84 definitions of interest to Poly1i
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adquiesco, adquiescere, adquievi, adquietus | lie with, rest, relax; repose; acquiesce, assent; subside |
adsertor, adsertoris M | one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion |
advocatio, advocationis F | legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts |
alieno, alienare, alienavi, alienatus | alienate, give up, lose possession, transfer by sale, estrange; become numb |
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus | fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay |
caedis, caedis F | murder/slaughter/massacre; assassination; feuding; slain/victims; blood/gore |
certamen, certaminis N | contest, competition; battle, combat, struggle; rivalry; dispute |
circumsecus | round about, around, round; in parts/region around; on every side |
coepi, coeptus (also coepio -ere) | begin, commence, initiate; set foot on |
collum, colli N | neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem; mountain ridge |
commeo, commeare, commeavi, commeatus | go to, visit, travel; pass; resort to; go to and fro, come and go; communicate |
concubeo, concubere, concubui, concubitus | lie with; have sexual intercourse with |
condicio, condicionis F | agreement/contract; terms, proposal/option/alternative; situation; stipulation |
conrumpo, conrumpere, conrupi, conruptus | spoil/rot; taint/contaminate; damage/ruin, undo; destroy/deface; digest; infect |
consecro, consecrare, consecravi, consecratus | consecrate/dedicate, set apart; hallow, sanctify; deify; curse; vow to a god |
crucio, cruciare, cruciavi, cruciatus | torment, torture; cause grief/anguish; crucify; suffer torture/agony; grieve |
cujatis, (gen.), cujatis | of what country/town/locality?; whence? |
defigo, defigere, defixi, defixus | sink/bury/stick/thrust; fasten, fix, plant, embed; attach/affix |
desero, deserere, deserui, desertus | leave/depart/quit/desert; forsake/abandon/give up; withdraw support, let down |
dignor, dignari, dignatus sum | deem/consider/think worthy/becoming/deserving/fit; deign, condescend |
dimicatio, dimicationis F | fight; instance of a battle/engagement; combat; struggle, conflict; contest |
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail |
excubo, excubare, excubui, excubitus | sleep/lie in the open/out of doors; keep watch; be attentive |
exsanguis, exsanguis, exsangue | bloodless, pale, wan, feeble; frightened |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get |
fraus, fraudis F | fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion |
fruor, frui, fructus sum | enjoy, profit by, delight in |
impastus, impasta, impastum | unfed, hungry |
impavidus, impavida, impavidum | fearless, intrepid |
imploro, implorare, imploravi, imploratus | appeal to, invoke; beg, beseech, implore; ask for help/favor/protection |
in | into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among |
ingluvies, ingluviei F | gullet, jaws; gluttony |
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus | come upon; discover, find; invent, contrive; reach, manage to get |
is, ea, id | he/she/it/they; that one |
lego, legere, legi, lectus | read; gather, collect; furl, weigh; pick out |
lucifugus, lucifuga, lucifugum | avoiding the light of day |
materia, materiae F | wood, lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree |
maturo, maturare, maturavi, maturatus | ripen, hurry, make haste to, hasten |
neu | or not, and not |
noster, nostra, nostrum | our |
novus, nova -um, novior -or -us, novissimus -a -um | new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary |
nuptia, nuptiae F | marriage, nuptials, wedding |
obsolesco, obsolescere, obsolevi, obsoletus | fall into disuse, be forgotten about |
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus | feed, feed on; graze |
pervigil, (gen.), pervigilis | keeping watch or sleepless all night long; always watchful |
placeo, placere, placui, placitus | please, satisfy, give pleasure to |
possum, posse, potui, - | be able, can |
praeditus, praedita, praeditum | gifted; provided with |
praedurus, praedura, praedurum | very hard; very strong |
praefor, praefari, praefatus sum | say/utter/mention beforehand/in advance; recite |
praegnatio, praegnationis F | making pregnant; being pregnant; cause of fertility |
praesto, praestare, praestiti, praestitus | excel, surpass, be outstanding/superior/best/greater/preferable; prevail |
praetendo, praetendere, praetendi, praetentus | stretch out; spread before; extend in front; allege in excuse |
precarius, precaria, precarium | obtained by prayer; doubtful, precarious |
pro | on behalf of; before; in front/instead of; for; about; according to; as, like |
procedo, procedere, processi, processus | proceed; advance; appear |
propono, proponere, proposui, propositus | display; propose; relate; put or place forward |
prorsus, prorsa, prorsum | straight forwards |
qui, quae, quod | who, which |
quis | which |
recordor, recordari, recordatus sum | think over; call to mind, remember |
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus | return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate |
salus, salutis F | health; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety |
sanguinans, (gen.), sanguinantis | bloodthirsty |
serpo, serpere, serpsi, serptus | crawl; move slowly on, glide; creep on |
servitus, servitutis F | slavery; slaves; servitude |
si | if, if only; whether |
sisto, sistere, stiti, status | stop, check; cause to stand; set up |
socius, socia, socium | sharing; associated; allied |
sordidatus, sordidata, sordidatum | shabby, in dirty clothes; meanly dressed |
status, status M | position, situation, condition; rank; standing, status |
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratus | spread, strew, scatter; lay out |
stupor, stuporis M | numbness, torpor; stupefaction; stupidity |
taberna, tabernae F | tavern, inn; wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel; stall/booth; small shop |
tertio, tertiare, -, tertiatus | repeat three times |
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratus | bear, endure, tolerate |
uterus, uteri M | womb; belly, abdomen |
venia, veniae F | favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence |
vero | yes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however |
vespera, vesperae F | evening, even-tide |
vindicia, vindiciae F | interim possession |
vindico, vindicare, vindicavi, vindicatus | claim, vindicate; punish, avenge |
vis, viris F | strength, force, power, might, violence; resources; large body |
volumen, voluminis N | book, chapter, fold |
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