Vocab sheet
for jlsrob, 78 passages
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Words occurring
a | by, from; after |
ab | by, from; after |
ac | and, and also, and besides |
ad | to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM |
cum | with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached |
de | down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to |
deus, dei | god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus | say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead |
do, dare, dedi, datus | give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make |
ego | I |
et | and, and even; also, even |
facio, facere, feci, factus | make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work |
hic, haec, hoc | this; these |
ille, illa, illud | that; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former |
in | into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among |
ipse, ipsa, ipsum | himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves |
is, ea, id | he/she/it/they; that one |
nec | nor, and..not; not..either, not even |
non | not, by no means, no |
omnis, omnis, omne | each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of |
per | through; during; by, by means of |
possum, posse, potui, - | be able, can |
qui, quae, quod | who, which |
se | reflexive; -self |
sed | but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but |
si | if, if only; whether |
sum, esse, fui, futurus | be; exist |
suus, sua, suum | his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs |
tu | you |
ut | to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if |
video, videre, vidi, visus | see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen |
Words occurring
alius, alia, aliud | other, another; different, changed |
annus, anni M | year; age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course |
at | but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least |
atque | and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet |
audio, audire, audivi, auditus | hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear |
aut | or, or rather/else; either...or |
autem | but, on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also |
beatus, beata -um, beatior -or -us, beatissimus -a -um | happy, fortunate, bringing happiness; rich, wealthy, copious, sumptuous |
caelus, caeli M | heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah |
corpus, corporis N | body; person, self; virility; flesh; corpse; trunk; frame; collection/sum |
credo, credere, credidi, creditus | trust, entrust; commit/consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose |
dies, diei | day; daylight; open sky; weather |
dominus, domini M | owner, lord, master; the Lord; title for ecclesiastics/gentlemen |
dum | while, as long as, until; provided that |
enim | namely; indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say |
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail |
etiam | and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed |
ex | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get |
filius, fili M | son |
habeo, habere, habui, habitus | have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass |
homo, hominis M | man, human being, person, fellow |
inter | between, among; during |
jam | now, already, by/even now; besides |
locus, loci M | seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic |
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um | long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time |
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um | large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious |
manus, manus F | hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunk |
meus, mea, meum | my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me |
multus, multa -um, -, plurimus -a -um | much, many, great, many a; large, intense, assiduous; tedious |
nam | for, on the other hand; for instance |
nascor, nasci, natus sum | be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live |
ne | that not, lest |
nomen, nominis N | name, family name; noun; account, entry in debt ledger; sake; title, heading |
noster, nostra, nostrum | our |
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius) | no; none, not any |
nunc | now, today, at present |
pars, partis F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side |
parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um | small, little, cheap; unimportant; smallest, least |
pater, patris M | father |
populus, populi | people, nation, State; public/populace/multitude/crowd; a following |
post | behind, after; subordinate to |
pro | on behalf of; before; in front/instead of; for; about; according to; as, like |
quia | because |
quidem | indeed, certainly, even, at least; ne...quidem-- not...even |
quis | which |
quoque | likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually |
res, rei F | thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property |
rex, regis M | king |
saepe, saepius, saepissime | often, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently |
sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctus | confirm, ratify; sanction; fulfill; enact; ordain; dedicate |
sic | thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way |
solus, sola, solum (gen -ius) | only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion/friend/protector; unique |
tamen | yet, nevertheless, still |
tantus, tanta, tantum | of such size; so great, so much |
tempus, temporis N | time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity |
terra, terrae F | earth, land, ground; country, region |
tuus, tua, tuum | your |
unus, una, unum (gen -ius) | alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of |
urbs, urbis F | city; City of Rome |
venio, venire, veni, ventus | come |
verbum, verbi N | word; proverb |
vero | yes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however |
vir, viri M | man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility |
volo, velle, volui, - | wish, want, prefer; be willing, will |
Words occurring
Christus, Christi M | Christ |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey |
adeo, adire, adivi(ii), aditus | approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession |
adhuc | thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides |
aer, aeris | air; atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor |
ago, agere, egi, actus | drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver |
aio, -, - | say, assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down |
alter, altera, alterum | one; second/another; former/latter |
amo, amare, amavi, amatus | love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to |
ante | in front/presence of, in view; before; over against, facing |
aqua, aquae F | water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall, rainwater; spa; urine |
ars, artis F | skill/craft/art; trick, wile; science, knowledge; method, way; character |
bellum, belli N | war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms |
bonus, bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um | good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy |
canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatus | sing; play; recite; praise, celebrate; forewarn; enchant, bewitch |
capio, capere, cepi, captus | take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate |
carmen, carminis N | card for wool/flax; song/music (woven with words); incantation, magic formula |
causa, causae F | cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom |
ceterus, cetera, ceterum | the other; the others. the remaining/rest, all the rest |
civitas, civitatis F | community/city/town/state; citizens; citizen rights/citizenship; naturalization |
classis, classis F | class/division of Romans; grade; levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band |
coepi, coeptus (also coepio -ere) | begin, commence, initiate; set foot on |
consul, consulis M | consul; supreme magistrate elsewhere |
contra | against, facing, opposite; weighed against; as against; in resistance/reply to |
cum | when, at the time/on each occasion/in the situation that; after; since/although |
cunctus, cuncta, cunctum | altogether, in a body; every, all, entire; total/complete; whole of |
debeo, debere, debui, debitus | owe; be indebted/responsible for/obliged/bound/destined; ought, must, should |
dexter, dextra -um, dexterior -or -us, dextimus -a -um | right, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handy |
divinus, divina -um, divinior -or -us, divinissimus -a -um | divine, of a deity/god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired, prophetic; natural |
domus, domi F | house, building; home, household |
duo, duae, duo | 2 |
e | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of |
ecce | behold! see! look! there! here! |
egredior, egredi, egressus sum | go/march/come out; set sail; land, disembark; surpass, go beyond |
ergo | therefore; well, then, now |
exerceo, exercere, exercui, exercitus | exercise, train, drill, practice; enforce, administer; cultivate |
filia, filiae F | daughter |
flamma, flammae F | flame, blaze; ardor, fire of love; object of love |
forma, formae F | form, figure, appearance; beauty; mold, pattern |
frater, fratris M | brother; cousin |
gens, gentis F | tribe, clan; nation, people; Gentiles |
genus, generis N | birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent |
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus | bear, carry, wear; carry on; manage, govern |
gratia, gratiae F | popularity/esteem/credit; partiality/favoritism; unpopularity |
hinc | from here, from this source/cause; hence, henceforth |
hora, horae F | hour; time; season |
hostis, hostis | enemy; stranger, foreigner; the enemy |
ibi | there, in that place; thereupon |
idem, eadem, idem | same, the same, the very same, also |
ignis, ignis M | fire, brightness; passion, glow of passion |
incendium, incendi(i) N | fire, conflagration; fiery heat; fiery passion/love/hostility; arson |
inquiam, -, - | say |
item | likewise; besides, also, similarly |
jubo, jubere, additional, forms | order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray |
lego, legere, legi, lectus | read; gather, collect; furl, weigh; pick out |
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -um | free; unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute |
lingua, linguae F | tongue; speech, language; dialect |
litus, litoris N | shore, seashore, coast, strand; river bank; beach, landing place |
loquor, loqui, locutus sum | speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase |
lumen, luminis N | light; lamp, torch; eye; life; day, daylight |
maneo, manere, mansi, mansus | remain, stay, abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night |
mater, matris F | mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city |
medius, media, medium | middle, middle of, mid; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous |
metior, metiri, mensus sum | measure, estimate; distribute, mete; traverse, sail/walk through |
mitto, mittere, misi, missus | send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard |
modus, modi M | manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit |
mos, moris M | custom, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character, behavior, morals |
moveo, movere, movi, motus | move, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturb |
mox | soon, next |
mulier, mulieris F | woman; wife; mistress |
munus, muneris N | service; duty, office, function; gift; tribute, offering; bribes |
neque | nor; and not, not, neither |
nitor, niti, nisus sum | press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor |
novus, nova -um, novior -or -us, novissimus -a -um | new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary |
nox, noctis F | night |
o | Oh! |
oculus, oculi M | eye |
opus, operis N | need; work; fortifications, works |
oratio, orationis F | speech, oration; eloquence; prayer |
orbis, orbis M | circle; territory/region; sphere |
ordo, ordinis M | row, order/rank; succession; series; class; bank; order |
os, oris N | mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation |
patior, pati, passus sum | suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit |
patrius, patria, patrium | father's, paternal; ancestral |
pes, pedis M | foot |
peto, petere, petivi, petitus | attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask; reach towards, make for |
pono, ponere, posui, positus | put/place/set; station/post; pitch; situate; set up; erect |
postquam | after |
primus, -a, -um | first |
publicus, publica, publicum | public; common, of the people/state; official |
puer, pueri M | boy, lad, young man; servant; child |
puto, putare, putavi, putatus | think, believe, suppose, hold; reckon, estimate, value; clear up, settle |
quantus, quanta, quantum | how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price |
quidam, quaedam, quoddam | a certain thing |
quisdam, cuiusdam | certain; as INDEF a certain thing; somebody, one, something |
quisquam, cuiusquam | any, anyone anything; any man, any person |
regnum, regni N | royal power; power; control; kingdom |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus | leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath |
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus | answer |
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus | ask, ask for; invite; introduce |
romanus, romana, romanum | Roman |
sacer, sacra, sacrum | sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable |
sanguis, sanguinis M | blood; family |
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus | write; compose |
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessus | sit, remain; settle; encamp |
sequor, sequi, secutus sum | follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek |
silva, silvae F | wood, forest |
simul | at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once |
soleo, solere, solitus sum | be in the habit of; become accustomed to |
soror, sororis F | sister |
sto, stare, steti, status | stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest |
sub | under; up to, up under, close to; until, before, up to, about |
summus, summa, summum | highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of |
supo, supare, supavi, supatus | throw; pour; strew, scatter |
talis, talis, tale | such; so great; so excellent; of such kind |
tam | so, so much; to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same |
tego, tegere, texi, tectus | cover, protect; defend; hide |
tellus, telluris F | earth, ground; the earth; land, country |
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus | hold, keep; comprehend; possess; master; preserve |
totus, tota, totum (gen -ius) | whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once |
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus | draw, drag, haul; derive, get |
tunc | then, thereupon, at that time |
ubi | where, whereby |
ullus, ulla, ullum (gen -ius) | any |
unda, undae F | wave |
usque | up to |
uter, utra, utrum | which, whichever, no matter which; one, either, one or other |
vel | even, actually; or even, in deed; or |
verto, vertere, verti, versus | turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy |
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um | true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper |
vestis, vestis F | garment, clothing, blanket; clothes; robe |
vinum, vini N | wine |
virtus, virtutis F | strength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence |
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus | be alive, live; survive; reside |
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus | call, summon; name; call upon |
Words occurring
Caesar, Caesaris M | Caesar |
Hercules, Herculis M | Hercules |
Juppiter, Jovis M | Jupiter; heavens/sky |
N., abb. | Numerius |
Oceanus, Oceani M | Ocean |
Papa, Papae M | pope |
Poenus, Poena, Poenum | Carthaginian, Punic; of/associated w/Carthage; Phoenician; scarlet, bright red |
Roma, Romae F | Rome |
T., abb. | Titus, Roman praenomen |
abeo, abire, abivi(ii), abitus | depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed |
addo, addere, addidi, additus | add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate |
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventus | come to, arrive; arrive at, reach, be brought; develop, set in, arise |
adverto, advertere, adverti, adversus | turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot |
aequor, aequoris N | level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean |
aliquando | sometime, at any time, ever; finally; before too late; at length |
aliquid | to some degree/extent; somewhat |
alo, alere, alui, altus | feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop |
altus, alta -um, altior -or -us, altissimus -a -um | high; deep/profound; shrill; lofty/noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great |
amicus, amica -um, amicior -or -us, amicissimus -a -um | friendly, dear, fond of; supporting, loyal, devoted; loving |
amor, amoris M | love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion |
amplus, ampla -um, amplior -or -us, amplissimus -a -um | great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable |
an | can it be that |
antiquus, antiqua -um, antiquior -or -us, antiquissimus -a -um | old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated |
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus | uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out |
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus | call; address; dun; solicit; appeal; bring to court; accuse; name |
apud | at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of |
ara, arae F | altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter |
arbor, arboris F | tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid? |
armum, armi N | arms, weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force |
aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectus | look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate |
assum, adesse, affui, affuturus | be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid |
ater, atra -um, atrior -or -us, aterrimus -a -um | black, dark; dark-colored; gloomy/murky; unlucky; sordid/squalid |
auctor, auctoris | seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder |
auris, auris F | ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing,"ear"; pin on plow |
aurum, auri N | gold, gold money, riches |
auxilium, auxili(i) N | help, assistance; remedy/antidote; supporting resource/force; auxiliaries |
barbarus, barbara -um, barbarior -or -us, barbarissimus -a -um | foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners; cruel, savage; uncivilized, uncouth |
basilicus, basilica, basilicum | royal, princely, magnificent, splendid; kind of vine |
bellus, bella -um, bellior -or -us, bellissimus -a -um | pretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellent |
bene, melius, optime | well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good style; better; best |
bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus | drink; toast; visit, frequent; drain, draw off; thirst for; suck |
bis | twice |
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus | fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay |
caelestis, caeleste, caelestior -or -us, caelestissimus -a -um | heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods |
calix, calicis M | cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking; chalice; cup of wine; pot; water regulator |
campus, campi M | plain; level field/surface; open space for battle/games; sea; scope; campus |
capillus, capilli M | hair; hair of head; single hair; hair/fur/wool of animals; hair-like fiber |
caput, capitis N | head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth; capital |
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus | sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide |
certus, certa -um, certior -or -us, certissimus -a -um | fixed, settled, firm; certain; trusty/reliable; sure; resolved, determined |
cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatus | be remiss/inactive; hold back, leave off, delay, cease from; rest; be free of |
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus | surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring |
cio, cire, civi(ii), citus | move, set in motion; excite/rouse/stir up; urge on; summon/muster/call up |
civilis, civilis, civile | of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming |
civis, civis | fellow citizen; countryman/woman; citizen, free person; a Roman citizen |
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus | proclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shouts |
clarus, clara -um, clarior -or -us, clarissimus -a -um | clear, bright, gleaming; loud, distinct; evident, plain; illustrious, famous |
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus | become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine |
collum, colli N | neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem; mountain ridge |
colo, colere, colui, cultus | live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain |
comes, comitis | Count, Earl; official, magnate; occupant of any state office |
conjunx, (gen.), conjugis | yoked together; paired; linked as a pair |
conpono, conponere, conposui, conpositus | compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match; store/hoard; calm |
consto, constare, constiti, constatus | agree/correspond/fit, be correct; be dependent/based upon; exist/continue/last |
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventus | come together; agree, harmonize; be appropriate to, fit, be correctly shaped/consistent |
copia, copiae F | plenty, abundance, supply; troops, supplies; forces; resources; wealth |
cor, cordis N | heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons |
corona, coronae F | crown; garland, wreath; halo/ring; circle of men/troops |
curo, curare, curavi, curatus | arrange/see/attend to; take care of; provide for; worry/care about; heal/cure |
custos, custodis | guard; sentry/watch; guardian/protector/keeper; doorkeeper/watchman/janitor |
decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretus | decide/settle/determine/resolve; decree/declare/ordain; judge; vote for/contend |
decimus, decima, decimum | tenth |
depono, deponere, deposui, depostus | put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit |
dimitto, dimittere, dimisi, dimissus | send away/off; allow to go, let go/off; disband, discharge, dismiss |
dirigo, dirigere, direxi, directus | arrange/set in line/direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in |
disco, discere, didici, discitus | learn; hear, get to know, become acquainted with; acquire knowledge/skill of/in |
diverto, divertere, diverti, diversus | separate; divert, turn away/in; digress; oppose; divorce/leave marriage |
dono, donare, donavi, donatus | present, grant; forgive; give, bestow |
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus | lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong |
duco, ducere, additional, forms | lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong |
edo, edere, edidi, editus | eject/emit; put/give forth; beget; bear; display/evince/exhibit |
ensis, ensis M | sword |
eodem | to the same place/purpose |
equus, equi M | horse; steed |
exeo, exire, exivi(ii), exitus | come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away, leave; pass, expire/perish/die |
exercitus, exercitus M | army, infantry; swarm, flock |
experior, experiri, expertus sum | test, put to the test; find out; attempt, try; prove, experience |
exter, extera -um, exterior -or -us, extremus -a -um | outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange |
extra | outside |
facilis, facile, facilior -or -us, facillimus -a -um | easy, easy to do, without difficulty, ready, quick, good natured, courteous |
fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsus | deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat |
fama, famae F | rumor; reputation; tradition; fame, public opinion, ill repute; report, news |
feminus, femina, feminum | female |
fides, fidei F | faith, loyalty; honesty; credit; confidence, trust, belief; good faith |
fio, feri, factus sum | happen, come about; result; take place, be held, occur, arise |
flos, floris M | flower, blossom; youthful prime |
flumen, fluminis N | river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush |
fluvius, fluvi(i) M | river, stream; running water |
fons, fontis M | spring, fountain, well; source/fount; principal cause; font; baptistry |
for, fari, fatus sum | speak, talk; say |
foris, foris F | door, gate; a folding door; double door; entrance |
fuga, fugae F | flight, fleeing, escape; avoidance; exile |
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus | pour, cast; scatter, shed, rout |
geminus, gemina, geminum | twin, double; twin-born; both |
germanus, germana, germanum | own/full; genuine, real, actual, true |
herba, herbae F | herb, grass |
honos, honoris M | honor; respect/regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity/grace; public office |
igitur | therefore, so/then; consequently; accordingly; well/in that case |
illic | in that place, there, over there |
imperium, imperi(i) N | command; authority; rule, supreme power; the state, the empire |
impleo, implere, implevi, impletus | fill up; satisfy, fulfill; fill, finish, complete; spend |
in | in, on, at; in accordance with/regard to/the case of; within |
inde | thence, thenceforth; from that place/time/cause; thereupon |
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum | advance, walk; enter, step/go into; undertake, begin |
inpono, inponere, inposui, inpositus | impose, put upon; establish; inflict; assign/place in command; set |
instituo, instituere, institui, institutus | set up, establish, found, make, institute; build; prepare; decide |
insula, insulae F | island; apartment house |
interea | meanwhile |
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus | kill; destroy |
inundatio, inundationis F | flood |
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus | come upon; discover, find; invent, contrive; reach, manage to get |
iste, ista, istud | that, that of yours, that which you refer to; such |
jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussus | order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray |
jungo, jungere, junxi, junctus | join, unite; bring together, clasp; connect, yoke, harness |
juxta | nearly; near, close to, near by, hard by, by the side of; just as, equally |
labor, laboris M | labor/toil/exertion/effort/work; task/undertaking; production; childbirth |
labor, labi, lapsus sum | slip, slip and fall; slide, glide, drop; perish, go wrong |
lacertus, lacerti M | upper arm, arm, shoulder; strength, muscles, vigor, force; lizard |
lacrima, lacrimae F | tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping; dirge |
lacus, lacus M | basin/tank/tub; lake/pond; reservoir/cistern/basin, trough; lime-hole; bin; pit |
laetus, laeta -um, laetior -or -us, laetissimus -a -um | happy/cheerful/joyful/glad; favorable/propitious; prosperous/successful |
laevus, laeva, laevum | left, on the left hand; from the left; unpropitious, unfavorable, harmful |
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus | recommend; praise, approve, extol; call upon, name; deliver eulogy on |
levis, leve, levior -or -us, levissimus -a -um | light, thin, trivial, trifling, slight; gentle; fickle, capricious; nimble |
liquidus, liquida -um, liquidior -or -us, liquidissimus -a -um | clear, limpid, pure, unmixed; liquid; flowing, without interruption; smooth |
littera, litterae F | letter; letter, epistle; literature, books, records, account |
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus | play, mock, tease, trick |
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, - | bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky |
mare, maris N | sea; sea water |
mas, (gen.), maris | male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine |
membrum, membri N | member, limb, organ; male genital member; apartment, room; section |
mens, mentis F | mind; reason, intellect, judgment; plan, intention, frame of mind; courage |
metus, metus M | fear, anxiety; dread, awe; object of awe/dread |
miles, militis M | soldier; foot soldier; soldiery; knight; knight's fee/service |
mille, millis N | thousand; thousands; miles |
mille, milis N | thousand; thousands; miles |
mirus, mira, mirum | wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprising, extraordinary |
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtus | mix, mingle; embroil; confound; stir up |
miser, misera -um, miserior -or -us, miserrimus -a -um | poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy, distressing |
moenia, moenium | defensive/town walls, bulwarks; fortifications; fortified town; castle |
monasterium, monasterii N | monastery |
mons, montis M | mountain; huge rock; towering heap |
morior, mori, mortuus sum | die, expire, pass/die/wither away/out; fail, come to an end; decay |
mors, mortis F | death; corpse; annihilation |
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus | tell, tell about, relate, narrate, recount, describe |
nego, negare, negavi, negatus | deny, refuse; say... not |
nihil, undeclined N | nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern |
nos | we |
nosco, noscere, novi, notus | get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with |
nudus, nuda, nudum | nude; bare, stripped |
numerus, numeri M | number/sum/total/rank; numerical strength/plurality; category; tally |
numquam | never |
obtineo, obtinere, obtinui, obtentus | get hold of; maintain; obtain; hold fast, occupy; prevail |
odor, odoris M | scent, odor, aroma, smell; hint, inkling, suggestion |
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus | offer; present; cause; bestow |
officium, offici(i) N | duty, obligation; kindness; service, office |
omnipotens, (gen.), omnipotentis | all-powerful, omnipotent |
ops, opis F | power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth |
oro, orare, oravi, oratus | beg, ask for, pray; beseech, plead, entreat; worship, adore |
osculum, osculi N | kiss; mouth; lips; orifice; mouthpiece |
ostendeo, ostendere, ostendi, - | show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit |
panis, panis M | bread; loaf |
pareo, parere, parui, paritus | obey, be subject/obedient to; submit/yield/comply; pay attention; attend to |
paro, parare, paravi, paratus | prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan |
pastor, pastoris M | shepherd, herdsman |
pateo, patere, patui, - | stand open, be open; extend; be well known; lie open, be accessible |
paucus, pauca -um, paucior -or -us, paucissimus -a -um | little, small in quantity/extent; few; just a few; small number of |
pectus, pectoris N | breast, heart; feeling, soul, mind |
penna, pennae F | feather, wing |
pereo, perire, perivi(ii), peritus | die, pass away; be ruined, be destroyed; go to waste |
permitto, permittere, permisi, permissus | let through; let go through; relinquish; permit, allow; entrust; hurl |
pervenio, pervenire, perveni, perventus | come to; reach; arrive |
pietas, pietatis F | responsibility, sense of duty; loyalty; tenderness, goodness; pity; piety |
placeo, placere, placui, placitus | please, satisfy, give pleasure to |
plebs, plebis F | common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass |
plus, (gen.), pluris | more; several. many |
pondus, ponderis N | weight, burden, impediment |
pons, pontis M | bridge |
pontifex, pontificis M | high priest/pontiff; bishop; pope |
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitus | present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow |
praecipio, praecipere, praecepi, praeceptus | take or receive in advance; anticipate; warn; order; teach, instruct |
praecipuus, praecipua, praecipuum | particular, especial |
praedico, praedicere, praedixi, praedictus | say beforehand, mention in advance; warn/predict/foretell; recommend/prescribe |
praeter | besides, except, contrary to; beyond, in front of, before; more than |
prex, precis F | prayer, request |
primus, prima, primum | first, foremost/best, chief, principal; nearest/next |
prior, prior, prius | ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic |
probo, probare, probavi, probatus | approve, esteem/commend/recommend/certify; give assent/approval/sanction |
procul | away; at distance, far off |
profero, proferre, protuli, prolatus | bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention |
psallo, psallere, psalli, - | play on the cithara; sing the Psalms |
quando | when, at what time; at any time |
queror, queri, questus sum | complain; protest, grumble, gripe; make formal complaint in court of law |
quisquis | whoever; every one who; whoever it be; everyone; each |
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus | drag off; snatch; destroy; seize, carry off; pillage; hurry |
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus | return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate |
redeo, redire, redivi(ii), reditus | return, go back, give back; fall back on, revert to; respond, pay back |
refero, referre, rettuli, relatus | bring/carry back/again/home; move/draw/force back, withdraw; go back, return |
regina, reginae F | queen |
regio, regionis F | area, region; neighborhood; district, country; direction |
reliquus, reliqua, reliquum | rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed |
retineo, retinere, retinui, retentus | hold back, restrain; uphold; delay; hold fast; retain,preserve |
sacramentum, sacramenti N | sum deposited in a civil process, guaranty; oath of allegiance; sacrament |
saeculum, saeculi N | age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century |
salus, salutis F | health; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety |
senatus, senatus M | senate |
senex, senis (gen.), senior -or -us, - | aged, old |
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus | perceive, feel, experience; think, realize, see, understand |
sermo, sermonis M | conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word |
serpo, serpere, serpsi, serptus | crawl; move slowly on, glide; creep on |
signum, signi N | battle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue |
singulus, singula, singulum | apiece; every; one each/at a time; individual/separate/single; several |
sino, sinere, sivi, situs | allow, permit |
socius, socia, socium | sharing; associated; allied |
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus | take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact; obtain |
