Vocab sheet
for magistrasbc, 3 passages
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Words occurring
Words occurring
ac | and, and also, and besides |
apud | at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of |
aut | or, or rather/else; either...or |
ceterus, cetera, ceterum | the other; the others. the remaining/rest, all the rest |
deus, dei | god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god |
gens, gentis F | tribe, clan; nation, people; Gentiles |
hic, haec, hoc | this; these |
is, ea, id | he/she/it/they; that one |
nomen, nominis N | name, family name; noun; account, entry in debt ledger; sake; title, heading |
si | if, if only; whether |
Words occurring
Germania, Germaniae F | Germany |
Oceanus, Oceani M | Ocean |
Rhenus, Rheni M | Rhine |
a | by, from; after |
acies, aciei F | sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line/array; sight, glance; pupil of eye |
ad | to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM |
adeo, adire, adivi(ii), aditus | approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession |
alius, alia, aliud | other, another; different, changed |
animus, animi M | mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air |
auspicium, auspici(i) N | divination; omen; beginning; auspices; right of doing auspices |
civitas, civitatis F | community/city/town/state; citizens; citizen rights/citizenship; naturalization |
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus | lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong |
etiam | and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed |
ex | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of |
feminus, femina, feminum | female |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get |
fides, fidei F | faith, loyalty; honesty; credit; confidence, trust, belief; good faith |
germanus, germana, germanum | own/full; genuine, real, actual, true |
ipse, ipsa, ipsum | himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves |
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um | large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious |
neque | nor; and not, not, neither |
nitor, niti, nisus sum | press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on; strive, labor |
non | not, by no means, no |
nosco, noscere, novi, notus | get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with |
olim | formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future |
omnis, omnis, omne | each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of |
os, oris N | mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation |
plus, (gen.), pluris | more; several. many |
quidam, quaedam, quoddam | a certain thing |
quis | which |
quisdam, cuiusdam | certain; as INDEF a certain thing; somebody, one, something |
quoque | likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually |
rex, regis M | king |
sacerdos, sacerdotis | priest, priestess |
sed | but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but |
suus, sua, suum | his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs |
terra, terrae F | earth, land, ground; country, region |
unde | from where, whence, from what or which place; from which; from whom |
ut | to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if |
vel | even, actually; or even, in deed; or |
video, videre, vidi, visus | see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen |
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus | call, summon; name; call upon |
Words occurring
Africus, Africa, Africum | African; from the southwest |
Alpis, Alpis F | Alps, mountains to the north of Italy |
Asia, Asiae F | Asia; Asia Minor; the East |
Gallus, Galla, Gallum | Gallic, of Gaul/the Gauls; class of gladiator w/Gallic armor |
Hercules, Herculis M | Hercules |
Italia, Italiae F | Italy |
Mars, Martis M | Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms |
Mercurius, Mercurii M | Mercury |
Poenus, Poena, Poenum | Carthaginian, Punic; of/associated w/Carthage; Phoenician; scarlet, bright red |
Pontius, Ponti M | Pontius |
Sarmata, Sarmatae M | Sarmatian; people from south Russia/Iran |
Suebus, Suebi M | Swabian |
Ulixes, Ulixis M | Ulysses/Odysseus |
Vespasianus, Vespasiani M | Vespasian |
ab | by, from; after |
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus | kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey |
addo, addere, addidi, additus | add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate |
adfector, adfectari, adfectatus sum | aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend |
adfirmo, adfirmare, adfirmavi, adfirmatus | affirm/assert; confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize |
adhuc | thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides |
adjicio, adjicere, adjeci, adjectus | add, increase, raise; add to; suggest; hurl; throw to/at |
admiratio, admirationis F | wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel |
adsigno, adsignare, adsignavi, adsignatus | assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow; impute; affix seal |
