Vocab sheet
for js.torres159, 7 passages

Words occurring 20 to 50 times
qui, quae, quod  who, which
Words occurring 10 to 20 times
et  and, and even; also, even
in  into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
omnis, omnis, omne  each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of
res, rei F  thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property
tu  you
Words occurring 6 to 10 times
cum  with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
jam  now, already, by/even now; besides
nam  for, on the other hand; for instance
nec  nor, and..not; not..either, not even
per  through; during; by, by means of
sum, esse, fui, futurus  be; exist
tuus, tua, tuum  your
Words occurring 3 to 5 times
ac  and, and also, and besides
ad  to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM
amor, amoris M  love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion
caelus, caeli M  heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah
corpus, corporis N  body; person, self; virility; flesh; corpse; trunk; frame; collection/sum
de  down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
dea, deae F  goddess
divus, diva -um, -, divissimus -a -um  divine; blessed, saint
ego  I
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus  go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail
ferus, fera, ferum  wild, savage; uncivilized; untamed; fierce
hic, haec, hoc  this; these
ipse, ipsa, ipsum  himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
is, ea, id  he/she/it/they; that one
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus  play, mock, tease, trick
lumen, luminis N  light; lamp, torch; eye; life; day, daylight
magis  to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more
manus, manus F  hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunk
mare, maris N  sea; sea water
natura, naturae F  nature; birth; character
neque  nor; and not, not, neither
non  not, by no means, no
nos  we
noster, nostra, nostrum  our
pax, pacis F  peace; harmony
pila, pilae F  ball; sphere; mortar, vessel in which things are pounded
puer, pueri M  boy, lad, young man; servant; child
quidem  indeed, certainly, even, at least; ne...quidem-- not...even
quisquis  whoever; every one who; whoever it be; everyone; each
quoniam  because, since, seeing that
ratio, rationis F  account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard
sed  but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but
spectaculum, spectaculi N  show, spectacle; spectators' seats
terra, terrae F  earth, land, ground; country, region
ut  to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
Words occurring 1 to 2 times
Aeneades, Aeneadas/ae  son of Aeneas
Mavors, Mavortis M  Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms
Venus, Veneris F  Venus, Roman goddess of sexual love and generation; planet Venus; charm/grace
a  by, from; after
ab  by, from; after
abjicio, abjicere, abjeci, abjectus  throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus  come near, approach; agree with; be added to; constitute
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus  kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright
accurro, accurrere, accurri, accursus  run/hasten to; come/rush up; charge, rush to attack
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus  summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to
adplico, adplicare, adplicui, adplicitus  connect, place near, bring into contact; land; adapt; apply/devote to
adspergo, adspergere, adspersi, adspersus  sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast; inflict
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventus  come to, arrive; arrive at, reach, be brought; develop, set in, arise
aequor, aequoris N  level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean
aequus, aequa -um, aequior -or -us, aequissimus -a -um  level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented
aerius, aeria, aerium  of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering, airy; blue
aeternus, aeterna -um, aeternior -or -us, aeternissimus -a -um  eternal/everlasting/imperishable; perpetual, w/out start/end
aevum, aevi N  time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time
agmen, agminis N  stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession
ago, agere, egi, actus  drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver
almus, alma, almum  nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering
alo, alere, alui, altus  feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
alter, altera, alterum  one; second/another; former/latter
amabilis, amabile, amabilior -or -us, amabilissimus -a -um  worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful
amicio, amicire, amixi, amictus  clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words
amnis, amnis M  river, stream; current; water; the river Ocean
amplius, undeclined  greater, further/more, longer
animans, (gen.), animantis  living, having life
animus, animi M  mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air
ante  in front/presence of, in view; before; over against, facing
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus  call; address; dun; solicit; appeal; bring to court; accuse; name
apud  at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of