supero, superare, superavi, superatus | overcome, conquer; survive; outdo; surpass, be above, have the upper hand |
superus, supera -um, superior -or -us, supremus -a -um | above, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest |
suscipio, suscipere, suscepi, susceptus | undertake; support; accept, receive, take up |
tamquam | as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as |
tandem | finally; at last, in the end; after some time, eventually; at length |
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus | touch, strike; border on, influence; mention |
templum, templi N | temple, church; shrine; holy place |
ter | three times; on three occasions |
tergum, tergi N | back, rear; reverse/far side; outer covering/surface |
tertius, tertia, tertium | third |
tot | so many, such a number of; as many, so many; such a great number of |
totidem, undeclined | as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same |
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus | hand over, surrender; deliver; bequeath; relate |
transeo, transire, transivi(ii), transitus | go over, cross |
tremo, tremere, tremui, - | tremble, shake, shudder at |
tum | moreover |
ultimus, ultima, ultimum | farthest, latest, greatest, highest |
umquam | ever, at any time |
unde | from where, whence, from what or which place; from which; from whom |
uxor, uxoris F | wife |
vacuus, vacua, vacuum | empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of |
valde, valdius, valdissime | greatly/very/intensely; vigorously/strongly/powerfully/energetically; loudly |
valeo, valere, valui, valitus | be strong/powerful/influential/healthy; prevail |
varius, varia, varium | different; various, diverse; changing; colored; party colored, variegated |
veritas, veritatis F | truth, fact, accuracy; honesty, truthfulness, frankness; sincerity, uprightness |
via, viae F | way, road, street; journey |
vinco, vincere, vici, victus | conquer, defeat, excel; outlast; succeed |
virgo, virginis F | maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin, woman sexually intact |
vita, vitae F | life, career, livelihood; mode of life |
vix | hardly, scarcely, barely, only just; with difficulty, not easily; reluctantly |
volo, volare, volavi, volatus | fly |
vos | you (pl) |
voveo, vovere, vovi, votus | vow, dedicate, consecrate |
vox, vocis F | voice, tone, expression |
vultus, vultus M | face, expression; looks |
Words occurring
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Aeneas, Aeneae | Aeneas |
Alaricus, Alarici M | Alaric |
Anglus, Angli M | Englishman; English; Angles |
Asia, Asiae F | Asia; Asia Minor; the East |
Boreas, Boreae M | north wind; the North; Boreas |
Britannia, Britanniae F | Britain |
Christianus, Christiana -um, Christianior -or -us, Christianissimus -a -um | Christian |
Cicero, Ciceronis M | Cicero |
Corinthos, Corinthi F | Corinth |
Gallia, Galliae F | Gaul |
Gallicus, Gallica, Gallicum | Gallic, of Gaul, of the Gauls |
Germania, Germaniae F | Germany |
Gothus, Gothi M | Goth |
Icarus, Icari | Icarus |
Italia, Italiae F | Italy |
Julius, Julia, Julium | Julius; Roman gens/family; of a/the Julians |
L., abb. | Lucius |
M'., abb. | Manius |
Marcus, Marci M | Marcus |
Maurus, Mauri M | Moor; Mauretanian |
Minos, Minois/Minonis | Minos, king of Crete |
Non., abb. | Nones; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhen |
Palatium, Palati(i) N | Palatine Hill |
Petrus, Petri M | Peter |
Phoebus, Phoebi | Apollo, Helios, the sun |
Pompeius, Pompei M | Pompeius; , triumvir) |
R., abb. | Roman; Rufus |
Rhenus, Rheni M | Rhine |
Siculus, Sicula, Siculum | Sicilian, of/pertaining to Sicily; cruel; luxurious |
Sulla, Sullae M | Sulla |
Troia, Troiae | Troy |
abstineo, abstinere, abstinui, abstentus | withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain; avoid; keep hands of |
absum, abesse, afui, afuturus | be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct |
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus | come near, approach; agree with; be added to; constitute |
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus | kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright |
adficio, adficere, adfeci, adfectus | affect, make impression; move, influence; cause, afflict, weaken |
adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum | approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize, attempt |
adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum | gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake |
admitto, admittere, admisi, admissus | urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go |
admodum | very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely |
adpropinquo, adpropinquare, adpropinquavi, adpropinquatus | approach; come near to, draw near/nigh; be close |
adsuesco, adsuescere, adsuevi, adsuetus | accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar |
aeclesia, aeclesiae F | church; assembly, meeting of the assembly; the Church |
aedes, aedis F | temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house, abode, dwelling; household |
aenus, aena, aenum | copper, of copper; bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen |
aequalis, aequale, aequalior -or -us, aequalissimus -a -um | equal, similar; uniform, level, flat; of the same age/generation/duration |
aequo, aequare, aequavi, aequatus | level, make even/straight; equal; compare; reach as high or deep as |
aetas, aetatis F | lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era |
aether, aetheris M | upper air; ether; heaven, sky; sky; space surrounding a deity |
ager, agri M | field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil |
agmen, agminis N | stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession |
ala, alae F | wing; upper arm/foreleg/fin; armpit; squadron, flank, army's wing |
aliquis | someone; anyone; some |
aliquod, undeclined | some/several/a few people; more than one; a number |
aliter | otherwise, differently; in any other way |
ambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum | changeable, doubtful, ambiguous, wavering, fickle; treacherous, unethical |
ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus | go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace |
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus | walk, take a walk, go on foot; travel, march; go about, gad; parade, strut |
amicitia, amicitiae F | friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations |
amita, amitae F | paternal aunt, father's sister |
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus | lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop |
amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum | surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp |
anima, animae F | soul, spirit, vital principle; life; breathing; wind, breeze; air |
animus, animi M | mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air |
antestes, antestitis | priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority; protector |
antiquitus, antiquita -um, antiquitior -or -us, antiquitissimus -a -um | old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated |
antrum, antri N | cave; cavern; hollow place with overarching foliage; cavity, hollow; tomb |
apostolicus, apostolica, apostolicum | apostolic; of/concerning/belonging to an Apostle; title applied to Pope |
apostolus, apostoli M | apostle; missionary |
appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitus | appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve |
aptus, apta -um, aptior -or -us, aptissimus -a -um | suitable, adapted; ready; apt, proper; tied, attached to; dependent on |
arcanus, arcana, arcanum | secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric |
ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus | be on fire; burn, blaze; flash; glow, sparkle; rage; be in a turmoil/love |
areo, arere, arui, - | be dry/parched; be thirsty; be withered |
argentum, argenti N | silver; money, cash; silver-plate |
arvus, arva, arvum | arable; cultivated, plowed |
arx, arcis F | citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge |
asper, aspera -um, asperior -or -us, asperrimus -a -um | rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard |
assiduus, assidua -um, assiduior -or -us, assiduissimus -a -um | constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class |
audeo, audere, ausus sum | intend, be prepared; dare/have courage, act boldly, venture, risk |
aufero, auferre, apstuli, ablatus | bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain |
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus | increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of |
augur, auguris | augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer |
aura, aurae F | breeze, breath, wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air, heaven |
aureus, aurea, aureum | of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid |
auro, aurare, auravi, auratus | gild, overlay with gold |
avidus, avida -um, avidior -or -us, avidissimus -a -um | greedy, eager, ardent, desirous of; avaricious, insatiable; lustful, passionate |
baptizo, baptizare, baptizavi, baptizatus | baptize; immerse |
basilica, basilicae F | basilica; oblong hall with colonnade as law court/exchange; church |
benedico, benedicere, benedixi, benedictus | bless; praise; speak well of; speak kindly of |
bibulus, bibula, bibulum | fond of drinking, ever thirsty; soaking, sodden; spongy, absorbent, porous |
bracchium, bracchi(i) N | arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts |
brevis, breve, brevior -or -us, brevissimus -a -um | short, little, small, stunted; brief, concise, quick; narrow, shallow; humble |
caecus, caeca -um, caecior -or -us, caecissimus -a -um | blind; unseeing; dark, gloomy, hidden, secret; aimless, confused, random; rash |
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus | chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize |
caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatus | carve, make raised work/relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider |
caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum | blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea |
candidus, candida -um, candidior -or -us, candidissimus -a -um | bright, clear, transparent; clean/spotless; lucid; candid; kind; innocent, pure |
cano, canere, cecini, cantus | sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play/sound; foretell |
captivus, captiva, captivum | caught, taken captive; captured, imprisoned; conquered; of captives |
capto, captare, captavi, captatus | try/long/aim for, desire; entice; hunt legacy; try to catch/grasp/seize/reach |
carcer, carceris M | prison, jail; jailbird; starting barriers at race-course, traps; beginning |
careo, carere, carui, caritus | be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose |
careo, carere, carui, caritus | be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose |
carinus, carina, carinum | nut-brown |
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus | seize/pick/pluck/gather/browse/tear off; graze/crop; tease/pull out/card |
castellum, castelli N | redoubt, fortress, stronghold, fortified settlement, refuge; castle, citadel |
castrum, castri N | fort/fortress; camp, military camp/field; army; war service; day's march |
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus | go/pass; withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of |
celeber, celebris -e, celebrior -or -us, celeberrimus -a -um | famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious |
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus | celebrate/perform; frequent; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy |
celer, celeris -e, celerior -or -us, celerrimus -a -um | swift, quick, agile, rapid, speedy, fast; rash, hasty, hurried; lively; early |
censeo, censere, censui, censitus | think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess |
centum | 100 |
cera, cerae F | wax, beeswax; honeycomb; wax-covered writing tablet, letter; wax image/seal |
certo, certare, certavi, certatus | vie, contest, contend/struggle, dispute; fight, strive |
cerva, cervae F | doe, hind; deer |
cibus, cibi M | food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait |
circo, circare, circavi, circatus | traverse; go about; wander through |
circueo, circuire, circuivi(ii), circuitus | encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round |
circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatus | surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around |
clades, cladis F | defeat, reverse; casualties, slaughter/carnage/devastation; ruins; dissolution |
clam | without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from |
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus | close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine |
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus | limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble |
clipeum, clipei N | round/embossed shield; disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite |
coerceo, coercere, coercui, coercitus | enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish |
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus | collect/gather, round up, restrict/confine; force/compel; convene; congeal |
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectus | collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up |
colloco, collocare, collocavi, collocatus | place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply |
colloquium, colloquii N | talk, conversation; colloquy/discussion; interview; meeting/conference; parley |
colos, coloris M | color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretex |
columba, columbae F | pigeon; dove |
coma, comae F | hair, hair of head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays |
comito, comitare, comitavi, comitatus | accompany, go along with; attend; follow; grow alongside |
commendo, commendare, commendavi, commendatus | entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate |
commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus | shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite |
communis, communis, commune | common/joint/public; general/universal |
compono, componere, composui, compositus | compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match; store/hoard; calm |
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessus | relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone |
concha, conchae F | mollusk/murex/oyster/scallop; pearl/mollusk-shell; Triton horn; female genitali |
condo, condere, condidi, conditus | put/insert; store up/put away, preserve, bottle; bury/inter; sink |
confessor, confessoris M | confessor of Christianity; martyr; lower clergy; pious monk; confessor |
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus | make, construct; prepare, complete, accomplish; cause; perform; do thoroughly |
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum | confess, admit, acknowledge, reveal, disclose; concede, allow; denote |
confligo, confligere, conflixi, conflictus | clash, collide; contend/fight/combat; be in conflict/at war; argue/disagree |
confundo, confundere, confudi, confusus | pour/mix/mass/bring together; combine/unite/blend/merge; spread over, diffuse |
congrego, congregare, congregavi, congregatus | collect/bring together/assemble/convene; flock, congregate; group; concentrate |
conjungo, conjungere, conjunxi, conjunctus | connect, join/yoke together; marry; connect/compound |
conjuro, conjurare, conjuravi, conjuratus | swear/act together, join in an oath/plot; conspire, plot; form alliance/league |
consecro, consecrare, consecravi, consecratus | consecrate/dedicate, set apart; hallow, sanctify; deify; curse; vow to a god |
consilium, consili(i) N | debate/discussion/deliberation/consultation; advice/counsel/suggestion; adviser |
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus | stop/stand/halt/cease; pause, linger; stop spreading/flowing; take a position |
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus | set up/in position, erect; place/dispose/locate; halt; plant |
consuetudo, consuetudinis F | habit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention |
consularis, consularis, consulare | consular, of/proper to a consul; of consular rank; proposed/governed by consul |
consulo, consulere, consului, consultus | ask information/advice of; consult, take counsel; deliberate/consider; advise |
consurgo, consurgere, consurrexi, consurrectus | rise/stand up; rise; ambush |
converto, convertere, converti, conversus | turn upside down/side-to-side; invert/transpose/convulse; turn over/dig |
convinco, convincere, convici, convictus | conquer, establish; convince; overcome, demonstrate, prove clearly; grant |
convivium, convivi(i) N | banquet/feast/dinner party; guests/people at party; dining-club; living togethe |
corono, coronare, coronavi, coronatus | wreathe, crown, deck with garlands; award prize; surround/encircle, ring round |
corripio, corripere, corripui, correptus | seize/grasp/snatch up, lay hold of; sweep off; carry away; appropriate/arrogate |
cotidianus, cotidiana, cotidianum | daily, everyday; usual/habitual, normal/regular; ordinary/common/unremarkable |
creber, crebra -um, crebrior -or -us, creberrimus -a -um | thick/crowded/packed/close set; frequent/repeated, constant; numerous/abundant |
creo, creare, creavi, creatus | create/bring into being/make; procreate; beget/sire; give birth to |
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus | come forth/to be; arise/spring; be born; become visible/great; grow |
crimen, criminis N | indictment/charge/accusation; blame/reproach/slander; verdict/judgment |
cruor, cruoris M | blood; vegetable/other juice |
cupiditas, cupiditatis F | enthusiasm/eagerness/passion; desire; lust; greed/usury/fraud; ambitio |
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus | wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well |
cur | why, wherefore; for what reason/purpose?; on account of which?; because |
cura, curae F | concern, worry, anxiety, trouble; attention, care, pains, zeal; cure, treatment |
curius, curia, curium | grievous; full of sorrow |
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus | run/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quickly |
currus, currus M | chariot, light horse vehicle; triumphal chariot; triumph; wheels on plow; cart |
custodia, custodiae F | protection, safe-keeping, defense, preservation; custody, charge; prisoner |
daedalus, daedala, daedalum | skillful, dexterous; skillfully made/worked |
dea, deae F | goddess |
decet, decere, decuit, - | it is fitting/right/seemly/suitable/proper; it ought; become/adorn/grace |
decus, decoris N | glory/splendor; honor/distinction; deeds; dignity/virtue; decorum; grace/beauty |
dedico, dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatus | declare/proclaim; census return; dedicate/consecrate; devote/apply/commit |
deduco, deducere, deduxi, deductus | lead/draw//pull/bring/stretch down/away/out/off; escort; eject/evict |
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus | defend/guard/protect, look after; act/speak/plead/write for defense; prosecute |
deinceps, (gen.), deincipitis | following, next in succession |
deinde | then/next/afterward; thereon/henceforth/from there/then; in next position/place |
delego, delegare, delegavi, delegatus | assign/appoint; delegate/entrust; consign; transfer/pass; refer/attribute |
deleo, delere, delevi, deletus | erase, wipe/scratch/remove, wipe/blot out, expunge, delete |
deprecor, deprecari, deprecatus sum | avert by prayer; entreat/pray/beg; intercede/beg pardon/mercy/relief/exemption |
deruo, deruere, derui, derutus | fall down/off; cause to fall/collapse; throw/cast down; detract/take away |
descendo, descendere, descendi, descensus | descend, climb/march/come/go/flow/run/hang down; dismount; penetrate/sink |
desero, deserere, deserui, desertus | leave/depart/quit/desert; forsake/abandon/give up; withdraw support, let down |
destino, destinare, destinavi, destinatus | fix/bind/fasten down; fix, make up mind; aim/fix on target, mark out |
desum, deesse, defui, defuturus | be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing |
detego, detegere, detexi, detectus | uncover/disclose/reveal; expose, lay bare; fleece; unsheathe; remove; unroof |
devoveo, devovere, devovi, devotus | devote, consecrate; vow, promise solemnly; mark out, appoint; curse, execrate |
diacon, diaconis M | deacon; cleric of minor orders |
diaconus, diaconi M | deacon; cleric of minor orders |
differo, differre, distuli, dilatus | postpone/delay/differ; put off, keep waiting; give respite to; differ, disagree |
digitus, digiti M | finger; toe; finger's breadth, inch; twig |
dignitas, dignitatis F | worth, excellence; fitness/suitability,; honor, esteem, standing |
dignor, dignari, dignatus sum | deem/consider/think worthy/becoming/deserving/fit; deign, condescend |
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus | go/march off, depart, withdraw; scatter, dissipate; abandon; lay down |
discipulus, discipuli M | student, pupil, trainee; follower, disciple |
dispono, disponere, disposui, dispositus | dispose, place here and there, distribute; set/lay out; administer/manage/order |
ditio, ditionis F | power; sovereignty, dominion, authority |
diu, diutius, diutissime | a long/considerable time/while; long since |
dives, divitis (gen.), divitior -or -us, divitissimus -a -um | rich/wealthy; costly; fertile/productive; talented, well endowed |
divido, dividere, divisi, divisus | divide; separate, break up; share, distribute; distinguish |
divus, diva -um, -, divissimus -a -um | divine; blessed, saint |
doceo, docere, docui, doctus | teach, show, point out |
doctor, doctoris M | teacher; instructor; trainer; doctor |
dolor, doloris M | pain, anguish, grief, sorrow, suffering; resentment, indignation |
dominicus, dominica, dominicum | of/belonging to master/owner; belonging to the Roman Emperor; the Lord's |
domo, domare, domui, domitus | subdue, master, tame; conquer |
domus, domus F | house, building; home, household |
donec | while, as long as, until |
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitus | sleep, rest; be/fall asleep; behave as if asleep; be idle, do nothing |
draco, draconis M | dragon; snake |
dubius, dubia, dubium | doubtful, dubious, uncertain; variable, dangerous; critical |
durus, dura -um, durior -or -us, durissimus -a -um | hard, stern; harsh, rough, vigorous; cruel, unfeeling, inflexible; durable |
dux, ducis M | leader, guide; commander, general; Duke |
eadem | by the same route; at the same time; likewise; same |
ebur, eboris N | ivory; object/statue of ivory; curule chair; elephant/tusk |
efficio, efficere, effeci, effectus | bring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; prove |
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusus | pour out/away/off; allow to drain; shower; volley; send/stream forth |
egregius, egregia, egregium | singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent |
emineo, eminere, eminui, - | stand out; be prominent/preeminent, excel; project |
epistula, epistulae F | letter/dispatch/written communication; imperial rescript; epistle; preface |
eques, equitis M | horseman/cavalryman/rider; horsemen, cavalry; equestrian order |
equester, equestris M | knight; one of equestrian order/class |
equito, equitare, equitavi, equitatus | ride |
error, erroris M | wandering; error; winding, maze; uncertainty; deception |
erudio, erudire, erudivi, eruditus | educate, teach, instruct |
etsi | although, though, even if; albeit; I know that but |
evado, evadere, evasi, evasus | evade, escape; avoid |
evenio, evenire, eveni, eventus | come out/about/forth; happen; turn out |
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus | pass, withdraw, exceed; go away/out/beyond; die |
excipio, excipere, excepi, exceptus | take out; remove; follow; receive; ward off, relieve |
exemplum, exempli N | example, sample, specimen; instance; precedent, case; warning, deterrent |
expedio, expedire, expedivi, expeditus | disengage, loose, set free; be expedient; procure, obtain, make ready |
expleo, explere, explevi, expletus | fill out; fill, fill up, complete, finish; satisfy, satiate |
expono, exponere, exposui, expositus | set/put forth/out; abandon, expose; publish; explain, relate; disembark |
exprimo, exprimere, expressi, expressus | squeeze, squeeze/press out; imitate, copy; portray; pronounce, express |
exto, extare, extiti, - | stand out or forth, project be visible, exist, be on record |
facies, faciei F | shape, face, look; presence, appearance; beauty; achievement |
facinus, facinoris N | deed; crime; outrage |
fateor, fateri, fassus sum | admit, confess; disclose; acknowledge; praise |
femineus, feminea, femineum | woman's; female, feminine; proper to/typical of a woman; effeminate, cowardly |
ferveo, fervere, ferbui, - | be hot; boil/burn; seethe/surge; swarm; be turbulent/run strongly; froth |
figo, figere, fixi, fixus | fasten, fix; pierce, transfix; establish |
finis, finis | boundary, end, limit, goal; country, territory, land |
flagro, flagrare, flagravi, flagratus | be on fire; blaze, flame, burn; be inflamed/excited |
fleo, flere, flevi, fletus | cry for; cry, weep |
fluctus, fluctus M | wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion |
formosus, formosa -um, formosior -or -us, formosissimus -a -um | beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form |
fortuna, fortunae F | chance, luck, fate; prosperity; condition, wealth, property |
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotus | keep warm; favor, cherish, maintain, foster |
francus, franci M | franc |
fretum, freti N | sea; narrow sea, straits |
frigus, frigoris N | cold; cold weather, winter; frost |
frons, frondis F | foliage, leaves, leafy branch, green bough, frond |
frustro, frustrare, frustravi, frustratus | disappoint, frustrate, deceive; escape/elude; baffle/evade; fail |
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus | flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile |
fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatus | put to flight, rout; chase away; drive into exile |
fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi, - | flash, shine; glow, gleam, glitter, shine forth, be bright |
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum | be glad, rejoice |
gaudium, gaudi(i) N | joy, delight, gladness; source/cause of joy; physical/sensual delight |
gemma, gemmae F | bud; jewel, gem, precious stone; amber; cup; seal, signet; game piec |
genu, genus N | knee |
glacialis, glacialis, glaciale | icy, frozen |
gladius, gladi(i) M | sword |
glis, gliris M | dormouse |
gloria, gloriae F | glory, fame; ambition; renown; vainglory, boasting |
gradus, gradus M | step; position |
grandis, grandis, grande | full-grown, grown up; large, great, grand, tall, lofty; powerful; aged, old |
gratus, grata -um, gratior -or -us, gratissimus -a -um | pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, welcome; dear, beloved; grateful, thankful |
gravis, grave, gravior -or -us, gravissimus -a -um | heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome |
harena, harenae F | sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest |
hasta, hastae F | spear/lance/javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court |
heu | oh! ah! alas! |
historia, historiae F | history; account; story |
huc | here, to this place; to this point |
ibis, ibos/is F | ibis |
ideo | therefore, for the reason that, for that reason |
idolon, idoli N | specter, apparition; image, form; idol, image of pagan god |
igneus, ignea, igneum | fiery, hot; ardent |
illuc | there, thither, to that place/point |
imago, imaginis F | likeness, image, appearance; statue; idea; echo; ghost, phantom |
imber, imbris M | rain, shower, storm; shower of liquid/snow/hail/missiles; water |
immineo, imminere, -, - | threaten, be a threat; overhang, be imminent; with DAT |
imperator, imperatoris M | emperor; general; ruler; commander |
impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus | order, command, levy; rule |
impetus, impetus M | attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury |
imus, ima, imum | inmost, deepest, bottommost, last |
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessus | advance, march; approach; step, walk, march along |
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus | set on fire; set fire to, kindle, burn; cause to flame/burn; keep fire burning |
incertus, incerta, incertum | uncertain; unsure, inconstant, variable; doubtful |
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus | begin; start, undertake |
includo, includere, inclusi, inclusus | shut up/in, imprison, enclose; include |
incolo, incolere, incolui, - | live, dwell/reside; inhabit; sojourn |
incurro, incurrere, incurri, incursus | run into or towards, attack, invade; meet; befall |
indico, indicare, indicavi, indicatus | point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal; inform against, accuse |
induo, induere, indui, indutus | put on, clothe, cover; dress oneself in |
infelix, infelicis (gen.), infelicior -or -us, infelicissimus -a -um | unfortunate, unhappy, wretched; unlucky, inauspicious; unproductive |
infero, inferre, intuli, illatus | bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge |
ingenium, ingeni(i) N | nature, innate quality; natural disposition/capacity; character; talent |
ingens, ingentis (gen.), ingentior -or -us, ingentissimus -a -um | not natural, immoderate; huge, vast, enormous; mighty; remarkable, momentous |
ingratus, ingrata, ingratum | unpleasant; ungrateful; thankless |
inmitto, inmittere, inmisi, inmissus | send in/to/into/against; cause to go; insert; hurl/throw in; let go/in; allow |
insequor, insequi, insecutus sum | follow/come after; attack; overtake; pursue; come after |
insignis, insignis, insigne | conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstanding |
insperatus, insperata, insperatum | unhoped for, unexpected, unforeseen |
institutio, institutionis F | institution; arrangement; instruction, education |
insto, instare, institi, - | pursue, threaten; approach, press hard; be close to; stand in/on |
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructus | construct, build; prepare, draw up; fit out; instruct, teach |
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus | understand; realize |
intereo, interire, interivi(ii), interitus | perish, die; be ruined; cease |
interrogo, interrogare, interrogavi, interrogatus | ask, question, interrogate, examine; indict; go to law with, sue |
intinguo, intinguere, intinxi, intinctus | dip/plunge in; saturate, steep; cause to soak in; color |
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus | enter; go into, penetrate; reach |
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisus | envy, regard with envy/ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse |
invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatus | invite, summon; challenge, incite; encourage; attract, allure, entice |
invitus, invita, invitum | reluctant; unwilling; against one's will |
ira, irae F | anger; ire, wrath; resentment; indignation; rage/fury/violence; bad blood |
iter, itineris | journey; road; passage, path; march |
itero, iterare, iteravi, iteratus | do a second time; repeat; renew, revise |
jacio, jacere, jeci, jactus | throw, hurl, cast; throw away; utter |
janua, januae F | door, entrance |
jejunium, jejuni(i) N | fasting/fast; Lent; hunger; leanness |
jocus, joci M | joke, jest; sport |
judex, judicis M | judge; juror |
judicium, judici(i) N | trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice |
juro, jurare, juravi, juratus | swear; call to witness; vow obedience to; conspire |
jus, juris N | law; legal system; code; right; duty; justice; court; binding decision; oath |
justus, justa -um, justior -or -us, justissimus -a -um | just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper |
juvenis, juvenis, juvene | youthful, young |
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus | work, labor; produce, take pains; be troubled/sick/oppressed, be in distress |
lac, lactis N | milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn |
lanio, laniare, laniavi, laniatus | tear, mangle, mutilate, pull to pieces |
lapis, lapidis M | stone; milestone; jewel |
lateo, latere, latui, - | lie hidden, lurk; live a retired life, escape notice |
latro, latronis M | robber, brigand, bandit; plunderer |
lavacrum, lavacri N | bath |
levo, levare, levavi, levatus | lift/raise/hold up; support; erect, set up; lift off, remove; comfort |
lex, legis F | law; motion, bill, statute; principle; condition |
libellus, libelli M | little/small book; memorial; petition; pamphlet, defamatory publication |
libenter, libentius, libentissime | willingly; gladly, with pleasure |
liber, libri M | book, volume; inner bark of a tree |
liberalis, liberalis, liberale | honorable; courteous, well bred, gentlemanly; liberal; generous |
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus | free; acquit, absolve; manumit; liberate, release |
liceo, licere, licui, - | fetch |
lictor, lictoris M | lictor, an attendant upon a magistrate |
limen, liminis N | threshold, entrance; lintel; house |
lis, litis F | lawsuit; quarrel |
ludus, ludi M | game, play, sport, pastime, entertainment, fun; school, elementary school |
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus | mourn, grieve; bewail, lament; be in mourning |
lustro, lustrare, lustravi, lustratus | purify cermonially, cleanse by sacrifice, expiate |
lux, lucis F | light, daylight, light of day; life; world; day |
magis | to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more |
magister, magistri M | teacher, tutor, master, expert, chief; pilot of a ship; rabbi |
magnitudo, magnitudinis F | size, magnitude, bulk; greatness. importance, intensity |
mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus | entrust, commit to one's charge, deliver over; commission; order, command |
memoria, memoriae F | memory, recollection; history; time within memory |
mensis, mensis M | month |
mereor, mereri, meritus sum | earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve |
meridianus, meridiana, meridianum | of midday, noon; southern |
meridies, meridiei M | noon; midday; south |
merus, mera, merum | unmixed, pure, only; bare, mere, sheer |
metuo, metuere, metui, - | fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread |
mico, micare, micui, - | vibrate, quiver, twinkle; tremble, throb; beat; dart, flash, glitter |
militia, militiae F | military service/organization; campaign; war; soldiers, army |
minister, ministri M | attendant, servant, waiter; agent, aide; accomplice |
ministro, ministrare, ministravi, ministratus | attend, serve, furnish; supply |
miraculus, miracula, miraculum | freakish, deformed |
