Vocab sheet
for Peramantia, 34 passages

Words occurring 50 to 162 times
ego  I
et  and, and even; also, even
hic, haec, hoc  this; these
in  into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
non  not, by no means, no
qui, quae, quod  who, which
sum, esse, fui, futurus  be; exist
tu  you
Words occurring 20 to 50 times
aut  or, or rather/else; either...or
cum  with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
deus, dei  god; God; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god
facio, facere, feci, factus  make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work
ille, illa, illud  that; those; that person/thing; the well known; the former
ipse, ipsa, ipsum  himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um  large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
nec  nor, and..not; not..either, not even
omnis, omnis, omne  each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of
quis  which
si  if, if only; whether
suus, sua, suum  his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
terra, terrae F  earth, land, ground; country, region
ut  to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
Words occurring 10 to 20 times
Meliboeus, Meliboei  Meliboeus
Tityrus, Tityri  Tityrus
ab  by, from; after
ad  to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM
ago, agere, egi, actus  drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver
alius, alia, aliud  other, another; different, changed
alo, alere, alui, altus  feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
altus, alta -um, altior -or -us, altissimus -a -um  high; deep/profound; shrill; lofty/noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great
at  but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least
atque  and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet
bonus, bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um  good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy
caelus, caeli M  heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah
carmen, carminis N  card for wool/flax; song/music (woven with words); incantation, magic formula
de  down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus  say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead
do, dare, dedi, datus  give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make
domus, domi F  house, building; home, household
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus  go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail
fero, ferre, tuli, latus  bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
habeo, habere, habui, habitus  have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass
hinc  from here, from this source/cause; hence, henceforth
inter  between, among; during
jam  now, already, by/even now; besides
longus, longa -um, longior -or -us, longissimus -a -um  long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, -  bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky
meus, mea, meum  my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
modus, modi M  manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit
moveo, movere, movi, motus  move, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturb
nam  for, on the other hand; for instance
nascor, nasci, natus sum  be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live
neque  nor; and not, not, neither
nil, undeclined N  nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern
nos  we
noster, nostra, nostrum  our
novus, nova -um, novior -or -us, novissimus -a -um  new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary
nullus, nulla, nullum (gen -ius)  no; none, not any
nunc  now, today, at present
o  Oh!
pars, partis F  part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side
per  through; during; by, by means of
possum, posse, potui, -  be able, can
premo, premere, pressi, pressus  press, press hard, pursue; oppress; overwhelm
puer, pueri M  boy, lad, young man; servant; child
res, rei F  thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property
saepe, saepius, saepissime  often, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently
sed  but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but
sic  thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way
silva, silvae F  wood, forest
sub  under; up to, up under, close to; until, before, up to, about
tamen  yet, nevertheless, still
tantus, tanta, tantum  of such size; so great, so much
tego, tegere, texi, tectus  cover, protect; defend; hide
tellus, telluris F  earth, ground; the earth; land, country
tempus, temporis N  time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity
totus, tota, totum (gen -ius)  whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once
tuus, tua, tuum  your
ubi  where, whereby
unda, undae F  wave
venio, venire, veni, ventus  come
video, videre, vidi, visus  see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
Words occurring 6 to 10 times
Juppiter, Jovis M  Jupiter; heavens/sky
ac  and, and also, and besides
aer, aeris  air; atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor
ager, agri M  field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil
alter, altera, alterum  one; second/another; former/latter
amicus, amica -um, amicior -or -us, amicissimus -a -um  friendly, dear, fond of; supporting, loyal, devoted; loving
amo, amare, amavi, amatus  love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to
amor, amoris M  love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion
animus, animi M  mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air
ante  in front/presence of, in view; before; over against, facing
aqua, aquae F  water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall, rainwater; spa; urine
assum, adesse, affui, affuturus  be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid
bene, melius, optime  well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good style; better; best
campus, campi M  plain; level field/surface; open space for battle/games; sea; scope; campus
cano, canere, cecini, cantus  sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play/sound; foretell
colo, colere, colui, cultus  live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain
corpus, corporis N  body; person, self; virility; flesh; corpse; trunk; frame; collection/sum
cur  why, wherefore; for what reason/purpose?; on account of which?; because
curo, curare, curavi, curatus  arrange/see/attend to; take care of; provide for; worry/care about; heal/cure
