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... canis, Temporis et...

candescere canis, Temporis et prisci
candesco, candescere, candui, -grow/become light/bright white; begin to glisten/radiate; become hotwachsen / zu Licht hell / weiß; begin to ausstrahlen; glänzen heißgrandir, devenir plus clair / blanc éclatant; commencer à briller / émettre; devenir chaudcrescere / diventare luce / colore bianco brillante, comincia a brillare / irradiare; surriscaldarsicrecer / convertido en la luz / de color blanco brillante, comienzan a brillar / Radiate, se calientan
candescere cano, canere, cecini, cantussing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play/sound; foretellsingen, feiern, singen, Krähe, rezitieren, spielen / sound; voraussagenchanter, célébrer, chanter ; corneille ; exposer ; jeu/bruit ; prévoir cantare, festeggiare, canto, corvo, recitare, play / suono; predirecantar, celebrar, cantar; cuervo; recitar; juego/sonido; prever
candescere canis, canisdog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clampHund, Hund, unterzuordnen, "Schakal"; dog-star/fish, der niedrigste würfeln; Klemmechien, chien de chasse; subordonnés; «chacal»; dog-star/fish; plus bas dés jeter; pincecane segugio, subordinate; "sciacallo"; dog-star/fish; più dadi tiro; morsettoperro, perro, subordinadas; "chacal"; dog-star/fish; más bajos dados throw; pinza
candescere canus, cana, canumwhite, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w/snow/frostweiß, grau, gealtert, alt, weise, hoary; schaumig, weiß-capped, weiß w / Schnee / Frostblanc, gris, vieux, vieux, sage; cendrée; mousseuse, enneigés; W blanc / neige / gelbianco, grigio, invecchiato, vecchio, saggio, canuto, schiumose, bianco-capped; w bianco / neve / geloblanco, gris, de edad, viejo, sabio, canoso, de espuma, cubiertos de nieve; w blanco / nieve / hielo
candescere canus, cani Mgray hairs; old agegraue Haare; Altercheveux gris, la vieillessecapelli grigi; vecchiaiacanas, la vejez
candescere canum, cani Nwicker basketWeidenkorbpanier en osiercestino di viminicesta de mimbre
candescere canis,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
candescere canis, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
candescere canis, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
candescere canis, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
candescere canis, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
candescere canis, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
candescere canis,  tempus, temporis Ntime, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessityZeit, den Zustand, richtigen Zeitpunkt; Saison Gelegenheit, Notstandtemps, condition, bon moment ; saison, occasion ; nécessité tempo, condizione, giusto il tempo; stagione, occasione; necessitàtiempo, condición, momento adecuado; estación, ocasión; necesidad
candescere canis, Temporis etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
candescere canis, Temporis et priscus, prisca, priscumancient, early, formeralten, Anfang, ehemaligerantique, tôt, ancien antico, presto, l'exantiguo, temprano, anterior

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