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... tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda meis. ...

libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda meis. -
libellus, libelli Mlittle/small book; memorial; petition; pamphlet, defamatory publicationwenig / kleine Buch; Gedenkstätte; Petition; Broschüre, diffamierend Veröffentlichungpeu/petit livre ; commémoratif ; pétition ; brochure, publication diffamatoire piccolo / piccolo libro; memoriale; petizione; pamphlet, diffamatori pubblicazionepoco/pequeño libro; conmemorativo; petición; folleto, publicación difamatoria
libellos;(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
libellos; (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
libellos;  tuyouduvousvoiusted
libellos; tu sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir
libellos; tu fueris musa, musae Fmuse; sciences/poetryMuse; Wissenschaften / Poesiemuse; sciences / la poésiemusa, scienze / poesiamusa; ciencias / poesía
libellos; tu fueris Musis(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda, undae FwaveWellevague ondaonda
libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis undo, undare, undavi, undatussurge/flood/rise in waves; gush/well up; run, stream; billow; undulate; waverAnstieg / Flood / rise in Wellen; Schwall / well up; laufen, Strom; Bülow; wogen, wankenmontée subite/inondation/élévation des vagues ; jet/haut bon ; courir, couler ; lame ; ondulé ; hésiter surge / alluvione / aumento di onde; Gush / run bene up;, stream; onda, ondeggiare, vacillareoleada/inundación/subida de ondas; chorro/ascendente bien; funcionar, fluir; oleada; undulate; dudar
libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda meus, mea, meummy; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to memy; mir, von mir gehört zu mir, meine eigene, für michmon ; extraire, de moi, en appartenant à moi ; mes propres ; à moi il mio, il mio, di me, che mi appartiene, la mia, a me lami; minar, de mí, perteneciendo a mí; mis los propios; a mí
libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda meio, meere, mixi, mictusurinate, make water; ejaculateurinieren, dass die Wasser-Ejakulat;uriner, faire de l'eau; éjaculaturinare, rendere l'acqua; eiaculareorinar, orinar, eyaculación
libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda meis.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
libellos; tu fueris Musis Pegasis unda meis. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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