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... opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfer felicius urbem ...

Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfer felicius urbem
Pygmalion, PygmalionisPygmalion, brother of DidoPygmalion, der Bruder von DidoPygmalion, frère de DidoPigmalione, fratello di DidoPigmalión, hermano de Dido
Pygmalionis ops, opis Fpower, might; help; influence; resources/wealthMacht, könnten; helfen, Einfluss, Ressourcen / Wealthpuissance, force ; aide ; influence ; ressources/richesse potenza, forza; aiuto; influenza, risorse / ricchezzaenergía, fuerza; ayuda; influencia; recursos/abundancia
Pygmalionis opes.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pygmalionis opes.  Ilion, Ilii NIlium, TroyIlium, TroyIlium, Troy Ilium, TroyIlium, Troy
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion ininto; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, amongin, etwa in dem Nebel, der, nach, nachdem, denn, um unterdans, environ, dans la brume de: selon, après, car, pour, entrein, circa, nella nebbia di; secondo, dopo, per, per, traen, aproximadamente, en la bruma de, según, después, porque, para, entre
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion inin, on, at; in accordance with/regard to/the case of; withinin, auf, nach, an, gegendans, sur, à, conformément à l'/ ce qui concerne les / le cas d'; dansin, su, su, in conformità con / per quanto riguarda / il caso di; all'internoen, sobre, en; de conformidad con / respecto a / el caso de, dentro de
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyrius, -a, -umTyrian, of TyreTyrian, von TyrusTyr, de TyrTiro, di TiroTiro, de Tiro
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfero, transferre, transtuli, translatustransport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplantTransport / Vermittlung / Transfer / shift; umzusetzen; tragen / bringen across / over; Transplantationtransporter/transporter/transfert/décalage ; transposer ; reporter/apporter à travers/; greffe trasporto / comunicare / trasferimento / passaggio; trasposizione; portare / riportare in / over; trapiantotransportar/transportar/transferencia/cambio; transportar; transferir/traer a través de/; trasplante
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfer felix, felicis (gen.), felicior -or -us, felicissimus -a -umhappy; blessed; fertile; favorable; lucky; successful, fruitfulglücklich, gesegnet; fruchtbar, günstig, Glück, erfolgreiche und fruchtbareheureux ; béni ; fertile ; favorable ; chanceux ; réussi, fructueux felice, beato, fertile; favorevole; fortunato; successo, fecondofeliz; bendecido; fértil; favorable; afortunado; acertado, fructuoso
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfer felicius urbs, urbis Fcity; City of RomeStadt, City of Romeville, ville de Romecittà, Comune di Romaciudad, la ciudad de Roma
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfer felicius urbem(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pygmalionis opes. Ilion in Tyriam transfer felicius urbem (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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