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... peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, addidit Arcadio...

tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, addidit Arcadio terga
fero, ferre, tuli, latusbring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; getbringen, tragen; sagen / sprechen, zu prüfen; davontragen, gewinnen, erhalten, produzieren get;apporter, soutenir ; dire/parler de ; considérer ; porter au loin, gagner, recevoir, produire ; obtenir portare, sopportare; dire / parlare di; considerare, rapire, conquistare, ricevere, produrre, riceveretraer, llevar; decir/hablar de; considerar; llevar apagado, ganar, recibir, producir; conseguir
tulit, peltatus, peltata, peltatumarmed with the peltabewaffnet mit dem peltaarmé avec le pelta armato con il peltaarmado con el pelta
tulit, peltatam(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tulit, peltatam Scythico(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodus, nodi Mknot; nodeKnoten, Knotennoeud ; noeud nodo, il nodonudo; nodo
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, nodare, nodavi, nodatustie in a knot/knotstie in einem Knoten / Knotencravate dans un noeud/noeuds cravatta con un nodo / nodilazo en un nudo/nudos
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo,  addo, addere, addidi, additusadd, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associatehinzufügen, einfügen, bringen / beimessen, zusätzlich sagen, zu erhöhen; vermitteln; Mitarbeiterajouter, s'insèrent, apportent/attaches à, disent en outre ; augmentation ; donner ; associé aggiungere, inserire, portare / attach, per dire di quest'ultimo; aumento; impartire; associatoagregar, insertan, traen/fijación a, dicen además; aumento; impartir; asociado
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, addidit(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
tulit, peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, addidit Arcadio tergum, tergi Nback, rear; reverse/far side; outer covering/surfacezurück, hinten, rückwärts oder anderen Seite; äußere Hülle / Oberflächearrière, arrière, arrière / côté éloigné; enveloppe extérieure / surfacedorso, parte posteriore; reverse / L 'altra faccia; rivestimento esterno / superficieespalda, parte posterior; inversa / lejos lado; cubierta externa / superficie

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