Vocab sheet
for Latteach1955, 2 passages

Words occurring 10 to 20 times
qui, quae, quod  who, which
Words occurring 6 to 10 times
et  and, and even; also, even
Words occurring 3 to 5 times
atque  and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet
cum  with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
hic, haec, hoc  this; these
homo, hominis M  man, human being, person, fellow
in  into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
invidia, invidiae F  hate/hatred/dislike; envy/jealousy/spite/ill will; use of words/acts to arouse
judex, judicis M  judge; juror
judicium, judici(i) N  trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice
non  not, by no means, no
ordo, ordinis M  row, order/rank; succession; series; class; bank; order
populus, populi  people, nation, State; public/populace/multitude/crowd; a following
publicus, publica, publicum  public; common, of the people/state; official
res, rei F  thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property
reus, rea, reum  liable to; guilty
romanus, romana, romanum  Roman
sed  but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but
sum, esse, fui, futurus  be; exist
ut  to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
vos  you (pl)
Words occurring 1 to 2 times
Albanus, -a, -um  of Alba Longa
Asia, Asiae F  Asia; Asia Minor; the East
C., abb.  Gaius; centum/100
Italia, Italiae F  Italy
Juno, Junonis F  Juno
Latinus, Latina, Latinum  Latin; of Latium; of/in Latin; Roman/Italian
Latius, Latia, Latium  Latin; of Latium; Roman; Italian
Lavinius, a, um  pertaining to Lavinium (city in Latium)
Roma, Romae F  Rome
Sicilia, Siciliae F  Sicily
Troia, Troiae  Troy
ab  by, from; after
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolutus  free, release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up
ac  and, and also, and besides
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus  come near, approach; agree with; be added to; constitute
accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatus  accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand; charge
actor, actoris M  actor, performer, doer; advocate; plaintiff; agent; player
ad  to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM
adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus  lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten
adsequor, adsequi, adsecutus sum  follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand
aerarius, aerari(i) M  lowest class citizen, pays poll tax but cannot vote/hold office; coppersmith
altum, alti N  the deep, the sea; deep water; a height/depth; remote/obscure period/source
altus, alta -um, altior -or -us, altissimus -a -um  high; deep/profound; shrill; lofty/noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus  lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop
apud  at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of
armum, armi N  arms, weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force
auctoritas, auctoritatis F  title, ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus  increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of
aut  or, or rather/else; either...or
bellum, belli N  war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms
cano, canere, cecini, cantus  sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play/sound; foretell
causa, causae F  cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom
communis, communis, commune  common/joint/public; general/universal
condo, condere, condidi, conditus  put/insert; store up/put away, preserve, bottle; bury/inter; sink
conor, conari, conatus sum  attempt/try/endeavor, make an effort; exert oneself; try to go/rise/speak
consilium, consili(i) N  debate/discussion/deliberation/consultation; advice/counsel/suggestion; adviser
contio, contionis F  meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general
damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatus  pass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom
de  down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
debeo, debere, debui, debitus  owe; be indebted/responsible for/obliged/bound/destined; ought, must, should
depeculator, depeculatoris M  fraud; plunderer, embezzler
desum, deesse, defui, defuturus  be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing
deus, dei  god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god
discrimen, discriminis N  crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference
divinitus  from heaven, by a god, by divine influence/inspiration; divinely, admirable
divitia, divitiae F  riches, wealth
do, dare, dedi, datus  give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make
dum  while, as long as, until; provided that
ego  I
enim  namely; indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say
etiam  and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed
existimatio, existimationis F  opinion; reputation/name; esteem; judgment/view/estimation; credit
expectatio, expectationis F  expectation; suspense
exter, extera -um, exterior -or -us, extremus -a -um  outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange
facio, facere, feci, factus  make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work
fatum, fati N  utterance, oracle; fate, destiny; natural term of life; doom, death, calamity
genus, generis N  birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent
gratia, gratiae F  popularity/esteem/credit; partiality/favoritism; unpopularity
haereo, haerere, haesi, haesus  stick, adhere, cling to; hesitate; be in difficulties
humanus, humana -um, humanior -or -us, humanissimus -a -um  human; kind; humane, civilized, refined
ille, illa, illud  that; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former
infamia, infamiae F  disgrace, dishonor; infamy
infero, inferre, intuli, illatus  bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge
inflammo, inflammare, inflammavi, inflammatus  set on fire, inflame, kindle; excite
ingens, ingentis (gen.), ingentior -or -us, ingentissimus -a -um  not natural, immoderate; huge, vast, enormous; mighty; remarkable, momentous