adsimulo, adsimulare, adsimulavi, adsimulatus | make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part |
adspicio, adspicere, adspexi, adspectus | look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate |
adulatio, adulationis F | flattery, adulation; prostrating oneself; fawning, courtship |
adveho, advehere, advexi, advectus | carry, bring, convey |
adventus, adventus M | arrival, approach; visit, appearance, advent; ripening; invasion, incursion |
adverto, advertere, adverti, adversus | turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot |
ago, agere, egi, actus | drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver |
aliquid | to some degree/extent; somewhat |
alo, alere, alui, altus | feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop |
ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus | go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace |
amputo, amputare, amputavi, amputatus | lop/cut off, prune, shorten; amputate; eradicate, exclude, take away; castrate |
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversus | pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish |
animal, animalis N | animal, living thing/offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect |
annalis, annalis M | book of annuals/chronicles; annals, chronicle, history, yearbooks |
ante | in front/presence of, in view; before; over against, facing |
antiquus, antiqua -um, antiquior -or -us, antiquissimus -a -um | old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated |
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus | uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out |
appellatio, appellationis F | appeal; name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation |
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus | call; address; dun; solicit; appeal; bring to court; accuse; name |
ara, arae F | altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter |
arbitro, arbitrare, arbitravi, arbitratus | think, judge; consider; be settled/decided on |
arbor, arboris F | tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid? |
argumentum, argumenti N | proof; evidence, fact; argument; conclusion; reason, basis; subject/plot |
armum, armi N | arms, weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force |
asper, aspera -um, asperior -or -us, asperrimus -a -um | rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard |
asperitas, asperitatis F | roughness; severity; difficulty; harshness; shrillness, sharpness; fierceness |
aspernor, aspernari, aspernatus sum | despise, scorn, disdain; spurn, push away, repel, reject; refuse, decline |
assum, adesse, affui, affuturus | be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid |
audio, audire, audivi, auditus | hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear |
auguro, augurare, auguravi, auguratus | prophesy, predict, foretell; practice augury; make known intention to |
avis, avis F | bird; sign, omen, portent |
barditus, barditus M | trumpeting; war-cry, battle-cry |
bellor, bellari, - | fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight |
bellum, belli N | war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms |
bellus, bella -um, bellior -or -us, bellissimus -a -um | pretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellent |
caelestis, caeleste, caelestior -or -us, caelestissimus -a -um | heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods |
caelus, caeli M | heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah |
candidus, candida -um, candidior -or -us, candidissimus -a -um | bright, clear, transparent; clean/spotless; lucid; candid; kind; innocent, pure |
cano, canere, cecini, cantus | sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play/sound; foretell |
cantus, cantus M | song, chant; singing; cry; blast; poem, poetry; incantation |
captivitas, captivitatis F | captivity/bondage; capture/act of being captured; blindness; captives |
captivus, captiva, captivum | caught, taken captive; captured, imprisoned; conquered; of captives |
carmen, carminis N | card for wool/flax; song/music (woven with words); incantation, magic formula |
casus, casus M | fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate |
causa, causae F | cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom |
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus | celebrate/perform; frequent; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy |
certus, certa -um, certior -or -us, certissimus -a -um | fixed, settled, firm; certain; trusty/reliable; sure; resolved, determined |
cibus, cibi M | food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait |
classis, classis F | class/division of Romans; grade; levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band |
clementer, clementius, clementissime | leniently, mercifully; mildly/softly; slowly/at an easy rate/gradually, gently |
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus | become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine |
cohibeo, cohibere, cohibui, cohibitus | hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress |
