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... trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vīcit. ...

Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vīcit. B.
Germanus, Germani MGerman, of Germany / the GermansDeutsch, Deutschland / die DeutschenAllemand, de l'Allemagne / les AllemandsTedeschi, della Germania / i tedeschiAlemán, de Alemania / los alemanes
germanus, germani Mown brother; full brothereigenen Bruder; Vollbruderpropre frère, le frère pleinproprio fratello, fratello pienopropio hermano, hermano de
germanus, germana, germanumown/full; genuine, real, actual, trueEigene / Volle, echte, reale, wirkliche, echtepropres / plein; authentique, réelle, effective, réelleproprio / pieno; genuino, vero, reale, veropropia / de cuerpo, genuina, real, real, verdadera
Germānōsque transacross, over; beyond; on the other sideüber, über, hinter, auf der anderen Seiteen travers, sur, au-delà; de l'autre côtéattraverso, oltre, al di là, dall'altra partea través, sobre, más allá, al otro lado
Germānōsque trāns Rhenus, Rheni MRhineRheinLe Rhin RenoEl Rin
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sumapproach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize, attemptAnsatz voraus, Angriff, angreifen, verpflichten sich, zu nutzen, versuchenapprocher, avancer ; l'attaque, envahissent ; entreprendre, saisir, essayer approccio, anticipo; attaccare, assalire, si impegnano, cogliere, tentareacercarse, avanzar; el ataque, invade; emprender, agarrar, intentar
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus, aggressus Mattack, assaultAngriff, Angriffattaque, l'agressionattacco, assaltoataque, asalto
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immanis, immane, immanior -or -us, immanissimus -a -umhuge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightfulgroß / große / große / große / extreme / ungeheuerlich, unmenschlicher / Savage / brutal / fürchterlicheénorme/vaste/immense/énorme/extrême/monstrueux ; inhumain/sauvage/brutal/épouvantable grande / grandi / enormi / enorme / Extreme / mostruoso; disumano / selvaggio / brutal / spaventosaenorme/extenso/inmenso/enorme/extremo/monstruoso; inhumano/salvaje/brutal/espantoso
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proelium, proeli(i) Nbattle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strengthKampf / Kampf / bout / Konflikte / Streit, bewaffnete / feindlich begegnen; bout der Stärkebataille/combat/accès/conflit/conflit ; rencontre armée/hostile ; accès de force battaglia / lotta / incontro / conflitto / controversia; armato / ostile incontro, attacco di forzabatalla/lucha/combate/conflicto/conflicto; encuentro armado/hostil; combate de la fuerza
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vinco, vincere, vici, victusconquer, defeat, excel; outlast; succeedzu erobern, zu besiegen, übertreffen; überdauern gelingen kann;conquérir, défaire, exceler ; survivre ; réussir Vincere, la sconfitta, Excel; Outlast; successoconquistar, derrotar, sobresalir; superar; tener éxito
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vīcit.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vīcit. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vīcit. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Germānōsque trāns Rhēnum aggressus immānissimīs proeliīs vīcit. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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