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... Pompēiānī rīdēbant,...

vituperābat. Pompēiānī rīdēbant, et
vitupero, vituperare, vituperavi, vituperatusfind fault with, blame, reproach, disparage, scold, censuretadeln, Tadel, Vorwurf, verunglimpfen, schelten Tadelle défaut de trouvaille avec, blâme, reproche, déprécient, grondent, censurent trovare da ridire, biasimo, rimprovero, screditare, sgridare, censurala avería del hallazgo con, culpa, reprobación, desacredita, regana, censura
vituperābat. Pompeianus, Pompeiana, PompeianumPompeian; of/belonging to member of Pompian gensPompeji; von / angehörenden Mitglied des Gens PompianPompeian ; of/belonging au membre du gens de Pompian Pompeiano; di / appartenenti a membri della gens PompianPompeian; of/belonging al miembro del gens de Pompian
vituperābat. Pompēiānī(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vituperābat. Pompēiānī  rideo, ridere, risi, risuslaugh at, laugh; ridiculelachen, lachen, lustigrire, rire ; ridicule ridere, ridere, ridicoloreírse, reír; irrisión
vituperābat. Pompēiānī rīdēbant, etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso

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