colo, colere, colui, cultus | live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain |
comito, comitare, comitavi, comitatus | accompany, go along with; attend; follow; grow alongside |
comminus | hand to hand, in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of |
committo, committere, commisi, commissus | bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust |
comperio, comperire, comperi, compertus | learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty |
complector, complecti, complexus sum | embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve |
complus, (gen.), compluris | many, several, a fair/good number; more than one |
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessus | relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone |
concentus, concentus M | singing/playing/shouting together; harmony; concord; tune; choir |
conditor, conditoris M | original builder, founder; originator/creator; author; preserver; organizer |
confinium, confini(i) N | common boundary; border, limit; proximity/nearness/neighborhood |
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatus | strengthen, develop, build up; make secure/firm; reassure; secure |
conglobatio, conglobationis F | accumulation; massing together; crowding/gathering together |
conjunx, (gen.), conjugis | yoked together; paired; linked as a pair |
conscius, conscia, conscium | conscious, aware of, knowing, privy; sharing knowledge; guilty |
consecro, consecrare, consecravi, consecratus | consecrate/dedicate, set apart; hallow, sanctify; deify; curse; vow to a god |
consilium, consili(i) N | debate/discussion/deliberation/consultation; advice/counsel/suggestion; adviser |
conspicuus, conspicua, conspicuum | visible, clearly seen, in sight/full view; illustrious/notable/famous/striking |
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus | set up/in position, erect; place/dispose/locate; halt; plant |
consto, constare, constiti, constatus | agree/correspond/fit, be correct; be dependent/based upon; exist/continue/last |
consuetudo, consuetudinis F | habit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention |
consultatio, consultationis F | full/mature deliberation/consideration/discussion; consultation; inquiry |
consulto, consultare, consultavi, consultatus | consult, take counsel; form plans, provide; consult oracle/astrologer |
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactus | touch; reach; border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize |
credo, credere, credidi, creditus | trust, entrust; commit/consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose |
cultus, cultus M | habitation; cultivation; civilization, refinement; polish, elegance |
cum | with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached |
cuneus, cunei M | wedge; wedge-shaped stone/area/rack/block of seats; battalion/etc in a wedge |
currus, currus M | chariot, light horse vehicle; triumphal chariot; triumph; wheels on plow; cart |
de | down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to |
dea, deae F | goddess |
decido, decidere, decidi, decisus | detach, cut off/out/down; fell; cut/notch/carve to delineate; flog thoroughly |
defero, deferre, detuli, delatus | carry/bring/sink/fall down/off; convey/deliver/transfer; reduce/slope |
demo, demere, dempsi, demptus | take/cut away/off, remove, withdraw; subtract; take away from |
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractus | drag/pull/strip/take down/away/off; remove; exclude, omit, cut out; subtract |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus | say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead |
dies, diei | day; daylight; open sky; weather |
discerno, discernere, discrevi, discretus | see, discern; distinguish, separate |
diu, diutius, diutissime | a long/considerable time/while; long since |
divus, diva -um, -, divissimus -a -um | divine; blessed, saint |
doceo, docere, docui, doctus | teach, show, point out |
donec | while, as long as, until |
e | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of |
eadem | by the same route; at the same time; likewise; same |
edo, edere, edidi, editus | eject/emit; put/give forth; beget; bear; display/evince/exhibit |
efficax, efficacis (gen.), efficacior -or -us, efficacissimus -a -um | effective, capable of filling some function; legally valid |
effigies, effigiei F | copy, image, likeness, portrait; effigy, statue; ghost |
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusus | pour out/away/off; allow to drain; shower; volley; send/stream forth |
eligo, eligere, elegi, electus | pick out, choose |
enim | namely; indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say |
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail |
eodem | to the same place/purpose |
equus, equi M | horse; steed |
error, erroris M | wandering; error; winding, maze; uncertainty; deception |
erumpo, erumpere, erupi, eruptus | burst/pop; cause to burst; become dislocated |
eundem | same, the same, the very same; also |
evalesco, evalescere, evalui, - | increase in strength; prevail, have sufficient strength |
