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... quid loquaris 13 at ille obsecro...

te quid loquaris 13 at ille obsecro inquit
te quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
te aliquissomeone; anyone; somejemand, niemand, einigequelqu'un, n'importe qui, les unsqualcuno, chiunque, alcunialguien, cualquiera, y algunos
te qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
te quidwhywarumpourquoiperchépor qué
te quid loquor, loqui, locutus sumspeak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrasesprechen, erzählen, sprechen, erwähnen, sagen, aussprechen; Satzparler, le dire ; entretien ; mention ; dire, total ; expression parlare, raccontare, parlare, parlare, dire, pronunciare; frasehablar, decir; charla; mención; decir, completo; frase
te quid loquaris(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
te quid loquaris (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
te quid loquaris (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
te quid loquaris 13(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
te quid loquaris 13  atbut, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at leastaber, aber auf der anderen Seite, im Gegenteil, während, während, aber doch wenigstensmais, mais d'une part ; au contraire ; tandis que, tandis que ; mais encore ; au moins ma, ma d'altra parte, al contrario, mentre, mentre, ma ancora, almenopero, pero por una parte; en el contrario; mientras que, mientras que; pero todavía; por lo menos
te quid loquaris 13 at ille, illa, illudthat; those; that person/thing; the well known; the formerdass, diejenigen, auch DEMONST; dieser Person / Sache, die gut bekannt, die ehemaligecela ; ceux ; ces personne/chose ; le bien connu ; l'ancien che, quelle, cioè / persona cosa, il ben noto, il primoeso; ésos; esa persona/cosa; el bien conocido; el anterior
te quid loquaris 13 at ille obsecro, obsecrare, obsecravi, obsecratusentreat/beseech/implore/praybitte / bitte / bitten / betenprie / prions / supplie / priersupplico / prego / implorare / pregaresuplico / ruego / imploro / orar
te quid loquaris 13 at ille obsecro inquiam, -, -saysagendire diredecir
te quid loquaris 13 at ille obsecro inquit, -, -it is said, one saysso heißt es, man sagt,on lui dit, on indique si dice, si dicese dice, uno dice

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