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... victīs. Sed nunc Ītaliam magnam Grÿnēus...

Pergama victīs. Sed nunc Ītaliam magnam Grÿnēus Apollō,
Pergamum, Pergamithe citadel of Troydie Burg von Trojala citadelle de Troiela cittadella di Troiala ciudadela de Troya
Pergama vivo, vivere, vixi, victusbe alive, live; survive; resideleben, leben, überleben, aufzuhalten;être vivant, de phase ; survivre ; résider essere vivo, vivere, sopravvivere; risiedereser vivo, vivo; sobrevivir; residir
Pergama vinco, vincere, vici, victusconquer, defeat, excel; outlast; succeedzu erobern, zu besiegen, übertreffen; überdauern gelingen kann;conquérir, défaire, exceler ; survivre ; réussir Vincere, la sconfitta, Excel; Outlast; successoconquistar, derrotar, sobresalir; superar; tener éxito
Pergama victīs.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pergama victīs. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pergama victīs. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pergama victīs.  sedbut, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes butaber, aber auch, doch, doch, aber in Wirklichkeit / Wahrheit, nicht zu erwähnen, ja, abermais, mais aussi, et pourtant, cependant, mais en fait / la vérité, sans parler, oui, maisma, ma anche, ancora, però, ma in realtà / verità, per non parlare, sì, mapero, no, sino también y, sin embargo, sin embargo, pero en realidad / verdad, la mención, sí, pero
Pergama victīs. Sed nuncnow, today, at presentjetzt, heute, heutemaintenant, aujourd'hui, à l'heure actuelleadesso, oggi, allo stato attualeahora, hoy, en la actualidad
Pergama victīs. Sed nunc Italia, Italiae FItalyItalienItalieItaliaItalia
Pergama victīs. Sed nunc Ītaliam magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -umlarge/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spaciousgroß / große / big / große / groß; viel, mächtig, hoch / lang / breit, extensiver geräumigengrand/grand/grand/vaste/énorme ; beaucoup ; puissant ; grand/longtemps/large ; étendu/spacieux grande / grande / grande / grandi / enormi, molto, potente, alto / lungo / largo, esteso / spaziosegrande/grande/grande/extenso/enorme; mucho; de gran alcance; alto/de largo/amplio; extenso/espacioso
Pergama victīs. Sed nunc Ītaliam magnam(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pergama victīs. Sed nunc Ītaliam magnam Grÿnēus Apollo, Apollinis MApolloApolloApollonApolloApolo

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