evenio, evenire, eveni, eventus | come out/about/forth; happen; turn out |
exemplum, exempli N | example, sample, specimen; instance; precedent, case; warning, deterrent |
exigo, exigere, exegi, exactus | drive out, expel; finish; examine, weigh |
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus | drive out, expel, banish; disown, reject |
experior, experiri, expertus sum | test, put to the test; find out; attempt, try; prove, experience |
exploro, explorare, exploravi, exploratus | search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate |
exsto, exstare, -, - | stand forth/out; exist; be extant/visible; be on record |
fabulosus, fabulosa, fabulosum | storied, fabulous; celebrated in story |
facio, facere, feci, factus | make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work |
familia, familiae F | household; household of slaves; family; clan; religious community |
fas, undeclined N | divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed |
figuro, figurare, figuravi, figuratus | form, fashion, shape |
filius, fili M | son |
flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus | bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften |
flumen, fluminis N | river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush |
fortis, forte, fortior -or -us, fortissimus -a -um | strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold |
fortitudo, fortitudinis F | strength, courage, valor; firmness |
fortuitus, fortuita, fortuitum | casual, accidental, fortuitous, happening by chance |
fortuna, fortunae F | chance, luck, fate; prosperity; condition, wealth, property |
frango, frangere, fregi, fractus | break, shatter, crush; dishearten, subdue, weaken; move, discourage |
fremo, fremere, fremui, fremitus | roar; growl; rage; murmur, clamor for |
frugifer, frugifera, frugiferum | fruit-bearing, fertile |
genus, generis N | birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent |
gesto, gestare, gestavi, gestatus | bear, carry; wear |
graecus, graeca, graecum | Greek |
gravis, grave, gravior -or -us, gravissimus -a -um | heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome |
habeo, habere, habui, habitus | have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass |
haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus | draw up/out; drink, swallow, drain, exhaust |
hinnio, hinnire, hinnivi, hinnitus | neigh |
hodie | today, nowadays; at the present time |
horridus, horrida, horridum | wild, frightful, rough, bristly, standing on end, unkempt; grim; horrible |
hortamen, hortaminis N | encouragement |
hospitium, hospiti(i) N | hospitality, entertainment; lodging; guest room/lodging; inn |
hostia, hostiae F | victim, sacrifice; sacrificial offering/animal |
humanus, humana -um, humanior -or -us, humanissimus -a -um | human; kind; humane, civilized, refined |
idem, eadem, idem | same, the same, the very same, also |
ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotus | pardon, forgive |
impatiens, impatientis (gen.), impatientior -or -us, impatientissimus -a -um | impatient/intolerant; not moved to action by feeling; unbearable |
imperium, imperi(i) N | command; authority; rule, supreme power; the state, the empire |
impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus | order, command, levy; rule |
imprimo, imprimere, impressi, impressus | impress, imprint; press upon; stamp |
inaccessus, inaccessa, inaccessum | inaccessible; unapproachable; not approached by any rival |
incitamentum, incitamenti N | incentive, stimulus |
inclino, inclinare, inclinavi, inclinatus | bend; lower; incline; decay; grow worse; set; deject |
incolo, incolere, incolui, - | live, dwell/reside; inhabit; sojourn |
indigenus, indigena, indigenum | native, indigenous; sprung from the land |
infans, (gen.), infantis | speechless, inarticulate; new born; childish, foolish |
infinitus, infinita, infinitum | boundless, unlimited, endless; infinite |
informo, informare, informavi, informatus | shape, form; fashion; form an idea of |
ingenium, ingeni(i) N | nature, innate quality; natural disposition/capacity; character; talent |
inmensus, inmensa, inmensum | immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable |
inscribo, inscribere, inscripsi, inscriptus | write on/in; inscribe, brand; record as; entitle |
insula, insulae F | island; apartment house |
insum, inesse, infui, infuturus | be in/on/there; belong to; be involved in |
inter | between, among; during |
intercipio, intercipere, intercepi, interceptus | cut off; intercept, interrupt; steal |
interpretor, interpretari, interpretatus sum | explain/expound; interpret/prophesy from; understand/comprehend |
interrogo, interrogare, interrogavi, interrogatus | ask, question, interrogate, examine; indict; go to law with, sue |
intumesco, intumescere, intumui, - | swell up, become swollen; rise |
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus | come upon; discover, find; invent, contrive; reach, manage to get |
jam | now, already, by/even now; besides |
jugum, jugi N | yoke; team, pair; ridge, summit, chain |
jussus, jussus M | order, command, decree, ordinance |
