43 definitions of interest to rfaling
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Danaus, a, um | Greek |
Latius, Latia, Latium | Latin; of Latium; Roman; Italian |
adfor, adfari, adfatus sum | speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed, be decreed by fate |
aditus, aditus M | approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning |
antiquus, antiqua -um, antiquior -or -us, antiquissimus -a -um | old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated |
arcanus, arcana, arcanum | secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric |
auris, auris F | ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing,"ear"; pin on plow |
careo, carere, carui, caritus | be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose |
cinis, cineris | ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation |
colo, colere, colui, cultus | live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain |
credo, credere, credidi, creditus | trust, entrust; commit/consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose |
cumulatus, cumulata -um, cumulatior -or -us, cumulatissimus -a -um | heaped, abounding in; great/abundant/vast; increased/augmented; full |
demitto, demittere, demisi, demissus | drop, let fall; sink; send/cast/go/flow/float/slope down; flow/shed/let |
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus | say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead |
do, dare, dedi, datus | give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make |
doleo, dolere, dolui, dolitus | hurt; feel/suffer pain; grieve; be afflicted/pained/sorry; cause pain/grief |
durus, dura -um, durior -or -us, durissimus -a -um | hard, stern; harsh, rough, vigorous; cruel, unfeeling, inflexible; durable |
etiam | and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed |
exscindo, exscindere, exscidi, exscissus | demolish/destroy, raze to ground; exterminate/destroy |
exter, extera -um, exterior -or -us, extremus -a -um | outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange |
facilis, facile, facilior -or -us, facillimus -a -um | easy, easy to do, without difficulty, ready, quick, good natured, courteous |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get |
hostis, hostis | enemy; stranger, foreigner; the enemy |
juro, jurare, juravi, juratus | swear; call to witness; vow obedience to; conspire |
mollis, molle, mollior -or -us, mollissimus -a -um | soft; flexible/supple/loose/pliant; mild/tolerable; easy; calm |
munus, muneris N | service; duty, office, function; gift; tribute, offering; bribes |
nego, negare, negavi, negatus | deny, refuse; say... not |
nosco, noscere, novi, notus | get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with |
perfidus, perfida, perfidum | faithless, treacherous, false, deceitful |
peto, petere, petivi, petitus | attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask; reach towards, make for |
prodo, prodere, prodidi, proditus | project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate |
propero, properare, properavi, properatus | hurry, speed up; be quick |
pulcher, pulchra -um, pulchrior -or -us, pulcherrimus -a -um | pretty; beautiful; handsome; noble, illustrious |
quo | where, to what place; to what purpose; for which reason, therefore |
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus | leave behind, abandon; be left, remain; bequeath |
revello, revellere, revelli, revulsus | tear/pull away/loose/out/from/down/up; wrench off; remove |
ruo, ruere, rui, rutus | destroy, ruin, overthrow; rush on, run; fall; charge; be ruined |
superbus, superba, superbum | arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud |
supplex, (gen.), supplicis | suppliant, kneeling, begging |
tempus, temporis N | time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity |
venio, venire, veni, ventus | come |
vir, viri M | man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility |
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus | be alive, live; survive; reside |
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