92 definitions of interest to lovi
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Falernum, Falerni N | Falernian wine |
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditus | remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal |
acer, acris -e, acrior -or -us, acerrimus -a -um | sharp, bitter, pointed, piercing, shrill; sagacious, keen; severe, vigorous |
adnuo, adnuere, adnui, adnutus | designate by a nod; indicate, declare; nod assent; smile on; agree to, grant |
adsector, adsectari, adsectatus sum | accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court |
alter, altera, alterum | one; second/another; former/latter |
antesto, antestare, antesteti, antestatus | surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before |
anus, ana, anum | old, aged |
arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus | take hold of; seize, snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb |
capillus, capilli M | hair; hair of head; single hair; hair/fur/wool of animals; hair-like fiber |
citrum, citri N | wood of citron tree; furniture/table made of citron/citrus-wood |
como, comere, comsi, comtus | arrange/do; adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out |
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus | make, construct; prepare, complete, accomplish; cause; perform; do thoroughly |
conpesco, conpescere, conpescui, - | restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close |
conpono, conponere, conposui, conpositus | compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match; store/hoard; calm |
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus | stop/stand/halt/cease; pause, linger; stop spreading/flowing; take a position |
curtus, curta, curtum | mutilated; incomplete, missing a part; circumcised; castrated, gelded; docked |
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus | defend/guard/protect, look after; act/speak/plead/write for defense; prosecute |
defrico, defricare, defricui, defrictus | rub hard/thoroughly; rub down; scour/rub off |
demitto, demittere, demisi, demissus | drop, let fall; sink; send/cast/go/flow/float/slope down; flow/shed/let |
desum, desse, defui, defuturus | be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing |
diffindo, diffindere, diffidi, diffissus | divide; split/cut/break off/open; defer/put off; refute/deny |
diffingo, diffingere, diffinxi, diffictus | reshape/remold, mold/forge into different shape; remodel, transform, make anew |
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus | go/march off, depart, withdraw; scatter, dissipate; abandon; lay down |
displodo, displodere, displosi, displosus | burst apart |
doceo, docere, docui, doctus | teach, show, point out |
effigies, effigiei F | copy, image, likeness, portrait; effigy, statue; ghost |
elicio, elicere, elicui, elicitus | draw/pull out/forth, entice, elicit, coax |
experior, experiri, expertus sum | test, put to the test; find out; attempt, try; prove, experience |
exsudo, exsudare, exsudavi, exsudatus | exude; sweat out |
facetus, faceta, facetum | witty, humorous; clever, adept |
fautor, fautoris M | patron, protector; admirer; supporter, partisan; who promotes/fosters interests |
foris, foris F | door, gate; a folding door; double door; entrance |
frustro, frustrare, frustravi, frustratus | disappoint, frustrate, deceive; escape/elude; baffle/evade; fail |
garrio, garrire, garrivi, garritus | chatter/prattle/jabber; talk rapidly; talk/write nonsense |
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum | be glad, rejoice |
interpello, interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus | interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct |
jamdudum | long ago/before/since; a long time ago; this long time; immediately, at once |
jecur, jecoris N | liver |
lateo, latere, latui, - | lie hidden, lurk; live a retired life, escape notice |
latus, lateris N | side; flank |
lenis, lene, lenior -or -us, lenissimus -a -um | gentle, kind, light; smooth, mild, easy, calm |
lorum, lori N | leather strap, thong; shoe strap; rawhide whip; dog leash; reins |
luteus, lutea, luteum | yellow; saffron; of mud or clay; good for nothing |
lutulentus, lutulenta, lutulentum | muddy; turbid; dirty; morally polluted |
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, - | bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky |
manis, manis M | shades/ghosts of dead; gods of Lower World; corpse/remains; underworld |
mano, manare, manavi, manatus | flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring |
meio, meere, mixi, mictus | urinate, make water; ejaculate |
mordicus | by biting, with the teeth; tenaciously |
nascor, nasci, natus sum | be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live |
nempe | truly, certainly, of course |
neu | or not, and not |
nosco, noscere, novi, notus | get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with |
nuga, nugae F | trifles, nonsense; trash; frivolities; bagatelle |
occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatus | seize; gain; overtake; capture, occupy; attack |
officio, officere, offeci, offectus | block the path, check, impede |
opus, operis N | need; work; fortifications, works |
pango, pangere, pepigi, pactus | compose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, agree upon, stipulate |
patior, pati, passus sum | suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit |
persequor, persequi, persecutus sum | follow up, pursue; overtake; attack; take vengeance on; accomplish |
pervinco, pervincere, pervici, pervictus | conquer completely; carry, gain an objective, persuade |
plus, (gen.), pluris | more; several. many |
praeter | besides, except, contrary to; beyond, in front of, before; more than |
pullus, pulla, pullum | blackish, dark colored, of undyed wool as worn in morning |
purus, pura -um, purior -or -us, purissimus -a -um | pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement/taboo/stain; blameless, innocent |
quaeso, quaesere, -, - | beg, ask, ask for, seek |
quare | in what way? how? by which means, whereby; why; wherefore, therefore, hence |
queo, quire, quivi(ii), quitus | be able |
quislibet, cuiuslibet | whoever/whatever you please; anyone/anything whatever |
rictus, rictus M | jaws; open mouth |
salvus, salva, salvum | well, unharmed, sound; alive; safe, saved |
scilicet | one may know, certainly; of course |
secor, seci, secutus sum | follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek |
senex, senis (gen.), senior -or -us, - | aged, old |
sicut | as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were |
simius, simii | ape |
sodes | if you do not mind, please |
suaviter | pleasantly, sweetly |
tamen | yet, nevertheless, still |
tantummodo | only, merely |
testis, testis | witness |
trivius, trivia, trivium | of/belonging to crossroads temple, esp. sacred to Diana/Hecate |
turgidus, turgida, turgidum | swollen, inflated, distended; swollen; inflamed with passion |
udus, uda, udum | wet |
uncus, unca, uncum | hooked, curved, bent in, crooked, round; barbed |
vado, vadare, -, - | ford |
valeo, valere, valui, valitus | be strong/powerful/influential/healthy; prevail |
vesica, vesicae F | bladder; balloon |
vicis, vicis F | turn, change, succession; exchange, interchange, repayment; plight, lot |
vicus, vici M | village; hamlet; street, row of houses |
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus | avoid, shun; evade |
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