
flare/blaze up; break out; glow; rage; be provoked, enraged; be exasperated |
exaresco, exarescere, exarui, - |
dry up |
exaudio, exaudire, exaudivi, exauditus |
hear clearly; comply with, heed; hear from afar; understand |
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus |
pass, withdraw, exceed; go away/out/beyond; die |
excello, excellere, -, excelsus |
be eminent/preeminent; excel |
excido, excidere, excidi, excisus |
cut out/off/down; raze, destroy |
excio, excire, excivi, excitus |
rouse; call out send for; summon; evoke |
excludo, excludere, exclusi, exclusus |
shut out, shut off; remove; exclude; hinder, prevent |
excrementum, excrementi N |
excrement; spittle, mucus |
excrucio, excruciare, excruciavi, excruciatus |
torture; torment |
excutio, excutere, excussi, excussus |
shake out or off; cast out; search, examine |
exedo, exedere, exedi, exesus |
eat up, consume; hollow |
exequor, exequi, executus sum |
follow, go along/on with; pursue for vengeance/punishment; strive/search after |
exercito, exercitare, exercitavi, exercitatus |
practice, exercise, train hard, keep at work |
exercitus, exercitus M |
army, infantry; swarm, flock |
exhaurio, exhaurire, exhausi, exhaustus |
draw out; drain, drink up, empty; exhaust, impoverish; remove; end |
exhibeo, exhibere, exhibui, exhibitus |
present; furnish; exhibit; produce |
exilium, exili(i) N |
exile, banishment; place of exile/retreat; exiles, those exiled |
eximius, eximia, eximium |
select; extraordinary/special; excellent |
exinanio, exinanire, exinanivi, exinanitus |
empty, remove contents of; strip; despoil; drain, dry, pour out; weaken/exhaust |
existimatio, existimationis F |
opinion; reputation/name; esteem; judgment/view/estimation; credit |
existimo, existimare, existimavi, existimatus |
value/esteem; form/hold opinion/view; think/suppose; estimate; judge/consider |
existumo, existumare, existumavi, existumatus |
value/esteem; form/hold opinion/view; think/suppose; estimate; judge/consider |
exitium, exiti(i) N |
destruction, ruin; death; mischief |
exitus, exitus M |
exit, departure; end, solution; death; outlet, mouth |
exopto, exoptare, exoptavi, exoptatus |
long for |
exordium, exordi(i) N |
beginning; introduction, preface |
exorior, exoriri, exortus sum |
come out, come forth; bring; appear; rise, begin, spring up; cheer up |
exosus, exosa, exosum |
hating |
expallesco, expallescere, expallui, - |
turn pale, turn very pale; go white as a ghost |
expavesco, expavescere, expavi, - |
become frightened |
expergiscor, expergisci, experrectus sum |
awake; bestir oneself |
experior, experiri, expertus sum |
test, put to the test; find out; attempt, try; prove, experience |
expers, (gen.), expertis |
free from; without; lacking experience; immune from |
expeto, expetere, expetivi, expetitus |
ask for; desire; aspire to; demand; happen; fall on |
expio, expiare, expiavi, expiatus |
expiate, atone for; avert by expiatory rites |
explano, explanare, explanavi, explanatus |
explain |
exploro, explorare, exploravi, exploratus |
search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate |
exposco, exposcere, expoposci, - |
request, ask for, demand; demand the surrender of |
expugno, expugnare, expugnavi, expugnatus |
assault, storm; conquer, plunder; accomplish; persuade |
expuo, expuere, expui, exputus |
spit out; eject; rid oneself of |
expurgo, expurgare, expurgavi, expurgatus |
cleanse, purify; exculpate |
exquiro, exquirere, exquisivi, exquisitus |
seek out, search for, hunt up; inquire into |
exsanguis, exsanguis, exsangue |
bloodless, pale, wan, feeble; frightened |
exsequor, exsequi, exsecutus sum |
follow, go along/on with; pursue for vengeance/punishment; strive/search after |
exsisto, exsistere, exstiti, - |
step out, come forth, emerge, appear, stand out, project; arise; come to light |
exspuo, exspuere, exspui, exsputus |
spit out; eject; rid oneself of |
exstinguo, exstinguere, exstinxi, exstinctus |
put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy |
exstruo, exstruere, exstruxi, exstructus |
pile/build up, raise, build, construct |
exsulto, exsultare, exsultavi, exsultatus |
rejoice; boast; exalt; jump about, let oneself go |
exsupero, exsuperare, exsuperavi, exsuperatus |
excel; overtop; surpass; overpower |
extemplo |
immediately, forthwith |
extergo, extergere, extersi, extersus |
wipe; wipe dry; wipe away |
extinguo, extinguere, extinxi, extinctus |
quench, extinguish; kill; destroy |
exto, extare, extiti, - |
stand out or forth, project be visible, exist, be on record |
extraho, extrahere, extraxi, extractus |
drag out; prolong; rescue, extract; remove |
extremus, extremi M |
rear |
extrinsecus, extrinseca, extrinsecum |
outer; outside, external; extrinsic; unessential; extraneous |
extum, exti N |
bowels; entrails of animals for divination |
exulto, exultare, exultavi, exultatus |
jump about; let oneself go; exult |
exuvia, exuviae F |
things stripped off; spoils, booty; memento, something of another's |
facesso, facessere, facessi, facessitus |
do; perpetrate; go away |
facile, facilius, facillime |
easily, readily, without difficulty; generally, often; willingly; heedlessly |
factio, factionis F |
party, faction; partisanship |
faenum, faeni N |
hay |
falsus, falsa, falsum |
wrong, lying, fictitious, spurious, false, deceiving, feigned, deceptive |
falx, falcis F |
sickle. scythe; pruning knife; curved blade; hook for tearing down walls |
fames, famis F |
hunger; famine; want; craving |
familiaritas, familiaritatis F |
intimacy; close friendship; familiarity |
famulus, famula, famulum |
serving; serviceable; servile; subject |
fars, fartis F |
stuffing; minced meat |
fas, undeclined N |
divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed |
fascino, fascinare, fascinavi, fascinatus |
cast a spell on, bewitch |
fatalis, fatalis, fatale |
fated, destined; fatal, deadly |
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatus |
weary, tire, fatigue; harass; importune; overcome |
fatiloqua, fatiloquae F |
prophetess |
fatuus, fatui M |
fool |
fautor, fautoris M |
patron, protector; admirer; supporter, partisan; who promotes/fosters interests |
faveo, favere, favi, fautus |
favor, befriend, support, back up |
favilla, favillae F |
glowing ashes, embers; spark; ashes |
febricito, febricitare, febricitavi, febricitatus |
have fever, be feverish, be ill of a fever |
fenestra, fenestrae F |
window, opening for light; loophole, breach; orifice; inlet; opportunity |
fera, ferae F |
wild beast/animal |
feralis, feralis, ferale |
funereal; deadly, fatal |
ferinus, ferina, ferinum |
of wild beasts |
ferio, ferire, -, - |
hit, strike; strike a bargain; kill, slay |
ferme |
nearly, almost, about; hardly ever |
ferocio, ferocire, -, - |
rampage, act in a fierce/violent/savage manner |
ferox, (gen.), ferocis |
wild, bold; warlike; cruel; defiant, arrogant |
ferramentum, ferramenti N |
iron tool |
ferreus, ferrea, ferreum |
iron, made of iron; cruel, unyielding |
ferus, fera, ferum |
wild, savage; uncivilized; untamed; fierce |
fervefacio, fervefacere, fervefeci, fervefactus |
heat; melt; boil; make hot |
ferveo, fervere, ferbui, - |
be hot; boil/burn; seethe/surge; swarm; be turbulent/run strongly; froth |
fessus, fessa, fessum |
tired, wearied, fatigued, exhausted; worn out, weak, feeble, infirm, sick |
festivitas, festivitatis F |
festivity, feast; conviviality, charm; heart's delight; humor, wit |
fiala, fialae F |
drinking plate |
fibra, fibrae F |
fiber, filament; entrails; leaf, blade |
fictus, ficta, fictum |
feigned, false; counterfeit |
fiducia, fiduciae F |
trust, confidence; faith, reliance; courage |
filiolus, filioli M |
little son |
fimbria, fimbriae F |
fringe, border, edge |
findo, findere, fidi, fissus |
split, cleave, divide |
finio, finire, finivi, finitus |
limit, end; finish; determine, define; mark out the boundaries |
finitimus, finitima, finitimum |
neighboring, bordering, adjoining |
firmus, firma -um, firmior -or -us, firmissimus -a -um |
firm/steady; substantial/solid/secure/safe; strong/robust/sturdy/stout/durable |
fistula, fistulae F |
shepherd's pipe; tube; waterpipe |
fixus, fixa, fixum |
fixed; firmly established, unhangable, irrevocable |
flagellum, flagelli N |
whip, lash, scourge; thong; vine shoot; arm/tentacle |
flagitium, flagiti(i) N |
shame, disgrace; scandal, shameful act, outrage, disgraceful thing; scoundrel |
flagito, flagitare, flagitavi, flagitatus |
demand urgently; require; entreat, solicit, press, dun, importune |
flamen, flaminis |
gust/blast; gale; breath/exhalation; wind/breeze; note on woodwind |
flammo, flammare, flammavi, flammatus |
inflame, set on fire; excite |
flavus, flava, flavum |
yellow, golden, gold colored; flaxen, blond; golden-haired |
flebilis, flebilis, flebile |
lamentable, causing/worthy of/accompanied by tears; doleful, tearful, weeping |
fletus, fletus M |
weeping, crying, tears; wailing; lamenting |
flo, flare, flavi, flatus |
breathe; blow |
fluctuo, fluctuare, fluctuavi, fluctuatus |
rise in waves, surge, swell, undulate, fluctuate; float; be agitated/restless |
fluito, fluitare, fluitavi, fluitatus |
float; flow; waver |
fluvius, fluvi(i) M |
river, stream; running water |
focus, foci M |
hearth, fireplace; altar; home, household, family; cook stove |
fodio, fodere, fodi, fossus |
dig, dig out/up; stab |
formido, formidinis F |
fear/terror/alarm; religious dread/awe; thing/reason which scares, bogy/horror |
forsitan |
perhaps |
fortasse |
perhaps, possibly; it may be |
forte |
by chance; perhaps, perchance; as luck would have it |
forum, fori N |
market; forum; court of justice |
fossa, fossae F |
ditch, trench, canal; moat; dike, fosse |
fragor, fragoris M |
noise, crash |
fraternitas, fraternitatis F |
brotherhood, fraternity; the relationship of brothers |
fraternus, fraterna, fraternum |
brotherly/brother's; of/belonging to a brother; fraternal; friendly; of cousin |
fraudo, fraudare, fraudavi, fraudatus |
cheat/defraud/swindle; deprive deceitfully; baffle, make ineffectual; dishonor |
frenum, freni N |
bridle/harness/rein/bit; harnessed horses/team; check/restraint/brake; mastery |
frequento, frequentare, frequentavi, frequentatus |
frequent; repeat often; haunt; throng; crowd; celebrate |
frigus, frigoris N |
cold; cold weather, winter; frost |
frons, frondis F |
foliage, leaves, leafy branch, green bough, frond |
fructifico, fructificare, fructificavi, fructificatus |
sprout, produce new growth; bear fruit; increase |
frustra |
in vain; for nothing, to no purpose |
frustro, frustrare, frustravi, frustratus |
disappoint, frustrate, deceive; escape/elude; baffle/evade; fail |
fugax, (gen.), fugacis |
flying swiftly; swift; avoiding, transitory |
fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatus |
put to flight, rout; chase away; drive into exile |
fulgur, fulguris N |
lightning, flashing, brightness |
fulmen, fulminis N |
lightning, flash; thunderbolt; crushing blow |
fulvus, fulva, fulvum |
tawny, reddish yellow; yellow |
fumo, fumare, fumavi, - |
smoke, steam, fume, reek |
funda, fundae F |
sling; casting net; pocket |
fundamentum, fundamenti N |
foundation; beginning; basis |
funditus |
utterly/completely/without exception; from the bottom/to the ground/by the root |
fundo, fundare, fundavi, fundatus |
establish, found, begin; lay the bottom, lay a foundation; confirm |
funereus, funerea, funereum |
funereal; deadly; fatal |
funestus, funesta, funestum |
deadly, fatal; sad; calamitous; destructive |
fungor, fungi, functus sum |
perform, execute, discharge; be engaged in |
fur, furis |
thief, robber; robber bee; the Devil |
furialis, furialis, furiale |
frenzied, mad; avenging |
furibundus, furibunda, furibundum |
raging, mad, furious; inspired |
furtivus, furtiva, furtivum |
stolen; secret, furtive |
fuscus, fusca, fuscum |
dark, swarthy, dusky; husky; hoarse |
fusilis, fusilis, fusile |
molded; molten, fluid, liquid |
fustis, fustis M |
staff club; stick |
galea, galeae F |
helmet |
gallicinium, gallicinii N |
cock-crow; daybreak, dawn; last watch of the night |
gannio, gannire, -, - |
whimper, snarl; snarl, speak in ill natured/hostile manner |
garrio, garrire, garrivi, garritus |
chatter/prattle/jabber; talk rapidly; talk/write nonsense |
garrulus, garrula, garrulum |
talkative, loquacious; chattering, garrulous; blabbing; that betrays secrets |
gelo, gelare, gelavi, gelatus |
cause to freeze; be frozen, be chilled |
gemma, gemmae F |
bud; jewel, gem, precious stone; amber; cup; seal, signet; game piec |
gener, generi M |
son-in-law |
genimen, geniminis N |
product, fruit; progeny; brood |
genius, geni M |
genius |
geno, genere, -, - |
give birth to, bring forth, bear; beget; be born |
gentilis, gentilis, gentile |
gentile; non-Jew; heathen/pagan, not of one's faith |
germino, germinare, germinavi, germinatus |
sprout forth |
gestamen, gestaminis N |
something worn or carried on the body |
gestio, gestire, gestivi, gestitus |
be eager, wish passionately; gesticulate, express strong feeling, exult |
glans, glandis F |
mast/acorn/beechnut/chestnut; missile/bullet thrown/discharged from sling |
globus, globi M |
ball, sphere; dense mass, close packed throng, crowd; clique, band; globe |
gloriatio, gloriationis F |
exalting, boasting, vaunting, glorying |
gnatus, gnati M |
son; child; children |
gradior, gradi, gressus sum |
walk, step, take steps, go, advance |
granum, grani N |
grain; seed |
graphium, graphii N |
-graph; recording/measuring instrument |
gratulor, gratulari, gratulatus sum |
congratulate; rejoice, be glad; thank, give/render thanks |
gremium, gremi(i) N |
lap, bosom; womb, interior; female genital parts |
