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... cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis Hermerotem. Vis...

inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis Hermerotem. Vis tu
indethence, thenceforth; from that place/time/cause; thereuponvon dort, von da an, von diesem Ort / Zeit / verursachen; daraufhinde là, désormais, de ce lieu / temps / cause; alorsdi là, da allora in poi: da quel momento luogo / / causa; alloradesde allí, a partir de entonces, desde ese lugar, hora y causa, entonces
Indus, Indi MIndian, inhabitant of IndiaIndien, Einwohner von IndienIndiens, habitant de l'IndeIndiano, abitante dell'IndiaIndio, habitante de la India
Indus, Inda, IndumIndian, from/of/belonging to India; of Indian ivoryIndianer, von / of / Zugehörigkeit zu Indien, der indischen ElfenbeinIndiennes, à partir de / de / appartenant à l'Inde; d'ivoire indienIndiano, da / di / appartenenti all'India; di avorio indianoIndia, a partir de / de / que pertenece a la India; de marfil indio
indo, indere, indedi, inditusput in or on; introducelegte in oder auf einzuführen;mettre dedans ou dessus ; présenter mettere in o su; introdurreponer adentro o; introducir
inde cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctussurround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring Surround / umschließen / ring; umschließen; belagern; begleiten; rüsten, ausrüsten, Ringentourer/encercler/anneau ; enfermer ; cerner ; accompagner ; le cerceau, équipent ; anneau surround / circondare / anello, chiudi, assediare, accompagnare, cingerà attrezzare; anellorodear/cercar/anillo; incluir; cercar; acompañar; el ceñidor, equipa; anillo
inde cingunt: interbetween, among; duringzwischen, unter, währendentre, parmi, pendanttra, fra; duranteentre, entre y durante
inde cingunt: Inter(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae sto, stare, steti, statusstand, stand still, stand firm; remain, reststehen, still stehen, steht fest; bleiben, Ruhese tenir toujours, se tenir, société de stand ; rester, se reposer stare in piedi, fermi, fermi, restano, di riposotodavía colocarse, colocarse, firma del soporte; permanecer, reclinarse
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare puto, putare, putavi, putatusthink, believe, suppose, hold; reckon, estimate, value; clear up, settledenken, glauben, annehmen, halten, rechnen, schätzen, value; klären, regelnpenser, croire, supposer, tenir ; compter, estimer, évaluer ; éclaircir, arranger pensare, credere, immagino, detenere; fare i conti, stima, valore, chiarire, risolverepensar, creer, suponer, sostenerse; contar, estimar, valorar; aclarar, colocar
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis Hermerotem. vis, vis Fstrength, force, power, might, violenceStärke, Kraft, Macht, Macht, Gewaltforce, force, puissance, force, violenceforza, forza, potenza, forza, violenzafortaleza, fuerza, poder, fuerza, violencia
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis Hermerotem. visbe willing; wishbereit sein, möchtenêtre prêt; souhaiteessere disposti; desiderioestar dispuestos; desea
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis Hermerotem. vis, viris Fstrength, force, power, might, violence; resources; large bodyStärke, Kraft, Macht, Macht, Gewalt, Ressourcen, große Körperla force, force, puissance, pourrait, violence ; ressources ; grand corps forza, forza, potenza, forza, violenza, risorse, grande corpola fuerza, fuerza, energía, pudo, violencia; recursos; cuerpo grande
inde cingunt: Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque Cydae stare putabis Hermerotem. Vis tuyouduvousvoiusted

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