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... cuspide Phoebum instruat, Aoniam Marte...

acuta cuspide Phoebum instruat, Aoniam Marte movente
acutus, acuta -um, acutior -or -us, acutissimus -a -umsharp, sharpened, pointed/tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitchedscharf geschliffen, spitz / spitz, schwere, grellen, akute, weise, hohe Tönepointu, affilé, dirigé/effilant ; grave ; briller ; aigu, sage ; aigu tagliente, affilato, sottolineato / conica; grave; flagranti acuto, saggio, acutoagudo, afilado, señalado/afilando; severo; el deslumbrarse; agudo, sabio; agudo
acuo, acuere, acui, acutuswhet, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, provoke, incite; come to a headwetzen, schleifen, schneiden bis zu einem Punkt; anspornen, provozieren, anregen, auf die Spitze kommenwhet, affiler, couper à un point ; l'incitation, provoquent, incitent ; venez à une tête affilare, affinare, tagliata a punta; stimolare, provocare, incitare, vieni ad una testaamolar, afilar, cortar a un punto; el estímulo encendido, provoca, incita; venido a una cabeza
acutus, acuta, acutumof small radius; acuteder kleinen Radius, akutedu petit rayon ; aigu di piccolo raggio; acutadel pequeño radio; agudo
acuta cuspis, cuspidis Fpoint/tip, pointed end; spit/stake; blade; javelin/spear/lance; stingPunkt / Spitze, spitzen Ende; Spieß / Spiel; Klinge, Speer / Speer / Lanze, Stachelpoint / pointe, extrémité pointue; crache jeu; lame; javelot / lance / lance, aiguillonpunto / punta, a punta fine; sputo / gioco; lama; giavellotto / lancia / lancia; pungiglionepunto / extremo, el extremo puntiagudo; escupir / juego; hoja; jabalina / lanza / lanza; picadura
acuta cuspide Phoebe, Phoebes FDiana; moon goddessDiana; MondgöttinDiana ; déesse de lune Diana, dea della lunaDiana; diosa de la luna
acuta cuspide Phoebum(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
acuta cuspide Phoebum (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
acuta cuspide Phoebum (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
acuta cuspide Phoebum (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
acuta cuspide Phoebum  instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructusconstruct, build; prepare, draw up; fit out; instruct, teachzu konstruieren, zu bauen; Vorbereitung, Ausarbeitung, auszurüsten, zu belehren, lehrenconstruction, construction ; préparer, élaborer ; adapter dehors ; instruire, enseigner costruire, costruire, preparare, elaborare, fuori misura, istruire, insegnareconstrucción, estructura; prepararse, elaborar; caber hacia fuera; dar instrucciones, enseñar
acuta cuspide Phoebum instruat,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
acuta cuspide Phoebum instruat, Aoniam Mars, Martis MMars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of armsMars, römischen Gott des Krieges; kriegerischen Geist, Kampf, Schlacht, Armee, die Gewalt der WaffenMars, un dieu de guerre romain ; esprit guerrier, combat, bataille, armée, force des bras Marte, dio romano della guerra, spirito guerriero, lotta, battaglia, l'esercito, la forza delle armiMarte, dios de la guerra romano; alcohol guerrero, lucha, batalla, ejército, fuerza de las armas
acuta cuspide Phoebum instruat, Aoniam Marte moveo, movere, movi, motusmove, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturbbewegen, bewegen, bewegen, beeinflussen, zu provozieren, zu störense déplacer, remuer, agiter, affecter, provoquer, déranger muovere, agitare, agitare, incidono, provocare, disturbaremoverse, revolver, agitar, afectar, provocar, disturbar

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