grossus, grossa -um, grossior -or -us, grossissimus -a -um |
great/large, thick; coarse, gross |
guberno, gubernare, gubernavi, gubernatus |
steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern |
guttur, gutturis |
throat, neck; gullet; swollen throat, goiter |
gyrus, gyri M |
circle, ring; circuit; course; circular course for training/racing horses |
habilis, habilis, habile |
handy, manageable; apt, fit |
habitatio, habitationis F |
lodging, residence |
haesito, haesitare, haesitavi, haesitatus |
stick hesitate, be undecided; be stuck |
harena, harenae F |
sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest |
hasta, hastae F |
spear/lance/javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court |
haudquaquam |
by no means, in no way; not at all |
haustus, haustus M |
drink; draught; drawing |
he, undeclined N |
he |
herbidus, herbida, herbidum |
grassy |
hercle |
By Hercules!; assuredly, indeed |
hereditas, hereditatis F |
inheritance, possession; hereditary succession; generation; heirship |
heros, herois M |
hero; demigod |
herus, heri M |
master, lord; owner, proprietor |
hesperius, hesperia, hesperium |
western |
hetaeria, hetaeriae F |
society, guild, fraternity; brotherhood |
hic |
here, in this place; in the present circumstances |
hiemps, hiemis F |
winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather |
hiems, hiemis F |
winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather |
holus, holeris N |
vegetables; cabbage, turnips, greens; kitchen/pot herbs; edible grass |
honestus, honesta -um, honestior -or -us, honestissimus -a -um |
distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, upright, honest; worthy |
hordeum, hordei N |
barley; barley-corn |
hordiacius, hordiacia, hordiacium |
barley-, of/connected to barley |
horologion, horologii N |
horologion |
horribilis, horribile, horribilior -or -us, horribilissimus -a -um |
awful, horrible, terrible; monstrous; rough |
horridus, horrida, horridum |
wild, frightful, rough, bristly, standing on end, unkempt; grim; horrible |
horror, horroris M |
shivering, dread, awe rigidity |
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum |
encourage; cheer; incite; urge; exhort |
hospitalitas, hospitalitatis F |
hospitality, entertainment of guests |
hostia, hostiae F |
victim, sacrifice; sacrificial offering/animal |
hosticus, hostica, hosticum |
of or belonging to an enemy, hostile |
hostilis, hostilis, hostile |
hostile, enemy; of/belonging to an enemy; involving/performed by an enemy |
humanitas, humanitatis F |
human nature/character/feeling; kindness/courtesy; culture/civilization |
humilio, humiliare, humiliavi, humiliatus |
humble; abase; humiliate |
humilis, humile, humilior -or -us, humillimus -a -um |
low, lowly, small, slight, base, mean, humble, obscure, poor, insignificant |
hyacinthos, hyacinthi M |
iris; sapphire; blue-dyed cloth |
hymnus, hymni M |
hymn |
hysopum, hysopi N |
aromatic herb; Hyssopus officinalis |
ibis, ibidos/is F |
ibis |
idea, ideae F |
idea; eternal prototype |
idoneus, idonea, idoneum |
suitable, appropriate, adequate, having right qualities; qualified, able; apt |
igneus, ignea, igneum |
fiery, hot; ardent |
ignorantia, ignorantiae F |
ignorance; lack of knowledge; absence of data on which to make judgment |
ignoro, ignorare, ignoravi, ignoratus |
not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of |
ignotus, ignota, ignotum |
unknown, strange; unacquainted with, ignorant of |
ile, ilis N |
groin, private parts; side of body from hips to groin, loin; guts |
iliacus, iliaca, iliacum |
colicky |
ilico |
on the spot; immediately |
illac |
that way |
illinc |
there, in that place, on that side; from there |
illo |
there, thither, to that place/point |
illustro, illustrare, illustravi, illustratus |
illuminate, light up; give glory; embellish; make clear, elucidate; enlighten |
imber, imbris M |
rain, shower, storm; shower of liquid/snow/hail/missiles; water |
imitator, imitatoris M |
one who imitates or copies |
imitor, imitari, imitatus sum |
imitate/copy/mimic; follow; make an imitation/reproduction; resemble; simulate |
immanis, immane, immanior -or -us, immanissimus -a -um |
huge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightful |
immaturus, immatura, immaturum |
unripe, immature, untimely |
immedicabilis, immedicabilis, immedicabile |
incurable |
immergo, immergere, immersi, immersus |
dip; plunge; = to plunge into, to insinuate |
immineo, imminere, -, - |
threaten, be a threat; overhang, be imminent; with DAT |
imminuo, imminuere, imminui, imminutus |
diminish; impair; abbreviate |
immitto, immittere, immisi, immissus |
send in/to/into/against; cause to go; insert; hurl/throw in; let go/in; allow |
immoderatus, immoderata, immoderatum |
unlimited, immoderate, disorderly |
immodicus, immodica, immodicum |
beyond measure, immoderate, excessive |
immortalitas, immortalitatis F |
immortality; divinity, being a god; indestructibility; permanence; remembrance |
immotus, immota, immotum |
unmoved, unchanged; immovable; inflexible |
immunditia, immunditiae F |
dirtiness/untidiness; foulness; lust/wantonness; dirty conditions |
immunio, immunire, immunivi, immunitus |
strengthen |
immuto, immutare, immutavi, immutatus |
change, alter, transform |
impatiens, impatientis (gen.), impatientior -or -us, impatientissimus -a -um |
impatient/intolerant; not moved to action by feeling; unbearable |
impedimentum, impedimenti N |
hindrance, impediment; heavy baggage |
impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus |
hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, prevent from |
impeditus, impedita -um, impeditior -or -us, impeditissimus -a -um |
hindered/obstructed/encumbered/hampered; difficult/impeded; inaccessible |
impense, impensius, impensissime |
without stint; lavishly, exceedingly, greatly, very much; eagerly, zealously |
imperito, imperitare, imperitavi, imperitatus |
command, govern |
impetro, impetrare, impetravi, impetratus |
obtain/procure; succeed/achieve/be granted; obtain |
impexus, impexa, impexum |
uncombed |
impietas, impietatis F |
failure in duty or respect, etc |
impiger, impigra, impigrum |
active, energetic |
implexus, implexa, implexum |
involved, entwined |
implico, implicare, implicui, implicitus |
implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself |
imploro, implorare, imploravi, imploratus |
appeal to, invoke; beg, beseech, implore; ask for help/favor/protection |
impositio, impositionis F |
application; E:of hands |
impotens, (gen.), impotentis |
powerless, impotent, wild, headstrong; having no control, incapable |
improbus, improba, improbum |
wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless |
imprudens, imprudentis (gen.), imprudentior -or -us, imprudentissimus -a -um |
ignorant; unaware; unintentional, unsuspecting; foolish/incautious/unthinking |
impudicitia, impudicitiae F |
sexual impurity |
impulsor, impulsoris M |
instigator |
inamoenus, inamoena, inamoenum |
cheerless; disagreeable; unlovely |
inanimus, inanima, inanimum |
lifeless, inanimate; without/deprived of/not endowed with breath |
inauguro, inaugurare, inauguravi, inauguratus |
take omens by the flight of birds; consecrate by augury |
inauro, inaurare, inauravi, inauratus |
gild, make rich |
inbecillis, inbecille, inbecillior -or -us, inbecillissimus -a -um |
weak/feeble; delicate; fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources |
incautus, incauta -um, incautior -or -us, incautissimus -a -um |
incautious, off one's guard, unprotected |
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessus |
advance, march; approach; step, walk, march along |
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus |
set on fire; set fire to, kindle, burn; cause to flame/burn; keep fire burning |
incido, incidere, incidi, incisus |
cut into, cut open; inscribe, engrave inscription; break off |
inclamo, inclamare, inclamavi, inclamatus |
cry out, call upon; abuse, revile |
inclitus, inclita -um, inclitior -or -us, inclitissimus -a -um |
celebrated, renowned, famous, illustrious, glorious |
includo, includere, inclusi, inclusus |
shut up/in, imprison, enclose; include |
incola, incolae |
inhabitant; resident, dweller; resident alien; foreigner |
incommodum, incommodi N |
disadvantage, inconvenience, setback, harm, detriment; defeat/disaster; ailment |
incommodus, incommoda -um, incommodior -or -us, incommodissimus -a -um |
inconvenient, troublesome, annoying; disadvantageous; disagreeable; disobliging |
incoquo, incoquere, incoxi, incoctus |
boil in or down; boil |
incredibilis, incredibilis, incredibile |
incredible; extraordinary |
incredulitas, incredulitatis F |
disbelief, incredulity; unbelief |
incrementum, incrementi N |
growth, development, increase; germ; offshoot; advancement |
increpito, increpitare, increpitavi, increpitatus |
chide, utter reproaches at |
increpo, increpare, increpui, increpitus |
rattle, snap, clash, roar, twang, make noise; strike noisily |
incresco, increscere, increvi, - |
grow; grow, swell, increase, be augmented; be swollen |
incubo, incubare, incubui, incubitus |
lie in or on; sit upon; brood over; keep a jealous watch |
incumbo, incumbere, incumbui, incumbitus |
lean forward/over/on, press on; attack, apply force; fall on |
incurro, incurrere, incurri, incursus |
run into or towards, attack, invade; meet; befall |
indicium, indici(i) N |
evidence; information, proof; indication |
indico, indicare, indicavi, indicatus |
point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal; inform against, accuse |
indico, indicere, indixi, indictus |
declare publicly; proclaim, announce; appoint; summon |
indignatio, indignationis F |
indignation; anger; angry outburst |
indoles, indolis F |
innate character; inborn quality |
inebrio, inebriare, inebriavi, inebriatus |
intoxicate, make drunk; saturate/drench |
inedia, inediae F |
fasting, starvation |
ineo, inire, inivi(ii), initus |
enter; undertake; begin; go in; enter upon |
ineptio, ineptire, -, - |
play the fool, trifle |
inerro, inerrare, inerravi, inerratus |
wander; ramble |
inertia, inertiae F |
ignorance; inactivity; laziness, idleness, sloth |
inexcusabilis, inexcusabilis, inexcusabile |
inexcusable |
infamis, infamis, infame |
notorious, disreputable, infamous |
infandus, infanda, infandum |
unspeakable, unutterable; abominable, monstrous |
infensus, infensa, infensum |
hostile, bitterly hostile, enraged |
inferia, inferiae F |
offerings to the dead |
infero, inferre, intuli, illatus |
bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge |
inferus, inferi M |
those below, the dead |
infestus, infesta -um, infestior -or -us, infestissimus -a -um |
unsafe, dangerous; hostile; disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet |
inficio, inficere, infeci, infectus |
corrupt, infect, imbue; poison; dye, stain, color, spoil |
infirmo, infirmare, infirmavi, infirmatus |
weaken; diminish; annul; be ill |
inflexibilis, inflexibilis, inflexibile |
unbendable; inflexible |
inflo, inflare, inflavi, inflatus |
blow into/upon; puff out |
infodio, infodere, infodi, infossus |
bury, inter |
infra |
below, on the under side, underneath; further along; on the south |
infringo, infringere, infregi, infractus |
break, break off; lessen, weaken, diminish, dishearten; overcome, crush |
infructuosus, infructuosa, infructuosum |
unfruitful, unproductive |
infundo, infundere, infudi, infusus |
pour in, pour on, pour out |
ingemesco, ingemescere, ingemui, ingemitus |
groan/moan at/over; cry w/pain/anguish/sorrow; creak/groan |
ingemisco, ingemiscere, ingemui, ingemitus |
groan/moan at/over; cry w/pain/anguish/sorrow; creak/groan |
ingenium, ingeni(i) N |
nature, innate quality; natural disposition/capacity; character; talent |
ingratus, ingrata, ingratum |
unpleasant; ungrateful; thankless |
ingravesco, ingravescere, -, - |
grow heavy; increase in force or intensity |
inhaereo, inhaerere, inhaesi, inhaesus |
stick/hold fast/to, cling, adhere, fasten on; haunt, dwell in; get teeth in |
inhibeo, inhibere, inhibui, inhibitus |
restrain, curb; prevent |
inimicitia, inimicitiae F |
unfriendliness, enmity, hostility |
injicio, injicere, injeci, injectus |
hurl/throw/strike in/into; inject; put on; inspire, instill |
injuria, injuriae F |
injury; injustice, wrong, offense; insult, abuse; sexual assault |
injurius, injuria, injurium |
unjust, harsh |
injustitia, injustitiae F |
injustice; severity |
injustus, injusta, injustum |
unjust, wrongful; severe, excessive; unsuitable |
inlectus, inlecta, inlectum |
unread |
inlumino, inluminare, inluminavi, inluminatus |
illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal/throw light on; brighten |
inmemor, (gen.), inmemoris |
forgetful; lacking memory; heedless |
inmensus, inmensa, inmensum |
immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable |
inmunditia, inmunditiae F |
dirtiness/untidiness; foulness; lust/wantonness; dirty conditions |
innitor, inniti, innixus sum |
lean/rest on, be supported by |
inno, innare, innavi, innatus |
swim or float; sail |
innocens, (gen.), innocentis |
harmless, innocent; virtuous, upright |
innotesco, innotescere, innotui, - |
become known, be made conspicuous |
innoxius, innoxia, innoxium |
harmless, innocuous; unhurt, unharmed |
innumerus, innumera, innumerum |
innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense |
innuptus, innupta, innuptum |
unmarried |
inornatus, inornata, inornatum |
unadorned; uncelebrated |
inpello, inpellere, inpuli, inpulsus |
drive/persuade/impel; urge on/action; push/thrust/strike against; overthrow |
inperfectus, inperfecta, inperfectum |
