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... favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs conveniunt. īrātī...

Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs conveniunt. īrātī sunt.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Holcōniō faveo, favere, favi, fautusfavor, befriend, support, back upGunst, anzufreunden, Support, Backupla faveur, traitent en ami, soutiennent, soutiennent favore, amicizia, sostegno, eseguire il backupel favor, befriend, apoya, sostiene
Holcōniō favēmus.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Holcōniō favēmus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Holcōniō favēmus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Holcōniō favēmus.  pistor, pistoris Mpounder of far; miller/bakerPfünder weit; Müller / Bäckerlivre de loin ; miller/boulanger libbre di lontano; mugnaio / fornaiotriturador de lejos; molinero/panadero
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercator, mercatoris Mtrader, merchantHändler, Kaufmanncommerçant, marchandcommerciante, mercantecomerciante, comerciante
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs convenio, convenire, conveni, conventuscome together; agree, harmonize; be appropriate to, fit, be correctly shaped/consistentzusammen kommen, zustimmen, zu harmonisieren; angemessen sein, fit, richtig gestaltet werden und durchgängigesvenez ensemble ; convenir, harmoniser ; être approprié à, ajustement, soit correctement formé/conformé si incontrano, sono d'accordo, armonizzare, essere opportuno in forma, essere correttamente modellato / coerentevenir junto; convenir, armonizar; ser apropiado a, ajuste, se forme correctamente/constante
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs convenit, convenire, convenit, conventus estit agrees/came together/is agreed/assertedes stimmt / trafen sich / wird vereinbart, geltend machen kannil convient/est venu together/is convenu/affirmé concorda / riuniti / è convenuto / asseritoconviene/vino together/is convenido/afirmado
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs conveniunt. irascor, irasci, iratus sumget/be/become angry; fly into a rage; be angry at; feel resentmentget / be / wütend werden; auffahren, werden wütend auf, fühlen sich Grollget / être / se mettre en colère; en colère, être en colère contre; ressentimentavere / essere / diventare arrabbiato, in escandescenze, essere in collera con; sentire risentimentotener / ser / enojarse; montar en cólera; estar enojado; sentir resentimiento
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs conveniunt. iratus, irata -um, iratior -or -us, iratissimus -a -umangry; enraged; furious; violent; raging; angeredböse, zornig, wütend, gewalttätig, wütend, verärgertfâché ; exaspéré ; furieux ; violent ; faire rage ; irrité arrabbiato, arrabbiato, furioso, violento, furioso, arrabbiatoenojado; enfurecido; furioso; violento; el rabiar; encolerizado
Holcōniō favēmus. (pistōrēs et mercātōrēs conveniunt. īrātī sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir

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