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... vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer o dulcissime,' dixit,...

Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer o dulcissime,' dixit,
Juno, Junonis FJunoJunoJunoJunoJuno
Iuno voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatuscall, summon; name; call uponnennen, rufen; Namen, rufenl'appel, appellent ; nom ; inviter chiamare, convocare, nome; appellola llamada, convoca; nombre; invitar
Iuno vocatque vir, viri Mman; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobilityMann, Mann, Held; Person, Mut, Ehre und Adell'homme, mari, héros; personne de courage, d'honneur et noblesseuomo, marito, eroe; persona di coraggio, onore e nobiltàhombre, marido, héroe; persona de valor, el honor y la nobleza
Iuno vocatque virum, viri NvirusVirusvirusvirusvirus
Iuno vocatque vis, viris Fstrength, force, power, might, violence; resources; large bodyStärke, Kraft, Macht, Macht, Gewalt, Ressourcen, große Körperla force, force, puissance, pourrait, violence ; ressources ; grand corps forza, forza, potenza, forza, violenza, risorse, grande corpola fuerza, fuerza, energía, pudo, violencia; recursos; cuerpo grande
Iuno vocatque virum.' qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
Iuno vocatque virum.' quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater, patris MfatherVaterpèrepadrepadre
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius, aetheria, aetheriumethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; loftyätherisch, himmlisch, göttlichen, himmlischen, von der oberen Atmosphäre, in die Höhe; hoheéthérée, céleste, divin, céleste, de la haute atmosphère; altitude; hauteeterea, celeste, divina, celeste; dell'alta atmosfera, in alto, altoetéreo, celestial, divina, celestial, de la atmósfera superior; en alto; altas
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius puer, pueri Mboy, lad, young man; servant; childJunge, Junge, junger Mann, Knecht, Kindgarçon, mon garçon, jeune homme, serviteur des enfantsragazzo, ragazzo, giovane uomo, servo; bambinoniño, muchacho, joven, criado, el niño
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer oOh!Oh!Ah ! Oh!¡Oh!
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer o dulcis, dulce, dulcior -or -us, dulcissimus -a -umpleasant, charming; sweet; kind, dear; soft, flattering, delightfulangenehm, charmant, süß, Art, liebe, weich, schmeichelnd, herrlicheagréable, charmante, douce, genre, mon cher; douce, flatteuse, délicieuxpiacevole, affascinante, dolce, gentile, cara, dolce, lusinghiero, piacevoleencanto agradable,, dulce; tipo, querida; suave, halagador, encantador
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer o dulciter, dulcius, dulcissimesweetlysüßgentimentdolcementedulcemente
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer o dulcissime,' dico, dicere, dixi, dictussay, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; pleadsagen, zu erklären, Staat, behaupten, erklären, positiv; behaupten, geltend machen;dire, déclarer, énoncer ; alléguer, déclarer franchement ; affirmer ; parler en faveur dire, dichiarare, di stato; sostengono, dichiarare in modo positivo; affermare; eccepiredecir, declarar, indicar; alegar, declarar positivamente; afirmar; abogar por
Iuno vocatque virum.' Cui pater aetherius 'Puer o dulcissime,' dixit,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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