densus, densa -um, densior -or -us, densissimus -a -um  thick/dense/solid; crowded/thick planted/packed/covered
dies, diei  day; daylight; open sky; weather
dulcis, dulce, dulcior -or -us, dulcissimus -a -um  pleasant, charming; sweet; kind, dear; soft, flattering, delightful
dum  while, as long as, until; provided that
durus, dura -um, durior -or -us, durissimus -a -um  hard, stern; harsh, rough, vigorous; cruel, unfeeling, inflexible; durable
ergo  therefore; well, then, now
etiam  and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus  flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile
gravis, grave, gravior -or -us, gravissimus -a -um  heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome
homo, hominis M  man, human being, person, fellow
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus  begin; start, undertake
inquiam, -, -  say
is, ea, id  he/she/it/they; that one
iter, itineris  journey; road; passage, path; march
labor, laboris M  labor/toil/exertion/effort/work; task/undertaking; production; childbirth
lego, legere, legi, lectus  read; gather, collect; furl, weigh; pick out
levis, leve, levior -or -us, levissimus -a -um  light, thin, trivial, trifling, slight; gentle; fickle, capricious; nimble
litus, litoris N  shore, seashore, coast, strand; river bank; beach, landing place
locus, loci M  seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic
maneo, manere, mansi, mansus  remain, stay, abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night
manus, manus F  hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunk
mare, maris N  sea; sea water
mater, matris F  mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city
medius, media, medium  middle, middle of, mid; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous
mens, mentis F  mind; reason, intellect, judgment; plan, intention, frame of mind; courage
miser, misera -um, miserior -or -us, miserrimus -a -um  poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy, distressing
mollis, molle, mollior -or -us, mollissimus -a -um  soft; flexible/supple/loose/pliant; mild/tolerable; easy; calm
multus, multa -um, -, plurimus -a -um  much, many, great, many a; large, intense, assiduous; tedious
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatus  move, change, shift, alter, exchange, substitute; modify
ne  that not, lest
nosco, noscere, novi, notus  get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with
nox, noctis F  night
numerus, numeri M  number/sum/total/rank; numerical strength/plurality; category; tally
opus, operis N  need; work; fortifications, works
orbis, orbis M  circle; territory/region; sphere
oro, orare, oravi, oratus  beg, ask for, pray; beseech, plead, entreat; worship, adore
os, oris N  mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation
parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um  small, little, cheap; unimportant; smallest, least
pater, patris M  father
patior, pati, passus sum  suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit
pondus, ponderis N  weight, burden, impediment
pono, ponere, posui, positus  put/place/set; station/post; pitch; situate; set up; erect
primus, -a, -um  first
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus  search for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand
qualis, qualis, quale  what kind/sort/condition; what is like; what/how excellent a...
quantus, quanta, quantum  how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
refero, referre, rettuli, relatus  bring/carry back/again/home; move/draw/force back, withdraw; go back, return
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus  answer
rex, regis M  king
sacer, sacra, sacrum  sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable
se  reflexive; -self
semper  always
seu  or if; or
sidus, sideris N  star; constellation; tempest
simul  at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus  loosen, release, unbind, untie, free; open; set sail; scatter; pay off/back
somnus, somni M  sleep
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus  rise, lift; grow
tardus, tarda -um, tardior -or -us, tardissimus -a -um  slow, limping; deliberate; late
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus  hold, keep; comprehend; possess; master; preserve
tum  moreover
unus, una, unum (gen -ius)  alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of
urbs, urbis F  city; City of Rome
via, viae F  way, road, street; journey
vir, viri M  man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility
virtus, virtutis F  strength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence
vis, vis F  strength, force, power, might, violence
vita, vitae F  life, career, livelihood; mode of life
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus  be alive, live; survive; reside
volo, velle, volui, -  wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
vos  you (pl)
Words occurring 3 to 5 times
Apollo, Apollinis M  Apollo
Bacchus, Bacchi M  Bacchus, god of wine/vine; the vine, wine
Caesar, Caesaris M  Caesar
Roma, Romae F  Rome
a  by, from; after
abeo, abire, abivi(ii), abitus  depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus  take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey
addo, addere, addidi, additus  add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate
adeo, adire, adivi(ii), aditus  approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession
aequor, aequoris N  level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean
aetas, aetatis F  lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era
aether, aetheris M  upper air; ether; heaven, sky; sky; space surrounding a deity
agito, agitare, agitavi, agitatus  stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue
agrestis, agrestis, agreste  rustic, inhabiting countryside; rude, wild, savage; of/passing through fields
aio, -, -  say, assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down
ala, alae F  wing; upper arm/foreleg/fin; armpit; squadron, flank, army's wing
alienus, aliena -um, alienior -or -us, alienissimus -a -um  foreign; unconnected; another's; contrary; unworthy; averse, hostile; mad
ambo, ambae, ambo  both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two
an  can it be that
animal, animalis N  animal, living thing/offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect
annus, anni M  year; age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course
antrum, antri N  cave; cavern; hollow place with overarching foliage; cavity, hollow; tomb
arbor, arboris F  tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?