aqua, aquae F  water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall, rainwater; spa; urine
argenteus, argentea, argenteum  silver, silvery, of silver; made/ornamented with silver; of money; with money
armipotens, (gen.), armipotentis  powerful/strong in arms/war, valiant, warlike
atque  and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet
aucto, auctare, auctavi, auctatus  increase/enlarge, grow; prosper/bless
aura, aurae F  breeze, breath, wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air, heaven
auris, auris F  ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing,"ear"; pin on plow
avidus, avida -um, avidior -or -us, avidissimus -a -um  greedy, eager, ardent, desirous of; avaricious, insatiable; lustful, passionate
avis, avis F  bird; sign, omen, portent
balneum, balnei N  bath; bathtub; act of bathing; bathroom, bath place/rooms
bellum, belli N  war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms
bene, melius, optime  well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good style; better; best
blandus, blanda -um, blandior -or -us, blandissimus -a -um  flattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive
bucinator, bucinatoris M  trumpeter; proclaimer
calvus, calva -um, calvior -or -us, calvissimus -a -um  bald, bald-headed; having head shaved; smooth; bare/stripped
campus, campi M  plain; level field/surface; open space for battle/games; sea; scope; campus
capillatus, capillata, capillatum  having long hair; hairy; hair-like
capio, capere, cepi, captus  take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate
caput, capitis N  head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth; capital
cena, cenae F  dinner/supper, principal Roman meal; course; meal; company at dinner
cervix, cervicis F  neck, nape; severed neck/head; cervix, neck
circulus, circuli M  circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference
circum  around, about, among, near, in neighborhood of; in circle around
clarus, clara -um, clarior -or -us, clarissimus -a -um  clear, bright, gleaming; loud, distinct; evident, plain; illustrious, famous
coepi, coeptus (also coepio -ere)  begin, commence, initiate; set foot on
commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus  shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite
communis, communis, commune  common/joint/public; general/universal
concelebro, concelebrare, concelebravi, concelebratus  celebrate, make known; go often/in large numbers/together, frequent, haunt
concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptus  take in/up, receive, catch; derive/draw; contain/hold; grasp; adopt; wed
concrepo, concrepare, concrepui, concrepitus  make noise, grate/creak; sound, crash/clash, rattle; snap
confodio, confodere, confodi, confossus  stab/run through, wound fatally; pierce, harm; dig up/turn over; trench
conor, conari, conatus sum  attempt/try/endeavor, make an effort; exert oneself; try to go/rise/speak
considero, considerare, consideravi, consideratus  examine/look at/inspect; consider closely, reflect on/contemplate; investigate
consido, considere, consedi, consessus  sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit, try; settle; alight; subside/sink
contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptus  think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactus  touch; reach; border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize
cor, cordis N  heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons
corripio, corripere, corripui, correptus  seize/grasp/snatch up, lay hold of; sweep off; carry away; appropriate/arrogate
creo, creare, creavi, creatus  create/bring into being/make; procreate; beget/sire; give birth to
cubiculum, cubiculi N  bedroom; sleeping chamber/apartment/suite
cubitum, cubiti N  elbow; forearm; ulna; cubit; elbow bend/pipe
cupidus, cupida -um, cupidior -or -us, cupidissimus -a -um  eager/passionate; longing for/desirous of; greedy; wanton/lecherous
cura, curae F  concern, worry, anxiety, trouble; attention, care, pains, zeal; cure, treatment
curiosus, curiosa -um, curiosior -or -us, curiosissimus -a -um  careful, diligent, painstaking; attentive; fussy; meddlesome, interfering
daedalus, daedala, daedalum  skillful, dexterous; skillfully made/worked
decido, decidere, decidi, decisus  detach, cut off/out/down; fell; cut/notch/carve to delineate; flog thoroughly
delibero, deliberare, deliberavi, deliberatus  weigh/consider/deliberate/consult; ponder/think over; resolve/decide o
denique  finally, in the end; and then; at worst; in short, to sum up; in fact, indeed
desum, desse, defui, defuturus  be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing
deus, dei  god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god
devinco, devincere, devici, devictus  subdue; defeat decisively, conquer/overcome entirely
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus  say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead
diduco, diducere, diduxi, diductus  divide, split, separate, sever; cause to come apart, break up; loosen
dies, diei  day; daylight; open sky; weather
diffundo, diffundere, diffundi, diffusus  diffuse; spread/pour out/widely; bottle/draw off; squander, distribute lavishly
digitus, digiti M  finger; toe; finger's breadth, inch; twig
diligenter, diligentius, diligentissime  carefully; attentively; diligently; scrupulously; thoroughly/completely/well