unfinished, incomplete; imperfect; not complete in every respect; undigested |
inpius, inpia, inpium |
wicked, impious, irreverent; showing no regard for divinely imposed moral duty |
inprobus, inproba, inprobum |
wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless |
inprudens, inprudentis (gen.), inprudentior -or -us, inprudentissimus -a -um |
ignorant; unaware; unintentional, unsuspecting; foolish/incautious/unthinking |
inquiro, inquirere, inquisivi, inquisitus |
examine, investigate, scrutinize; seek grounds for accusation; search, seek |
inquit, -, - |
it is said, one says |
inritus, inrita, inritum |
ineffective, useless, invalid; in vain |
inruo, inruere, inrui, inrutus |
intrude/encroach/invade, force way in; demolish; cause to collapse |
insanio, insanire, insanivi, insanitus |
be mad, act crazily |
insero, inserere, inserui, insertus |
plant, sow; graft on; put in, insert |
insidio, insidiare, insidiavi, insidiatus |
lie in wait; plot |
insisto, insistere, institi, - |
stand/tread upon, stand, stop; press on, persevere; pursue, set about |
insono, insonare, insonui, insonitus |
make a loud noise; sound; resound |
inspiro, inspirare, inspiravi, inspiratus |
inspire; excite, inflame; instill, implant; breathe into; blow upon/into |
instar, undeclined N |
image, likeness, resemblance; counterpart; the equal/form of |
integer, integra -um, integrior -or -us, integerrimus -a -um |
untouched, entire, whole, complete; uninjured, sound, fresh, vigorous |
intellegentia, intellegentiae F |
intelligence; intellect; understanding |
intellego, intellegere, additional, forms |
understand; realize |
intelligo, intelligere, -, - |
understand; realize |
intercipio, intercipere, intercepi, interceptus |
cut off; intercept, interrupt; steal |
interdico, interdicere, interdixi, interdictus |
forbid, interdict, prohibit; debar |
interdiu |
in the daytime, by day |
interdum |
sometimes, now and then |
interim |
meanwhile, in the meantime; at the same time; however, nevertheless |
interimo, interimere, interimi, interemptus |
do away with; kill, cut off from life; extinguish; put an end to, destroy |
interior, interior, interius |
inner, interior, middle; more remote; more intimate |
intermissio, intermissionis F |
intermission; pause |
interpello, interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus |
interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct |
interpres, interpretis |
interpreter, translator |
interrumpo, interrumpere, interrupi, interruptus |
drive a gap in, break up; cut short, interrupt |
intervenio, intervenire, interveni, interventus |
come between, intervene; occur, crop up |
intestinus, intestina, intestinum |
internal; domestic, civil |
intimus, intima, intimum |
inmost; most secret; most intimate |
intingo, intingere, intinxi, intinctus |
dip/plunge in; saturate, steep; cause to soak in; color |
intonsus, intonsa, intonsum |
uncut; unshaven, unshorn; not stripped of foliage |
introduco, introducere, introduxi, introductus |
introduce, bring/lead in |
inventum, inventi N |
invention, discovery |
inveterasco, inveterascere, inveteravi, - |
grow old; become established/customary |
invidus, invida, invidum |
hateful, ill disposed, hostile, malevolent; envious, jealous, grudging |
invisibil, (gen.), invisibilis |
invisible; spiritual |
iratus, irata -um, iratior -or -us, iratissimus -a -um |
angry; enraged; furious; violent; raging; angered |
irrideo, irridere, irrisi, irrisus |
ridicule, mock, make fun of; laugh at |
irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus |
invade; break/burst/force/rush in/upon/into, penetrate; intrude on; interrupt |
irruo, irruere, irrui, - |
rush into; invade |
irruptio, irruptionis F |
attack, sally, assault; violent/forcible entry |
item |
likewise; besides, also, similarly |
itero, iterare, iteravi, iteratus |
do a second time; repeat; renew, revise |
jacio, jacere, jeci, jactus |
throw, hurl, cast; throw away; utter |
jaculus, jacula, jaculum |
thrown, darting |
jamdudum |
long ago/before/since; a long time ago; this long time; immediately, at once |
jaspis, jaspidis F |
jasper |
jecur, jecoris N |
liver |
jejunus, jejuna -um, jejunior -or -us, jejunissimus -a -um |
fasting, abstinent, hungry; dry, barren, unproductive; scanty, meager |
jocor, jocari, jocatus sum |
joke, jest; say in jest; make merry |
jocosus, jocosa, jocosum |
humorous, funny, droll; sportive; factious; full of jesting/jokes/fun |
jocus, joci M |
joke, jest; sport |
jugalis, jugalis, jugale |
yoked together; nuptial |
juger, jugeris N |
jugerum; acres/fields/broad expanse |
jugulo, jugulare, jugulavi, jugulatus |
kill by slitting the throat; butcher, kill, murder, slay; cut the throat |
jugulum, juguli N |
throat, neck; collarbone |
jugum, jugi N |
yoke; team, pair; ridge, summit, chain |
jumentum, jumenti N |
mule; beast of burden |
junctus, juncta -um, junctior -or -us, junctissimus -a -um |
connected in space, adjoining, contiguous; closely related/associated |
junior, junior, junius |
younger |
jurgium, jurgi(i) N |
quarrel/dispute/strife; abuse/vituperation/invective; L:separation |
juvenalis, juvenalis, juvenale |
youthful, young |
juvencus, juvenci M |
young bull; young man |
juventa, juventae F |
youth |
juvo, juvare, juvi, jutus |
help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify |
labefacto, labefactare, labefactavi, labefactatus |
shake; cause to waver; make unsteady, loosen; undermine |
labellum, labelli N |
bowl; basin; sink |
labrum, labri N |
bowl; large basin/vat; tub/bathing place; teasel |
lacero, lacerare, laceravi, laceratus |
mangle; slander, torment, harass; waste; destroy; cut |
lacesso, lacessere, lacessivi, lacessitus |
provoke, excite, harass, challenge, harass; attack, assail |
lacinia, laciniae F |
edge/fringe/hem of garment; strip/rag of cloth; fringe/protuberance/border/flap |
lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi, lacrimatus |
shed tears, weep |
lacte, lactis N |
milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn |
lacto, lactare, lactavi, lactatus |
entice, lead on, induce; wheedle, cajole, dupe |
lacunar, lacunaris N |
paneled ceiling |
lacus, lacus M |
basin/tank/tub; lake/pond; reservoir/cistern/basin, trough; lime-hole; bin; pit |
laeto, laetare, laetavi, laetatus |
gladden, cheer; be glad/joyful, rejoice |
laevus, laeva, laevum |
left, on the left hand; from the left; unpropitious, unfavorable, harmful |
lambo, lambere, lambui, lambitus |
lick; lap/lick/suck up, absorb; wash/bathe; surround; fondle/caress; fawn |
lamento, lamentare, lamentavi, lamentatus |
lament; utter cries of grief; bewail; lament for; complain that |
lampas, lampados/is F |
lamp/lantern; light/torch/flame/flambeau/link; firebrand; meteor |
lana, lanae F |
wool; fleece; soft hair; down; trifles |
lancea, lanceae F |
lance; long light spear |
langueo, languere, -, - |
be tired; be listless/sluggish/unwell/ill; wilt, lack vigor |
languidus, languida -um, languidior -or -us, languidissimus -a -um |
faint, weak; dull, sluggish, languid; spiritless, listless, inactive; powerless |
languor, languoris M |
faintness, feebleness; languor apathy |
laniger, lanigera, lanigerum |
wool-bearing, fleecy; woolly |
lanio, laniare, laniavi, laniatus |
tear, mangle, mutilate, pull to pieces |
lanius, lanii M |
butcher |
lanterna, lanternae F |
lantern; lamp; torch |
lanx, lancis M |
plate, metal dish, tray, platter, charger; pan of a pair of scales |
lapido, lapidare, lapidavi, lapidatus |
throw stones at; stone |
laqueus, laquei M |
noose; snare, trap |
larva, larvae |
evil spirit/demon/devil; horrific mask; model skeleton; ghost/specter/hobgoblin |
lascivia, lasciviae F |
playfulness; wantonness, lasciviousness |
lascivio, lascivire, lascivi, lascivitus |
frisk; sport; run riot |
lascivus, lasciva, lascivum |
playful; lustful, wanton; impudent, mischievous; free from restraint |
late |
widely, far and wide |
latebra, latebrae F |
hiding place, retreat, lair; subterfuge |
latitudo, latitudinis F |
width, breadth, extent |
latrocinium, latrocini(i) N |
brigandage, robbery, highway robbery; piracy, freebooting; villainy |
latus, lata -um, latior -or -us, latissimus -a -um |
wide, broad; spacious, extensive |
laureus, laurea, laureum |
laurel-, of the laurel/bay tree; made of laurel; resembling laurel |
laurus, lauri F |
laurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch; triumph/victory; honor |
lavacrum, lavacri N |
bath |
laxo, laxare, laxavi, laxatus |
loosen, slaken, relax, weaken; expand, open up, extend |
lectica, lecticae F |
litter |
lectulus, lectuli M |
bed or couch |
lectus, lecti |
bed/couch/dining couch |
legatio, legationis F |
embassy; member of an embassy; mission |
legio, legionis F |
legion; army |
lema |
Eli Eli lama sabacthani/My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me Matthew 27:46 |
lenio, lenire, lenivi, lenitus |
mitigate, moderate; alleviate, allay, assuage, ease, calm, placate, appease |
lenio, lenire, lenivi(ii), lenitus |
mitigate, moderate; alleviate, allay, assuage, ease, calm, placate, appease |
lenis, lene, lenior -or -us, lenissimus -a -um |
gentle, kind, light; smooth, mild, easy, calm |
leo, leonis M |
lion |
lepra, leprae F |
leprosy; various inflammatory skin diseases; psoriasis |
leprosus, leprosa, leprosum |
leprous; inflicted with various inflammatory skin diseases/psoriasis |
lepus, leporis M |
hare |
letalis, letalis, letale |
deadly, fatal; lethal, mortal |
letifer, letifera, letiferum |
deadly; fatal |
levitas, levitatis F |
levity; lightness, mildness; fickleness; shallowness |
libellus, libelli M |
little/small book; memorial; petition; pamphlet, defamatory publication |
libere |
freely; frankly; shamelessly |
libertus, liberti M |
freedman; ex-slave |
libra, librae F |
scales, balance; level; Roman pound, 12 unciae/ounces |
licet |
although, granted that |
lictor, lictoris M |
lictor, an attendant upon a magistrate |
lilium, lili(i) N |
lily; "lily" trap |
limes, limitis M |
path, track; limit; strip of uncultivated ground marking boundary |
lineo, linere, linui, linitus |
smear, plaster; seal; erase/rub over; befoul; cover/overlay |
linquo, linquere, liqui, lictus |
leave, quit, forsake; abandon, desist from; allow to remain in place; bequeath |
linum, lini N |
flax, linen cloth/thread; rope; fishing line; net |
liquo, liquare, liquavi, liquatus |
melt; strain |
liquor, liquoris M |
fluid, liquid |
lis, litis F |
lawsuit; quarrel |
litigo, litigare, litigavi, litigatus |
quarrel; go to law |
lito, litare, litavi, litatus |
obtain/give favorable omens from sacrifice; make offering |
loco, locare, locavi, locatus |
place, put, station; arrange; contract; farm out on contract |
loculus, loculi M |
spot, little/small place; compartment/pigeon-hole; coffin, bier |
longanimitas, longanimitatis F |
patience, forebearance, long-suffering |
longe, longius, longissime |
far, distant, a long way; by far; for a long while, far |
longitudo, longitudinis F |
length |
loquax, (gen.), loquacis |
talkative, loquacious |
loquella, loquellae F |
speech, utterance |
lorica, loricae F |
coat of mail; breastwork, parapet, fortification |
lubet, lubere, lubuit, lubitus est |
it pleases/is pleasing/agreeable; please/want/feel like |
lubido, lubidinis F |
desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts |
lucerna, lucernae F |
oil lamp; midnight oil |
lucifer, lucifera, luciferum |
light bringing |
lucror, lucrari, lucratus sum |
gain, win; make a profit |
luculentus, luculenta, luculentum |
shining, bright, brilliant, splendid |
lucusta, lucustae F |
locust; crustacean, lobster |
ludibrium, ludibri(i) N |
mockery; laughingstock |
ludicrus, ludicra, ludicrum |
connected with sport or the stage |
ludus, ludi M |
game, play, sport, pastime, entertainment, fun; school, elementary school |
lumbus, lumbi M |
loins; loins as the seat of sexual excitement |
luminare, luminaris N |
car-light; projector lamp |
lumino, luminare, luminavi, luminatus |
illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal/throw light on; brighten |
lupa, lupae F |
she-wolf; prostitute |
luscus, lusca, luscum |
one-eyed |
lustralis, lustralis, lustrale |
relating to purification; serving to avert evil |
lustro, lustrare, lustravi, lustratus |
purify cermonially, cleanse by sacrifice, expiate |
luxuria, luxuriae F |
luxury; extravagance; thriving condition |
lyceum, lycei N |
gymnasium of Aristotle; Cicero's Tusculan gymnasium; high school; college |
lyra, lyrae F |
lyre; lyric poetry/inspiration/genius; Lyra/the Lyre; lute/harp |
machina, machinae F |
machine; siege engine; scheme |
machinor, machinari, machinatus sum |
devise; plot |
macies, maciei F |
leanness, meagerness; poverty |
macto, mactare, mactavi, mactatus |
magnify, honor; sacrifice; slaughter, destroy |
madeo, madere, madui, - |
be wet, be dripping/sodden |
maereo, maerere, -, - |
grieve, be sad, mourn; bewail/mourn for/lament; utter mournfully |
magus, maga, magum |
magic, magical |
majestas, majestatis F |
majesty, dignity; majesty of people/state; sovereignty |
maledicus, maledica, maledicum |
slanderous; abusive; scurrilous; evil-speaking |
malefactor, malefactoris M |
malefactor; wrongdoer, evildoer |
maleficus, malefica -um, maleficentior -or -us, maleficentissimus -a -um |
wicked, criminal, nefarious, evil; harmful, noxious, injurious; of black magic |
malignus, maligna, malignum |
spiteful; niggardly; narrow |
malitia, malitiae F |
ill will, malice; wickedness; vice, fault |
malo, malle, malui, - |
prefer; incline toward, wish rather |
malus, mali |
apple tree |
mamilla, mamillae F |
breast, teat |
mamma, mammae F |
breast, udder |
man, undeclined N |