misericordia, misericordiae F | pity, sympathy; compassion, mercy; pathos |
modo | only, merely; just now/recently, lately; presently |
moles, molis F | large mass; rock/boulder; heap/lump/pile, bulk; monster; mole/jetty/dam/dike |
mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitus | soften, mitigate, make easier; civilize, tame, enfeeble |
mollis, molle, mollior -or -us, mollissimus -a -um | soft; flexible/supple/loose/pliant; mild/tolerable; easy; calm |
moneo, monere, monui, monitus | remind, advise, warn; teach; admonish; foretell, presage |
morbus, morbi M | sickness, illness, weakness; disease; distemper; distress; vice |
moror, morari, moratus sum | delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to |
mortalis, mortalis, mortale | mortal, transient; human, of human origin |
mundus, munda -um, mundior -or -us, mundissimus -a -um | clean, cleanly, nice, neat, elegant, delicate; refined, pure |
mundus, mundi M | universe, heavens; world, mankind; toilet/dress, ornament, decoration |
murmur, murmuris | murmur/mutter; whisper/rustle, hum/buzz; low noise; roar/growl/grunt/rumble |
murus, muri M | wall, city wall |
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus | move, change, shift, alter, exchange, substitute; modify |
natura, naturae F | nature; birth; character |
navis, navis F | ship |
necessarius, necessaria, necessarium | necessary/needed/essential/indispensable; vital/private; close tied |
nefas, undeclined N | sin, violation of divine law, impious act |
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitus | not know; be ignorant/unfamiliar/unaware/unacquainted/unable/unwilling |
nidus, nidi M | nest |
niger, nigra, nigrum | black, dark; unlucky |
nil, undeclined N | nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern |
nimius, nimia, nimium | excessive, too great |
nitor, niti, nixus sum | press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor |
niveus, nivea, niveum | snowy, covered with snow; white |
no, nare, navi, - | swim, float |
nobilis, nobile, nobilior -or -us, nobilissimus -a -um | noble, well born; aristocratic; outstanding; important/prominent |
noctu | by night, at night |
nolo, nolle, nolui, - | be unwilling; wish not to; refuse to |
nomino, nominare, nominavi, nominatus | name, call |
nondum | not yet |
nonnumquam | sometimes |
nonus, -a, -um | 9th |
novo, novare, novavi, novatus | make new, renovate; renew, refresh, change |
nubes, nubis F | cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation; swarm/multitude |
numen, numinis N | divine will, divinity; god |
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus | announce/report/bring word/give warning; convey/deliver/relate message/greeting |
nuntius, nuntia, nuntium | announcing, bringing word; giving warning; prognosticatory |
nuper, -, nuperrime | recently, not long ago; in recent years/our own time; latest in series |
nusquam | nowhere; on no occasion |
ob | on account of, for the sake of, for; instead of; right before |
obeo, obire, obivi(ii), obitus | go to meet; attend to; fall; die |
obsequium, obsequi(i) N | compliance; consideration/deference/solicitude; services |
obsto, obstare, obstiti, - | oppose, hinder |
occido, occidere, occidi, occisus | kill, murder, slaughter, slay; cut/knock down; weary, be the death/ruin of |
occurro, occurrere, occurri, occursus | run to meet; oppose, resist; come to mind, occur |
olim | formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future |
onus, oneris N | load, burden; cargo |
opera, operae F | work, care; aid; service, effort/trouble |
opinio, opinionis F | belief, idea, opinion; rumor |
oppidum, oppidi N | town |
oppono, opponere, opposui, oppositus | oppose; place opposite |
oraculum, oraculi N | oracle; prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim |
ordino, ordinare, ordinavi, ordinatus | order/arrange, set in order; adjust, regulate; compose; ordain/appoint |
orior, oriri, ortus sum | rise; arise/emerge, crop up; get up; begin; originate from |
ornamentum, ornamenti N | equipment; decoration; jewel; ornament, trappings |
orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatus | equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim |
ovo, ovare, ovavi, ovatus | rejoice |
paene | nearly, almost; mostly |
pando, pandere, pandi, passus | spread out |
parco, parcere, peperci, parsus | forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with |
paries, parietis M | wall, house wall |
pario, parere, peperi, partus | bear; give birth to; beget, bring forth; produce, lay; create; acquire |
parito, paritare, paritavi, paritatus | make ready |
parum, minus, minime | too/very little, not enough/so good, insufficient; less; not at all |
pauper, pauperis (gen.), pauperior -or -us, pauperrimus -a -um | poor/meager/unproductive; scantily endowed; cheap, of little worth; of poor man |
paveo, pavere, pavi, - | be frightened or terrified at |
pax, pacis F | peace; harmony |
pecunia, pecuniae F | money; property |
pelagus, pelagi N | sea; the open sea, the main |
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus | weigh out; pay, pay out |
penetro, penetrare, penetravi, penetratus | enter, penetrate |
perago, peragere, peregi, peractus | disturb; finish; kill; carry through to the end, complete |
percutio, percutere, percussi, percussus | beat, strike; pierce |
perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus | ruin, destroy; lose; waste |
perfero, perferre, pertuli, perlatus | carry through; bear, endure to the end, suffer; announce |
perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectus | complete, finish; execute; bring about, accomplish; do thoroughly |
perfundo, perfundere, perfudi, perfusus | pour over/through, wet, flood, bathe; overspread, coat, overlay; imbue |
periculum, periculi N | danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability |
permaneo, permanere, permansi, permansus | last, continue; remain; endure |
persequor, persequi, persecutus sum | follow up, pursue; overtake; attack; take vengeance on; accomplish |
perterreo, perterrere, perterrui, perterritus | frighten greatly, terrify |
philomela, philomelae F | nightingale |
pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictus | paint, tint, color; adorn/decorate w/colored designs; paint/draw/depict/portray |
piscis, piscis M | fish |
pius, pia -um, -, piissimus -a -um | conscientious; upright; faithful; patriotic/dutiful, respectful; righteous/good |
pluma, plumae F | feather; plume |
plus, pluris N | more, too much, more than enough; more than; higher price/value |
pluvius, pluvia, pluvium | rainy, causing or bringing rain |
poculum, poculi N | cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking; drink |
poema, poematis N | poem, composition in verse; poetic piece; poetry |
poena, poenae F | penalty, punishment; revenge/retribution |
pomum, pomi N | fruit, apple; fruit-tree |
pontus, ponti M | sea |
populus, populi | poplar tree |
porrigo, porrigere, porrexi, porrectus | stretch out, extend |
porta, portae F | gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal |
portus, portus M | port, harbor; refuge, haven, place of refuge |
possessio, possessionis F | possession, property |
possideo, possidere, possedi, possessus | seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit |
posterus, postera -um, posterior -or -us, postremus -a -um | coming after, following, next; COMP next in order, latter; SUPER last/hindmost |
potens, potentis (gen.), potentior -or -us, potentissimus -a -um | powerful, strong; capable; mighty |
potestas, potestatis F | power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity |
potus, potus M | drink/draught; something to drink; drinking |
praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectus | put in charge, place in command |
praemium, praemi(i) N | prize, reward; gift; recompense |
praeparo, praeparare, praeparavi, praeparatus | prepare |
praesens, (gen.), praesentis | present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious |
praesumo, praesumere, praesumsi, praesumptus | consume/perform/employ beforehand; anticipate; presuppose/presume/assume; dare |
praeterea | besides, thereafter; in addition |
praetor, praetoris M | praetor; abb. pr. |
precor, precari, precatus sum | beg/implore/entreat; wish/pray for/to; pray, supplicate, beseech |
premo, premere, pressi, pressus | press, press hard, pursue; oppress; overwhelm |
procedo, procedere, processi, processus | proceed; advance; appear |
produco, producere, produxi, productus | lead forward, bring out; reveal; induce; promote; stretch out; prolong; bury |
proelium, proeli(i) N | battle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strength |
prope, propius, proxime | near, nearly; close by; almost |
propero, properare, properavi, properatus | hurry, speed up; be quick |
proprius, propria, proprium | own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic |
protinus | straight on, forward; immediately; without pause; at once |
provincia, provinciae F | province; office; duty; command |
proximus, proxima, proximum | nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like |
publico, publicare, publicavi, publicatus | confiscate; make public property; publish |
puella, puellae F | girl, child/daughter; maiden; young woman/wife; sweetheart; slavegirl |
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus | fight; dispute |
pulcher, pulchra -um, pulchrior -or -us, pulcherrimus -a -um | pretty; beautiful; handsome; noble, illustrious |
pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatus | beat; pulsate |
puppis, puppis F | stern/aft; poop; ship; back |
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus | search for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand |
qualis, qualis, quale | what kind/sort/condition; what is like; what/how excellent a... |
quartus, quarta, quartum | fourth |
quasi | as if, just as if, as though; as it were; about |
quater | four times; on four occasions; time and again |
quatuor | |
quin | why not, in fact |
quin | so that not, without; that not; but that; that |
quinque, quintus -a -um, quini -ae -a, quinquie(n)s | 5th-; 5th |
quippe | of course; as you see; obviously; naturally; by all means |
quisque, cuiusque | each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever |
quisvis, cuiusvis | any whatever and INDEF whoever it be, whom you please; any whatever |
quoad | as long as, until |
quondam | formerly, once, at one time; some day, hereafter |
quoniam | because, since, seeing that |
ramus, rami M | branch, bough |
rarus, rara -um, rarior -or -us, rarissimus -a -um | thin, scattered; few, infrequent; rare; in small groups; loose knit |
ratis, ratis F | raft; ship, boat |
recedo, recedere, recessi, recessus | recede, go back, withdraw, ebb; retreat; retire; move/keep/pass/slip away |
recipio, recipere, recepi, receptus | keep back; recover; undertake; guarantee; accept, take in; take back |
redigo, redigere, redegi, redactus | drive back; reduce; render |
redimo, redimere, redemi, redemptus | buy back, recover, replace by purchase; buy up; make good, fulfill |
reduco, reducere, reduxi, reductus | lead back, bring back; restore; reduce |
regius, regia, regium | royal, of a king, regal |
rego, regere, rexi, rectus | rule, guide; manage, direct |
religio, religionis F | supernatural constraint/taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity |
religiosus, religiosa, religiosum | pious/devout/religious/scrupulous; superstitious; taboo/sacred; reverent/devout |
removeo, removere, removi, remotus | move back; put away; withdraw; remove |
remus, remi M | oar |
repello, repellere, repuli, repulsus | drive/push/thrust back/away; repel/rebuff/spurn; fend off; exclude/bar; refute |
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus | discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent |
repeto, repetere, repetivi, repetitus | return to; get back; demand back/again; repeat; recall; claim |
repleo, replere, replevi, repletus | fill again; complete, fill |
requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitus | require, seek, ask for; need; miss, pine for |
resto, restare, restiti, - | stand firm; stay behind; be left, be left over; remain |
revertor, reverti, reversus sum | turn back, go back, return; recur |
ripa, ripae F | bank |
rogus, rogi M | funeral pyre |
rumor, rumoris M | hearsay, rumor, gossip; reputation; shouting |
ruo, ruere, rui, rutus | destroy, ruin, overthrow; rush on, run; fall; charge; be ruined |
rursus | turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again |
sacerdos, sacerdotis | priest, priestess |
sacrificium, sacrifici(i) N | sacrifice, offering to a deity |
saevus, saeva -um, saevior -or -us, saevissimus -a -um | savage; fierce/ferocious; violent/wild/raging; cruel, harsh, severe; vehement |
salio, salire, salui, saltus | leap, jump; move suddenly/spasmodically, twitch |
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus | greet; wish well; visit; hail, salute |
sanctus, sancta -um, sanctior -or -us, sanctissimus -a -um | consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just |
satis | enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty |
saxum, saxi N | stone |
scelus, sceleris N | crime; calamity; wickedness, sin, evil deed |
scio, scire, scivi(ii), scitus | know, understand |
secedo, secedere, secessi, secessus | withdraw; rebel; secede |
seco, secare, secui, sectus | cut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach |
secor, seci, secutus sum | follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek |
secum, seci N | suet; tallow; hard animal fat |
secus | otherwise; differently, in another way; contrary to what is right/expected |
sedes, sedis F | seat; home, residence; settlement, habitation; chair |
semel | once, on one occasion |
semper | always |
senator, senatoris M | senator |
senilis, senilis, senile | senile, aged |
sententia, sententiae F | opinion, feeling, way of thinking; thought, meaning, sentence/period; purpose |
septem | 7 |
serenitas, serenitatis F | fine weather; favorable conditions |
sero, serere, sevi, satus | sow, plant; strew, scatter, spread; cultivate; beget, bring forth |
servo, servare, servavi, servatus | watch over; protect, store, keep, guard, preserve, save |
seu | or if; or |
sex | 6 |
sicco, siccare, siccavi, siccatus | dry, drain; exhaust |
signo, signare, signavi, signatus | mark, stamp, designate, sign; seal |
silentium, silenti(i) N | silence |
sileo, silere, silui, - | be silent, not to speak; be quiet; not to function |
similis, simile, similior -or -us, simillimus -a -um | like, similar, resembling |
simplex, (gen.), simplicis | single; simple, unaffected; plain |
sol, solis M | sun |
solidus, solida -um, solidior -or -us, solidissimus -a -um | solid; same material throughout, unalloyed; not hollow; dense; unbroken/whole |
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus | loosen, release, unbind, untie, free; open; set sail; scatter; pay off/back |
somnium, somni(i) N | dream, vision; fantasy, day-dream |
somnus, somni M | sleep |
sopor, soporis M | deep sleep |
sors, sortis F | lot, fate; oracular response |
spatium, spati(i) N | space; area/expanse, room; intervening space, gap/interval; length/width |
species, speciei F | sight, appearance, show; splendor, beauty; kind, type |
spectaculum, spectaculi N | show, spectacle; spectators' seats |
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus | observe, watch, look at, see; test; consider |
spero, sperare, speravi, speratus | hope for; trust; look forward to; hope |
spes, spei F | hope/anticipation/expectation; prospect/hope/promise |
spiritus, spiritus M | breath, breathing, air, soul, life |
stabulum, stabuli N | stall/stable/enclosure/fold; lair/den; herd; garage |
statim | at once, immediately |
statuo, statuere, statui, statutus | set up, establish, set, place, build; decide, think |
stirps, stirpis | race |
struo, struere, struxi, structus | build, construct |
studium, studi(i) N | eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal, spirit; devotion, pursuit, study |
suadeo, suadere, suasi, suasus | urge, recommend; suggest; induce; propose, persuade, advise |
subeo, subire, subivi(ii), subitus | go/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in on |
sublimis, sublime, sublimior -or -us, sublimissimus -a -um | high, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position |
succedo, succedere, successi, successus | climb; advance; follow; succeed in |
suppleo, supplere, supplevi, suppletus | supply |
supra | on top; more; above; before, formerly |
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus | rise, lift; grow |
suspicio, suspicere, suspexi, suspectus | look up to; admire |
tabula, tabulae F | writing tablet; records; document, deed, will; list |
tardus, tarda -um, tardior -or -us, tardissimus -a -um | slow, limping; deliberate; late |
telum, teli N | dart, spear; weapon, javelin; bullet |
tempestas, tempestatis F | season, time, weather; storm |
tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatus | test, try; urge; worry; bribe |
tenebra, tenebrae F | darkness, obscurity; night; dark corner; ignorance; concealment; gloom |
tenuis, tenue, tenuior -or -us, tenuissimus -a -um | thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble |
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus | frighten, scare, terrify, deter |
thalamus, thalami M | bedroom; marriage |
thesaurus, thesauri M | treasure chamber/vault/repository; treasure; hoard; collected precious objects |
timeo, timere, timui, - | fear, dread, be afraid |
tinguo, tinguere, tinxi, tinctus | wet/moisten/dip/soak; color/dye/tinge/tint, stain; imbue; impregnate |
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus | lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away |
tonitruum, tonitrui N | thunder |
trabs, trabis F | tree trunk; log, club, spear; beam, timber, rafter; ship, vessel; roof, house |
transfero, transferre, transtuli, translatus | transport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplant |
transmitto, transmittere, transmisi, transmissus | send across; go across; transmit |
tres, tres, tria | three |
tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus | divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute |
tristis, tristis, triste | sad, sorrowful; gloomy |
tueor, tueri, tutus sum | see, look at; protect, watch; uphold |
tumulus, tumuli M | mound, hillock; mound, tomb |
turba, turbae F | commotion, uproar, turmoil, tumult, disturbance; crowd, mob, multitude |
turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatus | disturb, agitate, throw into confusion |
turpis, turpe, turpior -or -us, turpissimus -a -um | ugly; nasty; disgraceful; indecent; base, shameful, disgusting, repulsive |
tus, turis N | frankincense |
tyrannus, tyranni M | tyrant; despot; monarch, absolute ruler; king, prince |
ultra, ulterius, ultimum | beyond, further; on the other side; more, more than, in addition, besides |
umbra, umbrae F | shade; ghost; shadow |
umerus, umeri M | upper arm, shoulder |
utinam | if only, would that |
utor, uti, usus sum | use, make use of, enjoy; enjoy the friendship of |
validus, valida, validum | strong, powerful; valid |
vasto, vastare, vastavi, vastatus | lay waste, ravage, devastate |
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus | bear, carry, convey; pass, ride, sail |
velum, veli N | sail, covering; curtain |
velut | just as, as if |
venalis, venalis, venale | for sale; on hire; open to the influence of bribes |
venerabilis, venerabilis, venerabile | venerable, august |
veneror, venerari, veneratus sum | adore, revere, do homage to, honor, venerate; worship; beg, pray, entreat |
venor, venari, venatus sum | hunt |
ventus, venti M | wind |
ver, veris N | spring; spring-time of life, youth |
verso, versare, versavi, versatus | keep turning/going round, spin, whirl; turn over and over; stir; maneuver |
verumtamen | but yet, nevertheless, but even so, still |
vestigium, vestigi(i) N | step, track; trace; footstep |
vestimentum, vestimenti N | garment, robe; clothes |
veto, vetare, vetui, vetitus | forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent |
vetus, veteris (gen.), veterior -or -us, veterrimus -a -um | old, aged, ancient; former; veteran, experienced; long standing, chronic |
victor, (gen.), victoris | triumphant |
victoria, victoriae F | victory |
videlicet | one may see; clearly, evidently |
viginti | 20 |
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctus | bind, fetter; restrain |
virgineus, virginea, virgineum | virgin; of/appropriate for/haunted by marriageable age girls; unworked |
viridis, viridis, viride | fresh, green; blooming,youthful |
vis, viris F | strength, force, power, might, violence; resources; large body |
vis, vis F | strength, force, power, might, violence |
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus | avoid, shun; evade |
volucer, volucris, volucre | winged; able to fly; flying; in rapid motion, fleet/swift; transient, fleeting |
voluntas, voluntatis F | will, desire; purpose; good will; wish, favor, consent |
vulgus, vulgi N | common people/general public/multitude/common herd/rabble/crowd/mob; flock |
vulnus, vulneris N | wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love |
Words occurring
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Achilles, Achillis M | Achilles, Greek hero |
Aegides, Aegidae M | son of Aegeus; descendants of Aegeus |
Aegyptius, Aegyptia, Aegyptium | Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt |
Aemilius, Aemilia, Aemilium | Aemilian; of Aemilius gens |
Aeneades, Aeneadas/ae | son of Aeneas |
Africus, Africa, Africum | African; from the southwest |
Alexandrinus, Alexandrina, Alexandrinum | Alexandrian, of/belonging to Alexandria |
Alleluia | Halleluia, cry of joy and praise to God |
Alpis, Alpis F | Alps, mountains to the north of Italy |
Anchises, Anchisae | father of Aeneas |
Anticato, Anticatonis M | title of books which Caesar wrote in reply to Cicero's panegyric Cato |
Antonius, Antonia, Antonium | Antony/Anthony |
Aquileia, Aquileiae F | Aquileia |
Aquisgranum, Aquisgrani N | Aachen |
Argi, Argorum | Argives |
Armenius, Armenia, Armenium | Armenian |
Augustinus, Augustini M | Augustine |
Bacchus, Bacchi M | Bacchus, god of wine/vine; the vine, wine |
Bootes, Bootae | the constellation Bootes |
Britannus, Britanni M | Britons |
Brito, Britonis M | Briton, inhabitant of Britain |
Brundisium, Brundisii | city on the heel of the Italian peninsula |
Brutus, Bruti M | Brutus |
C., abb. | Gaius; centum/100 |
CCCC | 400, as a Roman numeral |
Cadmus, Cadmi | Cadmus, founder of Thebes |
Calymne, Calymnes | the island of Calymne |
Carolus, Caroli M | Charles |
Carthago, Carthaginis F | Carthage |
Catilina, Catilinae | Catiline, conspirator against Rome |
Cato, Catonis M | Cato |
Cerberos, Cerberi M | Cerberus |
Cerealis, Cerealis, Cereale | of/associated with Ceres, suitable for festival of Ceres; of wheat |
Ceres, Cereris F | Ceres; wheat; bread; food |
Chaos, Chai N | Chaos, pit of Hell, underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter |
Claudius, Claudi M | Claudius; Lame |
Clodius, Clodia, Clodium | Claudian; of Claudius gens |
Constantinus, Constantini M | Constantine |
Cotta, Cottae M | Cotta |
Crete, Cretes F | Crete, island of Crete |
Cyclops, Cyclopos/is M | Cyclops; one of the Cyclopes |
Danaus, a, um | Greek |
Danus, Dani M | Dane |
Delos, Deli | the island of Delos |
Dialis, Dialis, Diale | of Jupiter; of flamen Dialis; heavenly/aerial |
Diana, Dianae F | Diana; moon |
Dis, Ditis M | Dis; deity/godhead; Jupiter |
Dolabella, Dolabellae M | Dolabella |
Eurus, Euri | east wind; the east |
Ezechiel, Ezechielis M | Ezechiel |
Flaccus, Flacci M | Flaccus |
Galatea, Galateae F | Galatia, region of Asia Minor |
Gergovia, Gergoviae F | Gergovia |
Giganteus, Gigantea, Giganteum | of/connected with the Giants; like that of the Giants |
Graecia, Graeciae F | Greece |
Hadrianus, Hadriana, Hadrianum | Adriatic, of the Adriatic Sea; of the Emperor Hadrian |
Hannibal, Hannibalis M | Hannibal |
Hector, Hectoris M | Hector |
Helice, Helices | the constellation Helice, Ursa Major |
Hispania, Hispaniae F | Spain; Spanish peninsula |
Ilion, Ilii N | Ilium, Troy |
Jesus, Jesu M | Jesus |
Joannes, Joannis M | John |
Junonius, -a, -um | pertaining to Juno |
K., abb. | Kaeso/Caeso |
Kyrie, undeclined M | Oh Lord |
Latinus, Latina, Latinum | Latin; of Latium; of/in Latin; Roman/Italian |
Lebinthos, Lebinthi | the island of Lebinthos |
Leo, Leonis M | Leo; priests of Persian god Mithras |
Levita, Levitae M | deacon; Levite |
Lucius, Luci M | Lucius |
Marius, Mari M | Marius |
Mars, Martis M | Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms |
Mauricius, Mauricia, Mauricium | Moorish; Mauretanian |
Mercurius, Mercurii M | Mercury |
Minerva, Minervae F | Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom |
Mithridates, Mithridatis M | Mithridates |
Mulciber, Mulciberis M | surname of Vulcan; P:fire |
Mycenae, Mycenarum | Mycenae |
Neptunus, Neptuni M | Neptune; sea |
Orion, Orionis/os | the constellation Orion |
P., abb. | Publius |
Paris, Paridis | Paris of Troy |
Paros, Pari | the island of Paros |
Parthus, Parthi M | Parthian; inhabitant of Parthia |
Pelasgus, Pelasgi M | ancient Greek |
Persis, (gen.), Persidos | Persian |
Philippus, Philippi M | Philip |
Phoebe, Phoebes F | Diana; moon goddess |
Phrygius, Phrygia, Phrygium | Phrygian, of Phyrigia; Trojan |
Pluto, Plutonis M | Pluto; king of underworld |
Pompeianus, Pompeiana, Pompeianum | Pompeian; of/belonging to member of Pompian gens |
Pompeius, Pompeia, Pompeium | Pompeius; Roman gens; , triumvir) |
Priamus, Priami | Priam, king of Troy |
Publius, Publi M | Publius |
Pyrenaeus, Pyrenaea, Pyrenaeum | Pyrenees |
Q., abb. | Quintus |
Quiris, Quiritis | citizens of Rome collectively in their peacetime functions |
Ravenna, Ravennae F | Ravenna |
Rhodanus, Rhodani M | Rhone |
Samos, Sami | the island of Samos |
Saturnius, -a, -um | of Saturn |
Scipio, Scipionis M | Scipio |
Sicilia, Siciliae F | Sicily |
Spartanus, Spartana, Spartanum | Spartan |
Spes, Spei F | Spes, goddess of hope; hope personified |
Sphinx, Sphingis F | Sphinx |
Syria, Syriae F | Syria |
Syrius, Syrii M | Syrian, of Syria |
Tartarum, Tartari N | infernal regions, the underworld |
Thracius, Thracia, Thracium | Thracian, of/belonging to Thrace; gem |
Thrax, Thracis M | Thracian; gladiator with saber and short shield, gladiator |
Tiberis, Tiberis | Tiber |
Titan, Titanos/is M | Titan |
Trinitas, Trinitatis F | number three; triad, trinity; the Holy/Blessed Trinity |
Trio, Trionis M | oxen used for plowing; constellations Great/Little Bear |
Trojanus, Trojana, Trojanum | Trojan |
Tyrius, -a, -um | Tyrian, of Tyre |
V | 5, as a Roman numeral |
Valerius, Valeria, Valerium | of Valerius, Roman gens; P. V. Publicola, one of the first consuls |
Venus, Veneris F | Venus, Roman goddess of sexual love and generation; planet Venus; charm/grace |
Vestalis, Vestalis, Vestale | Vestal, of Vesta |
XI | 11, as a Roman numeral |
Zephyrus, Zephyri M | Zephyr, the west wind |
abbatissa, abbatissae F | abbess |
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditus | remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal |
abigo, abigere, abegi, abactus | drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder, rustle; seduce |
abominor, abominari, abominatus sum | avert; avert; loathe, detest, abhor |
abripio, abripere, abripui, abreptus | drag/snatch/carry/remove away by force; wash/blow away; abduct, kidnap |
abrumpo, abrumpere, abrupi, abruptus | break; break off; tear asunder; cut through, sever; remove, separate |
abs | by, from; after |
abscedo, abscedere, abscessi, abscessus | withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede; slough |
abscido, abscidere, abscidi, abscisus | hew/cut off/away/out; fell/cut down; remove, separate/cut off/destroy, divide |
absens, (gen.), absentis | absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere, non-existent |
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolutus | free, release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up |
absorbeo, absorbere, absorbui, absorptus | devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up |
absterreo, absterrere, absterrui, absterritus | frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den |
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus | drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split |
abstulo, abstulere, -, - | to take away, withdraw |
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus | spend, waste, squander, use up; take up; consume; exhaust, wear out |
abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatus | abound, have in large measure; overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous |
abyssus, abyssi F | deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bowels of the earth; primal chaos |
acanthos, acanthi M | bear's-foot, hellbore; gum arabic tree/wood |
accensus, accensi M | attendant/orderly; supernumerary soldier |
accerso, accersere, accersivi, accersitus | send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on onesel |
accido, accidere, accidi, accisus | cut, cut into/down/up, hack, hew, fell; overthrow, destroy; cut short; weaken |
accingo, accingere, accinxi, accinctus | gird on or about, surround; equip, provide; get ready, prepare |
accommodo, accommodare, accommodavi, accommodatus | adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to |
accubo, accubare, accubui, accubitus | lie near or by; recline at table |
acer, acris -e, acrior -or -us, acerrimus -a -um | sharp, bitter, pointed, piercing, shrill; sagacious, keen; severe, vigorous |
acerra, acerrae F | box or casket for incense |
acervus, acervi M | mass/heap/pile/stack; treasure, stock; large quantity; cluster; funeral pile |
acies, aciei F | sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line/array; sight, glance; pupil of eye |
acroama, acroamatis N | entertainment at table/reading/music, act; reader, actor, singer, clown |
acsi | as if |
actio, actionis F | act, action, activity, deed; incident; , plot; legal process, suit; plea |
actor, actoris M | actor, performer, doer; advocate; plaintiff; agent; player |
actum, acti N | act, deed, transaction; acts, exploits; chronicles, record |
acus, acus F | needle, pin; hair-pin; pipefish, needlefish; detail; husks/chaff |
acutus, acuta -um, acutior -or -us, acutissimus -a -um | sharp, sharpened, pointed/tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitched |
ad | about |
adclamo, adclamare, adclamavi, adclamatus | shout, cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud |
adclinis, adclinis, adcline | leaning/resting; sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined |
adclino, adclinare, adclinavi, adclinatus | lay down, rest, lean against/towards, incline |
adclivis, adclivis, adclive | rising, sloping upward |
adcurro, adcurrere, adcurri, adcursus | run/hasten to; come/rush up; charge, rush to attack |
adeo | to such a degree/pass/point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly, even |
adequito, adequitare, adequitavi, adequitatus | ride up to/towards/near, gallop up |
adfecto, adfectare, adfectavi, adfectatus | aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend |
adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatus | bring to, carry, convey; report, bring word, allege, announce; produce, cause |
adfinis, adfinis, adfine | neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related, akin, connected |
adfinitas, adfinitatis F | relation by marriage; relationship, bond/union; neighborhood |
adgravo, adgravare, adgravavi, adgravatus | aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further |
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus | summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to |
adicio, adicere, adjeci, adjectus | add, increase, raise; add to; suggest; hurl; throw to/at |
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus | withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue |
adjicio, adjicere, adjeci, adjectus | add, increase, raise; add to; suggest; hurl; throw to/at |
adjungo, adjungere, adjunxi, adjunctus | add, attach, join to, add to, support; apply to; harness, yoke; direct; confer |
adjuro, adjurare, adjuravi, adjuratus | swear by/solemnly; affirm with oath; charge/entreat/urge |
adjutor, adjutoris M | assistant, deputy; accomplice; supporter; secretary; assistant schoolmaster |
adjutorium, adjutori(i) N | help, assistance, support; argumentation |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvi, adjutus | help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable |
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvavi, adjuvatus | help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable |
adlego, adlegere, adlegi, adlectus | choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint |
adludo, adludere, adlusi, adlusus | frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to |
administro, administrare, administravi, administratus | administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver; bestow |
admiratio, admirationis F | wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel |
admoneo, admonere, admonui, admonitus | admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution |
admoveo, admovere, admovi, admotus | move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add |
adopto, adoptare, adoptavi, adoptatus | adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally |
adorno, adornare, adornavi, adornatus | equip, get ready, prepare; set off; adorn, array, embellish; honor, endow |
adoro, adorare, adoravi, adoratus | honor, adore, worship, pay homage, reverence; beg, plead with, appeal to |
adpello, adpellere, adpuli, adpulsus | drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land |
adpeto, adpetere, adpetivi, adpetitus | seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near |
adpono, adponere, adposui, adpositus | place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign |
adprehendo, adprehendere, adprehendi, adprehensus | seize, grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake |
adprimus, adprima, adprimum | very first, most excellent |
adquiro, adquirere, adquisivi, adquisitus | acquire besides/in addition, obtain, gain, win, get; add to stock; accrue |
adscisco, adsciscere, adscivi, adscitus | adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim |
adsentio, adsentire, adsensi, adsensus | assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of, agree |
adsiduus, adsidua -um, adsiduior -or -us, adsiduissimus -a -um | constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class |
adsisto, adsistere, adstiti, adstatus | take a position/stand, attend; appear before; set/place near |
adsto, adstare, adstiti, - | stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet |
adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus | be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid |
adsumo, adsumere, adsumpsi, adsumptus | take, adopt/raise, use; assume/receive; insert/add; usurp/claim |
adtentus, adtenta -um, adtentior -or -us, adtentissimus -a -um | attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical |
adulescens, adulescentis (gen.), adulescentior -or -us, adulescentissimus -a -um | young, youthful; "minor" |
adulescentulus, adulescentula, adulescentulum | very youthful, quite young |
adulterium, adulteri(i) N | adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination |
adultero, adulterare, adulteravi, adulteratus | commit adultery, defile; falsify, counterfeit, debase, corrupt |
adultus, adulta -um, adultior -or -us, adultissimus -a -um | grown, mature, ripe; adult; at peak/height/full strength |
adumbro, adumbrare, adumbravi, adumbratus | sketch out, silhouette, outline, represent; shade, screen, obscure; feign |
aduno, adunare, adunavi, adunatus | unite, make one |
aduro, adurere, adussi, adustus | scorch, singe; burn; consume in fire |
advenus, advena, advenum | foreign, alien; migrant; recently arrived; unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant |
adversarius, adversaria, adversarium | opposed, hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial |
advolo, advolare, advolavi, advolatus | fly to, dash to, hasten towards |
aedilis, aedilis M | aedile- commissioner of police/fire/markets/games; sacristan |
aedituus, aeditui M | sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; priest |
aedon, aedonis F | nightingale |
aemulus, aemula, aemulum | envious, jealous, grudging, comparable/equal |
aequalitas, aequalitatis F | evenness; equality, uniformity, symmetry |
aequiparo, aequiparare, aequiparavi, aequiparatus | become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken |
aequoreus, aequorea, aequoreum | of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea |
aequus, aequa -um, aequior -or -us, aequissimus -a -um | level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented |
aerarius, aerari(i) M | lowest class citizen, pays poll tax but cannot vote/hold office; coppersmith |
aereus, aerea, aereum | made of/bound with/armored with/of the color of copper/bronze/brass |
aestas, aestatis F | summer; summer heat/weather; a year |
aestimatio, aestimationis F | valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages |
aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatus | value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge; esteem |
aestuo, aestuare, aestuavi, aestuatus | boil, seethe, foam; billow roll in waves; be agitated/hot; burn; waver |
aestuosus, aestuosa -um, aestuosior -or -us, aestuosissimus -a -um | burning hot, glowing, sweltering, sultry; fevered; seething, raging |
aestus, aestus M | agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell |
aesum, aesi N | live-forever, houseleek |
aeternaliter | forever |
aeternus, aeterna -um, aeternior -or -us, aeternissimus -a -um | eternal/everlasting/imperishable; perpetual, w/out start/end |
aetherius, aetheria, aetherium | ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty |
aetna, aetnae | a volcano on the east coast of Sicily |
aevum, aevi N | time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time |
affero, afferre, attuli, allatus | bring to, carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause |
afficio, afficere, affeci, affectus | affect, make impression; move, influence; cause, afflict, weaken |
afflicto, afflictare, afflictavi, afflictatus | shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex |
agero, agerere, -, - | take away, remove |
agito, agitare, agitavi, agitatus | stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue |
agna, agnae F | ear of grain; straw/blade |
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus | recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility |
agrarius, agraria, agrarium | agrarian; of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate |
agrestis, agrestis, agreste | rustic, inhabiting countryside; rude, wild, savage; of/passing through fields |
albeo, albere, -, - | be/appear white/pale/light-colored/white with age |
albinus, albini M | plasterer, one who covers walls with stucco/plaster |
albo, albare, albavi, albatus | make white |
albus, alba -um, albior -or -us, albissimus -a -um | white, pale, fair, hoary, gray; bright, clear; favorable, auspicious, fortunate |
alea, aleae F | game of dice; die; dice-play; gambling, risking; chance, venture, risk, stake |
ales, alitis | bird; eagle; winged god/monster; omen/augury |
algidus, algida, algidum | cold |
alicubi | somewhere, anywhere; elsewhere; occasionally |
alienus, aliena -um, alienior -or -us, alienissimus -a -um | foreign; unconnected; another's; contrary; unworthy; averse, hostile; mad |
alimentum, alimenti N | food/nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood; alms; fuel |
alioquin | otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general |
aliqua | somehow, in some way or another, by some means or other; to some extent |
aliquam | largely, to a large extent, a lot of |
aliquamdiu | for some time, for a considerable time/distance, for a while |
aliunde | from another person/place, from elsewhere/a different source/cause/material |
alligo, alligare, alligavi, alligatus | bind/fetter; bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in |
alloquium, alloqui(i) N | address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words |
almus, alma, almum | nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering |
alter | the one... the other; otherwise |
altitudo, altitudinis F | height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy |
alto, altare, altavi, altatus | raise, make high, elevate |
altum, alti N | the deep, the sea; deep water; a height/depth; remote/obscure period/source |
alumnus, alumna, alumnum | nourished, brought up; reared/fostered by; native, brought up locally |
alveus, alvei M | cavity, hollow; tub; trough, bowl, tray; gameboard; beehive; canoe |
amabilis, amabile, amabilior -or -us, amabilissimus -a -um | worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful |
amans, amantis (gen.), amantior -or -us, amantissimus -a -um | loving/fond/affectionate; beloved/dear to; friendly/kind; having love/affection |
ambages, ambagis F | circuit; roundabout way; long story, details; riddle; ambiguity; lie; mystery |
ambigo, ambigere, -, - | hesitate, be in doubt; argue, dispute, contend; call in question; be at issue |
ambitio, ambitionis F | ambition; desire for/currying favor/popularity, flattery; vote canvassing; pomp |
ambo, ambae, ambo | both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two |
amens, amentis (gen.), amentior -or -us, amentissimus -a -um | insane, demented, out of one's mind; very excited, frantic, distracted; foolish |
amentia, amentiae F | madness; extreme folly, infatuation, stupidity; frenzy, violent excitement |
amicio, amicire, amixi, amictus | clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words |
amnis, amnis M | river, stream; current; water; the river Ocean |
amoveo, amovere, amovi, amotus | move/take/put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire |
amplio, ampliare, ampliavi, ampliatus | enlarge, augment, intensify, widen; ennoble, glorify; postpone, adjourn |
analogia, analogiae F | ratio, proportion; analogy/similarity |
anceps, (gen.), ancipitis | two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold |
ancilla, ancillae F | slave girl; maid servant; handmaid; nun |
ancisus, ancisa, ancisum | cut up, chopped up; cut around/away |
ancus, anci M | group of musical notes |
andron, andronis M | corridor, hallway, aisle, passage; men's apartment in a house |
angelicus, angelica, angelicum | angelic; of an angel; belonging to angels |
angelus, angeli M | angel; messenger |
anguis, anguis | snake, serpent; dragon; Draco, Serpens, Hydra |
angulus, anguli M | angle, apex; corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot |
anhelitus, anhelitus M | panting, puffing, gasping, shortness of breath; breath, exhalation; bad breath |
anhelo, anhelare, anhelavi, anhelatus | pant, gasp; breathe/gasp out, belch forth, exhale; utter breathlessly |
animal, animalis N | animal, living thing/offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect |
animalis, animalis F | animal, living creature |
annosus, annosa, annosum | aged, old, full of years; long-lived; immemorial |
antea | before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past |
antecedo, antecedere, antecessi, antecessus | precede, go before/ahead/in front of, attain before; excel, surpass, outstrip |
anteeo, anteire, anteivi(ii), anteitus | go/walk before/ahead, precede, antedate; surpass; anticipate; prevent |
antefero, anteferre, antetuli, antelatus | carry before; place before/in front of; bring in advance, anticipate; prefer |
antequam | before, sooner than; until |
anticipo, anticipare, anticipavi, anticipatus | occupy beforehand; anticipate, get the lead, get ahead of; have preconception |
antiphonus, antiphona, antiphonum | antiphonal |
antistes, antistitis | bishop, abbot, prelate; master; occasionally applied to those of inferior rank |
anulus, anuli M | ring, signet ring; circlet; ringlet/curl of hair; link of mail; fetters, irons |
anxius, anxia, anxium | anxious, uneasy, disturbed; concerned; careful; prepared with care; troublesome |
apertus, aperta -um, apertior -or -us, apertissimus -a -um | open/public/free; uncovered/exposed/opened; frank/clear/manifest; cloudless |
apex, apicis M | point, top, summit; cap, crown; conical priest cap; highest honor |
apium, api(i) N | wild celery; parsley; like plants |
appello, appellere, appuli, appulsus | drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land |
appeto, appetere, appetivi, appetitus | seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near |
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus | approach; come near to, draw near/nigh; be close |
apto, aptare, aptavi, aptatus | adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish |
aquilo, aquilonis M | north wind; NNE/NE wind; north; Boreas |
arator, aratoris M | plowman; farmer; cultivators of public land on tenths |
arbiter, arbitri M | eye-witness, on-looker; umpire, judge, arbiter; overseer, lord; executor |
arbitrium, arbitri(i) N | arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority |
arbitro, arbitrare, arbitravi, arbitratus | think, judge; consider; be settled/decided on |
arcessio, arcessire, arcessivi, arcesitus | send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on onesel |
arcesso, arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitus | send for, summon, indict; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself |
arcus, arcus M | bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved |
ardens, ardentis (gen.), ardentior -or -us, ardentissimus -a -um | burning, flaming, glowing, fiery; shining, brilliant; eager, ardent, passionate |
ardor, ardoris M | fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity |
arduus, ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um | steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult |
argumentum, argumenti N | proof; evidence, fact; argument; conclusion; reason, basis; subject/plot |
arguo, arguere, argui, argutus | prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict |
aries, arietis M | ram; battering ram; the Ram; large unidentified marine animal |
armentum, armenti N | herd; a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses |
armo, armare, armavi, armatus | equip, fit with armor; arm; strengthen; rouse, stir; incite war; rig |
arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus | take hold of; seize, snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb |
artus, arta -um, artior -or -us, artissimus -a -um | close, firm, tight; thrifty; dense, narrow; strict; scarce, critical; brief |
artus, artus M | arm/leg/limb, joint, part of the body; frame, body; sexual members/organs |
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensus | climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward |
asperitas, asperitatis F | roughness; severity; difficulty; harshness; shrillness, sharpness; fierceness |
assero, asserere, assevi, assitus | plant/set at/near |
assuesco, assuescere, assuevi, assuetus | accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar |
assus, assa, assum | roasted, baked; dry; dry; w/unaccompanied voice |
ast | but, on the other hand/contrary; but yet; at least; in that event; if further |
astronomia, astronomiae F | astronomy, science of heavenly bodies |
athleta, athletae M | wrestler, boxer, athlete, one who is in public games; expert, old-hand; contest |
atrides, atridae | son of Atreus |
atrium, atri(i) N | atrium, reception hall in a Roman house; auction room; palace, house |
attamen | but yet, but however, nevertheless |
attendo, attendere, attendi, attentus | turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay attention to, listen carefully |
auctoritas, auctoritatis F | title, ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order |
audacia, audaciae F | boldness, daring, courage, confidence; recklessness, effrontery, audacity |
audax, audacis (gen.), audacior -or -us, audacissimus -a -um | bold, daring; courageous; reckless, rash; audacious, presumptuous; desperate |
audens, audentis (gen.), audentior -or -us, audentissimus -a -um | daring, bold, courageous; characterized by boldness/license of expression |
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus | bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain |
aufugio, aufugere, aufugi, - | flee, flee from, shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear, vanish |
augustus, augusta -um, augustior -or -us, augustissimus -a -um | sacred, venerable; majestic, august, solemn; dignified; worthy of honor |
aureus, aurei M | gold coin |
aurora, aurorae F | dawn, daybreak, sunrise; goddess of the dawn; Orient/East, peoples of the East |
auspicium, auspici(i) N | divination; omen; beginning; auspices; right of doing auspices |
auster, austeris -e, austerior -or -us, austerrimus -a -um | austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry; sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose |
auster, austri M | south; south wind; southern parts |
austerus, austera -um, austerior -or -us, austerissimus -a -um | austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry; sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose |
ausum, -, -, - | intend, be prepared; dare, act boldly, risk |
autumnus, autumna, autumnum | of autumn, autumnal |
avaritia, avaritiae F | greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness |
avena, avenae F | reed, straw; shepherd's pipe, pan pipe; oats, wild oats, other allied grasses |
avis, avis F | bird; sign, omen, portent |
axis, axis M | axle, axis, pole; chariot; the sky, heaven; north pole; region, clime |
baca, bacae F | berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral |
bacchans, bacchantis F | votaries of Bacchus, Bacchantes |
bacchor, bacchari, bacchatus sum | celebrate rites of Bacchus; revel/rave/riot; run wild; be frenzied/raving mad |
baculum, baculi N | stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff; scepter; crozier |
ballaena, ballaenae F | whale |
balneum, balnei N | bath; bathtub; act of bathing; bathroom, bath place/rooms |
balsamum, balsami N | balsam; balsam tree/gum; balsam; balm |
baptismum, baptismi N | baptism; washing, sprinkling |
baptisterium, baptisterii N | plunge-bath, place for bathing/swimming; baptistery; baptismal font |
barbaricus, barbarica, barbaricum | outlandish; foreign, strange; barbarous, savage; of uncivilized world/people |
barbo, barbare, barbavi, barbatus | supply with a beard |
be | baa |
bellator, (gen.), bellatoris | warlike, martial; of war |
bellicus, bellica, bellicum | of war, military; warlike |
beneficium, benefici(i) N | kindness, favor, benefit, service, help; privilege, right |
benignus, benigna -um, benignior -or -us, benignissimus -a -um | kind, favorable, obliging; kindly, mild, affable; liberal, bounteous |
benivolentia, benivolentiae F | benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments |
bestia, bestiae F | beast, animal, creature; wild beast/animal, beast of prey in arena |
bibliothece, bibliotheces F | library |
biduum, bidui N | two days |
biforis, biforis, bifore | having two leaves/casements/openings, folding; from a double pipe |
biformis, biformis, biforme | of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms; two-faced |
bigus, biga, bigum | yoked two together |
bimaris, bimaris, bimare | situated between two seas; of/connected with two seas |
binus, bina, binum | two by two; 2 each; in pairs; 2 at time; on 2 occasions; double, twofold |
bipennis, bipennis, bipenne | two-edged; having two wings |
bipinnis, bipinnis, bipinne | two-edged; having two wings |
biremis, biremis, bireme | two-oared; having two oars to each bench/banks of oars; having two oars |
bithynia, bithyniae | a region in NW Asia Minor |
blanditia, blanditiae F | flattery, caress, compliment; charm, flatteries, enticement, courtship |
blandus, blanda -um, blandior -or -us, blandissimus -a -um | flattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive |
boa, boae F | large Italian snake; water serpent; disease with pustules |
botrus, botri F | grape |
brachium, brachi(i) N | arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts |
breviter, brevitius, brevitissime | shortly, briefly, in a nut shell; quickly; for/within a short distance/time |
brutus, bruta, brutum | heavy, unwieldy, inert; dull, stupid, brute; irrational, insensitive, brutish |
bucella, bucellae F | small mouthful of food, morsel; small bread divided among poor |
bustum, busti N | tomb, grave-mound; corpse; funeral pyre, ashes; heap of ashes |
caducus, caduca, caducum | escheatable, that heir/legatee does/can not take |
cadus, cadi M | jar, large jar for wine/oil/liquids; urn, funeral urn; money jar |
caedis, caedis F | murder/slaughter/massacre; assassination; feuding; slain/victims; blood/gore |
caelebs, caelibis M | unmarried man, bachelor, widower; celibate |
caena, caenae F | dinner/supper, principle Roman meal; course; meal; company at dinner |
caeno, caenare, caenavi, caenatus | dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of |
caenum, caeni N | mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; scum/filth |
caerimonia, caerimoniae F | ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity |
caerimonium, caerimoni(i) N | ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity |
caespes, caespitis M | grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth |
calamistrum, calamistri N | curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse |
calamus, calami M | reed, cane; reed pen; reed/pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag |
calathus, calathi M | wicker basket, flower basket; wine-cup; milk pail; cheese/curdled milk bowl |
calciamentum, calciamenti N | shoe; instrument for stretching hides |
calcio, calciare, calciavi, calciatus | put shoes on, furnish with shoes, shoe; put feet in something |
calco, calcare, calcavi, calcatus | tread/trample upon/under foot, crush; tamp/ram down; spurn; copulate |
calefio, caleferi, calefactus sum | be made/be warm/hot/heated/excited/roused/vexed/troubled |
caleo, calere, calui, - | be/feel/be kept warm; be hot with passion/inflamed/active/driven hotly/urged |
calidus, calida -um, calidior -or -us, calidissimus -a -um | warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place |
caligo, caliginis F | mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness |
callaica, callaicae F | precious stone |
callidus, callida -um, callidior -or -us, callidissimus -a -um | crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious |
calumnia, calumniae F | sophistry, sham; false accusation/claim/statement/pretenses/objection; quibble |
campanus, campana, campanum | flat; level |
camus, cami M | necklace; collar for neck; muzzle/bit/curb for horses |
cancellus, cancelli M | lattice/grate/grid; bars, barrier, enclosure; boundaries/limits; railings |
candido, candidare, candidavi, candidatus | make glittering/bright; make white |
canis, canis | dog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp |
canities, canitiei F | white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age |
canorus, canora, canorum | melodious, harmonious; resonant, ringing, sonorous; tuneful; songful, vocal |
cantus, cantus M | song, chant; singing; cry; blast; poem, poetry; incantation |
canus, cana, canum | white, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w/snow/frost |
capax, capacis (gen.), capacior -or -us, capacissimus -a -um | large, spacious, roomy, big; capable, fit, competent; has right to inherit |
capella, capellae F | chapel; choir |
carbasus, carbasa, carbasum | made of linen/flax |
carbo, carbonis M | charcoal; glowing coal; pencil/marker; worthless thing; charred remains; coal |
carchesium, carchesi(i) N | type of drinking-cup/beaker; mast-head of ship; kind of derrick, crane |
carina, carinae F | keel, bottom of ship, hull; boat, ship, vessel; voyage; half walnut shell |
caro, carnis F | meat, flesh; the body; pulpy/fleshy/soft parts, sapwood; low passions |
carus, cara -um, carior -or -us, carissimus -a -um | dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive |
castanea, castaneae F | chestnut-tree, chestnut |
castigo, castigare, castigavi, castigatus | chastise/chasten, punish; correct, reprimand/dress down, castigate; neutralize |
castus, casta -um, castior -or -us, castissimus -a -um | pure, moral; chaste, virtuous, pious; sacred; spotless; free from/untouched by |
casus, casus M | fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate |
catena, catenae F | chain; series; fetter, bond, restraint; imprisonment, captivity |
caterva, catervae F | crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm |
catervatim | in troops/bands/large numbers; in masses; in herds/flocks/swarms |
cathedra, cathedrae F | armchair, easy chair; cushioned seat/stool; sedan |
cauda, caudae F | tail; extreme part/tail of anything; penis; train/edge/trail |
cautus, cauta -um, cautior -or -us, cautissimus -a -um | cautious/careful; circumspect, prudent; wary, on guard; safe/secure; made safe |
caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus | beware, avoid, take precautions/defensive action; give/get surety; stipulate |
cavo, cavare, cavavi, cavatus | hollow out, make concave/hollow; excavate; cut/pierce through; carve in relief |
cavus, cava, cavum | hollow, excavated, hollowed out; concave; enveloping; porous |
celebratio, celebrationis F | celebrating a festival/mass; throng/crowd, audience/gathering; common use/vogue |
celeritas, celeritatis F | speed, quickness, rapidity; speed of action, dispatch; haste; early date |
celeriter, celerius, celerrime | quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at once/early moment; in short period |
celeuma, celeumatis N | call of bosun giving time to rowers; song, shout |
cella, cellae F | storeroom, cellar, larder; temple chamber, sanctuary; room, garret; pen |
cellula, cellulae F | small/slave's room; lowly apartment/dwelling/hut; porter's lodge; whore's crib |
celo, celare, celavi, celatus | conceal, hide, keep secret; disguise; keep in dark/in ignorance; shield |
celsus, celsa, celsum | high, lofty, tall; haughty; arrogant/proud; prominent, elevated; erect; noble |
censorius, censoria, censorium | of/belonging to/dealt with by/having been a censor, censorial; austere, moral |
centenus, centena, centenum | hundred |
cerebrum, cerebri N | brain; top of the head, skull; bud; seat of senses/intelligence; anger/wrath |
cereus, cerea, cereum | waxed, waxen, of/like wax; wax colored/pale yellow; pliant/soft; easily moved |
certamen, certaminis N | contest, competition; battle, combat, struggle; rivalry; dispute |
certatim | with rivalry, in competition; earnestly, eagerly |
cervicale, cervicalis N | pillow, cushion |
cervix, cervicis F | neck, nape; severed neck/head; cervix, neck |
cervos, cervi M | stag/deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise |
cestus, cestus M | boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands |
ceterum | moreover; but yet; still, for the rest, but, besides; in other respects |
ceu | as, in the same way/just as; for example, like; as if; as it were |
chalybs, chalybis M | iron/steel; iron weapons/implements; sword; horse bit; arrow point; rail |
charitas, charitatis F | charity; love of God |
charta, chartae F | paper/papyrus; record/letter, book/writing; thin metal sheet/leaf |
chelydrus, chelydri M | venomous water-snake |
chelyn | lyre, harp; tortoise shell; tortoise |
chirographon, chirographi N | own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise |
chlamys, chlamydos/is F | Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle |
chorus, chori M | chorus; choral passage in a play; dancing/singing performance/ers; school |
chrisma, chrismatis N | anointing, unction; sacred oils |
cibo, cibare, cibavi, cibatus | feed, give food/fodder to animals/men; eat, take food |
ciborium, ciborii N | drinking cup |
cinis, cineris | ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation |
cinnus, cinni M | drink of mixed spelt-grain and wine |
circensis, circensis, circense | of the Circus; associated with games in circus; used at circus |
circius, circii M | wind between north and west; WNW wind |
circum | around, about, among, near, in neighborhood of; in circle around |
circumfero, circumferre, circumtuli, circumlatus | carry/hand/pass/spread/move/take/cast around; publicize; divulge |
circumfluus, circumflua, circumfluum | flowing/flowed around; encircled/surrounded/skirted by; immersed |
circumfusus, circumfusa, circumfusum | surrounded; draped around; distributed; extra, superfluous |
circumsto, circumstare, circumsteti, circumstatus | stand/gather/crowd around, surround, beset; be on either side |
circus, circi M | race course; circus in Rome, celebration of games; circle; orbit |
citer, citera -um, citerior -or -us, citimus -a -um | near/on this side; nearer; sooner/earlier, urgent; next; least |
cithara, citharae F | cithara, lyre; lute, guitar |
citrum, citri N | wood of citron tree; furniture/table made of citron/citrus-wood |
citus, cita -um, citior -or -us, citissimus -a -um | quick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; early |
civica, civicae F | civic crown/garland of oak-leaves |
clamor, clamoris M | shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting, applause; clamor/noise/din |
claudico, claudicare, claudicavi, claudicatus | limp, be lame; waver, incline to one side; be defective/deficient/fall short |
claustrum, claustri N | bolt; key; bars, enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam |
clausula, clausulae F | end/conclusion; close; clause |
clava, clavae F | club, cudgel; staff; knotty/rough/wooden stick; exercise sword; Spartan scytale |
clericus, clerici M | clergyman, priest, cleric, clerk; scholar, student, scribe, secretary |
cliens, clientis | client, dependent, vassal; client state/its citizens, allies |
clivus, clivi M | slope, incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface |
cluo, cluere, -, - | purify; cleanse, make clean |
clypeum, clypei N | round/embossed shield; disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite |
coctilis, coctilis, coctile | baked/burned; made/built of/of baked/burned bricks; cooked |
codex, codicis M | trunk of tree; piece/block of wood; blockhead; book; note/account book |
codicellus, codicelli M | notepad, small log; writing tablets; patent; petition to Emperor; will/codicil |
coelestis, coeleste, coelestior -or -us, coelestissimus -a -um | heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods |
coelum, coeli N | sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah |
coena, coenae F | dinner/supper, principle Roman meal; course; meal; company at dinner |
coeo, coire, coivi(ii), coitus | fit together; have sexual intercourse; collect/gather; meet; rally |
coeptus, coepta, coeptum | begun, started, commenced; undertaken |
coetus, coetus M | meeting, encounter, assembly; union; band, gang, crowd |
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus | think; consider, reflect on, ponder; imagine, picture; intend, look forward to |
cognatus, cognata, cognatum | related, related by birth/position, kindred; similar/akin; having affinity with |
cognomen, cognominis N | surname, family/3rd name; name |
cognomentum, cognomenti N | surname, family/3rd/allusive name; sobriquet; name; cult name of a god |
cognominor, cognominari, cognominatus sum | be named/surnamed/called |
coheres, coheredis | co-heir; joint heir |
cohors, cohortis F | court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd |
cohorto, cohortare, cohortavi, cohortatus | encourage, exhort |
collabor, collabi, collapsus sum | collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink |
collectaneus, collectanea, collectaneum | collected, assembled/gathered together from various sources |
collega, collegae | colleague; associate, fellow |
collegium, collegi(i) N | college/board; corporation; brotherhood/guild/company/society/school |
colligo, colligare, colligavi, colligatus | bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite/unify; fetter/bind; immobilize, stop |
collis, collis M | hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains |
colonia, coloniae F | colony/settlement or people thereof; colony of bees; land attached to farm |
colubra, colubrae F | serpent, snake; Furies; Hydra |
columna, columnae F | column/pillar, post/prop; portico |
comes, comitis | comrade, companion, associate, partner; soldier/devotee/follower of another |
comitium, comiti(i) N | place in Forum where comitia were held; comitia, assembly; elections |
commendatio, commendationis F | entrusting, committal; recommendation, praise; excellence; approval, esteem |
commentarium, commentari(i) N | notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise |
commentarius, commentari(i) M | notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise |
comminiscor, comminisci, commentus sum | devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend |
commino, comminare, comminavi, comminatus | drive together, round up |
comminuo, comminuere, comminui, comminutus | break/crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen |
comminus | hand to hand, in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of |
committo, committere, commisi, commissus | bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust |
commoneo, commonere, commonui, commonitus | remind, warn; bring to recollection; impress upon one |
commoro, commorare, commoravi, commoratus | stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed; dwell on |
commoror, commorari, commoratus sum | stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed; dwell on |
communico, communicare, communicavi, communicatus | share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with |
communio, communionis F | community, mutual participation; association; sharing; fellowship; communion |
commuto, commutare, commutavi, commutatus | change; alter wholly, rearrange, replace; transform; exchange, barter, sell |
como, comere, comsi, comtus | arrange/do; adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out |
comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatus | prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise; unite |
compello, compellere, compuli, compulsus | drive together, round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash |
comperio, comperire, comperi, compertus | learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty |
complecto, complectere, complecti, complexus | embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve |
complementum, complementi N | complement, something that fills out/up or completes |
compunctio, compunctionis F | puncture, prick; remorse, sting/prick of conscience |
conbibo, conbibere, conbibi, - | drink completely/together/up; hold back; absorb, soak in; swallow up |
concentus, concentus M | singing/playing/shouting together; harmony; concord; tune; choir |
conchyliatus, conchyliata, conchyliatum | purple-dyed; of a purple color; clothed in purple |
concilium, concili(i) N | public gathering/meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate/discussion |
concino, concinere, concinui, - | sing/chant/shout/sound together; celebrate in song; say same thing, agree |
concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptus | take in/up, receive, catch; derive/draw; contain/hold; grasp; adopt; wed |
concors, concordis (gen.), concordior -or -us, concordissimus -a -um | agreeing, concurring; like-minded; united, joint, shared; peaceful, harmonious |
concremo, concremare, concremavi, concrematus | consume by fire; burn up/down entirely/completely/thoroughly; burn together |
concubeo, concubere, concubui, concubitus | lie with; have sexual intercourse with |
concutio, concutere, concussi, concussus | shake/vibrate/agitate violently; wave, brandish; strike |
condemno, condemnare, condemnavi, condemnatus | condemn, doom, convict; find guilty; sentence; blame, censure, impugn |
condenso, condensare, condensavi, condensatus | compress; pack/press closely together; condense/make firm; grow thickly |
condicio, condicionis F | agreement/contract; terms, proposal/option/alternative; situation; stipulation |
conditor, conditoris M | original builder, founder; originator/creator; author; preserver; organizer |
conduco, conducere, conduxi, conductus | draw/bring together, collect, assemble; unite/join; cause to curdle/coagulate |
confero, conferre, contuli, conlatus | bring together, carry/convey; collect/gather, compare; unite, add; direct/aim |
confero, conferre, contuli, collatus | bring together, carry/convey; collect/gather, compare; unite, add; direct/aim |
confido, confidere, confisus sum | have confidence in, rely on, trust; believe, be confident/assured; be sure |
confinis, confinis, confine | adjoining, contiguous/having a common boundary; closely connected, allied, akin |
confio, conferi, confactus sum | be made/constructed/prepared/completed/accomplished/caused/performed/done |
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatus | strengthen, develop, build up; make secure/firm; reassure; secure |
conflagro, conflagrare, conflagravi, conflagratus | be on fire/burn; be burnt down/consumed/utterly destroyed; be/become inflamed |
confluo, confluere, confluxi, confluxus | flow/flock/come together/abundantly, meet/assemble; gather/collect; be brought |
confugio, confugere, confugi, confugitus | flee; take refuge; have recourse/appeal to |
congeries, congeriei F | heap, pile, mass; collection/accumulation; the ruins; chaos |
