Vocab sheet
for Isaacus, 1 passage
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Words occurring
Babylonius, Babylonia, Babylonium | Babylonian, of Babylon |
Juppiter, Jovis M | Jupiter; heavens/sky |
Tyrrhenus, -a, -um | Tyrrhenian, Etruscan, Tuscan; Italian |
aetas, aetatis F | lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era |
bonus, bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um | good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy |
brevis, breve, brevior -or -us, brevissimus -a -um | short, little, small, stunted; brief, concise, quick; narrow, shallow; humble |
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus | seize/pick/pluck/gather/browse/tear off; graze/crop; tease/pull out/card |
credulus, credula, credulum | credulous, trusting, gullible; prone to believe/trust; full of confidence |
debilito, debilitare, debilitavi, debilitatus | weaken/disable/incapacitate/impair/maim/lame/cripple; deprive of power |
deus | god; God |
dies, diei | day; daylight; open sky; weather |
do, dare, dedi, datus | give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make |
dum | while, as long as, until; provided that |
ego | I |
et | and, and even; also, even |
finis, finis | boundary, end, limit, goal; country, territory, land |
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus | flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile |
hiems, hiemis F | winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather |
invidus, invida, invidum | hateful, ill disposed, hostile, malevolent; envious, jealous, grudging |
liquo, liquare, liquavi, liquatus | melt; strain |
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um | long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time |
loquor, loqui, locutus sum | speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase |
mare, maris N | sea; sea water |
ne | that not, lest |
nec | nor, and..not; not..either, not even |
nefas, undeclined N | sin, violation of divine law, impious act |
numerus, numeri M | number/sum/total/rank; numerical strength/plurality; category; tally |
nunc | now, today, at present |
oppono, opponere, opposui, oppositus | oppose; place opposite |
parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um | small, little, cheap; unimportant; smallest, least |
patior, pati, passus sum | suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit |
plus, (gen.), pluris | more; several. many |
posterus, postera -um, posterior -or -us, postremus -a -um | coming after, following, next; COMP next in order, latter; SUPER last/hindmost |
pumex, pumicis M | pumice stone, similar volcanic rock |
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus | search for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand |
quisquis | whoever; every one who; whoever it be; everyone; each |
reseco, resecare, resecui, resectus | cut back, trim; reap, cut short |
sapio, sapere, sapivi, - | taste of; understand; have sense |
scio, scire, scivi(ii), scitus | know, understand |
seu | or if; or |
spatium, spati(i) N | space; area/expanse, room; intervening space, gap/interval; length/width |
spes, spei F | hope/anticipation/expectation; prospect/hope/promise |
sum, esse, fui, futurus | be; exist |
tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatus | test, try; urge; worry; bribe |
tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus | divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute |
tu | you |
ultimus, ultima, ultimum | farthest, latest, greatest, highest |
ut | to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if |
vinum, vini N | wine |
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