manna |
mancipium, mancipi(i) N |
possession; formal purchase; slaves |
mano, manare, manavi, manatus |
flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring |
mansio, mansionis F |
lodging, stop; day's journey, stage; staying away; abode/quarters/home/dwelling |
mansuetudo, mansuetudinis F |
tameness, gentleness, mildness; clemency |
marcidus, marcida, marcidum |
withered/dropping/rotten; lacking rigidity; exhausted/weak; apathetic/languid |
margo, marginis F |
margin, edge, flange, rim, border; threshold; bank, retaining wall; gunwale |
marinus, marina, marinum |
marine; of the sea; sea born |
marmor, marmoris N |
marble, block of marble, marble monument/statue; surface of the sea |
martyr, martyris |
martyr; witness; one who by his death bears witness to the truth of Christ |
massa, massae F |
mace; club |
materia, materiae F |
wood, lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree |
maternus, materna, maternum |
maternal, motherly, of a mother |
matrimonium, matrimoni(i) N |
marriage; matrimony |
mattea, matteae F |
dainty dish |
maturus, matura -um, maturior -or -us, maturissimus -a -um |
early, speedy; ripe; mature, mellow; timely, seasonable |
maximus, maxima, maximum |
greatest/biggest/largest; longest; oldest; highest, utmost; leading, chief |
mediator, mediatoris M |
mediator; intermediary, go between; middle man |
medicinus, medicina, medicinum |
of the art/practice of medicine/healing, medical |
medicus, medica, medicum |
healing, curative, medical |
medicus, medici M |
doctor, physician; fourth finger of the hand |
medio, mediare, mediavi, mediatus |
halve, divide in the middle; be in the middle |
mediocris, mediocris, mediocre |
medium/average/intermediate; middling/fair/ordinary/moderate/tolerable; trivial |
mediocriter, mediocrius, mediocrissime |
to moderate/subdued extent/degree, ordinarily/moderately/tolerably; not very |
medito, meditare, meditavi, meditatus |
consider/contemplate/ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise/plan |
mel, mellis N |
honey; sweetness; pleasant thing; darling/honey |
melissa, melissae F |
balm |
mellitus, mellita, mellitum |
sweetened with honey; honey-sweet |
memento |
remember; be mindful of |
memorabilis, memorabilis, memorabile |
memorable; remarkable |
memoria, memoriae F |
memory, recollection; history; time within memory |
mendax, (gen.), mendacis |
lying, false; deceitful; counterfeit |
mendico, mendicare, mendicavi, mendicatus |
beg for; be a beggar, go begging |
mendicus, mendica, mendicum |
poor as a beggar, beggarly; paltry, pitiful |
meo, meare, meavi, meatus |
go along, pass, travel |
mercennarius, mercennaria, mercennarium |
hired, mercenary |
merces, mercedis F |
pay, recompense, hire, salary, reward; rent, price; bribe |
mercor, mercari, mercatus sum |
trade; buy |
mereo, merere, merui, meritus |
earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve |
meretrix, meretricis F |
courtesan, kept woman; public prostitute; harlot |
mergo, mergere, mersi, mersus |
dip, plunge, immerse; sink, drown, bury; overwhelm |
meridies, meridiei M |
noon; midday; south |
merx, mercis F |
commodity; merchandise, goods |
metallum, metalli N |
metal; mine; quarry |
meto, metere, messui, messus |
reap; mow, cut off |
metreta, metretae F |
Greek liquid measure |
metuo, metuere, metui, - |
fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread |
mica, micae F |
particle, grain, crumb |
mico, micare, micui, - |
vibrate, quiver, twinkle; tremble, throb; beat; dart, flash, glitter |
miliarium, miliari(i) N |
milestone, column resembling a milestone, the one at the Forum; a Roman mile |
militia, militiae F |
military service/organization; campaign; war; soldiers, army |
mina, minae F |
Greek weight unit; its weight of silver |
ministra, ministrae F |
female attendant |
minuo, minuere, minui, minutus |
lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate |
minus |
less; not so well; not quite |
miraculus, miracula, miraculum |
freakish, deformed |
miror, mirari, miratus sum |
be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at |
misellus, misella, misellum |
poor, wretched |
misericordia, misericordiae F |
pity, sympathy; compassion, mercy; pathos |
misero, miserare, miseravi, miseratus |
pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion |
miseror, miserari, miseratus sum |
pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion |
mitis, mite, mitior -or -us, mitissimus -a -um |
mild, meek, gentle, placid, soothing; clement; ripe, sweet and juicy |
mobilitas, mobilitatis F |
mobility, agility; speed; quickness of mind; inconstancy |
modestia, modestiae F |
restraint, temperateness; discipline; modesty |
modius, modi(i) M |
peck; Roman dry measure |
moechus, moechi M |
adulterer |
mola, molae F |
millstone; ground meal; mill |
molaris, molaris M |
rock as large as a millstone used as a missile; molar tooth |
molestus, molesta -um, molestior -or -us, molestissimus -a -um |
annoying; troublesome; tiresome |
mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitus |
soften, mitigate, make easier; civilize, tame, enfeeble |
momentum, momenti N |
moment, importance, influence; motion, movement; impulse, effort |
monimentum, monimenti N |
monument |
monitus, monitus M |
warning, command; advice, counsel |
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratus |
show; point out, reveal; advise, teach |
monstrum, monstri N |
monster; portent, unnatural thing/event regarded as omen/sign/portent |
morbus, morbi M |
sickness, illness, weakness; disease; distemper; distress; vice |
moribundus, moribunda, moribundum |
dying |
morsus, morsus M |
bite, sting; anguish, pain; jaws; teeth |
mortuus, mortua, mortuum |
dead, deceased; limp |
morus, mori F |
black mulberry tree |
motus, motus M |
movement, motion; riot, commotion, disturbance; gesture; emotion |
mugio, mugire, mugivi, mugitus |
low, bellow; make a loud deep noise |
multiplex, (gen.), multiplicis |
having many twists/turns; having many layers/thicknesses, many deep; complex |
multiplico, multiplicare, multiplicavi, multiplicatus |
multiply; repeat; increase; have/use on many occasions |
mulus, muli M |
mule |
mundus, mundi M |
universe, heavens; world, mankind; toilet/dress, ornament, decoration |
munio, munire, munivi, munitus |
fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build |
munitus, munita -um, munitior -or -us, munitissimus -a -um |
defended, fortified; protected, secured, safe |
muralis, muralis, murale |
of walls; of a wall; turreted; mural |
murra, murrae F |
fluorspar; agate?; highly prized mineral used for making vases |
musicus, musica, musicum |
of/belonging to poetry or music, musical |
mutatio, mutationis F |
change, alteration; interchange, exchange |
mutuus, mutua, mutuum |
borrowed, lent; mutual, in return |
myrrha, myrrhae F |
myrrh; tree source of myrrh |
nanciscor, nancisci, nanctus sum |
obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on |
nanciscor, nancisci, nactus sum |
obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on |
nasus, nasi M |
nose; sense of smelling |
nata, natae F |
daughter; child |
natalis, natalis, natale |
natal, of birth |
natio, nationis F |
nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens |
nativitas, nativitatis F |
birth; nativity |
nato, natare, natavi, natatus |
swim; float |
natus, nati M |
son; child; children |
nauta, nautae M |
sailor, seaman, mariner |
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus |
sail; navigate |
nazaraeus, nazaraei M |
Nazarene |
nec |
nor; and not, not, neither, not even |
necdum |
and/but not yet |
necesse, undeclined |
necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true |
neclego, neclegere, neclexi, neclectus |
disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise |
necto, nectere, nexui, nexus |
tie, bind |
nefandus, nefanda, nefandum |
impious, wicked; abominable |
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus |
disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise |
negotiator, negotiatoris M |
wholesale trader or dealer |
nequam, undeclined |
wicked/licentious/depraved; bad/vile; naughty/roguish; worthless/useless |
nequaquam |
by no means |
neque |
nor |
nequeo, nequire, nequivi(ii), nequitus |
be unable, cannot |
neve |
or not, and not |
ni |
if... not; unless |
nidus, nidi M |
nest |
nihilominus |
never/none the less, notwithstanding, just the same; likewise, as well |
nihilum, nihili N |
nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect |
nimietas, nimietatis F |
excess; superabundance; too great a number/quantity. redundancy |
nimium |
too, too much; very, very much, beyond measure, excessive, too great |
niteo, nitere, nitui, - |
shine, glitter, look bright; be sleek/in good condition; bloom, thrive |
nitor, nitoris M |
brightness, splendor; brilliance; gloss, sheen; elegance, style, polish; flash |
nitor, niti, nixus sum |
press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor |
niveus, nivea, niveum |
snowy, covered with snow; white |
nix, nivis F |
snow |
no, nare, navi, - |
swim, float |
nobilitas, nobilitatis F |
nobility/noble class; birth/descent; fame/excellence; the nobles; rank |
noctu |
by night, at night |
nodus, nodi M |
knot; node |
nomas, nomados/is M |
nomad, esp. a Numidian; nomads, certain wandering pastoral tribes |
nonnumquam |
sometimes |
notitia, notitiae F |
notice; acquaintance |
notus, nota -um, notior -or -us, notissimus -a -um |
well known, familiar, notable, famous, esteemed; notorious, of ill repute |
novellus, novella, novellum |
young, tender |
novi, novisse, notus |
know, know of; know how, be able; experience |
novitas, novitatis F |
newness; strangeness/novelty/unusualness/rarity; unfamiliarity; freshness |
novo, novare, novavi, novatus |
make new, renovate; renew, refresh, change |
noxia, noxiae F |
crime, fault |
nubes, nubis F |
cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation; swarm/multitude |
nubilus, nubila, nubilum |
cloudy; lowering |
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptus |
marry, be married to |
nubs, nubis M |
cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation; swarm/multitude |
nuga, nugae F |
trifles, nonsense; trash; frivolities; bagatelle |
nullus, nulli M |
no one |
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratus |
count, add up, reckon/compute; consider; relate; number/enumerate, catalog; pay |
nuncupo, nuncupare, nuncupavi, nuncupatus |
call, name; express |
nuntius, nuntia, nuntium |
announcing, bringing word; giving warning; prognosticatory |
nuper, -, nuperrime |
recently, not long ago; in recent years/our own time; latest in series |
nupta, nuptae F |
bride |
nuto, nutare, nutavi, nutatus |
waver, give way |
nutrio, nutrire, nutrivi, nutritus |
suckle. breast feed; nourish/feed/fuel, supply, build up; preserve, look after |
nymphe, nymphes F |
nymph; water; bride; young maiden |
obaeratus, obaerati M |
debtor |
obeo, obire, obivi(ii), obitus |
go to meet; attend to; fall; die |
obesus, obesa, obesum |
fat, stout, plump |
oblatio, oblationis F |
offer/offering, tender, presentation; right to offer something |
oblitus, oblita, oblitum |
forgetful |
obloquor, obloqui, oblocutus sum |
interpose remarks, interrupt |
oborior, oboriri, obortus sum |
arise, occur; appear, spring/rise up before; well up |
obscuro, obscurare, obscuravi, obscuratus |
darken, obscure; conceal; make indistinct; cause to be forgotten |
obsequenter |
compliantly; obediently; with deference |
obsequor, obsequi, obsecutus sum |
yield to; humor |
obsero, obserere, obsevi, obsitus |
sow, plant; cover |
obsideo, obsidere, obsedi, obsessus |
blockade, besiege, invest, beset; take possession of |
obstinatio, obstinationis F |
determination, stubbornness |
obstino, obstinare, obstinavi, obstinatus |
be determined on |
obstipesco, obstipescere, obstipui, - |
be amazed |
obstringo, obstringere, obstrinxi, obstrictus |
confine; involve; oblige, put under an obligation, bind, bind by oath |
obstruo, obstruere, obstruxi, obstructus |
block up, barricade |
obstupefacio, obstupefacere, obstupefeci, obstupefactus |
strike dumb/stun/daze/paralyze; befuddle/stupefy |
obstupesco, obstupescere, obstupui, - |
be stupefied; be struck dumb; be astounded |
obtrunco, obtruncare, obtruncavi, obtruncatus |
kill; cut down |
obtusus, obtusa, obtusum |
blunt; dull; obtuse |
obvius, obvia, obvium |
in the way, easy; hostile; exposed |
obvolvo, obvolvere, obvolvi, obvolutus |
wrap/muffle/cover up; cover completely; wrap/wind over |
occaeco, occaecare, occaecavi, occaecatus |
blind; blot out the light of day, darken; obscure, bury, conceal; seal/stop up |
occido, occidere, occidi, occasus |
fall, fall down; perish, die, be slain; be ruined/done for, decline, end |
occipio, occipere, occepi, occeptus |
begin |
occubo, occubare, occubui, occubitus |
lie; lie dead |
ocellus, ocelli M |
eye; darling |
octo, octavus -a -um, octoni -ae -a, octie(n)s |
octo, octavus -a -um, octoni -ae -a, octie(n)s |
8th-; 8th |
odor, odoris M |
scent, odor, aroma, smell; hint, inkling, suggestion |
odoramentum, odoramenti N |
aromatic spice; perfume, spice, balsam, odoriferous substance |
odoratus, odorata, odoratum |
smelling, having smell/odor/scent; fragrant/perfumed/sweet smelling |
offendiculum, offendiculi N |
obstacle, stumbling block, hindrance; cause of offense |
offendo, offendere, offendi, offensus |
offend, give offense; displease/annoy/vex; trouble/upset, hurt |
officio, officere, offeci, offectus |
block the path, check, impede |
offirmo, offirmare, offirmavi, offirmatus |
secure; bolt, lock, fasten, bar; be determined/inflexible; persevere in |