congero, congerere, congessi, congestus | collect, bring/get together, amass; heap/pile up/on; build, construct; compile |
congestus, congesta, congestum | brought together; pressed/crowded together; thick |
conicio, conicere, conjeci, conjectus | throw/put/pile together; conclude, infer/guess; assign, make go; classify, put |
conjugialis, conjugialis, conjugiale | of/belonging to marriage, conjugal, connubial, marital; of a husband |
conjunctio, conjunctionis F | union; mutual love/familiarity, match, fellowship; joint occurrence/conjunction |
conjunx, conjugis | spouse/mate/consort; husband/wife/bride/fiancee/intended; concubine; yokemate |
conjuratio, conjurationis F | conspiracy, plot, intrigue; alliance; band of conspirators; taking joint oath |
conlaudo, conlaudare, conlaudavi, conlaudatus | praise/extol highly; commend; eulogize |
conloco, conlocare, conlocavi, conlocatus | place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply |
conmoveo, conmovere, conmovi, conmotus | shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite |
conor, conari, conatus sum | attempt/try/endeavor, make an effort; exert oneself; try to go/rise/speak |
conpago, conpaginis F | fact/action of binding together, fastening; structure, framework |
conpello, conpellere, conpuli, conpulsus | drive together, round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash |
conpetitor, conpetitoris M | rival, competitor; other candidate for office; rival claimant |
conpeto, conpetere, conpetivi, conpetitus | meet; happen at same time, coincide; agree; be candidate/face together |
conpingo, conpingere, conpegi, conpactus | join/fix/attach; bind together; build/construct/compose; put/shut away, confine |
conplano, conplanare, conplanavi, conplanatus | make level/flat; smooth out; pull down, raze to the ground |
conprehendo, conprehendere, conprehendi, conprehensus | catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
conprendo, conprendere, conprendi, conprensus | catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive |
conpungo, conpungere, conpunxi, conpunctus | prick, puncture; goad, stimulate; mark with points, tattoo |
conputo, conputare, conputavi, conputatus | reckon/compute/calculate, sum/count; take/include in reckoning; work out |
conqueror, conqueri, conquestus sum | bewail, lament, utter a complaint; complain of, deplore |
conquestus, conquestus M | complaint, complaining |
conruo, conruere, conrui, conrutus | fall/break down, fall to ground/from height, collapse; be ruined, come to grief |
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensus | climb up, ascend, scale; rise to; mount; board/embark/set out |
conscius, consci(i) | accomplice, accessory; partner; confidante; one privy to; witness |
conscius, conscia, conscium | conscious, aware of, knowing, privy; sharing knowledge; guilty |
conscribo, conscribere, conscripsi, conscriptus | enroll/enlist/raise; write on/down, commit to/cover with writing; compos |
consentio, consentire, consensi, consensus | join/share in sensation/feeling; be in agreement/harmony; be of the same mind |
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatus | keep safe/intact, save; preserve, maintain; spare; keep/observe |
consido, considere, consedi, consessus | sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit, try; settle; alight; subside/sink |
consimilis, consimilis, consimile | like, very similar; similar in all respects |
consono, consonare, consonui, - | sound/utter/make noise together, harmonize; resound/re-echo; agree |
consors, (gen.), consortis | sharing inheritance/property; shared, in common; kindred, brotherly, sisterly |
consors, consortis | sharer; partner/associate/collogue/fellow; consort/wife; brother/sister; co-hei |
conspectus, conspectus M | view, sight; aspect/appearance/look; perception/contemplation/survey |
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus | observe/see/witness; notice; watch; gaze/stare on; catch/be in sight of; face |
constans, constantis (gen.), constantior -or -us, constantissimus -a -um | constant, unchanging; steadfast, resolute; steady, stable; immovable; secure |
consternatio, consternationis F | confusion/dismay/shock/alarm; excitement; disturbance/disorder; mutiny/sedition |
consterno, consternare, consternavi, consternatus | confound/shock/confuse/perplex/dismay; terrify/alarm/frighten, drive frantic |
construo, construere, construxi, constructus | heap/pile/load; make/build/construct; arrange; amass, collect |
consuesco, consuescere, consuevi, consuetus | accustom oneself; become/be accustomed/used; inure, habituate; familiarize |
consularius, consularia, consularium | consular, of/proper to a consul; of consular rank; proposed/governed by consul |
consulatus, consulatus M | consulship/consulate; office of consul; actions/acts as consul |
consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptus | burn up, destroy/kill; put end to; reduce/wear away; annul; extinguish |
contego, contegere, contexi, contectus | cover up, conceal, hide; protect; clothe; roof over; bury/entomb; strew thickly |
contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptus | think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight |
contemno, contemnere, contemsi, contemtus | think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight |
contemplatio, contemplationis F | view, survey; taking aim; contemplation, consideration, study; meditation |
contemplor, contemplari, contemplatus sum | observe/note/notice, gaze/look hard at, regard; contemplate/consider carefully |
contendo, contendere, contendi, contentus | stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw/bend; tune; stretch out |
conterminus, contermina, conterminum | close by, neighboring, adjacent, close; bordering on, having a common boundary |
contero, conterere, contrivi, contritus | grind, crush, pound to pieces; bruise, crumble; rub/wipe away/out/off, expunge |
contestor, contestari, contestatus sum | call to witness; appeal to the gods that; join issue |
contexo, contexere, contexui, contextus | weave/entwine/braid/twist together; compose/connect/link/combine; make/join/for |
contiguus, contigua, contiguum | near, adjoining/adjacent/neighboring; bordering upon; within reach |
continentia, continentiae F | restraint/self-control/abstinence/holding back/repression |
contineo, continere, continui, contentus | secure, maintain, sustain; fasten/hold in position; retain, keep safe, preserve |
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactus | touch; reach; border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize |
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactus | happen, befall, turn out, come to pass, be granted to one; be produced |
continuo, continuare, continuavi, continuatus | make continuous; put in line, join, connect, unite |
continuus, continua, continuum | incessant/unremitting, constantly repeated/recurring; successive, next in line |
contio, contionis F | meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general |
contra | facing, face-to-face, in the eyes; towards/up to; across; in opposite direction |
contraho, contrahere, contraxi, contractus | enter into/upon relationship/agreement/business/marriage/loan/battle, deal with |
contrarius, contraria, contrarium | opposite, contrary, in contradiction; antithetical; opposed/hostile/adverse |
contristo, contristare, contristavi, contristatus | sadden, make gloomy, depress, discourage; afflict, sap, damage; darken |
controversia, controversiae F | controversy/dispute; debate; moot case debated in school, forensic exercise |
contubernalis, contubernalis M | tent mate, comrade-in-arms; staff trainee; companion; colleague; slave's mate |
contubernium, contuberni(i) N | companionship in a tent; band/brotherhood; shared war tent; apartment/lodging |
contubernius, contubernii M | tent mate, comrade-in-arms; staff trainee; companion; colleague; slave's mate |
contumelia, contumeliae F | indignity, affront, abuse/insult; insulting language/behavior; rough treatment |
conus, coni M | cone, conical figure/shape; apex of helmet; form of sundial; pine cone; tenpin |
conventus, conventus M | agreement, covenant; coming together; conjunction; Roman district |
conversatio, conversationis F | way/manner of life, conduct/behavior; monastic life; frequent resorting |
conversio, conversionis F | rotation/revolution/turning in complete circle; cycle; partial turn |
convexus, convexa, convexum | arching/arched, vaulted, convex; well-rounded |
convivo, convivare, convivavi, convivatus | give/attend dinner party/banquet; carouse; eat/feast together; live with |
convoco, convocare, convocavi, convocatus | call/bring together; assemble; convoke/convene; summon/muster; collect |
cooperor, cooperari, cooperatus sum | work with/together, cooperate; combine, unite |
copiosus, copiosa -um, copiosior -or -us, copiosissimus -a -um | plentiful/copious/abundant; well supplied/equipped, w/ample resources; prolific |
copulatio, copulationis F | connecting, combining, joining, uniting; union, synthesis, association |
copulor, copulari, copulatus sum | connect, join physically, couple; bind/tie together, associate, unite, ally |
cora, corae F | pupil of the eye |
cornix, cornicis F | crow |
cornu, cornus N | horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top |
cornus, cornus F | cornel-cherry-tree; cornel wood; javelin |
coronatus, coronata, coronatum | garlanded, adorned with wreaths |
corrigo, corrigere, correxi, correctus | correct, set right; straighten; improve, edit, reform; restore, cure; chastise |
corruptio, corruptionis F | corruption; bribery, seduction from loyalty; diseased/corrupt condition |
cortina, cortinae F | cauldron,, kettle; water-organ; vault/arch; curtain |
coruscatio, coruscationis F | flash, gleam; glittering |
coruscus, corusca, coruscum | vibrating/waving/tremulous/shaking; flashing, twinkling; brilliant |
cotidie | daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly |
crapulatus, crapulata, crapulatum | inebriated, intoxicated, drunk; drunken with wine |
crassus, crassa -um, crassior -or -us, crassissimus -a -um | thick/deep; thick coated; turbid/muddy; dense/concentrated/soli |
crater, crateris M | mixing bowl; depression, volcano crater, basin of fountain; Cup |
cratera, craterae F | mixing bowl; depression, volcano crater, basin of fountain; the Cup constellation |
creator, creatoris M | creator; maker, author; founder; father; one who appoints |
creditor, creditoris M | lender, creditor; one to whom money is due |
credulitas, credulitatis F | credulity, trustfulness; easiness of belief |
credulus, credula, credulum | credulous, trusting, gullible; prone to believe/trust; full of confidence |
cremo, cremare, cremavi, crematus | burn/cremate; consume/destroy; burn alive; make burnt offering |
crepusculum, crepusculi N | twilight, dusk; darkness |
crista, cristae F | crest/comb; plume; plant yellow-rattle; clitoris |
crocus, croci | crocus/saffron; its oil; saffron-color; yellow stamens |
crucio, cruciare, cruciavi, cruciatus | torment, torture; cause grief/anguish; crucify; suffer torture/agony; grieve |
crudelis, crudele, crudelior -or -us, crudelissimus -a -um | cruel/hardhearted/unmerciful/severe, bloodthirsty/savage/inhuman; harsh/bitter |
crus, cruris N | leg; shank; shin; main stem of shrub, stock; upright support of a bridge |
crusta, crustae F | rind/shell/peel/bark/crust, hard surface; scab; leaf/flake/thin slab |
crux, crucis F | cross; hanging tree; impaling stake; crucifixion; torture/torment/trouble/miser |
cubicularis, cubicularis, cubiculare | of a bedroom, pertaining to a bedroom |
culmen, culminis N | height/peak/top/summit/zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; "keystone" |
culter, cultri M | knife; pruner edge; spear point; plowshare |
cuna, cunae F | cradle; nest for young birds; one's earliest years |
cunctatus, cunctata -um, cunctatior -or -us, cunctatissimus -a -um | hesitant; tardy |
cuniculus, cuniculi M | rabbit; underground tunnel/burrow/hole; mine/excavation; channel; secret device |
cupella, cupellae F | small vat/cask |
cupido, cupidinis | desire/love/wish/longing; lust; greed, appetite; desire for gain |
cupidus, cupida -um, cupidior -or -us, cupidissimus -a -um | eager/passionate; longing for/desirous of; greedy; wanton/lecherous |
curiosus, curiosa -um, curiosior -or -us, curiosissimus -a -um | careful, diligent, painstaking; attentive; fussy; meddlesome, interfering |
curriculum, curriculi N | act of running; race; lap, track; chariot; course of action/heavenly bodies |
cursus, cursus M | running; speed/zeal; charge, onrush; forward movement/march; revolution |
curvamen, curvaminis N | curvature, curve/bend, bending; curved form/outline; arc; vaulting |
curvo, curvare, curvavi, curvatus | bend/arch, make curved/bent; form a curve; make stoop/bow/yield; influence |
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus | guard/protect/preserve, watch over, keep safe; take heed/care, observe; restrai |
cutis, cutis F | skin; external appearance, surface; person, body; leather/hide; rind; membrane |
cycnus, cycni M | swan |
d., abb. | diem, abb. d; in calendar expression a. d.= ante diem= before the day |
daemonion, daemonii N | spirit; Socrates' indwelling genius; familiar; little spirit; demon/devil |
damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatus | pass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom |
damnosus, damnosa -um, damnosior -or -us, damnosissimus -a -um | harmful/detrimental/ruinous; prodigal/spendthrift; that causes financial loss |
dapifer, dapiferi M | servant who waited at tables |
daps, dapis F | sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals |
debello, debellare, debellavi, debellatus | fight out/to a finish; bring a battle/war to an end; vanquish, subdue |
debilis, debile, debilior -or -us, debilissimus -a -um | weak/feeble/frail; crippled/disabled; wanting/deprived; ineffectiv |
debitor, debitoris M | debtor, one who owes; one under obligation to pay; one indebted |
decedo, decedere, decessi, decessus | withdraw/retire, go off/away, depart, leave; relinquish/cease; desert/abandon |
decem | ten |
declaro, declarare, declaravi, declaratus | declare/announce/make known; indicate, reveal, testify, show/prove; mean |
declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatus | deflect/divert/turnaside/swerve/change direction/deviate/dodge; digress/diverge |
declino, declinare, declinavi, declinatus | decline/conjugate/inflect; change word form, modify |
declivis, declivis, declive | sloping, descending, sloping downwards; shelving; tending down; falling |
decoro, decorare, decoravi, decoratus | adorn/grace, embellish/add beauty to; glorify, honor/add honor to; do credit to |
decresco, decrescere, decrevi, decretus | decrease; abate; diminish, dwindle, shrink; be subtracted |
dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus | give up/in, surrender; abandon/consign/devote; yield, hand/deliver over |
defensio, defensionis F | defense/protection; act of defending; argument/justification in defense, excuse |
defero, deferre, detuli, delatus | carry/bring/sink/fall down/off; convey/deliver/transfer; reduce/slope |
definio, definire, definivi, definitus | define/bound/fix/limit/mark; restrict/confine; assign, ordain; lay down |
defluo, defluere, defluxi, defluxus | flow/glide/run down; descend/fall; flow/stream away; float/swim/row downstream |
defodio, defodere, defodi, defossus | bury; put/send/cause to go underground; dig down/deep/into soil; plant/insert |
defuncta, defunctae F | dead person |
defungor, defungi, defunctus sum | have done with, finish, bring/come to end, be quit/done/rid of; discharge |
dego, degere, degi, - | spend/pass; spend/bide one's time in; carry on, wage; conduct away? |
degravo, degravare, -, degravatus | weigh/press/drag down; rest heavily on; overpower, overwhelm; burden |
dehinc | hereafter, henceforth, from here/now on; afterwards; for/in the future, next |
deicio, deicere, dejeci, dejectus | throw/pour/jump/send/put/push/force/knock/bring down; cause to fall/drop; hang |
delabor, delabi, delapsus sum | slip/fall/glide/fly/flow down; fall freely/out of control/prostrate; slip into |
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatus | delight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight |
delibuo, delibuere, delibui, delibutus | besmear; anoint with a liquid |
delicia, deliciae F | favorite/pet/darling/beloved; man w/fine taste/gourmet; voluptuary |
delino, delinere, delivi, delitus | smear/daub/anoint; obliterate, smudge/blot out; daub w/owner mark |
delinquo, delinquere, deliqui, delictus | fail, be wanting/lacking, fall short; offend/do wrong/err/commit offense |
delius, delia, delium | of or from Delos |
delphin, delphinis M | dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; constellation |
delubrum, delubri N | shrine; temple; sanctuary |
deminuo, deminuere, deminui, deminutus | make smaller; cut up small; lessen/diminish/reduce |
demissus, demissa -um, demissior -or -us, demississimus -a -um | low/low-lying; of low altitude; keeping low; slanting/hanging/let down |
demitto, demittere, demisi, demissus | drop, let fall; sink; send/cast/go/flow/float/slope down; flow/shed/let |
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus | point out/at/to, draw attention to; explain/describe/show, give an account of |
demorior, demori, demortuus sum | die; die off/out, become extinct; be gone; long for much |
denego, denegare, denegavi, denegatus | deny; say that... not; deny/refuse |
deni, denae, dena | ten each, tenfold |
denique | finally, in the end; and then; at worst; in short, to sum up; in fact, indeed |
densus, densa -um, densior -or -us, densissimus -a -um | thick/dense/solid; crowded/thick planted/packed/covered |
denuo | anew, over again, from a fresh beginning; for a second time, once more; in turn |
depello, depellere, depuli, depulsus | drive/push out//off/away/aside, repel; expel; remove, wean; banish utterly |
depereo, deperire, deperivi(ii), deperitus | perish/die; be lost/totally destroyed; be much in love with/love to distraction |
depingo, depingere, depinxi, depictus | paint, depict, portray; describe; decorate/color w/paint; embroider |
deploro, deplorare, deploravi, deploratus | weep/lament/mourn for/cry over; deplore, complain of; lose; despair/give up on |
depono, deponere, deposivi, depositus | put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit |
deporto, deportare, deportavi, deportatus | bring, convey; carry along/down; transport; take/bring home |
deposco, deposcere, depoposci, - | demand peremptorily; ask for earnestly; require; request earnestly; challenge |
depropero, deproperare, deproperavi, deproperatus | hurry/hasten/make haste to complete/finish; prepare hastily |
depugno, depugnare, depugnavi, depugnatus | fight hard/it out, do battle; fight against and kill; stop fighting |
derelinquo, derelinquere, dereliqui, derelictus | leave behind/abandon/discard; forsake/desert; neglect; leave derelict; bequeath |
derepo, derepere, derepsi, - | crawl/creep/sneak down |
deripio, deripere, deripui, dereptus | seize/grab/snatch/take away; tear/pull off/down; remove |
desaevio, desaevire, desaevivi, desaevitus | rage, rave furiously; work off/vent one's rage |
describo, describere, descripsi, descriptus | describe/draw, mark/trace out; copy/transcribe/write; establish |
desideo, desidere, desedi, desessus | sit; settle down; remain seated/sitting; loiter/hang about, be idle/slothful |
desiderium, desideri(i) N | desire/longing/want/requirement; desire/grief/regret for dead/absent/loss |
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratus | desire/want, long/wish for, request, require/need; miss, lack; lose |
designo, designare, designavi, designatus | mark; point/mark/trace out, outline/describe; indicate/designate/denote |
desisto, desistere, destiti, destitus | stop/cease/desist; give up, leave/stand off; dissociate oneself |
desperatio, desperationis F | desperation; desperate action/conduct/health; despair/hopelessness |
despero, desperare, desperavi, desperatus | despair; have no/give up hope; give up as hopeless |
desponso, desponsare, desponsavi, desponsatus | betroth, promise in marriage |
destituo, destituere, destitui, destitutus | fix/set, set up, make fast; leave destitute/without; render void |
desultorius, desultoria, desultorium | of/belonging to a desultor; desultory; superficial |
desurgo, desurgere, desurrexi, desurrectus | rise; rise from |
deterreo, deterrere, deterrui, deterritus | deter; frighten away; discourage, put/keep off, avert; frighten/terrify |
detineo, detinere, detinui, detentus | detain, hold; hold off, keep away; hold prisoner; retain; occupy |
detorqueo, detorquere, detorsi, detortus | turn/twist/bend/pull away/aside; deflect; deviate; divert; sway |
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractus | drag/pull/strip/take down/away/off; remove; exclude, omit, cut out; subtract |
detrimentum, detrimenti N | diminishment, material reduction; detriment; harm/loss/damage; reverse/defeat |
devasto, devastare, devastavi, devastatus | devastate, lay waste; ravage; slaughter |
deveho, devehere, devexi, devectus | carry/convey/transport/take/remove; carry away/downstream/by sea; sail |
devolvo, devolvere, devolvi, devolutus | roll/fall/tumble down; roll off; fall/sink back; fall into |
devotio, devotionis F | devotion by general/army to infernal gods for country; curse; spell/sorcery |
dexter, dextera -um, dexterior -or -us, dextimus -a -um | right, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handy |
diaconatus, diaconati M | deaconate, office/position of deacon, deaconship; deaconry |
diadema, diadematis N | diadem/crown; ornamental headband; dominion; preeminence |
dialectice, dialectices F | dialectics, logic; art of logic/reasoning |
dicaculus, dicacula, dicaculum | talkative/loquacious; glib; spirited/lively; witty; facetious |
dico, dicare, dicavi, dicatus | dedicate/consecrate; deify; devote; attach to another state; assign; show |
dictator, dictatoris M | dictator |
dicto, dictare, dictavi, dictatus | dictate; compose; draw up; order/prescribe; fix |
dido, didere, dididi, diditus | distribute, deal out, disseminate; spread, diffuse; spread abroad |
difficilis, difficile, difficilior -or -us, difficillimus -a -um | difficult, troublesome; hard; hard to please/manage/deal with/carry out |
diffido, diffidere, diffisus sum | distrust; despair; lack confidence, despair; expect not |
diffugio, diffugere, diffugi, diffugitus | scatter, disperse, dispel; flee/run away in different/several directions |
diffundo, diffundere, diffundi, diffusus | diffuse; spread/pour out/widely; bottle/draw off; squander, distribute lavishly |
digero, digerere, digessi, digestus | scatter/disperse; carry/move away; distribute/disseminate; divide off, separate |
dignus, digna -um, dignior -or -us, dignissimus -a -um | appropriate/suitable; worthy, deserving, meriting; worth |
digredior, digredi, digressus sum | depart; come/go away; part/separate/deviate; divorce; G:digress/leave |
dilargior, dilargiri, dilargitus sum | lavish; give away freely; give/bestow liberally/profusely/recklessly |
diligenter, diligentius, diligentissime | carefully; attentively; diligently; scrupulously; thoroughly/completely/well |
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus | love, hold dear; value/esteem/favor; have special regard for |
dimico, dimicare, dimicui, dimicatus | fight, battle; struggle/contend/strive; brandish weapons; be in conflict/peril |
dimidius, dimidia, dimidium | half; incomplete, mutilated |
diocesis, diocesis F | diocese, province; Roman provincial district; bishop's jurisdiction |
dirimo, dirimere, diremi, diremptus | pull/break/take apart; cleave; sort; break up/dissolve |
diruo, diruere, dirui, dirutus | demolish/wreck/destroy, pull down, raze to ground; overthrow; bankrupt |
dirus, dira -um, dirior -or -us, dirissimus -a -um | awful/dire/dreadful; ominous/frightful/terrible/horrible; skillful |
dis, ditis (gen.), ditior -or -us, ditissimus -a -um | rich/wealthy; richly adorned; fertile/productive; profitable; sumptuous |
disciplina, disciplinae F | teaching, instruction, education; training; discipline; method, science, study |
discordia, discordiae F | disagreement, discord |
discors, (gen.), discordis | warring, disagreeing, inharmonious; discordant, at variance; inconsistent |
discrimen, discriminis N | crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference |
disertus, diserta, disertum | eloquent; skillfully expressed |
disicio, disicere, disjeci, disjectus | break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide |
dispar, (gen.), disparis | unequal, disparate, unlike |
disrumpo, disrumpere, disrupi, disruptus | cause to break apart/off, shatter/burst/split, disrupt/sever; get broken |
dissero, disserere, disserui, dissertus | arrange, dispose, set in order; discuss; examine; explain, set out in words |
dissipo, dissipare, dissipavi, dissipatus | scatter, disperse, dissipate, squander; destroy completely; circulate |
dissocio, dissociare, dissociavi, dissociatus | be/set at variance with, split into factions, separate, part |
dissolvo, dissolvere, dissolvi, dissolutus | unloose; dissolve, destroy; melt; pay; refute; annul |
distendo, distendere, distendi, distentus | stretch; spread out; distend; extend; rack; detract, perplex |
distinguo, distinguere, distinxi, distinctus | distinguish, separate, divide, part; adorn, decorate |
distraho, distrahere, distraxi, distractus | draw/pull/tear apart, wrench, separate, divide; sell in parcels; distract |
distribuo, distribuere, distribui, distributus | divide, distribute, assign |
dito, ditare, ditavi, ditatus | enrich |
diurnus, diurna, diurnum | by day, of the day; daily |
dius, dia, dium | divine; w/supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint |
diuturnus, diuturna -um, diuturnior -or -us, diuturnissimus -a -um | lasting, lasting long |
diversitas, diversitatis F | difference |
diversus, diversa, diversum | opposite; separate, apart; diverse, unlike, different; hostile |
divinitus | from heaven, by a god, by divine influence/inspiration; divinely, admirable |
divortium, divorti(i) N | separation; divorce; point of separation; watershed |
doctrina, doctrinae F | education; learning; science; teaching; instruction; principle; doctrine |
doctus, docta -um, doctior -or -us, doctissimus -a -um | learned, wise; skilled, experienced, expert; trained; clever, cunning, shrewd |
documentum, documenti N | lesson, instruction; warning, example; document; proof |
dolus, doli M | trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunning, fraud |
domesticus, domestica, domesticum | domestic, of the house; familiar, native; civil, private, personal |
domina, dominae F | mistress of a family, wife; lady, lady-love; owner |
dominor, dominari, dominatus sum | be master/despot/in control, rule over, exercise sovereignty; rule/dominate |
donum, doni N | gift, present; offering |
dorsum, dorsi N | back, range, ridge; slope of a hill |
dos, dotis F | dowry, dower; talent, quality |
doto, dotare, dotavi, dotatus | provide with a dowry, endow |
dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatus | doubt; deliberate; hesitate; be uncertain/irresolute |
ducoducere, duxi, ductum | to lead, command; think, consider, regard, prolong |
ductor, ductoris M | leader, commander |
dulcedo, dulcedinis F | sweetness, agreeableness; charm |
dulcis, dulce, dulcior -or -us, dulcissimus -a -um | pleasant, charming; sweet; kind, dear; soft, flattering, delightful |
duodecim, duodecimus -a -um, duodeni -ae -a, duodecie(n)s | |
duplex, (gen.), duplicis | twofold, double; divided; two-faced |
duritia, duritiae F | hardness, insensibility; hardship, oppressiveness; strictness, rigor |
duro, durare, duravi, duratus | harden, make hard; become hard/stern; bear, last, remain, continue; endure |
dyrrachium, dyrrachii | a city on the eastern coast of modern Albania |
ebrietas, ebrietatis F | drunkenness, intoxication |
ebrius, ebria, ebrium | drunk, intoxicated; riotous; like a drunk, exhilarated, distraught; soaked in |
ecclesia, ecclesiae F | church; assembly, meeting of the assembly; Church |
ecclesiasticus, ecclesiastica, ecclesiasticum | ecclesiastic, canonical, of/belonging to the Church; of book of Sirach |
edico, edicere, edixi, edictus | proclaim, declare; appoint |
edisco, ediscere, edidici, - | learn by heart; commit to memory; study; get to know |
edissero, edisserere, edisserui, edissertus | set forth in full, relate at length, dwell upon; unfold, explain, tell |
edo, edere, edi, essus | eat/consume/devour; eat away; destroy; spend money on food |
edomo, edomare, edomui, edomitus | subdue/tame thoroughly/completely, subjugate/conquer/vanquish |
educo, educare, educavi, educatus | bring up; train; educate; rear |
effetus, effeta, effetum | exhausted, worn out |
efflagito, efflagitare, efflagitavi, efflagitatus | request, demand, insist, ask urgently |
effo, effare, effavi, effatus | demarcate in words areas/boundaries for augury signs might be observed |
effodio, effodere, effodi, effossus | dig out, excavate; gouge out |
effugio, effugere, effugi, effugitus | flee/escape; run/slip/keep away, eschew/avoid; baffle, escape notice |
egeo, egere, egui, - | need, lack, want; require, be without |
egero, egerere, egessi, egestus | carry or bear out, discharge, utter |
ejecto, ejectare, ejectavi, ejectatus | cast out |
ejicio, ejicere, ejeci, ejectus | cast/throw/fling/drive out/up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out |
ejusmodi | of this sort; of such kind |
eleison, undeclined | have mercy |
elementum, elementi N | elements; rudiments, beginnings; kinds of matter |
elephas, elephantis M | elephant; ivory; large variety of lobster, large sea creature; elephantiasis |
elevo, elevare, elevavi, elevatus | lift up, raise; alleviate; lessen; make light of |
elido, elidere, elisi, elisus | strike or dash out; expel; shatter; crush out; strangle; destroy |
eligo, eligere, elegi, electus | pick out, choose |
elixus, elixa, elixum | boiled |
elongo, elongare, elongavi, elongatus | withdraw, depart; remove; keep aloof |
eloquentia, eloquentiae F | eloquence |
eludo, eludere, elusi, elusus | elude, escape from; parry; baffle; cheat; frustrate; mock, make fun of |
emano, emanare, emanavi, emanatus | flow out; arise, emanate from, become known |
emendo, emendare, emendavi, emendatus | correct, emend, repair; improve, free from errors |
emico, emicare, emicui, emicatus | leap/dash/bolt/jump/spurt/burst/break/shine out; spring/dart/shoot forth/up |
eminus | at/from a distance/long range/afar; beyond sword reach, a spear's throw off |
emiror, emirari, emiratus sum | wonder greatly at |
emitto, emittere, emisi, emissus | hurl; let go; utter; send out; drive; force; cast; discharge; expel; publish |
emo, emere, emi, emptus | buy; gain, acquire, obtain |
emundo, emundare, emundavi, emundatus | clean thoroughly, free of dirt/impurity; make quite clean; cleanse/purify |
enervo, enervare, enervavi, enervatus | weaken, enervate; make effeminate; deprive of vigor; cut/remove sinews from |
enixe, enixius, enixissime | earnestly, assiduously, with strenuous efforts |
eo, eare, evi, etus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; be in the middle |
eodem | same, the same, the very same; also |
episcopatus, episcopatus M | bishopric; episcopate; bishop's office/dignity/see; overseer; post of authority |
episcopus, episcopi M | bishop; patriarch |
epula, epulae F | courses, food, dishes of food; dinner; banquet; feast for the eyes |
epulor, epulari, epulatus sum | dine sumptuously, feast |
erga | towards, opposite |
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptus | snatch away, take by force; rescue |
erogo, erogare, erogavi, erogatus | pay out, expend |
erro, errare, erravi, erratus | wander, go astray; make a mistake, err; vacillate |
erumpo, erumpere, erupi, eruptus | burst/pop; cause to burst; become dislocated |
eruo, eruere, erui, erutus | pluck/dig/root up, overthrow, destroy; elicit |
esurio, esurire, esurivi, esuritus | be hungry, hunger; want to eat, desire food; desire eagerly |
etenim | and indeed, because, since, as a matter of fact |
etiamnum | even now, still, yet |
eucharistia, eucharistiae F | Eucharist/Communion; any consecrated offering; thanksgiving |
eundem | same, the same, the very same; also |
euripus, euripi M | channel, canal |
evangelicus, evangelica, evangelicum | evangelical; of/pertaining to the Gospel |
evangelium, evangelii N | Good news; Gospel |
eveho, evehere, evexi, evectus | carry away, convey out; carry up; exalt; jut out, project |
everto, evertere, everti, eversus | overturn, turn upside down; overthrow, destroy, ruin |
evidens, (gen.), evidentis | apparent, evident |
evidenter, evidentius, evidentissime | clearly, obviously/manifestly/evidently; vividly, giving realistic impression |
evolvo, evolvere, evolvi, evolutus | roll out, unroll; disclose, unfold; extricate; pursue; explain |
exadversum | opposite |
exanimis, exanimis, exanime | dead; lifeless; breathless, terrified, dismayed |
exanimo, exanimare, exanimavi, exanimatus | kill, deprive of life; scare, alarm greatly; tire, exhaust; be out of breath |
excello, excellere, -, excelsus | be eminent/preeminent; excel |
excelsus, excelsa -um, excelsior -or -us, excelsissimus -a -um | lofty/high; tall; exalted; elevated; noble; of high position/rank/reputation |
exclamo, exclamare, exclamavi, exclamatus | exclaim, shout; cry out, call out |
excursio, excursionis F | running forth; sally |
excutio, excutere, excussi, excussus | shake out or off; cast out; search, examine |
exequia, exequiae F | funeral procession/rites/services, obsequies |
exhaurio, exhaurire, exhausi, exhaustus | draw out; drain, drink up, empty; exhaust, impoverish; remove; end |
exhibeo, exhibere, exhibui, exhibitus | present; furnish; exhibit; produce |
exhortatio, exhortationis F | exhortation, action of admonishing/encouraging; inducement |
exhorto, exhortare, exhortavi, exhortatus | encourage |
exigo, exigere, exegi, exactus | drive out, expel; finish; examine, weigh |
exilium, exili(i) N | exile, banishment; place of exile/retreat; exiles, those exiled |
eximo, eximere, exemi, exemptus | remove/extract, take/lift out/off/away; banish, get rid of; free/save/release |
exinde | thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause |
existimatio, existimationis F | opinion; reputation/name; esteem; judgment/view/estimation; credit |
existimo, existimare, existimavi, existimatus | value/esteem; form/hold opinion/view; think/suppose; estimate; judge/consider |
existo, existere, existiti, existitus | step forth, appear; arise; become; prove to be; be |
exitium, exiti(i) N | destruction, ruin; death; mischief |
exordior, exordiri, exorsus sum | begin, commence |
exordium, exordi(i) N | beginning; introduction, preface |
exoro, exorare, exoravi, exoratus | persuade, obtain/win over by entreaty, prevail upon; beg, plead, entreat |
