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... facere. Chapter 21 De Rota Fortunae...

malās facere. Chapter 21 De Rota Fortunae
malus, mala -um, pejor -or -us, -bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unluckyschlecht, böse, böse, hässlich, Pechle mauvais, mal, mauvais ; laid ; malheureux cattivo, cattivo, cattivo, brutto, sfortunatomalo, mal, travieso; feo; desafortunado
mala, malae Fcheeks, jawsWangen, Kieferjoues, mâchoires guance, mascellemejillas, quijadas
malās facio, facere, feci, factusmake/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; workmake / build / bauen / create / cause / zu tun; verfügen über integrierte / made, Mode, Arbeitfaire/construction/construction/créer/cause/do ; ont construit/fait ; mode ; travail fare / costruire / costruire / creare / causa / fare; hanno costruito / compiuti; moda; lavorohacer/estructura/construcción/crear/cause/do; han construido/hecho; manera; trabajo
malās facere.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
malās facere. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
malās facere. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
malās facere.  capto, captare, captavi, captatustry/long/aim for, desire; entice; hunt legacy; try to catch/grasp/seize/reachtry / Long / Ziel für, Lust; locken, Jagd Legacy-try to fassen / ergreifen / catch erreichenessai/longtemps/but pour, désir ; attirer ; chasser le legs ; essayer pour attraper/prise/la saisir/portée try / a lungo / mirare, il desiderio, sedurre, eredità caccia, tenta di cogliere / comprendere / cogliere / reachintento/de largo/puntería para, deseo; tentar; buscar la herencia; intentar coger/asimiento/agarrarla/alcance
malās facere. Chapter(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
malās facere. Chapter 21 dedown/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard todown / away from, aus, aus, etwa, über, betreffend, nach; im Hinblick auf diebas / loin de, à partir de, hors, environ, de, concernant, selon, en ce qui concernegiù / lontano da, da, off; circa, di, in merito, secondo, per quanto riguarda laabajo / lejos de, desde, fuera, alrededor, de, relativa, de acuerdo a, con respecto a
malās facere. Chapter 21 De rota, rotae FwheelRadroueruotarueda
malās facere. Chapter 21 De roto, rotare, rotavi, rotatuswhirl round; revolve, rotateWirbel um; drehen sich zu drehen,mouvement giratoire rond ; tourner, tourner tondo vortice; girare, ruotaregiro redondo; girar, girar
malās facere. Chapter 21 De Rota fortuna, fortunae Fchance, luck, fate; prosperity; condition, wealth, propertyZufall, Glück, Schicksal, Wohlstand, Bedingung, Reichtum, Besitzchance, chance, destin ; prospérité ; condition, richesse, propriété caso, fortuna, destino, la prosperità; condizione, la ricchezza, la proprietàocasión, suerte, sino; prosperidad; condición, abundancia, característica
malās facere. Chapter 21 De Rota Fortunae(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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