oleo, olere, olui, - |
smell of, smell like |
oliva, olivae F |
olive; olive tree |
olivetum, oliveti N |
olive-yard |
olivum, olivi N |
olive-oil; wrestling |
omega, undeclined N |
omega; last letter of Greek alphabet; last; the end |
omnino |
entirely, altogether |
omnipotens, (gen.), omnipotentis |
all-powerful, omnipotent |
onero, onerare, oneravi, oneratus |
load, burden; oppress |
onustus, onusta, onustum |
laden |
operatio, operationis F |
operation; working; activity; devotion to task; offering sacrifice |
opifer, opifera, opiferum |
bringing help |
opifex, opificis M |
workman |
opinor, opinari, opinatus sum |
suppose, imagine |
oportet, oportere, oportuit, - |
it is right/proper/necessary; it is becoming; it behooves; ought |
oportunus, oportuna -um, oportunior -or -us, oportunissimus -a -um |
suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed |
oppedo, oppedere, -, - |
break wind; insult |
opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um |
suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed |
oppugnatio, oppugnationis F |
assault, siege, attack; storming |
opto, optare, optavi, optatus |
choose, select; wish, wish for, desire |
opulentus, opulenta -um, opulentior -or -us, opulentissimus -a -um |
wealthy; rich in wealth/resources; well supplied; sumptuous, opulent, rich |
ora, orae F |
shore, coast |
oraclum, oracli N |
oracle; prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim |
oraculum, oraculi N |
oracle; prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim |
orchestra, orchestrae F |
area in front of stage |
ordino, ordinare, ordinavi, ordinatus |
order/arrange, set in order; adjust, regulate; compose; ordain/appoint |
orichalcum, orichalci N |
brass; golden metal; yellow copper ore,"mountain copper"; brass objects |
oriens, orientis M |
daybreak/dawn/sunrise; east, sunrise quarter of the sky; the East/Orient |
orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatus |
equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim |
oro, orere, -, - |
burn |
orphanus, orphani M |
orphan |
ostiarius, ostiaria, ostiarium |
of/belonging to door |
ostrum, ostri N |
purple dye; purple color; material/garment/anything that has been dyed purple |
pabulum, pabuli N |
fodder, forage, food for cattle; food/sustenance; fuel |
pactio, pactionis F |
bargain, agreement |
pactum, pacti N |
bargain, agreement; manner |
paean, paeanos/is M |
hymn; Paean |
paeniteo, paenitere, paenitui, - |
displease; regret; repent, be sorry |
pallidus, pallida, pallidum |
pale, yellow-green |
pallor, palloris M |
wanness; paleness of complexion; pallidness |
palma, palmae F |
palm/width of the hand; hand; palm tree/branch; date; palm award/first place |
papaver, papaveris N |
poppy; poppy-seed |
par, paris |
mate, spouse, partner; match, peer; person of same kind/rank/station/prestige |
paraclitus, paracliti M |
advocate, defender, protector, helper, comforter |
paradisus, paradisi M |
Paradise, Garden of Eden; abode of the blessed; park, orchard; a town/river |
parco, parcere, peperci, parsus |
forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with |
pardus, pardi M |
panther or leopard |
parens, parentis |
parent, father, mother |
paries, parietis M |
wall, house wall |
pariter |
equally; together |
parito, paritare, paritavi, paritatus |
make ready |
paropsis, paropsidos/is F |
dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish |
parricidium, parricidi(i) N |
parricide; murder of near relative; assassination; treason |
partior, partiri, partitus sum |
share, divide up, distribute |
parturio, parturire, parturivi, - |
be in labor; bring forth; produce; be pregnant with/ready to give birth |
partus, partus M |
birth; offspring |
parum, minus, minime |
too/very little, not enough/so good, insufficient; less; not at all |
passim |
here and there; everywhere |
patientia, patientiae F |
endurance/hardiness; patience/persistence; apathy; sufferance; hardship |
patrimonium, patrimoni(i) N |
inheritance |
patronus, patroni M |
patron; advocate; defender, protector |
paulatim |
little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit |
paulisper |
for a short time/brief while |
paululus, paulula, paululum |
little; small; small amount/quantity of/little bit of |
peccatrix, peccatricis F |
sinner/transgressor |
pecuinus, pecuina, pecuinum |
beast-like; of cattle |
pecunia, pecuniae F |
money; property |
pedester, pedestris, pedestre |
infantry-, of foot-soldiers; walking; on foot/land; pedestrian |
pelagus, pelagi N |
sea; the open sea, the main |
pellicius, pellicia, pellicium |
skin-, made of skins/furs |
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus |
beat; drive out; push; banish, strike, defeat, drive away, rout |
pelvis, pelvis F |
shallow bowl or basin |
pendeo, pendere, pependi, - |
hang, hang down; depend |
penetro, penetrare, penetravi, penetratus |
enter, penetrate |
perago, peragere, peregi, peractus |
disturb; finish; kill; carry through to the end, complete |
peragro, peragrare, peragravi, peragratus |
travel over every part of, scour |
percello, percellere, perculi, perculsus |
strike down; strike; overpower; dismay, demoralize, upset |
percipio, percipere, percepi, perceptus |
secure, gain; perceive, learn, feel |
percurro, percurrere, percucurri, percursus |
quickly move/run/travel/hasten/pass through/over; form continuous line; stroke |
peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum |
travel about, be an alien, sojourn in strange country, go abroad, wander, roam |
peregrinus, peregrina, peregrinum |
foreign, strange, alien; exotic |
pererro, pererrare, pererravi, pererratus |
wander through, roam or ramble over |
perfacile |
very easily; readily |
perfectio, perfectionis F |
perfection, completion; bringing to completion/perfection; ideal/completed form |
perfidus, perfida, perfidum |
faithless, treacherous, false, deceitful |
periclitor, periclitari, periclitatus sum |
try, prove, test, make a trial of, put to the test/in peril; risk, endanger |
periclum, pericli N |
danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability |
perimo, perimere, peremi, peremptus |
kill, destroy |
perlustro, perlustrare, perlustravi, perlustratus |
go or wander all through; view all over, scan, scrutinize |
permisceo, permiscere, permiscui, permixtus |
mix or mingle together; confound; embroil; disturb thoroughly |
permulceo, permulcere, permulsi, permulsus |
rub gently, stroke, touch gently; charm, please, beguile; soothe, alleviate |
perniciosus, perniciosa, perniciosum |
destructive, dangerous, pernicious |
pernix, (gen.), pernicis |
persistent, preserving; nimble, brisk, active, agile, quick, swift, fleet |
pernumero, pernumerare, pernumeravi, pernumeratus |
count up; reckon |
perodi, perodisse, perosus |
hate greatly, loathe, detest |
perpello, perpellere, perpuli, perpulsus |
compel, constrain, prevail upon; enforce |
perperam |
wrongly, incorrectly |
perpetior, perpeti, perpessus sum |
endure to the full |
perpetro, perpetrare, perpetravi, perpetratus |
carry through, accomplish |
persecutio, persecutionis F |
chase/pursuit; carrying through, completion; action/right of suing, suit |
persevero, perseverare, perseveravi, perseveratus |
persist, persevere; continue |
persto, perstare, perstiti, perstatus |
stand firm; last, endure; persevere, persist in |
pertinacia, pertinaciae F |
determination/perseverance; persistence; obstinacy, stubbornness, defiance |
perturbo, perturbare, perturbavi, perturbatus |
confuse, throw into confusion; disturb, perturb, trouble; alarm |
peruro, perurere, perussi, perusus |
burn up/through, consume w/fire; fire; burn/scorch; chafe/irritate |
perverto, pervertere, perverti, perversus |
overthrow; subvert; destroy, ruin, corrupt |
pestifer, pestifera, pestiferum |
pestilential; destructive |
pestilens, (gen.), pestilentis |
pestilential, unhealthy, unwholesome; destructive |
petitio, petitionis F |
candidacy; petition |
petra, petrae F |
rock, boulder; shaped stone as used in building |
petrosus, petrosa, petrosum |
rocky |
phantasma, phantasmatis N |
ghost; phantom; spirit |
pharetra, pharetrae F |
quiver |
philosophia, philosophiae F |
philosophy, love of wisdom |
piamentum, piamenti N |
atoning sacrifice |
pietas, pietatis F |
responsibility, sense of duty; loyalty; tenderness, goodness; pity; piety |
pila, pilae F |
ball; sphere; mortar, vessel in which things are pounded |
pinna, pinnae F |
feather; wing; fin; battlement/parapet, spire/steeple; flap; water wheel paddle |
pipio, pipiare, pipiavi, pipiatus |
chirp, pipe |
pirata, piratae M |
pirate |
piscator, piscatoris M |
fisherman |
pisciculus, pisciculi M |
little fish |
piscina, piscinae F |
pool; fishpond; swiming pool, spa; tank, vat, basin |
placo, placare, placavi, placatus |
appease; placate; reconcile |
plangor, plangoris M |
outcry, shriek |
plastes, plastae M |
modeler, molder, potter; creator, maker; statuary |
platea, plateae F |
broad way, street |
plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausus |
clap, strike, pat; beat; applaud; express approval |
plecto, plectere, plexi, plectus |
plait, twine |
plenitudo, plenitudinis F |
fullness, abundance of content; thickness, fullness of shape; whole/full amount |
plerumque |
generally, commonly; mostly, for the most part; often, frequently |
pluma, plumae F |
feather; plume |
plumbum, plumbi N |
lead |
plurimus, plurimi M |
very many, many a one; the most people, very many/great number of people |
plus, pluris N |
more, too much, more than enough; more than; higher price/value |
poculum, poculi N |
cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking; drink |
podagra, podagrae F |
gout |
poeta, poetae M |
poet |
polleo, pollere, -, - |
exert power or influence; be strong |
pollex, pollicis M |
thumb |
polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum |
promise |
polluo, polluere, pollui, pollutus |
soil/foul/dirty/stain/pollute; infect; make impure; break |
pomum, pomi N |
fruit, apple; fruit-tree |
pons, pontis M |
bridge |
populo, populare, populavi, populatus |
ravage, devastate, lay waste; plunder; despoil, strip |
populus, populi |
poplar tree |
porrigo, porrigere, porrexi, porrectus |
stretch out, extend |
porrum, porri N |
leek |
porta, portae F |
gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal |
portendo, portendere, portendi, portentus |
predict, foretell; point out |
porticus, porticus |
colonnade, covered walk; portico; covered gallery atop amphitheater/siege works |
portitor, portitoris M |
ferry man |
possideo, possidere, possedi, possessus |
seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit |
possido, possidere, -, - |
seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit |
posteaquam |
after |
postis, postis M |
doorpost |
postremo |
at last, finally |
postulo, postulare, postulavi, postulatus |
demand, claim; require; ask/pray for |
potior, potiri, potitus sum |
obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach; come by |
potior, poti, potitus sum |
obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach; come by |
potis, undeclined |
able, capable; possible |
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitus |
present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow |
praeceptum, praecepti N |
teaching, lesson, precept; order, command |
praecipito, praecipitare, praecipitavi, praecipitatus |
throw headlong, cast down |
praecipuus, praecipua, praecipuum |
particular, especial |
praecordium, praecordi(i) N |
vitals, diaphragm; breast; chest as the seat of feelings |
praedicatio, praedicationis F |
announcement/statement; public proclaiming; praise/commendation/special mention |
praedium, praedi(i) N |
farm, estate |
praeeo, praeire, praeivi(ii), praeitus |
go before, precede; dictate |
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatus |
carry in front; prefer; display; offer; give preference to |
praegnas, (gen.), praegnatis |
with child, pregnant |
praegredior, praegredi, praegressus sum |
go ahead; go before, precede; surpass |
praemico, praemicare, praemicavi, praemicatus |
glitter forth |
praemium, praemi(i) N |
prize, reward; gift; recompense |
praemordeo, praemordere, praemorsi, praemorsus |
bite off; pilfer |
praeparatio, praeparationis F |
preparation |
praepotens, (gen.), praepotentis |
very powerful |
praescio, praescire, praescivi, praescitus |
foreknow; know in advance |
praesentio, praesentire, praesensi, praesensus |
feel or perceive beforehand; have a presentiment of |
praeses, praesidis |
protector; guard; guardian; defender; chief; president, governor, procurator |
praetendo, praetendere, praetendi, praetentus |
stretch out; spread before; extend in front; allege in excuse |
praeter |
besides, except, contrary to; beyond, in front of, before; more than |
praeterea |
besides, thereafter; in addition |
praeterquam |
except, besides |
praetexo, praetexere, praetexui, praetextus |
weave in front, fringe; cloak; pretend |
praeuro, praeurere, praeussi, praeustus |
scorch at the extremity or on the surface |
praevaricatio, praevaricationis F |
collusion; transgression |
praevenio, praevenire, praeveni, praeventus |
arrive/occur/come first/before/too soon; precede; surpass; anticipate/forestall |
pratum, prati N |
meadow, meadowland; meadow grass/crop; broad expanse/field/plain |
presso, pressare, pressavi, pressatus |
press, squeeze |
pretium, preti(i) N |
price/value/worth; reward/pay; money; prayer/request |
pridem |
some time ago, previously |
pridie |
day before |
primaevus, primaeva, primaevum |
youthful |
primitus |
at first; to begin with; for the first time; originally; in the beginning |