exosus, exosa, exosum | hating |
expectatio, expectationis F | expectation; suspense |
expeditio, expeditionis F | expedition, campaign; rapid march; account; proof by elimination |
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus | drive out, expel, banish; disown, reject |
expeto, expetere, expetivi, expetitus | ask for; desire; aspire to; demand; happen; fall on |
expiatio, expiationis F | atonement, expiation, purification |
exploro, explorare, exploravi, exploratus | search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate |
expolio, expoliare, expoliavi, expoliatus | plunder |
expugnatio, expugnationis F | storming, taking by storm; assault |
expugno, expugnare, expugnavi, expugnatus | assault, storm; conquer, plunder; accomplish; persuade |
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus | lookout for, await; expect, anticipate, hope for |
exstruo, exstruere, exstruxi, exstructus | pile/build up, raise, build, construct |
exsulto, exsultare, exsultavi, exsultatus | rejoice; boast; exalt; jump about, let oneself go |
exsurgo, exsurgere, exsurrexi, exsurrectus | bestir oneself/take action; swell/rise/move/extend up/out/to higher moral level |
extendo, extendere, extendi, extentus | stretch/thrust out; make taut; extend/prolong/continue; enlarge/increase |
exterreo, exterrere, exterrui, exterritus | strike with terror, scare |
extinguo, extinguere, extinxi, extinctus | quench, extinguish; kill; destroy |
extraho, extrahere, extraxi, extractus | drag out; prolong; rescue, extract; remove |
extraordinarius, extraordinaria, extraordinarium | supplementary; special; immoderate |
extruo, extruere, extruxi, extructus | pile up; build up, raise |
exubero, exuberare, exuberavi, exuberatus | surge or gush up; be abundant, be fruitful |
exulo, exulare, exulavi, exulatus | be exile, live in exile; be banished; be a stranger |
exulto, exultare, exultavi, exultatus | jump about; let oneself go; exult |
exuo, exuere, exui, exutus | pull off; undress, take off; strip, deprive of; lay aside, cast off |
f., abb. | son/daughter; filius/filia, abb. f. |
faber, fabra, fabrum | skillful; ingenious; of craftsman/workman/artisan or his work |
fabricator, fabricatoris M | builder, maker, fashioner |
fabrico, fabricare, fabricavi, fabricatus | build/construct/fashion/forge/shape; train; get ready; invent/devise |
fabricor, fabricari, fabricatus sum | build/construct/fashion/forge/shape; train; get ready; invent/devise |
fabulosus, fabulosa, fabulosum | storied, fabulous; celebrated in story |
facetus, faceta, facetum | witty, humorous; clever, adept |
factio, factionis F | party, faction; partisanship |
factor, factoris M | maker; perpetrator; player |
factum, facti N | fact, deed, act; achievement |
facultas, facultatis F | means; ability, skill; opportunity, chance; resources, supplies |
facundus, facunda, facundum | eloquent; fluent; able to express eloquently/fluently |
faenum, faeni N | hay |
faex, faecis F | dregs, grounds; sediment, lees; deposits; dregs of society |
fallax, fallacis (gen.), fallacior -or -us, fallacissimus -a -um | deceitful, treacherous; misleading, deceptive; false, fallacious; spurious |
fames, famis F | hunger; famine; want; craving |
familia, familiae F | household; household of slaves; family; clan; religious community |
familiaris, familiaris, familiare | domestic; of family; intimate |
famosus, famosa -um, famosior -or -us, famosissimus -a -um | famous, noted, renowned; talked of; infamous, notorious; slanderous, libelous |
famulatus, famulatus M | service; obedience; slavery |
famulus, famula, famulum | serving; serviceable; servile; subject |
fas, undeclined N | divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed |
fascis, fascis M | bundles of rods |
fastigium, fastigi(i) N | peak, summit, top; slope, declivity, descent; gable, roof; sharp point, tip |
fatalis, fatalis, fatale | fated, destined; fatal, deadly |
fataliter | by destiny; by decree of fate |
favilla, favillae F | glowing ashes, embers; spark; ashes |
fax, facis F | torch, firebrand, fire; flame of love; torment |
febris, febris F | fever, attack of fever |
fecundus, fecunda -um, fecundior -or -us, fecundissimus -a -um | fertile, fruitful; productive, prolific; abundant; imaginative |
feliciter | happily |
felix, felicis (gen.), felicior -or -us, felicissimus -a -um | happy; blessed; fertile; favorable; lucky; successful, fruitful |
femina, feminae F | woman; female |
fenestra, fenestrae F | window, opening for light; loophole, breach; orifice; inlet; opportunity |
ferculum, ferculi N | food tray; dish, course; food; bread; bier; litter |
fere | almost; about, nearly; generally, in general; hardly ever |
ferinus, ferina, ferinum | of wild beasts |
ferox, (gen.), ferocis | wild, bold; warlike; cruel; defiant, arrogant |
ferrugo, ferruginis F | iron-rust; color of iron rust, dusky color |
ferrum, ferri N | iron; any tool of iron; weapon, sword |
ferus, fera, ferum | wild, savage; uncivilized; untamed; fierce |
fessus, fessa, fessum | tired, wearied, fatigued, exhausted; worn out, weak, feeble, infirm, sick |
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus | hasten, hurry |
festivitas, festivitatis F | festivity, feast; conviviality, charm; heart's delight; humor, wit |
festivus, festiva -um, festivior -or -us, festivissimus -a -um | feast/festive; excellent/fine; jovial, genial; lively, witty |
festus, festa, festum | festive, joyous; holiday; feast day; merry; solemn |
fetus, feta, fetum | pregnant/breeding; fertile/fruitful; growing/teeming/abounding/full of |
fetus, fetus M | offspring/young; children; brood/litter |
fibra, fibrae F | fiber, filament; entrails; leaf, blade |
fidelis, fidele, fidelior -or -us, fidelissimus -a -um | faithful/loyal/devoted; true/trustworthy/dependable/reliable; constant/lasting |
fido, fidere, fisus sum | trust, have confidence |
figura, figurae F | shape, form, figure, image; beauty; style; figure of speech |
filum, fili N | thread, string, filament, fiber; texture, style, nature |
findo, findere, fidi, fissus | split, cleave, divide |
fingo, fingere, finxi, fictus | mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive |
firmo, firmare, firmavi, firmatus | strengthen, harden; support; declare; prove, confirm, establish |
firmus, firma -um, firmior -or -us, firmissimus -a -um | firm/steady; substantial/solid/secure/safe; strong/robust/sturdy/stout/durable |
fiscella, fiscellae F | small wicker-basket |
fistula, fistulae F | shepherd's pipe; tube; waterpipe |
flagellum, flagelli N | whip, lash, scourge; thong; vine shoot; arm/tentacle |
flamen, flaminis | priest, flamen; priest of specific deity |
flamen, flaminis | gust/blast; gale; breath/exhalation; wind/breeze; note on woodwind |
flammo, flammare, flammavi, flammatus | inflame, set on fire; excite |
flavus, flava, flavum | yellow, golden, gold colored; flaxen, blond; golden-haired |
flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus | bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften |
flexilis, flexilis, flexile | pliant, pliable, supple |
flexus, flexus M | turning, winding; swerve; bend; turning point |
flo, flare, flavi, flatus | breathe; blow |
floreo, florere, florui, - | flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one's prime |
fluctuatio, fluctuationis F | swaying/shaking, restless movement; vacillation/uncertainty/fluctuation |
fluentus, fluenta, fluentum | flowing |
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxus | flow, stream; emanate, proceed from; fall gradually |
focus, foci M | hearth, fireplace; altar; home, household, family; cook stove |
fodio, fodere, fodi, fossus | dig, dig out/up; stab |
foedus, foederis N | treaty, league, formal agreement, alliance; P:peace, amity |
foedus, foeda -um, foedior -or -us, foedissimus -a -um | foul; filthy, unclean; disgusting, loathsome, ghastly, beastly; hideous, ugly |
foramen, foraminis N | hole, aperture; fissure |
forceps, forcipis F | pair of tongs, pincers |
fors, fortis F | chance; luck, fortune; accident |
forsitan | perhaps |
fortasse | perhaps, possibly; it may be |
fortis, forte, fortior -or -us, fortissimus -a -um | strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold |
fortuno, fortunare, fortunavi, fortunatus | make happy, bless, prosper |
fossa, fossae F | ditch, trench, canal; moat; dike, fosse |
fragilis, fragilis, fragile | brittle, frail; impermanent |
frango, frangere, fregi, fractus | break, shatter, crush; dishearten, subdue, weaken; move, discourage |
fraternus, fraterna, fraternum | brotherly/brother's; of/belonging to a brother; fraternal; friendly; of cousin |
fraudo, fraudare, fraudavi, fraudatus | cheat/defraud/swindle; deprive deceitfully; baffle, make ineffectual; dishonor |
fraus, fraudis F | fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion |
fremo, fremere, fremui, fremitus | roar; growl; rage; murmur, clamor for |
frequens, frequentis (gen.), frequentior -or -us, frequentissimus -a -um | crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant |
frequento, frequentare, frequentavi, frequentatus | frequent; repeat often; haunt; throng; crowd; celebrate |
fretus, freta, fretum | relying on, trusting to, supported by |
frigidus, frigida -um, frigidior -or -us, frigidissimus -a -um | cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless, indifferent, dull |
frivolus, frivola, frivolum | frivolous, trifling; silly, worthless; trashy |
frons, frontis | forehead, brow; face; look; front; fore part of anything |
fructifico, fructificare, fructificavi, fructificatus | sprout, produce new growth; bear fruit; increase |
fructus, fructus M | produce, crops; fruit; profit; enjoyment; reward |
frumentum, frumenti N | grain; crops |
fruor, frui, fructus sum | enjoy, profit by, delight in |
frux, frugis F | crops, fruits, produce, legumes; honest men |
fulcrum, fulcri N | fulcrum; point of support for lever |
fulgor, fulgoris M | brightness/brilliance/radiance; splendor/glory; flame/flash; lightening/meteor |
fulgur, fulguris N | lightning, flashing, brightness |
fulmen, fulminis N | lightning, flash; thunderbolt; crushing blow |
fundamen, fundaminis N | foundation |
fundus, fundi M | farm; piece of land, estate; bottom, lowest part; foundation; an authority |
fungor, fungi, functus sum | perform, execute, discharge; be engaged in |
funus, funeris N | burial, funeral; funeral rites; ruin; corpse; death |
furialis, furialis, furiale | frenzied, mad; avenging |
furo, furere, -, - | rave, rage; be mad/furious; be wild |
furtivus, furtiva, furtivum | stolen; secret, furtive |
gaesum, gaesi N | Gallic javelin |
galea, galeae F | helmet |
gaza, gazae F | treasure |
gelidus, gelida, gelidum | ice cold, icy |
gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitus | moan, groan; lament; grieve that; give out a hollow sound |
gena, genae F | cheeks; eyes |
genero, generare, generavi, generatus | beget, father, produce, procreate; spring/descend from |
genitor, genitoris M | father; creator; originator |
gentilicius, gentilicia, gentilicium | of/proper or belonging to a particular Roman gens; tribal, national |
germen, germinis N | sprout, bud; shoot |
gesto, gestare, gestavi, gestatus | bear, carry; wear |
glacies, glaciei F | ice; ice fields |
gladiator, gladiatoris M | gladiator |
globus, globi M | ball, sphere; dense mass, close packed throng, crowd; clique, band; globe |
glomero, glomerare, glomeravi, glomeratus | collect, amass, assemble; form into a ball |
gracilis, gracile, gracilior -or -us, gracillimus -a -um | slender, thin, slim, slight; fine, narrow; modest, unambitious, simple, plain |
graecus, graeca, graecum | Greek |
grammaticus, grammatica, grammaticum | grammatical, of grammar |
granum, grani N | grain; seed |
gravidus, gravida, gravidum | pregnant, heavy with child; laden/swollen/teeming; weighed down; rich/abundant |
gravitas, gravitatis F | weight; dignity; gravity; importances, oppressiveness; pregnancy; sickness |
gravo, gravare, gravavi, gravatus | load/weigh down; burden, oppress; pollute; accuse, incriminate; aggravate |
grecus, greca, grecum | Greek |
gremium, gremi(i) N | lap, bosom; womb, interior; female genital parts |
gubernator, gubernatoris M | helmsman, pilot; one who directs/controls |
gula, gulae F | throat, neck, gullet, maw; palate, appetite |
gutta, guttae F | drop, spot, speck |
guttur, gutturis | throat, neck; gullet; swollen throat, goiter |
gyrus, gyri M | circle, ring; circuit; course; circular course for training/racing horses |
habena, habenae F | thong, strap; whip; halter; reins; direction, management, government |
habitabilis, habitabilis, habitabile | habitable |
habitator, habitatoris M | dweller, inhabitant |
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus | inhabit, dwell; live, stay |
habitudo, habitudinis F | condition |
hactenus | as far as this, to this place/point/time/extent, thus far, til now, hitherto |
haereo, haerere, haesi, haesus | stick, adhere, cling to; hesitate; be in difficulties |
hamatus, hamata, hamatum | hooked |
harundo, harundinis F | reed, cane, fishing rod, limed twigs for catching birds; arrow shaft; pipe |
haud | not, not at all, by no means; not |
haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus | draw up/out; drink, swallow, drain, exhaust |
haut | not, not at all, by no means; not |
he, undeclined N | he |
hereditas, hereditatis F | inheritance, possession; hereditary succession; generation; heirship |
hereticus, heretica, hereticum | heretical, of heretical religious doctrines |
heros, herois M | hero; demigod |
hibernum, hiberni N | winter camp; winter quarters |
hiemalis, hiemalis, hiemale | wintry; stormy; of/for winter time/rainy season |
hiems, hiemis F | winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather |
hilaris, hilare, hilarior -or -us, hilarissimus -a -um | cheerful, lively, light-hearted |
hio, hiare, hiavi, hiatus | be wide open, gape; be greedy for; be open-mouthed |
hirsutus, hirsuta, hirsutum | rough, shaggy, hairy, bristly, prickly; rude |
histrio, histrionis M | actor; performer in pantomime |
hodie | today, nowadays; at the present time |
honestas, honestatis F | honor, integrity, honesty; wealth |
honesto, honestare, honestavi, honestatus | honor; adorn, grace |
honor, honoris M | honor; respect/regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity/grace; public office |
horreo, horrere, horrui, - | dread, shrink from, shudder at; stand on end, bristle; have rough appearance |
horreum, horrei N | storehouse; barn |
horridus, horrida, horridum | wild, frightful, rough, bristly, standing on end, unkempt; grim; horrible |
horrifer, horrifera, horriferum | awful, horrible, dreadful; frightening, chilling, exciting terror |
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum | encourage; cheer; incite; urge; exhort |
hospes, (gen.), hospitis | of relation between host and guest; that hosts; that guests; foreign, alien |
hostia, hostiae F | victim, sacrifice; sacrificial offering/animal |
hostiliter | in an unfriendly/hostile way, in the manner of an enemy |
humanitas, humanitatis F | human nature/character/feeling; kindness/courtesy; culture/civilization |
humanus, humana -um, humanior -or -us, humanissimus -a -um | human; kind; humane, civilized, refined |
humus, humi F | ground, soil, earth, land, country |
hymnus, hymni M | hymn |
ibidem | in that very place; at that very instant |
ibis, ibidos/is F | ibis |
ictus, ictus M | blow, stroke; musical/metrical beat; measure |
identidem | repeatedly; again and again, continually |
ignarus, ignara, ignarum | ignorant; unaware, having no experience of; senseless; strange |
ignoro, ignorare, ignoravi, ignoratus | not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of |
ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotus | pardon, forgive |
ignotus, ignota, ignotum | unknown, strange; unacquainted with, ignorant of |
illac | that way |
illinc | there, in that place, on that side; from there |
imbuo, imbuere, imbui, imbutus | wet, soak, dip; give initial instruction |
imitor, imitari, imitatus sum | imitate/copy/mimic; follow; make an imitation/reproduction; resemble; simulate |
immensus, immensa, immensum | immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable |
immergo, immergere, immersi, immersus | dip; plunge; = to plunge into, to insinuate |
immisceo, immiscere, immiscui, immixtus | mix in, mingle; confuse |
immo | no indeed; on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more |
immolo, immolare, immolavi, immolatus | sacrifice, offer in sacrifice; sprinkle with sacred meal; immolate |
immortalis, immortalis, immortale | immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable |
immurmuro, immurmurare, immurmuravi, immurmuratus | murmur, mutter |
impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus | hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, prevent from |
impendo, impendere, impendi, impensus | expend, spend; devote |
imperfectus, imperfecta, imperfectum | unfinished, incomplete; imperfect; not complete in every respect; undigested |
impertio, impertire, impertivi, impertitus | bestow, impart, give a share; communicate |
impetro, impetrare, impetravi, impetratus | obtain/procure; succeed/achieve/be granted; obtain |
impigre | actively, energetically,smartly |
imploro, implorare, imploravi, imploratus | appeal to, invoke; beg, beseech, implore; ask for help/favor/protection |
impono, imponere, imposui, impositus | impose, put upon; establish; inflict; assign/place in command; set |
impudicus, impudica, impudicum | shameless; unchaste; flaunting accepted sexual code |
impugno, impugnare, impugnavi, impugnatus | fight against, attack, assail |
impuritas, impuritatis F | impurity; foulness |
inaequalis, inaequale, inaequalior -or -us, inaequalissimus -a -um | uneven; unequal; not smooth/level; irregular; patchy/variable |
inanis, inanis, inane | void, empty, hollow; vain; inane, foolish |
inauro, inaurare, inauravi, inauratus | gild, make rich |
incandesco, incandescere, incandui, - | grow warm, be heated, glow, become red-hot |
inchoo, inchoare, inchoavi, inchoatus | begin/start; set going, establish; draft/sketch/outline; enter upon |
incingo, incingere, incinxi, incinctus | gird; wrap round |
incola, incolae | inhabitant; resident, dweller; resident alien; foreigner |
incolomis, incolomis, incolome | unharmed, uninjured; alive, safe; unimpaired |
incolumis, incolumis, incolume | unharmed, uninjured; alive, safe; unimpaired |
inconstans, (gen.), inconstantis | changeable, fickle |
incoquo, incoquere, incoxi, incoctus | boil in or down; boil |
incredibilis, incredibilis, incredibile | incredible; extraordinary |
incredulus, incredula, incredulum | unbelieving, disbelieving, incredulous; disobedient |
increpo, increpare, increpui, increpitus | rebuke, chide, reprove; protest at/indignantly, complain loudly/scornfully |
incubo, incubare, incubui, incubitus | lie in or on; sit upon; brood over; keep a jealous watch |
incumbo, incumbere, incumbui, incumbitus | lean forward/over/on, press on; attack, apply force; fall on |
indecens, (gen.), indecentis | unbecoming, unseemly, unsightly |
indicium, indici(i) N | evidence; information, proof; indication |
indico, indicere, indixi, indictus | declare publicly; proclaim, announce; appoint; summon |
indigestus, indigesta, indigestum | disordered, confused, chaotic; jumbled |
indignatio, indignationis F | indignation; anger; angry outburst |
indignor, indignari, indignatus sum | deem unworthy, scorn, regard with indignation, resent, be indignant |
indignus, indigna -um, indignior -or -us, indignissimus -a -um | unworthy, undeserving, undeserved; unbecoming; shameful; intolerable; cruel |
indocilis, indocilis, indocile | unteachable, ignorant |
induco, inducere, induxi, inductus | lead in, bring in; induce, influence; introduce |
indulgeo, indulgere, indulsi, indultus | indulge; be indulgent/lenient/kind; grant/bestow; gratify oneself; give in to |
indumentum, indumenti N | garment, robe; something put on |
ineo, inire, inivi(ii), initus | enter; undertake; begin; go in; enter upon |
ineptus, inepta, ineptum | silly, foolish; having no sense of what is fitting |
iners, inertis (gen.), inertior -or -us, inertissimus -a -um | helpless, weak, inactive, inert, sluggish, stagnant; unskillful, incompetent |
infamis, infamis, infame | notorious, disreputable, infamous |
infans, infantis | infant; child |
infans, (gen.), infantis | speechless, inarticulate; new born; childish, foolish |
infantia, infantiae F | infancy; inability to speak |
infatigabilis, infatigabilis, infatigabile | indefatigable |
inferia, inferiae F | offerings to the dead |
infernus, inferna, infernum | lower, under; underground, of the lower regions, infernal; of hell |
inficio, inficere, infeci, infectus | corrupt, infect, imbue; poison; dye, stain, color, spoil |
infinitus, infinita, infinitum | boundless, unlimited, endless; infinite |
infio, inferi, infactus sum | begin; begin to speak |
infirmo, infirmare, infirmavi, infirmatus | weaken; diminish; annul; be ill |
inflo, inflare, inflavi, inflatus | blow into/upon; puff out |
infra | below, on the under side, underneath; further along; on the south |
ingenuus, ingenua, ingenuum | natural, indigenous; free-born; noble, generous, frank |
ingero, ingerere, ingessi, ingestus | carry in, throw in; heap; force/thrust/throw upon |
inhumanitas, inhumanitatis F | churlishness |
inimicus, inimica -um, inimicior -or -us, inimicissimus -a -um | unfriendly, hostile, harmful |
initium, initi(i) N | beginning, commencement; entrance |
injicio, injicere, injeci, injectus | hurl/throw/strike in/into; inject; put on; inspire, instill |
injungo, injungere, injunxi, injunctus | enjoin, charge, bring/impose upon; unite; join/fasten/attach |
inlaesus, inlaesa, inlaesum | unhurt, uninjured |
inlido, inlidere, inlisi, inlisus | strike/beat/dash/push against/on; injure by crushing; drive |
inluceo, inlucere, inluxi, - | illuminate, shine on |
inlumino, inluminare, inluminavi, inluminatus | illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal/throw light on; brighten |
inmanis, inmane, inmanior -or -us, inmanissimus -a -um | huge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightful |
inmensus, inmensa, inmensum | immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable |
inmortalis, inmortalis, inmortale | immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable |
innabilis, innabilis, innabile | that cannot be swum |
innitor, inniti, innixus sum | lean/rest on, be supported by |
innumerabilis, innumerabilis, innumerabile | innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense |
innumerus, innumera, innumerum | innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense |
inordinatus, inordinata, inordinatum | disordered, not arranged; irregular; disorderly, not legal |
inplico, inplicare, inplicavi, inplicatus | implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself |
inprovisus, inprovisa, inprovisum | unforeseen/unexpected |
inquiro, inquirere, inquisivi, inquisitus | examine, investigate, scrutinize; seek grounds for accusation; search, seek |
inquisitor, inquisitoris M | investigator, researcher; who inquires/collects evidence; inspector |
inrideo, inridere, inrisi, inrisus | laugh at, ridicule |
insanus, insana -um, insanior -or -us, insanissimus -a -um | mad, raging, insane, demented; frenzied, wild; possessed, inspired; maddening |
inscribo, inscribere, inscripsi, inscriptus | write on/in; inscribe, brand; record as; entitle |
insero, inserere, inserui, insertus | plant, sow; graft on; put in, insert |
insidia, insidiae F | ambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare |
insidiosus, insidiosa -um, insidiosior -or -us, insidiosissimus -a -um | treacherously; deceitfully; cunningly; stealthily; insidiously |
insido, insidere, insedi, insessus | sit/settle on; occupy/seize, hold; penetrate, sink in; merge into |
insinuo, insinuare, insinuavi, insinuatus | push in, work in, creep in, insinuate |
insisto, insistere, institi, - | stand/tread upon, stand, stop; press on, persevere; pursue, set about |
insolens, (gen.), insolentis | haughty, arrogant, insolent; immoderate, extravagant |
inspicio, inspicere, inspexi, inspectus | examine, inspect; consider, look into/at, observe |
instabilis, instabilis, instabile | unsteady, shaky; unstable; inconstant |
instinctus, instinctus M | inspiration; instigation |
insulanus, insulani M | islander |
insum, inesse, infui, infuturus | be in/on/there; belong to; be involved in |
insupo, insupare, insupavi, insupatus | throw in |
insurgo, insurgere, insurrexi, insurrectus | rise up; rise up against |
integer, integra -um, integrior -or -us, integerrimus -a -um | untouched, entire, whole, complete; uninjured, sound, fresh, vigorous |
intemptatus, intemptata, intemptatum | untried |
intendo, intendere, intendi, intentus | hold out; stretch, strain, exert |
intentio, intentionis F | stretch, extension; spasm; tautness, tension; straining, concentration; aim |
intento, intentare, intentavi, intentatus | point; point in a threatening manner, threaten |
intercessio, intercessionis F | intervention; veto |
intercipio, intercipere, intercepi, interceptus | cut off; intercept, interrupt; steal |
interdum | sometimes, now and then |
interimo, interimere, interimi, interemptus | do away with; kill, cut off from life; extinguish; put an end to, destroy |
interitus, interitus M | ruin; violent/untimely death, extinction; destruction, dissolution |
internus, interna, internum | inward, internal; domestic |
interpello, interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus | interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct |
interpono, interponere, interposui, interpositus | insert, introduce; admit; allege; interpose |
interpres, interpretis | interpreter, translator |
interpretatio, interpretationis F | interpretation; meaning |
interrumpo, interrumpere, interrupi, interruptus | drive a gap in, break up; cut short, interrupt |
intexo, intexere, intexui, intextus | weave, embroider; cover by twining; insert |
intimo, intimare, intimavi, intimatus | tell, tell about, relate, narrate, recount, describe |
introduco, introducere, introduxi, introductus | introduce, bring/lead in |
intumesco, intumescere, intumui, - | swell up, become swollen; rise |
intus | within, on the inside, inside; at home |
inuro, inurere, inussi, inustus | burn, scorch; burn; cauterize; curl; tinge |
invado, invadere, invasi, invasus | enter, attempt; invade; take possession of; attack |
invergo, invergere, -, - | tip/pour upon; incline |
investigo, investigare, investigavi, investigatus | investigate; search out/after/for; track down; find |
invicem | in turn; by turns; reciprocally/mutually |
invictus, invicta, invictum | unconquered; unconquerable, invincible |
invidia, invidiae F | hate/hatred/dislike; envy/jealousy/spite/ill will; use of words/acts to arouse |
invius, invia, invium | impassable; inaccessible |
invoco, invocare, invocavi, invocatus | call upon, invoke; pray for |
iratus, irata -um, iratior -or -us, iratissimus -a -um | angry; enraged; furious; violent; raging; angered |
irrito, irritare, irritavi, irritatus | excite; exasperate, provoke, aggravate, annoy, irritate |
isthmus, isthmi M | isthmus; strait |
ita | thus, so; therefore |
italus, itala, italum | of Italy, Italian |
iter, itineris | journey; road; passage, path; march |
iterum | again; a second time; for the second time |
jaceo, jacere, jacui, jacitus | lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated |
jacto, jactare, jactavi, jactatus | throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss |
jamjam | already; now |
jampridem | long ago/since; well before now/then; for a long time now/past |
janitor, janitoris M | doorkeeper, porter; janitor |
jecur, jecoris N | liver |
juba, jubae F | mane of a horse; crest |
juditium, juditi(i) N | trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice |
jugulo, jugulare, jugulavi, jugulatus | kill by slitting the throat; butcher, kill, murder, slay; cut the throat |
jugulum, juguli N | throat, neck; collarbone |
jugum, jugi N | yoke; team, pair; ridge, summit, chain |
jumentum, jumenti N | mule; beast of burden |
jussus, jussus M | order, command, decree, ordinance |
juvencus, juvenci M | young bull; young man |
juvenis, juvenis | youth, young man/woman |
juventa, juventae F | youth |
juventus, juventutis F | youth; the age of youth, young persons; young men, knights |
juvo, juvare, juvi, jutus | help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify |
karus, kara -um, karior -or -us, karissimus -a -um | dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive |
labo, labare, labavi, labatus | totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err |
lacer, lacera, lacerum | mangled, torn, rent, mutilated; maimed, dismembered |
lacesso, lacessere, lacessivi, lacessitus | provoke, excite, harass, challenge, harass; attack, assail |
lacryma, lacrymae F | tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping; dirge |
lacte, lactis N | milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn |
laetitia, laetitiae F | joy/happiness; source of joy/delight; fertility; fruitfulness; floridity |
laeto, laetare, laetavi, laetatus | gladden, cheer; be glad/joyful, rejoice |
lamna, lamnae F | plate; veneer; thin sheet of metal/other material; money/cash |
lapidosus, lapidosa, lapidosum | stony, full of stones; gritty |
lapillus, lapilli M | little stone, pebble; precious stone, gem, jewel |
largio, largire, largivi, largitus | give bountifully; lavish |
largitor, largitoris M | liberal giver; briber |
latebra, latebrae F | hiding place, retreat, lair; subterfuge |
latex, laticis M | water; liquid/fluid; running/stream/spring water; juice |
latibulum, latibuli N | hiding-place, den |
latito, latitare, latitavi, latitatus | keep hiding oneself, remain in hiding, be hidden; lie low; lurk |
latro, latrare, latravi, latratus | bark, bark at |
latus, lateris N | side; flank |
latus, lata -um, latior -or -us, latissimus -a -um | wide, broad; spacious, extensive |
laudatio, laudationis F | commendation, praising; eulogy |
laureatus, laureata, laureatum | wearing/adorned w/laurel; laureate |
laurus, laurus F | laurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch; triumph/victory; honor |
laus, laudis F | praise, approval, merit; glory; renown |
lavo, lavare, lavi, lotus | wash, bathe; soak |
laxus, laxa -um, laxior -or -us, laxissimus -a -um | wide, spacious, ample, roomy; loose, not close packed; slack, not tight; lax |
leaena, leaenae F | lioness |
lectica, lecticae F | litter |
lector, lectoris M | reader |
legio, legionis F | legion; army |
legitimus, legitima, legitimum | lawful, right; legitimate; real, genuine; just; proper |
lenio, lenire, lenivi, lenitus | mitigate, moderate; alleviate, allay, assuage, ease, calm, placate, appease |
lentus, lenta -um, lentior -or -us, lentissimus -a -um | clinging, tough; slow, sluggish, lazy, procrastinating; easy, pliant |
leo, leonis M | lion |
lepidus, lepida -um, lepidior -or -us, lepidissimus -a -um | agreeable, charming, delightful, nice; amusing, witty |
lepra, leprae F | leprosy; various inflammatory skin diseases; psoriasis |
leprosus, leprosa, leprosum | leprous; inflicted with various inflammatory skin diseases/psoriasis |
lepus, leporis M | hare |
letum, leti N | death; Death; manner of dying; P:destruction |
levitas, levitatis F | levity; lightness, mildness; fickleness; shallowness |
libertinus, libertina, libertinum | of a freedman |
libet, libere, libuit, libitus est | it pleases, is pleasing/agreeable |
libido, libidinis F | desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts |
libo, libare, libavi, libatus | nibble, sip; pour in offering/a libation; impair; graze, touch, skim |
librarius, librari(i) M | copyist, secretary; bookseller |
libro, librare, libravi, libratus | balance,swing; hurl |
licet | although, granted that |
licet, licere, licuit, licitus est | it is permitted, one may; it is all right, lawful, allowed, permitted |
ligo, ligare, ligavi, ligatus | bind, tie, fasten; unite |
lilium, lili(i) N | lily; "lily" trap |
limes, limitis M | path, track; limit; strip of uncultivated ground marking boundary |
linquo, linquere, liqui, lictus | leave, quit, forsake; abandon, desist from; allow to remain in place; bequeath |
linum, lini N | flax, linen cloth/thread; rope; fishing line; net |
litigo, litigare, litigavi, litigatus | quarrel; go to law |
littus, littoris N | shore, seashore, coast, strand; river bank; beach, landing place |
livor, livoris M | bluish discoloration; envy, spite |
locatio, locationis F | renting, hiring out or letting |
loco, locare, locavi, locatus | place, put, station; arrange; contract; farm out on contract |
locum, loci N | seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic |
locuples, locupletis (gen.), locupletior -or -us, locupletissimus -a -um | substantial, opulent, wealthy; rich in lands; rich, richly provided; trusty |
lorica, loricae F | coat of mail; breastwork, parapet, fortification |
luceo, lucere, luxi, - | shine, emit light; dawn; cause to shine; be clear/evident |
lucidus, lucida, lucidum | bright, shining; clear |
luctor, luctari, luctatus sum | wrestle; struggle; fight |
luctuosus, luctuosa, luctuosum | mournful; grievous |
luctus, luctus M | grief, sorrow, lamentation, mourning; cause of grief |
lucus, luci M | grove; sacred grove |
lumbus, lumbi M | loins; loins as the seat of sexual excitement |
luminare, luminaris N | car-light; projector lamp |
luna, lunae F | moon; month |
luo, luere, lui, lutus | pay; pay fine, compensate/atone |
lupus, lupi M | wolf; grappling iron |
lustrum, lustri N | bog/morass/slough, muddy place; forest/wilderness/wilds, haunt of wild beasts |
luxurio, luxuriare, luxuriavi, luxuriatus | grow luxuriantly/rank; luxuriate; frisk/gambol; revel/run riot; indulge oneself |
luxus, luxus M | luxury, soft living; sumptuousness |
macellum, macelli N | provision-market |
macer, macra -um, macrior -or -us, macerrimus -a -um | thin, scraggy, lean, small, meager; thin, poor |
machina, machinae F | machine; siege engine; scheme |
macies, maciei F | leanness, meagerness; poverty |
mactus, macta, mactum | of the Gods, worshiped, honored |
macula, maculae F | spot, stain, blemish; dishonor; mesh in a net |
maculosus, maculosa, maculosum | spotted; disreputable |
madefacio, madefacere, madefeci, madefactus | wet/moisten, make wet/moist/drunk; soak/drench/steep; intoxicate/soak |
madeo, madere, madui, - | be wet, be dripping/sodden |
madesco, madescere, madui, - | become wet/moist |
maeander, maeandri M | wavy line; river famous for winding path; roundabout ways/twists/turnings |
maestus, maesta -um, maestior -or -us, maestissimus -a -um | sad/unhappy; mournful/gloomy; mourning; stern/grim; ill-omened/inauspicious |
magistratus, magistratus M | magistracy, civil office; office; magistrate, functionary |
