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... amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hī Pompēiānī Nūcerīnōs et...

ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hī Pompēiānī Nūcerīnōs et
adto, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUMauf, bis, Richtung, in der Nähe um, bis auf, durch, fast, nach, etwa w / NUMà, jusqu'à, vers ; près de, à ; jusqu'à, dessus, près ; presque ; selon ; au sujet de w/NUM a, fino a, verso, vicino, alle, finché, a, da, quasi, secondo, circa w / NUMa, hasta, hacia; cerca, en; hasta, encendido, cerca; casi; según; sobre w/NUM
adaboutüberau sujet de circasobre
ad(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
ad (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
ad (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
ad  amphitheatrum, amphitheatri Namphitheater, double theater having stage/arena in centerAmphitheater, Doppel-Theater mit Bühne / Arena in der Mitteamphithéâtre, le théâtre double ayant stade / Arena dans le centreanfiteatro, il teatro con doppio stadio / arena in centroanfiteatro, el teatro con doble etapa / arena en el centro
ad amphitheātrum festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatushasten, hurryeile, eileaccélérer, se dépêcher affrettare, frettaacelerar, apresurarse
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hic, haec, hocthis; thesedieser, diese, diesesdans cette direction,questa direzione,este, los cuales
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. idem, eadem, idem same, the same, the very same, alsogleich, gleich, ganz gleich, auchmêmes, les mêmes, très les mêmes, aussi stesso, lo stesso, proprio lo stesso, ancheiguales, iguales, muy iguales, también
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. eo, ire, ivi/ii, itusgo, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sailgehen, zu Fuß, march, voraus; pass; flow; pass; reiten, segelnaller, marcher ; marche, avance ; passage ; écoulement ; passage ; tour ; voile andare, camminare, marciare, anticipo; pass; flusso; pass; giro; velair, caminar; marzo, avance; paso; flujo; paso; paseo; vela
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hī Pompeianus, Pompeiana, PompeianumPompeian; of/belonging to member of Pompian gensPompeji; von / angehörenden Mitglied des Gens PompianPompeian ; of/belonging au membre du gens de Pompian Pompeiano; di / appartenenti a membri della gens PompianPompeian; of/belonging al miembro del gens de Pompian
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hī Pompēiānī(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hī Pompēiānī Nūcerīnōs etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
ad amphitheātrum festīnāvērunt. hī Pompēiānī Nūcerīnōs et(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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