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus  love, hold dear; value/esteem/favor; have special regard for
dissero, disserere, disserui, dissertus  arrange, dispose, set in order; discuss; examine; explain, set out in words
dius, dia, dium  divine; w/supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint
diverto, divertere, diverti, diversus  separate; divert, turn away/in; digress; oppose; divorce/leave marriage
divus, divi M  god
do, dare, dedi, datus  give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make
dolor, doloris M  pain, anguish, grief, sorrow, suffering; resentment, indignation
domus, domi F  house, building; home, household
dono, donare, donavi, donatus  present, grant; forgive; give, bestow
dubius, dubia, dubium  doubtful, dubious, uncertain; variable, dangerous; critical
duco, ducere, additional, forms  lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong
duo, duae, duo  2
e  out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of
eadem  by the same route; at the same time; likewise; same
ebrius, ebria, ebrium  drunk, intoxicated; riotous; like a drunk, exhilarated, distraught; soaked in
efficio, efficere, effeci, effectus  bring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; prove
enim  namely; indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say
ergo  therefore; well, then, now
erro, errare, erravi, erratus  wander, go astray; make a mistake, err; vacillate
etiam  and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed
evito, evitare, evitavi, evitatus  shun, avoid
ex  out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of
excello, excellere, -, excelsus  be eminent/preeminent; excel
exerceo, exercere, exercui, exercitus  exercise, train, drill, practice; enforce, administer; cultivate
exigo, exigere, exegi, exactus  drive out, expel; finish; examine, weigh
exonero, exonerare, exoneravi, exoneratus  unload, disburden, discharge
exorior, exoriri, exortus sum  come out, come forth; bring; appear; rise, begin, spring up; cheer up
exorno, exornare, exornavi, exornatus  furnish with, adorn, embellish
expavesco, expavescere, expavi, -  become frightened
expectatio, expectationis F  expectation; suspense
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus  drive out, expel, banish; disown, reject
facio, facere, feci, factus  make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work
familia, familiae F  household; household of slaves; family; clan; religious community
fax, facis F  torch, firebrand, fire; flame of love; torment
fidelis, fidele, fidelior -or -us, fidelissimus -a -um  faithful/loyal/devoted; true/trustworthy/dependable/reliable; constant/lasting
fio, feri, factus sum  happen, come about; result; take place, be held, occur, arise
flammeus, flammea, flammeum  flaming, fiery; fiery red
flos, floris M  flower, blossom; youthful prime
fluvius, fluvi(i) M  river, stream; running water
follis, follis M  bag, purse; handball; pair of bellows; scrotum
frondifer, frondifera, frondiferum  leaf-bearing, leafy
frugiferens, (gen.), frugiferentis  fruitful, fertile
fruor, frui, fructus sum  enjoy, profit by, delight in
fuga, fugae F  flight, fleeing, escape; avoidance; exile
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus  flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus  pour, cast; scatter, shed, rout
fundus, fundi M  farm; piece of land, estate; bottom, lowest part; foundation; an authority
furtivus, furtiva, furtivum  stolen; secret, furtive
generatim  by tribes/kinds; generally
genetrix, genetricis F  mother, ancestress
genitalis, genitalis, genitale  of creation/procreation, reproductive; fruitful; connected with birth, inborn
genus, generis N  birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent
gremium, gremi(i) N  lap, bosom; womb, interior; female genital parts
guberno, gubernare, gubernavi, gubernatus  steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern
habeo, habere, habui, habitus  have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass
hodie  today, nowadays; at the present time
homo, hominis M  man, human being, person, fellow
horologium, horologi(i) N  clock, sundial
idem, eadem, idem  same, the same, the very same, also
ille, illa, illud  that; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former
immo  no indeed; on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
immortalis, immortalis, immortale  immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable
improbus, improba, improbum  wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless
incestus, incesta, incestum  unchaste; unholy, unclean, religiously impure, polluted, defiled, sinful, lewd
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus  begin; start, undertake
includo, includere, inclusi, inclusus  shut up/in, imprison, enclose; include
inclutus, incluta -um, inclutior -or -us, inclutissimus -a -um  celebrated, renowned, famous, illustrious, glorious
incutio, incutere, incussi, incussus  strike on or against; instill
inde  thence, thenceforth; from that place/time/cause; thereupon
indigus, indiga, indigum  having need; lacking; needy
induco, inducere, induxi, inductus  lead in, bring in; induce, influence; introduce
inhio, inhiare, inhiavi, inhiatus  gape, be open mouthed with astonishment; covet, desire
