97 definitions of interest to polufrwn
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abigo, abigere, abegi, abactus | drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder, rustle; seduce |
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolutus | free, release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up |
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus | drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split |
abutor, abuti, abusus sum | waste, squander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust; misapply; curse |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey |
adfluo, adfluere, adfluxi, adfluxus | flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound |
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus | withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue |
adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum | gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake |
adrigo, adrigere, adrexi, adrectus | set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused |
agito, agitare, agitavi, agitatus | stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue |
alo, alere, alui, altus | feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop |
ambitio, ambitionis F | ambition; desire for/currying favor/popularity, flattery; vote canvassing; pomp |
antlia, antliae F | pump, mechanism for raising water, foot pump; treadmill |
arbitrium, arbitri(i) N | arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority |
avius, avia, avium | out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying |
bilis, bilis F | gall, bile; wrath, anger, indignation; madness, melancholy, folly |
caligo, caligare, caligavi, caligatus | be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy |
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus | celebrate/perform; frequent; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy |
cito, citare, citavi, citatus | urge on, encourage; promote, excite; summon; set in motion; move; cite |
coalesco, coalescere, coalui, coalitus | join/grow together; coalesce; close; become unified/strong/established |
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus | become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine |
compitum, compiti N | cross-roads, junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice |
conmoror, conmorari, conmoratus sum | stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed; dwell on |
consulo, consulere, consului, consultus | ask information/advice of; consult, take counsel; deliberate/consider; advise |
convictus, convictus M | intimacy; association; living together; close friends; banquet, dinner party |
cucullus, cuculli M | hood, cowl; covering for the head; cap; conical wrapper/case |
dedecus, dedecoris N | disgrace/dishonor/discredit/shame/infamy; misbehavior; vice, turpitude |
deduco, deducere, deduxi, deductus | lead/draw//pull/bring/stretch down/away/out/off; escort; eject/evict |
demum | finally, at last; at length, in the end, eventually |
dilectus, dilectus M | levy/draft/conscription; enlistment, recruiting, mustering; levy/men enrolled |
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus | go/march off, depart, withdraw; scatter, dissipate; abandon; lay down |
exigo, exigere, exegi, exactus | drive out, expel; finish; examine, weigh |
exitiosus, exitiosa, exitiosum | destructive, pernicious, deadly |
exquiro, exquirere, exquisivi, exquisitus | seek out, search for, hunt up; inquire into |
exuo, exuere, exui, exutus | pull off; undress, take off; strip, deprive of; lay aside, cast off |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get |
fornix, fornicis M | arch, vault, vaulted opening; monument arch; brothel, cellar for prostitution |
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotus | keep warm; favor, cherish, maintain, foster |
fraus, fraudis F | fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion |
frux, frugis F | crops, fruits, produce, legumes; honest men |
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus | pour, cast; scatter, shed, rout |
ganea, ganeae F | common eating house; gluttonous eating |
gregarius, gregaria, gregarium | of/belonging to rank and file |
hebesco, hebescere, -, - | grow blunt or feeble |
idoneus, idonea, idoneum | suitable, appropriate, adequate, having right qualities; qualified, able; apt |
index, indicis | hand/needle of a watch |
insolesco, insolescere, insolevi, - | become overbearing; grow proud/haughty/insolent; change, become manly |
inuro, inurere, inussi, inustus | burn, scorch; burn; cauterize; curl; tinge |
juba, jubae F | mane of a horse; crest |
jurgium, jurgi(i) N | quarrel/dispute/strife; abuse/vituperation/invective; L:separation |
juxta | nearly; near, close to, near by, hard by, by the side of; just as, equally |
lanius, lanii M | butcher |
limo, limare, limavi, limatus | file; polish; file down; detract gradually from |
lorum, lori N | leather strap, thong; shoe strap; rawhide whip; dog leash; reins |
lubet, lubere, lubuit, lubitus est | it pleases/is pleasing/agreeable; please/want/feel like |
lubido, lubidinis F | desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts |
ludibrium, ludibri(i) N | mockery; laughingstock |
luno, lunare, lunavi, lunatus | make crescent-shaped, curve |
mapale, mapalis N | huts of African nomads; house of ill repute; follies, useless things |
nanciscor, nancisci, nactus sum | obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on |
nuga, nugae F | trifles, nonsense; trash; frivolities; bagatelle |
obstino, obstinare, obstinavi, obstinatus | be determined on |
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus | offer; present; cause; bestow |
opperior, opperiri, opperitus sum | wait; await |
paelex, paelicis F | mistress, concubine; male prostitute |
pannus, panni M | cloth, garment; charioteer's colored shirt; rags |
pantex, panticis M | belly, paunch, guts; bowels; of sausages |
pars, partis F | part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side |
patior, pati, passus sum | suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit |
penis, penis M | male sexual organ, penis; a tail |
permixtio, permixtionis F | mixture/blending; thorough mixing together |
perosus, perosa, perosum | detesting |
placide, placidius, placidissime | gently, calmly, gradually, peacefully, quietly; in a conciliatory manner |
plerus, plera, plerum | the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many |
polluo, polluere, pollui, pollutus | soil/foul/dirty/stain/pollute; infect; make impure; break |
praecipito, praecipitare, praecipitavi, praecipitatus | throw headlong, cast down |
profusus, profusa, profusum | excessive; lavish; extravagant |
proinde | hence, so then; according to/in the same manner/degree/proportion |
provenio, provenire, proveni, proventus | come forth; come into being; prosper |
quaestus, quaestus M | gain, profit |
quoad | as long as, until |
rodo, rodere, rosi, rosus | gnaw, peck |
seco, secare, secui, sectus | cut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach |
sentina, sentinae F | bilgewater; scum or dregs of society |
simultas, simultatis F | enmity, rivalry; hatred |
sponda, spondae F | bedstead; frame of bed/couch; bed/couch/sofa |
sumptus, sumptus M | cost, charge, expense |
tabes, tabis F | wasting away; decay; putrefaction; fluid resulting from corruption or decay |
tego, tegere, texi, tectus | cover, protect; defend; hide |
tetricus, tetrica, tetricum | harsh, gloomy, severe |
tracto, tractare, tractavi, tractatus | draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss |
umbilicus, umbilici M | navel, middle, center; center of country/region; ornamented end of scroll |
vafer, vafra, vafrum | sly, cunning, crafty |
velo, velare, velavi, velatus | veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in |
verto, vertere, verti, versus | turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy |
vescor, vesci, - | feed on, eat, enjoy |
vindico, vindicare, vindicavi, vindicatus | claim, vindicate; punish, avenge |
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