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... hyacinthinus. Sed moraris! Abit dies! ...

flos hyacinthinus. Sed moraris! Abit dies!
flos, floris Mflower, blossom; youthful primeBlume, Blüte, jugendliche primefleur, fleur; prime jeunessefiore, fiore; pieno della gioventùflor, flor, primer juvenil
flos hyacinthinus, hyacinthina, hyacinthinumof/belonging to hyacinth; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purplevon / Zugehörigkeit zu Hyazinthe; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purplede / appartenant à la jacinthe; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purpledi / appartenenti a giacinto; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purplede / que pertenece a jacinto; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purple
flos hyacinthinus.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
flos hyacinthinus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
flos hyacinthinus.  sedbut, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes butaber, aber auch, doch, doch, aber in Wirklichkeit / Wahrheit, nicht zu erwähnen, ja, abermais, mais aussi, et pourtant, cependant, mais en fait / la vérité, sans parler, oui, maisma, ma anche, ancora, però, ma in realtà / verità, per non parlare, sì, mapero, no, sino también y, sin embargo, sin embargo, pero en realidad / verdad, la mención, sí, pero
flos hyacinthinus. Sed moror, morari, moratus sumdelay; stay, stay behind; devote attention todelay; bleiben, zurückbleiben; Aufmerksamkeit widmenretard ; séjour, séjour derrière ; consacrer l'attention à indugio; resta, resta indietro; dedicare attenzione alretardo; estancia, estancia detrás; dedicar la atención a
flos hyacinthinus. Sed moraris!(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
flos hyacinthinus. Sed moraris!  abeo, abire, abivi(ii), abitusdepart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changedabzuweichen, geh, geh aus, gehe hin; vergehen, sterben, verschwinden, geändert werdenpartir, s'aller-en ; aller au loin, aller en avant ; disparaître, mourir, disparaître ; être changé partire, andare via, andate via, andate via; passeranno, morire, scomparire, essere cambiatosalir, salir; apagarse, ir adelante; desaparecer, morir, desaparecer; cambiarse
flos hyacinthinus. Sed moraris! Abit dies, dieiday; daylight; open sky; weatherTag, Tageslicht, freiem Himmel, Wetterjour le jour; à ciel ouvert, les conditions météorologiquesgiorno; giorno; cielo aperto; meteodía, la luz del día; cielo abierto; tiempo
flos hyacinthinus. Sed moraris! Abit dies!(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
flos hyacinthinus. Sed moraris! Abit dies! (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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