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Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trādit.) Āfer
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fustis, fustis Mstaff club; stickStaff Club; StickClub du personnel; bâtonclub del personale; bastoneclub de personal; palo
Grumiōnī fūstem(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fūstem (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fūstem (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fūstem  quoquelikewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actuallyEbenso / neben / auch / zu, nicht nur, auch / eigentlichDe même, / en plus / en outre / trop, non seulement, même / réalitéAllo stesso modo / oltre / anche / troppo, e non solo, anche / realtàasimismo / además / también / demasiado, no sólo, incluso / realidad
Grumiōnī fūstem  quowhither, in what place, wherewohin, an welchem Ort, wooù, en quel lieu, oùdove, in quale luogo, in cuidónde, en qué lugar, donde
Grumiōnī fūstem  quowhere, to what place; to what purpose; for which reason, thereforewo, in welchem Ort, zu welchem Zweck, denn die Vernunft, alsooù, à quel endroit, à quelle fin; raison pour laquelle, par conséquent,dove, in quale luogo, per quale scopo, per quale motivo, dunquedonde, a qué lugar, con qué propósito, por lo que, por lo tanto
Grumiōnī fūstem  qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
Grumiōnī fūstem  quisque, cuiusque each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whateverjeden, jeder, jede, jeder, alles, waschacun, chacun ; chaque, tout le monde, tout ; quoi que ciascuno, ognuno, ogni, tutti, tutto, e tutto ciòcada uno, cada uno; cada, todos, todo; lo que
Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trado, tradere, tradidi, traditushand over, surrender; deliver; bequeath; relateHand über die Übergabe; liefern; vererben; beziehenremettre, rendre ; livrer ; léguer ; rapporter consegnare, la rinuncia, consegnare, lasciare in eredità, si riferisconoentregar, entregarse; entregar; legar; relacionarse
Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trādit.)(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trādit.) (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trādit.) (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trādit.)  Afer, Afra, AfrumAfrican; of/connected with AfricaAfrican; von / mit Afrika verbundenAfricain ; of/connected avec l'Afrique Africano; di / connessi con l'AfricaAfricano; of/connected con África
Grumiōnī fūstem quoque trādit.)  Afer, Afri MAfrican; inhabitant of north coast of Africa; CarthaginianAfrican; Bewohner der Nordküste Afrikas; karthagischenAfricain ; habitant de la côte du nord de l'Afrique ; Carthaginois Africano; abitante della costa nord dell'Africa; cartagineseAfricano; habitante de la costa del norte de África; Cartaginés

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