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... quid si de vostro quippiam orem? abnuont. eu...

quid si de vostro quippiam orem? abnuont. eu hercle
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
 quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
 aliquissomeone; anyone; somejemand, niemand, einigequelqu'un, n'importe qui, les unsqualcuno, chiunque, alcunialguien, cualquiera, y algunos
 qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
 quidwhywarumpourquoiperchépor qué
quid siif, if only; whetherwenn, wenn nur, obsi, si seulement ; si se, se non altro, sesi, si solamente; si
quid si dedown/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard todown / away from, aus, aus, etwa, über, betreffend, nach; im Hinblick auf diebas / loin de, à partir de, hors, environ, de, concernant, selon, en ce qui concernegiù / lontano da, da, off; circa, di, in merito, secondo, per quanto riguarda laabajo / lejos de, desde, fuera, alrededor, de, relativa, de acuerdo a, con respecto a
quid si de voster, vostra, vostrumyour, of/belonging to/associated with youIhr, der / die / zugeordnete mit Ihnen verbundenvotre, of/belonging to/associated avec vous la tua, di / appartenenti a / associati con tesu, of/belonging to/associated con usted
quid si de vostro(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quid si de vostro quippiam oro, orare, oravi, oratusbeg, ask for, pray; beseech, plead, entreat; worship, adorebitte, fragen Sie nach, beten, bitten, flehen, bitten, Anbetung, anbetenprier, demander, prier ; solliciter, parler en faveur, supplier ; le culte, adorent mendicare, chiedere, pregare, implorare, invocare, supplicare, culto, adoropedir, pedir, rogar; suplicar, abogar por, entreat; la adoración, adora
quid si de vostro quippiam orem?(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quid si de vostro quippiam orem? abnuont.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quid si de vostro quippiam orem? abnuont.  euwell done! bravo!; splendid!well done! bravo!, herrlich!bien fait! Bravo!; splendide!ben fatto! bravo!; splendida!bien hecho! ¡Bravo!; espléndida!
quid si de vostro quippiam orem? abnuont. eu hercleBy Hercules!; assuredly, indeedBeim Herkules!; Gewiß, jaPar Hercule!, Assurément, bienPer Ercole!; Certo, anziPor Hércules!, Seguramente, de hecho

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