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... tu magnus luteum, Gaure, Giganta facis.

tu magnus luteum, Gaure, Giganta facis.
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tu magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -umlarge/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spaciousgroß / große / big / große / groß; viel, mächtig, hoch / lang / breit, extensiver geräumigengrand/grand/grand/vaste/énorme ; beaucoup ; puissant ; grand/longtemps/large ; étendu/spacieux grande / grande / grande / grandi / enormi, molto, potente, alto / lungo / largo, esteso / spaziosegrande/grande/grande/extenso/enorme; mucho; de gran alcance; alto/de largo/amplio; extenso/espacioso
tu magnus luteus, lutea, luteumyellow; saffron; of mud or clay; good for nothinggelb, Safran, aus Lehm oder Ton, taugt nichtsjaune safran; de boue ou d'argile; bon à riengiallo, zafferano, di fango o argilla; buono a nullaamarillo, azafrán, de barro o arcilla, no sirve para nada
tu magnus luteum,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tu magnus luteum, Gaure, Gigas, Gigantos/is Mgiant; Giant; the GiantsRiese, Giant, die Giantsgéant géant; les Giantsgigante, gigante, i Gigantigigante, gigante, de los Gigantes
tu magnus luteum, Gaure, Giganta facio, facere, feci, factusmake/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; workmake / build / bauen / create / cause / zu tun; verfügen über integrierte / made, Mode, Arbeitfaire/construction/construction/créer/cause/do ; ont construit/fait ; mode ; travail fare / costruire / costruire / creare / causa / fare; hanno costruito / compiuti; moda; lavorohacer/estructura/construcción/crear/cause/do; han construido/hecho; manera; trabajo
tu magnus luteum, Gaure, Giganta fax, facis Ftorch, firebrand, fire; flame of love; tormentFackel, Feuerbrand, Feuer, Flamme der Liebe quälttorche, flambeau, le feu; flamme de l'amour; tourmentetorcia, agitatore, fuoco, fiamma d'amore; tormentoantorcha, tea, fuego, llama de amor; tormento

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