iniquus, iniqua -um, iniquior -or -us, iniquissimus -a -um  unjust, unfair; disadvantageous, uneven; unkind, hostile
initus, initus M  entry, start
inquiam, -, -  say
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus  understand; realize
inter  between, among; during
interea  meanwhile
interim  meanwhile, in the meantime; at the same time; however, nevertheless
interpello, interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus  interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct
involvo, involvere, involvi, involutus  wrap, cover, envelop; roll along
ira, irae F  anger; ire, wrath; resentment; indignation; rage/fury/violence; bad blood
ita  thus, so; therefore
jaceo, jacere, jacui, jacitus  lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
jocor, jocari, jocatus sum  joke, jest; say in jest; make merry
jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussus  order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray
juvo, juvare, juvi, jutus  help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify
labor, labi, lapsus sum  slip, slip and fall; slide, glide, drop; perish, go wrong
labrum, labri N  bowl; large basin/vat; tub/bathing place; teasel
laetus, laeta -um, laetior -or -us, laetissimus -a -um  happy/cheerful/joyful/glad; favorable/propitious; prosperous/successful
lautitia, lautitiae F  elegance, splendor, sumptuousness, luxury
lautus, lauta -um, lautior -or -us, lautissimus -a -um  elegant, fashionable; sumptuous/luxurious; fine, well turned out; washed/clean
lego, legere, legi, lectus  read; gather, collect; furl, weigh; pick out
lentus, lenta -um, lentior -or -us, lentissimus -a -um  clinging, tough; slow, sluggish, lazy, procrastinating; easy, pliant
lepor, leporis M  charm, pleasantness
libenter, libentius, libentissime  willingly; gladly, with pleasure
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -um  free; unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute
libidinosus, libidinosa, libidinosum  lustful, wanton; capricious
libido, libidinis F  desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts
limen, liminis N  threshold, entrance; lintel; house
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um  long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time
loquella, loquellae F  speech, utterance
loquor, loqui, locutus sum  speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase
maestus, maesta -um, maestior -or -us, maestissimus -a -um  sad/unhappy; mournful/gloomy; mourning; stern/grim; ill-omened/inauspicious
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, -  bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky
materies, materiei F  wood, lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree
metus, metus M  fear, anxiety; dread, awe; object of awe/dread
meus, mea, meum  my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
militia, militiae F  military service/organization; campaign; war; soldiers, army
miror, mirari, miratus sum  be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at
moenus, moeneris N  service; duty/office/function; gift, tribute, offering; bribe
mons, montis M  mountain; huge rock; towering heap
mortalis, mortalis, mortale  mortal, transient; human, of human origin
mulier, mulieris F  woman; wife; mistress
nascor, nasci, natus sum  be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live
naviger, navigera, navigerum  ship-bearing, navigable
ne  that not, lest
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitus  not know; be ignorant/unfamiliar/unaware/unacquainted/unable/unwilling
nihil, undeclined N  nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern
niteo, nitere, nitui, -  shine, glitter, look bright; be sleek/in good condition; bloom, thrive
nomen, nominis N  name, family name; noun; account, entry in debt ledger; sake; title, heading
noto, notare, notavi, notatus  observe; record; brand; write, inscribe
novus, nova -um, novior -or -us, novissimus -a -um  new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary
nox, noctis F  night
nubilum, nubili N  clouds, rain clouds
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratus  count, add up, reckon/compute; consider; relate; number/enumerate, catalog; pay
nuptia, nuptiae F  marriage, nuptials, wedding
obiter  on the way, by the way, in passing
obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum  forget
oculus, oculi M  eye
officium, offici(i) N  duty, obligation; kindness; service, office
opera, operae F  work, care; aid; service, effort/trouble
ops, opis F  power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth
ora, orae F  shore, coast
orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatus  equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim
os, oris N  mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation
osculum, osculi N  kiss; mouth; lips; orifice; mouthpiece
pabulum, pabuli N  fodder, forage, food for cattle; food/sustenance; fuel
pando, pandere, pandi, passus  spread out
pango, pangere, pepigi, pactus  compose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, agree upon, stipulate
pars, partis F  part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus  feed, feed on; graze
pater, patris M  father
patria, patriae F  native land; home, native city; one's country
paululus, paulula, paululum  little; small; small amount/quantity of/little bit of
pectus, pectoris N  breast, heart; feeling, soul, mind
