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... non timentur. ' 14. Hostis alicui...

quae non timentur. ' 14. Hostis alicui mortem
qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
quae nonnot, by no means, nonicht, auf keinen Fall, keinnon, pas du tout, pas denon per nulla, nessunNo, de ninguna manera, no
quae Non., abb.Nones; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhenNones; 7. des Monats, März, Mai, Juli, Oktober, 5. elsewhenNones, 7 mois, Mars, Mai, Juillet, octobre, 5e autre momentNones, 7 mesi, marzo, maggio, luglio, ottobre, 5 ° elsewhenNones, séptimo del mes, marzo, mayo, julio, octubre, 5 de elsewhen
quae non timeo, timere, timui, -fear, dread, be afraidAngst, Furcht, Angstcraindre, redouter, avoir peur paura, terrore, pauratemer, temer, tener miedo
quae non timentur.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quae non timentur. '(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quae non timentur. ' (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quae non timentur. ' (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quae non timentur. ' (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quae non timentur. ' 14. hostis, hostisenemy; stranger, foreigner; the enemyFeind, Fremde, Ausländer, der Feindennemi ; étranger, étranger ; l'ennemi nemico, estraneo, straniero, il nemicoenemigo; extranjero, extranjero; el enemigo
quae non timentur. ' 14. hostio, hostire, -, -requite, recompensevergelten, Vergeltungrétribue, une récompensecontraccambiare, ricompensareretribuir, recompensar
quae non timentur. ' 14. Hostis aliquissomeone; anyone; somejemand, niemand, einigequelqu'un, n'importe qui, les unsqualcuno, chiunque, alcunialguien, cualquiera, y algunos
quae non timentur. ' 14. Hostis alicui mors, mortis Fdeath; corpse; annihilationTod, Leiche, Vernichtungla mort ; cadavre ; annihilation morte, cadavere; annientamentomuerte; cadáver; aniquilación

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