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... fūstēs habēmus. amīcī!...

sumus. fūstēs habēmus. amīcī! pistōrēs
sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir
sumus.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sumus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sumus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sumus.  fustis, fustis Mstaff club; stickStaff Club; StickClub du personnel; bâtonclub del personale; bastoneclub de personal; palo
sumus. fūstēs habeo, habere, habui, habitushave, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/passhaben, halten, betrachten, denken, Vernunft, zu verwalten, zu halten; verbringen pass /avoir, tenir, considérer, penser, raisonner ; contrôler, garder ; dépenser/passage avere, tenere, ritenere, pensare, ragionare, gestire, conservare, spendere / passtener, sostenerse, considerar, pensar, razonar; manejar, guardar; pasar/paso
sumus. fūstēs habēmus.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sumus. fūstēs habēmus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sumus. fūstēs habēmus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sumus. fūstēs habēmus.  amicus, amica -um, amicior -or -us, amicissimus -a -umfriendly, dear, fond of; supporting, loyal, devoted; lovingfreundlich, lieb, lieb, Unterstützung, treu, gewidmet, liebevollamical, cher, affectueux de ; soutien, fidèle, consacré ; aimer amichevole, cara, affezionato, sostegno, leale, devoto, amanteamistoso, estimado, encariñado con; apoyo, leal, devoto; amor
sumus. fūstēs habēmus.  amicus, amici Mfriend, ally, disciple; loved one; patron; counselor/courtierFreund, Verbündeter, Schüler, liebte ein; patron; Berater / Hofmannami, allié, disciple ; aimé ; patron ; conseiller/courtisan amico, alleato, discepolo, amato, mecenate, consigliere / cortigianoamigo, aliado, discípulo; amado; patrón; consejero/cortesano
sumus. fūstēs habēmus.  amicio, amicire, amixi, amictusclothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with wordsbekleiden, bedecken, Kleidung; wrap about; umgeben; Schleier, mit Worten zu kleidenvêtir, couvrir, habiller ; enveloppe environ ; bordure ; voile ; vêtir avec des mots vestire, coprire, vestire, avvolgere intorno; circondano; velo; rivestire con le parolearropar, cubrir, vestirse; abrigo alrededor; anillo; velo; arropar con palabras
sumus. fūstēs habēmus. amīcī! pistor, pistoris Mpounder of far; miller/bakerPfünder weit; Müller / Bäckerlivre de loin ; miller/boulanger libbre di lontano; mugnaio / fornaiotriturador de lejos; molinero/panadero

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