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... bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, “nunc mortuus...

pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, “nunc mortuus sum!
pastor, pastoris Mshepherd, herdsmanHirt, Hirteberger, bergerpastore, mandrianopastor, pastor
pāstor(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
pāstor (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
pāstor (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
pāstor  bestia, bestiae Fbeast, animal, creature; wild beast/animal, beast of prey in arenaTier, Tier, Mensch, Tier / Tier, Raubtier in der Arenabête, animal, créature; bête sauvage / animal, bête de proie dans l'arènebestia, animale, creatura; belva, animale, bestia da preda in Arenabestia, animal, criatura, bestia salvaje / animal, animal de presa en la arena
pāstor bēstiās video, videre, vidi, visussee, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seensehen, schauen, betrachten, scheinen gut scheinen, erscheinen, gesehen werdenvoir, regarder ; considérer ; sembler, sembler bon, apparaître, soit vu vedere, osservare, prendere in considerazione, sembra, sembrano buoni, apparire, essere vistover, mirar; considerar; parecer, parecer bueno, aparecer, se vea
pāstor bēstiās vīdit etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatusproclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shoutsverkünden, erklären; cry / shout out; schreiben / Call-Namen; begleiten mit Geschreiproclamer, déclarer ; le cri/crient dehors ; nom de cri/appel de ; accompagner avec des cris proclamare, dichiarare, gridare / gridare; messaggio / invito a nome di; accompagnare con messaggi in bachecaproclamar, declarar; el grito/grita hacia fuera; nombre del grito/de la llamada de; acompañar con gritos
pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, nuncnow, today, at presentjetzt, heute, heutemaintenant, aujourd'hui, à l'heure actuelleadesso, oggi, allo stato attualeahora, hoy, en la actualidad
pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, “nunc morior, mori, mortuus sumdie, expire, pass/die/wither away/out; fail, come to an end; decaydie auslaufen, Pass / die / absterben / out; scheitern, zu einem Ende kommen; Verfallmourir, expirer, passage/mourir/défraîchir loin/dehors ; échouer, se terminer ; affaiblissement morire, scadenza, pass / die / inaridisco / out, non riescono, a raggiungere un fine; decadimentomorir, expirar, paso/morir/marchitar lejos/hacia fuera; fallar, acabar; decaimiento
pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, “nunc mortuus, mortua, mortuumdead, deceased; limptot, verstorben; schlaffmorte, décédée; mollemorto, defunto; zoppicaredifunto muerto,; cojera
pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, “nunc mortuus, mortui Mcorpse, the dead one; the deadLeiche, die Toten, die Totencadavre, le mort, les mortscadavere, il morto, il mortocadáver, el muerto, los muertos
pāstor bēstiās vīdit et clāmāvit, “nunc mortuus sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir

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