Vocab sheet
for ghboyek, 2 passages

Words occurring 3 to 5 times
nec  nor, and..not; not..either, not even
nitor, niti, nisus sum  press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor
Words occurring 1 to 2 times
Assyrius, Assyrii M  Assyrian; inhabitant of Assur/Assyria
Babylon, Babylonos/is F  Babylon; people of Babylon
Ion, Ionis F  Isis; daughter of Inachus
Mausoleum, Mausolei N  Mausoleum; large/ornate tomb
aer, aeris  air; atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor
ara, arae F  altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter
astrum, astri N  star, heavenly body, planet/sun/moon; the stars, constellation; sky, heaven
barbarus, barbara -um, barbarior -or -us, barbarissimus -a -um  foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners; cruel, savage; uncivilized, uncouth
bellum, belli N  war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms
caesareus, caesarea, caesareum  imperial; of Caesar
careo, carere, carui, caritus  be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus  go/pass; withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of
cornu, cornus N  horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top
cunctus, cuncta, cunctum  altogether, in a body; every, all, entire; total/complete; whole of
de  down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
denuntio, denuntiare, denuntiavi, denuntiatus  give notice, warn/foretell; threaten/enjoin/declare intent to injure; intimate
dissimulo, dissimulare, dissimulavi, dissimulatus  conceal, dissemble, disguise, hide; ignore
fama, famae F  rumor; reputation; tradition; fame, public opinion, ill repute; report, news
fero, ferre, tuli, latus  bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
frequens, frequentis (gen.), frequentior -or -us, frequentissimus -a -um  crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant
habeo, habere, habui, habitus  have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass
in  into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
indico, indicere, indixi, indictus  declare publicly; proclaim, announce; appoint; summon
inmodicus, inmodica, inmodicum  beyond measure, immoderate, excessive
jacto, jactare, jactavi, jactatus  throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
justus, justa -um, justior -or -us, justissimus -a -um  just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
labor, laboris M  labor/toil/exertion/effort/work; task/undertaking; production; childbirth
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus  recommend; praise, approve, extol; call upon, name; deliver eulogy on
laus, laudis F  praise, approval, merit; glory; renown
loquor, loqui, locutus sum  speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase
miraculus, miracula, miraculum  freakish, deformed
mollis, molle, mollior -or -us, mollissimus -a -um  soft; flexible/supple/loose/pliant; mild/tolerable; easy; calm
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius)  no; none, not any
omnis, omnis, omne  each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of
opus, operis N  need; work; fortifications, works
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus  weigh out; pay, pay out
pro  on behalf of; before; in front/instead of; for; about; according to; as, like
repeto, repetere, repetivi, repetitus  return to; get back; demand back/again; repeat; recall; claim
res, rei F  thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property
sileo, silere, silui, -  be silent, not to speak; be quiet; not to function
templum, templi N  temple, church; shrine; holy place
trivius, trivia, trivium  of/belonging to crossroads temple, esp. sacred to Diana/Hecate
unus, una, unum (gen -ius)  alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of
vacuus, vacua, vacuum  empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of

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