52 definitions of interest to IAmAbraxas
since almost 13 years ago.
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ac | and, and also, and besides |
aedes, aedis F | temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house, abode, dwelling; household |
aequus, aequa -um, aequior -or -us, aequissimus -a -um | level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented |
antiquitus, antiquita -um, antiquitior -or -us, antiquitissimus -a -um | old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated |
bimenstris, bimenstris, bimenstre | two months old; of/for/lasting two months |
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus | fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay |
circo, circare, circavi, circatus | traverse; go about; wander through |
complus, (gen.), compluris | many, several, a fair/good number; more than one |
consulatus, consulatus M | consulship/consulate; office of consul; actions/acts as consul |
convello, convellere, convelli, convulsus | shatter, batter, convulse, shake violently; heave up, set in motion; overthrow |
converto, convertere, converti, conversus | turn upside down/side-to-side; invert/transpose/convulse; turn over/dig |
denuntio, denuntiare, denuntiavi, denuntiatus | give notice, warn/foretell; threaten/enjoin/declare intent to injure; intimate |
deprehendo, deprehendere, deprehendi, deprehensus | seize/catch; catch napping/redhanded; surprise/pounce on; arrest; intercept |
divinitus | from heaven, by a god, by divine influence/inspiration; divinely, admirable |
dolus, doli M | trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunning, fraud |
duritia, duritiae F | hardness, insensibility; hardship, oppressiveness; strictness, rigor |
e | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of |
egredior, egredi, egressus sum | go/march/come out; set sail; land, disembark; surpass, go beyond |
expers, (gen.), expertis | free from; without; lacking experience; immune from |
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus | bear, carry, wear; carry on; manage, govern |
homo, hominis M | man, human being, person, fellow |
infesto, infestare, infestavi, infestatus | vex, harass, molest; make unsafe, disturb; infest; damage, impair |
insidia, insidiae F | ambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare |
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus | enter; go into, penetrate; reach |
iter, itineris | journey; road; passage, path; march |
legio, legionis F | legion; army |
lego, legare, legavi, legatus | bequeath, will; entrust, send as an envoy, choose as a deputy |
lenitas, lenitatis F | smoothness; gentleness, mildness; lenience |
modero, moderare, -, moderatus | check, slow down, control |
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus | move, change, shift, alter, exchange, substitute; modify |
novus, nova -um, novior -or -us, novissimus -a -um | new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary |
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus | press down; suppress; overthrow; crush, overwhelm, fall upon, oppress |
orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatus | equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim |
paenitentia, paenitentiae F | regret; change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition; penance |
praescribo, praescribere, praescripsi, praescriptus | order, direct |
praestolor, praestolari, praestolatus sum | stand ready for, expect, wait for |
pristinus, pristina, pristinum | former, oldtime, original; pristine |
pugio, pugionis M | dagger |
qua | where; by which route |
quattuor | 4 |
quinque, quintus -a -um, quini -ae -a, quinquie(n)s | 5th-; 5th |
quisdam, cuiusdam | certain; as INDEF a certain thing; somebody, one, something |
religio, religionis F | supernatural constraint/taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity |
religiosus, religiosa, religiosum | pious/devout/religious/scrupulous; superstitious; taboo/sacred; reverent/devout |
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus | discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent |
sacramentum, sacramenti N | sum deposited in a civil process, guaranty; oath of allegiance; sacrament |
semenstris, semenstris, semenstre | half-yearly; of six month duration |
sollemnis, sollemne, sollemnior -or -us, sollemnissimus -a -um | solemn, ceremonial, sacred, in accordance w/religion/law; traditional/customary |
sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectus | be sufficient, suffice; stand up to; be capable/qualified; provide, appoint |
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus | take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact; obtain |
usque | up to |
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um | true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper |
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