magnanimitas, magnanimitatis F | magnanimity; generosity; highmindedness, loftiness of spirit |
magnopere | greatly, exceedingly; with great effort; very much; particularly, especially |
maledico, maledicere, maledixi, maledictus | speak ill/evil of, revile, slander; abuse, curse |
malobathrum, malobathri N | plant, from which ointment was prepared |
mancipium, mancipi(i) N | possession; formal purchase; slaves |
manduco, manducare, manducavi, manducatus | chew, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour |
mane | in the morning; early in the morning |
manifestus, manifesta -um, manifestior -or -us, manifestissimus -a -um | detected, plainly guilty; flagrant, plain; caught in act/redhanded; undoubted |
mano, manare, manavi, manatus | flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring |
mansio, mansionis F | lodging, stop; day's journey, stage; staying away; abode/quarters/home/dwelling |
mapale, mapalis N | huts of African nomads; house of ill repute; follies, useless things |
margarita, margaritae F | pearl |
margo, marginis F | margin, edge, flange, rim, border; threshold; bank, retaining wall; gunwale |
maritus, mariti M | husband, married man; lover; mate |
marmor, marmoris N | marble, block of marble, marble monument/statue; surface of the sea |
materia, materiae F | wood, lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree |
maternus, materna, maternum | maternal, motherly, of a mother |
matrimonium, matrimoni(i) N | marriage; matrimony |
matrona, matronae F | wife; matron |
matutinus, matutina, matutinum | early; of the morning |
mavult | prefer |
medeor, mederi, - | heal, cure; remedy, assuage, comfort, amend |
medicamen, medicaminis N | drug, remedy, medicine; cosmetic; substance to treat seeds/plants; dye |
medicinus, medicina, medicinum | of the art/practice of medicine/healing, medical |
medicus, medica, medicum | healing, curative, medical |
mediocritas, mediocritatis F | moderateness; avoidance of extremes; intermediate way |
medito, meditare, meditavi, meditatus | consider/contemplate/ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise/plan |
mel, mellis N | honey; sweetness; pleasant thing; darling/honey |
membrana, membranae F | membrane; skin; parchment |
memini, meminisse, - | remember; keep in mind, pay heed to; be sure; recall |
memorialis, memorialis, memoriale | serving as a memorial; memorial |
memoriter | from memory |
memoro, memorare, memoravi, memoratus | remember; be mindful of; mention/recount/relate, remind/speak of |
mendacium, mendaci(i) N | lie, lying, falsehood, untruth; counterfeit, fraud |
mentum, menti N | chin; projecting edge |
mercator, mercatoris M | trader, merchant |
merces, mercedis F | pay, recompense, hire, salary, reward; rent, price; bribe |
mercor, mercari, mercatus sum | trade; buy |
mereo, merere, merui, meritus | earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve |
mergo, mergere, mersi, mersus | dip, plunge, immerse; sink, drown, bury; overwhelm |
meritorius, meritoria, meritorium | hired |
merx, mercis F | commodity; merchandise, goods |
meta, metae F | cone, pyramid; conical column, turning point at circus, goal; end, boundary |
metallum, metalli N | metal; mine; quarry |
mi | my, mine |
miliarius, miliaria, miliarium | thousands, comprising a thousand, 1000 paces long, weighing 1000 pounds |
mimus, mimi M | mime; farce; actor in mimes |
minax, (gen.), minacis | threatening; boding ill |
ministerium, ministeri(i) N | office, attendance, service, employment, body of helpers; occupation, work |
mino, minare, minavi, minatus | drive; impel, push, force; threaten? |
minor, minari, minatus sum | threaten, speak/act menacingly; make threatening movement; give indication of |
minuo, minuere, minui, minutus | lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate |
mirabilis, mirabilis, mirabile | wonderful, marvelous, astonishing, extraordinary; remarkable; admirable |
miro, mirare, miravi, miratus | be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at |
miror, mirari, miratus sum | be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at |
miserabilis, miserabilis, miserabile | wretched, miserable, pitiable |
mitis, mite, mitior -or -us, mitissimus -a -um | mild, meek, gentle, placid, soothing; clement; ripe, sweet and juicy |
moderatio, moderationis F | moderation; self control; guidance; government, regulation |
modero, moderare, -, moderatus | check, slow down, control |
modestia, modestiae F | restraint, temperateness; discipline; modesty |
modius, modi(i) M | peck; Roman dry measure |
modulatio, modulationis F | modulation, inflection of tone; calculation of measurements from a standard |
molestus, molesta -um, molestior -or -us, molestissimus -a -um | annoying; troublesome; tiresome |
molior, moliri, molitus sum | struggle, labor, labor at; construct, build; undertake, set in motion, plan |
momentum, momenti N | moment, importance, influence; motion, movement; impulse, effort |
monile, monilis N | necklace, collar; collar |
monimentum, monimenti N | monument |
monitus, monitus M | warning, command; advice, counsel |
monstrum, monstri N | monster; portent, unnatural thing/event regarded as omen/sign/portent |
mora, morae F | delay, hindrance, obstacle; pause |
morus, mori F | black mulberry tree |
mucro, mucronis M | sword, sword point, sharp point |
mulceo, mulcere, mulsi, mulsus | stroke, touch lightly, fondle, soothe, appease, charm, flatter, delight |
muliebris, muliebris, muliebre | feminine, womanly, female; woman's; womanish, effeminate |
multifidus, multifida, multifidum | splintered |
multimodus, multimoda, multimodum | various, manifold |
multiplex, (gen.), multiplicis | having many twists/turns; having many layers/thicknesses, many deep; complex |
multitudo, multitudinis F | multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob |
multo, multare, multavi, multatus | punish, fine; extract as forfeit; sentence to pay |
munditia, munditiae F | cleanness, elegance of appearance, manners or taste |
municipatim | by municipalities/municipia, by free towns; as a municipality |
munio, munire, munivi, munitus | fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build |
munitio, munitionis F | fortifying; fortification |
musa, musae F | muse; sciences/poetry |
mustela, mustelae F | weasel |
mutilo, mutilare, mutilavi, mutilatus | maim, mutilate; lop/cut/chop off, crop; cut short |
mutus, muta, mutum | dumb, silent, mute; speechless |
mutuus, mutua, mutuum | borrowed, lent; mutual, in return |
myrtus, myrti F | myrtle, myrtle-tree |
mysterius, mysteria, mysterium | mysterious; of a mystery/secret rite |
nanciscor, nancisci, nanctus sum | obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on |
nasus, nasi M | nose; sense of smelling |
natalis, natalis, natale | natal, of birth |
natio, nationis F | nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens |
nato, natare, natavi, natatus | swim; float |
naturaliter | naturally, normally; inherently, by nature; spontaneously; by human nature |
natus, nati M | son; child; children |
natus, natus M | birth; age, years |
nauta, nautae M | sailor, seaman, mariner |
navalis, navalis, navale | naval, of ships |
navigatio, navigationis F | sailing; navigation; voyage |
navigium, navigi(i) N | vessel, ship |
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus | sail; navigate |
navmachia, navmachiae F | mock sea battle staged as spectacle/game/exercise |
nebula, nebulae F | mist, fog; cloud; thin film, veneer; obscurity |
nec | nor; and not, not, neither, not even |
necesse, undeclined | necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true |
necessitas, necessitatis F | need/necessity; inevitability; difficult straits; poverty; obligation; bond |
necnon | nor; and not, not, neither, not even; and also, and indeed |
neco, necare, necui, nectus | kill/murder; put to death; suppress, destroy; kill; quench/drown |
nedum | still less; not to speak of; much more |
nefandus, nefanda, nefandum | impious, wicked; abominable |
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus | disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise |
negotio, negotiare, negotiavi, negotiatus | carry on business; trade |
negotium, negoti(i) N | pain, trouble, annoyance, distress; work, business, activity, job |
nemo, neminis | no one, nobody |
neo, nere, nevi, netus | spin; weave; produce by spinning |
nepos, nepotis | grandson/daughter; descendant; spendthrift, prodigal, playboy; secondary shoot |
neptis, neptis F | granddaughter; female descendant |
nequaquam | by no means |
nequiquam | in vain |
nescius, nescia, nescium | unaware, not knowing, ignorant |
neu | or not, and not |
neve | or not, and not |
nex, necis F | death; murder |
ni | if... not; unless |
nigellus, nigella, nigellum | somewhat black; Nigellus |
nimbus, nimbi M | rainstorm, cloud |
nisi | if not; except, unless |
niteo, nitere, nitui, - | shine, glitter, look bright; be sleek/in good condition; bloom, thrive |
nitidus, nitida, nitidum | shining, bright |
nix, nivis F | snow |
noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitus | harm, hurt; injure |
nocturnus, nocturna, nocturnum | nocturnal, of night, at night, by night |
nodus, nodi M | knot; node |
nonnullus, nonnulla, nonnullum (gen -ius) | some, several, a few; one and another; considerable |
notitia, notitiae F | notice; acquaintance |
noto, notare, notavi, notatus | observe; record; brand; write, inscribe |
novem | 9 |
novem, nonus -a -um, noveni -ae -a, novie(n)s | 9 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 9s |
novitas, novitatis F | newness; strangeness/novelty/unusualness/rarity; unfamiliarity; freshness |
noxius, noxia, noxium | harmful, noxious; guilty, criminal |
nubilus, nubila, nubilum | cloudy; lowering |
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptus | marry, be married to |
nubs, nubis M | cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation; swarm/multitude |
nudo, nudare, nudavi, nudatus | lay bare, strip; leave unprotected |
nullatenus | not at all; in nowise, by no means |
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratus | count, add up, reckon/compute; consider; relate; number/enumerate, catalog; pay |
numisma, numismatis N | coin/piece of money; coinage; token/voucher; medal; stamp; image on coin |
nuo, nuere, nui, nutus | nod |
nuptia, nuptiae F | marriage, nuptials, wedding |
nutamen, nutaminis N | bobbing; movement upwards and downwards |
nuto, nutare, nutavi, nutatus | waver, give way |
nutus, nutus M | nod; command, will |
nymphe, nymphes F | nymph; water; bride; young maiden |
obdormio, obdormire, obdormivi, obdormitus | fall asleep |
obesus, obesa, obesum | fat, stout, plump |
obicio, obicere, objeci, objectus | throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present |
objicio, objicere, objeci, objectus | throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present |
oblatio, oblationis F | offer/offering, tender, presentation; right to offer something |
obligo, obligare, obligavi, obligatus | bind, oblige |
obliquus, obliqua, obliquum | slanting; oblique |
obliviosus, obliviosa, obliviosum | oblivious, forgetful; causing forgetfulness |
obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum | forget |
obnoxius, obnoxia, obnoxium | liable; guilty |
obnuntio, obnuntiare, obnuntiavi, obnuntiatus | announce adverse omens |
oboedio, oboedire, oboedivi, oboeditus | obey; listen/harken/submit; be subject/obedient/responsible/a slave |
obprobrium, obprobri(i) N | reproach, taunt; disgrace, shame, scandal; source of reproach/shame |
obruo, obruere, obrui, obrutus | cover up, hide, bury; overwhelm, ruin; crush |
obscurus, obscura -um, obscurior -or -us, obscurissimus -a -um | dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, only faintly/dimly seen; dingy; gloomy |
obsero, obserare, obseravi, obseratus | bolt, fasten, place a bar across; bar, prohibit access to; shot off, enclose |
obses, obsidis | hostage; pledge, security |
obsessio, obsessionis F | blockade, siege; obsession |
obsisto, obsistere, obstiti, obstitus | oppose, resist; stand in the way; make a stand against, withstand |
obsonium, obsoni(i) N | food; provisions, shopping; food w/bread; victuals |
obstipesco, obstipescere, obstipui, - | be amazed |
obstruo, obstruere, obstruxi, obstructus | block up, barricade |
obtego, obtegere, obtexi, obtectus | cover over; conceal; protect |
obtestor, obtestari, obtestatus sum | call to witness; implore |
obuncus, obunca, obuncum | bent, hooked |
obviam | in the way; against |
obvolvo, obvolvere, obvolvi, obvolutus | wrap/muffle/cover up; cover completely; wrap/wind over |
occasio, occasionis F | opportunity; chance; pretext, occasion |
occiduus, occidua, occiduum | setting; westerly |
occulto, occultare, occultavi, occultatus | hide; conceal |
occultus, occulta -um, occultior -or -us, occultissimus -a -um | hidden, secret |
ocellus, ocelli M | eye; darling |
octoginta, octogesimus -a -um, octogeni -ae -a, octogie(n)s | |
odio, odire, odivi, - | hate; dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to |
odoratus, odorata, odoratum | smelling, having smell/odor/scent; fragrant/perfumed/sweet smelling |
offendo, offendere, offendi, offensus | offend, give offense; displease/annoy/vex; trouble/upset, hurt |
oleo, olere, olui, - | smell of, smell like |
oleum, olei N | oil |
oliva, olivae F | olive; olive tree |
omen, ominis N | omen, sign; token |
omne, omnis N | all things; everything; a/the whole, entity, unit |
omnino | entirely, altogether |
onero, onerare, oneravi, oneratus | load, burden; oppress |
onustus, onusta, onustum | laden |
opifex, opificis M | workman |
opinor, opinari, opinatus sum | suppose, imagine |
oporteo, oportere, oportui, oportuitus | require, order |
oportunus, oportuna -um, oportunior -or -us, oportunissimus -a -um | suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed |
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus | press down; suppress; overthrow; crush, overwhelm, fall upon, oppress |
opprobrium, opprobri(i) N | reproach, taunt; disgrace, shame, scandal; source of reproach/shame |
optimas, (gen.), optimatis | aristocratic |
optingo, optingere, optigi, - | befall, occur; fall to as one's lot |
opto, optare, optavi, optatus | choose, select; wish, wish for, desire |
orator, oratoris M | speaker, orator |
orbo, orbare, orbavi, orbatus | bereave, deprive |
orchestra, orchestrae F | area in front of stage |
organum, organi N | organ; organ pipe; mechanical device; instrument |
oriens, orientis M | daybreak/dawn/sunrise; east, sunrise quarter of the sky; the East/Orient |
origo, originis F | origin, source; birth, family; race; ancestry |
ornatus, ornata -um, ornatior -or -us, ornatissimus -a -um | well equipped/endowed, richly adorned, ornate; distinguished, honored |
ostento, ostentare, ostentavi, ostentatus | show, display; point out, declare; disclose, hold out |
ostium, osti(i) N | doorway; front door; starting gate; entrance; mouth |
otium, oti(i) N | leisure; spare time; holiday; ease/rest/peace/quiet; tranquility/calm; lull |
ovis, ovis F | sheep |
ovum, ovi N | egg; oval |
pabulum, pabuli N | fodder, forage, food for cattle; food/sustenance; fuel |
pactum, pacti N | bargain, agreement; manner |
paelex, paelicis F | mistress, concubine; male prostitute |
paenitentia, paenitentiae F | regret; change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition; penance |
paganus, pagana, paganum | pagan; of a pagus; rural/rustic; civilian |
pagina, paginae F | page, sheet |
palla, pallae F | palla, a lady's outer garment |
palleo, pallere, pallui, - | be/look pale; fade; become pale at |
pallor, palloris M | wanness; paleness of complexion; pallidness |
palma, palmae F | palm/width of the hand; hand; palm tree/branch; date; palm award/first place |
palpito, palpitare, palpitavi, palpitatus | throb, beat, pulsate |
palus, paludis F | swamp, marsh |
par, paris (gen.), -, parissimus -a -um | equal; a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper |
paradisus, paradisi M | Paradise, Garden of Eden; abode of the blessed; park, orchard; a town/river |
parcus, parca, parcum | sparing, frugal; scanty, slight |
parens, parentis | parent, father, mother |
pariter | equally; together |
parma, parmae F | small round shield |
parmula, parmulae F | little shield |
parricida, parricidae | murderer of near relative; assassin of head of state, traitor |
partim | partly, for the most part; mostly |
partior, partiri, partitus sum | share, divide up, distribute |
parvulus, parvula, parvulum | very small, very young; unimportant; slight, petty |
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus | feed, feed on; graze |
passim | here and there; everywhere |
passus, passa, passum | spread out; outstretched; dried |
passus, passus M | step, pace |
patefacio, patefacere, patefeci, patefactus | reveal/uncover/disclose/expose; bring to light; make known/visible; dissect |
patera, paterae F | bowl; saucer |
paternus, paterna, paternum | father's, paternal; ancestral |
patienter, patientius, patientissime | patiently; with patience/toleration |
patria, patriae F | native land; home, native city; one's country |
patricius, patricia, patricium | patrician, noble |
patrimonium, patrimoni(i) N | inheritance |
patruus, patrui M | father's brother; paternal uncle |
patulus, patula, patulum | wide open, gaping; wide-spreading |
paucum, pauci N | only a small/an indefinite number of/few things, a few words/points |
paulatim | little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit |
paulisper | for a short time/brief while |
paululus, paulula, paululum | little; small; small amount/quantity of/little bit of |
paulus, paula, paulum | little; small; small amount/quantity of/little bit of |
pauperculus, paupercula, pauperculum | poor |
pavor, pavoris M | fear, panic |
pecco, peccare, peccavi, peccatus | sin; do wrong, commit moral offense; blunder, stumble; be wrong |
pecuarius, pecuaria, pecuarium | of sheep or cattle |
pecus, pecoris N | cattle, herd, flock |
pedes, peditis M | foot soldier, infantryman; pedestrian, who goes on foot; infantry |
pelagius, pelagia, pelagium | marine, of the sea |
pellis, pellis F | skin, hide; pelt |
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus | beat; drive out; push; banish, strike, defeat, drive away, rout |
pendeo, pendere, pependi, - | hang, hang down; depend |
penetrabilis, penetrabilis, penetrabile | that can be pierced; penetrable; piercing |
penis, penis M | male sexual organ, penis; a tail |
penitus, penita, penitum | inner, inward |
percello, percellere, perculi, perculsus | strike down; strike; overpower; dismay, demoralize, upset |
percipio, percipere, percepi, perceptus | secure, gain; perceive, learn, feel |
percussor, percussoris M | murderer, assassin |
perduco, perducere, perduxi, perductus | lead, guide; prolong; induce, conduct, bring through |
perduro, perdurare, perduravi, perduratus | last long, endure |
peregre | to/from abroad |
peregrinus, peregrina, peregrinum | foreign, strange, alien; exotic |
perennis, perennis, perenne | continual; everlasting, perpetual, perennial; eternal |
perfidus, perfida, perfidum | faithless, treacherous, false, deceitful |
perfodio, perfodere, perfodi, perfossus | bore/dig/make hole/passage/channel/break in/through; dig/pierce/stab/perforate |
pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectus | go on, proceed |
periclum, pericli N | danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability |
perimo, perimere, peremi, peremptus | kill, destroy |
perinde | in the same way/just as, equally; likewise |
peritus, perita -um, peritior -or -us, peritissimus -a -um | skilled, skillful; experienced, expert; with gen |
permisceo, permiscere, permiscui, permixtus | mix or mingle together; confound; embroil; disturb thoroughly |
pernicies, perniciei F | ruin; disaster; pest, bane; curse; destruction, calamity; mischief |
pernox, (gen.), pernoctis | lasting all night; continuing throughout the night |
perodi, perodisse, perosus | hate greatly, loathe, detest |
perpendo, perpendere, perpendi, perpensus | weigh carefully; assess carefully |
perperam | wrongly, incorrectly |
perpetim | perpetually; constantly, without intermission/interruption/pause/let up |
perpetior, perpeti, perpessus sum | endure to the full |
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum | continuous, uninterpreted; whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting |
persaepe | very often |
perscribo, perscribere, perscripsi, perscriptus | report; describe; write out in full; finish writing, write a detailed record |
persevero, perseverare, perseveravi, perseveratus | persist, persevere; continue |
persona, personae F | mask; character; personality |
perspeculor, perspeculari, perspeculatus sum | reconnoiter; examine well |
persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus | persuade, convince |
pertendo, pertendere, pertendi, pertensus | persevere, persist; press on |
pertinaciter | tenaciously; obstinately, stubbornly, determinedly; through thick and thin |
pertineo, pertinere, pertinui, pertentus | reach; extend; relate to; concerns, pertain to |
pervagor, pervagari, pervagatus sum | wander or range through, rove about; pervade, spread widely; extend |
perverto, pervertere, perverti, perversus | overthrow; subvert; destroy, ruin, corrupt |
pervestigo, pervestigare, pervestigavi, pervestigatus | make a thorough search of; explore fully |
pervigil, (gen.), pervigilis | keeping watch or sleepless all night long; always watchful |
pervius, pervia, pervium | passable, traversable; penetrable |
phalanga, phalangae F | roller to move ships/military engines; carrying pole; cut length of wood/rod |
pharetra, pharetrae F | quiver |
piaculum, piaculi N | expiatory offering or rite; sin; crime |
pila, pilae F | ball; sphere; mortar, vessel in which things are pounded |
pincerna, pincernae M | cupbearer, butler, one who mixes drinks/serves wine; bartender; sommelier |
pinus, pinus F | pine/fir tree/wood/foliage; ship/mast/oar; pinewood torch |
piscosus, piscosa, piscosum | teeming with fish |
placo, placare, placavi, placatus | appease; placate; reconcile |
plaga, plagae F | stroke/blow/stripe/cut/thrust; wound/gash/scar, injury; misfortune; E:plague |
plangor, plangoris M | outcry, shriek |
platanus, platani F | plane-tree |
platea, plateae F | broad way, street |
plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausus | clap, strike, pat; beat; applaud; express approval |
plenus, plena -um, plenior -or -us, plenissimus -a -um | full, plump; satisfied |
plerus, plera, plerum | the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many |
plus, pla, plum | X times as great/many,-fold, tuple |
pneuma, pneumatis N | breath; spirit |
poeta, poetae M | poet |
poeticus, poetica, poeticum | poetic |
polleo, pollere, -, - | exert power or influence; be strong |
pollex, pollicis M | thumb |
polluo, polluere, pollui, pollutus | soil/foul/dirty/stain/pollute; infect; make impure; break |
pompa, pompae F | procession; retinue; pomp, ostentation |
pontificalis, pontificalis, pontificale | pontifical, of or pertaining to a pontifex |
pontificatus, pontificatus M | pontificate, the office of pontifex |
populor, populari, populatus sum | ravage, devastate, lay waste; plunder; despoil, strip |
porro | at distance, further on, far off, onward; of old, formerly, hereafter; again |
porto, portare, portavi, portatus | carry, bring |
portorium, portori(i) N | port duty; customs duty; tax |
posco, poscere, poposci, - | ask, demand |
possido, possidere, -, - | seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit |
postea | afterwards |
postmodo | afterwards, presently, later |
postmodum | after a while, later, a little later; afterwards; presently |
postpono, postponere, postposui, postpositus | neglect; disregard; put after, consider secondary; set aside, postpone |
postulo, postulare, postulavi, postulatus | demand, claim; require; ask/pray for |
potentia, potentiae F | force, power, political power |
potior, potior, potius | better/preferable/superior; more useful/effective; more important |
potior, poti, potitus sum | obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach; come by |
prae | before, in front; in view of, because of |
praeceptio, praeceptionis F | instruction; practical rule; preconception; preception, receiving legacy early |
praeceptor, praeceptoris M | teacher, instructor |
praeceptum, praecepti N | teaching, lesson, precept; order, command |
praecingo, praecingere, praecinxi, praecinctus | gird, surround, encircle |
praecipito, praecipitare, praecipitavi, praecipitatus | throw headlong, cast down |
praecurro, praecurrere, praecurri, praecursus | run before, hasten on before; precede; anticipate |
praeda, praedae F | booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey |
praedicatio, praedicationis F | announcement/statement; public proclaiming; praise/commendation/special mention |
praeditus, praedita, praeditum | gifted; provided with |
praedo, praedonis M | robber, thief; pirate |
praedo, praedare, praedavi, praedatus | pillage, despoil, plunder; rob/ravish/take; acquire loot; catch |
praeeo, praeire, praeivi(ii), praeitus | go before, precede; dictate |
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatus | carry in front; prefer; display; offer; give preference to |
praefinio, praefinire, praefinivi, praefinitus | fix the range of; determine |
praelium, praeli(i) N | battle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strength |
praemunio, praemunire, praemunivi, praemunitus | fortify, defend in advance; safeguard |
praenosco, praenoscere, -, - | foreknow |
praepono, praeponere, praeposui, praepositus | place in command, in front of or before; put X in front of Y |
praeposterus, praepostera, praeposterum | in the wrong order; wrong-headed; topsy-turvy |
praeripio, praeripere, praeripui, praereptus | snatch away; seize first; forestall |
praesagium, praesagi(i) N | sense of foreboding; prognostication |
praesentio, praesentire, praesensi, praesensus | feel or perceive beforehand; have a presentiment of |
praesertim | especially; particularly |
praesidium, praesidi(i) N | protection; help; guard; garrison, detachment |
praestolor, praestolari, praestolatus sum | stand ready for, expect, wait for |
praesum, praeesse, praefui, praefuturus | be in charge/control/head; take the lead; be present |
praesumptio, praesumptionis F | presumption; anticipation of objection; stubbornness; enjoying anticipation |
praetereo, praeterire, praeterivi(ii), praeteritus | pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over |
praetextatus, praetextata, praetextatum | underage; juvenile; wearing a toga praetexta |
praetorius, praetoria, praetorium | praetorian |
praevaleo, praevalere, praevalui, - | prevail; have superior power/force/weight/influence/worth/efficacy |
praevenio, praevenire, praeveni, praeventus | arrive/occur/come first/before/too soon; precede; surpass; anticipate/forestall |
pridem | some time ago, previously |
primogenitus, primogenita, primogenitum | first-born; oldest |
princeps, (gen.), principis | first, foremost, leading, chief, front; earliest, original; most necessary |
principium, principi(i) N | beginning |
priusquam | before; until; sooner than |
privo, privare, privavi, privatus | deprive, rob, free |
probitas, probitatis F | uprightness, honesty, probity |
probrum, probri N | disgrace; abuse, insult; disgrace, shame |
procella, procellae F | storm, gale; tumult, commotion |
proceritas, proceritatis F | height/tallness; altitude, distance up; great length; metrical feet |
proclamo, proclamare, proclamavi, proclamatus | call/cry out, raise an outcry; appeal noisily; take claim to court; proclaim |
procuro, procurare, procuravi, procuratus | manage; administer; attend to |
proditor, proditoris M | traitor |
profanus, profana, profanum | secular, profane; not initiated; impious |
profectio, profectionis F | departure |
proficio, proficere, profeci, profectus | make, accomplish, effect |
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum | depart, set out; proceed |
profiteor, profiteri, professus sum | declare; profess |
profor, profari, profatus sum | speak out |
profugus, profuga, profugum | fugitive/fleeing/escaping; exiled; shrinking; P:eluding one's grasp |
profundo, profundere, profudi, profusus | pour, pour out; utter; squander |
profundus, profunda, profundum | deep, profound; boundless; insatiable |
progredior, progredi, progressus sum | go, come forth, go forward, march forward; advance. proceed. make progress |
prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitus | hinder, restrain; forbid, prevent |
proicio, proicere, projeci, projectus | throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away |
projicio, projicere, projeci, projectus | throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away |
prolabor, prolabi, prolapsus sum | glide or slip forwards, fall into decay, go to ruin; collapse |
proles, prolis F | offspring, descendant; that springs by birth/descent; generation; race, breed |
prolixitas, prolixitatis F | extent; extension in space, elongation; extension in time, long duration |
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissus | promise |
promulgo, promulgare, promulgavi, promulgatus | make known by public proclamation; publish |
pronuntio, pronuntiare, pronuntiavi, pronuntiatus | announce; proclaim; relate; divulge; recite; utter |
propalam | openly |
properanter, properantius, properantissime | hurriedly, hastily; in a hurried manner; speedily |
prophetes, prophetae M | prophet; spokesman/interpreter of a god; foreteller, soothsayer |
propinquus, propinqua, propinquum | near, neighboring |
propior, propior, propius | nearer, closer; more recent |
propitius, propitia, propitium | favorably inclined, well-disposed, propitious |
propono, proponere, proposui, propositus | display; propose; relate; put or place forward |
propter | near; on account of; by means of; because of |
proscribo, proscribere, proscripsi, proscriptus | announce, make public, post, advertise; proscribe, deprive of property |
prosectum, prosecti N | entrails, that which is cut-off for sacrifice; severed portion/organ of victim |
prosequor, prosequi, prosecutus sum | pursue; escort; describe in detail |
prosperus, prospera -um, prosperior -or -us, prosperrimus -a -um | prosperous, successful/triumphal; lucky/favorable/propitious |
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus | knock over, lay low; strike down, overthrow; exhaust; debase/demean; prostrate |
prosum, prodesse, profui, profuturus | be useful, be advantageous, benefit, profit |
protego, protegere, protexi, protectus | cover, protect |
protraho, protrahere, protraxi, protractus | drag forward, produce; bring to light, reveal; prolong, protract |
provideo, providere, providi, provisus | foresee; provide for, make provision; with DAT |
providus, provida, providum | prophetic; provident, characterized by forethought |
provincialis, provincialis, provinciale | provincial |
provoco, provocare, provocavi, provocatus | call forth; challenge; provoke |
prudentia, prudentiae F | discretion; good sense, wisdom; prudence; foresight |
pruina, pruinae F | hoar-frost, rime |
pruinosus, pruinosa, pruinosum | frosty |
pruna, prunae F | glowing charcoal, a live coal |
psalmus, psalmi M | psalm; Psalm of David |
pubes, (gen.), puberis | adult, grown-up; full of sap |
publicanus, publicana, publicanum | of public revenue |
pudicitia, pudicitiae F | chastity; modesty; purity |
pudicus, pudica, pudicum | chaste, modest; virtuous; pure |
pudor, pudoris M | decency, shame; sense of honor; modesty; bashfulness |
puellaris, puellaris, puellare | girlish; youthful; maidenly; of a young girl |
puellula, puellulae F | girl, lass, child; maiden |
puerilis, puerilis, puerile | boyish; youthful, childish |
puerperus, puerpera, puerperum | of childbirth |
pugna, pugnae F | battle, fight |
pulchritudo, pulchritudinis F | beauty, excellence |
pullus, pulla, pullum | blackish, dark colored, of undyed wool as worn in morning |
purgo, purgare, purgavi, purgatus | make clean, cleanse; excuse |
purpura, purpurae F | purple color, purple; purple dye; purple-dyed cloth |
purpureus, purpurea, purpureum | purple, dark red |
pusillus, pusilla -um, pusillior -or -us, pusillissimus -a -um | tiny, wee, very small; miniature, on a tiny scale |
pyra, pyrae F | funeral pile, pyre |
pyropus, pyropi M | alloy of gold and bronze; red precious stone |
pyrricha, pyrrichae F | kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor; Pyrrhic dance |
quacumque | wherever; in whatever part/manner, however; by whatever route/way |
quadraginta, quadragesimus -a -um, quadrageni -ae -a, quadragie(n)s | |
quadriga, quadrigae F | four horse chariot; chariot team of four horses; any team |
quadriremis, quadriremis F | quadrireme, vessel having four oars to each bench/banks of oars |
quaeso, quaesere, -, - | beg, ask, ask for, seek |
quaestio, quaestionis F | questioning, inquiry; investigation |
quaestor, quaestoris M | quaestor; state treasurer; quartermaster general |
quaestuosus, quaestuosa, quaestuosum | profitable |
qualiter | as, just as; in what/which way/state/manner, how |
quam | how, how much; as, than |
quamdiu | for how long?; how long?; how long!, what a long time!; until; as long as |
quandocumque | whenever, at whatever time; at some time or other/any time; as often/soon as |
quandoquidem | since, seeing that |
quantocius | the sooner/quicker the better |
quare | in what way? how? by which means, whereby; why; wherefore, therefore, hence |
quartanus, quartani M | 4th legion soldier; men of the 14th legion |
quatenus | how far/long?, to what point; to what extent; where; while, so far as; since |
quatio, quatere, -, quassus | shake |
quattuor, quartus -a -um, quaterni -ae -a, - | 4 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 4s |
quattuor | 4 |
quattuordecim, -, -, quatterdecie(n)s | |
que | and |
quercus, quercus F | oak, oak-tree; oak wood/timber/object; oak leaf garland; sea-oak |
querella, querellae F | complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame |
quicumque, cuiuscumque | who/whatever, no matter who/what, in any time/way, however small |
quid | why |
quiddam, cuiusdam | a certain, a certain thing; somebody, one, something |
quies, quietis F | quiet, calm, rest, peace; sleep |
quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quietus | rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit; sleep |
quingenti -ae -a, quingentesimus -a -um, quingeni -ae -a, quingentie(n)s | 500 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 500s |
quingenti -ae -a, quingentesimus -a -um, quingeni -ae -a, quingentie(n)s | |
quinquaginta | 50 |
quinque, quintus -a -um, quini -ae -a, quinquie(n)s | 5 times, on 5 occasions- |
quislibet, cuiuslibet | whoever/whatever you please; anyone/anything whatever |
quisnam, cuiusnam | who then?; who in the world? |
quod | with respect to which |
quomodo | how, in what way; just as |
