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... quos daedala Circe supposita de matre nothos...

patri quos daedala Circe supposita de matre nothos furata
pater, patris MfatherVaterpèrepadrepadre
patri qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
patri quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
patri quos daedalus, daedala, daedalumskillful, dexterous; skillfully made/workedgeschickt, geschickt, geschickt gemacht / gearbeitethabile, adroit; règles de l'art / travailléabile, abile, abilmente realizzati / lavoratidiestro hábil,; bien hechas / trabajado
patri quos daedala circus, circi Mrace course; circus in Rome, celebration of games; circle; orbitRennstrecke; Zirkus in Rom, Fest der Spiele; Kreis; Bahncours de course ; cirque à Rome, célébration des jeux ; cercle ; orbite Race Course; circo a Roma, la celebrazione dei giochi; cerchio; orbitacurso de raza; circo en Roma, celebración de juegos; círculo; órbita
patri quos daedala circos, circi Mprecious stoneEdelsteinpierre précieuse pietra preziosapiedra preciosa
patri quos daedala Circe(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
patri quos daedala Circe (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
patri quos daedala Circe  suppono, supponere, supposui, suppositusplace under; substitute; supposePlatz unter; ersetzen; wohlendroit dessous ; produit de remplacement ; supposer luogo sotto; sostitutivi; supporrelugar debajo; substituto; suponer
patri quos daedala Circe supposita dedown/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard todown / away from, aus, aus, etwa, über, betreffend, nach; im Hinblick auf diebas / loin de, à partir de, hors, environ, de, concernant, selon, en ce qui concernegiù / lontano da, da, off; circa, di, in merito, secondo, per quanto riguarda laabajo / lejos de, desde, fuera, alrededor, de, relativa, de acuerdo a, con respecto a
patri quos daedala Circe supposita de mater, matris Fmother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother cityMutter, Pflegemutter, Frau, Matrone, Ursprung, Herkunft, Heimat, Mutter Stadtmère, mère adoptive ; dame, matrone ; origine, source, mère patrie, ville de mère Madre, madre affidataria, signora, matrona, origine, fonte, madre patria, la città madremadre, madre adoptiva; señora, matrona; origen, fuente, patria, ciudad de la madre
patri quos daedala Circe supposita de matre nothus, notha, nothumillegitimate; cross-bred, mixed, mongrel; false, spuriousunehelich, Cross-gezüchtet, gemischt, Mischling; falsche, unechteillégitimes; croisées, mélangées, bâtard, faux, fauxillegittimo; incrociate, misto, bastardo, falso, falseilegítima, mestizos, mezclados, mestizos, falso, falso
patri quos daedala Circe supposita de matre nothos furor, furari, furatus sumsteal; plunderstehlen, plündernvoler ; pillage rubare, saccheggiarerobar; pillaje

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