arbustum, arbusti N  orchard, copse, plantation, grove of trees; shrub; trees/bushes/shrubs
armum, armi N  arms, weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force
aro, arare, aravi, aratus  plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle
ars, artis F  skill/craft/art; trick, wile; science, knowledge; method, way; character
arvus, arva, arvum  arable; cultivated, plowed
asper, aspera -um, asperior -or -us, asperrimus -a -um  rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard
audio, audire, audivi, auditus  hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear
auris, auris F  ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing,"ear"; pin on plow
avis, avis F  bird; sign, omen, portent
bellum, belli N  war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, arms
bracchium, bracchi(i) N  arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus  fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay
capella, capellae F  chapel; choir
capio, capere, cepi, captus  take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate
caput, capitis N  head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth; capital
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus  seize/pick/pluck/gather/browse/tear off; graze/crop; tease/pull out/card
castanea, castaneae F  chestnut-tree, chestnut
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus  go/pass; withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of
cena, cenae F  dinner/supper, principal Roman meal; course; meal; company at dinner
centum  100
certus, certa -um, certior -or -us, certissimus -a -um  fixed, settled, firm; certain; trusty/reliable; sure; resolved, determined
ceterus, cetera, ceterum  the other; the others. the remaining/rest, all the rest
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus  surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring
circo, circare, circavi, circatus  traverse; go about; wander through
clarus, clara -um, clarior -or -us, clarissimus -a -um  clear, bright, gleaming; loud, distinct; evident, plain; illustrious, famous
coepi, coeptus (also coepio -ere)  begin, commence, initiate; set foot on
cognatus, cognata, cognatum  related, related by birth/position, kindred; similar/akin; having affinity with
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus  become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus  collect/gather, round up, restrict/confine; force/compel; convene; congeal
coma, comae F  hair, hair of head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus  stop/stand/halt/cease; pause, linger; stop spreading/flowing; take a position
credulus, credula, credulum  credulous, trusting, gullible; prone to believe/trust; full of confidence
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus  come forth/to be; arise/spring; be born; become visible/great; grow
culmen, culminis N  height/peak/top/summit/zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; "keystone"
cum  when, at the time/on each occasion/in the situation that; after; since/although
cunctus, cuncta, cunctum  altogether, in a body; every, all, entire; total/complete; whole of
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus  wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well
cynthia, cynthiae  Cynthia
daps, dapis F  sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals
decus, decoris N  glory/splendor; honor/distinction; deeds; dignity/virtue; decorum; grace/beauty
deduco, deducere, deduxi, deductus  lead/draw//pull/bring/stretch down/away/out/off; escort; eject/evict
demitto, demittere, demisi, demissus  drop, let fall; sink; send/cast/go/flow/float/slope down; flow/shed/let
deus  god; God
dexter, dextra -um, dexterior -or -us, dextimus -a -um  right, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handy
disco, discere, didici, discitus  learn; hear, get to know, become acquainted with; acquire knowledge/skill of/in
discordia, discordiae F  disagreement, discord
divinus, divina -um, divinior -or -us, divinissimus -a -um  divine, of a deity/god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired, prophetic; natural
divus, diva -um, -, divissimus -a -um  divine; blessed, saint
doceo, docere, docui, doctus  teach, show, point out
dominus, domini M  owner, lord, master; the Lord; title for ecclesiastics/gentlemen
domo, domare, domui, domitus  subdue, master, tame; conquer
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus  lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong
duo, duae, duo  2
en  behold! see! lo! here! hey! look at this!