pecus, pecudis F  sheep; animal
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus  weigh out; pay, pay out
percello, percellere, perculi, perculsus  strike down; strike; overpower; dismay, demoralize, upset
perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus  ruin, destroy; lose; waste
pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectus  go on, proceed
periclum, pericli N  danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability
perimo, perimere, peremi, peremptus  kill, destroy
persulto, persultare, persultavi, persultatus  leap or skip or prance about, range, scour
peto, petere, petivi, petitus  attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask; reach towards, make for
placatus, placata, placatum  kindly disposed; peaceful, calm
placeo, placere, placui, placitus  please, satisfy, give pleasure to
placidus, placida, placidum  gentle, calm, mild, peaceful, placid
plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausus  clap, strike, pat; beat; applaud; express approval
plenus, plena -um, plenior -or -us, plenissimus -a -um  full, plump; satisfied
polleo, pollere, -, -  exert power or influence; be strong
pono, ponere, posui, positus  put/place/set; station/post; pitch; situate; set up; erect
pontus, ponti M  sea
posco, poscere, poposci, -  ask, demand
possum, posse, potui, -  be able, can
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatus  carry in front; prefer; display; offer; give preference to
praesens, (gen.), praesentis  present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious
prasinus, prasina, prasinum  leek-green
pretium, preti(i) N  price/value/worth; reward/pay; money; prayer/request
primordium, primordi(i) N  first beginning, origin, commencement, beginnings
primus, prima, primum  first, foremost/best, chief, principal; nearest/next
primus, -a, -um  first
principium, principi(i) N  beginning
prior, prior, prius  ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic
privo, privare, privavi, privatus  deprive, rob, free
procella, procellae F  storm, gale; tumult, commotion
promereor, promereri, promeritus sum  deserve, merit; deserve well of; earn; gain
propago, propaginis F  layer or set by which a plant is propagated; offspring, children, race, breed
propago, propagare, propagavi, propagatus  propagate; extend, enlarge, increase
puella, puellae F  girl, child/daughter; maiden; young woman/wife; sweetheart; slavegirl
puerilis, puerilis, puerile  boyish; youthful, childish
quantus, quanta, quantum  how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
quia  because
quies, quietis F  quiet, calm, rest, peace; sleep
quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quietus  rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit; sleep
quis  which
quisquam, cuiusquam  any, anyone anything; any man, any person
quisque, cuiusque  each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever
quo  where, to what place; to what purpose; for which reason, therefore
quonam  to whatever place
quoque  likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually
rapax, (gen.), rapacis  grasping, rapacious
rapidus, rapida -um, rapidior -or -us, rapidissimus -a -um  rapid, swift
recubo, recubare, recubui, recubitus  lie down/back, recline, lie on the back
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus  return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate
rego, regere, rexi, rectus  rule, guide; manage, direct
rejicio, rejicere, rejeci, rejectus  throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus  leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath
reliquus, reliqua, reliquum  rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed
repeto, repetere, repetivi, repetitus  return to; get back; demand back/again; repeat; recall; claim
repostus, reposta, repostum  remote, out of the way
repugno, repugnare, repugnavi, repugnatus  fight back, oppose; be incompatible with; disagree with
resero, reserare, reseravi, reseratus  open up, unseal, unbar, unfasten; make accessible; uncover, expose
resolvo, resolvere, resolvi, resolutus  loosen, release, disperse, melt; relax; pay; enervate, pay back; break up
resupinus, resupina, resupinum  lying on one's back
rideo, ridere, risi, risus  laugh at, laugh; ridicule
rima, rimae F  crack, narrow cleft; chink, fissure
romanus, romana, romanum  Roman
rursum  turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again
saeclum, saecli N  age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century
saepe, saepius, saepissime  often, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently
sagax, (gen.), sagacis  keen-scented; acute, sharp, perceptive
salus, salutis F  health; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety
sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctus  confirm, ratify; sanction; fulfill; enact; ordain; dedicate
scio, scire, scivi(ii), scitus  know, understand
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus  write; compose
se  reflexive; -self
sejungo, sejungere, sejunxi, sejunctus  separate; exclude
semen, seminis N  seed
semotus, semota, semotum  distant, remote
semoveo, semovere, semovi, semotus  separate, set aside; remove, set apart, isolate
senex, senis M  old man
sequor, sequi, secutus sum  follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek
servilis, servilis, servile  servile, of slaves