principatus, principatus M |
first place; rule; leadership; supremacy; chief command |
priscus, prisca, priscum |
ancient, early, former |
prius |
earlier, before, previously, first |
privatus, privata, privatum |
private; personal; ordinary |
privatus, privati M |
private citizen |
probatio, probationis F |
approval; testing/inspection/passing; criterion, test; proof; evidence |
procella, procellae F |
storm, gale; tumult, commotion |
procumbo, procumbere, procubui, procubitus |
sink down, lie down, lean forward |
procurator, procuratoris M |
manager, overseer; agent, deputy |
procuro, procurare, procuravi, procuratus |
manage; administer; attend to |
procurro, procurrere, procucurri, procursus |
run out ahead, run forward, advance; jut out |
prodigium, prodigi(i) N |
portent; prodigy, wonder |
proelior, proeliari, proeliatus sum |
fight |
profanus, profana, profanum |
secular, profane; not initiated; impious |
profectio, profectionis F |
departure |
proficio, proficere, profeci, profectus |
make, accomplish, effect |
profiteor, profiteri, professus sum |
declare; profess |
profluo, profluere, profluxi, profluctus |
flow forth or along; emanate |
profluvium, profluvii N |
flowing forth |
profugio, profugere, profugi, - |
escape, escape from; run away from |
profugus, profuga, profugum |
fugitive/fleeing/escaping; exiled; shrinking; P:eluding one's grasp |
profundo, profundere, profudi, profusus |
pour, pour out; utter; squander |
profundus, profunda, profundum |
deep, profound; boundless; insatiable |
progredior, progredi, progressus sum |
go, come forth, go forward, march forward; advance. proceed. make progress |
prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitus |
hinder, restrain; forbid, prevent |
proinde |
hence, so then; according to/in the same manner/degree/proportion |
proles, prolis F |
offspring, descendant; that springs by birth/descent; generation; race, breed |
promiscuus, promiscua, promiscuum |
common, shared general, indiscriminate |
promissio, promissionis F |
promise; act/instance of promising; guarantee that proof will come |
promo, promere, prompsi, promptus |
take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage |
pronuba, pronubae F |
married woman who conducted the bride to the bridal chamber |
pronus, prona, pronum |
leaning forward; prone |
propello, propellere, propuli, propulsus |
drive forward/forth; drive away/out/off; defeat |
properus, propera, properum |
quick, speedy |
propheto, prophetare, prophetavi, prophetatus |
prophesy, foretell, predict |
propositio, propositionis F |
proposition, premise/case for discussion; statement of facts/case; notion/image |
proprius, propria, proprium |
own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic |
propugnaculum, propugnaculi N |
bulwark, rampart; defense |
prorsum |
forwards, right onward; absolutely, entirely, utterly, by all means; in short |
prorsus, prorsa, prorsum |
straight forwards |
proscaenium, proscaeni(i) N |
stage, portion of theater lying between orchestra and back wall |
proscribo, proscribere, proscripsi, proscriptus |
announce, make public, post, advertise; proscribe, deprive of property |
prosequor, prosequi, prosecutus sum |
pursue; escort; describe in detail |
prosilio, prosilire, prosilui, - |
jump/leap up/forward; rush/leap/spring forth/to; gush/break/jut out |
prosperus, prospera -um, prosperior -or -us, prosperrimus -a -um |
prosperous, successful/triumphal; lucky/favorable/propitious |
prospicio, prospicere, prospexi, prospectus |
foresee; see far off; watch for, provide for, look out for |
prostitutio, prostitutionis F |
prostitution; dishonoring, profaning |
protego, protegere, protexi, protectus |
cover, protect |
protestor, protestari, protestatus sum |
testify, testify publicly, bear witness to; protest; assert |
prout |
as, just as; exactly as |
proverbium, proverbi(i) N |
proverb, saying |
provincia, provinciae F |
province; office; duty; command |
proxumus, proxuma, proxumum |
nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like |
prudens, prudentis (gen.), prudentior -or -us, prudentissimus -a -um |
aware, skilled; sensible, prudent; farseeing; experienced |
prudentia, prudentiae F |
discretion; good sense, wisdom; prudence; foresight |
pruinosus, pruinosa, pruinosum |
frosty |
pruna, prunae F |
glowing charcoal, a live coal |
pubes, pubis F |
manpower, adult population; private/pubic parts/hair; age/condition of puberty |
pudeo, pudere, pudui, puditus |
be ashamed; make ashamed |
pudicus, pudica, pudicum |
chaste, modest; virtuous; pure |
pudor, pudoris M |
decency, shame; sense of honor; modesty; bashfulness |
puerilis, puerilis, puerile |
boyish; youthful, childish |
pugillaris, pugillaris, pugillare |
hand-holdable; that can be held in hand |
pugio, pugionis M |
dagger |
pulchre, pulchrius, pulcherrime |
fine, beautifully |
pulchritudo, pulchritudinis F |
beauty, excellence |
pullum, pulli N |
dark-gray cloth |
pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatus |
beat; pulsate |
pulsus, pulsus M |
stroke; beat; pulse; impulse |
pumex, pumicis M |
pumice stone, similar volcanic rock |
pungo, pungere, pupugi, punctus |
prick, puncture; sting; jab/poke; mark with points/pricks; vex/trouble |
puppis, puppis F |
stern/aft; poop; ship; back |
purificatio, purificationis F |
purification, purifying; making ritually clean |
purifico, purificare, purificavi, purificatus |
purify/make ceremonially/ritually pure; clean/clear; free of dirt/encumbrances |
purpureus, purpurea, purpureum |
purple, dark red |
purus, pura -um, purior -or -us, purissimus -a -um |
pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement/taboo/stain; blameless, innocent |
puteus, putei M |
well |
putrefacio, putrefacere, putrefeci, putrefactus |
cause to rot/decay/crumble/disintegrate; putrefy; make friable; soften |
qua |
where; by which route |
quaesitus, quaesita -um, quaesitior -or -us, quaesitissimus -a -um |
special, sought out, looked for; select; artificial, studied, affected |
quaeso, quaesere, -, - |
beg, ask, ask for, seek |
quaestio, quaestionis F |
questioning, inquiry; investigation |
qualiter |
as, just as; in what/which way/state/manner, how |
quamdiu |
for how long?; how long?; how long!, what a long time!; until; as long as |
quamquam |
though, although; yet; nevertheless |
quandoquidem |
since, seeing that |
quapropter |
wherefore, why, for what? |
quatenus |
how far/long?, to what point; to what extent; where; while, so far as; since |
que |
and |
quemadmodum |
in what way, how; as, just as; to the extent that |
quercus, quercus F |
oak, oak-tree; oak wood/timber/object; oak leaf garland; sea-oak |
querela, querelae F |
complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame |
querella, querellae F |
complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame |
qui |
how?; how so; in what way; by what/which means; whereby; at whatever price |
quies, quietis F |
quiet, calm, rest, peace; sleep |
quinquaginta, quinquagesimus -a -um, quinquageni -ae -a, quinquagie(n)s |
50 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 50s |
quippe |
of course; as you see; obviously; naturally; by all means |
quislibet, cuiuslibet |
whoever/whatever you please; anyone/anything whatever |
quispiam, cuiuspiam |
any/somebody, any, some, any/something |
quisque, cuiusque |
each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever |
quisvis, cuiusvis |
any whatever and INDEF whoever it be, whom you please; any whatever |
quo |
whither, in what place, where |
quoadusque |
until that |
quod |
with respect to which |
quodsi |
but if; and if |
quotienscumque |
whenever, every time that; however often, as often as |
radius, radi(i) M |
ray; rod |
raeda, raedae F |
four wheeled wagon |
rapax, (gen.), rapacis |
grasping, rapacious |
rarus, rara -um, rarior -or -us, rarissimus -a -um |
thin, scattered; few, infrequent; rare; in small groups; loose knit |
ratio, rationis F |
account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard |
ratis, ratis F |
raft; ship, boat |
reccido, reccidere, reccidi, reccasus |
fall/sink back, lapse/relapse/revert; fall to earth; come to naught; rebound on |
recens, (gen.), recentis |
fresh, recent; rested |
recidivus, recidiva, recidivum |
recurring |
reclino, reclinare, reclinavi, reclinatus |
bend back |
recordor, recordari, recordatus sum |
think over; call to mind, remember |
rector, rectoris M |
guide, director, helmsman; horseman; driver; leader, ruler, governor |
redarguo, redarguere, redargui, - |
refute; prove untrue |
redimo, redimere, redemi, redemptus |
buy back, recover, replace by purchase; buy up; make good, fulfill |
reficio, reficere, refeci, refectus |
rebuild, repair, restore |
refoveo, refovere, refovi, refotus |
warm again; refresh, revive |
refugus, refuga, refugum |
fleeing, receding |
regulus, reguli M |
petty king, prince; Regulus |
relabor, relabi, relapsus sum |
fall back, vanish |
reliquia, reliquiae F |
remains/relics; remnants/traces/vestiges; survivors |
remetior, remetiri, remensus sum |
go back over |
remigium, remigi(i) N |
rowing, oarage |
remigo, remigare, remigavi, remigatus |
row, use oars |
removeo, removere, removi, remotus |
move back; put away; withdraw; remove |
renascor, renasci, renatus sum |
be born again, be renewed, be revived |
renideo, renidere, -, - |
shine, gleam; smile back |
renitor, reniti, renisus sum |
struggle, offer physical resistance; be resistant, not to yield |
renuo, renuere, renui, renutus |
refuse; disapprove; decline; give a refusal; throw back head/eye/brows as sign |
repercutio, repercutere, repercussi, repercussus |
cause to rebound, reflect, strike against |
repleo, replere, replevi, repletus |
fill again; complete, fill |
reprimo, reprimere, repressi, repressus |
press back, repress; check, prevent, restrain |
reprobo, reprobare, reprobavi, reprobatus |
condemn; reject |
reptilis, reptilis, reptile |
creeping; reptile |
repugno, repugnare, repugnavi, repugnatus |
fight back, oppose; be incompatible with; disagree with |
reputo, reputare, reputavi, reputatus |
think over, reflect |
requies, requiei F |
rest, respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby |
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietus |
quiet down; rest; end |
reseco, resecare, resecui, resectus |
cut back, trim; reap, cut short |
resideo, residere, resedi, resessus |
sit down/on/in; settle; be perched; remain seated/idle/fixed/in place; squat |
resono, resonare, resonavi, resonatus |
resound |
respecto, respectare, respectavi, respectatus |
keep on looking round or back; await; have regard for |
restituo, restituere, restitui, restitutus |
restore; revive; bring back; make good |
resto, restare, restiti, - |
stand firm; stay behind; be left, be left over; remain |
retexo, retexere, retexui, retextus |
undo/reverse/cancel; retrace/go back over; retract; unravel/unweave; break down |
retineo, retinere, retinui, retentus |
hold back, restrain; uphold; delay; hold fast; retain,preserve |
retribuo, retribuere, retribui, retributus |
hand back duly; recompense; render; reward |
retrorsum |
back, backwards; in reverse order |
revoco, revocare, revocavi, revocatus |
call back, recall; revive; regain |
rigesco, rigescere, rigui, - |
grow stiff or numb; stiffen harden |
rigidus, rigida, rigidum |
stiff, hard; stern; rough |
rima, rimae F |
crack, narrow cleft; chink, fissure |
risus, risus M |
laughter |
rite |
duly, according to religious usage, with due observance; solemnly; well |
rivus, rivi M |
stream |
rixa, rixae F |
violent or noisy quarrel, brawl, dispute |
robur, roboris N |
oak; tough core; resolve/purpose; B:tetanus |
rodo, rodere, rosi, rosus |
gnaw, peck |
rogito, rogitare, rogitavi, rogitatus |
ask, inquire |
rogus, rogi M |
funeral pyre |
rostrum, rostri N |
beak, curved bow; speaker's platform |
rubeo, rubere, -, - |
be red, become red |
rubor, ruboris M |
redness, blush; modesty, capacity to blush; shame, disgrace, what causes blush |
rudis, rudis, rude |
undeveloped, rough, wild; coarse |
ruminalis, ruminalis, ruminale |
ruminating |
ruo, ruere, rui, rutus |
destroy, ruin, overthrow; rush on, run; fall; charge; be ruined |
rupes, rupis F |
cliff; rock |
rusticus, rustica, rusticum |
country, rural; plain, homely, rustic |
sabacthani, undeclined |
forsaken |
sacculus, sacculi M |
little bag; purse; sachet |
saccus, sacci M |
sack, bag; wallet |
saeps, saepis F |
hedge; fence; anything planted/erected to form surrounding barrier |
saga, sagae F |
witch, sorceress, wise woman |
sagittifer, sagittifera, sagittiferum |
carrying arrows |
sagulum, saguli N |
cloak, traveling cloak |
salsus, salsa -um, salsior -or -us, salsissimus -a -um |
salted, salty, preserved in salt; briny; witty, funny, salted wit humor |
saltem |
at least, anyhow, in all events; even, so much as |
salto, saltare, saltavi, saltatus |
dance, jump; portray or represent in a dance |
sanabilis, sanabilis, sanabile |
curable |
sanctificatio, sanctificationis F |
holiness; holy mystery; sanctuary |
sanctifico, sanctificare, sanctificavi, sanctificatus |
sanctify, treat as holy |
sandalium, sandalii N |
slipper, sandal |
sanies, saniei F |
ichorous/bloody matter/pus discharged from wound/ulcer; other such fluids |
sapiens, sapientis (gen.), sapientior -or -us, sapientissimus -a -um |
rational; sane, of sound mind; wise, judicious, understanding; discreet |
sarcina, sarcinae F |
pack, bundle, soldier's kit; baggage, belongings, chattels; load, burden |
sardinus, sardina, sardinum |
carnelian/sardian |
sat |
enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty |
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatus |
