67 definitions of interest to TatianaSpottiswoode
since over 12 years ago.
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ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus | go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace |
amens, amentis (gen.), amentior -or -us, amentissimus -a -um | insane, demented, out of one's mind; very excited, frantic, distracted; foolish |
atque | and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet |
caterva, catervae F | crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm |
cohaereo, cohaerere, cohaesi, cohaesus | stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact |
commaculo, commaculare, commaculavi, commaculatus | stain deeply, pollute, defile; contaminate, defile morally; sully |
communis, communis, commune | common/joint/public; general/universal |
crimen, criminis N | indictment/charge/accusation; blame/reproach/slander; verdict/judgment |
cupiditas, cupiditatis F | enthusiasm/eagerness/passion; desire; lust; greed/usury/fraud; ambitio |
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus | guard/protect/preserve, watch over, keep safe; take heed/care, observe; restrai |
disertus, diserta, disertum | eloquent; skillfully expressed |
dubius, dubia, dubium | doubtful, dubious, uncertain; variable, dangerous; critical |
effusus, effusa -um, effusior -or -us, effusissimus -a -um | vast, wide, sprawling; disheveled, loose; disorderly; extravagant |
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itus | go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sail |
eodem | to the same place/purpose |
erro, errare, erravi, erratus | wander, go astray; make a mistake, err; vacillate |
etiam | and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed |
ex | out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of |
exsisto, exsistere, exstiti, - | step out, come forth, emerge, appear, stand out, project; arise; come to light |
facio, facere, feci, factus | make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work |
facultas, facultatis F | means; ability, skill; opportunity, chance; resources, supplies |
fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get |
haud | not, not at all, by no means; not |
homo, hominis M | man, human being, person, fellow |
immanitas, immanitatis F | brutality, savage character, frightfulness; huge/vast size; barbarity; monster |
infinitus, infinita, infinitum | boundless, unlimited, endless; infinite |
inquiam, -, - | say |
insector, insectari, insectatus sum | pursue with hostile intent; pursue with hostile speech, etc |
invitus, invita, invitum | reluctant; unwilling; against one's will |
ipse, ipsa, ipsum | himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves |
jucundus, jucunda -um, jucundior -or -us, jucundissimus -a -um | pleasant/agreeable/delightful/pleasing; congenial |
magis | to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more |
magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -um | large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious |
manus, manus F | hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunk |
mereor, mereri, meritus sum | earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve |
modus, modi M | manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit |
molestus, molesta -um, molestior -or -us, molestissimus -a -um | annoying; troublesome; tiresome |
mos, moris M | custom, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character, behavior, morals |
multus, multa -um, -, plurimus -a -um | much, many, great, many a; large, intense, assiduous; tedious |
nascor, nasci, natus sum | be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live |
nimius, nimia, nimium | excessive, too great |
olim | formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future |
oratio, orationis F | speech, oration; eloquence; prayer |
paeniteo, paenitere, paenitui, - | displease; regret; repent, be sorry |
potissimus, potissima, potissimum | chief, principal, most prominent/powerful; strongest; foremost |
prope, propius, proxime | near, nearly; close by; almost |
propter | near; on account of; by means of; because of |
quare | in what way? how? by which means, whereby; why; wherefore, therefore, hence |
quisdam, cuiusdam | certain; as INDEF a certain thing; somebody, one, something |
quondam | formerly, once, at one time; some day, hereafter |
radix, radicis F | root; base; square-root |
reformido, reformidare, reformidavi, reformidatus | dread; shun; shrink from; recoil at the sight of |
res, rei F | thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property |
respuo, respuere, respui, - | reject, spit, spew out; turn away, repel; reject, destain, spurn, refuse |
sapienter | wisely, sensibly |
sapio, sapere, sapivi, - | taste of; understand; have sense |
semel | once, on one occasion |
sicuti | as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were |
statim | at once, immediately |
strictim | so as to graze; superficially, slightly, summarily |
subeo, subire, subivi(ii), subitus | go/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in on |
tot | so many, such a number of; as many, so many; such a great number of |
vester, vestra, vestrum | your, of/belonging to/associated with you |
video, videre, vidi, visus | see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen |
vitium, viti(i) N | fault, vice, crime, sin; defect |
vix | hardly, scarcely, barely, only just; with difficulty, not easily; reluctantly |
volnus, volneris N | wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love |
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