servus, servi M  slave; servant
si  if, if only; whether
significo, significare, significavi, significatus  signify, indicate, show
signum, signi N  battle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue
simul  at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once
sine  without; lack
socia, sociae F  associate/partner; companion/partner
sol, solis M  sun
solus, sola, solum (gen -ius)  only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion/friend/protector; unique
sopio, sopire, sopivi, sopitus  cause to sleep, render insensible by a blow or sudden shock
spado, spadonis M  eunuch
species, speciei F  sight, appearance, show; splendor, beauty; kind, type
speculor, speculari, speculatus sum  watch, observe; spy out; examine, explore
spiritus, spiritus M  breath, breathing, air, soul, life
sto, stare, steti, status  stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest
studeo, studere, studui, -  desire, be eager for; busy oneself with; strive
studium, studi(i) N  eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal, spirit; devotion, pursuit, study
suavis, suave, suavior -or -us, suavissimus -a -um  agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive
subinde  immediately after, thereupon; constantly, repeatedly
subito  suddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at all
subjicio, subjicere, subjeci, subjectus  throw under, place under; make subject; expose
suborno, subornare, subornavi, subornatus  equip, adorn
subter  beneath; underneath, below; at lower level/in lower position
sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectus  be sufficient, suffice; stand up to; be capable/qualified; provide, appoint
summitto, summittere, summisi, summissus  allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit
summus, summa, summum  highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of
suo, suere, sui, sutus  sew together/up, stitch
supo, supare, supavi, supatus  throw; pour; strew, scatter
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus  rise, lift; grow
suspicio, suspicere, suspexi, suspectus  look up to; admire
suus, sua, suum  his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
talis, talis, tale  such; so great; so excellent; of such kind
tam  so, so much; to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same
tamquam  as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus  touch, strike; border on, influence; mention
tellus, telluris F  earth, ground; the earth; land, country
tempus, temporis N  time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus  hold, keep; comprehend; possess; master; preserve
teres, (gen.), teretis  smooth; tapering
tergo, tergere, tersi, tersus  rub, wipe; wipe off, wipe dry; clean, cleanse
tertius, tertia, tertium  third
thalamus, thalami M  bedroom; marriage
tot  so many, such a number of; as many, so many; such a great number of
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus  draw, drag, haul; derive, get
trano, tranare, tranavi, tranatus  swim across
tranquillus, tranquilla, tranquillum  quiet, calm
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatus  tremble, be afraid, waver
triclinium, triclini(i) N  dining couch; dining room
tristis, tristis, triste  sad, sorrowful; gloomy
tueor, tueri, tutus sum  see, look at; protect, watch; uphold
tum  moreover
tunica, tunicae F  undergarment, shirt,tunic
unde  from where, whence, from what or which place; from which; from whom
unus, una, unum (gen -ius)  alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of
usurpo, usurpare, usurpavi, usurpatus  seize upon, usurp; use
vaco, vacare, vacavi, vacatus  be empty; be vacant; be idle; be free from, be unoccupied
vacuus, vacua, vacuum  empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of
venio, venire, veni, ventus  come
ventus, venti M  wind
verbero, verberare, verberavi, verberatus  beat, strike, lash
vernus, verna, vernum  of spring, vernal
versus, versus M  line, verse; furrow, ground traversed before turn; row/string, bench
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um  true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper
vesica, vesicae F  bladder; balloon
vestio, vestire, vestivi, vestitus  clothe
vestis, vestis F  garment, clothing, blanket; clothes; robe
vestitus, vestitus M  clothing
vibro, vibrare, vibravi, vibratus  brandish, wave, crimp, corrugate; rock; propel suddenly; flash; dart; glitter
video, videre, vidi, visus  see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
vigeo, vigere, -, -  be strong/vigorous; thrive, flourish, bloom/blossom; be active, be effective
virens, (gen.), virentis  green
vis, vis F  strength, force, power, might, violence
viso, visere, visi, visus  visit, go to see; look at
visus, visus M  look, sight, appearance; vision
vita, vitae F  life, career, livelihood; mode of life
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus  call, summon; name; call upon
volo, velle, volui, -  wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
volucer, volucris, volucre  winged; able to fly; flying; in rapid motion, fleet/swift; transient, fleeting
voluptas, voluptatis F  pleasure, delight, enjoyment
vos  you (pl)
vulnus, vulneris N  wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love
vultus, vultus M  face, expression; looks
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