satisfy, sate; nourish |
satis, undeclined |
enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory |
satisfacio, satisfacere, satisfeci, satisfactus |
satisfy; make amends; apologize, excuse; satisfy a claim; compensate; suffice |
saucius, saucia, saucium |
wounded; ill, sick |
scala, scalae F |
ladder |
scandalum, scandali N |
temptation/inducement to sin; cause of offense; stumbling block; scandal |
scapula, scapulae F |
shoulder-blades; shoulder, back; wings |
sceleratus, scelerata -um, sceleratior -or -us, sceleratissimus -a -um |
criminal, wicked; accursed; lying under a ban; sinful, atrocious, heinous |
scelestus, scelesta, scelestum |
infamous, wicked; accursed |
schisma, schismatis N |
schism/split/deep divide; separation/breaking away |
scilicet |
one may know, certainly; of course |
scio, scire, scivi, scitus |
know, understand |
scirpea, scirpeae F |
large basket made of bulrushes; basket-work |
sciscitor, sciscitari, sciscitatus sum |
ask; question; consult |
scruta, scrutae F |
pot |
scrutor, scrutari, scrutatus sum |
search/probe/examine carefully/thoroughly; explore/scan/scrutinize/investigate |
scurrilitas, scurrilitatis F |
buffoonery; quality of a scurra, untimely/offensive humor |
secundum |
after; according to; along/next to, following/immediately after, close behind |
secus |
otherwise; differently, in another way; contrary to what is right/expected |
sedile, sedilis N |
seat, chair, bench, stool; that which may be sat on; armchair |
seditio, seditionis F |
sedition, riot, strife,rebellion |
seditiosus, seditiosa, seditiosum |
mutinous; troubled; quarrelsome |
sedo, sedare, sedavi, sedatus |
settle, allay; restrain; calm down |
seges, segetis F |
grain field; crop |
segnis, segne, segnior -or -us, segnissimus -a -um |
slow, sluggish, torpid, inactive; slothful, unenergetic; slow moving, slow |
semel |
once, on one occasion |
semita, semitae F |
path |
sempiternus, sempiterna, sempiternum |
perpetual/everlasting/permanent/eternal; lasting forever/for relevant period |
senator, senatoris M |
senator |
senesco, senescere, senui, - |
grow old; grow weak, be in a decline; become exhausted |
senilis, senilis, senile |
senile, aged |
sensus, sensus M |
feeling, sense |
sententia, sententiae F |
opinion, feeling, way of thinking; thought, meaning, sentence/period; purpose |
sentis, sentis M |
thorn, briar |
sentus, senta, sentum |
rough, rugged, uneven |
senus, sena, senum |
six each |
sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultus |
bury/inter; submerge, overcome; suppress; ruin |
septem, septimus -a -um, septeni -ae -a, septie(n)s |
7 times, on 7 occasions- |
septemgeminus, septemgemina, septemgeminum |
sevenfold |
sepulchrum, sepulchri N |
grave, tomb |
sepultus, sepulta, sepultum |
buried; sunk, immersed |
serenus, serena, serenum |
clear, fair, bright; serene, tranquil; cheerful, glad |
sericus, serica, sericum |
silken |
serius, seria, serium |
serious, grave |
sero, serius, serissime |
late, at a late hour, tardily; of a late period; too late |
serpens, serpentis |
serpent, snake |
servilis, servilis, servile |
servile, of slaves |
servitus, servitutis F |
slavery; slaves; servitude |
servolus, servoli M |
young slave |
sescenti -ae -a, sescentesimus -a -um, sesceni -ae -a, sexcentie(n)s |
severus, severa -um, severior -or -us, severissimus -a -um |
stern, strict, severe; grave, austere; weighty, serious; unadorned, plain |
siccus, sicca, siccum |
dry |
sicuti |
as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were |
silentiosus, silentiosa, silentiosum |
perfectly still; silent |
silex, silicis |
pebble/stone, flint; boulder, stone |
silvestris, silvestris, silvestre |
wooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild, untamed |
simila, similae F |
normal flour produced from triticum; finest wheat flour |
simulatio, simulationis F |
pretense, deceit |
simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatus |
imitate, copy; pretend; look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint |
simultas, simultatis F |
enmity, rivalry; hatred |
sin |
but if; if on the contrary |
sinapis, sinapis F |
mustard |
sinceritas, sinceritatis F |
integrity, honesty, straightforwardness; soundness, physical wholeness; purity |
sindon, sindonis F |
muslin; woven material of fine texture; fine linen |
sine |
without; lack |
singillatim |
one by one, singly, separately |
singularis, singularis, singulare |
alone, unique; single, one by one; singular, remarkable, unusual |
singultio, singultire, -, singultus |
hiccup; sob; cluck |
siquidem |
accordingly; if indeed/in fact/it is possible, even supposing; since/in that |
sisto, sistere, stiti, status |
stop, check; cause to stand; set up |
sitis, sitis F |
thirst |
sobrietas, sobrietatis F |
sobriety, freedom from intoxication; sobriety of habits, staidness |
socer, soceri M |
father in law |
socrus, socrus |
mother-in-law; spouse's grandmother/great grandmother |
sodes |
if you do not mind, please |
solaciolum, solacioli N |
small consolation |
solacium, solaci(i) N |
comfort, solace; relief in sorrow/misfortune; source of comfort/consolation |
solitarius, solitaria, solitarium |
solitary, living/acting on one's own; single; without companion; sole |
sollicitudo, sollicitudinis F |
anxiety, concern, solicitude |
sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum |
concerned, worried; upset, troubled, disturbed, anxious, apprehensive |
solor, solari, solatus sum |
solace, console, comfort; soothe, ease, lighten, relieve, assuage, mitigate |
sonitus, sonitus M |
noise, loud sound |
sono, sonere, sonui, sonitus |
make a noise/sound; speak/utter, emit sound; be spoken of; express/denote |
sono, sonare, sonavi, sonatus |
make a noise/sound; speak/utter, emit sound; be spoken of; express/denote |
sonus, soni M |
noise, sound |
sopor, soporis M |
deep sleep |
sortior, sortiri, sortitus sum |
cast or draw lots; obtain by lot; appoint by lot; choose |
spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsus |
scatter, strew, sprinkle; spot |
spatior, spatiari, spatiatus sum |
walk; take a walk, promenade; spread |
spatiosus, spatiosa, spatiosum |
spacious, wide, long |
specimen, speciminis N |
mark, proof; idea; model |
speciosus, speciosa -um, speciosior -or -us, speciosissimus -a -um |
beautiful/handsome/good-looking; attractive/appealing; presentable/respectable |
spectaculum, spectaculi N |
show, spectacle; spectators' seats |
spectator, spectatoris M |
spectator |
speculor, speculari, speculatus sum |
watch, observe; spy out; examine, explore |
speculum, speculi N |
mirror, looking glass, reflector; copy, imitation |
sperno, spernere, sprevi, spretus |
scorn, despise, spurn |
spineus, spinea, spineum |
thorny, covered with thorns |
spiritaliter |
spiritually |
spiritualis, spiritualis, spirituale |
spiritual, of the spirit; of breathing; to wind/air; kind of wind instrument |
splendesco, splendescere, -, - |
become bright, begin to shine; derive luster |
spons, spontis F |
free will |
sporta, sportae F |
basket, hamper |
sportula, sportulae F |
food or money given by patrons to clients |
spumo, spumare, spumavi, spumatus |
foam, froth; be covered in foam; cover with foam |
spuo, spuere, spui, sputus |
spit, spit out |
squalidus, squalida, squalidum |
squalid, filthy |
squalor, squaloris M |
squalor, filth |
stabulum, stabuli N |
stall/stable/enclosure/fold; lair/den; herd; garage |
stadium, stadi(i) N |
stade, Greek measure of distance,; race course |
stagnum, stagni N |
alloy of sliver and lead; tin |
statera, staterae F |
scales, balance; grade, standard of quality; chariot pole |
stator, statoris M |
one who establishes or upholds |
statua, statuae F |
statue; image |
stela, stelae F |
pillar; column |
sterilis, sterilis, sterile |
barren, sterile; fruitless; unprofitable, futile |
stipes, stipitis M |
post, stake |
stipo, stipare, stipavi, stipatus |
crowd, press together, compress, surround closely |
stipula, stipulae F |
stalk; stubble; straw; reed played on as a pipe |
stiva, stivae F |
plow handle |
stramentum, stramenti N |
thatch; litter/trash |
strenuus, strenua, strenuum |
active, vigorous, strenuous |
strepo, strepere, strepui, strepitus |
make a loud noise; shout confusedly; resound |
strido, stridere, stridi, - |
creak, squeak, grate, shriek, whistle; hiss; gnash |
stridulus, stridula, stridulum |
whizzing, hissing |
struo, struere, struxi, structus |
build, construct |
studeo, studere, studui, - |
desire, be eager for; busy oneself with; strive |
studium, studi(i) N |
eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal, spirit; devotion, pursuit, study |
stultiloquium, stultiloquii N |
silly/foolish/stupid talk; babbling |
stupefacio, stupefacere, stupefeci, stupefactus |
strike dumb/stun with amazement, stupefy; strike senseless |
stupor, stuporis M |
numbness, torpor; stupefaction; stupidity |
suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasus |
urge, recommend; suggest; induce; propose, persuade, advise |
suavitas, suavitatis F |
charm, attractiveness; sweetness |
suaviter |
pleasantly, sweetly |
subdolus, subdola, subdolum |
sly, deceitful, treacherous |
subduco, subducere, subduxi, subductus |
lead up, carry off; transfer; haul |
subigo, subigere, subegi, subactus |
conquer, subjugate; compel |
subito |
suddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at all |
subjectio, subjectionis F |
placing below; something placed below; base-plate; fraudulent insertion/forging |
subjicio, subjicere, subjeci, subjectus |
throw under, place under; make subject; expose |
sublevo, sublevare, sublevavi, sublevatus |
lift up, raise; support; assist; lighten |
sublimis, sublime, sublimior -or -us, sublimissimus -a -um |
high, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position |
sublimus, sublima -um, sublimior -or -us, sublimissimus -a -um |
high, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position |
subministratio, subministrationis F |
giving, furnishing, supplying |
subministro, subministrare, subministravi, subministratus |
supply, furnish, afford |
submitto, submittere, submisi, submissus |
allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit |
subo, subare, subavi, subatus |
be in heat |
suboles, subolis F |
shoot, sucker; race; offspring; progeny |
subrigo, subrigere, subrexi, subrectus |
rise, lift |
subsequor, subsequi, subsecutus sum |
follow close after; pursue; support |
subsicivus, subsiciva, subsicivum |
left over; extra, superfluous, spare |
subsidium, subsidi(i) N |
help, relief; reinforcement |
subsisto, subsistere, substiti, - |
halt, stand; cause to stop |
subter |
beneath, under; towards/at base |
subtraho, subtrahere, subtraxi, subtractus |
carry off; take away; subtract |
subtus |
below, underneath, in a lower position; in a position lower than; beneath |
subvenio, subvenire, subveni, subventus |
come to help, assist; rescue |
succedo, succedere, successi, successus |
climb; advance; follow; succeed in |
succendo, succendere, succendi, succensus |
set on fire |
successor, successoris M |
successor |
succingo, succingere, succinxi, succinctus |
gather up with a belt or girdle; prepare for action; surround |
sucus, suci M |
juice, sap; moisture; drink/draught, potion, medicinal liquor; vitality/spirit |
sudo, sudare, sudavi, sudatus |
sweat, perspire |
sudor, sudoris M |
sweat; hard labor |
suffero, sufferre, sustuli, sublatus |
bear, endure, suffer |
sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectus |
be sufficient, suffice; stand up to; be capable/qualified; provide, appoint |
suffragium, suffragi(i) N |
vote; judgment; applause |
suffundo, suffundere, suffudi, suffusus |
pour in/on; cause to well up to surface; cover/fill with liquid that wells up |
suggestus, suggestus M |
raised surface; platform, dais |
summas, (gen.), summatis |
high-born; eminent |
summergo, summergere, summersi, summersus |
plunge under, submerge |
summitto, summittere, summisi, summissus |
allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit |
summoveo, summovere, summovi, summotus |
remove; drive off, dislodge; expel; ward off; keep at a distance; bar/debar |
sumptuosus, sumptuosa, sumptuosum |
expensive, costly; sumptuous |
super |
upon/on; over, above, about; besides; during; beyond |
super |
above, on top, over; upwards; moreover, in addition, besides |
superbia, superbiae F |
arrogance, pride, haughtiness |
supersubstantialis, supersubstantialis, supersubstantiale |
life-sustaining |
supersum, superesse, superfui, superfuturus |
be left over; survive; be in excess/superfluous; remain to be performed |
supervenio, supervenire, superveni, superventus |
come up, arrive |
suppeto, suppetere, suppetivi, suppetitus |
be at hand; be equal to; be sufficient for |
supplementum, supplementi N |
reinforcements; supplies; that which fills out |
supplex, (gen.), supplicis |
suppliant, kneeling, begging |
supplico, supplicare, supplicavi, supplicatus |
pray, supplicate; humbly beseech |
surdus, surda, surdum |
deaf, unresponsive to what is said; falling on deaf ears; muffled, muted |
sursum |
up, on high |
suscito, suscitare, suscitavi, suscitatus |
encourage, stir up; awaken, rouse, kindle |
suspicio, suspicionis F |
suspicion; mistrust |
suspicio, suspicere, suspexi, suspectus |
look up to; admire |
tabernaculum, tabernaculi N |
tent; Jewish Tabernacle |
tabes, tabis F |
wasting away; decay; putrefaction; fluid resulting from corruption or decay |
tabesco, tabescere, tabui, - |
melt, dissolve; dry up, evaporate; waste away, dwindle away |
taeter, taetra, taetrum |
foul, offensive; , ugly; disgraceful; black, blackish |
talitha, undeclined F |
girl; damsel |