invetero, inveterare, inveteravi, inveteratus  make old, give age to; grow old; become rooted
ipse, ipsa, ipsum  himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
ira, irae F  anger; ire, wrath; resentment; indignation; rage/fury/violence; bad blood
is, ea, id  he/she/it/they; that one
iste, ista, istud  that, that of yours, that which you refer to; such
jacto, jactare, jactavi, jactatus  throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
jam  now, already, by/even now; besides
judico, judicare, judicavi, judicatus  judge, give judgment; sentence; conclude, decide; declare, appraise
jus, juris N  law; legal system; code; right; duty; justice; court; binding decision; oath
labo, labare, labavi, labatus  totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err
lex, legis F  law; motion, bill, statute; principle; condition
litus, litoris N  shore, seashore, coast, strand; river bank; beach, landing place
magnitudo, magnitudinis F  size, magnitude, bulk; greatness. importance, intensity
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um  large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
memor, (gen.), memoris  remembering; mindful, grateful; unforgetting, commemorative
modus, modi M  manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit
moenia, moenium  defensive/town walls, bulwarks; fortifications; fortified town; castle
multum, plus, plurimum  much, greatly, plenty, very; more; most
multus, multa -um, -, plurimus -a -um  much, many, great, many a; large, intense, assiduous; tedious
natio, nationis F  nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens
nemo, neminis  no one, nobody
noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitus  harm, hurt; injure
nunc  now, today, at present
ob  on account of, for the sake of, for; instead of; right before
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus  offer; present; cause; bestow
omnis, omnis, omne  each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of
opinio, opinionis F  belief, idea, opinion; rumor
opto, optare, optavi, optatus  choose, select; wish, wish for, desire
ora, orae F  shore, coast
paro, parare, paravi, paratus  prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan
pater, patris M  father
patior, pati, passus sum  suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit
pecunia, pecuniae F  money; property
pecuniosus, pecuniosa, pecuniosum  rich, wealthy; profitable
percrebresco, percrebrescere, percrebrui, -  become very frequent, become very widespread
perfringo, perfringere, perfregi, perfractus  break through
periculosus, periculosa -um, periculosior -or -us, periculosissimus -a -um  dangerous, hazardous, perilous; threatening
pernicies, perniciei F  ruin; disaster; pest, bane; curse; destruction, calamity; mischief
perniciosus, perniciosa, perniciosum  destructive, dangerous, pernicious
pertineo, pertinere, pertinui, pertentus  reach; extend; relate to; concerns, pertain to
possum, posse, potui, -  be able, can
potior, potior, potius  better/preferable/superior; more useful/effective; more important
praedicatio, praedicationis F  announcement/statement; public proclaiming; praise/commendation/special mention
praedo, praedonis M  robber, thief; pirate
primus, -a, -um  first
profugus, profugi  fugitive; runaway; refugee; exile
prope, propius, proxime  near, nearly; close by; almost
provincia, provinciae F  province; office; duty; command
quisvis, cuiusvis  any whatever and INDEF whoever it be, whom you please; any whatever
quoque  likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually
reconcilio, reconciliare, reconciliavi, reconciliatus  restore; reconcile
redeo, redire, redivi(ii), reditus  return, go back, give back; fall back on, revert to; respond, pay back
religio, religionis F  supernatural constraint/taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity
religiosus, religiosa, religiosum  pious/devout/religious/scrupulous; superstitious; taboo/sacred; reverent/devout
remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansus  stay behind; continue, remain
saevus, saeva -um, saevior -or -us, saevissimus -a -um  savage; fierce/ferocious; violent/wild/raging; cruel, harsh, severe; vehement
satis  enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty
sedo, sedare, sedavi, sedatus  settle, allay; restrain; calm down
senatus, senatus M  senate
sermo, sermonis M  conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word
si  if, if only; whether
sin  but if; if on the contrary
spes, spei F  hope/anticipation/expectation; prospect/hope/promise
succurro, succurrere, succurri, succursus  run to the aid of, help
summus, summa, summum  highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of
superus, superi M  gods on high, celestial deities; those above
suus, sua, suum  his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
tam  so, so much; to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same
tempus, temporis N  time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity
terra, terrae F  earth, land, ground; country, region
unde  from where, whence, from what or which place; from which; from whom
unus -a -um, primus -a -um, singuli -ae -a, semel 
urbanus, urbana, urbanum  of the city; courteous; witty, urbane
urbs, urbis F  city; City of Rome
venio, venire, veni, ventus  come
veritas, veritatis F  truth, fact, accuracy; honesty, truthfulness, frankness; sincerity, uprightness
verro, verrere, verri, versus  sweep clean; sweep together; sweep; skim, sweep; sweep along
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um  true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper
vester, vestra, vestrum  your, of/belonging to/associated with you
video, videre, vidi, visus  see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
vir, viri M  man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility
vis, vis F  strength, force, power, might, violence
vita, vitae F  life, career, livelihood; mode of life
voluntas, voluntatis F  will, desire; purpose; good will; wish, favor, consent

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