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... divitis domini hortulo stare flos hyacinthinus....

divitis domini hortulo stare flos hyacinthinus.
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
 dives, divitis (gen.), divitior -or -us, divitissimus -a -umrich/wealthy; costly; fertile/productive; talented, well endowedreich / reich, teuer, fruchtbar / produktiv, talentierte, gut ausgestattetriches et riches; coûteux; fertile / productive; talentueux, douéricchi / benestanti; costosi; fertile / produttivo; di talento, ben dotatoricos y ricos; costosa; fértiles / productivo; talentoso, bien dotado
 dives, divitis Mrich manreicher Mannhomme richeuomo riccorico
divitis dominus, domini Mowner, lord, master; the Lord; title for ecclesiastics/gentlemenEigentümer, Herr, Herr, der Herr; Titel für Geistliche / Herrenpropriétaire, seigneur, maître ; le seigneur ; titre pour des ecclésiastiques/messieurs proprietario, signore, padrone, il Signore, titolo per ecclesiastici / colleghidueño, señor, amo; el señor; título para los eclesiásticos/los caballeros
divitis domini hortulus, hortuli Msmall/little garden; park; pleasure groundskleine / kleinen Garten, Park; Lustgärtenpetite / petit jardin, le parc; les aires de loisirspiccolo / piccolo giardino, parco, luogo di svagopequeño / pequeño jardín, parque, lugares de recreo
divitis domini hortulo(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
divitis domini hortulo (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
divitis domini hortulo  sto, stare, steti, statusstand, stand still, stand firm; remain, reststehen, still stehen, steht fest; bleiben, Ruhese tenir toujours, se tenir, société de stand ; rester, se reposer stare in piedi, fermi, fermi, restano, di riposotodavía colocarse, colocarse, firma del soporte; permanecer, reclinarse
divitis domini hortulo stare flos, floris Mflower, blossom; youthful primeBlume, Blüte, jugendliche primefleur, fleur; prime jeunessefiore, fiore; pieno della gioventùflor, flor, primer juvenil
divitis domini hortulo stare flos hyacinthinus, hyacinthina, hyacinthinumof/belonging to hyacinth; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purplevon / Zugehörigkeit zu Hyazinthe; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purplede / appartenant à la jacinthe; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purpledi / appartenenti a giacinto; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purplede / que pertenece a jacinto; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purple
divitis domini hortulo stare flos hyacinthinus.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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