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... SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico: Sosiam servom tuom...

SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico: Sosiam servom tuom
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
SOS atbut, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at leastaber, aber auf der anderen Seite, im Gegenteil, während, während, aber doch wenigstensmais, mais d'une part ; au contraire ; tandis que, tandis que ; mais encore ; au moins ma, ma d'altra parte, al contrario, mentre, mentre, ma ancora, almenopero, pero por una parte; en el contrario; mientras que, mientras que; pero todavía; por lo menos
SOS At egoIIJeIoYo
SOS At ego nuncnow, today, at presentjetzt, heute, heutemaintenant, aujourd'hui, à l'heure actuelleadesso, oggi, allo stato attualeahora, hoy, en la actualidad
SOS At ego nunc,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico, dicere, dixi, dictussay, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; pleadsagen, zu erklären, Staat, behaupten, erklären, positiv; behaupten, geltend machen;dire, déclarer, énoncer ; alléguer, déclarer franchement ; affirmer ; parler en faveur dire, dichiarare, di stato; sostengono, dichiarare in modo positivo; affermare; eccepiredecir, declarar, indicar; alegar, declarar positivamente; afirmar; abogar por
SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico, dicare, dicavi, dicatusdedicate/consecrate; deify; devote; attach to another state; assign; showwidmen / weihen, vergöttern, zu widmen, und achtet auf einen anderen Staat; zuordnen zu zeigen;consacrer/consacrer ; deify ; consacrer ; attacher à un autre état ; assigner ; montrer dedicare / consacrare, deificare, dedicare, fissare in un altro Stato; assegnare; showdedicar/consecrate; deify; dedicar; atar a otro estado; asignar; demostrar
SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico:(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico: Sosiam servus, servi Mslave; servantSklave, Knechtesclave, serviteurschiavo; servoesclavo, siervo
SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico: Sosiam servom(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
SOS At ego nunc, Amphitruo, dico: Sosiam servom tuom(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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