erro, errare, erravi, erratus  wander, go astray; make a mistake, err; vacillate
ex  out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of
exeo, exire, exivi(ii), exitus  come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away, leave; pass, expire/perish/die
felix, felicis (gen.), felicior -or -us, felicissimus -a -um  happy; blessed; fertile; favorable; lucky; successful, fruitful
fera, ferae F  wild beast/animal
ferreus, ferrea, ferreum  iron, made of iron; cruel, unyielding
fetus, fetus M  offspring/young; children; brood/litter
figo, figere, fixi, fixus  fasten, fix; pierce, transfix; establish
finis, finis  boundary, end, limit, goal; country, territory, land
flavus, flava, flavum  yellow, golden, gold colored; flaxen, blond; golden-haired
flos, floris M  flower, blossom; youthful prime
flumen, fluminis N  river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush
fons, fontis M  spring, fountain, well; source/fount; principal cause; font; baptistry
for, fari, fatus sum  speak, talk; say
forma, formae F  form, figure, appearance; beauty; mold, pattern
fors, fortis F  chance; luck, fortune; accident
frigidus, frigida -um, frigidior -or -us, frigidissimus -a -um  cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless, indifferent, dull
frigus, frigoris N  cold; cold weather, winter; frost
frons, frondis F  foliage, leaves, leafy branch, green bough, frond
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus  pour, cast; scatter, shed, rout
genus, generis N  birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent
glans, glandis F  mast/acorn/beechnut/chestnut; missile/bullet thrown/discharged from sling
haud  not, not at all, by no means; not
heros, herois M  hero; demigod
hodie  today, nowadays; at the present time
hora, horae F  hour; time; season
hortus, horti M  garden, fruit/kitchen garden; pleasure garden; park
huc  here, to this place; to this point
humus, humi F  ground, soil, earth, land, country
illic  in that place, there, over there
imus, ima, imum  inmost, deepest, bottommost, last
iners, inertis (gen.), inertior -or -us, inertissimus -a -um  helpless, weak, inactive, inert, sluggish, stagnant; unskillful, incompetent
ingens, ingentis (gen.), ingentior -or -us, ingentissimus -a -um  not natural, immoderate; huge, vast, enormous; mighty; remarkable, momentous
insero, inserere, inserui, insertus  plant, sow; graft on; put in, insert
insignis, insignis, insigne  conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstanding
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisus  envy, regard with envy/ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse
ira, irae F  anger; ire, wrath; resentment; indignation; rage/fury/violence; bad blood
jaceo, jacere, jacui, jacitus  lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
jacio, jacere, jeci, jactus  throw, hurl, cast; throw away; utter
jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussus  order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray
jubo, jubere, additional, forms  order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray
jucundus, jucunda -um, jucundior -or -us, jucundissimus -a -um  pleasant/agreeable/delightful/pleasing; congenial
jugum, jugi N  yoke; team, pair; ridge, summit, chain
juvo, juvare, juvi, jutus  help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify
labor, labi, lapsus sum  slip, slip and fall; slide, glide, drop; perish, go wrong
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus  work, labor; produce, take pains; be troubled/sick/oppressed, be in distress
lacertus, lacerti M  upper arm, arm, shoulder; strength, muscles, vigor, force; lizard
laetus, laeta -um, laetior -or -us, laetissimus -a -um  happy/cheerful/joyful/glad; favorable/propitious; prosperous/successful
latus, lata -um, latior -or -us, latissimus -a -um  wide, broad; spacious, extensive
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus  recommend; praise, approve, extol; call upon, name; deliver eulogy on
lentus, lenta -um, lentior -or -us, lentissimus -a -um  clinging, tough; slow, sluggish, lazy, procrastinating; easy, pliant
lex, legis F  law; motion, bill, statute; principle; condition
liber, libera -um, liberior -or -us, liberrimus -a -um  free; unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute
libertas, libertatis F  freedom, liberty; frankness of speech, outspokenness
liceo, licere, licui, -  fetch
liquidus, liquida -um, liquidior -or -us, liquidissimus -a -um  clear, limpid, pure, unmixed; liquid; flowing, without interruption; smooth
loquor, loqui, locutus sum  speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus  play, mock, tease, trick
lumen, luminis N  light; lamp, torch; eye; life; day, daylight
luna, lunae F  moon; month
lux, lucis F  light, daylight, light of day; life; world; day
lyra, lyrae F  lyre; lyric poetry/inspiration/genius; Lyra/the Lyre; lute/harp
