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... aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram? ...

periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram? heu,
pereo, perire, perivi(ii), peritusdie, pass away; be ruined, be destroyed; go to wastesterben, vergehen; ruiniert werden, vernichtet werden; verkommenmourir, disparaître ; être ruiné, soit détruit ; aller gaspiller morire, morire, essere rovinato, essere distrutti; vada sprecatamorir, desaparecer; arruinarse, se destruya; ir a perder
periit aliquissomeone; anyone; somejemand, niemand, einigequelqu'un, n'importe qui, les unsqualcuno, chiunque, alcunialguien, cualquiera, y algunos
periit aliquis, possum, posse, potui, -be able, canin der Lage sein, kannpouvoir en mesure, peut essere in grado, puòpoder, puede
periit aliquis, poto, potare, potavi, potatusdrink; drink heavily/convivially, tipple; swallow; absorb, soak uptrinken, trinken stark / festlich, tipple; schlucken; absorbieren, aufsaugenboisson ; fortement de boissons/convivial, tipple ; hirondelle ; absorber, absorber bere, bere molto / convivially, drink, rondine, assorbire, assorbirebebida; pesadamente/sociable de la bebida, tipple; trago; absorber, empapar para arriba
periit aliquis, potes hic, haec, hocthis; thesedieser, diese, diesesdans cette direction,questa direzione,este, los cuales
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingo, contingere, contigi, contactustouch; reach; border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seizeberühren, erreichen; Grenze, verbunden mit; berührt werden, betroffen sind; fassen, beschlagnahmtcontact ; portée ; la frontière dessus, soit reliée à ; affect, coup ; la prise de prise, saisissent tatto; raggiungere; di frontiera, essere collegato con, incidere, colpire, afferrare, coglieretacto; alcance; la frontera encendido, esté conectada con; affecto, golpe; el asimiento de la toma, agarra
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingo, contingere, contigi, contactushappen, befall, turn out, come to pass, be granted to one; be producedgeschehen, widerfahren, sich herausstellen, sich begeben, um ein gewährt werden, hergestellt werdense produire, arriver, s'avérer, venu pour passer, soit accordé à un ; être produit accadere, capitare, a finire, venuto a passare, essere concesso a uno; essere prodottasuceder, acontecer, resultar, venido pasar, se conceda a uno; producirse
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dexter, dextra -um, dexterior -or -us, dextimus -a -umright, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handyrechts, auf / an der rechten Hand / Seite; geschickte / geschickten / handydroit, sur / à droite / côté; habile / dextérité / pratiquedestra, e per la mano destra / laterale; abile / dexterous / a portata di manoderecho, en / a la derecha / lado; hábil / diestro / práctico
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextra, dextrae Fright hand; weapon/greeting/shaking hand; right side; soldierrechte Hand; Waffe / greeting / zitternder Hand; der rechten Seite; Soldatla main droite; arme / souhaits / serrant la main; côté droit; soldatla mano destra; arma / saluto / stringendo la mano, lato destro; soldatola mano derecha; arma / saludo / estrechar la mano en el lado derecho; soldado
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram?(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram? (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram? (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram? (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
periit aliquis, potes hanc contingere dextram?  heuoh! ah! alas!oh! ah! ach!oh! ah! hélas!oh! ah! ahimè!oh! ¡ah! ¡ay!

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