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... Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. Grumiō: Clēmēns, hodiē...

Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. Grumiō: Clēmēns, hodiē nōn
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
 Pompeianus, Pompeiana, PompeianumPompeian; of/belonging to member of Pompian gensPompeji; von / angehörenden Mitglied des Gens PompianPompeian ; of/belonging au membre du gens de Pompian Pompeiano; di / appartenenti a membri della gens PompianPompeian; of/belonging al miembro del gens de Pompian
Pompēiānīs pecunia, pecuniae Fmoney; propertyGeld, Eigentumargent ; propriété denaro, la proprietàdinero; característica
Pompēiānīs pecūniam promitto, promittere, promisi, promissuspromiseVersprechenpromesse promessapromesa
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. Grumiō: clemens, (gen.), clementismerciful/loving; lenient/mild/gentle; quiet/peaceful, easy, moderate; compliantbarmherzig / liebenden; milde / mild / sanft, ruhig / friedlich, leicht, mittel, entspricht denmiséricordieux, affectueux; clémente / doux / douce, calme / paisible, facile, modéré, conformemisericordioso / amore; indulgente / dolce / gentile; quiet / tranquillo, facile, moderato, compatibilemisericordiosos / amorosa; indulgentes / suave / suave, tranquilo / tranquila, fácil, moderado, compatible
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. Grumiō: Clēmēns, hodietoday, nowadays; at the present timeheute, heute, in der heutigen Zeitaujourd'hui, de nos jours; à l'heure actuelleoggi, oggi, al momento attualehoy, hoy en día; en la actualidad
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. Grumiō: Clēmēns, hodiē nonnot, by no means, nonicht, auf keinen Fall, keinnon, pas du tout, pas denon per nulla, nessunNo, de ninguna manera, no
Pompēiānīs pecūniam prōmīsit. Grumiō: Clēmēns, hodiē Non., abb.Nones; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhenNones; 7. des Monats, März, Mai, Juli, Oktober, 5. elsewhenNones, 7 mois, Mars, Mai, Juillet, octobre, 5e autre momentNones, 7 mesi, marzo, maggio, luglio, ottobre, 5 ° elsewhenNones, séptimo del mes, marzo, mayo, julio, octubre, 5 de elsewhen

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