magis  to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more
mas, (gen.), maris  male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine
matutinus, matutina, matutinum  early; of the morning
mel, mellis N  honey; sweetness; pleasant thing; darling/honey
membrum, membri N  member, limb, organ; male genital member; apartment, room; section
memini, meminisse, -  remember; keep in mind, pay heed to; be sure; recall
metuo, metuere, metui, -  fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread
mi  my, mine
miro, mirare, miravi, miratus  be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtus  mix, mingle; embroil; confound; stir up
mitto, mittere, misi, missus  send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard
modo  only, merely; just now/recently, lately; presently
moles, molis F  large mass; rock/boulder; heap/lump/pile, bulk; monster; mole/jetty/dam/dike
mons, montis M  mountain; huge rock; towering heap
moror, morari, moratus sum  delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to
mortalis, mortalis, mortale  mortal, transient; human, of human origin
mos, moris M  custom, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character, behavior, morals
mundus, munda -um, mundior -or -us, mundissimus -a -um  clean, cleanly, nice, neat, elegant, delicate; refined, pure
mundus, mundi M  universe, heavens; world, mankind; toilet/dress, ornament, decoration
munus, muneris N  service; duty, office, function; gift; tribute, offering; bribes
musa, musae F  muse; sciences/poetry
nec  nor; and not, not, neither, not even
nemus, nemoris N  wood, forest
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitus  not know; be ignorant/unfamiliar/unaware/unacquainted/unable/unwilling
niger, nigra, nigrum  black, dark; unlucky
nudus, nuda, nudum  nude; bare, stripped
ocellus, ocelli M  eye; darling
par, paris (gen.), -, parissimus -a -um  equal; a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus  feed, feed on; graze
patrius, patria, patrium  father's, paternal; ancestral
paulus, paula, paulum  little; small; small amount/quantity of/little bit of
pectus, pectoris N  breast, heart; feeling, soul, mind
pecus, pecoris N  cattle, herd, flock
pendeo, pendere, pependi, -  hang, hang down; depend
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus  weigh out; pay, pay out
penna, pennae F  feather, wing
perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus  ruin, destroy; lose; waste
pes, pedis M  foot
pinguis, pingue, pinguior -or -us, pinguissimus -a -um  fat; rich, fertile; thick; dull, stupid
piscis, piscis M  fish
plus, (gen.), pluris  more; several. many
pomum, pomi N  fruit, apple; fruit-tree
pontus, ponti M  sea
porrigo, porrigere, porrexi, porrectus  stretch out, extend
post  behind, after; subordinate to
postquam  after
prex, precis F  prayer, request
primus, prima, primum  first, foremost/best, chief, principal; nearest/next
prior, prior, prius  ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic
procul  away; at distance, far off
proprius, propria, proprium  own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic
proximus, proxima, proximum  nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like
puella, puellae F  girl, child/daughter; maiden; young woman/wife; sweetheart; slavegirl
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus  fight; dispute
pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatus  beat; pulsate
pulvis, pulveris M  dust, powder; sand
quando  when, at what time; at any time
quercus, quercus F  oak, oak-tree; oak wood/timber/object; oak leaf garland; sea-oak
quicumque, cuiuscumque  who/whatever, no matter who/what, in any time/way, however small
quisquam, cuiusquam  any, anyone anything; any man, any person
quisque, cuiusque  each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever
quisquis  whoever; every one who; whoever it be; everyone; each
quisvis, cuiusvis  any whatever and INDEF whoever it be, whom you please; any whatever
quoque  likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually
radix, radicis F  root; base; square-root
ramus, rami M  branch, bough
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus  drag off; snatch; destroy; seize, carry off; pillage; hurry
rarus, rara -um, rarior -or -us, rarissimus -a -um  thin, scattered; few, infrequent; rare; in small groups; loose knit
redeo, redire, redivi(ii), reditus  return, go back, give back; fall back on, revert to; respond, pay back
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus  reign, rule; be king; play the lord, be master
regnum, regni N  royal power; power; control; kingdom
rego, regere, rexi, rectus  rule, guide; manage, direct
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus  leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath
rideo, ridere, risi, risus  laugh at, laugh; ridicule
ripa, ripae F  bank
robur, roboris N  oak; tough core; resolve/purpose; B:tetanus