labo, labare, labavi, labatus | totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err |
laudator, laudatoris M | praiser, one who praises; eulogist |
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -um | free; unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute |
liburna, liburnae F | light, fast-sailing warship |
liceo, licere, licui, - | fetch |
lito, litare, litavi, litatus | obtain/give favorable omens from sacrifice; make offering |
littera, litterae F | letter; letter, epistle; literature, books, records, account |
locus, loci M | seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic |
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um | long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time |
lucus, luci M | grove; sacred grove |
lux, lucis F | light, daylight, light of day; life; world; day |
magnitudo, magnitudinis F | size, magnitude, bulk; greatness. importance, intensity |
manna, mannae F | manna; food for the soul, divine support |
mannus, manni M | pony |
mare, maris N | sea; sea water |
mas, (gen.), maris | male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine |
mater, matris F | mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city |
meatus, meatus M | movement along line, course/path; progress; line followed; channel; passage-way |
medius, media, medium | middle, middle of, mid; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous |
memoria, memoriae F | memory, recollection; history; time within memory |
memoro, memorare, memoravi, memoratus | remember; be mindful of; mention/recount/relate, remind/speak of |
metus, metus M | fear, anxiety; dread, awe; object of awe/dread |
minister, ministri M | attendant, servant, waiter; agent, aide; accomplice |
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtus | mix, mingle; embroil; confound; stir up |
modicus, modica, modicum | moderate; temperate, restrained; small |
modus, modi M | manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit |
mollis, molle, mollior -or -us, mollissimus -a -um | soft; flexible/supple/loose/pliant; mild/tolerable; easy; calm |
moneo, monere, monui, monitus | remind, advise, warn; teach; admonish; foretell, presage |
mons, montis M | mountain; huge rock; towering heap |
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratus | show; point out, reveal; advise, teach |
monumentum, monumenti N | reminder; memorial, monument, tomb; record, literary work, history, book |
mortalis, mortalis, mortale | mortal, transient; human, of human origin |
mox | soon, next |
murmur, murmuris | murmur/mutter; whisper/rustle, hum/buzz; low noise; roar/growl/grunt/rumble |
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus | move, change, shift, alter, exchange, substitute; modify |
mutuus, mutua, mutuum | borrowed, lent; mutual, in return |
natio, nationis F | nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens |
navis, navis F | ship |
ne | that not, lest |
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus | disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise |
nemus, nemoris N | wood, forest |
nobilis, nobile, nobilior -or -us, nobilissimus -a -um | noble, well born; aristocratic; outstanding; important/prominent |
nobilitas, nobilitatis F | nobility/noble class; birth/descent; fame/excellence; the nobles; rank |
nomino, nominare, nominavi, nominatus | name, call |
noster, nostra, nostrum | our |
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius) | no; none, not any |
numen, numinis N | divine will, divinity; god |
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratus | count, add up, reckon/compute; consider; relate; number/enumerate, catalog; pay |
nunc | now, today, at present |
nuper, -, nuperrime | recently, not long ago; in recent years/our own time; latest in series |
ob | on account of, for the sake of, for; instead of; right before |
obicio, obicere, objeci, objectus | throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present |
obligo, obligare, obligavi, obligatus | bind, oblige |
observatio, observationis F | observation, attention, action of watching/taking notice; surveillance; usage |
observo, observare, observavi, observatus | watch, observe; heed |
obses, obsidis | hostage; pledge, security |
occido, occidere, occidi, occisus | kill, murder, slaughter, slay; cut/knock down; weary, be the death/ruin of |
opinor, opinari, opinatus sum | suppose, imagine |
opus, operis N | need; work; fortifications, works |
orbis, orbis M | circle; territory/region; sphere |
origo, originis F | origin, source; birth, family; race; ancestry |
orior, oriri, ortus sum | rise; arise/emerge, crop up; get up; begin; originate from |
palus, paludis F | swamp, marsh |
paries, parietis M | wall, house wall |
pars, partis F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side |
parum, minus, minime | too/very little, not enough/so good, insufficient; less; not at all |
parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um | small, little, cheap; unimportant; smallest, least |
pater, patris M | father |
patria, patriae F | native land; home, native city; one's country |