quotannis | every year, yearly |
quotiens | how often; as often as |
radio, radiare, radiavi, radiatus | beam, shine; radiate light |
radius, radi(i) M | ray; rod |
radix, radicis F | root; base; square-root |
raeda, raedae F | four wheeled wagon |
rapidus, rapida -um, rapidior -or -us, rapidissimus -a -um | rapid, swift |
rapto, raptare, raptavi, raptatus | drag violently off; ravage |
ratio, rationis F | account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard |
recens, (gen.), recentis | fresh, recent; rested |
recenseo, recensere, recensui, recensus | review/examine/survey/muster; enumerate/count, make census/roll; pass in review |
recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatus | read aloud, recite; name in writing |
recludo, recludere, reclusi, reclusus | open; open up, lay open, disclose, reveal |
recondo, recondere, recondidi, reconditus | hide, conceal; put away |
recreo, recreare, recreavi, recreatus | restore, revive |
rector, rectoris M | guide, director, helmsman; horseman; driver; leader, ruler, governor |
recurro, recurrere, recurri, recursus | run or hasten back; return; have recourse |
redemptor, redemptoris M | contractor, undertaker, purveyor, farmer; redeemer; one who buys back |
redimiculum, redimiculi N | female headband |
redono, redonare, redonavi, redonatus | give back again; forgive |
refero, referre, retuli, relatus | bring/carry back/again/home; move/draw/force back, withdraw; go back, return |
refluo, refluere, -, - | flow back, recede |
refluus, reflua, refluum | flowing back |
refoveo, refovere, refovi, refotus | warm again; refresh, revive |
refugio, refugere, refugi, - | flee back; run away, escape |
regalis, regalis, regale | royal, regal |
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus | reign, rule; be king; play the lord, be master |
regredior, regredi, regressus sum | go back, return, retreat |
regulus, reguli M | petty king, prince; Regulus |
relatio, relationis F | laying of matter before Senate, such motion; referring back case to magistrate |
relego, relegere, relegi, relectus | read again, reread |
relevo, relevare, relevavi, relevatus | relieve/alleviate/diminish/lighten; ease/refresh; exonerate; raise; lift |
relictus, relicta -um, relictior -or -us, relictissimus -a -um | forsaken, abandoned, derelict; left untouched |
religo, religare, religavi, religatus | tie out of the way; bind fast; moor |
reliquia, reliquiae F | remains/relics; remnants/traces/vestiges; survivors |
reluceo, relucere, reluxi, - | shine out |
remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansus | stay behind; continue, remain |
remedium, remedi(i) N | remedy, cure; medicine |
remeo, remeare, remeavi, remeatus | go or come back, return |
remetior, remetiri, remensus sum | go back over |
remex, remigis M | oarsman, rower |
remigium, remigi(i) N | rowing, oarage |
reminiscor, reminisci, - | call to mind, recollect |
remissio, remissionis F | sending back/away, returning, releasing; abating; forgiveness; remiss |
remitto, remittere, remisi, remissus | send back, remit; throw back, relax, diminish |
remolior, remoliri, remolitus sum | push/press/heave back/away |
renideo, renidere, -, - | shine, gleam; smile back |
renuntio, renuntiare, renuntiavi, renuntiatus | report, announce; reject |
reor, reri, ratus sum | think, regard; deem; suppose, believe, reckon |
reparo, reparare, reparavi, reparatus | prepare again; renew, revive |
repedo, repedare, repedavi, repedatus | return, go back; retire |
repente | suddenly, unexpectedly |
repetunda, repetundae F | recovery of extorted money |
repo, repere, repsi, reptus | creep, crawl |
repono, reponere, reposui, repositus | put back; restore; store; repeat |
repperio, repperire, repperi, reppertus | discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent |
reprehendo, reprehendere, reprehendi, reprehensus | hold back, seize, catch; blame |
reprimo, reprimere, repressi, repressus | press back, repress; check, prevent, restrain |
repudio, repudiare, repudiavi, repudiatus | reject; repudiate; scorn |
requies, requiei F | rest, respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby |
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietus | quiet down; rest; end |
rescribo, rescribere, rescripsi, rescriptus | write back in reply |
reseco, resecare, resecui, resectus | cut back, trim; reap, cut short |
resero, reserare, reseravi, reseratus | open up, unseal, unbar, unfasten; make accessible; uncover, expose |
resideo, residere, resedi, resessus | sit down/on/in; settle; be perched; remain seated/idle/fixed/in place; squat |
resisto, resistere, restiti, - | pause; continue; resist, oppose; reply; withstand, stand; make a stand |
resolvo, resolvere, resolvi, resolutus | loosen, release, disperse, melt; relax; pay; enervate, pay back; break up |
resono, resonare, resonavi, resonatus | resound |
resorbeo, resorbere, -, - | swallow down |
respergo, respergere, respersi, respersus | sprinkle, spatter |
respicio, respicere, respexi, respectus | look back at; gaze at; consider; respect; care for, provide for |
responsum, responsi N | answer, response |
restituo, restituere, restitui, restitutus | restore; revive; bring back; make good |
resupinus, resupina, resupinum | lying on one's back |
resurgo, resurgere, resurrexi, resurrectus | rise/appear again; rare up again, lift oneself, be restored/rebuilt, revive |
retardo, retardare, retardavi, retardatus | delay, hold up |
retego, retegere, retexi, retectus | uncover, lay bare, reveal, disclose |
retraho, retrahere, retraxi, retractus | draw back, withdraw; make known again, divert; bring back |
retro | backwards, back, to the rear; behind, on the back side; back, formerly |
revelatio, revelationis F | revelation; uncovering, laying bare; Revelation of St. John |
revello, revellere, revelli, revulsus | tear/pull away/loose/out/from/down/up; wrench off; remove |
revelo, revelare, revelavi, revelatus | show; reveal |
reverentia, reverentiae F | respect, deference, restraint; awe, reverence; shyness, felling of misgiving |
reversio, reversionis F | return, reversing/turning back; coming around again; reversal of natural order |
revoco, revocare, revocavi, revocatus | call back, recall; revive; regain |
rigeo, rigere, -, - | be stiff or numb; stand on end; be solidified |
rigo, rigare, rigavi, rigatus | moisten, wet, water, irrigate |
rima, rimae F | crack, narrow cleft; chink, fissure |
rimor, rimari, rimatus sum | probe, search; rummage about for, examine, explore |
ripensis, ripensis, ripense | on river-bank |
rite | duly, according to religious usage, with due observance; solemnly; well |
ritus, ritus M | rite; ceremony |
robustus, robusta -um, robustior -or -us, robustissimus -a -um | of oak; hard/firm/solid; hardy/robust/durable, able to resist change; valiant |
rodo, rodere, rosi, rosus | gnaw, peck |
rogatio, rogationis F | proposed measure |
rosa, rosae F | rose; rose bush; rose oil |
rostrum, rostri N | beak, curved bow; speaker's platform |
rotundus, rotunda -um, rotundior -or -us, rotundissimus -a -um | round, circular; wheel-like; spherical, globular; smooth, finished; facile |
rudis, rudis, rude | undeveloped, rough, wild; coarse |
ruga, rugae F | wrinkle; crease, small fold |
rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptus | break; destroy |
rupes, rupis F | cliff; rock |
rursum | turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again |
rus, ruris N | country, farm |
rusticus, rustica, rusticum | country, rural; plain, homely, rustic |
sacerdotalis, sacerdotalis, sacerdotale | priestly, connected with priests or priesthood |
sacerdotium, sacerdoti(i) N | priesthood; benefice/living |
sacrifico, sacrificare, sacrificavi, sacrificatus | sacrifice; celebrate the Mass |
sacro, sacrare, sacravi, sacratus | consecrate, make sacred, dedicate |
saecularis, saecularis, saeculare | of/belonging to saeculum/century/generation; of Roman century games/hymns |
saevio, saevire, saevivi, saevitus | rage; rave, bluster; be/act angry/violent/ferocious; vent rage on |
sagax, (gen.), sagacis | keen-scented; acute, sharp, perceptive |
sagitta, sagittae F | arrow |
salo, salere, -, salsus | salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice |
saltim | at least, anyhow, in all events; even, so much as |
salto, saltare, saltavi, saltatus | dance, jump; portray or represent in a dance |
salvo, salvare, salvavi, salvatus | save |
sanctimonialis, sanctimonialis F | nub; religious person |
sanctimonialis, sanctimonialis, sanctimoniale | holy; pious, religious; monastic; of sanctity/purity |
sanctitas, sanctitatis F | inviolability, sanctity, moral purity, virtue, piety, purity, holiness |
sanctus, sancti M | saint |
sanus, sana, sanum | sound; healthy; sensible; sober; sane |
sapio, sapere, sapivi, - | taste of; understand; have sense |
sapor, saporis M | taste, flavor; sense of taste |
satelles, satellitis | attendant; courtier; follower; life guard; companion; accomplice, abettor |
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatus | satisfy, sate; nourish |
satisfactio, satisfactionis F | penalty; satisfaction for an offense |
saucius, saucia, saucium | wounded; ill, sick |
scaena, scaenae F | theater stage,"boards"; scene; theater; public stage/view, publicity |
scelero, scelerare, sceleravi, sceleratus | defile |
sceptrum, sceptri N | scepter |
scholasticus, scholastica, scholasticum | of/appropriate to a school of rhetoric/any school |
scientia, scientiae F | knowledge, science; skill |
scilicet | one may know, certainly; of course |
scio, scire, scivi, scitus | know, understand |
scipio, scipionis M | ceremonial rod, baton |
scopulus, scopuli M | rock, boulder |
scripto, scriptare, scriptavi, scriptatus | write; compose |
scriptor, scriptoris M | writer, author; scribe |
scrobis, scrobis | ditch, trench; dike |
sculpo, sculpere, sculpsi, sculptus | carve, engrave; fashion/work into form by carving/engraving |
secerno, secernere, secrevi, secretus | separate |
secretus, secreta -um, secretior -or -us, secretissimus -a -um | separate, apart; private, secret; remote; hidden |
secundum, secundi N | good luck/fortune, success; favorable circumstances |
secundus, secunda -um, secundior -or -us, secundissimus -a -um | next, following; second; substituted; secondary/inferior; subordinate |
seditio, seditionis F | sedition, riot, strife,rebellion |
seduco, seducere, seduxi, seductus | lead away, lead apart; lead astray, seduce |
sedulus, sedula, sedulum | attentive, painstaking, sedulous |
seges, segetis F | grain field; crop |
semen, seminis N | seed |
semino, seminare, seminavi, seminatus | plant, sow |
senatorius, senatoria, senatorium | of a senator,senatorial |
senectus, senectutis F | old age; extreme age; senility; old men; gray hairs; shed snake skin |
senectus, senecta, senectum | very old, aged |
senesco, senescere, senui, - | grow old; grow weak, be in a decline; become exhausted |
seorsum | separately, apart from the rest |
separatim | apart, separately |
separo, separare, separavi, separatus | divide, distinguish; separate |
sepono, seponere, seposui, sepositus | put away from one; disregard; isolate; reserve |
septentrio, septentrionis M | Big/Little Dipper; north, north regions/wind; brooch w/7 stones |
septimus, -a, -um | 7th |
sepulchrum, sepulchri N | grave, tomb |
sepulcrum, sepulcri N | grave, tomb |
sepultus, sepulta, sepultum | buried; sunk, immersed |
sequax, sequacis (gen.), sequacior -or -us, sequacissimus -a -um | that follows closely/eagerly; addicted; pliant/tractable, responsive to control |
serenus, serena, serenum | clear, fair, bright; serene, tranquil; cheerful, glad |
sertum, serti N | wreath; chains of flowers, garlands, festoons |
servio, servire, servivi, servitus | serve; be a slave to; with DAT |
servitus, servitutis F | slavery; slaves; servitude |
servus, servi M | slave; servant |
sesterti | two and a half |
severus, severa -um, severior -or -us, severissimus -a -um | stern, strict, severe; grave, austere; weighty, serious; unadorned, plain |
sex, sextus -a -um, seni -ae -a, sexie(n)s | 6th-; 6th |
sicarius, sicari(i) M | murderer, assassin |
siccus, sicca, siccum | dry |
sidus, sideris N | star; constellation; tempest |
signaculum, signaculi N | seal |
significo, significare, significavi, significatus | signify, indicate, show |
silanus, silani M | fountain |
silesco, silescere, silui, - | grow quiet |
silex, silicis | pebble/stone, flint; boulder, stone |
silvestris, silvestris, silvestre | wooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild, untamed |
simplicitas, simplicitatis F | simplicity, candor |
simpliciter, simplicius, simplicissime | simply/just; w/out complexity; candidly/openly/frankly; innocently; as one item |
simulacrum, simulacri N | likeness, image, statue |
simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatus | imitate, copy; pretend; look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint |
sine | without; lack |
sinister, sinistra -um, sinistrior -or -us, sinistimus -a -um | left, improper,adverse; inauspicious |
sinus, sinus M | curved or bent surface; bending, curve, fold; bosom, lap; bay |
siquidem | accordingly; if indeed/in fact/it is possible, even supposing; since/in that |
sive | or if; or |
smaragdus, smaragdi M | green precious stone; emerald; beryl, jasper |
sodalis, sodalis | companion, associate, mate, intimate, comrade, crony; accomplice, conspirator |
solium, soli(i) N | throne, seat |
sollers, sollertis (gen.), sollertior -or -us, sollertissimus -a -um | clever, dexterous, adroit, expert, skilled, ingenious, accomplished |
sollicito, sollicitare, sollicitavi, sollicitatus | disturb, worry; stir up, arouse, agitate, incite |
sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum | concerned, worried; upset, troubled, disturbed, anxious, apprehensive |
solum, soli N | bottom, ground, floor; soil, land |
somnio, somniare, somniavi, somniatus | dream; dream of or see in a dream |
sono, sonare, sonavi, sonatus | make a noise/sound; speak/utter, emit sound; be spoken of; express/denote |
sonus, soni M | noise, sound |
sopio, sopire, sopivi, sopitus | cause to sleep, render insensible by a blow or sudden shock |
sorbeo, sorbere, sorbui, sorbitus | drink, absorb |
sordeo, sordere, sordui, sorditus | be dirty/soiled; seem mean/unworthy/not good enough/common/coarse/vile/ignoble |
sordidus, sordida -um, sordidior -or -us, sordidissimus -a -um | dirty, unclean, foul, filthy; vulgar, sordid; low, base, mean, paltry; vile |
sospes, (gen.), sospitis | safe and sound; auspicious |
spatior, spatiari, spatiatus sum | walk; take a walk, promenade; spread |
specialiter, specialius, specialissime | specifically; individually; in particular; according to species |
spelunca, speluncae F | cave |
sperno, spernere, sprevi, spretus | scorn, despise, spurn |
sphinx, sphingis F | ape; chimpanzee |
spiceus, spicea, spiceum | consisting of heads/ears of grain/cereal |
spiritalis, spiritalis, spiritale | spiritual, of the spirit; of breathing; to wind/air; kind of wind instrument |
spiro, spirare, spiravi, spiratus | breathe; blow; live; breathe out; exhale; breathe the spirit of |
spissus, spissa, spissum | thick, dense, crowded |
spolio, spoliare, spoliavi, spoliatus | rob, strip; despoil, plunder; deprive |
spolium, spoli(i) N | spoils, booty; skin, hide |
spondeo, spondere, spopondi, sponsus | promise, give pledge/undertaking/surety; contract to give/take in marriage |
spons, spontis F | free will |
spuma, spumae F | foam, froth; slime, scum, spume; hair pomade/dye |
spumo, spumare, spumavi, spumatus | foam, froth; be covered in foam; cover with foam |
squameus, squamea, squameum | scaly |
st | hush! hist! |
stadium, stadi(i) N | stade, Greek measure of distance,; race course |
stagno, stagnare, stagnavi, stagnatus | form/lie in pools; be under water |
stagnum, stagni N | alloy of sliver and lead; tin |
stamen, staminis N | warp; thread; thread of life spun by the Fates |
statio, stationis F | outpost, picket; station; watch |
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratus | spread, strew, scatter; lay out |
stilus, stili M | stylus, pencil, iron pen; column, pillar |
stimulo, stimulare, stimulavi, stimulatus | urge forward with a goad, torment,"sting"; incite, rouse to frenzy |
stimulus, stimuli M | spur/goad; trap/spike in earth; prick/sting/cause of torment/torture instrument |
stipendium, stipendi(i) N | tribute, stipend; pay, wages; military service |
stipes, stipitis M | post, stake |
stipo, stipare, stipavi, stipatus | crowd, press together, compress, surround closely |
stiva, stivae F | plow handle |
strages, stragis F | overthrow; massacre, slaughter, cutting down; havoc; confused heap |
strictus, stricta, strictum | tight, close, strait, drawn together |
striga, strigae F | evil spirit; vampire; hag/witch |
stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictus | draw tight; draw; graze; strip off |
studiosus, studiosa -um, studiosior -or -us, studiosissimus -a -um | eager, keen, full of zeal; studious; devoted to, fond of |
stultitia, stultitiae F | folly, stupidity |
stupeo, stupere, stupui, - | be astounded |
stygius, stygia, stygium | Stygian, of river Styx; of fountain Styx |
suavitas, suavitatis F | charm, attractiveness; sweetness |
subcumbo, subcumbere, subcubui, subcubitus | sink/fall/lie/break down; succumb/collapse; suffer/concede defeat |
subdo, subdere, subdidi, subditus | place under, apply; supply |
subduco, subducere, subduxi, subductus | lead up, carry off; transfer; haul |
subicio, subicere, subjeci, subjectus | throw under, place under; make subject; expose |
subito | suddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at all |
sublevo, sublevare, sublevavi, sublevatus | lift up, raise; support; assist; lighten |
sublimo, sublimare, sublimavi, sublimatus | raise, place in elevated position; soar; send up from underworld |
submitto, submittere, submisi, submissus | allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit |
submoveo, submovere, submovi, submotus | remove; drive off, dislodge; expel; ward off; keep at a distance; bar/debar |
subnixus, subnixa, subnixum | relying on; elated by |
subsequor, subsequi, subsecutus sum | follow close after; pursue; support |
subsidium, subsidi(i) N | help, relief; reinforcement |
subsido, subsidere, subsedi, subsessus | settle, sink, subside; neglect |
subsortitio, subsortitionis F | choice of a substitute by lot |
subterraneus, subterranea, subterraneum | subterranean, underground |
subtus | below, underneath, in a lower position; in a position lower than; beneath |
subvenio, subvenire, subveni, subventus | come to help, assist; rescue |
subverto, subvertere, subverti, subversus | overturn, cause to topple; overthrow, destroy, subvert |
succendo, succendere, succendi, succensus | set on fire |
sucus, suci M | juice, sap; moisture; drink/draught, potion, medicinal liquor; vitality/spirit |
sudo, sudare, sudavi, sudatus | sweat, perspire |
sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectus | be sufficient, suffice; stand up to; be capable/qualified; provide, appoint |
suffoco, suffocare, suffocavi, suffocatus | strangle, choke, suffocate |
suffragium, suffragi(i) N | vote; judgment; applause |
sulco, sulcare, sulcavi, sulcatus | furrow, plow; cleave |
sulphur, sulphuris N | brimstone, sulfur; lightning/thunder |
summatim | summarily, briefly |
sumptuarius, sumptuaria, sumptuarium | relating to expense |
super | above, on top, over; upwards; moreover, in addition, besides |
superbus, superba, superbum | arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud |
superstes, (gen.), superstitis | outliving, surviving; standing over/near; present, witnessing |
supersum, superesse, superfui, superfuturus | be left over; survive; be in excess/superfluous; remain to be performed |
supervacuus, supervacua, supervacuum | superfluous, redundant, more than needed; unnecessary, pointless, purposeless |
suppeto, suppetere, suppetivi, suppetitus | be at hand; be equal to; be sufficient for |
supplanto, supplantare, supplantavi, supplantatus | trip up |
supplex, (gen.), supplicis | suppliant, kneeling, begging |
supplicatio, supplicationis F | thanksgiving; supplication |
supplicium, supplici(i) N | punishment, suffering; supplication; torture |
supplico, supplicare, supplicavi, supplicatus | pray, supplicate; humbly beseech |
suppono, supponere, supposui, suppositus | place under; substitute; suppose |
suscito, suscitare, suscitavi, suscitatus | encourage, stir up; awaken, rouse, kindle |
suspendo, suspendere, suspendi, suspensus | hang up, suspend |
suspirium, suspiri(i) N | deep breath, sigh |
suspiro, suspirare, suspiravi, suspiratus | sigh; utter with a sigh |
sustineo, sustinere, sustinui, sustentus | support; check; put off; put up with; sustain; hold back |
susurrus, susurra, susurrum | whispering |
tabernaculum, tabernaculi N | tent; Jewish Tabernacle |
tabes, tabis F | wasting away; decay; putrefaction; fluid resulting from corruption or decay |
tabesco, tabescere, tabui, - | melt, dissolve; dry up, evaporate; waste away, dwindle away |
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus | be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something |
taeda, taedae F | pine torch |
talentum, talenti N | talent; sum of money |
tamdiu | so long, for so long a time; so very long; all this time |
tantummodo | only, merely |
tapete, tapetis N | woolen cloth or rug used as a covering, hanging, carpet, tapestry |
taurus, tauri M | bull |
tectum, tecti N | roof; ceiling; house |
tegimen, tegiminis N | covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk |
tegmen, tegminis N | covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk |
temerarius, temeraria, temerarium | casual, rash, accidental; reckless |
temere | rashly, blindly |
temperantia, temperantiae F | self control; moderation |
temperies, temperiei F | proper mixture, temper |
tempero, temperare, temperavi, temperatus | combine, blend, temper; make mild; refrain from; control oneself |
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tensus | stretch/spread/extend; distend; aim/direct weapon/glance/steps/course; strive |
tenebrosus, tenebrosa, tenebrosum | dark, gloomy |
tener, tenera -um, tenerior -or -us, tenerrimus -a -um | tender; soft/delicate/gentle; young/immature; weak/fragile/frail |
tepeo, tepere, tepui, - | be warm/tepid/lukewarm; have body warmth; feel love warmth/glow; fall flat |
tepesco, tepescere, tepui, - | grow warm/acquire some heat; become tepid/lukewarm; grow warm/cool |
tepidus, tepida, tepidum | warm, tepid |
teres, (gen.), teretis | smooth; tapering |
tergus, tergoris N | back; skin, hide, leather |
ternus, terna, ternum | three each, three at a time |
terrenus, terrena, terrenum | of earth, earthly; earthy; terrestrial |
testimonium, testimoni(i) N | testimony; deposition; evidence; witness |
testis, testis | witness |
testor, testari, testatus sum | give as evidence; bear witness; make a will; swear; testify |
texo, texere, texui, textus | weave; plait; construct with elaborate care |
theatrum, theatri N | theater |
timidus, timida -um, timidior -or -us, timidissimus -a -um | timid; cowardly; fearful, apprehensive; without courage; afraid to |
timor, timoris M | fear; dread |
tiro, tironis M | recruit; beginner, novice |
toga, togae F | toga |
togatus, togata, togatum | wearing a toga; civilian; of Roman status |
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratus | bear, endure, tolerate |
torpeo, torpere, -, - | be numb or lethargic; be struck motionless from fear |
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortus | turn, twist; hurl; torture; torment; bend, distort; spin, whirl; wind |
torus, tori M | swelling, protuberance; mussel, brawn; bed, couch, stuffed bolster, cushion |
torvus, torva, torvum | pitiless/grim; fierce/stern/harsh/savage/dreadful; staring/piercing/wild |
trabeatus, trabeata, trabeatum | clad in the trabea |
tracto, tractare, tractavi, tractatus | draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss |
tractus, tractus M | dragging or pulling along; drawing out; extent; tract, region; lengthening |
traditio, traditionis F | giving up, delivering up, surrender; record, account; tradition |
tragoedia, tragoediae F | tragedy |
traicio, traicere, trajeci, trajectus | transfer; transport; pierce, transfix |
trajicio, trajicere, trajeci, trajectus | transfer; transport; pierce, transfix |
trans | across, over; beyond; on the other side |
transduco, transducere, transduxi, transductus | bring across/over, move/transfer; convert; cause to cross/to extend across area |
transfigo, transfigere, transfixi, transfixus | transfix, pierce through |
transformo, transformare, transformavi, transformatus | change in shape, transform |
transgredior, transgredi, transgressus sum | cross, go/move/travel over/across; go to other side; change allegiance/policy |
transgressor, transgressoris M | transgressor |
transigo, transigere, transegi, transactus | stab, pierce; finish, settle, complete, accomplish; perform; bargain, transact |
transitus, transitus M | passage; crossing |
transmarinus, transmarina, transmarinum | across the sea, overseas; beyond the sea |
transveho, transvehere, transvexi, transvectus | transport, lead across; elapse; carry |
transversus, transversa, transversum | lying across/from side to side; flanking/oblique; moving across/at right angle |
trecenti -ae -a, trecentesimus -a -um, treceni -ae -a, trecentie(n)s | |
tremulus, tremula, tremulum | trembling |
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatus | tremble, be afraid, waver |
trepidus, trepida, trepidum | nervous, jumpy, agitated; perilous, alarming, frightened; boiling, foaming |
tribunal, tribunalis N | raised platform; tribunal; judgement seat |
tribunatus, tribunatus M | tribuneship, office of tribune |
tribunicius, tribunicia, tribunicium | of/belonging to tribune |
tribunus, tribuni M | tribune |
tribus, tribus F | third part of the people; tribe, hereditary division |
triclinium, triclini(i) N | dining couch; dining room |
tridens, tridentis M | trident |
triduum, tridui N | three days |
triennium, trienni(i) N | three years |
triginta, tricesimus -a -um, triceni -ae -a, tricie(n)s | 30 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 30s |
triginta, tricesimus -a -um, triceni -ae -a, tricie(n)s | 30 times, on 30 occasions- |
trilix, (gen.), trilicis | having triple thread |
trin | 3 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 3s |
triplex, (gen.), triplicis | threefold, triple; three |
triremis, triremis F | trireme, vessel having three oars to each bench/banks of oars |
triticum, tritici N | wheat |
triumphalis, triumphalis, triumphale | of celebration of a triumph; having triumphal status; triumphant |
tumeo, tumere, -, - | swell, become inflated; be puffed up; be bombastic; be swollen with conceit |
tumesco, tumescere, tumui, - | swell; become inflamed with pride, passion, etc |
tunica, tunicae F | undergarment, shirt,tunic |
turbidus, turbida, turbidum | wild/stormy; muddy/turbid; murky/foggy/clouded/opaque; gloomy, frowning |
turma, turmae F | troop, squadron |
tutus, tuta -um, tutior -or -us, tutissimus -a -um | safe, prudent; secure; protected |
uber, uberis (gen.), uberior -or -us, uberrimus -a -um | fertile, rich, abundant, abounding, fruitful, plentiful, copious, productive |
ubi | where; in what place; when, whenever; as soon as; in which; with whom |
udus, uda, udum | wet |
ulterior, ulterior, ulterius | farther, later, higher, greater |
ultor, ultoris M | avenger, revenger |
ultrix, (gen.), ultricis | avenging, vengeful |
ultro | besides, beyond; to/on the further/other side; voluntarily, unaided; wantonly |
umeo, umere, -, - | be wet; be moist |
umidus, umida, umidum | damp, moist, dank, wet, humid |
umor, umoris M | moisture, liquid |
una | together, together with; at the same time; along with |
undecumque | from/in whatever/every direction; from any point/source/side; in every respect |
undique | from every side/direction/place/part/source; on all/both sides/surfaces |
unguentum, unguenti N | oil, ointment |
unguis, unguis M | nail, claw, talon |
unicus, unica, unicum | only, sole, single, singular, unique; uncommon, unparalleled; one of a kind |
universus, universa, universum | whole, entire; all together; all; universal |
urbanus, urbana, urbanum | of the city; courteous; witty, urbane |
urgeo, urgere, ursi, - | press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust |
urgueo, urguere, ursi, - | press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust |
urna, urnae F | pot; cinerary urn; urn used for drawing lots; voting urn; water jar,~13 liters |
uro, urere, ussi, ustus | burn |
usquam | anywhere, in any place; to any place |
uter, utris | skin; wine/water skin; bag/bottle made of skin/hide |
utilis, utilis, utile | useful, profitable, practical, helpful, advantageous |
uva, uvae F | grape |
uvidus, uvida, uvidum | wet, soaked, dripping; moistened with drinking |
vaco, vacare, vacavi, vacatus | be empty; be vacant; be idle; be free from, be unoccupied |
vado, vadere, vasi, - | go, advance, rush, hurry; walk |
vado, vadare, -, - | ford |
vadum, vadi N | shallow place, stream; ford, shoal; channel |
vagina, vaginae F | sheath, scabbard |
vagor, vagari, vagatus sum | wander, roam |
vagus, vaga, vagum | roving, wandering |
valitudo, valitudinis F | good health, soundness; condition of body/health; illness, indisposition |
vallis, vallis F | valley, vale, hollow |
valva, valvae F | double or folding door, one leaf of the doors |
vanus, vana, vanum | empty, vain; false, untrustworthy |
vapor, vaporis M | steam/vapor; exhalation; heat/warmth; fever, body heat; excited state |
vario, variare, variavi, variatus | mark with contrasting colors, variegate; vary, waver; fluctuate, change |
vasum, vasi N | vessel/dish; vase; pack/kit; utensil/instrument/tool; equipment/apparatus |
vates, vatis M | prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity; oracle, soothsayer; poet |
vaticinatio, vaticinationis F | prophecy, prediction |
vectigal, vectigalis N | tax, tribute, revenue |
vectigalis, vectigalis, vectigale | yielding taxes, subject to taxation |
vegetus, vegeta -um, vegetior -or -us, vegetissimus -a -um | vigorous, active, energetic; invigorating; lively, bright, vivid, quick |
vehemens, vehementis (gen.), vehementior -or -us, vehementissimus -a -um | violent, severe, vehement; emphatic, vigorous, lively |
vehementer, vehementius, vehementissime | vehemently, vigorously; exceedingly, very much |
velamen, velaminis N | veil; for nun/Muslim); covering |
velifer, velifera, veliferum | carrying a sail |
vello, vellere, vulsi, vulsus | pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish |
velo, velare, velavi, velatus | veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in |
velocitas, velocitatis F | speed, swiftness; velocity |
velociter, velocius, velocissime | swiftly/rapidly, with speed of movement; quickly, in a short time |
venatio, venationis F | hunting; the chase |
venator, venatoris M | hunter |
venatus, venatus M | hunting, hunt |
venenum, veneni N | poison; drug |
veneratio, venerationis F | veneration, reverence, worship |
venia, veniae F | favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence |
venter, ventris M | stomach, womb; belly |
venustus, venusta, venustum | attractive, charming, graceful, pretty, neat |
verbena, verbenae F | leafy branch/twig from aromatic trees/shrubs |
verno, vernare, vernavi, vernatus | carry on or undergo the process proper to spring |
versus, versus M | line, verse; furrow, ground traversed before turn; row/string, bench |
vertex, verticis M | whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole |
vescor, vesci, - | feed on, eat, enjoy |
vesper, vesperis M | evening; evening star; west |
vester, vestra, vestrum | your, of/belonging to/associated with you |
vestio, vestire, vestivi, vestitus | clothe |
vetustus, vetusta, vetustum | ancient, old established; long-established |
vibro, vibrare, vibravi, vibratus | brandish, wave, crimp, corrugate; rock; propel suddenly; flash; dart; glitter |
vicarius, vicaria, vicarium | substitute; substituted; vicarious; supplying the place of someone/something |
vicatim | by districts, street by street; in or by villages |
vicensim | 20th-; 20th |
vicinia, viciniae F | neighborhood, nearness |
vicis, vicis F | turn, change, succession; exchange, interchange, repayment; plight, lot |
vicus, vici M | village; hamlet; street, row of houses |
viduus, vidua, viduum | widowed, deprived of; bereft; unmarried |
vigeo, vigere, -, - | be strong/vigorous; thrive, flourish, bloom/blossom; be active, be effective |
vigilo, vigilare, vigilavi, vigilatus | remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant |
viginti, vicesimus -a -um, viceni -ae -a, vicie(n)s | 20 each/apiece/times/fold/together/at a time-'how many each'; by 20s |
vilicus, vilici M | farm overseer, estate manager; grade of imperial/public servant |
vilis, vilis, vile | cheap, common, mean, worthless |
vimen, viminis N | twig, shoot |
vinclum, vincli N | chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment |
vinculum, vinculi N | chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment |
vindex, vindicis M | defender, protector |
vindicta, vindictae F | ceremonial act claiming as free one contending wrongly enslaved; vengeance |
violentus, violenta, violentum | violent, vehement, impetuous, boisterous |
violo, violare, violavi, violatus | violate, dishonor; outrage |
virginitas, virginitatis F | maidenhood; virginity; being girl of marriageable age; being sworn to celibacy |
virgultum, virgulti N | brushwood |
virilis, virilis, virile | manly, virile; mature |
viriliter, virilius, virilissime | with masculine/manly vigor; manfully/in a manly/virile way; powerfully |
visito, visitare, visitavi, visitatus | visit, call upon; see frequently/habitually |
vitium, viti(i) N | fault, vice, crime, sin; defect |
vitta, vittae F | band, ribbon; fillet |
vivax, vivacis (gen.), vivacior -or -us, vivacissimus -a -um | long-lived, tenacious of life; lively, vigorous, energetic; high-spirited |
vivus, viva, vivum | alive, fresh; living |
vocabulum, vocabuli N | noun, common/concrete noun; word used to designate thing/idea, term, name |
vocatio, vocationis F | calling; vocation |
vociferor, vociferari, vociferatus sum | utter a loud cry, shout, yell, cry out, announce loudly |
volatus, volatus M | flight |
voluto, volutare, volutavi, volutatus | roll, wallow, turn over in one's mind, think or talk over |
vomo, vomere, vomui, vomitus | be sick, vomit; discharge, spew out; belch out |
vorago, voraginis F | deep hole, chasm, watery hollow |
votivus, votiva, votivum | offered in fulfillment of a vow |
vulgo, vulgare, vulgavi, vulgatus | spread around/among the multitude; publish, divulge, circulate; prostitute |
zona, zonae F | zone; woman's girdle; belt; money belt; climatic region |
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