rudis, rudis, rude  undeveloped, rough, wild; coarse
rupes, rupis F  cliff; rock
saeclum, saecli N  age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century
saevus, saeva -um, saevior -or -us, saevissimus -a -um  savage; fierce/ferocious; violent/wild/raging; cruel, harsh, severe; vehement
satis  enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty
scilicet  one may know, certainly; of course
scio, scire, scivi(ii), scitus  know, understand
seco, secare, secui, sectus  cut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessus  sit, remain; settle; encamp
seges, segetis F  grain field; crop
semen, seminis N  seed
sequor, sequi, secutus sum  follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek
sero, serere, sevi, satus  sow, plant; strew, scatter, spread; cultivate; beget, bring forth
serus, sera -um, serior -or -us, serissimus -a -um  late; too late; slow, tardy; after the expected/proper time; at a late hour
signum, signi N  battle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue
silvestris, silvestris, silvestre  wooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild, untamed
sol, solis M  sun
soleo, solere, solitus sum  be in the habit of; become accustomed to
spons, spontis F  free will
subicio, subicere, subjeci, subjectus  throw under, place under; make subject; expose
sulcus, sulci M  furrow; rut; trail of a meteor, track, wake; female external genitalia
summus, summa, summum  highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of
supo, supare, supavi, supatus  throw; pour; strew, scatter
talis, talis, tale  such; so great; so excellent; of such kind
tam  so, so much; to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus  touch, strike; border on, influence; mention
tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatus  test, try; urge; worry; bribe
tempus, tempi M  weather
tener, tenera -um, tenerior -or -us, tenerrimus -a -um  tender; soft/delicate/gentle; young/immature; weak/fragile/frail
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus  lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away
torus, tori M  swelling, protuberance; mussel, brawn; bed, couch, stuffed bolster, cushion
totidem, undeclined  as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same
tractus, tractus M  dragging or pulling along; drawing out; extent; tract, region; lengthening
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus  draw, drag, haul; derive, get
tunica, tunicae F  undergarment, shirt,tunic
turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatus  disturb, agitate, throw into confusion
turpis, turpe, turpior -or -us, turpissimus -a -um  ugly; nasty; disgraceful; indecent; base, shameful, disgusting, repulsive
ullus, ulla, ullum (gen -ius)  any
ulmus, ulmi F  elm tree
ultimus, ultima, ultimum  farthest, latest, greatest, highest
umbra, umbrae F  shade; ghost; shadow
urgeo, urgere, ursi, -  press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust
urna, urnae F  pot; cinerary urn; urn used for drawing lots; voting urn; water jar,~13 liters
uro, urere, ussi, ustus  burn
usque  up to
uter, utra, utrum  which, whichever, no matter which; one, either, one or other
utor, uti, usus sum  use, make use of, enjoy; enjoy the friendship of
vacuus, vacua, vacuum  empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of
valeo, valere, valui, valitus  be strong/powerful/influential/healthy; prevail
varius, varia, varium  different; various, diverse; changing; colored; party colored, variegated
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus  bear, carry, convey; pass, ride, sail
ventus, venti M  wind
verto, vertere, verti, versus  turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy
verus, vera -um, verior -or -us, verissimus -a -um  true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper
vester, vestra, vestrum  your, of/belonging to/associated with you
vestigium, vestigi(i) N  step, track; trace; footstep
vetus, veteris (gen.), veterior -or -us, veterrimus -a -um  old, aged, ancient; former; veteran, experienced; long standing, chronic
vicinus, vicina, vicinum  nearby, neighboring
villa, villae F  farm/country home/estate; large country residence/seat, villa; village
vinco, vincere, vici, victus  conquer, defeat, excel; outlast; succeed
virgo, virginis F  maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin, woman sexually intact
viridis, viridis, viride  fresh, green; blooming,youthful
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus  avoid, shun; evade
vix  hardly, scarcely, barely, only just; with difficulty, not easily; reluctantly
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus  call, summon; name; call upon
volo, volare, volavi, volatus  fly
voveo, vovere, vovi, votus  vow, dedicate, consecrate
vox, vocis F  voice, tone, expression
vultus, vultus M  face, expression; looks
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