patrius, patria, patrium | father's, paternal; ancestral |
paulatim | little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit |
paveo, pavere, pavi, - | be frightened or terrified at |
pectus, pectoris N | breast, heart; feeling, soul, mind |
peregrinus, peregrina, peregrinum | foreign, strange, alien; exotic |
periculum, periculi N | danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability |
permitto, permittere, permisi, permissus | let through; let go through; relinquish; permit, allow; entrust; hurl |
peto, petere, petivi, petitus | attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask; reach towards, make for |
pignus, pignoris N | pledge, hostage, mortgage; bet, stake; symbol; relict |
placo, placare, placavi, placatus | appease; placate; reconcile |
plaga, plagae F | stroke/blow/stripe/cut/thrust; wound/gash/scar, injury; misfortune; E:plague |
plebs, plebis F | common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass |
plenus, plena -um, plenior -or -us, plenissimus -a -um | full, plump; satisfied |
plerus, plera, plerum | the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many |
popularis, popularis, populare | of the people; popular |
populus, populi | poplar tree |
porrum, porri N | leek |
potestas, potestatis F | power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity |
potior, potior, potius | better/preferable/superior; more useful/effective; more important |
praeceps, (gen.), praecipitis | head first, headlong; steep, precipitous |
praecipuus, praecipua, praecipuum | particular, especial |
praejudicium, praejudici(i) N | precedent, example; prejudgment |
praesagium, praesagi(i) N | sense of foreboding; prognostication |
praesum, praeesse, praefui, praefuturus | be in charge/control/head; take the lead; be present |
praeter | besides, except, contrary to; beyond, in front of, before; more than |
precor, precari, precatus sum | beg/implore/entreat; wish/pray for/to; pray, supplicate, beseech |
premo, premere, pressi, pressus | press, press hard, pursue; oppress; overwhelm |
prex, precis F | prayer, request |
primus, -a, -um | first |
primus, prima, primum | first, foremost/best, chief, principal; nearest/next |
princeps, (gen.), principis | first, foremost, leading, chief, front; earliest, original; most necessary |
privatim | in private; as a private citizen |
pro | on behalf of; before; in front/instead of; for; about; according to; as, like |
procer, proceris M | nobles, chiefs, princes; leading men of the country/society/profession |
prodo, prodere, prodidi, proditus | project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate |
proelium, proeli(i) N | battle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strength |
prohibeo, prohibere, prohibui, prohibitus | hinder, restrain; forbid, prevent |
promo, promere, promsi, promptus | take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage |
propinquitas, propinquitatis F | nearness, vicinity; propinquity; relationship |
proprius, propria, proprium | own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic |
prout | as, just as; exactly as |
providus, provida, providum | prophetic; provident, characterized by forethought |
proximus, proxima, proximum | nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like |
publicus, publica, publicum | public; common, of the people/state; official |
puella, puellae F | girl, child/daughter; maiden; young woman/wife; sweetheart; slavegirl |
pugna, pugnae F | battle, fight |
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus | fight; dispute |
puto, putare, putavi, putatus | think, believe, suppose, hold; reckon, estimate, value; clear up, settle |
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus | search for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand |
quasi | as if, just as if, as though; as it were; about |
queo, quire, quivi(ii), quitus | be able |
quia | because |
quidem | indeed, certainly, even, at least; ne...quidem-- not...even |
quin | so that not, without; that not; but that; that |
quod | with respect to which |
quoniam | because, since, seeing that |
quoquo | whoever; whatever, whatsoever; every one who; everything which; each one; each |
rarus, rara -um, rarior -or -us, rarissimus -a -um | thin, scattered; few, infrequent; rare; in small groups; loose knit |
recens, (gen.), recentis | fresh, recent; rested |
refello, refellere, refelli, - | refute, rebut |
refero, referre, rettuli, relatus | bring/carry back/again/home; move/draw/force back, withdraw; go back, return |
religio, religionis F | supernatural constraint/taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus | leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath |
repercutio, repercutere, repercussi, repercussus | cause to rebound, reflect, strike against |
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus | discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent |
res, rei F | thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property |
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus | answer |
restituo, restituere, restitui, restitutus | restore; revive; bring back; make good |
