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... efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. Possum. sed nunc...

utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. Possum. sed nunc agite
utinamif only, would thatund sei es nur, das wäresi seulement, cela se solo, vorrei chesi solamente, eso
utinam efficio, efficere, effeci, effectusbring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; proveherbeizuführen; Wirkung führen, Ursache, zu erreichen; machen, produzieren zu beweisen;provoquer ; l'effet, s'exécutent, causent ; accomplir ; faire, produire ; s'avérer realizzare; effetto, eseguire, causa; compiere; fare, produrre, provarecausar; el efecto, ejecuta, causa; lograr; hacer, producir; probar
utinam efficere qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
utinam efficere quodbecause, as far as, insofar asweil so weit wie, soweitparce que, dans la mesure où, dans la mesure oùperché, per quanto, nella misura in cuiporque, por lo que, en la medida en
utinam efficere quodwith respect to whichim Hinblick auf dieà l'égard desquelsrispetto ai qualirespecto de los cuales
utinam efficere quod polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sumpromiseVersprechenpromesse promessapromesa
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. possum, posse, potui, -be able, canin der Lage sein, kannpouvoir en mesure, peut essere in grado, puòpoder, puede
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. Possum. sedbut, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes butaber, aber auch, doch, doch, aber in Wirklichkeit / Wahrheit, nicht zu erwähnen, ja, abermais, mais aussi, et pourtant, cependant, mais en fait / la vérité, sans parler, oui, maisma, ma anche, ancora, però, ma in realtà / verità, per non parlare, sì, mapero, no, sino también y, sin embargo, sin embargo, pero en realidad / verdad, la mención, sí, pero
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. Possum. sed nuncnow, today, at presentjetzt, heute, heutemaintenant, aujourd'hui, à l'heure actuelleadesso, oggi, allo stato attualeahora, hoy, en la actualidad
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. Possum. sed nunc ago, agere, egi, actusdrive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver Antrieb / Drang / Durchführung / act; verbringen, danken zu liefern;conduire/recommander/conduite/acte ; dépenser ; remercier ; livrer unità / sollecitare / comportamento / azione; spendere, grazie; consegnareconducir/impulso/conducta/acto; pasar; agradecer; entregar
utinam efficere quod pollicitu's possies. MESS. Possum. sed nunc agitecome!, go to!, well!, all right!kommen!, go!, gut!, all right!venir!, aller! bien!, tout droit!venire!, andare a!, bene!, va bene!venir!, ¿eh?, bueno!, está bien!

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