talus, tali M |
ankle; ankle/pastern bone; sheep knucklebone; dice game |
tametsi |
even if, although, though |
tantum |
so much, so far; hardly, only |
tantummodo |
only, merely |
tardo, tardare, tardavi, tardatus |
check, retard; hinder |
tectum, tecti N |
roof; ceiling; house |
teloneum, telonei N |
customs post; customs house; toll booth |
temerarius, temeraria, temerarium |
casual, rash, accidental; reckless |
tempestas, tempestatis F |
season, time, weather; storm |
temporalis, temporalis, temporale |
of time; temporary; w/time limit; due to lapse of time; of this/temporal world |
temptatio, temptationis F |
trial, temptation |
tenax, tenacis (gen.), tenacior -or -us, tenacissimus -a -um |
holding fast, clinging; tenacious; retentive; close-fisted/tight/niggardly |
tenebricosus, tenebricosa, tenebricosum |
dark |
tenebrosus, tenebrosa, tenebrosum |
dark, gloomy |
tener, tenera -um, tenerior -or -us, tenerrimus -a -um |
tender; soft/delicate/gentle; young/immature; weak/fragile/frail |
tentatio, tentationis F |
temptation; trial |
tergum, tergi N |
back, rear; reverse/far side; outer covering/surface |
ternus, terna, ternum |
three each, three at a time |
tero, terere, trivi, tritus |
rub, wear away, wear out; tread |
terraemotus, terraemotus M |
earthquake |
terrenus, terrena, terrenum |
of earth, earthly; earthy; terrestrial |
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus |
frighten, scare, terrify, deter |
terrestris, terrestris, terrestre |
terrestrial/earthly; living/operating on land; on/in/of ground/earth |
terribilis, terribilis, terribile |
frightful, terrible |
territo, territare, territavi, territatus |
intimidate; keep on frightening |
testis, testis |
witness |
testudo, testudinis F |
tortoise; testudo; armored movable shed; troops locking shields overhead |
thesaurus, thesauri M |
treasure chamber/vault/repository; treasure; hoard; collected precious objects |
thesis, thesis F |
proposition, thesis |
thyinus, thyina, thyinum |
made from the citrus tree |
tibia, tibiae F |
flute, pipe; reed-pipe; B:tibia, shin-bone |
tinguo, tinguere, tinxi, tinctus |
wet/moisten/dip/soak; color/dye/tinge/tint, stain; imbue; impregnate |
tinnio, tinnire, tinnivi, tinnitus |
ring/clang/jangle; ring; utter a shrill/metallic sound |
tintino, tintinare, tintinavi, tintinatus |
make a ringing or jangling sound |
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratus |
bear, endure, tolerate |
tono, tonare, tonui, tonitus |
thunder; speak thunderous tones/thunderously; make/resound like thunder |
torpeo, torpere, -, - |
be numb or lethargic; be struck motionless from fear |
torpor, torporis M |
numbness, torpor, paralysis |
torreo, torrere, torrui, tostus |
parch, roast, scorch, bake, burn; dry up; begin to burn; harden by charring |
torus, tori M |
swelling, protuberance; mussel, brawn; bed, couch, stuffed bolster, cushion |
torvus, torva, torvum |
pitiless/grim; fierce/stern/harsh/savage/dreadful; staring/piercing/wild |
tot |
as/so often, so many times, such a great number of times; that number of times |
totidem, undeclined |
as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same |
tracto, tractare, tractavi, tractatus |
draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss |
traduco, traducere, traduxi, traductus |
bring across/over, move/transfer; convert; cause to cross/to extend across area |
tragula, tragulae F |
dart, javelin |
trames, tramitis M |
footpath, track; bed; course; branch; narrow strip |
tranquillitas, tranquillitatis F |
stillness; tranquility |
tranquillus, tranquilla, tranquillum |
quiet, calm |
transadigo, transadigere, transadegi, transadactus |
pierce through, thrust through |
transcendo, transcendere, transcendi, transcensus |
climb/step/go across/over; board; transgress; exceed; pass on, make transition |
transfigo, transfigere, transfixi, transfixus |
transfix, pierce through |
transformo, transformare, transformavi, transformatus |
change in shape, transform |
transfreto, transfretare, transfretavi, transfretatus |
cross a strait; pass over the sea; put/ferry across; pass through |
transgressio, transgressionis F |
transposition, inversion; transition; going across |
transilio, transilire, transilui, - |
jump across, leap over |
transitus, transitus M |
passage; crossing |
trecenti -ae -a, trecentesimus -a -um, treceni -ae -a, trecentie(n)s |
tremulus, tremula, tremulum |
trembling |
trepidus, trepida, trepidum |
nervous, jumpy, agitated; perilous, alarming, frightened; boiling, foaming |
tribunal, tribunalis N |
raised platform; tribunal; judgement seat |
tributum, tributi N |
tax, tribute |
tricensim |
30th-; 30th |
triduum, tridui N |
three days |
triennium, trienni(i) N |
three years |
triumphus, triumphi M |
triumph, victory parade |
trivius, trivia, trivium |
of/belonging to crossroads temple, esp. sacred to Diana/Hecate |
trunco, truncare, truncavi, truncatus |
maim, mutilate; strip of branches, foliage; cut off |
tubicen, tubicinis M |
trumpeter; tuba player |
tumidus, tumida, tumidum |
swollen, swelling, distended; puffed up with pride or self; confidence |
tumultuo, tumultuare, tumultuavi, tumultuatus |
make commotion/disturbance/uproar/armed rising; scrap/scrimmage; be confused |
tumulus, tumuli M |
mound, hillock; mound, tomb |
tundo, tundere, tutudi, tusus |
beat; bruise, pulp, crush |
turbidus, turbida, turbidum |
wild/stormy; muddy/turbid; murky/foggy/clouded/opaque; gloomy, frowning |
turbulentus, turbulenta -um, turbulentior -or -us, turbulentissimus -a -um |
violently disturbed, stormy, turbulent; unruly, riotous; w/violent unrest |
turgidulus, turgidula, turgidulum |
swollen/inflated/inflamed/grandiose |
turpis, turpe, turpior -or -us, turpissimus -a -um |
ugly; nasty; disgraceful; indecent; base, shameful, disgusting, repulsive |
turpitudo, turpitudinis F |
ugliness/deformity; shame/indecency; nakedness/genitals; disgrace; turpitude |
turriger, turrigera, turrigerum |
bearing a tower; wearing a turreted crown |
tussio, tussire, -, - |
cough; suffer from a cough; have coughing fit |
tutela, tutelae F |
tutelage, guardianship |
tutus, tuta -um, tutior -or -us, tutissimus -a -um |
safe, prudent; secure; protected |
tyrannus, tyranni M |
tyrant; despot; monarch, absolute ruler; king, prince |
uber, uberis N |
breast/teat; udder, dugs/teats; rich soil; plenty/abundance |
uber, uberis (gen.), uberior -or -us, uberrimus -a -um |
fertile, rich, abundant, abounding, fruitful, plentiful, copious, productive |
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum |
avenge; punish |
umbo, umbonis M |
boss |
umbrifer, umbrifera, umbriferum |
providing shade, shady |
umbrosus, umbrosa, umbrosum |
shady, shadowy |
umeo, umere, -, - |
be wet; be moist |
umidus, umida, umidum |
damp, moist, dank, wet, humid |
umor, umoris M |
moisture, liquid |
una |
together, together with; at the same time; along with |
uncus, unca, uncum |
hooked, curved, bent in, crooked, round; barbed |
undo, undare, undavi, undatus |
surge/flood/rise in waves; gush/well up; run, stream; billow; undulate; waver |
undosus, undosa, undosum |
abounding in waves, flowing water, etc |
unianimis, unianimis, unianime |
acting in accord; sharing a single purpose; harmonious; unanimous |
unicuique |
each one |
unitas, unitatis F |
unity; oneness |
uniuscuiusque |
each one |
unquam |
at any time, ever; at some time |
urbanus, urbana, urbanum |
of the city; courteous; witty, urbane |
urgeo, urgere, ursi, - |
press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust |
urna, urnae F |
pot; cinerary urn; urn used for drawing lots; voting urn; water jar,~13 liters |
usquam |
anywhere, in any place; to any place |
usque |
all the way, right on; all the time, continuously, at every point, always |
usquequo |
how long?; to what point/time/extent?; until |
usus, usus M |
use, enjoyment; experience, skill, advantage; custom |
uti |
in order that; that, so that; as, when |
utilis, utilis, utile |
useful, profitable, practical, helpful, advantageous |
utinam |
if only, would that |
uva, uvae F |
grape |
uxorius, uxoria, uxorium |
of or belonging to a wife; of marriage; excessively fond of one's wife |
vacerra, vacerrae F |
wooden post/stake; fence post; rail fence; log, block; blockhead; dumb as post |
vaco, vacare, vacavi, vacatus |
be empty; be vacant; be idle; be free from, be unoccupied |
vado, vadare, -, - |
ford |
vagina, vaginae F |
sheath, scabbard |
vagitus, vagitus M |
crying |
vagus, vaga, vagum |
roving, wandering |
vah |
Ha!/oh!/ah! |
valetudo, valetudinis F |
good health, soundness; condition of body/health; illness, indisposition |
validus, valida, validum |
strong, powerful; valid |
vallo, vallare, vallavi, vallatus |
surround/fortify/furnish with a palisaded rampart |
vanus, vana, vanum |
empty, vain; false, untrustworthy |
vastitas, vastitatis F |
desolation; devastation |
vasto, vastare, vastavi, vastatus |
lay waste, ravage, devastate |
vastus, vasta -um, vastior -or -us, vastissimus -a -um |
huge, vast; monstrous |
vates, vatis M |
prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity; oracle, soothsayer; poet |
vectigal, vectigalis N |
tax, tribute, revenue |
vegeto, vegetare, vegetavi, vegetatus |
invigorate; impart energy to |
vehemens, vehementis (gen.), vehementior -or -us, vehementissimus -a -um |
violent, severe, vehement; emphatic, vigorous, lively |
vello, vellere, vulsi, vulsus |
pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish |
vello, vellere, volsi, volsus |
pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish |
velo, velare, velavi, velatus |
veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in |
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditus |
sell |
veneficium, venefici(i) N |
magic/sorcery; poisoning; crime of poisoning; mixing of poison; poisoned drink |
venenum, veneni N |
poison; drug |
venerabilis, venerabilis, venerabile |
venerable, august |
venia, veniae F |
favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence |
venor, venari, venatus sum |
hunt |
ventito, ventitare, ventitavi, ventitatus |
keep coming; come regularly, come often; resort |
ver, veris N |
spring; spring-time of life, youth |
verber, verberis N |
lash, whip; blows, a beating, flogging |
verecundia, verecundiae F |
shame; respect; modesty |
verecundus, verecunda -um, verecundior -or -us, verecundissimus -a -um |
modest |
vereor, vereri, veritus sum |
revere, respect; fear; dread |
veridicus, veridica, veridicum |
truthful |
versipellis, versipellis M |
shape-changer, who can metamorphose to different shape; double-dealer |
vertex, verticis M |
whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole |
verum |
yes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however |
verum, veri N |
truth, reality, fact |
verumtamen |
but yet, nevertheless, but even so, still |
verutum, veruti N |
dart |
vesanus, vesana, vesanum |
mad, frenzied; wild |
vescor, vesci, - |
feed on, eat, enjoy |
veteranus, veterana, veteranum |
old, veteran |
vetus, veteris |
ancients, men of old, forefathers |
viator, viatoris M |
traveler |
vibro, vibrare, vibravi, vibratus |
brandish, wave, crimp, corrugate; rock; propel suddenly; flash; dart; glitter |
vicinia, viciniae F |
neighborhood, nearness |
vicinus, vicina, vicinum |
nearby, neighboring |
vicissim |
in turn, again |
victima, victimae F |
victim; animal for sacrifice |
victoria, victoriae F |
victory |
victrix, (gen.), victricis |
conquering |
viduitas, viduitatis F |
widowhood; bereavement |
viduus, vidua, viduum |
widowed, deprived of; bereft; unmarried |
vieo, viere, -, vietus |
plait, weave; bend/twist into basketwork |
vigeo, vigere, -, - |
be strong/vigorous; thrive, flourish, bloom/blossom; be active, be effective |
vigor, vigoris M |
vigor, liveliness |
vilis, vilis, vile |
cheap, common, mean, worthless |
vilitas, vilitatis F |
cheapness; worthlessness |
villosus, villosa, villosum |
shaggy |
vimen, viminis N |
twig, shoot |
vindex, vindicis M |
defender, protector |
vindicta, vindictae F |
ceremonial act claiming as free one contending wrongly enslaved; vengeance |
violentia, violentiae F |
violence, aggressiveness |
violo, violare, violavi, violatus |
violate, dishonor; outrage |
vipera, viperae F |
viper, snake |
virga, virgae F |
twig, sprout, stalk; switch, rod; staff, wand; stripe/streak; scepter |
virginitas, virginitatis F |
maidenhood; virginity; being girl of marriageable age; being sworn to celibacy |
virus, viri N |
venom, poisonous secretion of snakes/creatures/plants; acrid element |
viscum, visci N |
mistletoe; bird-lime |
viscus, visceris N |
soft fleshy body parts, internal organs; entrails, flesh; offspring |
visio, visionis F |
vision |
visito, visitare, visitavi, visitatus |
visit, call upon; see frequently/habitually |
visum, visi N |
vision; that which is seen, appearance, sight; visual/mental image |
vitis, vitis F |
vine; grape vine |
vitium, viti(i) N |
fault, vice, crime, sin; defect |
vitreus, vitrea, vitreum |
of glass; resembling glass in its color, translucency, or glitter |
vitta, vittae F |
band, ribbon; fillet |
vitulus, vituli M |
calf |
volatus, volatus M |
flight |
volgo, volgare, volgavi, volgatus |
spread around/among the multitude; publish, divulge, circulate; prostitute |
volnus, volneris N |
wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love |
voltur, volturis M |
vulture |
voltus, voltus M |
face, expression; looks |
vomer, vomeris M |
plowshare; stylus |
vomo, vomere, vomui, vomitus |
be sick, vomit; discharge, spew out; belch out |
vult |
be willing; wish |
zmaragdinus, zmaragdina, zmaragdinum |
emerald-green |
zmyrna, zmyrnae F |
myrrh; Smyrna |