reverentia, reverentiae F | respect, deference, restraint; awe, reverence; shyness, felling of misgiving |
ripa, ripae F | bank |
sacer, sacra, sacrum | sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable |
sacrifico, sacrificare, sacrificavi, sacrificatus | sacrifice; celebrate the Mass |
sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctus | confirm, ratify; sanction; fulfill; enact; ordain; dedicate |
sanctus, sancta -um, sanctior -or -us, sanctissimus -a -um | consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just |
scutum, scuti N | shield |
se | reflexive; -self |
secor, seci, secutus sum | follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek |
secretus, secreta -um, secretior -or -us, secretissimus -a -um | separate, apart; private, secret; remote; hidden |
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessus | sit, remain; settle; encamp |
separo, separare, separavi, separatus | divide, distinguish; separate |
septentrionalis, septentrionalis, septentrionale | northern, north-; in northern hemisphere; North |
septimus, -a, -um | 7th |
sex | 6 |
sic | thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way |
signum, signi N | battle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue |
simplex, (gen.), simplicis | single; simple, unaffected; plain |
sin | but if; if on the contrary |
singulus, singula, singulum | apiece; every; one each/at a time; individual/separate/single; several |
sino, sinere, sivi, situs | allow, permit |
sinus, sini M | bowl for serving wine, etc |
solus, sola, solum (gen -ius) | only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion/friend/protector; unique |
sono, sonere, sonui, sonitus | make a noise/sound; speak/utter, emit sound; be spoken of; express/denote |
sonus, soni M | noise, sound |
sors, sortis F | lot, fate; oracular response |
spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsus | scatter, strew, sprinkle; spot |
spatium, spati(i) N | space; area/expanse, room; intervening space, gap/interval; length/width |
species, speciei F | sight, appearance, show; splendor, beauty; kind, type |
sub | under; up to, up under, close to; until, before, up to, about |
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus | take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact; obtain |
supo, supare, supavi, supatus | throw; pour; strew, scatter |
surculus, surculi M | shoot, sprout |
suspicio, suspicere, suspexi, suspectus | look up to; admire |
tam | so, so much; to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same |
tamquam | as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as |
temere | rashly, blindly |
ter | three times; on three occasions |
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus | frighten, scare, terrify, deter |
testis, testis | testicle |
timeo, timere, timui, - | fear, dread, be afraid |
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus | lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away |
transgredior, transgredi, transgressus sum | cross, go/move/travel over/across; go to other side; change allegiance/policy |
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatus | tremble, be afraid, waver |
tres, tres, tria | three |
tristis, tristis, triste | sad, sorrowful; gloomy |
tumulus, tumuli M | mound, hillock; mound, tomb |
tunc | then, thereupon, at that time |
turma, turmae F | troop, squadron |
ullus, ulla, ullum (gen -ius) | any |
ultra, ulterius, ultimum | beyond, further; on the other side; more, more than, in addition, besides |
ululo, ululare, ululavi, ululatus | howl, yell, shriek; celebrate or proclaim with howling |
unus, una, unum (gen -ius) | alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of |
vagitus, vagitus M | crying |
velut | just as, as if |
veneror, venerari, veneratus sum | adore, revere, do homage to, honor, venerate; worship; beg, pray, entreat |
verbero, verberare, verberavi, verberatus | beat, strike, lash |
vertex, verticis M | whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole |
verto, vertere, verti, versus | turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy |
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um | true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper |
vestis, vestis F | garment, clothing, blanket; clothes; robe |
vetustas, vetustatis F | old age; antiquity; long duration |
victor, (gen.), victoris | triumphant |
victoria, victoriae F | victory |
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctus | bind, fetter; restrain |
vir, viri M | man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility |
virga, virgae F | twig, sprout, stalk; switch, rod; staff, wand; stripe/streak; scepter |
virtus, virtutis F | strength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence |
vocabulum, vocabuli N | noun, common/concrete noun; word used to designate thing/idea, term, name |
volo, volare, volavi, volatus | fly |
vox, vocis F | voice, tone, expression |
vulnus, vulneris N | wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love |
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